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Rev. Bio!. Trop.

, 30(2): 113-120, 1982

Embryological stages of the marine turtle

Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz)

Fernando Crastz
Escuela de Biologa, Universidad de Costa Rica. Present Address: Crculo Herpetolgico de Panam. Apdo. 10762.
Estafeta Universitaria. Panam.

(Received for publication March 5, 1982)

Abstract: Embryos of the P acific Ridley Turtle, Lepidochely.s

olivacea, obtained from eggs from the Pcific
Coast of Costa Rica and Panama, developing on a beach and others incubated in the laboratory respectlvely,
were exarnined and evaluated in terms of development by means of an lndex of Morphological Development
(IMD); selected morphological characters and measurements were used to diagnose 31 different developmental
stages from gastrula to neonate.

Investigators (Carr and Hirth, 1 9 6 1 ; Schu1z, Eggs were sampled daily in both places,and
1975; Mrosovsky and Yntema, 1 980) who have if turgid, puctured with a fine nee dle to release
dealt with emb ryological development of pressure before opening them. Observations on
marine turtles have often been obliged to spontaneous motility of embryos were made
improvise classification of developmental stages during the 1 0 minutes immediately following
based on time or to use stages described for opening of the egg. Measurements were made
other groups of animals . This report consists of with vernier calipers to 0.005 mm accuracy
a descriptive catalogue of 3 1 stages of .em before preservation of the erp. bryos in 10%
bryological development of the Pacific Ridley, formalin.
Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz), which In total, 2 1 0 eggs examined were considered
hopefully will prove useful to other investi normal and used in the following analysis.
gators and perhaps applicable to other species T h ese e m b r yo s w e re examine d for
of marine turtles as well. morphological information with the aid of a
stereoscope (0.7 - 4.2X).
MATERIAL AND METHODS Ninety-three distinct characters were ob
served for each embryo and scored as inappli
Embryos of L. olivacea were obtained at cable (zero) or on an ascending integer scale
Playa Nancite ( lOo 47'N, 85 0 50' W), Costa from one to a maximurn of nine according to
Rica between November 6 and December 2, the number of progressive states discernible for
1 979; and freshly laid eggs taken on Isla Caas the characteristic. Of these, 70 were selected
(70 25' N; 800 20' W), Panam on 1 6 Decem for mathematical analysis. A score for each
ber, 1 979,2 1 July and 6 December 1 980. character was tabulated and an Index of
Eggs from Nancite were collected randomly Morphological Development (IMD) was com
and from marked nests on the beach and puted for each embryo with the following
examined in situ while those from Isla Caas formula:
were transported to the laboratory within a
maximum of 23 hours after laid, incubated in IMD = ( 1: SoSm- 1 ) r 1
beach sand to which distilled water was occa
sionally added, as recommended by Bustard where So score obtained, Sm = maximum

and Greenham (1968), and maintained at an score possible for the respective characteristic
average temperature of 30 C throughout the and T total number of characteristics applica

development. ble for the respective embryo . Scores for each


distance from axilla to groin, width of carapace

and diameter of vitelline sac were selected for
log y, 0.0'11 - 1.0309X diagnosing these terminal stages of devel
15 r' ,0.96 opment .
The correlation of embryonic volume against
EV 10
development days describes a parabola (Fig. 1 )
with a rapid incremcnt beginning about the
middle of the incubation periodo

