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May 1

Adison May


English I

18 April 2017

Global Climate Change

Global Climate Change is present all over the world, with many visible signs that lead

people to think, what really is climate change? Global climate change is significant shifts in

temperature, rainfall, wind, and other environmental factors that occur over decades or more

(Ciplit 11). In the past, there was climate change due to natural variation but now, most of it is

caused by human actions. Human actions, such as burning fossil fuels, is causing an increase of

greenhouse gasses around the world. With more greenhouse gases, the earth gets warmer, which

is why climate change today is often referred to as global warming. (Ciplit 12) Today, we have

satellites that study the climate around the world. The data from these satellites compared over

the years has shown the changes in climate.

According to Ciplit, Some scientists say that humans impact on the climate traces back

to the origins of agriculture. (page 11). A lot of evidence from the past can be found in things

like tree rings and layers of rocks. These rocks and tree rings show that warming is happening

about 10 times faster than average. In the past, there was higher concentrations of carbon so

when a lot of animals from the past died, who had been consuming this carbon, they were

buried deep within the earth and slowly turned into coal and oil. (ucar.edu) These animal from

the past have turned into these fossil fuels that we now burn.

Global Climate Change affects not only people and animals, but also the ocean. It affects

humans in many ways where. Heat waves and air pollution increase the risk of heat stroke,
May 2

certain allergies, asthma, and heart disease, especially among people living in urban areas.

(Ciplit 8). As the climate changes and effects the animals ecosystems, they are being forced to

move and find new areas where they can survive. There are chances that some animal habitats

could vulnerable to flooding, due to sea levels rising caused by climate change. According to

Ciplit, Climate change is affecting weather patterns around the world. In recent years, scientists

have observed greater extremes of temperatures, increased numbers of heat waves, and more

droughts in many regions of the world. In addition to temperature extremes, the number and

strength of powerful storms has increased. This may be caused by rising ocean temperatures

increasing the amount of water that evaporates into the atmosphere. (page 8) All of these things

are caused by climate change and and could possibly get worse as the climate increases.

Global Climate change is an issue all over the world. According to Ciplit, Some

countries are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of climate change than others. (page 12)

This means that the causes and effects can vary depending on where the country is located.

Scientists at NASA have Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances that have

enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our

planet and its climate on a global scale. (Holly Shaftel 1) This is a global issue that is very

important to our society.

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Works Cited

Climate Change and Questions of Justice. Providence, RI: Choices Program, Watson Institute for

International Studies, Brown U, 2015. Print.

Weingroff, Marianne. "Global Climate Change." Global Climate Change: Background Material.

Web. 28 Apr. 2017.

"Climate Change: How Do We Know?" Nasa. Ed. Holly Shaftel. N.p., 24 Apr. 2017. Web. 28 Apr.


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