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Lillie Rice

Ms Okeefe, Mr. Crain-Davis

English 4
June 1st 2017

Original Title
Women And Men Emotions, Same Scenario Different Reactions

Why I asked this question

The reason for me asking this question is because I have noticed in many different ways,

that a woman tend to show more emotion than men shows in different types of situations.

Women emotionally show that they are hurt, happy, or feeling any other way. Women show

these emotions through tears and body language, while men tend to not show any emotion to a

situation at all. I want to know why men do not show their feelings through tears like women, or

what does a man do when he is reacting with emotion, what does that look like, what can it tell

me about that man. Asking this, another question forms in my head: what goes on in a mans

head when he wants to react to something but chooses not too, what does that say about him?

Same for women also.

What I knew Before

In a relationship you have a woman who is sensitive, shows emotions wherever, and they

expresses their feelings before closing up. Then you have a man, who is harder, cares but doesnt

show much of it at all, and doesnt cry often. Before any of my research I figured that women are

more sensitive than men because men tends to not have as much care as the woman do. I said

this because many relationships Ive seen or been in, I or the girl is constantly crying more than

the boy and the boy would have a stale face but not one tear will drop. Ive noticed it enough to
become curious on why dont men show their emotion. Something else I also knew is that

women arent afraid to show that they care but men do. I didnt know much about men and their

emotions until after my research. But something I did know was that is a myth about men that

says they arent men if they cry, and they are soft if the tear drops. This to me isnt true at all,

even though its rare that you will see a man crying you will still see 3/10 men expressing their

feelings with tears and still be as manly as any other man who dont.

The Search

During my search there was different point of views. Some said how and why women are

more sensitive, and then in others point of view men are more sensitive they just do not show it

through tears, or a noticeable expressions. Female participants scored higher than males on

self-reported empathy, and this sex difference increased with age (Delise Dellarosa, 3). This

quote shows what type of emotions do in fact go within the women's minds, and what they show

it with, or sometimes why they're even emotional. This research shows that males and females

feel the same thing, but report what they feel differently. Women showed neural activity in the

anterior insula cortex, which processes bodily sensations (Delise Dellarosa, 5). This goes to

show that women deeply experience emotions with their bodies. Female tends to think about

both her and his feelings more than he tend to think about his own. Empathy plays a big part in

the female figure of an relationship because females tends to think harder on either past, present,

or future situations. Compassion, the male shows it but not as emotionally as the female. Women

tends to be more affected when being nervous about something thats coming up, or an argument

that just passed. Women hold on to hurt more than men do. This goes to show that women

overthink, or even just want everything to go right, while men sit and wait for everything to fall
in place, their kind of more humble. A few students at Basel University did a study on men and

women emotions in certain situation. They found women rate images as more emotionally

stimulating than men do and are more likely to remember them.Earlier studies have shown that

emotions influence our memory: the more emotional a situation is, the more likely we are to

remember it. This would suggest that gender-dependent differences in emotional processing and

memory are due to different mechanisms,' says study leader Dr Annette Milnik. This goes to

show how women emotions comes from image memory, the past, or something that bothered

them they tend to hold on to it more than men do, this is where the hold of grudge come in ,and

attitude. This forms a question as to whether women often outperform men in memory tests

because of the way they process emotion. During this research I found that women hold on to

grudges because of that mind set and image they keep in their head, and it keeps them emotional,

bad and good. With the help of 3,398 test subjects from four sub-trials, the researchers were

able to demonstrate that females rated emotional image content especially negative content as

more emotionally stimulating than their male counterparts did (Mark Pigg, 3). This source

helped my search because it shows how women hold on to either bad or good images which

causes them to become emotional with the littlest things such as small arguments, or even when

something dont go as expected. Men demonstrated a marginally higher emotional reaction to

the blissful, funny and exciting content compared to the women but responded twice as strongly

as women when presented with heart-warming content (Brogan Driscoll, 8). The research

