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The Mill Park Instructional Model, the Mill Park Way..

At Mill Park we:

We achieve this through:
Encourage and

The use of agreed processes for student management

maintain a safe
Using positive talk to encourage student self efficacy and displaying an ongoing respect for the

and orderly
dignity and emotional well being of all students
Developing clear and consistent routines and cues for students to follow

Ensure that We do this by:

and Success Criteria
Learning Intentions

expectations for Clearly identifying and displaying the learning intentions for each lesson that are linked to the
learning are set relevant standards and build on student prior learning
at a challenging Ascertaining student levels of knowledge as well as other needs that impact on their learning
but achievable Providing students with a range of ways to access the learning and demonstrate success
level for all Clearly articulating and displaying the success criteria for learning so that students will know if
students they have met the learning outcomes

We do this by:
Using hooks to generate student interest in learning
Linking learning to student experience
Differentiating the learning experience to cater for a range of student interests, skill levels and
learning styles
Design learning Ensuring that the Pace of the lesson is appropriate to maximise student engagement and
experiences that learning
are engaging and Using John Munros High Reliability Literacy Teaching Strategies to develop student literacy skills
encourage Reviewing previous learning
student curiosity Using ICT to engage students and to enable students to demonstrate their learning in flexible
and achievement, ways
Using activities that are clearly and explicitly linked to the learning outcomes
Teacher input

Using and encouraging higher order questioning techniques

Providing a range of activities to maximise student learning and provide access to the learning
for all students
Encouraging collaborative learning through use of grouping strategies and peer coaching

We do this by:
Ensuring that students practise skills being taught using a range of scaffolding devices
Activating student

opportunities for
Ensuring that all students have access to appropriately pitched curriculum materials and support
students to
so that all student learning needs are well met
actively engage in
Providing opportunities for students to apply concepts taught in a range of ways that link to the
learning and to

learning intentions, to prior and possible future learning

demonstrate this
Clearly referencing the success criteria outlined at the beginning of the lesson to guide students
in the development of their knowledge and demonstration of their learning

We do this by:
Coaching and correcting student performance to provide feedback to students as they progress
Tie feedback to the specific learning intentions
Seek and provide
Provide information that students can use to improve their performance
feedback to
Deliver feedback on student work in a timely manner
maximise student
Provide opportunities for students to participate in generating feedback rather than always

acting as passive receivers

Use a range of formative assessment strategies to determine which aspects of the lesson have
been learnt well and which aspects may require reteaching
We do this by:
Wrap up and
Explicitly revisiting the learning intentions and success criteria
review what has
Identifying which students have mastered the learning and which are yet to do so using a range
been learnt and
of strategies
Summarising the key learning using student input where possible

expectations for
Outlining the next steps for future learning including possible review and revision for students
who have not yet reached the target learning

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