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Title: A Theory of Effective Computer-Based Instruction for Adults 1


Geovanni Hernandez / Alexandra Ramos / Melissa Lima

076-17-9641 / 076-17-8074 / 076-17-11014

Universidad Mariano Galvez

Computer Based-Instruction for Adults


A theory of Effective Computer-Based Instruction for Adults is a study that presents critical components that

affect the effectiveness of computer-based instruction (CBI) for adults. The theory framework for research to

explain or predict effective learning by adults using a computer. This metthod is used in educational and others

enveiroments (e.g., jobs). This is a complete process that includes the active participation of learners and

Computer Based-Instruction for Adults

A Theory of Effective Computer-based instruction for Adults

The rapid advance in tecnology the need for lifelong learnig and growth of non-tradicional students have
encouraged the computer as a method of instructional delivery. In other words computer based instruction (CBI)
is fast becoming a routine part of learners lives it has been largely no focused on adult learners.
The computer based instructions will give students and teachers an extra practice of activities learnt at the
class. They can use many different tools to do it, for example: platforms, servers like books and textbooks, and
special websites, which are organized to exercise and evaluate every topic studied. Teachers are able to assess
their students through worksheets, listenings, grammar exercises etc.

Unit of Theory

The theory was develop using a systems approach. That is the units are conceptualized within a macro system
model as inputs, processes, and outputs of CBI. Second the units of the theory operate as a system to influence
learning outcomes.

Output Units of the Theory

The units of the theory are the basic building blocks from which the researcher theorist constructs the theory .
The units represent those things whose interactions constitute the subject matter or the phenomenon of the theory.
The units of learning outcome, self-directedness, computer self-efficacy, learning goal level, instructional strategy
design, CBI design, and external support represent the concepts about which the researcher is trying to make

Process unit of the Theory

This represent the enviromental and CBI system factors expected to influence the learning outcomes .

Input Units of the Theory

Self-directedness is defined as an approach where learners are more motivate to asume personal
responsability and collaborative control of the cognitive and contextual process .

Computer Based-Instruction for Adults

Instructional stratrategy design

Is defined as elemental methods for detemining and sequencing content, presenting content and decisin
making related to the content its delivery.

Organizational Strategy

Is the method of sequencing the subject matter content for instruction the event of instruction should be
included on the organizational strategy in the lesson of learning module this would be determine by the objetives.
The information can be analized to determine the most efficient arrangement of the knowladge for purposes
learning.Well-organized information services as a graphic organizar,helps in learning information.

Delivery Strategies

Involve determining the appropiate media of instruction and grouping strategies for CBI could be individual
or small group consisting of three students.suggested that low achievers benefit from having another human
around who is aware of actions so alter the learning behavior.

The instructional managment strategy

This delivery strategies scheduling of instruction so scheduling may include times when a computer room is
available or using resources to ensurence that enough computers are available forthose needing so this strategy
includes the managment of instructional individuals.
Computer Based-Instruction for Adults
Input Units of the theory

1. Self-directedness

Is the learners ability to independently plan, conduct, and evaluate their learning. There are three dimensions to
the self-directedness unit:

- Motivation to learn
- Metacognitive skills
- Locus of control

Motivation to learn:

Adult learner comes to the learning training scene with a combination of motivation, educational habit, and self-
image that predisposes him o her whether or not to learn.

Metacognitive skills:

Are those that help a person understand and regulate cognitive performance .

Locus of control:

Is the personss belief in the ability to control outcomes of forces either internal or external to themselves.

2. Computer Self-Efficacy:

The belief that one has the capability to perform a particular behavior.

3. Learning goal level:

Is defined as the activities or performance required in the affective, cognitive and psychomotor
Computer Based-Instruction for Adults

Laws of interaction

A law of interaction is a statement by the researcher-theorist of the relationship between units and shows how
the units of the theory are linked.

Self-directedness and CBI desing

Learners who possess internal locus of control, high metacognitive skills, and a high level of motivation to learn
will be successful using learner controlled options for CBI design and less instructional support

Learners who possess external locus of control, low metacognitive skills, and low level of motivation to learn
will need program control for instruction and much instructional support

Computer self-efficacy and CBI desing

Computer self-efficacy is expected to influence the components of instructional control and instructional
support of the unit domain of CBI design

Instructional support such as feedback and coaching needs to be available to the learner to enable them to be

Learning goal level and instructional strategy desing

The learning goal level influences how the instruction is organized and presented. determines the type of
learning for which the instructional strategy design must be developed.

Learning goal level and CBI design. Learning goal level is expected to influence the components of
instructional control and instructional support of the unit domain of CBI design. Learning goal levels of
application, synthesis and evaluation.

CBI designed for higher-level learning outcomes such as a problem solving, rule learning, and defined concepts
requires that the learners generate solution to problems, demonstrate the use of rules they have learned and
classify objects based on the instruction they have received.
Computer Based-Instruction for Adults

Elaboration of processes of strategic reflection of the practices of people management in the companies and
organizations under study, based on a previous diagnosis of the main practices of people management in the
company, its management processes, its organization, Its key people and its alignment with the company's strategy
and the situation of the company. The units of self-directedness and computer self-efficacy influence external
support. Learning goals level is in put into the process of instructional strategy design
Computer Based-Instruction for Adults

System States

System states indicate the complexity of real world that the theory is presumed to represent and the different
conditions under which the theory operates there are type of system states.

Effective system status

In the system state, alignment of both the upper half and the lower half of the model design results in an effective
CBI. Alignment occurs in two ways. When the units of support are complementary with the units of design in
which they are united each one of them. Another way is also when it aligns with another and that same unit joins
with another, which those alignments are complemented.

Ineffective system state

In this state of the system, the top and bottom in the CBI model are not aligned this type of evaluations no support
units are not effective.

Moderately effective system state

In this system, state is moderate but not completely aligned


The propositions are grounded in the explanatory and predictive power embedded in the theoretical framework
constructed during the theory development process.

There are some propositions:

The level of self-direction of the student is related to the level of the same as the efficiency also in the computers
also has relation with the desired of the student.

All the lessons and learning that the learners need to be able to implement the CBI method is to implement the
strategies through established alignments
Computer Based-Instruction for Adults


This work summarizes the principales aspects of A Theory of Effective Computer-Based Instruction for Adults,

design the computer programming of content and lesson that considers the individual differences of the learner

to achieve the learning goal level delivered by the computer. Taking in account different aspects like feedback,

screen desing, external support, and in the other hand take in account individual aspects of learners like self-

directedness, motivtion to lear and metacognitive skills and how it is used with CBI . So the CBI added to the

Online learning will continue to grow in importance for adult learners.

Computer Based-Instruction for Adults






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