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Proceedings of the
55th Annual Convention of
the American Association of
Equine Practitioners
December 59, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada
Program Chair : Nathaniel A. White

Dr. David D. Frisbie, Educational Programs Committee Chair
Carey M. Ross, Scientific Publications Coordinator

Published by the American Association

of Equine Practitioners
ISSN 00657182
American Association of Equine Practitioners, 2009
Published in IVIS with the permission of the AAEP Close this window to return to IVIS


How to Diagnose Common Equine Reproductive

Tract Bacterial Pathogens Using
Chromogenic Agar

David P. Beehan, MVB; and

Angus O. McKinnon, BVSc, MSc, Diplomate ACT, ABVP

Authors address: Goulburn Valley Equine Hospital, 905B Goulburn Valley Highway, Congupna,
Victoria 3633, Australia; e-mail: davidpbeehan@eircom.net. 2009 AAEP.

1. Introduction to reveal the genus- or species-specific enzyme activi-

The most common microbiological pathogens of re- ties of microorganisms.2 These chromogenic sub-
productive tract disease in the horse are Streptococ- strates release specific colored dyes when hydrolyzed
cus sp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, by enzymes of pathogenic microorganisms, which re-
Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aerugi- sults in readily identifiable colored colonies.3 The in-
nosa. The standard approach to the detection of clusion of multiple chromogenic substrates into the
these pathogenic bacteria is to culture the reproduc- culture media facilitates the differentiation of polymi-
tive tracts of the mare or stallion. One or more crobial cultures by causing the development of multi-
general purpose media such as horse blood agar ple colored colonies. Selective chromogenic media
(HBA) or MacConkey agar are inoculated before aer- were first used in 1976 for the direct identification of
obic incubation occurs at 37C for 24 48 h. The Escherichia coli in the primary culture of urine.4
identification of pathogenic bacteria has been based Since then, a number of commercially prepared chro-
on colony size, morphology, pigmentation, hemolytic mogenic agars have been developed for the accurate
patterns, and gram-stain. Such colonial character- and rapid identification of pathogens of the human
istics rarely permitted more than a presumptive urinary tract, because urine cultures in human hospi-
identification, and biochemical and/or serological tals contribute greatly to the daily workload of a mi-
tests are required for definitive diagnosis. This ap- crobiological laboratory.5 Brilliance Urinary Tract
proach frequently necessitates the testing of com- Infection (UTI) Agara is one such commercially pre-
mensal bacteria that resemble pathogens,1 which pared media (formerly Chromogenic UTI agar). It
may be more expensive and labor intensive, espe- allows the identification of Streptococcus sp., Esche-
cially in a veterinary practice trying to make accu- richia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas
rate and expedient bacterial diagnoses. aeruginosa, Staphylococcus sp., Enterobacter aero-
The principle of the use of chromogenic agar is that genes, Enterococcus faecalis, Citrobacter sp., Proteus
chromogenic substrates are incorporated into the agar sp., and Candida sp.2


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Fig. 1. A HBA/MacConkey biplate.

Fig. 2. A chromogenic agar plate.

