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Activity 1: The Training course Timetable/Work Plan

Date / Activities Description of Activities Working

time Methods


12:00 - Arrival and accommodation of participants

18:00 - Introduction and Brief presentation of the project - Introductory
18:30 welcome presentation about the workshop structure and
group discussion, programme and method used,
team and participants.
18:30 - Icebreaker session: This activity is used on the first day of the
19:00 The ball challenge training, while all the participants still need to
catch each other's names and get to know each
other better. The ball challenge is an ideal way
of remembering names in a big group quickly.
The facilitator arranges the group in a circle and
asks each person to throw the ball across the
circle, first telling his or her own name, and then
announcing the name of the person to whom
they are throwing the ball to (the first couple of
times, each person throws the ball to someone
whose name they already know.) When every
person in the group has thrown the ball at least
once, it's time to set the challenge to pass the
ball around all group members as quickly as
possible. Time the process, then ask the group
to beat that timing. As the challenge
progresses, the team will improve, for example
by standing closer together. And so the group
will learn to work as a team.
19:00 - Intro Workshop: Participants will get a task to find main EU and
20:00 Googling Youth Policy national documents (partner countries),
websites, Facebook pages and blogs dedicated
to youth politics. After they complete the first
task, they will present their findings, start a
discussion and provide a brief analysis. Special
attention will be directed towards EU Youth
Strategy 2010-2018, European Youth Portal, E+
Website and Facebook page, Salto Youth
website, websites of ministries for youth in
partner countries, national strategies for youth
in partner countries This workshop introduces
the topic of youth policy and the way it is
represented online.
20:00 - Dinner
21:00 - Welcome evening Introduction cocktail

09/10/201 DAY II

08:00 - Breakfast
09:15 - Energizer:
One minute show. Each participant has one
10:00 33 funny ways to
minute to present him/herself in a funny way.
introduce yourself
10:00 - How did we end up Short presentation of E+ Capacity building in
10:45 here? the field of youth (Western Balkans) action, its
Introducing E+, CDER, objectives and priorities. Introducing the Agenda
Serbia, Agenda and Work and Work plan. Group debrief about the project
plan expectations and participants needs
10:45 - Coffee break
11:00 - The Power of Whats the secret to telling a great story?
13:00 Storytelling Participants will learn crucial elements of
Importance of effective storytelling: how to step out from the
and creative story background, get ahead of the numbers, and put
a name, face, and some personality behind their
effort and see increased engagement. Harness
the power of the personal. People forget facts,
but they never forget a great story. Participants
will learn how to design a great story that will
reach out to their audience in a way they will
remember and be able to retell to story.
13:00 - Lunch break
15:00 - Digital Literacy This session will cover stories and facts about
16:00 Introduction generational gap between digital natives and
Digital natives vs. digital digital immigrants throughout Europe. Does this
immigrants throughout gap have to do with technology? Who is goal
Europe oriented and who is value oriented? What can
they teach each other? How to navigate
message towards reaching both groups?
16:00 - Coffee break
16:15 - Movie screening Digital Nation: Life On The Virtual Frontier is
17:45 Documentary Digital an interactive website and Frontline
Nation: Life On The Virtual documentary. The documentary aims to capture
Frontier life on the digital frontier and explore how the
Web and digital media are changing the way we
think, work, learn, and interact. The movie is an
excellent tool for provoking discussion and
raising awareness about the power of digital
17:45 - Daily evaluation Participants will fill-in a short evaluation
18:00 questionnaire about their daily activities. They
will discuss their own ideas regarding further
work and possible improvements.
18:00 - Belgrade City Center Cultural activity including walk around the city
20:00 by foot and sightseeing, introducing the most important
cultural and historical monuments and
institutions and best places for going out and
20:00 - Dinner
21:00 - Evening out


08:00 - Breakfast
09:15 - Energizer: Participants will divide into groups of four or
09:45 Create an five. Each group is given some unusual product
advertisement for which they must create an advertisement.
Time for preparation is about five minutes. Then
they come together to design a script, decide
their roles and present an advertisement. This
energizer creates a lot of fun and shows
participants creativity.

