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Bio/Geo 1ESO. UNIT 9. LOS SERES VIVOS MAS SENCILLOS / The simplest living things.




Unit aims/ Objetivos de la unidad

01. Identificar las caractersticas principales de los microorganismos del Reino de los Protistas.
02. Conocer la estructura de las bacterias, as como la forma en que realizan sus funciones vitales.
03. Reconocer la estructura general de los virus
04. Conocer algunas enfermedades infecciosas, su forma de contagio y prevencin.
05. Entender cmo funcionan las vacunas y los antibiticos.
06. Aprender sobre microorganismos beneficiosos y perjudiciales.
07. Aprender los pasos para tomar muestras y poder observar microorganismos al microscopio.

Lesson 1. El Reino Protista

A1. Completa el mapa conceptual del Reino Protista con los trminos adecuados basndote en las pginas
especficas de tu libro de texto:

N clulas: _____________
Nutricin: ______________ TIPOS
Medio vital: ____________
Algunos son ____________


N clulas: ________ /________
Nutricin: ______________
Medio vital: ____________

A2. Observa cada imagen y escribe debajo el nombre del grupo de protozoos al que pertenece

_______________ _______________ _______________

C1. Explica que significa que los protozoos son seres vivos unicelulares y hetertrofos

Bio/Geo 1ESO. UNIT 9. LOS SERES VIVOS MAS SENCILLOS / The simplest living things. Worksheets

A3. Observa la foto y completa la ficha:

- LECHUGA DE MAR (Ulva lactuca)

- Pertenece al Reino:__________________________
- Sus clulas son ___________________________
- Su nutricin es _____________________
- Su pigmento fotosinttico es de color __________
y se llama _______________________
- Vive en un medio ______________________

Lesson 2. What is the Monera Kingdom?

A4. Read the following text.

The Monera kingdom contains unicellular, microscopic, prokaryotic organisms. They do not have an
organised nucleus. Bacteria belong to the Monera kingdom. They can live almost anywhere. They sometimes
form colonies, but each individual cell remains independent. The first living things on Earth, more than 3,800
million years ago, were probably bacteria.
Bacteria nutrition
Most bacteria are heterotrophs: they do not produce their own food.
Parasites feed off living things. They cause illnesses like tuberculosis and cholera.
Saprophytes live on dead or decomposing matter. They transform organic substances into
inorganic substances. Some saprophytes are useful: lactobacilo is used to make yoghurt.
Symbionts live on the bodies of other living things to provide mutual benefit. They can be
found in the digestive system of many mammals. There, intestinal bacteria help with
Some bacteria are autotrophs. For example, cyanobacteria make their own food through photosynthesis.
Bacteria reproduction
Bacteria generally reproduce by binary fission, producing two daughter cells. Each daughter cell grows, and
then divides again.
A5. Write down the new words and discuss their meaning with the class


A6. Answer the questions about the text you have read.

a. Which are the main features of the Monera Kingdom?


b. What is the meaning of heterotrophic nutrition? ___________________________________

c. Where do the symbionts bacteria live? ______________________________________________________

d. How is called the process by which cyanobacteria make their own food? ________________________

A7. Look at the pictures and complete

the empty boxes about the four groups
of Bacteria with the appropriate terms
of this list: Spirillum / Bacillus / Rod-
shaped / Vibrio / Coccus / Curved-rod
shaped / Helical / Spherical

Bio/Geo 1ESO. UNIT 9. LOS SERES VIVOS MAS SENCILLOS / The simplest living things. Worksheets

A8. Complete the empty boxes about the Bacteria cell

structure with the appropriate terms of this list:
Cell wall, bacteria capsule, cytoplasm, plasmatic membrane,
flagellum, genetic material

C2. Vocabulary review. Write down on your science notebook the following words and their meaning:
unicellular, microscopic, prokaryotic, Kingdom, to belong, illnesses, to provide, benefit, mammals, cell wall.

