Você está na página 1de 9

setwd("C:/Users/Joo Melo/Documents/pesquisas/Piramides_trabalho/LABORO")

tab.1552.U <- read.table("Tabela_1552_U.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";",na.strings="

NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
tab.3572 <- read.table("Tabela_3572.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";",na.strings="NA",
dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
pir.laboro.PEA <- function(Homens.U,Mulheres.U, PEA.Homens, PEA.Mulheres,
escalax, amplitude, idademax, regiao){
max.U <- max(c(Homens.U,Mulheres.U))
n <- length(Homens.U)
min.x <- -(max.U %/% escalax + 1)*escalax
max.x <- (max.U %/% escalax + 1)*escalax
plot(0,0, type="n", xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ylim=c(0, idademax+5),
xlim=c(min.x, max.x), xlab="", ylab="")
# help(par)
# Graphical Parameters
# - xaxt: A character which specifies the x axis type.
# Specifying "n" suppresses plotting of the axis. The standard value
# is "s": for compatibility with S values "l" and "t" are accepted but
# are equivalent to "s": any value other than "n" implies plotting.
# - yaxt: A character which specifies the y axis type.
# Specifying "n" suppresses plotting.
# - xlim, ylim: Los rangos para los ejes x e y respectivamente. (Correa y
# Gonzles, p. 78)
eixox1<-seq(0, max.U, by=escalax)
eixox2 <- -eixox1[order(-eixox1)]
eixox <- c(eixox2,eixox1)
axis(1, at=eixox, labels=as.character(abs(eixox)), cex.axis=0.7, las=2)
eixoy <- c(seq(0, idademax, by=amplitude))
axis(2, at=eixoy, labels=as.character(eixoy), cex.axis=0.8, las=2)
# other graphical parameters may also be passed as arguments to this
# function, particularly, cex.axis, col.axis and font.axis for axis
# annotation, mgp and xaxp or yaxp for positioning, tck or tcl for tick
# mark length and direction, las for vertical/horizontal label
# orientation, or fg instead of col, and xpd for clipping.
# See par on these.
for(i in 1:n){
x1 <- 0
x2 <- -Homens.U[i]
x3 <- Mulheres.U[i]
y1 <- (i-1)*amplitude
y2 <- y1+amplitude
for(i in 3:15){
i <- i-2
x1 <- 0
x4 <- -PEA.Homens[i]
x5 <- PEA.Mulheres[i]
y1 <- (i+1)*amplitude
y2 <- y1+amplitude
x.l2<- max.U/16+escalax
Populacional - IBGE/SIDRA - Tabela 1552 - CENSO - 2010",sep="\n",regiao), ylab="
# Chamada da funo:
Mulheres.U <- tab.1552.U[,4]
Homens.U <-tab.1552.U[,3]
PEA.Homens <- tab.3572[,6]
PEA.Mulheres <- tab.3572[,7]
amplitude <- 5
fig_10<-pir.laboro.PEA(Homens.U, Mulheres.U, PEA.Homens, PEA.Mulheres, escalax,
amplitude, idademax, regiao)
# Adaptado de:
# Grficos Estadsticos con R
# Juan Carlos Correa y Nelfi Gonzlez
# Posgrado en Estadstica
# Universidad Nacional-Sede Medelln
# 2002
# 2.3.3 Pirmide Poblacional, p.68
# http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/R-intro-1.1.0-espanol.1.pdf
Populacional - IBGE/SIDRA - Tabelas 1552 e 3572 - CENSO - 2010",sep="\n",regiao,
cex=0.6), ylab="idade")
# f_pir.laboro.PEA
setwd("C:/Users/Joo Melo/Documents/pesquisas/Piramides_trabalho/LABORO")
tab.1552.U <- read.table("Tabela_1552_U.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";",
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
tab.3572 <- read.table("Tabela_3572.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";",
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
pir.laboro.PEA <- function(Homens.U,Mulheres.U, PEA.Homens, PEA.Mulheres,
escalax, amplitude, idademax, regiao){
max.U <- max(c(Homens.U,Mulheres.U))
n <- length(Homens.U)
min.x <- -(max.U %/% escalax + 1)*escalax
max.x <- (max.U %/% escalax + 1)*escalax
plot(0,0, type="n", xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ylim=c(0, idademax+5),
xlim=c(min.x, max.x), xlab="", ylab="")