09:45 - Facebook & Twitter Creating/enhancing Facebook page following

11:00 Basics hands-on. Yes, we standards, tips and tricks. Discovering page
need it. admin tools and settings. Adding page info,
description, creating Call-to-Action button,
adding page sections; defining strong profile
and cover images. Introduction to creating
posts, adding images and videos, pinning,
comments and building audience.
Setting up / enhancing Twitter page: tweet,
reply, retweet, like, hashtag, mention.
Discovering sources, finding and following,
building a voice and exploring some advanced
11:00 - Coffee break
11:15 - Facebook Participants will learn how to design effective
13:00 Visual impressions, social media posts, blog graphics,
graphic design and presentations, posters, flyers or create their
copyright issues own custom dimension design using free online
tool Canva (www.canva.com/). They will learn
foundational graphic design principles (fonts,
colors, images, backgrounds, and layouts) and
how to apply them. In addition they will learn
about copyright issues / usage rights.
13:00 - Lunch break
15:00 - Energizer A great way to warm up after lunch with a fun
15:15 Just Dance! energizer dance session. All participants will
divide in four lines and dance to the beat of
songs following steps in Just Dance videos.
15:15 - Facebook Participants will learn how to create youth
16:00 Youth campaigns & activism campaigns using Facebook and reach
Teaming up for Advocacy out to target groups using Campaign tools and
Boost options. Moreover, they will split in three
mixed teams so that each team will consist of
11 participants - one representative from each
NGO. They will choose a cause for creating one
campaign per team.
16:00 - Coffee break
16:15 - Facebook & Twitter Participants will explore deeper the options of
17:45 Designing, storytelling designing youth campaigns and targeting the
and targeting youth right audience. They will start creating a strong
campaigns story as a way to connect with and move their
Social Media musts for audience, thus making actions more effective.
crisis communication This session will continue with unlocking the
power of Twitter; bringing users to a youth
website via Tweets, accelerating follower growth
to build an engaged, connected audience.
Driving awareness and connecting with
17:45 - Daily evaluation Participants will fill-in a short evaluation
18:00 questionnaire about their daily activities. They
will discuss their own ideas regarding further
work and possible improvements.
20:00 - Dinner
21:00 - Intercultural evening This activity will take place in the cocktail room.
23:00 The representatives of each country will have
their stand where they will exhibit food,
beverages and other brands from their
countries and cultures. Everyone will give a
presentation, followed by tasting of food and
beverages. In addition, traditional music and
short promotional films about all the countries
will play on the video beam. The night will end
with a party. All the participants will learn a lot
about other countries through conversation in
an informal atmosphere, with pleasant music
and films in the background. This activity will
promote intercultural learning and help the
participants to get to know each other better.