STAGES OF L. olivacea
20 30 40 50 60

DO The diagnostic characters presented for each

of the following stages are given in order of
Fig. 1. Para bola of Embryonic Volume (EV) in ce with usefulness, together with Days of Development
Development Days (DD) of 12 iricubated embryos. (DD) and Index of Morphological Development
characteristic of each embryo were reordered
according to their respective ascending IMD Stage 1 (Fig. 2): Late gastrula with oval area
values. Those characteristics whose ascending opaca enclosing the aI:ea pellucida wherein the
scores displayed few incongruities were con rounded gerrninative disk Hes to one side;
sidered for the descriptions that fol1ow. primitive plate very narrow and closely joined
The significance of the simple linear re to the area opaca; blastopore arched.
. DD= O,
gression of days of development upon IMD and IMD = 0.00.
s elected m e a surements upon IMD was
Stage 2 (Fig. 3): Post-gastrula with primitive
examined. The logarithmic y formula cor
plate extending laterally between area opaca
responding to the parabolic curve of the
and area pellucida, bordering the oval germi
embryonic volume obtained b y water dis native disk; cephalic process extended ventrally;
placement, against days of development was anterior neuropore evident; appearance of head
calculated. (amniotic) fold. DD= 2, IMD= 0.00.'
The figures in the catalogue were drawn with
the aid of a stereoscope equipped with a camera Stage 3 (Fig. 4): Neural canal still open;
lucida. Each embryo was placed in the best cephaiization evident with amniotic fold begin
position to illustrate its diagnostic characteris ning to extend over anterior extrernity. DD= 3,
tics. IMD= 0.00.
Stage 4 (Fig. 5): Head formed, but facial
The artificial incubation temperature (30 C) characteristics lacking; erythrocytes concen
was within the range of temperatures in nests at trated; circulatory pulsations in living embryo
different development levels found at Nancite perrnitting recognition of the extended tubular
(27.0 - 34.5 C) and 1 0 neonates hatched in a heart; amniotic fold partially covering heart.
span of 55 or 56 days . DD =4,IMD= 0.00.
The correlation of IMD with days o devel
opment is 0.97 for the embryos before the Stage 5 (Fig. 6): Optic cup and otic in
rniddle of development and 0.84 for older vagination discernible; hindgut conspicuous.
emb ryos. The lower correlation in older em DD = 5, IMD = 0. 1 1 .
bryos reflects the fact that during later stages,
morphological characteristics other than size do Stage 6 (Fig. 7): Anterior cephalic
not change significantIy. projection present but face still unformed.
On the basis of the ordered IMD's, DD=5, IMD=0. 1 l .
morphological characteristics were selected to
diagnose stages from gastrulation to near full Stage 7 (Fig. 8): Foregut evident; tail bud
term development. Of 3 1 measurements taken, present o DD = 6,IMD= 0 . 1 2 .

CRASTZ : Embryological stages of the Pacific Ridley turtle 115

. '
. '

: . ', .
'. .

';," ,


Smm Smm
. : .
Smm Fig.4


Sm m
5 Sm m
F Ig. Fig.6 Fig.7 Fig.8 Fig.9


!imm Smm

Fig.10 Fig.11

Fig.12 Fig.13

Fig.14 Fig.15

Fig.16 Fig.17
2 mm

Figs, 2-17. Sketches of development of L, olivacea from laying of egg to stage 13, when identifiable as reptile embryo.

S tage 8 ( F i g . 9 ) : T e l e n c e ph alon, Stage 18 (Fig. 25, 26, 27): Appearance of

diencephalon and pineal body evident; tail rostral caruncle as a white point on the tip of
present . DD 7, IMD 0.1 5.
= = the snout; free claw (proximal) on anterior
Stage 9 (Fig. 1 0, 1 1 ): Both pairs of limb border of foreflipper. DD 22, IMD 0.51.
= =

buds evident; maxillary. process not yet

reaching level of optic capsules. DD 9, IMD
= =
S tage 19 (Fig. 28): Presence of pigment on
0.2 1 . the neural plates; proximal free claw on
anterior border of hindflipper; vertebral and
Stage 1 0 (Fig. 1 2 , 13): Limb buds without lateral longitudinal crests evident. DD 23, =

invagnations, rounded; abdominal opening not IMD = 0.54.

more than 4/ 1 0 total length of embryo.
DD 10, IMD 0.22.
= =
Stage 20 (Fig. 29): Pigmentation evident in
eyelids, neck, limbs and marginal plates.
Stage 11 ( Fig. 1 4): Maxillary process DD 24, IMD 0.56.
= =

reaching choroid fissure; pigment evident in iris.

