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% N a
I 1.7r lvrAtrrco


Flat Dilfuser. ..........16, 17

Flat Fresnel Lens.... ............18, 19
Dropopal Dilfuser.. ....20,21
Flat Holophane Lens.... ........22,23
Holophane Concave Lens. . ....24,25


R201701 .. 11 R304745...8 R604736...9 s401801 .. 16 s601832 . . 18 s801854 . . 22
R20't702 . . 12 R402705.. 11 R604738...9 s401802 . . 18 s601833 . . 20 s801855 . . 26
R201703 . . R402706 . . 12 R604740...7 s401804 . . 22 s601834 . . 22 s80'1861 . . 16
R201704 . . 14 R402707 ..13 R604742...8 s401807 . . 24 s601835 . . 26 s801862 . . 18
R303721 ...3 R402708 . . 14 R604744...7 s401811 .. 16 s601837 . . 24 s801863 . . 20
F303723...4 R602709.. 11 R604746...8 s401812 . . 18 s601841 .. 16 s801864 . . 22
R303725...4 R602710 . . 12 R702713 . . 11 s401814 . . 22 s601842 . . 18 s801865 . . 26
R303727...3 R602711 . . 13 R702714 . . 12 s401817 . . 24 s601843 . . 20
R303731 ... 5 R602712 . . 14 R702715 . . 13 s601821 . . 16 s601844 . . 22
R303733...5 R603722...3 R702716 . . '14 s601822 . . 18 s601845 . . 26
R304735...9 R603724...4 s601823 . . 20 s601847..24
R304737...9 R603726...4 s601848 . . 28
F304739...7 R603728...3 s601825 . . 26 s801851 .. 16
R304741 ...8 R603732...5 s601827 ..24 s801852 . . 18
R304743...7 R603734...5 s60.1831 . . 16 s801853..20
Multi.stepped or Splayed SPECIFICATIONS
Tor.lch"lateh or Trigger lateh Trirn
Frame-in assembly conslsts of plaster frame,
hanget brackets, bar hangers and heat sink
cap with socket, flex and prewired iunction box.
Units are {urnished prewired as standard with
Jlex, conneclor and junction box mounted on
p laster frame. SF wire.

U.L. listed for thermally protected operation.

Where exceptions to thermal protection
regulations may apply, specify /86 for thermal
protection de leled.

Heat sink cap is die cast aluminum with side

enl ry co n necto r.

l\4 ed iu m base sockets.

Wattage and lamps are indicated {or specific
units. Lamps are not furnished.

Holophane Concave Lens One piece die cast plaster frame with universal
hanger brackets {urnished with a pair 25"
adjustable s lid ing bar hangers.

Retlector-hou sing assembly conslsls of reflectot

housing, heat sink and two piece trim with lens.
H eavy gauge refleclor housing.
.070 extruded aluminum heat sink.
Choice of splayed or multi-stepped trim. lnner
trim available in white, black or muted grey paint
or satin aluminum; with outer trim white paint or
satin aluminum f inish. Finish must be specified.
Choice of fresnel lens, Holophane lens or
Fresnel Lens d rop opal d iffu se r.

Fresnel and Holophane lens units have a

two piece die cast touch-latch trim as standard.
lnner trim has lens in frame and fits securely in
outer frame. Slight upward pressure on lens
activates hinging. Automatically relocks when
frame is pushed back. Hinging is concealed.
When open, lens and frame drop vertically
1/a" away from supporting surface eliminating
the danger of ceiling or trim disfiguration
during relam ping.
Trigger latch hinging is standard on drop opal
units and available as optional on Fresnel and
Holophane lens u n its.

Drop Opal Dilluser Tamperproofing is available, specify /03 when

req u ired.

