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Lauren Harper

19 Cedar Street New Egypt, New Jersey 08533

HarperL.077@gmail.com; (609)-685-0905; www.LaurenAHarper.weebly.com
University of New Hampshire Durham, New Hampshire 03824
GPA: 3.91/4.0, BS in Biomedical Science, Honors student, expected graduation: May 2020.
Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science Manahawkin, New Jersey 08050
GPA: 95.062/100, High School Diploma, Graduation: June 2016.
Notable Past Experiences:
1. New Egypt and Toms River Blood Drive Coordinator 10+ drives to date (285+ hours)
200+ Phone calls to donors per blood drive
2. Junior Naturalist at Jakes Branch-County Park (front desk, tours, animal handling) (90+ hours)
Proposed 2 new exhibits for the Nature Center, both were approved, one has been implemented.
3. Selected N.J. Division of Fish and Wildlife Sedge Island two year Intern (280+ hours)
Presented various salt marsh topics to campers, daily.
Broke down complex topics to an elementary level.
4. 4-year Elected Student Council Member; Elected President of Council 2016 (180+ hours)
Found, contacted, and organized donors for multiple social events each year.
Created more legislature for the club that holds members and office holders accountable.
5. Plumsted Youth for Nature and the Environment (PYNE) Founding member, Elected Secretary,
Historical Information Committee Head, and Park Proposal Executive Team. (120+ hours)
Convinced the Local Assembly and Freeholders to fund and support our park proposal.

Current Activities:
UNH Womens Rowing Team (400+ hours); Hep Cats Swing Dance Club (70+ hours); Dairy Club
(45+ hours); Circle K (20+ hours); American Red Cross Club (15 hours); iGEM (10 hours);
Volunteer at Cocheco Valley Humane Society (10 hours); Women in Science (8 hours).
Rowing and Swing Dance have taught what it means to be a part of something larger than
oneself. The boat moves together; the pair moves as one.
Research Experiences:
Completed 4 independent research projects; Presented at 7 different science fairs (to judges & the
public); including, the INTEL International Science and Engineering Fair; UNH Dairy Research
Assistant; Dartmouth Opportunities for Oncology Research Scholar (Summer 2017&2018).
Most of my time, passion, and dedication in high school was put into my research with over 400
hours invested per year. I enjoy the consistent tests, and required quality sampling in research.

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