DD 1 2, IMD 0.26 .
= =
Stage 21 (Fig. 30): Two claws present on
each flipper. DD 26, IMD 0.6 1 .
= =

S tage 12 (Fig. 15): Maxillary process

reaching beyond choroid fissure; limbs paddle Stage 22 (Fig. 31): Jaws developed t o the
shaped; elbow formed, and one interdigtal occlusion point; proximal claw of each flipper
groove preseni: on forelimb; genital prorninence pigmented. DD 27, IMD 0.65.
= =

evident b et w e e n hin dlimb s . DD 12, =

IMD 0.26.
S tage 23 (Fig. 32): Crest present on
plastron; scales and plates evident on head,
Stage 13 (Fig. 1 6, 1 7): Maxillary process eyelids and limbs. DD 28, IMD 0.72 .
'"' =

reaching anterior border of eye; iris uniformly

pigmented; pupil distinct; forelimb with two Stage 24 (Fig. 33): Caruncle thickened and
interdigital grooves. DD 1 5, IMD 0.34.
= =
widened, covering the tip of the snout; all free
claws pigmented; scales evident on throat and
Stage 1 4 (Fig. 1 8): Lateral prominences'
skin of pectoral region. DD 29, IMD 0.76.= =

behind the axillae representing the primordial

Stage 25 (Fig. 34): Appearance of the
carapace; maxillary process reaching beyond
anterior border of eye; general opacity of triangular unpigmented mentonian plate of the
emb ryo; otic capsule no longer evident. lower jaw; sutures between neural and costal
DD 1 7, IMD 0.37.
= =
plates darker than the plates; pigment present
on throat and plastron; scales on pelvic region
S tage 15 (Fig. 1 9, 20, 2 1 ): Posterior b order and tail. DD:: 30, IMD 0.8 1 .

of primordial' carapace evident as lumbar

projections in vertebral regon; third interdigital Stage 26 (Fig. 35): Forelimbs completely
groove present in forelimb; second interdigital cover by scales and plates; mentonian plate
gro ove p r e s ent in hindlimb. DD 2 0, = pigmented;ventro-posterior portion of thighs
IMD 0.45. = and inframarginal plates slightly pigmented.
DD 33, IMD = 0.82 .

Stage 16(Fig. 22, 23): Five phalanges on

each limb; carapace present but its anterior S tage 27 (Fig. 36): Definite pigmentation of
b o rde r n o t y et defined; ribs evident; ventro-posterior portion of thighs; slight
mandibular process reaching to below choroid p igmentation of intermandibular region
fissure. DD 2 1 , IMD 0.46.
= = posterior to the mentonian plateo DD 36, =

IMD :: 0. 84.
Stage 17 (Fig. 24): Mandibular process
reaches anterior border of eye; head more S tage 28: Plastron pigmented, retaining a
o p a qu e , o nl y the m esencephalon and light oval zone between its crests; wid th of
diencephalon being evident; endolymphatic carapace between 17.0 and 19 .5 mm . DD 40, =

duct 110 longer evident. DD 2 1 , IMD 0.50.

= = IMD 0.86.
CRASTZ : Embryological stages of the Pacific Ridley turtle 1 17


Fig.19 Fig. 22

2 mm

10 mm

Fig.24 Fig.25


10 mm

Fig.27 Fig.28 Fig. 29

Figs . 18-29. Sketches of development of L. olivacea from stage 14 when identifiable as turtle embryo, to stage 20.


5 mm


Fig. 30


0] 10mm



S mrn

50 mm

Fig.36 Fig. 37 Fig.38

Figs. 30-38. Sketches of development of L. olivacea from stage 21 to stage 31, hatchling.
CRASTZ: Embryological stages of the Pacific Ridley turtle 1 19

Stage 29 Pigmentation resembling that of whereas embryonic death at different stages of

neonate; width of carapace between 26.0 and development has been considered in relation
28.4 mm, DD 45 , IMD 0.87.
= = with salinity, season, microorganisms, etc. for
L. olivacea (Acua, 1 9 80).
Stage 30 : Diameter of vitelline sac between
1 0.0 and 1 9.2 mm. DD 50, IMD = 0.88.

