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Un cultivo transgnico es un cultivo al cual se le ha insertado uno o mas genes procedentes de especies

distintas, los cuales no estn limitados ni por gnero, familia, e incluso reino, un caso muy conocido es el de
una papa (perteneciente al reino vegetal) que recibi un gen de un pez del rtico (perteneciente al reino
animal) para evitar que se congelara durante las heladas, otro caso es el del maz (tambin del reino vegetal)
que recibi un gen del Bacillus thuringiensis (especie del reino de los eucariotas donde estn todas las
bacterias), la cual le confiere resistencia a casi todos los gusanos del grupo de los lepidopteros (mariposas).

A transgenic crop is a crop to which one or more genes from different species have
been inserted, which are not limited by gender, family, and even kingdom, a well-
known case is that of a potato (belonging to the plant kingdom ) That received a gene
from an Arctic fish (belonging to the animal kingdom) to prevent it from freezing during
frost, another case is that of corn (also from the plant kingdom) that received a gene
from Bacillus thuringiensis Eukaryotes where all the bacteria are), which confers
resistance to almost all the worms of the group of lepidoptera (butterflies).

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