# help(par)
# Graphical Parameters
# - xaxt: A character which specifies the x axis type.
# Specifying "n" suppresses plotting of the axis. The standard value
# is "s": for compatibility with S values "l" and "t" are accepted but
# are equivalent to "s": any value other than "n" implies plotting.
# - yaxt: A character which specifies the y axis type.
# Specifying "n" suppresses plotting.
# - xlim, ylim: Los rangos para los ejes x e y respectivamente. (Correa y
# Gonzles, p. 78)
eixox1<-seq(0, max.U, by=escalax)
eixox2 <- -eixox1[order(-eixox1)]
eixox <- c(eixox2,eixox1)
axis(1, at=eixox, labels=as.character(abs(eixox)), cex.axis=0.7, las=2)
eixoy <- c(seq(0, idademax, by=amplitude))
axis(2, at=eixoy, labels=as.character(eixoy), cex.axis=0.8, las=2)
# other graphical parameters may also be passed as arguments to this
# function, particularly, cex.axis, col.axis and font.axis for axis
# annotation, mgp and xaxp or yaxp for positioning, tck or tcl for tick
# mark length and direction, las for vertical/horizontal label
# orientation, or fg instead of col, and xpd for clipping.
# See par on these.
for(i in 1:n){
x1 <- 0
x2 <- -Homens.U[i]
x3 <- Mulheres.U[i]
y1 <- (i-1)*amplitude
y2 <- y1+amplitude
for(i in 3:15){
i <- i-2
x1 <- 0
x4 <- -PEA.Homens[i]
x5 <- PEA.Mulheres[i]
y1 <- (i+1)*amplitude
y2 <- y1+amplitude
x.l2<- max.U/16+escalax
Populacional - ",sep="\n",regiao, sub = "IBGE/SIDRA - Tabelas 1552 e 3572 - CENS
O - 2010", cex.main=0.7, cex.sub=0.5), ylab="idade")
# Chamada da funo:
Mulheres.U <- tab.1552.U[,4]
Homens.U <-tab.1552.U[,3]
PEA.Homens <- tab.3572[,6]
PEA.Mulheres <- tab.3572[,7]
amplitude <- 5
fig_10<-pir.laboro.PEA(Homens.U, Mulheres.U, PEA.Homens, PEA.Mulheres, escalax,
amplitude, idademax, regiao)
# Adaptado de:
# Grficos Estadsticos con R
# Juan Carlos Correa y Nelfi Gonzlez
# Posgrado en Estadstica
# Universidad Nacional-Sede Medelln
# 2002
# 2.3.3 Pirmide Poblacional, p.68
# http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/R-intro-1.1.0-espanol.1.pdf
# f_pir.laboro.PEA
setwd("C:/Users/Joo Melo/Documents/pesquisas/Piramides_trabalho/LABORO")
tab.1552.U <- read.table("Tabela_1552_U.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";",
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
tab.3572 <- read.table("Tabela_3572.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";",
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
pir.laboro.PEA <- function(Homens.U,Mulheres.U, PEA.Homens, PEA.Mulheres,
escalax, amplitude, idademax, regiao){
max.U <- max(c(Homens.U,Mulheres.U))
n <- length(Homens.U)
min.x <- -(max.U %/% escalax + 1)*escalax
max.x <- (max.U %/% escalax + 1)*escalax
plot(0,0, type="n", xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ylim=c(0, idademax+5),
xlim=c(min.x, max.x), xlab="", ylab="")