The potential of chromogenic agar for use at the

Goulburn Valley Equine Hospital (GVEH) was first nation again at 48 h. A negative result was only
realized after a Google search performed by one of confirmed at 48 h. Any further subculturing or anti-
the authors (AOM) found a practical in-house rapid microbial sensitivity testing was performed at this
and accurate laboratory technique to diagnose time. When all microorganism identification was
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneu- complete and antimicrobial sensitivities were ana-
moniae. The prime directive was a number of lyzed, a complete report was made available to both
Thoroughbred stud farms, standing breeding stal- the stallion farm and broodmare farm. In general, for
lion farms that were serviced by the GVEH, that reasons of discretion, a positive result was only made
requested that all mares bred by their stallions with available to the broodmare farm.
natural service be screened negative for the above- Using chromogenic agar, microorganisms are
named pathogens. Additionally, the technique aids usually identified by their color and gram-stain
in the rapid identification of bacteria associated with appearance; however, to confirm the presence of
endometrial infection. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Previously, chromogenic agar was not reported to (Figs. 310) biochemical testing was always per-
be used in this area of veterinary medicine. formed. (Figs. 310) The three biochemical test
kits used at the practice laboratory (GVEH) are the
2. Materials and Methods RapID NF Plus,b RapID ONE,c and RapID SS/Ud
Endometrial and clitoral culture samples were identification tests. These tests are designed to be
taken from mares in early estrus. Endometrial easy to set-up and interpret; they are accurate and
swabs were taken using double-guarded swabs to produce same-day (2 4 h) results.6 The RapID NF
minimize vaginal or perineal contamination. The Plus test was used for the diagnosis of the medically
swabs were transported to the laboratory in trans- important glucose non-fermenting (catalase positive
port media. On arrival, the name of the mare, and oxidase variable) gram-negative rods (e.g.,
breeding farm, stallion farm, date, and time were Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The RapID ONE test was
recorded, and the swabs were then streaked on Bril- used for the identification of medically important En-
liance UTI Agar, HBA, and MacConkey split agar terbacteriaceae and other selected, oxidase negative,
plates. (Figs. 1 and 2). Plates were incubated aero- gram-negative bacilli (e.g., Klebsiella pneumoniae).
bically at 37C, and any bacterial growth was regis- The RapID SS/U test was used for general identifica-
tered at 24 and 48 h. Examination at 24 h was tion of medically important microorganisms commonly
required to identify heavy mixed cultures that may isolated from urine specimens when it was not clear
have required subculturing so that individual colonies that either of the other tests were more appropriate.
could be identified at 48 h. Also at 24 h, presumptive
identification of pure uterine cultures permitted anti- 3. Results
microbial sensitivity testing to begin, and results were From August 2006 to December 2008, a total of 1374
available at 48 h. All plates underwent final exami- endometrial swabs and 1158 clitoral swabs were
AAEP PROCEEDINGS Vol. 55 2009 321

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Fig. 3. Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The cream-colored colonies Fig. 5. Klebsiella pneumoniae.

are the most common colony types.

collected from Thoroughbred mares on farms ser- sized gram-negative rods. After subculturing to
viced by practice veterinarians and other regional ensure pure colonies, a RapID NF Plus identification
veterinary practices. The color and colony appear- test was performed as the final confirmation. The
ance guide provided in Table 1 was used to identify similar appearance of some Staphylococcus sp. and
the isolated bacteria. Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonies required an oxi-
The diagnosis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was dase test to be performed. Oxidase test stripse
based on the colony appearance, a positive oxidase were used to perform this test. (Fig. 11). Also noted
test, and the identification by gram stain of medium- was the unique effect that pyocyanin and pyoverdin,

Fig. 4. The unique effects of Pyocyanin and Pyoverdin produced Fig. 6. The similar appearance of Enterobacter aerogenes (left)
by Pseudomonas aeruginosa on an antimicrobial sensitivity plate. and Klebsiella pneumoniae (right).

322 2009 Vol. 55 AAEP PROCEEDINGS

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Fig. 7. Large colonies of Klebsiella pneumoniae are present with Fig. 9. Citrobacter sp. (left) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Streptococcus sp. (small light blue colonies), Staphylococcus sp. (right).
(white colonies), and E. coli (pink colonies).

culturing, when necessary, to isolate single colonies.

a blue-green pigment typically produced by Pseudo- A gram stain was used to confirm a gram-negative
monas aeruginosa, had on sensitivity plates. rod, and then the RapID One test was performed for
The diagnosis of Klebsiella pneumoniae required final identification (Figs. 1 8).
the differentiation of these colonies from those of The presumptive diagnosis of the other main of-
Enterobacter sp. and Citrobacter sp., because the fending bacteria (i.e., Escherichia coli, Streptococcus
color that the Brilliance UTI Agar turns these bac- sp., and Staphylococcus sp.) was made by using the
teria is similar.3 They were differentiated by sub- colony identification guide shown in Table 1. Esch-

Fig. 8. The pink colonies of Escherichia coli. Fig. 10. Antimicrobial sensitivity testing.

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Table 1. Colony Identification Guide

Total No.
Species Detected Appearance of Colonies on Brilliance UTI Agar

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 29 Variable. Usually cream/pale green or tan/brownish. Oxidase positive.