U.L. Listed. Suitable lot damp lacatians

LB.E.W. Unian Made
Cat. No. Spec. Trim Watlage & Lamp Heighl Ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cul-out

R303721 837 splayed 100/150/200W/A23 121/2" 10" 11"

R303727 R37 multi-stepped
100/150/200W/A23 12Y2" 10" 11"
R603722 R43 splayed 300W/PS30 lJ71 IJ 14"
R603728 R43 multi-stepped 300W/PS30 13l/i' 13" 14"

Pl'sotornetria Data
- zoma! e avity rnethod
Trim tinish must be specilied
PP in ner-oute r white 80
C.illn9 Csvlly Roll.clrnco
70 50 311 10 0
SS in ne r"ou ter satin 70 50 30 10
Wrll R.ll6clanco
70 50 3010 50 3010 50 3010 5! 30 10 0
aluminumt cdlllcldnl3 ol UlllE.rlon
GP inner grey-outer white 74 72 7A 6e 72 70 69 67 6A 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 60
GS in ner grey-outer satin 2
66 63 61 68
61 57 54 64
65 63 60 63 61 59 61 59 57 59 57 56 55
60 57 54 58 55 53 57 54 52 55 53 51 50
aluminum 62 56 52 49 61 56 52 49 54 51 48 53 50 48 5l 49 47
KP in ner black-outer white 6
5 58
52 48 44 57
48 44 41 54
5A 47
47 43
44 49 46 43
41 46 43 n0
4A 45 43 42
45 42 40 39

KS in ner black-outer satin 450 51 44 40 37 50 44 39 36 43 39 36 42 39 36 41 38 36 35

aluminum 8
41 37 33 47
38 33 30 44
40 36
37 33
33 39 36 33
30 35 33 30
38 35 33 32
36 32 30 29
favailable w/splayed unit only 10 42 35 31 28 42 35 31 28 34 30 28 34 30 28 33 30 28 27

8303721 & R303727 for 100W mult p y by .61

CP 150WA23 medium base for 200W multip y by 1.40
Floor cavily refleclance 0.2
Spacing to mtg. ht. ratio- 1.13

Eff. 65.5%
Touchlatch hinging slandard -
U,L. listed lot thetmally Celllng CavhY n.ll6ct!nc
ptotected opel,/,tion ao 7o 5030 100
W!ll R6tl.ct!nco
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 3010 0
Co.llicl.nls ol Ulll14llon
Fot optional accessories,
specily allet cat. no. 1 7g 76 74 72 77 75 T3 T172 70 69 69 68 67 67 66 65 64
2 74 70 66 64 72 69 66 63 66 64 62 64 62 6i 62 60 59 58
IOl 27" C channel hanger 3 6q 64 sS 56
64 58 53 50
59 56 61 57 55 59 56 54 57 55 53 52
53 4S 56 52 49 54 51 48 53 50 48 46
/03 tamperproofing 5 60 53 48 44 59 52 47 44 5i 47 44 50 46 43 '18 45 43 4l
/04 top access 6
56 49 40 40
52 44 3a 35
43 40 47 43 40 46 42 39 45 42 39 38
38 35 42 3a 34 41 37 34 40 37 34 33
/06 weatherproof gasketing I
48 40 35 31
45 36 31 28
34 31 39 34 31 38 34 31 37 33 31 29
31 2a 35 31 27 34 30 27 34 3a 21 26
/07 trigger-latch h ing ing 10 42 33 a2 25 11 33 2A 25 32 28 25 32 2T 24 31 27 24 23

/64 night light,25Wi T R603722 & R603728

medium base CP 300W/PS30 medium base
Floor cavity reflectance
/86 thermal p rotectio n 00 0.2
Spacing to mtg. ht. ratio- 1.28
deleted Eff 71 4a/" -
Cat. No. Spec. Trim Wattage & Lamp H eight Ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cul.oul

R303723 R39 splayed 100/ 1 50/200w/A23 121/2" 10" 11"

