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Liv & Lilys


Organic Olivia
Lily Choi
Non-GMO Nick
Do not, under any circumstances, begin a cleansing regimen if you are pregnant, think you might be preg-
nant, or may become pregnant. Do not begin a cleansing regimen while breastfeeding or lactating.
If you are on any prescription pharmaceuticals, consult your doctor about herbal contraindications before taking.
You should always contact your health-care provider before beginning a new regimen.
Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem or allergic reaction.
Dont take herbs that you have a known allergic reaction to. The herbs in this cleanse include black
walnut hull, clove, wormwood, neem, burdock root, thyme, cayenne pepper and seaweed. Castor oil and diatoma-
ceous earth are supplemented as well. The calendar with suggested dosage is for information purposes only. Always
listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

Please note the material/statements in this book have not been approved by the food and drug administration. They are an account of personal experi-
ences and years of studying to cure my own disease, which doctors could never seem to help me with. This information and the opinions contained
therein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Statements are opinion and not meant to be misconstrued as medical evalua-
tions. Content in this book is for reference and informational purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician or other li-
censed health-care professional. Since there is always some risk involved with publishing alternative works, Organic Olivia LLC is not responsible for
any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions or procedures described hereafter. This product is not intended to diag-
nose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The image of a liver fluke parasite that appears on the cover and throughout the book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license. The source of the image is Sripa
B., Kaewkes S., Sithithaworn P., Mairiang E., Laha T., et al. (2007). "Liver Fluke Induces Cholangiocarcinoma". PLoS Medicine 4(7): e201. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0040201. Cropped from
Figure 2. I

2014 Organic Olivia LLC

Do not complete this cleanse if you have Crohns Disease, ulcerative coli-
tis, IBS, IBD or any other gastrointestinal disorder before talking to your
medical professional / naturopathic professional. (I tried to tell my doctor
that I had parasites but he didnt believe me until I showed him pictures. A naturo-
path may be more inclined to understand) These are disorders which, in my
experience, have many parasites at the root (I used to suffer from IBS) and
killing them with strong herbs too fast can be very risky. Its important that
you consult with a professional if you have any disorder at all, and espe-
cially if you are taking pharmaceuticals!

I want everyone to be as safe,

healthy, and happy as possible.

Parasites make up the majority of species on Earth.
Parasites can take the form of animals, including insects,
flatworms, and crustaceans, as well as protozoa, fungi,
plants, and viruses and bacteria. By one estimate,
parasites may outnumber free-living species four to
one. Indeed, the study of life is, for the most part,
- - Discovery Magazine, Do Parasites Rule the World? (2002)

In fact, parasites have killed

more humans than all the wars in
- reported by National Geographic in its award-winning documentary, The Body Snatchers.
Parasites Inside of Us

Click here to watch on YouTube

S ECTION 1 level that you can manage, THEN you have an infection.

Yes, You Have Parasites!*

Those who have an infection have not managed themselves
effectively enough to give their immune systems support (and
in our toxic world, that counts for all of us!)*

