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Reviewer in Science 4

Common Ailments of the Digestive System

1. Diarrhea loose watery stools occurring more than three times a day

2. Gallstones salts deposited in the gallbladder

3. Indigestion another name for an upset stomach, also called dyspepsia

4. Constipation having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week.

5. Appendicitis - an inflammation of the appendix

6. Worms in the instestines tapeworms are parasites that live in the intestinal
tracts of some animals.

7. Cavities a dental cavity or tooth decay is the destruction of the enamel or the
outer part of a tooth.

8. Anorexia Nervosa an eating disorder that usually occurs in young women.

Animal Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction there is only one parent and no special reproductive cells or
organs are involved.

Reproduction the ability of an organism to reproduce an offspring or a baby.

Budding is the type of asexual reproduction in which the parent organism divides
into two unequal parts.

Regeneration is the ability of an organism to reform lost body parts.

Sexual Reproduction two parents are involved , the male and the f4emale.

Fertilization the process when the egg cell unites with the sperm cell

Zygote the new cell that is formed, it develops and grows into0 a new animal.

Life Cycle Reproduction the entire process of producing an offspring

2 kinds of fertilization

Internal Fertilization it takes place inside the female body by a males sperm.

External Fertilization 0 the fertilization takes place outside the females body

The developing chick gets its food from the yolk. at the end of 20 days the yolk is
consumed and on the 21st day the egg hatches.
Birds use their body to warm the eggs, this is called incubation.to help keep the egg
warm and away from predators, they build nests.

Unlike Birds, reptiles do not need incubation.

Life Cycle of a Frog



Tadpole Develops Gills

Back Leg appear

Front legs appear

adult frog


Some Animals are hatched from egg

Some Animals are hatched as babies

Some Animals are born as baby animals

Some animals change a little as they grow

Complete Metamorphosis animals that undergo four stages of development.

Metamorphosis the changes in form and structure that occur from the young
animals to adult animals.

Incomplete metamorphosis animals that undergo three stages of development

Life Cycle of a butterfly


Caterpillar or the larva

The larva becomes the pupa

Finally the hard case around the pupa breaks and the butterfly comes out
Life Cycle of a mosquito



pupa that shaped like a comma

the pupa slits open and the adult mosquito comes out with wings

Life Cycle of a Fly

A fly produces 120 eggs at a time

The larvae will hatched in just a matter of hours after they are laid

About 11 days the pupae become adult houseflies

Flies change from eggs to maggots to pupae then to adults

Life Cycle of a Bee

Inside the beehive is a queen bee who is the mother of all the baby bes

A hive is the honey bee colony

Male bees are called drones theyre only job is to mate with the queen bee

Worker bees feed the queen bee and keep the place around her clean

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