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Adobe Marketing Cloud

Clickstream Data Feeds Status API


Clickstream Data Feeds Status API.......................................................................3


Data Types..............................................................................................................................4

Error Codes.............................................................................................................................7

Last updated 4/24/2014 Clickstream Data Feeds Status API

Clickstream Data Feeds Status API 3

Clickstream Data Feeds Status API

Data feeds provide the stream of raw, partially-processed server calls in a delimited data set. Each server call sent
to the selected report suite is contained in a data row with a customizable column set.
The Clickstream data feeds API lets you retrieve the status of data feed processing, as well as configuration details
for each configured feed.
GetFeeds - returns an array with job status and basic configuration for feeds matching specific criteria. You can
select to include feeds from multiple report suites, and filter by job start time, end time, or current status. For
example, you can query all feeds for feeds with a status of "delivered" with and end time of today. You can then
instruct your ETL to download the completed feeds.
GetFeed - returns configuration details for a specific feed, including feed status, FTP delivery location, and the
data columns that are included in the feed.
The Data Feeds API is REST only.


The Data Feeds API provides the following methods.

Returns a list of data feeds for the specified report suites, including delivery status.

DataFeed.GetFeeds Parameters

Name Type Description

rsid_list Array of xsd:string
List of report suites for which you want to view
feed information.

start_time xsd:string
(optional) UTC time. Specify the start time of the
feed activity to include with each feed. A
maximum of 48 hours may be requested. Default
when no start_time is present will return only
the latest job.

end_time xsd:string
(optional) UTC time. Specify the end time of the
feed activity to include with each feed. A
maximum of 48 hours may be requested. Default
when no end_time is present will return only the
latest job.

status Array of xsd:string

Filter returned data feeds by status:
processing - Feed is currently being
delivered- Feed and manifest are delivered
successfully and the job is completed.
Clickstream Data Feeds Status API 4

Name Type Description

upload_error - Feed was generated but the
transfer failed. In the event of an FTP transfer
failure (login denied, lost connection, out of
quota, etc), Adobe attempts to automatically
connect and send the data up to three separate
times. If the failures persist, the feed is marked
as upload_error.
no_data - No data was collected for delivery.

DataFeed.GetFeeds Response

Type Description

Array of data_feed
Status information for each feed that matches the request

Gets configuration details for a specific feed, including feed status, FTP delivery location, and the data columns that
are included in the feed.

DataFeed.GetFeed Parameters

Name Type Description

feed_id xsd:int
ID of the feed, retrieve the ID using

DataFeed.GetFeed Response

Type Description

Details for the specified feed.

Data Types


Element Type Description

rsid xsd:string
The report suite corresponding to the data feed.
Clickstream Data Feeds Status API 5

Element Type Description

feed_id xsd:int
Unique id for this data feed.

interval xsd:string
Delivery interval for the data feed. Either Daily or Hourly.

Daily: Data for each day is delivered after it is processed in a single

zipped file, or in multiple zipped files each containing approximately
2 GB of uncompressed data. You receive a single delivery for each

Hourly: Data for each hour is delivered in a single zipped file that
contains all data received during that hour. You receive 24 separate
deliveries for each day, with each file delivered after the data for that
hour is processed.

activity Array of xsd:string

Array that contains the following:
job_id: Unique system id for the delivery job.
begin: Start time of the reporting period contained in this delivery.
Example: 2013-03-03 01:00:00
end: End time of the reporting period contained in this delivery.
Example: 2013-03-03 02:00:00
status: current status of the job, one of the following:
processing - Feed is currently being generated.
delivered- Feed and manifest are delivered successfully and the
job is completed.
upload_error - Feed was generated but the transfer failed. In the
event of an FTP transfer failure (login denied, lost connection, out
of quota, etc), Adobe attempts to automatically connect and send
the data up to three separate times. If the failures persist, the feed
is marked as upload_error.
no_data - No data was collected for delivery.

"data_feeds": [
"rsid": "myrsid",
"feed_id": 1006552,
"interval": "hourly", //hourly, daily, ...
"date": "2013-02-06",
"activity": [{
"job_id": 4233,
"begin": "2013-03-03 01:00:00",
"end": "2013-03-03 02:00:00",
"status": "processing" //processing, delivered, upload_error, no_data
Clickstream Data Feeds Status API 6


Element Type Description

rsid xsd:string
The report suite corresponding to the data feed.

feed_id xsd:int
Unique id for this data feed.

interval xsd:string
Delivery interval for the data feed. Either Daily or Hourly.

Daily: Data for each day is delivered after it is processed in a single

zipped file, or in multiple zipped files each containing approximately
2 GB of uncompressed data. You receive a single delivery for each

Hourly: Data for each hour is delivered in a single zipped file that
contains all data received during that hour. You receive 24 separate
deliveries for each day, with each file delivered after the data for that
hour is processed.

timezone xsd:string
Timezone for which the feed is configured. For example:

status xsd:string
Feed status, one of the following:
active - Feed is being generated according to schedule.
hold - Feed is paused, usually for administrative reasons.This usually
indicates that the feed requires require corrective action before it can
be resumed, for example, new FTP information.
completed - If a feed was created with a stop date, this indicates
that the feed has reached the stop date and will no longer run.
cancelled - The feed is no longer needed, and may be deleted at
some point in the future.

name xsd:string
Feed display name.

ftp_host xsd:string
FTP hostname where the feed is delivered.

fto_path xsd:string
Path on the FTP host where the feed is delivered.

fields Array of xsd:string

Array with a list of Data Columns that are included in the feed.

"rsid": "myrsid",
"feed_id": 1006552,
"interval": "hourly", //hourly, daily, ...
"timezone": "America/Denver",
"status": "active", //active, hold, completed, cancelled
Clickstream Data Feeds Status API 7

"name": "Feed Me",

"ftp_host": "ftp.omniture.com",
"ftp_path": "/feeds",
"fields": [

Error Codes

Errors are returned in two ways. HTTP response errors, and JSON object errors.
HTTP errors are returned for the following conditions:

Code Message
201 Invalid report suite or access denied
202 Invalid time
203 Invalid date range
204 Invalid status filter
501 Internal system error

The second way is less standard and is for errors with the actual method call. These are returned as part of the
JSON object returned in the body. For example:
"message":"Invalid date range"

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