Parasites, by definition, are organisms that cannot survive inde-

In fact, AIDs patients dont die of AIDs, they die of a fungal in-
pendently without a host. They feed off of that hosts nutrition,
fection. The AIDs wipes out their immune system and the
unfortunately at the expense of the host (meaning no matter
fungus is what takes advantage of this and actually kills
how healthy you eat, a huge chunk of those nutrients are
going to the bugs!). The purpose of a parasite is to not make
itself known. A smart parasite lives without being detected be-
In the words of the amazing Paul Chek:
cause if it is detected, of course, something is going to be done
When youre making poor diet/lifestyle choices or exposed to
to eradicate it. If you think parasites are stupid, think again.
toxins, youre basically putting out a neon sign that says
They are highly intelligent organisms. Every living thing, includ-
COME EAT ME, Im not following mother natures laws of be-
ing us humans, can be a perfect home to parasites. They are a
ing a healthy contributor! The first sign that youre not treating
part of life and we could never avoid them entirely.
your body right is a fungal (candida) infection and it always
comes with fatigue. When you first get this fungal infection, its
Bugs will always be there at some level to do their part in na-
a citation from Mother Natures police saying, youre below
ture as decomposers. Your body and immune system are al-
standard, were here to decompose you and recycle you back
ways supposed to be there too, to keep them at a bare mini-
into the soil. Your second citation is a parasite infection. And
mum. If you are not following the laws of nature and youre
your third citation is a disease because of your infections. If
treating your body poorly, the parasites will do what theyre
you still dont get the picture, you get the boogie prize - which
meant to do and decompose you. Having invaders like candida
is death.
on a small scale is normal. Having a parasite or candida over-
growth is a whole new ball game, and a deadly one at that.
Independent studies say that 90-95% of the worlds popula-
tion has a fungal infection (AKA overgrowth), and 90% of the
An overgrowth, also called an infection is when the parasite
worlds population has a parasite infection. So the same 90%
comes into your body and begins to alter your biochemistry so
that have a fungal infection also have a parasite infection.
its more favorable for THEM to proliferate than it is for your
This makes perfect sense, because when you have a fungal
body to be healthy! Like I said, they are agents of decomposi-
infection, it weakens your immune system and opens the door
tion; they want to eat you, more and more every day. If the im-
for parasites.* Fungi release chemicals (mycotoxins) that
mune system cannot kill down the fungus and parasites to a
have been shown to modulate the immune messenger sys- parasite cleanse: black walnut, clove, and wormwood. We de-
tem (cytokines) and debilitate the immune system making it worm our animals every 6 months. Why would we think that
very easy for parasites to take over. as animals ourselves we are not susceptible to the same or-
While they are often fond of the colon, this is not the only
place parasites can be found. Any part of your body is vulner- When Nick and I told his grandmother we were doing a para-
able to infestation: the lungs, liver, esophagus, brain, blood, site cleanse, she said: Of course! In my country we drink cas-
muscles, joints, skin...and even your eyes. tor oil in orange juice every few months to get them out. Have
you never done this before?! She is from Ecuador.
Are we really treating our bodies this poorly?
When you think about how far weve fallen from nature... un- Everybody is Sick
fortunately, yes. Our ancestors used to go to sleep as the sun Why do 1 in every 3 people have cancer? Think of how many
went down and woke up just as it was rising. This kept their toxins were exposed to on a daily basis - and all the places
hormones in balance (because of natural exposure to light) we visit where we touch or breathe in toxic chemicals and
and allowed their livers and immune systems proper time to fumes. Benzene at gas pumps. Phthalates, formaldehyde and
regenerate. Our grandparents never went to the doctors to so much more at nail salons. All the chemicals involved in get-
take synthetic, toxic pharmaceuticals and antibiotics that dis- ting your carpet/couch cleaned (let alone the flame retardants
rupt your gut bacteria forever, even if you only take them your couch is already soaked in - please research this!!). Para-
once. I personally believe antibiotics are the #1 reason we bens and sulfates in home cleaning products - even in body
have SO many parasites compared to even third world coun- cleaning products like shampoo. Heavy metals in water. Car-
tries. You can read my article on antibiotics here. cinogens in pesticides. Petrochemicals and xenoestrogens in
plastic. And did you know that glyphosate, the toxic pesticide
On top of that, our ancestors used to parasite cleanse! Do created by Monsanto, is now found in rain and urine sam-
you remember your grandparents talking about taking castor ples?! We are literally drowning in chemicals; so much so that
oil as a kid? Native Americans knew that humans are plagued were peeing them out. Our immune systems dont stand a
by parasites. Other native peoples, from the Arctic to the Ant- chance. Ive had some people say to me Geez, it seems like
arctic, also knew that humans, like animals, have parasites. EVERYTHING causes cancer nowadays. This is a scary
They frequently purged themselves by inducing diarrhea or truth. All of our cheap, modern conveniences have dire conse-
vomiting to rid themselves of their slimy invaders. Native quences and were designed to keep us sick. Why do you
Americans used the three traditional herbs included in this think the government allowed GMOs into your food and hired
