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Ecologic products

Ecologic Products
Ecologic products are objects,food,clothes,cosmetics and things that you need in
your daily life. They are more natural and dont have any types of chemicals, they arent
made with dead animal or animal suffering. Some interesting and close brands of these
products are bio valsan,alternativa comercio justo, etc. All the products need to have a
symbol of a green leaf. Ecologic products such as eggs,milk,honey,meat,fruit or
vegetables. People think that animals arent killed to make ecologic products and that
they arent mistreated. A part of it is false because the manners they are treated are better
but they still have some suffering on it.

The eggs
The first type is number 0.This means that hens live in a place called farmyard where they
have a little house to sleep in and have enough space to move, but when they are 2 years
old there are killed. Another negative part is that chicks that are born male are grinded
alive and they become your nuggets. These are the best eggs because the hens have
more freedom.
The second type is number 1. It is similar to type 0,but the hens live with other hens in a
very small space and in a farmyard as well as in number 0 but it is shared with more
In eggs number 2, the hens live in a henhouse without cages and they have all the time a
light so that they produce more and more eggs.
Some things that industries do is to cut their beaks not to waste the food and not to kill
others because of being nervous. These hens have artificial light during all their lives. It is
not good but it is very cheap.
The last type is number 3. They are the worst eggs because hens share a cage with 5 or
6 more hens where they cant move and they also have a light all the time to produce
more and more eggs. Another negative thing is that the food that they eat is so bad and
they have the beak cut for the same reasons as in number 2.
All of these causes are the reasons why vegans don't eat eggs. And for this, it is very
important to think about the idea that a hen can live for 20 years.
The milk
A reason that makes vegans not to drink milk is because of the suffering of cows. A cow
that is born in a normal milk industry gets separated of her mum just after being born.
If it is a male, it is fed to put on weight in another farm and when it has enough age, it is
taken to the slaughterhouse and it becomes your next steak.
If it is a female, it will be allowed to feed its calf until it runs out of milk to produce. It will be
pregnant several times, and at about the age of 5, it will develop mastitis because of the
exploitation of its body because the milk industry extracts milk from it 4 or 5 times a day
for hours.This is another reason why the milk that we drink can have blood and pus of the
mastitis in the cow. But if it doesnt die due to this illness,il will be killed with 5 years old,
when the life expectancy of a cow is 20 or 25 years

Ecologic milk is very similar to non-ecologic milk but there are some differences.There is
one obvious difference: the way of life of the cow. These cows belong to an extensive
livestock, that are more free than the others. However, they only spend 2 months with its
calf. They also die in an anti-natural way and with out there years that need to died of old.
Besides, they get pregnant when they are still young. Some industries make a hole in her
body as well to reduce the price of the food and increase the production of milk and meat.
Sites and videos for more information

- http://elpais.com/elpais/2016/03/07/buenavida/1457349394_834920.html
- http://www.drlopezheras.com/2015/04/leche-de-vacas-felices-o-estresadas.html
- http://elpais.com/elpais/2015/10/02/media/1443779837_697638.html
- http://www.vegetarianismo.net/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa2jPmZWbEI
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5txpgU1qec
- http://especiales.elcomercio.com/planeta-ideas/planeta/23-de-agosto-2015/para-que-se-
- http://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british

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