Good but slow growth. 2.54 mm.
Klebsiella pneumoniae 30 Good growth, Large purple/deep blue/metallic navy colonies. 24 mm.
Escherichia coli 831 Good growth, darkish pink colonies. 23 mm.
Streptococcus sp. 687 Good growth, light blue colonies. 0.51 mm.
Staphylococcus sp. 446 Good growth, white colonies. Oxidase negative, always Catalase
positive. 23 mm.
Enterobacter aerogenes 92 Dark blue/navy colonies. Similar but subjectively smaller than
Klebsiella sp. 24 mm.
Citrobacter sp. 35 Dark blue/navy colonies. Usually smaller than Klebsiella sp. and
Enterobacter sp.
Enterococcus sp. 134 Good Growth, light blue colonies. 0.51 mm.
Proteus sp. 188 Good growth, brown colonies.
Candida sp. 3 Good but slow growth. Typically blue/white colonies.

erichia coli grew rapidly and was the only bacteria light blue colonies on Brilliance UTI Agar; however,
that produced pink colonies (Fig. 9) on Brilliance Enterococcus sp. is unique in that it has the ability
UTI Agar. The most significant Streptococcus sp. to grow on both HBA and MacConkey agar.
associated with endometrial disease is the -hemo- Staphylococcus sp. can be differentiated from
lytic Streptococcus sp. (e.g., Streptococcus Equi var Pseudomonas aeruginosa, because it is oxidase neg-
zooepidemicus). To diagnose the presence of a ative and catalase positive. The catalase test is
-hemolytic Streptococcus sp., the hemolytic pattern another simple test that can be used to identify a
must be identified from the bacterial growth on species of bacteria. It is especially useful for dis-
HBA, because chromogenic agar will not show any tinguishing between Staphylococcus sp. and Strep-
hemolytic patterns. This also allows for differenti- tococcus sp., because both may show hemolysis on
ation between the non-hemolytic and -hemolytic blood agar and are coccoid on gram stain. Typi-
Streptococcus sp.. The presence of -hemolytic pin- cally, Streptococcus sp. is ovoid, because it divides
point colonies that are only present on HBA in con- only in one plane and is present in chains, whereas
junction with the presence of light blue colonies on Staphylococcus sp. is perfectly round and present in
Brilliance UTI Agar allows the presumptive diagno- clusters as it divides in two planes. The catalyse
sis of -hemolytic Streptococcus sp. Enterococcus test is performed by placing a drop of 3% hydrogen
sp. is the other main differential for the growth of peroxide on a microscope slide and smearing a bac-
terial colony from chromogenic agar through the
drop. A positive result is bubbling or frothing as-
sociated with the generation of oxygen. Staphylo-
coccus sp. is a strongly catalase positive, and
Streptococcus sp. and Enterococcus sp. are catalyse
negative. The catalase test should not be per-
formed on blood agar, because it contains catalase.
To confirm the presence of Staphyloccus aureus, a
coagulase test must be performed. Coagulase is
an enzyme produced by particular Staphylococcus
sp. and correlates with pathogenicity. The test is
performed by mixing a suspension of staphylococci
with rabbit plasma on a slide. A positive reaction
is indicated by clumping of bacteria within 12
min. Staphyloccus aureus is coagulase positive,
whereas many commensal Staphylococcus sp. are
negative. This test was not routinely performed
at the GVEH.
An endometrial culture was considered positive if
Fig. 11. A positive Oxidase test result. A purple color within it grew 5 colonies per plate that formed units and
20 s is a positive result. Oxidase tests are performed by lightly had no more than three different bacterial patho-
rubbing the suspect colony on the test strip. Typically, the color gens present. Any positive endometrial swabs that
change occurs in 10 s. grew four or more different bacterial colonies were
324 2009 Vol. 55 AAEP PROCEEDINGS