the former VP of Monsanto as the head of the FDA? As con-
spiracy as it may sound, the big corporations who create all It's hard to imagine a situation that has reached this kind of a
of these poisonous products and chemical-laden goods are degraded health potential in what we call the age of technol-
doing it for a reason. Its expensive to make things with natu- ogy, a time when we are supposed to have all the tools neces-
ral, biodegradable materials that would protect our health and sary to stay healthy. In reality, the health of the North Ameri-
earth. Its cheap to take industrial petrochemicals and slap a can population is deteriorating. We may be living longer, but
pretty label on it with no concern for human consequences. we are not living healthier, and the quality of life for the aver-
So many of the chemicals used in things as simple as air age North American over the age of 45 has decreased signifi-
fresheners are known carcinogens, yet these companies cantly in the last 30 years.
dont care as long as you keep buying them because theyre
cheap. Then, once our lifetime of chemical exposure results in Toxins + Parasites = Root of Many Sicknesses*
a cancer diagnosis, doctors get to say that they dont know Every disease, such as cancer, begins with increasing levels
what caused it or its genetic. Thats the thing about dis- of toxemia, simply meaning internal pollution.* Some of the
eases like cancer. They happen when the body is absolutely toxins that cause this pollution are the industrial chemicals I
overloaded with poison and has nowhere else to put it except mentioned earlier, along with aspartame, chlorine, MSG, mer-
for tumor growths.* You cant pinpoint a cause or sue a Wal- cury, heavy metals and adjuvants in vaccines, fluoride, phar-
mart giant because you cant prove that using their toothpaste maceuticals, food additives, and so much more. These pollut-
over the course of 20 years caused it. Instead, you get ants build up in our tissues and organs (especially the liver!)
slapped with a big chemo bill and told to walk for a cure.
What about marching against the cause? This internal pollution can be exacerbated if you are nutrition-
ally deficient, not getting enough water, stressed, or making
In North America today, almost everybody is ill. If you look at poor dietary choices.
your family, friends, and co-workers, and question them very
carefully (because so many people deny there is anything
As the pollution increases and the immune sys-
wrong with them), you will find that virtually everybody has a
health challenge, many of which are significant. How many of tem becomes more and more depressed, your
the people you know over the age 45 are on blood pressure body becomes the perfect environment for stone
medication, or any medication of some sort? How many peo- formation (gall, liver, kidney), parasites and
ple do you know in their 20's and 30's who are suffering from
chronic fatigue, and many of them may not even know it be-
candida overgrowth.
cause they think they are normal? How many people do you
know in their 40's and 50's that have recently died of cancer?
Once the parasites are running rampant, they start secreting cooked, but especially if you like your meat rare. Third, you
their own wastes and toxins on top of all the ones that were get parasites from touching others (even shaking someones
bombarded with. The secretions from parasites are now new hand) and coming into contact with their body fluids. By far,
poisons that our bodies are forced to deal with by increasing the easiest way to get parasites is if you have a pet or live
the process of detoxification. A chronic parasitic infection that with/around animals. Ever have a pet lick your face? You
is secreting low levels of toxins (aka stress) over long periods have tons. I cant stress it enough: they are a part of life. So
of time allows varied health challenges to develop. When to deal with this, we have to CLEANSE regularly and keep
were stressed over time, our bodies become susceptible to our immune systems strong! We also must STOP eating
infections of all other kinds (this is why children with autism the junk that feeds them. If you treat your body properly, you
get so many co-infections such as strep, EBV, etc*). This can will not be nearly as susceptible to overgrowths.
be an extremely dangerous situation in this day and age be-
cause we are exposed to more viruses than ever before. Also, The distressing thing about parasites is that if you get rid of
the viruses are changing and adapting at a very fast rate as them, you can easily be reinfected. Married couples tend to
are the bacteria, many of which are now resistant to antibiot- have them together, and if one person is treated for the para-
ics and other artificial measures that used to combat them. sitic infection, they are often reinfected by their spouse. It is
extremely important that both be treated at the same time,
How do we get parasites? and in many cases, the children should be treated along with
The University of Maryland says, Parasites can live within the their parents* (this cleanse is not suitable for children be-
intestines for years without causing any symptoms. They cause of its strength and potency).
mention exposure to child and institutional care centers as
one possible cause of parasites, which pretty much means It is VERY important to cleanse every 6 months (minimum) for
all schools, doctors offices, hospitals, etc. So, all children are the rest of your life, just like indigenous cultures did.* When
especially susceptible, and so is anyone who has ever been you first start out parasite cleansing, you have years of growth
in contact with children or public institutions. Parasites are in- to make up for so you should do one every month until you
credibly contagious, especially when you dont wash your are no longer passing candida or bugs. I am on my 10th
hands a lot (once again, children!) cleanse and every time I complete one, I feel better.