08:00 - Breakfast
09:00 - Energizer: Participants stand in a group and the facilitator
09:30 Hobbies starts off by telling his/her name and naming
his/her favourite hobby while also showing the
group an action to go with it. For example: "I
am Karen and I play soccer" (showing a kicking
action). The next person needs to say their
name/hobby/action and then repeat the
previous one. The last one in the circle will get
into trouble having to go around the entire
group, but facilitator will help by pointing out
that the group learned their names/hobbies and
actions. This activity is a quick way for all
participants to remember each other's names
and start some new friendships.
09:30 - Presentations and During this workshop, the participants will be
11:00 Discussion asked to present previously prepared
Youth problems in my presentations about the main problems of
country youth in their countries. The aim of the session
is that all participants learn more about each
other, their countries, organisations and
problems they are facing and trying to resolve.
In addition, this discussion will also stimulate
the participants to clarify and express the main
issues and problems they encounter; this will
make easier for them to clarify these ideas later
through digital media.
11:00 - Coffee break
11:15 - Trello: Pick your cause! This session covers the first steps in agile
13:00 management and youth projects teamwork.
Participants will learn how to use Trello
(trello.com) a web-based project management
application that uses the Kanban paradigm for
managing projects originally popularized by
Toyota in the 1980s. They will start with
creating online teams, joining assigned boards,
moving Facebook campaign tasks and
preparations from offline to online environment
thereby strengthening transnational teamwork
and online collaboration.
13:00 - Lunch break
15:00 - Energizer: Hot Potato! Using a soft foamy type ball, the facilitator asks
15:15 participants to form a circle. The aim is to keep
the ball in the air using only the palm of their
hand and they can only touch the ball once as if
it was a hot potato and they want to get rid of
it as fast as they can by bouncing it to
somebody else.
15:15 - Trello for Campaigns Participants will work together on further
16:00 Working on three developing three Facebook campaigns that deal
Facebook campaigns in with burning issues related to youth policy.
teams Development of campaigns will be supervised
by experienced trainers who will navigate
shaping these campaigns and teaching
participants how to use Trello for teamwork.
Even though all participants will be in the same
room, online teamwork will be simulated
throughout all Trello sessions.
16:00 - Coffee break
16:15 - Trello for Joint Projects Moving on with the teamwork online using
17:45 From Facebook campaigns Trello. Three teams will continue to work on
to three joint projects their campaigns, but also start to develop a
new board for joint projects being born from
Facebook campaigns, i.e. causes they chose.
New projects will be developed according to the
E+ programme guidelines. Participants will
keep on working in three teams consisting of 11
trainees each where each group will have one
project. Experienced trainers will supervise
development of the projects and help with
Trello steps necessary to organize all phases
and tasks in the best possible way using
Kanban method.
17:45 - Daily evaluation Participants will fill-in a short evaluation
18:00 questionnaire about their daily activities. They
will discuss their own ideas regarding further
work and possible improvements.
20:00 - Dinner
21:00 - Evening out


08:00 - Breakfast
09:00 - Presentations and Problems of Social Inclusion among Youth is
10:00 discussion designed as a presentation and discussion
Problems of Social session where the participants are invited to
Inclusion among Youth share with others examples from the digital
media (esp. internet and youtube) about these
problems in their countries. The participants are
asked to prepare a clip, link or an article and to
comment on it. The session will be informative
insofar as all participants will learn more about
other countries. Furthermore, it will inspire
dialogue and debate thus contributing to the
awareness of participants about these problems
and methods of tackling and resolving them.
10:00 - Visiting Belgrade Belgrade Youth Office is part of the City
12:45 Youth Office and Administration and has the status of a special
Volunteers of organisational unit responsible for creating and
Belgrade organization implementing youth policies at Belgrade City
Level (www.kancelarijazamlade.rs/en).
Participants will discuss about various issues of
youth policy with Belgrade youth workers,
needs and problems of young people in
Belgrade, Office activities, youth activism in
Belgrade, use of digital technologies for youth
activism, possibilities of cooperation with
Belgrade youth organisations. TC participants
will also visit the official volunteering service of
the City of Belgrade called Volunteers of
Belgrade (www.volonteribeograda.rs/). They
will talk about volunteering experiences in
Serbia and partner countries, as well as
possibilities for youth exchange between
partner NGOs and Volunteers of Belgrade.

13:00 - Lunch break

15:00 - Trello for Joint Projects As the training rhythm gets stronger,
16:15 participants will keep on developing three joint
projects with the supervision of the skilled
trainers. Simulation of distant online
collaboration will continue, so that all
participants will learn how to work in teams
regardless of their physical location. Trainers will
help them with the project elements, as well as
Trello tips and tricks. This way they will be
skilled to further develop projects and create
new ones after the end of the Training course.
16:15 - Coffee break
16:30 - Google tools This session is intended for those who are new
17:30 Survey methodologies to survey research and those who want to polish
and examples, Designing their skills. It discusses options and provides
surveys for Digital Youth suggestions on how to design and conduct a
Campaigns and Feedback successful survey using Google forms.
Participant will learn how to set the goals, select
target population and survey methodology they
want to use. Next step for three mixed teams
created during the TC is designing a survey in
Google forms related to their Facebook
campaigns using various options but being
precise in order to get usable results. Analyzing
17:30 - Daily evaluation Participants will fill-in a short evaluation
17:45 questionnaire about their daily activities. They
will discuss their own ideas regarding further
work and possible improvements.
17:45 - NGO Fair Fair for presentation of NGO participants. In this
19:30 Presentation of NGO fair each NGO will have their exhibition stand to
participants and local present their work. They will also be able to use
youth NGOs PowerPoint presentations. All the local NGOs,
Student Parliaments and Youth Offices from
Belgrade and neighbouring towns are going to
be invited to the Fair.
20:00 - Dinner
21:00 - Belgrade Night River Participants will have an opportunity
23:00 Cruise opportunity to take a cruise and see Belgrade
city from a different perspective - around
Kalemegdan, Great War Island and along New
Belgrade and Zemun promenades.


