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Definitions of Autism

brain disorder that begins in early childhood and persists throughout adulthood;
affects three crucial areas of development: communication, social interaction, and
creative or imaginative play.

Autism is a disorder of brain function that appears early in life, generally before
the age of three. Children with autism have problems with social interaction,
communication, imagination and behavior. Autistic traits persist into adulthood,
but vary in severity. Some adults with autism function well, earning college
degrees and living independently. Others never develop the skills of daily living,
and may be incorrectly diagnosed with a variety of psychiatric illnesses. The
cause is unknown.

pathological self-absorption

is a bioneurological disorder, not a mental illness, which affects the functioning of

the brain. Some theories suggest that it may be caused by genetics, viral and/or
chemical exposure. Autism causes lifelong developmental disability, including
problems with communication, social interaction and physical activities. ...

A tendency to morbid self-absorption at the extreme of regulation by outward

reality ADL Activities of daily living. Routine activities carried out for personal
hygiene and health (including bathing, dressing, feeding) and for operating a

Autism and related syndromes are dramatically on the rise. Many children and
young adults have autistic traits without being fully autistic. Asperger's syndrome
and developmental delay syndromes are two of these related categories. These
syndromes exist because of brain circuitry problems. Homeopathy can stimulate
the brain and turn on dormant areas by connecting circuits. When a proper
treatment is received, both learning and communication skills as well as physical
growth increase.

someone who has lost or never achieved contact with other people, demonstrating
stereotyped repetitive behaviour such as twirling objects or rocking. Other
characteristics are indifferent to parents or other people, an inability to tolerate
change, and defective speech or mutism. They are severely intellectually impaired
although they may have islets of above average talent (music, drawing,
mathematical calculation abilities, etc.). ...

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