# help(par)
# Graphical Parameters
# - xaxt: A character which specifies the x axis type.
# Specifying "n" suppresses plotting of the axis. The standard value
# is "s": for compatibility with S values "l" and "t" are accepted but
# are equivalent to "s": any value other than "n" implies plotting.
# - yaxt: A character which specifies the y axis type.
# Specifying "n" suppresses plotting.
# - xlim, ylim: Los rangos para los ejes x e y respectivamente. (Correa y
# Gonzles, p. 78)
eixox1<-seq(0, max.U, by=escalax)
eixox2 <- -eixox1[order(-eixox1)]
eixox <- c(eixox2,eixox1)
axis(1, at=eixox, labels=as.character(abs(eixox)), cex.axis=0.7, las=2)
eixoy <- c(seq(0, idademax, by=amplitude))
axis(2, at=eixoy, labels=as.character(eixoy), cex.axis=0.8, las=2)
# other graphical parameters may also be passed as arguments to this
# function, particularly, cex.axis, col.axis and font.axis for axis
# annotation, mgp and xaxp or yaxp for positioning, tck or tcl for tick
# mark length and direction, las for vertical/horizontal label
# orientation, or fg instead of col, and xpd for clipping.
# See par on these.
for(i in 1:n){
x1 <- 0
x2 <- -Homens.U[i]
x3 <- Mulheres.U[i]
y1 <- (i-1)*amplitude
y2 <- y1+amplitude
for(i in 3:15){
i <- i-2
x1 <- 0
x4 <- -PEA.Homens[i]
x5 <- PEA.Mulheres[i]
y1 <- (i+1)*amplitude
y2 <- y1+amplitude
x.l2<- max.U/16+escalax
title(main=paste("Pirmide Populacional - IBGE/SIDRA - Tabelas 1552 e 3572 -
CENSO - 2010",sep="\n",regiao, sub = "", cex=0.6), ylab="idade")
# Chamada da funo:
Mulheres.U <- tab.1552.U[,4]
Homens.U <-tab.1552.U[,3]
PEA.Homens <- tab.3572[,6]
PEA.Mulheres <- tab.3572[,7]
amplitude <- 5
fig_10<-pir.laboro.PEA(Homens.U, Mulheres.U, PEA.Homens, PEA.Mulheres, escalax,
amplitude, idademax, regiao)
# Adaptado de:
# Grficos Estadsticos con R
# Juan Carlos Correa y Nelfi Gonzlez
# Posgrado en Estadstica
# Universidad Nacional-Sede Medelln
# 2002
# 2.3.3 Pirmide Poblacional, p.68
# http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/R-intro-1.1.0-espanol.1.pdf
# f_pir.laboro.PEA
setwd("C:/Users/Joo Melo/Documents/pesquisas/Piramides_trabalho/LABORO")
tab.1552.U <- read.table("Tabela_1552_U.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";",
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
tab.3572 <- read.table("Tabela_3572.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";",
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
pir.laboro.PEA <- function(Homens.U,Mulheres.U, PEA.Homens, PEA.Mulheres,
escalax, amplitude, idademax, regiao){
max.U <- max(c(Homens.U,Mulheres.U))
n <- length(Homens.U)
min.x <- -(max.U %/% escalax + 1)*escalax
max.x <- (max.U %/% escalax + 1)*escalax
plot(0,0, type="n", xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ylim=c(0, idademax+5),
xlim=c(min.x, max.x), xlab="", ylab="")
# help(par)
# Graphical Parameters
# - xaxt: A character which specifies the x axis type.
# Specifying "n" suppresses plotting of the axis. The standard value
# is "s": for compatibility with S values "l" and "t" are accepted but
# are equivalent to "s": any value other than "n" implies plotting.
# - yaxt: A character which specifies the y axis type.
# Specifying "n" suppresses plotting.
# - xlim, ylim: Los rangos para los ejes x e y respectivamente. (Correa y
# Gonzles, p. 78)
eixox1<-seq(0, max.U, by=escalax)
eixox2 <- -eixox1[order(-eixox1)]
eixox <- c(eixox2,eixox1)
axis(1, at=eixox, labels=as.character(abs(eixox)), cex.axis=0.7, las=2)
eixoy <- c(seq(0, idademax, by=amplitude))
axis(2, at=eixoy, labels=as.character(eixoy), cex.axis=0.8, las=2)