shows that men are more emotional than women they just dont cry. Men experience greater

levels of emotion than women when presented with heart-warming material, according to the

study for Royal Mail, which has used the findings to produce the definitive list of phrases for a
successful Fathers Day card. This goes to show how men have feelings and can react to certain

things but they tend not to show it as often as women do, because women hold onto things and

remember and that tends to bring emotional distress on them more than men. Men tend to let

things ride by and show hard love to certain situation and that triggers the women also. Low sex

drive causes women to become emotional stated Helen Fisher. Emotions can come from a lot of

different things, but some women needs sex to calm them down, and not getting it will get them

worked up and emotional also. In Helen Fishers talk she say basically how love can affect you

physically and emotionally, but women tend to get affected by it more than men do. Helen states

how love is like a drug, you take it and get addicted and when theres no more you feel helpless

and emotionally, you feel like you NEED it to be happy. Women looks for happiness while men

tend to sit back and wait till it comes to them. Helen says how men show emotion through anger

but not tears like women do. This source help me with my source because this information is

coming from someone who have done tests, researches, and questionnaires on men and women

both and saw how they react in certain situations, and how they think on certain things. Women

hold things on their conscious longer than men. In this source it tells how men and women

process emotions differently, women tend to let it all out at that moment or do something to keep

their mind off of it, meanwhile men think about it daily but dont cry because some goes by the

myth of men must not cry but be strong. Previous research shows how women generally

experience higher levels of emotional stimulation than men. Woman enhanced to recall a more

positive image than men but women showed emotion more than men. Data from 700 participants

suggested that womens reactivity to negative emotional images is link with increased activity of

motor regions of the brain. This research basically shows how women can hold things on their
conscious longer than men but men tend to think about it more, women just react differently.

One part of the brain participates fear, as in falling in love, excessive appetite, and feelings of

desire, according to first science tv. In this documentary it tells me the difference between men

and women brains. It shows different details about it and images. Women's brains are smaller

than men's brains. It also tells about a part of the brain that connects to the the men and women

emotions and how they tend to work differently even though they are the same thing. It is

controversial rather or not that part of the brain have any effect on the women emotion and the

men conscious. This source helps my search because it gives a visual representation on the men

and women brain and shows how the brain reacts to it, or what is does in a situation. Women do

appear to react more negatively to unpleasant experiences in experimental settings Women tend

to be able to recognize and process the negative emotions of others better than men do (David

Schmitt, 4). In this source David tells how men and women have two different perspectives in a

relationship. He does tell his opinion here and there but most things are facts about females and

males. He have a couple links leading to some interviews he did and got some evidence on how

relationships are and what makes the female more sensitive. This source helps my search

because it is always good to get opinions on what someone else thinks about your search

question it can help you move forward or sometimes it can make you think harder and dig

deeper. Unfortunately, society has told men its a sign of weakness to express their feelings

while its much more socially acceptable for women to talk about their feelings according to the

hopeline. I actually agree with this because I have heard people say this a few times. Its either

someone said big boys dont cry to a kid which that kid will grow up to live by just that. Most

of the time a childs knowledge comes from the heart of a mother and the soul of a father, it
starts at home. The hopeline states Men are also more physical, and tend to work out their

emotions by finding solutions, and doing things. The harm is when men keep stuffing all their

feelings inside, letting them simmer and brew, and potentially eat away at them eventually

coming out as anger. This goes to show that men rather let their anger build and hold things in

then to talk it out or let go of what's bothering them right at that moment. This source tells the

different emotions of men and women. It also tells how men and women balances out their

relationships throughout the emotions they may have in the relationship daily or period. This

source also mention how the mixed emotions can cause confusion is a relationship. These

emotional tasks are more mentally tiring than washing the dishes or a mindless whip round with

the vacuum cleaner, yet theyre not given half the recognition said Ellen Tout. In this source it

tells a woman story and how she sometimes feel throughout her relationship. She expresses her

thoughts and emotions and things her husband does sometimes but not as often as her should.