You also get parasites from something as simple as eating * = These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
fruits and vegetables. Microscopic parasites live all over and Drug Administration. ;)
plants (and everything else). Wash them well, but even then,
youll get some. Next, you get parasites from meat, even if its
S ECTION 2 - teeth grinding

Symptoms of Parasites - chronic fatigue

- fuzzy thinking
Symptoms of parasites are similar to tons of other disorders - headaches
such as chronic fatigue, IBS, Crohns disease, cancer, etc. - runny nose
Sometimes it feels like in every article you read online about - lots of mucus in the nose, lots of ear wax
health, you can identify with symptoms they have listed. This - frequent sinus infections
is because once the body deteriorates or starts to become
- blisters on lower lip inside mouth
toxic, parasites move in, and the signs present themselves
very similarly. - loss of appetite
- bad taste in the mouth
- constipation
- fever
- diarrhea
- vomiting (may return several times a year)
- gas and bloating
- weight gain OR may have trouble gaining weight, children es-
- painful menstruation pecially
- irritable bowel syndrome - food allergies
- joint and muscle aches - dark circles under eyes
- anemia - yeast/candida infection, especially if it returns
- iron & B12 deficiency - forgetfulness, slow reflexes
- cravings, especially sugar - sexual dysfunction
- allergies - fast heartbeat, heart pain
- skin conditions (mostly irritation/itching at nose, ears, eyes, - pain in the navel
anus; but also rashes, hives, eczema)
- eating more than normal but still feeling hungry
- acne, eczema, psoriasis
- numb hands
- tumors - drooling while sleeping
- nervousness - damp lips at night, dry lips during the day
- sleep disorders A lot of women unknowingly have parasites in their uterus,
- hyperactivity, anxiety which are a main cause of painful menstrual periods!



Liv & Lilys Parasite Cleanse HERE

If sold out,
to be notified
when a new
batch is released.

Kit Component #1: Parasite Killing Herbs
Clove - Traditional Chinese physicians have long used clove to help After much research and testing, we hand-packed capsules of the
indigestion, diarrhea, hernia, and ringworm, along with athletes foot and
best parasite killing herbs in the world. These herbs have been
many fungal infections. Likewise, Indias traditional Ayurvedic healers pre-
scribed cloves for all respiratory and digestive ailments (yes - parasites live
used for thousands of years to eradicate worms and infection.
in the lungs too and can cause asthma!*) In ancient times, clove was also
used as protection from the bubonic plague. Cloves are listed in herbal ency-
clopedias as anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-
fungal, anti-tumoral and anti-parasitic.

Black Walnut Hull - Black walnut hulls contain juglone, a

chemical that is antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, and a fungicide. As
a skin wash, black walnut is used to treat ringworm and yeast infections of
the skin.* Black walnut hull extract is unquestionably one of the best and saf-
est worming agents offered by the plant world.

