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lliliiliP M llP lilP lililillllii

O C T O B E R 1962



Mental image to printed page
Paul Hyde Bonner

A writer's sermn
Storm Jameson

Camera or commentator
the article writer's function
Robert L. Heilbroner

Antidote for rejections

William Chamberlain

A story is a love affair

Nancy Burrage Owei

Turning problems into

W riting for teen-agers
The 100 best fiction m arkets
LETTERS The Writer
to the Editor 75th Anniversary Year 1887 1962
H elp across th e sea
Sir: - O CTO BER 1962 ------------
. . . I look fonvard to each copy of The Writer
and I am never disappointed . . . I read and re-read
every word and then pass tho copies on to the
writers club to which I belong. Contents
I am still trying to get published in U. S. A. The
Saturday Evening Post sent a verv nice lctter re-
jecting a 4-line verse. The Atlantic Monthly has an How I Go A bout It Paul Iyde Bonner 9
article under considera tion. I ha ve just prepared
another for Iloliday. One day maybe the break
A W r i t e r s S e r m n Storm Jam eson 13
wil come, and meanwhile your gifted contributors
keep me in the picture and supply me with in-
valuable hints and information. T h e T h in k P ie c e
M akgot C rosse Roberl L. Heilbroner 16
Aylesbeare, Englcind

C h ec k in g o n p u b lic a tio n A n t id o t e fo r R e j e c t io n s

Sir: William Chamberlain 19

How does one find out if a submission (poetry)
to a newspaper column has been published if it is
A Story Is a L ove A f f a ir
not returned to the writer? A self-addressed,
stamped envelope was sent with it. Nancy Burrage Owcn 22
D ale A r t is R ic k m o n

South Haven, Mich. T h e C o n fe s s io n s F. A . Rockwell 24

# W rite to th e e d ito r o f t h e c o lu m n to fin d o u t
h ow lo n g y o u m u s t w a it b e fo r e y o u c a n c o n sid e r
th e m a te r ia l y on s u b m it t e d a s r e je c te d . M an y T he N o M a n s Land of T e e n -A ge
iller d ep a r t m e n t s sa y t h a t i f a u th o r s h a v e n o t F ic tio n Lois Duncan 28
heard a h o u t th e ir s u b m is s io n s w ith in n in e ty
d a y s, t h e m a te r ia l m a y be c o n sid e r e d r e je c te d .
From Our R ostrum
N o n -fic tio n g u id e
A n A u d ie n c e o f O n e
The Augusfc, 1962, issue of The Writer is the most John Latham Toohey 30
helpful non-fiction guide I ve seen in a long time.
Special thanks for Caroline Birds article and for W iie r e to S ell M a n u s c r ip t s 31
the compact, varied market list. I am recommend-
ing it to all my writing friends and students.
D olores Spurgeon P r iz e O f f e r s and A w ards 44
Assoc. Prof. of Journalism
San Jos (Calif.) State College
G r a m m a r C r im e C l u b
W lien lo c o p y r ig h t P a r a lle ls Virginia von Schon 45
To whom do I apply to have a manuscript copy- T he W r i t e r s L ib r a r y 46
righted? I have written a short novelette of about
3,000 words, which I wish to submit to a pubisher.
Should I have it copyrighted before or after sub- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 1
mitting it to a pubisher?
E d n a M cE a c h e jr n
O ff th e C u ff Alien M arpie 5
Lotoh, Wash.
# F ic tio n m a n u s c r ip ts c a n n o t be c o p y r ig h te d
prior to p u b lic a tio n . O n ly a f t e r y o u r sto r y h a s N e w s fro m t h e N ew Y ork M arket 47
b een p u b lish e d c a n a c o p y r ig h t be a p p lie d fo r .
A lm o st a ll m a g a z in e s se c u r e a c o p y r ig h t fo r th e ir
p u b lish e d m a te r ia l, t h u s p r o te c t in g it .

T H E W R IT E R , published monthly by The Writer, Inc., 8 Arlington St., Boston 16, Mass. 40 cents a copy. Subscription rates in U.S.A.,
S5.00 a year, $9.00 for 2 years; foreign and Canadian: $6.00 a year, $11.00 for 2 years. Second-Class Postage Paid at Boston, Mass. Oetober,
1962: Vol. 75, No. 10. Two weeks notice required for change of address on subscriptions; both od and new addresses should be given. Special
introductory rate for new subscrihers: three issues, $1.00.

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