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Convert fuzzy grade to Crisp output

*Fuzzy Engineering, Bart Kosko

Defuzzification (Cont.)
Centroid Method: the most prevalent and
physically appealing of all the defuzzification
methods [Sugeno, 1985; Lee, 1990]
Often called
Center of area
Center of gravity

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Defuzzification (Cont.)
Max-membership principal
Also known as height method

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Defuzzification (Cont.)
Weighted average method
Valid for symmetrical output membership functions
Formed by weighting
each functions in the
output by its respective
maximum membership

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Defuzzification (Cont.)
Mean-max membership (middle of maxima)
Maximum membership is a plateau

Z* = a + b

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Defuzzification (Cont.)
Center of sums
Faster than many defuzzification methods

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Defuzzification (Cont.)
Center of Largest area
If the output fuzzy set has at least two convex
subregion, defuzzify the largest area using centroid

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Defuzzification (Cont.)
First (or last) of maxima
Determine the smallest value of the domain with
maximized membership degree

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Example: Defuzzification
Find an estimate crisp output from the following
3 membership functions

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Example: Defuzzification

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Example: Defuzzification
Weighted Average

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Example: Defuzzification

Z* = (6+7)/2 = 6.5

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Example: Defuzzification
Center of sums

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Example: Defuzzification
Center of largest area
Same as the centroid method because the complete
output fuzzy set is convex

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Example: Defuzzification
First and Last of maxima

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Of the seven defuzzification methods presented,
which is the best?
It is context or problem-dependent

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Defuzzification: Criteria
Hellendoorn and Thomas specified 5 criteria
against whnic to measure the methods
#1 Continuity
Small change in the input should not produce the large
change in the output
#2 Disambiguity
Defuzzification method should always result in a unique
value, I.e. no ambiguity
Not satisfied by the center of largest area!

*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross

Defuzzification: Criteria (Cpnt.)
Hellendoorn and Thomas specified 5 criteria
against whnic to measure the methods
#3 Plausibility
Z* should lie approximatly in the middle of the support region
and hve high degree of membership
#4 Computational simplicity
Centroid and center of sum required complex computation!
#5 Constitutes the difference between centroid,
weighted average and center of sum
Problem-dependent, keep computation simplicity
*Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross
Designing Antecedent Membership Functions

Recommend designer to adopt the

following design principles:
Each Membership function overlaps only with
the closest neighboring membership
For any possible input data, its membership
values in all relevant fuzzy sets should sum to 1
(or nearly)
* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Designing Antecedent Membership Functions

A Membership Function Design that violates the second principle

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Designing Antecedent Membership Functions

A Membership Function Design that violates both principle

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Designing Antecedent Membership Functions

A symmetric Function Design Following the guidelines

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Designing Antecedent Membership Functions

An asymmetric Function Design Following the guidelines

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Example: Furnace Temperature Control

Temperature reading from sensor
Furnace Setting
Power control to motor

* Fuzzy Systems Toolbox, M. Beale and H Demuth

MATLAB: Create membership functions - Temp

* Fuzzy Systems Toolbox, M. Beale and H Demuth

MATLAB: Create membership functions - Setting

* Fuzzy Systems Toolbox, M. Beale and H Demuth

MATLAB: Create membership functions - Power

* Fuzzy Systems Toolbox, M. Beale and H Demuth

If - then - Rules
Fuzzy Rules for Furnace control
Low Medium High
Cold Low Medium High
Cool Low Medium High
Moderate Low Low Low
Warm Low Low Low
Hot low Low Low
* Fuzzy Systems Toolbox, M. Beale and H Demuth
Antecedent Table

* Fuzzy Systems Toolbox, M. Beale and H Demuth

Antecedent Table
A = table(1:5,1:3);
Table generates matrix represents a table of all
possible combinations

* Fuzzy Systems Toolbox, M. Beale and H Demuth

Consequence Matrix

* Fuzzy Systems Toolbox, M. Beale and H Demuth

Evaluating Rules with Function

* Fuzzy Systems Toolbox, M. Beale and H Demuth

Design Guideline (Inference)
Max-Min (Clipping) Inference method
be used together with the MAX
aggregation operator and the MIN AND

Max-Product (Scaling) Inference

method be used together with the SUM
aggregation operator and the PRODUCT
AND method
* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Example: Fully Automatic Washing Machine

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Example: Fully Automatic Washing Machine

Laundry Softness
Laundry Quantity

Washing Cycle
Washing Time

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Example: Input Membership functions

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Example: Output Membership functions

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Example: Fuzzy Rules for Washing Cycle
Small Medium Large

Soft Delicate Light Normal

Normal Light Normal Normal
Normal Light Normal Strong

Hard Light Normal Strong

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Example: Control Surface View (Clipping)

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Example: Control Surface View (Scaling)

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Example: Control Surface View

Clipping Scaling

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Example: Rule View (Clipping)

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall
Example: Rule View (Scaling)

* Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall

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