Lesson 3. Los virus / Viruses

C3. Dibuja en tu cuaderno un virus sealando las partes ms destacadas de su estructura general. Bsate en
las pginas especficas de tu libro de texto.

A9. Contesta a las siguientes preguntas acerca de los virus:

Por qu los virus no pueden ser considerados seres vivos?

Por qu se dice que los virus son parsitos obligados?

Por qu se dice que todos los virus son agentes patgenos?

A10. Read the text and complete the gaps with the appropriate words of this list:
Carry out, host, cells, main, ground, reproduce, microscope
What are viruses?
Viruses are not_____________, so they are not really living things. They cannot ________________ any vital
functions by themselves. They infect living cells, and then they can_______________. They are always
obligate parasites: they cannot live independently of their _____________.
What is a virus like?
The ____________ characteristics of viruses are:
Extremely small. They can only be seen through an electron _______________.
Unable to move.
Extensive habitat. They are found on the _______________, in the air and in water.

Bio/Geo 1ESO. UNIT 9. LOS SERES VIVOS MAS SENCILLOS / The simplest living things. Worksheets

A11. Look at the picture about the virus infection process. Set the process steps in the correct order

1- The viral components assemble.

2- The virus enters the cell.
3- New viruses leave the cell.
4- Reproduction: viruses use the
infected cell to make the viral

Lesson 4. What are infectious diseases?

A12. Read the text and answer the

questions about it.

An infectious disease occurs when a

pathogenic microorganism invades a
living thing, and causes an illness.
Microorganisms reproduce very
quickly inside the body. However,
the effects of an infection are not
immediate. First, there is an
incubation period. Then, various
symptoms of the illness are
observed, for example, a high
When microorganisms are
transmitted from a sick person to a
healthy one, contagion occurs.
Transmission can take place in many
ways: (see the diagram and chart).
Symptoms are the effects that a
disease has on the body, and can be
Vectors are insects that carry a
disease from one person to another.
Mosquitos (Anopheles) can carry
Plasmodium which causes malaria, if
they bite an infected person.

a) What is an infectious disease?

b) What is a contagion?

c) Write three ways of becoming infected by an infectious disease

d) What are vectors?

Bio/Geo 1ESO. UNIT 9. LOS SERES VIVOS MAS SENCILLOS / The simplest living things. Worksheets

C4. Vocabulary review. Write down on your science notebook the following words and their meaning:

Infectious disease, illness, however, symptoms, to bite, cold (illness), AIDS, spoiled food, skin, stuffed up
nose, sneezing, coughing, headache, toes.

Lesson 5. La lucha contra las enfermedades infecciosas. Vacunas y antibiticos

A13. Basndote en las pginas especficas de tu libro de texto, contesta a esta preguntas acerca de como
luchamos contra las enfermedades infecciosas

Cules son dos de las mejores maneras de impedir las enfermedades infecciosas?

Qu es una vacuna y cul es su fundamento?

Qu es un antibitico? son eficaces frente a todos los microorganismos?

Cul fue el primer antibitico en descubrirse? Quin y cundo lo descubri?

C5. Lee el siguiente texto acerca del origen de las vacunas y contesta a las preguntas en tu cuaderno:

