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Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications PRENTICE-HALL INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN THE PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES Neat R, AMUNESON, eDtton, University of Housion Apvisory Eorrors ANDREAS ActtvOs, Stanford University Joux Dace, University of Minnesota Tuowas J, Havearty, University of linois Joun M. Prausntrz, Uxivensity of California LB. Scriven, Universi of Minnesota Amunpson Matiematical Methos in Chemical Engineering: Matrices and Their Application Batzurzen, SAMDELS, AND ELLIASSEN Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics BRIAN Staged Cescades in Chemical Processing Burr Reaction Kinetis and Reactor Design Denn Process Fluid Mechanics Foctix The Elertents of Chemical Kineies and Reactor Calculations A Self-Paced Approach Hooaristau Basle Principles and Calevations in Chemical Engineering, 41h edition Haves ano Maboox Mass Transfer: Fundamentais and Applications Houtino Fundamentals and Modeling of Separaton Processes “Absorption, Distillation, Evaporation, and Exivaction Houten anv ANTHONY Fundamental of Chemical Reaction Engineering ‘Kuntcek aNp Heavacex Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Bdundary Velie ‘Problems with Applications Kyte Chemical aud Process Thermodynamics Levicn Physicoclemical Hydroxinamice Mopeit aND Rep Thermodynamics and ite Applitatons, 2nd edition Mytns ano Seioin Intreduction to Chemical Engitering ‘and Computer Calculations Newnan Electrochemical Systeme Paaussirz Moleclar Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Eulbria Praussitz Ev at Computer Calculation for Multzomponent Vapor-Ligaid ‘and Liquid-Liqud Equilitria RUuD0 er At Procsts Synthesis Scuuttz Difracton for Materials Scientists Scwuirz Polymer Materials Science StePsanorOULos Chemical Process Control ‘At Introduction t0 Theory ard Practice VInLADsen anb MicHeLsen Solution of Differential Equation Models by Polynomicl Approximation Wictioms Polymer Science and Ensineesing Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications ANTHONY L. HINES Oktahoma State University ROBERT N. MADDOX Oklahoma State University PRENTICE HALL PTR Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 oS Cones: cwalging n Paoreaton Lats Mass tater. 1. Maddox. RebetN. (Robert Nt, (date TRISGMOHSS i985 | GOTH A3-19100 EN 0-1-8092 #56094 Contents ©1985 by Prentice Hall PTR t Preatetialy ae i FG sce Sher company Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 1 ‘ Preface All ights reserved. No part of this book may be Feproduced, in any form or by any means. without permssion in writing from the puiblisher, : Printed in the United States of America 1, Mass Transfer Fundamentals 09 1 Introduction 2 Concentration and Flux Relationships 3 Coupled Processes ISIN O-13-SS5L09-2 2. Diffusion Coefficients Introduction Diffusion Coefficients for Gases Difusion Coefficients for Liquids Pretice-HallInemational (UK) Limited, London 2 22 2.4 Diffusion Coeficents for Mulkicomponent Systems 26 Premice-Hallof Ausra Py. Limited, Sydney Precice Hall Canad Inc, Toronto ‘Prertce-Hall Hspanoumericana, §. A. Mexico Pretice-Hall of India Private Limited New Delhi Prewice-Hallof Japan, Inc, Tobyo ‘Simon & Schuuer Avia Pte Ld, Singopore Editora Prentice-Hall do Brasil Lids, Rio de Jane'ro Diffusion in Solids Phenomeno ogical and Coupled Coefficients Transport Coefficients in Membranes 7 7 18 7 39 a2 48 50

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