Wormwood - The MOST POWERFUL of the parasite killing herb

kingdom.* Most effective against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and
pinworms.* Wormwood contains the natural toxins thujone and isothujone
which are the components that kill parasites. It also contains santonin which
is known as a remedy for parasitic diseases. It is the second most bitter
herb known to man. Wormwood also contains sesquiterpene lactones,
which work similar to peroxide by weakening the parasites membranes
therefore killing them. Lastly, wormwood helps produce bile, which in turn
helps the liver and gallbladder.

Research professor Henry Lai exploited the chemical properties of worm-

wood to target breast cancer cells with surprisingly effective results. A study
in Life Sciences describes how the derivative killed virtually all human breast
cancer cells exposed to it within 16 hours. "Not only does it appear to be ef-
fective, but it's very selective," Lai said. "It's highly toxic to the cancer cells
but has a marginal impact on normal breast cells." An earlier study involving
leukemia cells yielded even more impressive results. The cancer cells were
eliminated within eight hours! Read more
Kit Component #1: Parasite Killing Herbs
Neem - Neem bark and leaf have been therapeutically used in Ayurve-
dic medicine to control leprosy, intestinal worms, respiratory disorders, con- After much research and testing, we hand-packed capsules of the
stipation and also as a general health promoter. In herbal encyclopedias, best parasite killing herbs in the world. These herbs have been
neem is listed as immunostimulant, antiulcer,antimalarial, antifungal, an-
used for thousands of years to eradicate worms and infection.
tibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, and antiparasitic.*

Burdock Root - Removes accumulated waste (toxins) from

the skin, kidneys, mucous and serous membranes.* A very effective blood
purifier, Burdock is wonderful for head, face and neck skin health. Burdock
is listed in herbal encyclopedias as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and

Thyme - Thyme contains thymol, carvacrol and flavonoids which are

effective in killing bacteria and fungi (such as fungal infections ie: yeast infec-
tions) and are especially effective in killing hookworms, roundworms, thread-
worms and skin parasites.* Thyme is the primary ingredient in LISTERINE
MOUTHWASH because of its germ killing power. It is anti-viral and anti-

Cayenne Pepper - Capsicum is the component in cayenne

that destroys parasites. It is a very effective herb for the elimination of para-

Amare Seaweed - This type of seaweed has the highest io-

dine content in the world. Seaweed boasts 56 bioavailable minerals and
trace elements. All seaweed has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-
inflammatory and anti-parasite qualities. It is renowned for its ability to help
balance the body's elements & electrolytes. Seaweed also cleanses the
body of heavy metals and radiation (natural source of potassium iodide).
Kit Component #2: Castor Oil

Christened The Hand of Christ in the Middle Ages be-

cause of its miraculous healing power, castor oil is one
of the most amazing healing substances. Castor oil has
been used since Ancient times to cure a wide range of
diseases and boost immunity.*

The most important thing during a parasite cleanse

is to make sure you are having as many bowel
movements as possible! Castor oil is one of the
ways we will be moving the bowels.

Castor oil works like fiber in the food and is a

excellent way to clean the colon and help to
remove parasites.
When castor oil mixed in hot water is sipped, it causes
mucus to be secreted which forces the movement of
bile. The bile pushes castor oil down to the intestine.
Here castor oil forms a chemical complex with bile salts
and forms a cleansing detergent. This really cleans the
stomach and intestines, and also gets rid of the toxins
that come through the bile.

Castor oil will cause an immediate laxative effect.

This is why the suggested dosage is as soon as
you get home from work, and youre home for the
Kit Component #3: Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth (DE) is one of the best natural anti-
parasitics I have ever studied or used. Food-grade DE is
certain death to parasites because it kills invaders by actu-
ally puncturing the insects exoskeleton, disrupting its soft
waxy shell structure, chewing up its digestive organs and
causing death in a short time by dehydration! Virtually all
internal parasites can be controlled by taking diatoma-
ceous earth internally. Better yet, parasites will not build up
a tolerance/immunity to its chemical reaction.

