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Types of natural wastewater treatment in Malaysia

i. Public Sewage Treatment Plant

ii. Regional Plant

iii. Individual Septic Tank

iv. Pour Flush

2. Individual Septic Tank

There is an estimation of 1.2 million of premises have individual septic tanks in
Malaysia. Some other considerations that shall be contemplate in determining the
location of the septic tank within the premise of property are such as;
i. Within the boundary of property served
ii. Located at the outer part of buildings served
iii. Wide area space
iv. Fully accessible
v. Close proximity to receiving water course for treated effluent discharge

Type: Vertical
Effective Volume (L): 9400
Inlet / Outlet Diameter (MM): 150
(A): 2300
(B): 2910
(C): 210
(D): 300
(E): 600
(F): 310

i. It could be easily installed.
ii. Easy Operation and Low Maintenance
iii. Compact in size which is suitable for areas such as small
iv. Few mechanical part and equipment
v. System is user friendly with less maintenance and power cost due to less
mechanical equipment required.

Significant Contribution To The Surrounding Area:

An individual septic tank could be used to treat the sewage from individual buildings
as the building itself or for the whole community,at the lagoon. The sewage will pass
through sewer pipes to the septic tank either at the house or at the lagoon. The septic
tank is sealed round or rectangular container which is used to break down the sewage
so that it becomes effluent through the action of bacteria living on the waste matter.

3(i) . The advantages of the natural wastewater treatment

i. Enhance and Upgrading the quality of life

The quality of life and hygienic conditions in the certain area is depends on
wastewater treatment system. The more efficient the system, the better
quality life in that area.

ii. Preserve and protect natural environment

Water is scarce resources and the demand for water is unlimited because
water is essential in our daily lives. So, there will always be increase in
percentage of water usage as well as waste water day by day. Therefore, if
water treatment system is not handled effectively it can bring damages to the
natural environment such as water pollution.

iii. Waste reduction-saving and processing waters

Through the treatment process of wastewater, we can reduce the total
quantity and amount of waste water discharge to environment and avoid any
danger happen especially regarding the health issues that associated with
environmental pollution.
iv. Can prevent any damages
If waste water left untreated, these pollutants can effect water environment.
These could exhibit toxic effects on aquatic life and the public life.

3(ii). The disadvantages of the natural wastewater treatment

i. Public perception
Using recycles water especially as drinking water will face public opinions
and critics. This is because there are many cases that had been reported
regarding this issues. Besides, many people in the society found
disgusting with the idea of recycled water with purified sewage.

ii. High capital cost

Using this system to recycle waste water is undeniably true that government
need to spend a high cost and could achieve thousands or millions from
government financial expenditure. This could affect other sector that need to
be prioritize plus with financial aid from government.

iii. Various chemical substances and waste product from the process
Chemical substances are vital to treat the wastewater from beginning till final
stages of the process.If the processes are not handled by specialized worker
with proper method, it can bring negative impact such as too much of
chlorine contain in water that can effect society health.

iv. Health concern

Recycled water used appropriately poses little to no health risk. Water that is
reused for drinking purposes experiences a thorough treatment prepare that
renders it as perfect, if not cleaner than, water that originates from a
reservoir. In any case, a significant part of the recycle water utilized in many
countries for watering system purposes and is not treated a sufficiently
high standard to make it safe for drinking. Drinking this water could pose
health risks to society, as there might still be pathogens present. So, to
overcome this problem, society should take initiative by buying water filter
that recommended by professional.

4. Issues reported in year 2000 onwards


September 25, 2015 @ 11:01am

MORE than 97 per cent of all the water on Earth is salty and most of the remaining
three per cent is frozen in the polar ice caps.

The atmosphere, rivers, lakes and ground store less than one per cent of all freshwater
and this tiny amount has to support the planets population.

It is amazing how rivers are actually intertwined with human lives. In Malaysia, they
are a major source of freshwater and contribute 97 per cent of water supply. As water
resource in Malaysia is considered abundant and available throughout the year, we take
it for granted and forget that water is precious for survival.

Water pollution is not a recent issue as it is synonymous with urbanisation and

modernisation. According to the Environmental Quality Report published in 2013 by
the Department of Environment, 5.3 per cent of 473 rivers in Malaysia were reported
to be polluted, and 36.6 per cent were slightly polluted.

Although the percentage of polluted rivers decreased by 1.7 per cent compared with
2012, the percentage of rivers being slightly polluted increased by 2.6 per cent. The
problem of water pollution is becoming serious with reports indicating a downward
annual trend.

Water pollution has become a serious problem in Malaysia and brings negative impact
on the sustainability of our water resources.

The quality of coastal waters in Klang and Kuala Langat in Selangor is declining due
to the increase of waste dumping in upstream riverways, especially from housing and
industrial areas, as well as pollution from human activities, such as agriculture and
land development.

Rapid economic growth has exerted severe strain on water-utility infrastructure,

especially in areas with high economic growth like the Klang Valley.

An increase in the population leads to high demand for water supply, which leads to
higher discharge of wastewater. Wastewater from residential, commercial and
industrial areas cause foul smell, especially with the presence of rubbish.

Polluted rivers not only have adverse effects on humans but also on other organisms
and, not forgetting, the countrys economy.

The accessibility to natural clean water, which we would get at zero cost, is reduced
when rivers are polluted. The cost of treating polluted waters is high and, in some
severe instances, it cannot even be treated for consumption.

There is also the issue of urbanisation within our river catchments, which gives rise to
an increase in population and activities. The effect of urbanisation changes the quality
of water within a catchment area.

In conjunction with World Rivers Day 2015 on Sunday, let us ponder the importance
of saving our rivers and maintaining their cleanliness and pristine quality.
WWF-Malaysia calls for the recognition of our waterways as a precious, yet limited,
resource that are critical for human survival.

n DATUK DR DIONYSIUS SHARMA, executive director/chief executive officer,


The Star Online

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

High time we clean up polluted Sungai Petani

THE Sungai Petani Municipal Council (MPSP), Department of Environment (DOE)

and Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) must act to resolve the river
pollution in Sungai Petani which is getting worse.

The pollution that has been ongoing for more than 10 years now has left the river full
of rubbish and waste and turned the water black and smelly.

A Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) survey found that all aquatic life in the river has
perished and mangrove trees are stunted possibly due to the pollution.

SAM is disappointed that although the pollution there has been going on for several
years, no effective action has been taken by the relevant authorities.

If the source of the pollution is not addressed immediately and enforcement of the
relevant laws is not stringent, the situation will become so bad it will affect public

The pollution would also affect the Sungai Merbok basin and threaten mangrove
forests along this river.

The important issues the relevant authorities need to focus on are a proper waste
disposal system, efficient waste-water treatment and curbing the discharge of waste
oil, sullage and other pollutants from residential areas, business premises and vehicle
repair workshops.
The authorities must also conduct comprehensive monitoring and identify whether
industrial plants are releasing waste into drains and rivers there.

The government of Kedah, local authorities and the relevant departments and agencies
must pay serious attention and take immediate action to address the pollution of
Sungai Petani.



Sahabat Alam Malaysia


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