La viruela fue la primera enfermedad que el ser humano intent prevenir inoculndose a s mismo con otro
tipo de enfermedad. Se cree que la inoculacin naci en la India o en China alrededor del 200 a. C. En China,
a los pacientes que sufran tipos leves de viruela se les recogan fragmentos de pstulas secas para molerlas
hasta conseguir una mezcla con aspecto de polvo que luego se le introduca por la nariz, esperando que esto
les inmunizara. En 1718, Lady Mary Wortley Montague inform que los turcos tenan la costumbre de
inocularse con pus tomado de la viruela vacuna. Lady Montague inocul a sus propios hijos de esta manera.
En 1796, durante el momento de mayor extensin del virus de la viruela en Europa, un mdico rural de
Inglaterra, Edward Jenner, observ que las recolectoras de leche adquiran ocasionalmente una especie de
viruela de vaca o viruela vacuna (cowpox) por el contacto continuado con estos animales, y que luego
quedaban a salvo de enfermar de viruela comn. Efectivamente se ha comprobado que esta viruela vacuna
es una variante leve de la mortfera viruela humana. Trabajando sobre este caso de inoculacin, Jenner
tom viruela vacuna de la mano de la granjera Sarah Nelmes. Insert este fluido a travs de inyeccin en el
brazo de un nio de ocho aos, James Phipps. El pequeo mostr sntomas de la infeccin de viruela vacuna.
Cuarenta y ocho das ms tarde, despus de que Phipps se hubiera recuperado completamente de la
enfermedad, el doctor Jenner le inyect al nio infeccin de viruela humana, pero esta vez no mostr ningn
sntoma o signo de enfermedad.

Estamos en 2015. Cuntos aos hace que tuvo lugar la primera inoculacin en China o India?

Por qu va se introduca esa inoculacin?

Cmo se llama la capital del pas donde Lady Montague observ inoculaciones de viruela vacuna?

Cmo se dice viruela en ingls?

En qu ao naci James Phipps?

Por qu a las vacunas se les llama vacunas

Bio/Geo 1ESO. UNIT 9. LOS SERES VIVOS MAS SENCILLOS / The simplest living things. Worksheets

A14. Read the text and answer the questions about it.
History of penicillin: An accidental discovery
"When I woke up just after dawn on September 28, 1928, I certainly didn't plan to revolutionise all medicine
by discovering the world's first antibiotic, or bacteria killer, but I suppose that was exactly what I did."
By 1927, Fleming had been investigating the properties of staphylococci. He was already well-known from
his earlier work, and had developed a reputation as a brilliant researcher, but his laboratory was often
untidy. On 3 September 1928, Fleming returned to his laboratory having spent August on holiday with his
family. Before leaving, he had stacked all his cultures of staphylococci on a bench in a corner of his
laboratory. On returning, Fleming noticed that one culture was contaminated with a fungus, and that the
colonies of staphylococci immediately surrounding the fungus had been destroyed, whereas other
staphylococci colonies farther away were normal, "That's funny" he said. Fleming grew the mould in a pure
culture and found that it produced a substance that killed a number of disease-causing bacteria. He
identified the mould as being from the Penicillium genus, and, after some months of calling it "mould juice",
named the substance it released penicillin on 7 March 1929. It is impossible to know how many lives have
been saved by this discovery, but some scientific studies estimate about 200 million lives.
What was Fleming investigating in 1927?

When did Fleming return to his laboratory after the summer holidays?

Where were stacked all his cultures?

What caused the contamination at one of their cultures?

What Fleming said when he saw the contaminated culture?

What was the first name for penicillin?

How many lives have been saved by penicillin until today?

C6. Vocabulary review. Write down on your science notebook the following words and their meaning:

Dawn, killer, well-Known, researcher, untidy, stacked, culture, bench, fungus, surrounding, mould,
genus, released.

Lesson 6. El papel de los microorganismos. Son todos perjudiciales?

C7. Basndote en las pginas especficas de tu libro de texto elabora un esquema acerca de los distintos
papeles que juegan los microorganismos en la naturaleza. Comienza el esquema con una subdivisin entre
microorganismos beneficiosos / microorganismos perjudiciales y vete completndolo poco a poco con
todos los casos existentes en cada subdivisin.

Bio/Geo 1ESO. UNIT 9. LOS SERES VIVOS MAS SENCILLOS / The simplest living things. Worksheets

A15. Fill the gaps with the appropriate words of this list:
Plankton, cheese, inorganic, aquatic, decomposer, harmful, primary, bacteria, dead

_____________ microorganisms
____________ is the Some __________ are used
transform _________ animals and
__________ food for many to make food, like
plants into ____________
___________ animals. _________.
substances. Some are _______.