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is composed of silicon dioxide

and around 14 trace minerals that we dont usually get any-
where else. Silica is a semi-conductive mineral which,
when warmed by body heat, becomes negatively charged
and gives off electrons.

These negatively charged mineral ions and/or individual

shells attract bad microbes, free radicals, positively
charged waste and other harmful things. You can trap tox-
ins into the porous food-grade DE particle which is then ex-
creted safely out of your body. Because of the strong
charge, each shell can absorb a large number of positively
charged substances, whether they be chemical or in the
form of bacteria or viruses.

They pass on through your stomach and in-

testine, taking all these harmful substances
out of your body.
Kit Component #4: Enema Bag
An enema is the most effective way to clear the bowels. The purpose
of an enema is to support detoxification by cleansing the colon and
stimulating the liver to dump bile; its main avenue of waste elimination.
This simple water therapy is safe and effective at reducing the com-
mon side effects of Clinical Detoxification: headaches, fatigue and irrita-

During a parasite cleanse its imperative to move the bowels. When we

are using such potent herbs to kill parasites, they will be constantly dy-
ing. An enema will quickly and easily sweep the dead guys out. Do not
perform an enema if you have a medical condition that prohibits en-
ema use, such as a perforated colon. Message me on Etsy if you have
a medical condition and I can offer an alternative to the enema.

How to Perform an Enema:

Click here to watch the video above

Parasite Cleanse Directions
- These directions are for reference ONLY and explain how I choose to do my parasite cleanse. I begin my cleanse 9 days before the
full moon OR 9 days before the new moon. On these two major moon events, parasites detach from the intestinal wall to breed and lay
eggs. This makes them very active and easy to kill. We wanted to give you a choice between the new moon and the full moon because
women menstruate during one of these times. When you menstruate you are not supposed to be cleansing - you should be building your
blood with nourishing, warming food. If you menstruate on or near the full moon (like I do), complete your parasite cleanse according to the
new moon calendar. If you menstruate on or near the new moon, complete your parasite cleanse according to the full moon calendar. The
new moon calendar below uses February 2014 as an example.

- The directions and dosages in the calendar are what I

use. They are not to be taken as medical advice. Always
listen to your body! You do not have to move up to 8
pills, or even 5 if your body is not ready! LOW & SLOW
is always the answer.

1. On Day 1, wake up and take 2 capsules on an empty stom-

ach*. Take the next 2 capsule dose on an empty stomach
before dinner*. Right before bed, take 2 tsp. DE by vigor-
ously mixing it into 8 oz. warm water. Always follow with 16
oz. warm water.

2. On Day 2, wake up and take 2 capsules on an empty stom-

ach*. Take the next 2 capsule dose on an empty stomach
before lunch*. As soon as you get home from work/school in
the afternoon, take 1 tbsp. castor oil mixed in hot water (this
dosage is flexible. I only need 1 tbsp. to have a bowel move-
ment, whereas Nick needs 3 tbsp. You can start with 1 tbsp.
and experiment with your perfect dose). Take your last 2
capsule dose on an empty stomach before dinner or before
bed*; your choice as long as your stomach is empty!

3. On Day 3, wake up and take 3 capsules on an empty stomach*. Take the next 3 capsule dose on an empty stomach before lunch*. Take the last 3 cap-
sule dose on an empty stomach before dinner*. At night, perform a water enema (video directions on previous page if you need). After your enema,
take 2 tsp. DE by mixing it into 8 oz. warm water. Always follow with 16 oz. warm water.
* = followed by 16 oz. warm water
Parasite Cleanse Directions
4. On Day 4, wake up and take 4 capsules on an
empty stomach*. Take the next 4 capsule dose on
an empty stomach before lunch*. As soon as you
get home from work/school in the afternoon, take
castor oil mixed in hot water (like I said, this dos-
age is flexible). Take your last 4 capsule dose on
an empty stomach before dinner or before bed*;
your choice as long as your stomach is empty!