08:00 - Breakfast
09:00 - Visiting Nikola Tesla Participants will visit Museum dedicated to
11:00 Museum Nikola Tesla, (http://www.tesla-museum.org) one
of the greatest scientists and inventors that
have ever lived. This visit will potentially inspire
innovative spirit and remind participants once
more of the strength of technology and
innovation. Nikola Tesla Museum is a true
cultural treasure in the City of Belgrade; taking
a guided tour includes a movie and interactive
presentation of Teslas innovations, thereby it
will also relax the participants and inspire them
for new TC challenges.
11:00 - Digital Youth Presentation of three transnational campaigns
13:00 Campaigns created by three teams during TC and a
Show off time! discussion.
13:00 - Lunch break
15:00 - Newsletter Setting up a newsletter for each NGO using free
16:30 Set up and Design online tool MailChimp (mailchimp.com).
Creating unique templates using built-in
designer to match each NGOs visual identity.
Designing first newsletter, adding images
created with Canva in one of the previous
sessions and placing content blocks.
16:30 - Coffee break
16:45 - Newsletter Adding content to previously set up content
17:45 Tell a story and launch blocks. Writing a brief but powerful message
about the ongoing campaign for each of the
NGOs. Creating user lists (recipients),
scheduling launch time and releasing first
newsletter into the world. This tool helps further
target audience based on behaviour,
preferences and feedback.
17:45 - Daily evaluation Participants will fill-in a short evaluation
18:00 questionnaire about their daily activities. They
will discuss their own ideas regarding further
work and possible improvements.
20:00 - Dinner
21:00 - Gaming evening Relaxing evening enriched with some bright,
23:00 bold and brain-bending games for all those
feeling competitive or just eager to have great
time and win prizes.

14/10/201 DAY

08:00 - Breakfast
09:15 - Energizer This activity establishes a continuous
09:30 Buzz! interaction among participants. The group
should stand up and form a circle. One after the
other, they count up, starting with 1-2-3... If a
number contains a 4, or a multiple of 4, that
person needs to say BUZZ instead of a number.
The counting will be 1-2-3-buzz-5-6-7-buzz- 9-
10-11-buzz-13-buzz-15-buzz--17-18-19-buzz etc.
Facilitator can use any number that might be
relevant, replace buzz with any word that is
relevant or reflect back to make it relevant.
Great when teaching communication skills, or
how hard it is to do 2 things at the same time
(thinking while watching for your turn).
09:30 - Blogging workshop Workshop begins with creating login data,
11:00 Setting up theme and choosing a topic for the blog followed by picking
sketching the content a theme that corresponds with the topic. Theme
customization is followed by a walk through the
administrators panel. This session will also
cover sketching the blog essentials: defining all
elements that need to find their place on the
dynamic homepage and additional static pages.
11:00 - Coffee break
11:15 - Blogging workshop Creating a dynamic page is the most important
13:00 Creating rich articles. part of the blogging world. Participants will learn
Power of storytelling, how to create posts, how to write a good
graphics, podcasts and message, create and add categories and tags
sharing. that will navigate their readers easily through
the content. They will also explore media
library, create galleries, embed videos, share
their posts via social media and go through
several publishing options.
13:00 - Lunch break
15:00 - Digital Youth Most online tools used in this training course
16:30 Campaigns Insights offer insights and feedback, so the participants
and Feedback:Facebook will access the analytics for each tool and learn
campaigns, Surveys, how to analyze the feedback information
Newsletters and Blogs (Facebook Insights, Google forms responses,
MailChimp reports, Blog statistics). The results
will help the participants further develop online
tools in order to reach more audience and
spread the message more effectively within
their campaigns.
16:30 - Coffee break
16:45 - Blogging workshop After analysing results and receiving feedback
17:45 Creating blog articles regarding the three campaigns created during
based on Campaign the TC, especially surveys that were posted
Insights and Feedback online using multiple channels, the participants
will write a blog article that will represent
opinions and attitudes of target audiences
throughout Europe regarding causes they deal
with in their campaigns. These blog posts will
be later shared via Facebook and Twitter, and
will be open for discussion in the blog
comments area.
17:45 - Daily evaluation Participants will fill-in a short evaluation
18:00 questionnaire about their daily activities. They
will discuss their own ideas regarding further
work and possible improvements.
20:00 - Dinner
21:00 - Evening out Visiting historical Skadarlija street, one of the
23:00 Historical Belgrade at top attractions where you can see, hear and
Night taste spirit of Balkan and Belgrade.