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Table 2. Common Urinary Pathogens Identified by the RapID SS/U Test The disadvantages of this technique include the
Pseudomonas sp. slightly higher cost of chromogenic agar plates, es-
pecially in facilities processing small numbers of
Klebsiella sp. samples, the lack of benefit for the screening and
Escherichia coli diagnosis of Taylorella equigenitalis, another poten-
Staphylococcus sp. tial venereal pathogen that recently has emerged
Enterobacter sp.
again in the United States, and the potential for
Citrobacter sp.
Enterococcus sp.
misdiagnosis of Candida sp. with Staphylococcus sp.
Proteus sp. (both may produce white colonies that are oxidase
Candida albicans negative); however, a gram stain easily differenti-
ates these microorganisms, and Staphylococcus sp.
is invariably catalase positive. The technique does
not differentiate pathogenic from non-pathogenic
bacteria, and any interpretation of the significance
presumed to be contaminated, and reswabbing of
of uterine bacteria isolated must be related to endo-
the affected mare was advised. If an endometrial
metrial cytology and clinical examination.
swab result showed a positive growth, antimicrobial
In summary, because of the limited availability of
sensitivity testing was performed using colonies
regional laboratory facilities that offer a rapid, accu-
taken from the chromogenic agar. The antibiotics
rate, and continuous weekly screening service in our
tested at the GVEH were penicillin, ticarcillin, gen-
area, the introduction of chromogenic agar at the
tamicin, neomycin, ceftiofur, and enrofloxacin.
GVEH has been very useful. It has resulted in a fast
Quality control measures were used to ensure that
and accurate service that was especially important
our results were accurate and reliable. These in-
when samples were collected from mares close to the
cluded using standard pure cultures of bacterial
weekend. At that time, traditional services are not
specimens, which had been previously validated by
able to provide a report in time to facilitate breeding
an accredited microbiology laboratory, to compare
when mares are required to be presented with a neg-
color and biochemical tests results. In-house bio-
ative culture to potential pathogens.
chemical testing was routinely used on other bacte-
The accuracy and ease of interpretation of bacterial
ria in addition to Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
isolation using chromogenic agar suggests that it is a
Klebsiella pneumoniae. The RapID SS/U test can
technique applicable to many veterinary practices
be used to diagnose many of the bacteria that the
with similar diagnostic requirements as the GVEH.
GVEH expects to diagnose (Table 2). During our
first year using the new procedure, independent di- The authors would like to acknowledge John F.
agnosis of bacteria was also confirmed on selected Prescott, MA, VetMB, PhD, Natasha Hovanessian,
samples by an accredited microbiological laboratory. BVSc, and Padhraic Doran, MVB.
References and Footnotes
4. Discussion
1. Perry JD, Freydie`re AM. The application of chromogenic
The use of chromogenic agar is a new and exciting media in clinical microbiology. J Appl Microbiol 2007;103:
technique to help identify the pathogens of the 2046 2055.
equine reproductive tract. It has revolutionized 2. Carricajo A, Boiste S, Thore J, et al. Comparative evalua-
microbiological management in our practice because tion of five chromogenic media for detection, enumeration and
identification of urinary tract pathogens. Eur J Clin Micro-
of the rapid and accurate identification of common biol Infect Dis 1999;18:796 803.
reproductive tract pathogens. 3. Samra Z, Heifetz M, Talmor J, et al. Evaluation of use of a
It has a number of advantages over traditional new chromogenic agar in detection of urinary tract patho-
methods of microbial identification. These include gens. J Clin Microbiol 1998;36:990 994.
4. Kilian M, Bulow P. Use of a -glucoridase detecting agar
the reduction in the time required for the laboratory medium (PGUA agar) for the identification of Escherichia coli
processing of samples, the ease of colony identifica- in primary cultures of urine samples. Acta Pathol Microbiol
tion, the low level of skill required to interpret re- Scand 1979;8:271276.
sults, the reliability of colonies taken from 5. Fallon D, Ackland G, Andrews N, et al. A comparison of the
chromogenic agar for pathogen identification and performance of commercially available chromogenic agars for
the isolation and presumptive identification of organisms
antimicrobial sensitivity testing, and the proven from urine. J Clin Pathol 2003;56:608 612.
high level of sensitivity of chromogenic agar in iden- 6. Kitch TT, Jacobs MR, Applebaum PC. Evaluation of the
tifying pathogens.5 The slightly higher cost of 4-hour RapID NF Plus method for identification of 345 gram-
chromogenic agar per plate ($1.15 AUS) compared negative non-fermentative rods. J Clin Microbiol 1992;30:
with conventional split-plate media ($0.58 AUS) was
offset by a reduced need for complementary reagents a
Brilliance Urinary Tract Infection Agar, Oxoid Ltd., Solaar
and a reduction in labor hours associated with the House, 19 Mercers Row, Cambridge CB5 8BZ, United Kingdom.
processing of culture plates and suspect pathogens.1 c
RapID NF Plus, Remel, Lenexa, Kansas 662153594.
RapID ONE, Remel, Lenexa, Kansas 662153594.
Additionally, the technique removed the often iden- d
RapID SS/, Remel, Lenexa, Kansas 662153594.
tified problems associated with samples submitted e
Oxidase test strips, Oxoid Ltd., Solaar House, 19 Mercers Row,
immediately before the weekend. Cambridge CB5 8BZ, United Kingdom.

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Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the AAEP - Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2009

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