R303725 839 mu t i-ste p ped 100/1 50/200w/A23 tzf2 10" 11"
R603724 R45 splayed 300w/PS30 13f;' 13" 14"
R603726 845 mu t i-ste p ped 300w/PS30 13%" 14"

Ttim linish rnusl be specilied Colllng Cavtly Rell.ctanc6

ao 70 5!30 100
PP inner-outer white Wall Rllocttnco
SS in ne r-o u ter satin 250 '
70 so 30 10 70 50 3010 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 0
C@tllcl.nts ol Ullllratlon
70 68 66 65 68 66 65 64 64 63 62 62 61 60 60 59 58 57
GP inner grey-outer white 500 66 63 60 5A 65 62 59 57 60 58 56 58 56 55 56 55 54 53
GS inner grey-outer salin 62
58 55 s2 61 57 54 52 56 53 51 54 52 50
54 51 48 58 54 50 48 52 49 47 51 ,18 46
53 51 50 49
50 48 46 45
aluminum 56 50 4714 55 50 46 44 49 46 43 48 45 43 47 44 42 41

KP inner black-outer white 750 a3 47 44 41 52 4T 43 41 46 43 10 45 42

50,14 40 37 49 43 40 37 43 39 37 42 39
a0 44 42 40 39
37 41 38 36 35
KS inner black-outer satin 47 41
45 3a
3T 34
34 32
46 4137 34
44 38 3,1 32
34 39 36 31 33
31 36 33 31 s0
aluminum 1000 ,12 36 32 30 42 36 32 30 35 32 29 35 32 29 34 32 29 28

tavailable w/splayed unil only R303723 & R303725 for 100W muliiply bY.61
Touchlatch hinging standatd 1254 ./ 150W/A23 medium base lor 200W multip y bY 1.40
Floor reflectance
U,L. listed lot thetmally - 0.2
Spacing to mtg. ht. ratio 1.0
prctect6d op6rction El|. 61.8%
Ceillng Ctvlty Rolloclanco
Fot optional accossories, 80 70 5030 100
specily aftet cat. no, !.. W.llFell.cl.nco
5oo 70 so 30 10 70 50 30 10 !o 30 10 5! 311 10 50 3010 0
101 27" C channel hanger C@lllcl.nt! ol Ullll2tllon

/03 tam pe rp rool ing 1000

7t 72 70 e,A737169 67 68 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 60
70 66 63 60 68 65 62 60 63 60 58 61 59 57 59 57 56 55
/04 top access 66 61 57 54 64 60 56 54 58 55 53 57 54 52 55 53 51 50
/06 weatherprool gasket ing 62$52 4961 56 52 49 54 51 48 53 5048 52 4947 46
5A 52 4e 45 aT 52 47 44 5a 47 44 49 46 44 4a 45 13 42
/07 t rigger-latc h hinging 1500 l
55 49 45 41 54 48 44 41 47 44 41 46 43 41 45 43 40 39
52 45 40 37 51 44 40 37 44 40 37 43 39 37 42 39 37 36
/64 night light,25W/ I 49 42 37 34 48 41 37 34 41 37 34 40 37 34 39 36 3-4 33
9 46 39 35 32 45 39 34 32 38 34 31 37 34 31 37 34 31 30
medium base 10 !4 3{i 32 29 43 36 32 29 36 32 29 35 32 29 35 31 29 28
/86 thermal protect io n
deleted 2500
R603724 & R603726
300W/PS30 med um base
F oor cavity reflectance O.2
Spacing to mig. hl. rat o
Eff. 66.1%
- 0.7

Cat. No. Spec. Trim Watlage & Lamp H eig ht Ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cut.out

R303731 R41 splayed 100/1 50/200w/A23 121/2" 10" 11"

R303733 R41 multl"stepped 100/ 1 50/20Ow/A23 121/2 " 10" 11"
R603732 R47 sp layed 300w/PS30 13f;' 13" t4
R603734 R47 rnulti-stepped 300w/PS30 13%" 13" t.l

