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Teacher: Jos Manuel Corrochano

Pronombres Personales, posesivos y demostrativos

1) Hay diferentes formas de PRONOMBRES PERSONALES segn su funcin:

a) Pronombres personales Sujeto: Son obligatorios DELANTE de un verbo en

forma personal (o sea, excepto en infinitivo, gerundio y participio). Indican quin hace
la accin expresada por el verbo. En castellano no solemos decirlos, pero en Ingls
son obligatorios. ESP: Soy Espaol > ING: I am Spanish

(1) First person singular I

(2) Second person you
(3) Third person masculine . he
(3) Third person feminine . she
(3) Third person neutral . it

(1) First person plural . WE

(2) Second person . YOU
(3) Third person (all sexes) THEY

Examples: We love her and she loves us. I want him to know them

*El pronombre it se emplea para cosas y animales, pero tambin para personas,
-Nos referimos a un recin nacido: It is very handsome. It is a cute baby-boy
-Nos presentamos una conversacin con alguien sin vernos (por telfono, desde el
otro lado de la puerta: A: Who is it ? B: It is me, John

b) Pronombres Objeto: Van DETRS de un verbo o delante de un verbo, pero

slo si est en forma no-personal (infinitivo, gerundio y participio). Indican quin sufre
la accin expresada por el verbo, no quin la hace.

En Ingls, detrs de una preposicin, deben utilizarse pronombres objeto, nunca

pronombres sujeto.

First person singular . me

Second person . you
Third person masculine him
Third person femenine . her
Third person neutral . it

First person plural . US

Second person . YOU
Third person (all) . THEM
Teacher: Jos Manuel Corrochano

Examples: We love her and she loves us. I want him to know them
He must not stand behind him, but in front of them
I did it for her

2) PRONOMBRES REFLEXIVOS: Se usan DETRS de algunos verbos y

Preposiciones, cuando alguien realiza y a la vez recibe la misma accin .

First person singular myself

Second person yourself
Third person masc himself
Third person fem herself
Third person neut itself

First person plural OURSELVES

Second person YOURSELVES
Third person (all) THEMSELVES

Examples: I thought to myself: She must enjoy herself more

He slapped himself in the face. How stupid he had been!

3) Los Posesivos puede tener dos funciones (adjetivos o pronombres)

a) Adjetivos posesivos. Determinan a un sustantivo y aparecern siempre delante
de l. Tambin pueden acompaar a verbos en gerundio. Al igual que los dems
adjetivos en Ingls, tienen una sola forma que no vara en nmero ni en gnero)

First person singular my (cat, cats)

Second person your (house, houses)
Third person masc his (aunt, aunts)
Third person fem her (friend, friends)
Third person neut its (door, doors)

First person plural OUR (sister, sisters)

Second person YOUR (dog,dogs)
Third person (all) THEIR (chair, chairs)

Examples: Her car is fast but our car is faster than hers.
I dont like his critisizing nor your insulting
Teacher: Jos Manuel Corrochano

b) Los Pronombres posesivos. Sustituyen a un nombre, por lo que ste

estar omitido (no aparecer):

First person singular mine

Second person yours
Third person masc his
Third person fem hers
Third person neut its

First person plural OURS

Second person YOURS
Third person (all) THEIR

Examples: Her car is fast but our car is faster than hers.
The house? His is pretty but yours is bigger than his.

A veces es difcil distinguir los Posesivos de las formas contractas en el habla oral. El
contexto sin duda nos ayudar.
Your suena exactamente igual que youre (you are)
His suena exactamente igual que hes (he is or he has)
Its suena exactamente igual que its (it is or it has)
Their suena exactamente igual que theyre (they are) y que there

c) Los DEMOSTRATIVOS. Hay DOS series en ingls (este y aquel), aunque

en Espaol hay TRES (este, ese y aquel).

Para persona(s) o cosa(s) que est(n) CERCA del hablante:

Singular: this > I like this car; I like this one

Plural: these > I like these cars; I like these ones

Para persona(s) o cosa(s) que est(n) LEJOS del hablante

Singular: that > I like that car; I like that one

Plural: those > I like those cars; I like those ones

Los Demostrativos -como los posesivos-, pueden tener dos funciones

diferentes. Pueden ser Adjetivos (cuando acompaan a un sustantivo) o
Pronombres (si lo sustituyen)

Cuando son adjetivos, aparecen DELANTE de un sustantivo o pronombre

indefinido "one / ones"
Teacher: Jos Manuel Corrochano

This car is fast but that one is faster

Who owns that house?

Cuando son Pronombres, el nombre no aparece detrs de ellos porque el

Demostrativo est sustituyndolo.

Whats that?
This is incredible.
These are good but those are better
Hello, Kate. This is Martin.
I'll never forget this.
Thats right!
This is Mr James speaking.

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