5. On Day 5, wake up and take 5 capsules on an

empty stomach*. Take the next 5 capsule dose on
an empty stomach before lunch*. Take the last 5
capsule dose on an empty stomach before din-
ner*. At night, perform a water enema. After your
enema, take 1 tbsp. DE by mixing it into 8 oz.
warm water. Always follow with 16 oz. warm wa-

* = followed by 16 oz. warm water

....You get the point :) From here, continue following the dosages and directions on the calendar.

- Since I am an experienced parasite cleanser and I use herbs often, I take 10 capsules 3x a day on days 8, 9, and 10 (instead
of the 8 capsules 3x a day shown on the calendar). We included enough capsules to accommodate this.

- This cleanse will NOT interrupt your work days by giving you laxative effects. The reason we have you alternate between
taking castor oil or performing enemas each night is so that you can expel from your bowels in the comfort of your own
home and not have to use the bathroom at work the next day. You get all of that out of the way at night. This is why we say
to take the castor oil when you get home from work.
Printable Parasite Calendar: NEW MOON SCHEDULE

Printable Parasite Calendar: FULL MOON SCHEDULE

Parasite Identification Chart

Parasites will be expelled via your stool. Over 70% of parasites are microscopic, so dont be discouraged if
you dont see any big guys the first few days. They also come out in pieces or impacted into your stool, so
you do have to do some [sanitary] digging and examining to identify the species if youd like. You can use a
toilet hat/specimen catcher to isolate your stool for examination. Or, you can just flush and forget!
Common Detox Symptoms
During any cleansing regimen, you may experience common detox symptoms. This always happens to me. If the symptoms be-
come too overwhelming, contact your medical professional. You may also reduce your dosage - like I said, LOW AND SLOW is
the answer. Dont take more than you can handle. Be sure to drink TONS of water.

- Acute acne/skin reactions: Sometimes killing parasites/viruses/bacteria can give you a brief period of exacerbated symp-
toms. If parasites usually cause your acne or eczema, you may experience a breakout before it gets better. This is your skin
purging toxins. Enemas, especially coffee enemas, are the best way to receive immediate relief from toxins.
- Gas and bloating
- Constipation: If you experience constipation, reduce the amount of DE youre taking OR increase the number of enemas
you perform (i.e. do one in the morning and night instead of just at night)
- Brain Fog
- Fatigue & Low Energy
- Headaches & Body Aches
- Extreme Cravings: When the parasites are dying, they are going to make you crave the things that keep them alive, i.e.
SUGAR and fried food! They already control your cravings, even when you arent cleansing them away, so during this time
your desire for sugar will be at an all time high! Dont give in.
- Mood Swings: Yes, parasites control your mood too! They can also give you anxiety or heart palpitations when a lot are dy-
ing (and thus releasing toxins) at once. If you experience anxiety, chew on some raw garlic to neutralize toxins and parasite

Diet Guidelines While Cleansing

Eat light! Do not eat heavy, fried foods. The bulk of your diet should be soups, stews, and vegetables. Fasting is wonderful, but not es-
sential - I passed a very large ropeworm when I was juice fasting during my last cleanse!

Best foods to eat while parasite cleansing: bone broth, raw garlic, onions, lemons, ginger, ginger tea, apple cider vinegar, pineap-
ple, raw pumpkin seeds, apples, pumpkin.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: If you are having detox symptoms or want to assist your body in removing toxins, take an EPSOM SALT
BATH (<-- click) every night! Epsom salts are made up of magnesium and sulfur, both which open your liver phase II detox pathways.

After-Cleanse Care
After a cleanse it is very important to repopulate the friendly bacteria in your gut. These are the supplements I usually use after a
cleansing regimen:

- Probiotic: Read my article on probiotics here. Its very important to replenish gut bacteria after a cleanse (and especially if
youve ever taken antibiotics). Prescript Assist is the probiotic Lily recommended to me and is the best one Ive ever used.
You can also eat an abundance of fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchee, etc.