Stage 31 (Fig. 37 , 38): Hatchling; diameter I thank Douglas C. Robinson for his patience
of vitelline sac between 6. 1 and 2.5 mm; and interest, Francisca de Sousa provided
alternatively, distance from axilla to groin logistic facilities for the laboratory work; A .
b etween 26. 1 and 28 .9 mm. DD 5 5 , = Stanley Rand made many useful sugestions;
IMD 0.89.
= Servicio de Parques Nacionales de Costa Rica
gran te d pe rm ission to obtain samples at
DISCUSSION Playa Nancite; Departamento de Recursos
Naturales Renovables de Panam helped in
This c a tal ogue is designed for the o btaining eggs at Isla Caas, and the
identification of 3 1 stages of development of L. Smithso nian Tropical Research Institute
ol ivacea and utilizes morphogenesis and provided numerous facilities during the course
measurements as diagnostic parameters since of this work. This study was partially aided by
physiological and behavioral parameters were U S F W S grant, 14-16-0002-80-228 to S.
impossible to evaluate without disturbing the Cornelius and D. Robinson . To these and for
embryo to an unquantifiable extent . the help of many friends mentioned in the
The temperature and duration of the thesis on which this work was based, my sincere
laboratory incubation were comparable to thanks.
those reported by Schulz (1 97 5), Mrquez et al.
( 1 976) and Acua ( 1 980); the high correlation RESUMEN
(0.9 8) of days of development with IMD for
the 7 1 embryos for which days of development Embriones d e l a t o rtuga ma rina,
was known supports the use of the IMD as a Lepidochelys olivacea, unos obtenidos de
valid measure and an effective tool for selec;ting huevos desarrollndose en la playa (Playa
reliable characteristics and delillting stages. Nancite, Costa Rica) y otros incubados en
As shown in Fig . 1 , embryonic volume el laboratorio (Tsla Caas, Panam), fueron
increases slowly during early development until exallnados y evaluados en trllnos de
morphogenesis is essentially completed, after desarrollo mediante un Indice de Desarrollo
which growth rate increases rapidly. Morfolgico (IDM); caractersticas morfolgicas
Deraniyagala ( 1 939) described embryos of y me didas corporales seleccionadas de los
L . o livacea at five different levels of embriones e xaminados, se usaron para
development, which correspond to stage 1 8, 22, diagnosticar 3 1 diferentes etapas, desde la
26+, 27+ and 30+ of this catalogue. Between gstrula hasta el neonato .
the ages reported by him and those given here,
differences in general are no greater than two or
Agassiz ( 1 857) illustrated eight of the stages
o f h is s y stem fo r "Thal a s sochelys Acua, R.A. 1 980. Aspectos de la fase terrestre de la
Caouana" = Caretta caretta which resemble in Tortuga Lora L epidochelys oliv acea. Tesis de
many aspects the development observed in L. Maestra. Universidad de Costa Rica. 1 15 p.
olivacea, but with significantly longer periods Agassiz , L. 1857. Embryology of the turtle. Contr.
between successive stages. Nat. Hist. U . S . , 11 vol. Boston. p. 4 5 1 -643.
Variations in developmental rates in certain
oviparous reptiles have been attributed to Bustard, H.R. , & P.M. Greenham, 1968. Physical and
ecological differences in the nests (Packard et chemical factors affecting hatching in the green sea
turtle, Chelonia mydas (L). Ecology, 49: 269-276.
al., 1 977) caused by seasonal changes occurring
during the reproductive period or to local Carr, A . , & H. Hirth. 1961. Social facilitation in green
conditions of distinct biogeographical zones, turtle siblings. Anim. -Behav., 9: 68-70.

Deraniyagala, P .E.P. 1 939. Tetrapo9 reptiles of implications for conservation practices. Biol.
Ceylon. Vol. I. Testudines and Crocodilians. Conserv., 1 8 : 271 -280.
Ceylon J. Sd., Colombo Mus. PubJ. 4 1 2 p.
Packard, G .C., G.R. Traey, & 1 . Roth. 1 977 . The
Mrquez, M . , RA. Villanueva, & C. Peaflores. 1976. physiologicai ecology of reptilian eggs and
Sinopsis de datos biolgicos sobre la Tortu?fl embryos, and the evolution of viviparity within the
Gol fina, Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz, class Reptilia. Biol. Rev. , 52 : 7 1 -105.
1829). INP/S2 . Mxico, D.F . 63 p.
Schulz, I.P. 1 97 5. Sea turtle nesting in Surinam.
Mrosovsky, N. & C.L. Yntema. 1 980. Temperature Nederlandsche Commissie voor Internationale
dependence of sexual differentiation in sea turtles: Natuurbescherrning. Mededrlingen No. 23. 143 p.

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