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Aliya 1 | 25:1-18 Aliya 2 | 25:19-28

Examine verse 25:1. Examine verse 25:19.

HaTorah Why does the Torah introduce the

Mitzvah of Shmitta by framing it with the What does the verse promise? What

Companion Jewish people's location, Mt. Sinai? is added following the promise of
produce by stating that 'you will be
Rashi suggests that this is included to teach
us that both the general rules and details of satiated'?
Every Aliya. A Question (or Two). Mitzvot were taught at Sinai. When Rashi suggests that the promise of
shmittah is repeated in the plains of Moab, satiation will not based on the amount
before the physical demise of Moshe of food consumed; rather, even if you
Behar-Bechukotai (Devarim 34:1), very few details are eat very little, you will feel satisfied.
May 2017 | Iyar 5777 offered. The connection with Sinai by this The Sforno suggests that this satiation
Mitzvah teaches us that all details of is a reassurance that no one will be
Mitzvot were conveyed to Moshe on Sinai. malnourished during the Shmittah
To receive KTC via email visit: The Da'at Zkenim suggests that everything y e a r. I t w i l l b e s i m i l a r t o t h e
www.lev-avos.com found within the book of Vayikra so far was consumption of Manna in the desert.
instructed at the Tabernacle due to its The Ohr HaChaim suggests that fruit
relevance to the priests. These laws were that are generally consumed for their
by Rabbi Yechiel Shaffer
Assistant Rabbi, Cong. Ohab Zedek
relevant to everyone and thus a new taste will also offer greater satiation
geographic framing needed to be offered. then usual.
Aliya 3 | 25:29-38 Aliya 4 | 25:39-26:9 Aliya 5 | 26:10-46

Examine verses 25:35-38. Examine verses 25:39-40.

Examine verse 26:11.
How can this man be a slave but not
Why does the verse describe this
subject to the work of slavery? How
poor man's situation with the word, What is the nature of this blessing?
can he be a temporary & permanent
'Umattah Yado'? What does this
worker (see verse 25:40)? Rashi suggests that this is a reference
phrase mean and how does it shape
Rashi suggests that he is free from the to the building of the Bet HaMikdash in
our thinking about these verses? Jerusalem. The Sforno uses this to
shame that comes along with the
menial work of slavery. The example is suggest that in any place where God
The Bekhor Shor says that this was invoked, His presence would be
language describes the imagery of the that he does not have to carry his
master's robes in public following the felt. This would then not necessitate a
situation in which this man finds Bet HaMikdash. The Bekhor Shor
himself. His hand is outstretched in master's visit to the bathhouse. The
Chizkuni suggests that this suggests that God would relate to the
need, which is below your Jewish people in the same way He
outstretched giving hand. The Netziv contradiction b/w his permanent &
temporary status is that one is more related to the heavenly angels. This
suggests that this relates to the fact would then make the Land of Israel
that this poverty-stricken man has inclined to manage a temp. better
then a permanent worker so they Heaven. The Ibn Ezra suggests that
received property in the land of Israel, this is an expression of long term
but nevertheless is unable to toil the return the next day. This should be the
case here too even though he is commitment. God would not grow
land through hard labor. It is for this 'bored' with the land of Israel and its
reason he is poverty-stricken. bound to be there.
Aliya 6 | 27:1-15 Aliya 7 | 27:16-34

Examine verse 27:2. To sign up to Examine verse 27:17 in which we are presented
What does the word 'Yafli' mean? How does a scenario in which someone gifts his land of the
receive KTC via Jubilee year to the Bet HaMikdash.
it shape our understanding for these laws?
How do these laws fit in to the others email visit: When exactly does the person make his gift
presented in this section? of land to the Bet HaMikdash?
Rashi suggests that the vow has to be
expressed, explicitly uttering something from Rashi suggests that he makes his gift
one's mouth. The Rashbam suggests that this immediately following the conclusion of the
word requires one to clearly define the vow he Shabbat jubilee year so the Bet HaMikdash should have
is taking, and to be explicit in its parameters. full benefits of the land. The Ibn Ezra suggests
The Ibn Ezra agrees with the Rashbam in Shalom that this is a situation in which he gifts the land
understanding that this is a requirement for in the middle of the jubilee year. The Netziv
clarity. According the the Ramban this entire records this argument and links it to the same
section is immediately relevant to the vows discussion that takes place in the Talmud
made when someone sells themselves into Arakhin 24b and the ensuing debate between
slavery. Rav and Shmuel.

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