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Afirmativ: S+was/were+ V1+"ing" *V1=verb la infinitiv

Negativ: S+was/were+not+ V1+"ing" *was not=wasn't

were not=weren't

Interogativ: Was/were+S+V1+"ing"?

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ

I was speaking. I was not speaking. Was I speaking?

You were speaking. You were not speaking. Were you speaking?

We were speaking. We were not speaking. Were we speaking?

They were speaking. They were not speaking. Were they speaking?

He was speaking. He was not speaking. Was he speaking?

She was speaking. She was not speaking. Was she speaking?

It was speaking. It was not speaking. Was it speaking?

Atenie! Repet regulile de adugare a terminaiei "-ing"!

ntrebri cu wh-! (Se pune ntrebarea n faa verbului):

Where was I going ?

What were you learning?

Why was he leaving?

Who was she dancing with?

When were we eating?

How were they doing?

Trecutul continuu este folosit pentru a exprima:
1. O activitate/aciune n desfurare ntr-un moment trecut (amintit n momentul vorbirii):
I was reading at 5 yesterday. (Ieri la ora 5 citeam.)
This time yesterday, I was sleeping. (Ieri pe vremea asta dormeam.)
Between 2 and 4 p.m. the children were doing their homework. (ntre 2 i 4 dup-amiaza,
copiii i fceau temele.)
* Cnd dou activiti se desfoar simultan, se menioneaz doar V1+"ing" pentru cel de-al
doilea verb:
He was eating and speaking at the same time! (Mnca i vorbea n acelai timp!)
* n acest caz, se folosesc adverbe de timp i expresii precum: when, while, all morning, all
night, at midnight, at noon, yesterday this time, yesterday at 2 o'clock, between... and... etc.
2. O aciune trecut n desfurare, ntrerupt de o aciune momentan, de un eveniment care a
avut loc (aciunea care ntrerupe este de obicei exprimat prin Trecutul simplu; ntreruperea
este marcat de WHEN sau WHILE!):
I was watching TV when she called. (M uitam la TV, cnd ea m-a sunat.)
When the phone rang, she was writing a letter. (Cnd telefonul a sunat, ea scria o scrisoare.)
While we were having the picnic, it started to rain. (n timp ce noi luam picnicul, a nceput s
While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car. (n timp ce John dormea noaptea
trecut, cineva i-a furat maina.)
3. Dou aciuni paralele n desfurare n trecut (aciunea paralel este marcat de WHILE!):
She was eating while I was watching TV. (Ea mnca n timp ce eu m uitam la TV.)
While I was reviewing the article my husband was watching his favourite tv show. (n timp
ce eu revizuiam articolul, soul meu se uita la emisiunea lui favorit.)
4. Dou sau mai multe aciuni/activiti n trecut, cu rolul de a descrie atmosfera:
When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing, some were talking on the
phones, the boss was yelling directions, and customers were waiting to be helped. One
customer was yelling at a secretary and waving his hands. Others were complaining to each
other about the bad service. (Cnd am intrat n birou, civa oameni tastau ocupai, civa
vorbeau la telefoane, eful striga indicaiile, i clienii ateptau s fie ajutai. Un client ipa la
secretar i ddea din mini. Alii se plngeau unul altuia despre servirea proast.)
5. O aciune repetat n trecut, care produce suprarea, iritarea vorbitorului (plus always,
constantly, all the time):
He was always coming late to the English lesson. (El mereu venea trziu la leciile de
He was constantly talking. (El vorbea n continuu.)
6. O aciune viitoare vzut din trecut:
I couldn't go to the concert last week because I was having an exam the next day. (Nu am
putut merge la concert sptmna trecut pentru c aveam un examen a doua zi.)
We were leaving the next day. (Noi plecam a doua zi.)


Were you eating yesterday this time?
Yes, I was./No, I wasnt.

Was he going to the sea last weekend?

Yes, he was./No, he wasnt.
Were they watching TV?
Yes, they were./No, they weren't.

!!! Recitete stative verbs! Ele nu pot fi folosite nici la Trecutul Continuu!

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