She talks about why she think men do not react in certain situations women does.

What I Learned

During my research Ive learned a lot more about men and their emotions, and some

things even caught me by surprise that men are actually more emotional than women. As I read

the sources to my question I learned that the woman brain has this part that hold emotion images,

bad news, good news, etc. Basically it hold her emotions and tend to run it in her mind a few

times, and that causes her to remember things that made her cry, or even things that made her
happy. Something else I learned is that womens emotions revolves around rather they are

hungry, if something dont go their way, sex, when their isnt sure about something, when they

love to hard, and when they feel like they are being pushed away. But the odds of men and

women having evolved the exact same emotional physocology are basically zero. This goes to

show that men and women arent going to be on the same level with emotion because they just

mentally not their. Women shows a different action than men when upset, happy, frustrated, etc.

Women tend to react more negatively to unpleasant experiences in experimental settings. They

also tend to be able to recognize and process the negative emotions of others better than men do.

This tells me that women have that naturally mentality to know when something is wrong, or

knowing sadness regardless. My research questioned flipped going along the way of my research

because at first I thought that women was more emotional because they cry and show it more,

but then as I was researching it makes since that men really just hold it in but they get more

emotional than women. Although it didnt change what I think a whole lot, it still made me think

on maybe men just may do be more sensitive than women in some way, but women just show it.

Women also distance themselves away when they feel something bad, things like: they are

unwanted, they dont belong, theyre wrong, they should go, or even when they are pushed away

knowing they want to stay. There are so many point of views on my research question, and there

is more than one answer. So instead of it coming down to one answer, it is more like an

debatable answer to it.

What I still want to know

In this section I still want to know why men chose to live by the saying men should not

cry because it shows a sign of weakness. I want to know why they chose to live by that and not

act in their own way? I want to know how it shows a sign of weakness? I want to know who

came up with such a myth men follow up behind. I want to know rather or not more men will

start to show their emotions over time.

Works Cited

"7 Things All Women Need In A Relationship." Jordan Gray Consulting. 28 Sept. 2016. Web. 01 June
iiiiiiiiii iiiii 2017.
Cummins, Denise Dellarosa. "Are Males and Females Equally Emotional?" Psychology Today. Sussex
iiiiiiiii Publishers, 23 June 2014. Web. 08 May 2017.

Dailymail.com, Mark Prigg For. "Male and Female Brains Really ARE Wired Differently: Study Finds
iiiii iiiiiiiiii Women Are Far More Affected by Emotional Images." Daily Mail Online. Associated
Newspapers, 21 Jan. 2015. Web. 11 May 2017.

Driscoll, Brogan. "Who Are The Biggest Blubbers - Men Or Women?" HuffPost UK. The Huffington Post,
iiiiiiiiii 13 June 2014. Web. 11 May 2017.

Ellen.tout. "Who Is Carrying the Emotional Labour in Your Relationship?" Psychologies. 09 July 2016.
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"[ESL Tutorials] - How Men And Women Process Emotions Differently." YouTube. YouTube, 03 Feb.
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Fisher, Helen. "The Brain in Love." Helen Fisher: The Brain in Love | TED Talk | TED.com. Web. 17 May
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Firstscience TV. "The Difference between Men and Women's Brains." YouTube. YouTube, 17 Oct. 2007.
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Schmitt, David P. "Are Women More Emotional Than Men?" Psychology Today. Sussex Publishers, 10
iiiiiiiiii Apr. 2015. Web. 01 May 2017.

Subramaniyam, Vishnu. "12 Things Women Actually Want In A Relationship (But Don't Say)."
Mindbodygreen. 15 June 2016. Web. 01 June 2017.

"Why Do Men and Women Handle Emotions Differently?" TheHopeLine. 08 Dec. 2014. Web. 04 May
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