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Guy Williams

The following is a chronology of Guy Williams known professional

appearances, projects and travels during the years 1973 through
1989. This chronology is a work in progress. Guy Williams made
numerous professional appearances in South America and this list is
not complete. The chronology will be updated when additional
professional appearances are discovered and verified. A detailed
description of these events and their related stories as well as a
comprehensive review of Guy Williams professional and private life
can be found in Antoinette Lanes biography, Guy Williams: The
Man Behind the Mask.

April 1, 1973 Guy Williams arrives in Buenos Aires traveling to

Argentina for the first time. Guy makes personal appearances and is
a guest star on the television shows Porcelandia, and Rafael Pato
Carrets children's show. 17/3/2017 Chronology of Guy Williams
19731989 http://www.whitefoxdomain.com/Chronology.htm 2/4 April
8, 1973 Guy Williams returns to the United States. July 14, 1973
Guy Williams and Henry Calvin arrive in Buenos Aires. Guy and
Henry make personal appearances, grant interviews and are guest
stars in the following television programs: VideoShow, Teleshow,
Porcelandia, El Circo Mgico de Carlitos Bal, Almorzando con
Mirtha Legrand, and Final Judgment with Horangel 1973 Guy
Williams participates in a photo shoot for the album cover of
Cancion del Zorro.

July 21, 1973 Guy Williams returns to the United States.

May 1974 Guy Williams arrives in Holland and appears in the

television show Cluster.

December 1974 Guy Williams returns to Argentina to perform in the

Day of the Kings Children's Charity Guy tours with Fernando Lpiz
while in Argentina.

February, 1975 Guy Williams returns to the United States.

July 17, 1977 Guy Williams arrives in Buenos Aires and appears on
the television shows La Tarde del Capitn Piluso and Patolandia.
August 1, 1977 Guy Williams appears at the Children's Day Event at
La Rural in Buenos Aires.

August 5, 1977 Guy Williams returns to the United States.

September 1977 Circo Real Madrid of ers Guy Williams and

Fernando Lupiz contracts to star in the Circo Real Madrid.
December 1977 Guy Williams arrives in Buenos Aires, Argentina to
star in Circo Real Madrid. Guy and Fernando tour throughout
Argentina and make several personal appearances. June 1978 Guy
Williams is a guest on the Radio Belgrano show At Noon. January
1979 Guy Williams and Fernando Lupiz develop their own show with
Aracelli Lisazo as emcee. Their show begins touring in Argentina.
Guy Williams, Aracelli Lisazo and Doris Band write the script to
Zorro: Dead or Alive. 1979 Guy Williams and Fernando Lupiz
appear on the Victor Laplace Show. December 13, 1979 Guy
Williams travels to the United States. February 1980 Guy Williams
returns to Argentina and resumes touring throughout the country
with Fernando Lupiz and Aracelli Lisazo. September 2530, 1980
Guy Williams, Fernando Lupiz, and Aracelli Lisazo appear for the
last time together at the Hilton Hotel in Caracas, Venezuela. Guy
also makes an appearance on the Venezuelan television show
Fantastico. 17/3/2017 Chronology of Guy Williams 19731989
http://www.whitefoxdomain.com/Chronology.htm 3/4 Late year 1980
Guy Williams appears in a Schick commercial with limited airing in
Argentina. January or February 1981 Guy Williams travels to the
United States. August 1982 Guy Williams returns to Buenos Aires
January 1983 Guy Williams travels to the United States to audition
for Disneys television show, Zorro and Son. February 3, 1983 Guy
Williams films Family Feud with the cast members of Lost in Space.
March 1983 Guy returns to Buenos Aires. September 1983 Guy
Williams travels to the United States to film a television interview
with Good Morning America. Guy is interviewed by Ken Meyer of
radio station WBZ, Boston. August 1984 Guy Williams returns to
Buenos Aires. Summer 1987 Walt Disneys Zorro returns to
Argentine TV. June 1987 Several Argentine periodicals feature Guy
Williams including Radiolandia, TV Guia, and Gente. 1988 Guy
Williams appears on the Gerardo Sofovich Show. October 3, 1988
Guy travels to the United States. October 17, 1988 Guy returns to
Buenos Aires. April 21, 1989 Silvia Rojos interviews Guy Williams.
This would be Guys last interview before his death. Sincere
appreciation is extended to Pat Goodlif e, Antoinette Lane,
Fernando Lupiz and Hernn Otero for their cooperation and
contributions to this chronology.

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