# other graphical parameters may also be passed as arguments to this
# function, particularly, cex.axis, col.axis and font.axis for axis
# annotation, mgp and xaxp or yaxp for positioning, tck or tcl for tick
# mark length and direction, las for vertical/horizontal label
# orientation, or fg instead of col, and xpd for clipping.
# See par on these.
for(i in 1:n){
x1 <- 0
x2 <- -Homens.U[i]
x3 <- Mulheres.U[i]
y1 <- (i-1)*amplitude
y2 <- y1+amplitude
for(i in 3:15){
i <- i-2
x1 <- 0
x4 <- -PEA.Homens[i]
x5 <- PEA.Mulheres[i]
y1 <- (i+1)*amplitude
y2 <- y1+amplitude
x.l2<- max.U/16+escalax
title(main=paste("Pirmide Populacional - IBGE/SIDRA - Tabelas 1552 e 3572 -
CENSO - 2010",sep="\n",regiao), ylab="idade")
# Chamada da funo:
Mulheres.U <- tab.1552.U[,4]
Homens.U <-tab.1552.U[,3]
PEA.Homens <- tab.3572[,6]
PEA.Mulheres <- tab.3572[,7]
amplitude <- 5
fig_10<-pir.laboro.PEA(Homens.U, Mulheres.U, PEA.Homens, PEA.Mulheres, escalax,
amplitude, idademax, regiao)
# Adaptado de:
# Grficos Estadsticos con R
# Juan Carlos Correa y Nelfi Gonzlez
# Posgrado en Estadstica
# Universidad Nacional-Sede Medelln
# 2002
# 2.3.3 Pirmide Poblacional, p.68
# http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/R-intro-1.1.0-espanol.1.pdf
# f_pir.laboro.PEA
setwd("C:/Users/Joo Melo/Documents/pesquisas/Piramides_trabalho/LABORO")
tab.1552.U <- read.table("Tabela_1552_U.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";",
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
tab.3572 <- read.table("Tabela_3572.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";",
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
pir.laboro.PEA <- function(Homens.U,Mulheres.U, PEA.Homens, PEA.Mulheres,
escalax, amplitude, idademax, regiao){
max.U <- max(c(Homens.U,Mulheres.U))
n <- length(Homens.U)
min.x <- -(max.U %/% escalax + 1)*escalax
max.x <- (max.U %/% escalax + 1)*escalax
plot(0,0, type="n", xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ylim=c(0, idademax+5),
xlim=c(min.x, max.x), xlab="", ylab="")
# help(par)
# Graphical Parameters
# - xaxt: A character which specifies the x axis type.
# Specifying "n" suppresses plotting of the axis. The standard value
# is "s": for compatibility with S values "l" and "t" are accepted but
# are equivalent to "s": any value other than "n" implies plotting.
# - yaxt: A character which specifies the y axis type.
# Specifying "n" suppresses plotting.
# - xlim, ylim: Los rangos para los ejes x e y respectivamente. (Correa y
# Gonzles, p. 78)
eixox1<-seq(0, max.U, by=escalax)
eixox2 <- -eixox1[order(-eixox1)]
eixox <- c(eixox2,eixox1)
axis(1, at=eixox, labels=as.character(abs(eixox)), cex.axis=0.7, las=2)
eixoy <- c(seq(0, idademax, by=amplitude))
axis(2, at=eixoy, labels=as.character(eixoy), cex.axis=0.8, las=2)