15/10/201 DAY

08:00 - Breakfast
09:15 - Energizer Each participant takes a coloured, A5 sized
09:30 Paper plane piece of paper and writes a sentence on it. It
could be a question they would like to have
answered during the course or a statement
about something they are uncertain about in
regard to the course. Then they throw the
scrunched up paper ball to the facilitator
09:30 - Flipboard This session includes designing an e-magazine
11:00 Design your own digital using free tool Flipboard (flipboard.com) for
magazine each NGO by collecting content from social
media and other websites, presenting it in
magazine format, and allowing users to flip
through their social-networking feeds.
11:00 - Coffee break
11:15 - Flipboard The Flipboard's user interface is designed for
13:00 Find content, follow, flip intuitive flipping through content. Once the
into magazines and share feeds have been set up, the first page seen
when the application is opened is a visual list of
the subscribed content. This way the NGOs will
be able to choose youth activism content from
all over Europe, flip it into magazine and embed
on a blog or their website, thus raising
awareness about youth problems and needs to
even greater audiences.
13:00 - Lunch break
15:00 - Digital Youthquake This session will serve as a retrospective of all
16:15 wrapped up digital media and online tools presented and
Digital media and online used throughout the course. After all, it is their
tools for audacious youth fusion that gives the strongest impact on the
activism level of reaching out to youth workers, young
people and all stakeholders involved in youth
activism. Once the message is designed
through powerful storytelling, spread out
through a blend of innovative digital tools, the
youth actions reach their full potential and
receive a stellar feedback necessary for
planning future actions.
16:15 - Coffee break
16:30 - My Youthpass Familiarizing participants with Youthpass and
17:15 Workshop defining key competences (learning outcomes)
17:15 - Final evaluation
Evaluation, results achieved, lessons learned
18:00 session
20:00 - Dinner
21:00 - Farewell party


08:00 - Breakfast
09:30 - How we won the E+
10:30 grant Representatives of organisations which
Discussion about implemented Youth in Action and/or E+ projects
successful E+ in the past will talk about their experiences in
Youth projects creation and implementation of such projects.

10:30 - Brainstorming session Brainstorming session during which ideas for a

11:00 Hot ideas for higher quality dissemination and exploitation of
dissemination the Project will be developed.
and exploitation
11:00 - Coffee break
11:15 - Not the end: Discussion about future cooperation on E+
12:30 Setting grounds for future Programme and other projects. During the
cooperation on E+ discussion a brainstorming session will take
Programme and other place, called ''The right idea for a new E+ Youth
projects project''. Each of the 6 groups will develop an
idea for a new project on one A4 sheet. Each
idea will then be discussed.
From 12:30 Time in the City and

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