- Magnesium: Read my article on magnesium here. Every molecule of sugar you eat takes away 56 molecules of magnesium.
Parasites, heavy metals, and processed foods all leach magnesium from our bodies, causing restless sleep, cramps, depres-
sion and so much more.* Magnesium Calm is a great way to replenish magnesium stores after a parasite cleanse, because
finally you wont be competing with them for it!

- Selenomethionine: When parasites die, the heavy metals theyve been eating and storing inside of them die, too! Your body
needs a lot of assistance to remove heavy metals since they are such a burden on your liver. Selenomethionine provides not
only selenium, but methionine (an amino acid) to assist your liver in detoxing what the parasites left behind.

- Epsom Salt Baths: Provides not only magnesium, but sulfur as well, which is essential for liver detox and will also help sweet
away all the toxins and waste the parasites left behind.

- Ginger tea: Read my article on ginger tea here. Drink ginger tea every single morning for the rest of your life and your whole
world will change. This will especially help to keep the parasites away.


This is a photo of my backne after 3 parasite cleanses in a row. On the third cleanse, while juice fasting, I ex-
pelled the huge rope worm you see at the bottom! I felt AMAZING after getting it out. My acne is now completely

Its important to do a parasite cleanse every 3-6 months for the rest of your life, as indigenous cultures once did. Because we havent
cleansed since birth, we have a LOT of catching up to do. I personally needed to do several cleanses in a row to make up for that, and
to kill the adults that had been living in me my entire life. I am on my 10th cleanse and Im still passing adults (which take 10 years to
grow!) Try to cleanse until you are no longer passing the big guys. In the meantime, make your body so incredibly healthy that parasites
cannot survive! Eat the diet thats right for YOUR body, dont eat sugar/bread/wheat in excess, drink ginger tea every day, etc.
Recommended Resources About Parasites/Cleansing!

The Cure for All Diseases - Accidental Cure - Its The Liver, Stupid! - The Liver and Gallbladder
Miracle Cleanse -
Hulda Clark explains how every sin- Simon Yu, M.D. explains how on a The most amazing book ever
gle disease is related to parasites. military trip he once gave an entire written about the liver. He After you kill parasites, its a
This is the amazing book that city an antiparasitic drug, and sud- doesnt talk about parasites, great idea to cleanse your
sparked all of my research. denly, all of their ailments got better but he teaches you how to liver. Andreas was the liver
as they ALL passed parasites! use sulfur to open up your cleanse king!
liver detox II pathways.

Amazing TedTalk lecture that explains

just how much parasites CONTROL our
lives and minds... When animals get
parasite infections, they make them do
crazy things all the way from turning
pink to commiting suicide.

Click here to watch video

Autism & Parasites
Yes, parasites play a huge role in autism! Children with autism are absolutely filled with parasites and the heavy metals that
parasites live off of* (explained in the lectures below). This is why they are so susceptible to infections and get sick often.* Af-
ter receiving the toxic Gardasil vaccine, my parasite infection became worse than ever. Kerri Rivera and Dr. Andreas Kalcker
have recovered over 155 children using an intensive parasite cleansing regimen. These children have passed parasites as
long as 45 inches.

Dr. Kalcker speaks about how the combination of para-

Kerri Rivera explains how to recover from autism using para- sites and vaccines is contributing to the autism epi-
site cleansing at the AutismOne 2014 Conference. She recov- demic of today. Kalcker explains how he discovered
ered her son and has now recovered over 155 children with this link and the positive results of treating parasites in
her book. At the end of this video you can see countless suc- autistic children around the world. --> Click here to
cess stories. Yes, those are JARS OF WORMS in the photo watch
above! --> Click here to watch

Click here to check out Kerri Riveras book with step by step directions on how to recover autism
through diet, parasite cleansing, and many other methods.
Thank you for reading! I hope you learned a lot about
the creatures hiding inside of us.
If youd like to order Liv & Lilys Parasite Kit, click the
link below.

If sold out,
TO to be notified
ORDER when a new
batch is released.

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