# other graphical parameters may also be passed as arguments to this
# function, particularly, cex.axis, col.axis and font.axis for axis
# annotation, mgp and xaxp or yaxp for positioning, tck or tcl for tick
# mark length and direction, las for vertical/horizontal label
# orientation, or fg instead of col, and xpd for clipping.
# See par on these.
for(i in 1:n){
x1 <- 0
x2 <- -Homens.U[i]
x3 <- Mulheres.U[i]
y1 <- (i-1)*amplitude
y2 <- y1+amplitude
for(i in 3:15){
i <- i-2
x1 <- 0
x4 <- -PEA.Homens[i]
x5 <- PEA.Mulheres[i]
y1 <- (i+1)*amplitude
y2 <- y1+amplitude
x.l2<- max.U/16+escalax
title(main=paste("Pirmide Populacional - Populao e PEA",sep="\n",regiao), sub = "IB
GE/SIDRA - Tabelas 1552 e 3572 -
CENSO e amostra - 2010", cex.sub = 0.7, font.sub = 2, xlab = "Indivduos", ylab =
# Chamada da funo:
Mulheres.U <- tab.1552.U[,4]
Homens.U <-tab.1552.U[,3]
PEA.Homens <- tab.3572[,6]
PEA.Mulheres <- tab.3572[,7]
amplitude <- 5
fig_10<-pir.laboro.PEA(Homens.U, Mulheres.U, PEA.Homens, PEA.Mulheres, escalax,
amplitude, idademax, regiao)
# Adaptado de:
# Grficos Estadsticos con R
# Juan Carlos Correa y Nelfi Gonzlez
# Posgrado en Estadstica
# Universidad Nacional-Sede Medelln
# 2002
# 2.3.3 Pirmide Poblacional, p.68
# http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/R-intro-1.1.0-espanol.1.pdf
# f_pir.laboro.PEA
setwd("C:/Users/Joo Melo/Documents/pesquisas/Piramides_trabalho/LABORO")
tab.1552.U <- read.table("Tabela_1552_U.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";",
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
tab.3572 <- read.table("Tabela_3572.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";",
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
pir.laboro.PEA <- function(Homens.U,Mulheres.U, PEA.Homens, PEA.Mulheres,
escalax, amplitude, idademax, regiao){
max.U <- max(c(Homens.U,Mulheres.U))
n <- length(Homens.U)
min.x <- -(max.U %/% escalax + 1)*escalax
max.x <- (max.U %/% escalax + 1)*escalax
plot(0,0, type="n", xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ylim=c(0, idademax+5),
xlim=c(min.x, max.x), xlab="", ylab="")
# help(par)
# Graphical Parameters
# - xaxt: A character which specifies the x axis type.
# Specifying "n" suppresses plotting of the axis. The standard value
# is "s": for compatibility with S values "l" and "t" are accepted but
# are equivalent to "s": any value other than "n" implies plotting.
# - yaxt: A character which specifies the y axis type.
# Specifying "n" suppresses plotting.
# - xlim, ylim: Los rangos para los ejes x e y respectivamente. (Correa y
# Gonzles, p. 78)
eixox1<-seq(0, max.U, by=escalax)
eixox2 <- -eixox1[order(-eixox1)]
eixox <- c(eixox2,eixox1)
axis(1, at=eixox, labels=as.character(abs(eixox)), cex.axis=0.7, las=2)
eixoy <- c(seq(0, idademax, by=amplitude))
axis(2, at=eixoy, labels=as.character(eixoy), cex.axis=0.8, las=2)
# other graphical parameters may also be passed as arguments to this
# function, particularly, cex.axis, col.axis and font.axis for axis
# annotation, mgp and xaxp or yaxp for positioning, tck or tcl for tick
# mark length and direction, las for vertical/horizontal label
# orientation, or fg instead of col, and xpd for clipping.
# See par on these.
for(i in 1:n){
x1 <- 0
x2 <- -Homens.U[i]
x3 <- Mulheres.U[i]
y1 <- (i-1)*amplitude
y2 <- y1+amplitude
for(i in 3:15){
i <- i-2
x1 <- 0
x4 <- -PEA.Homens[i]
x5 <- PEA.Mulheres[i]
y1 <- (i+1)*amplitude
y2 <- y1+amplitude
x.l2<- max.U/16+escalax
title(main=paste("Pirmide Populacional - Populao e PEA - Indivduos por faixa etria",s
ep="\n",regiao), sub = "IBGE/SIDRA - Tabelas 1552 e 3572 -
CENSO e amostra - 2010", cex.sub = 0.7, font.sub = 2, xlab = "", ylab = "idade")
# Chamada da funo:
Mulheres.U <- tab.1552.U[,4]
Homens.U <-tab.1552.U[,3]
PEA.Homens <- tab.3572[,6]
PEA.Mulheres <- tab.3572[,7]
amplitude <- 5
fig_10<-pir.laboro.PEA(Homens.U, Mulheres.U, PEA.Homens, PEA.Mulheres, escalax,
amplitude, idademax, regiao)
# Adaptado de:
# Grficos Estadsticos con R
# Juan Carlos Correa y Nelfi Gonzlez
# Posgrado en Estadstica
# Universidad Nacional-Sede Medelln
# 2002
# 2.3.3 Pirmide Poblacional, p.68
# http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/R-intro-1.1.0-espanol.1.pdf

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