Lesson 7. Taking and classifying samples. Observing microorganisms

A16. Read the paragraphs and arrange them properly with a number from 1 to 5.

Scientists obtain data from nature by collecting samples. They do this for different reasons:
To compare: For example, on farms, blood samples are taken from animals. These are compared to check
the animals health.
To classify: Classification helps scientists to organise and understand the natural world.
You are going to compare two water samples. Then you will classify the microscopic living things in the

Identify the living things. Look at drawings of freshwater microscopic organisms to recognise the
samples under the microscope.

Take the samples. Put water from a puddle into a glass jar with a screw top. Alternative: put water
in a bowl and mix it with some soil and dried leaves. Let it rest for a few days. Put some tap water
into another clean jar. Label each jar.

Look at the puddle water through the microscope. First observe it with low magnification, then
increase it. Study all parts of the slide for a few minutes. Repeat the process with the tap water.

Classify the living things. Can you classify them into groups?

Observe the samples. Using a pipette, put three drops of puddle water onto a microscope slide.
Include a fragment of vegetation or clay. Put three drops of clean water onto another slide.

Bio/Geo 1ESO. UNIT 9. LOS SERES VIVOS MAS SENCILLOS / The simplest living things. Worksheets

C8. Vocabulary review. Write down on your science notebook the following words and their meaning:

Sample, blood, health, puddle, jar, screw top, soil, dried, tap water, slide (microscope part), pipette, clay,

Lesson 8. Revision and Self-assesment /Autoevaluacin

A17. Decide if the following statements are true or false without looking at your notes or textbook.
a. The Monera kingdom contains unicellular, microscopic, eukaryotic organisms.
b. Some saprophytes bacteria are useful: lactobacilo is used to make yoghurt.
c. There are five groups of protozoa. They are classified according to the way they move.
d. Viruses infect living cells, and then they can reproduce.
e. Symptoms are the effects that a disease has on the body, and cant be observed.
f. Malaria is caused by a protozoan and transmitted through the bite of the male Anopheles mosquito.
g. AIDS is caused by a bacteria and is transmitted through sexual and blood contact.
h. Vaccines teach the body how to fight an illness.
i. Antibiotics are produced by certain bacteria and fungi. They can fight illnesses caused by viruses.
j. All viruses are pathogenic.

A18. Write the meaning in English of the following words without looking at your notes or textbook.

Cultivo Pared celular

Viruela vacuna Saludable, sano
Resfriado Sntomas
Reino SIDA
Enfermedad vacuna

AXX. Psale esta hoja a tu compaero/a y pdele que, usando el libro de texto o tus notas te corrija el
ejercicio anterior. Haz lo mismo con el que te pase l/ella. Indica a continuacin cuntas tuvo bien y qu
errores ha tenido. Has tenido bien: ______ preguntas de las 20. Tus fallos han sido:

Bio/Geo 1ESO. UNIT 9. LOS SERES VIVOS MAS SENCILLOS / The simplest living things. Worksheets

A17. Planificacin del estudio. Elabora una lista de los apartados de la unidad que hemos trabajado.

02. ____________________________________________________________________________________
04. ___________________________________________________________________________________
06. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Da: Da: Da: Da: Da:

Hora: Hora: Hora: Hora: Hora:
Apartado(s): Apartado(s): Apartado(s): Apartado(s): Apartado(s):

Repaso: Repaso: Repaso: Repaso: Repaso:

Da: Da: Da: Da: Da:

Hora: Hora: Hora: Hora: Hora:
Apartado(s): Apartado(s): Apartado(s): Apartado(s): Apartado(s):

Repaso: Repaso: Repaso: Repaso: Repaso:


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