Ttim linish must be specitied Collln Cavlly F.ll.ctanca

PP inner-outer white 80 70 50 30 10 0
Wall Rell.ctanc6
SS inner-outer satin 2Ea) 70 50 30 10 70 50 30 r0 50 30 1050 30 10 50 30 100
Coottlclonts ol !llllutlon
GP inner grey-outer white ,1038 37 35
36 34 31 29
39 37 36 35 36
35 3! 31 29 :2
3.{ 31 33 33 33 32 32 31
28 31 29 28 29 28 27 26
GS inner grey'outer satin 33 3a 2T 25
31 21 24 21
32 29 2t 25 2A 26 24 27 25 24 26 25 23 23
aluminum 2A 2,! 21 19
3A 26 23 21 25
2a 23 21 18 23
21 2a 22 21 24 22 2A 2A
18 22 20 18 21 19 t8 17
KP inner black-outer white 26 22 19 17
24 19 16 r,1
26 22 19 17 21
23 r9 16 r4 18
16 2C 18 t6 20 j8 16 15
t4 18 15 14 t7 151413
KS inner black-outer satin a 2211 14 12 2217 14 1217 1112 16 1,1 12 16 l4 t2 t1
aluminum 21 16 13 11 20 16 13 r1 r5 r3 rt r5 t2 11 141211 10
10 19 14l2 l0 t9 t4 11 10 14 11 10 1d 1r 10 131r I 9
'tavailable w/spiayed unil only
R303731 & R303733 for 100W mu tiply by .61
150W/A23 medium base for 200W multp y by 1.40
Floor cav iy reflectance 0.2
Triggerlatch hinging standad Spaclng to mtg ht. rat o- 1.32
Eff. 36% -
U.L. list6d lor thermally
ptotected operclion Cellin0 C.vily Rolloci.nco
80 70 50 30 10 0
500 I
70 50 30 10 70 50 3010 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 r0
Fot opti onal accsssories, Cetllcl.nlr ol Ullllz.llon

specity attet cat. no,

41 45 44 42 46 4413 41 43 41 40 41 40 39 39 39 38 37
101 27" C channel hanger 1000 43 40 37 35 42 39 37 35 38 36 34 36 35 33 35 34 32 31

/03 tam pe rproofing

,10 35 32
37 32 28
35 32 29 33 31 29 32
31 2a 25 30 27 24 29
31 29 28 27
2A 26 24 23
/04 top access 34 2A 24
3i 26 22
33 2A 24 22 27 24 2t 26
3t 25 22 19 25 22 19 24
25 23 21 2a
23 21 19 t8
/06 weatherproo{ g as ket ing 28 23 19
26 2r t7
28 22 1916 22141621
26 20 17 14 20 16 r4 19
16 14
16 20 18 16 15
19 16 1,1 13
/07 trigger-latch hinging
9 24 19 15 13 24 18 15 13 18 15 i3 i7 15 12 17 141212
/64 night li9ht,25W/ 10 2311 14 11 221l 13 11 16 t3 11 16 13 11 16 13 11 10

medium base R603732 & R603734

300W/P530 rnediLtm base
/86 thermal p rotect ion Floor cav ly rei ectance 0.2
deleted Spac ng to mtg. ht ratio- 1.3
Efi. 43.2%
Multl-stepped or Splayed SPECIFICATIONS
Touch.latch or Triggr latch Trim
H ousingllrame-in assembly conslsts ol housing,
plaster trame, hanger brackets, bat hangers,
connectot, llex and prewired iunction box.
Units are furnished prewired as standard with
flex, connector and junction box mounted on
plaster f rame. SF wire.
U.L. listed for thermally protected operation.
Where exceptions to thermal protection
regulations may apply, specily /86 for thermal
protection de leted.
Housing is square with round aperture. White
baked enamel finished bonderized steel.
.050 etched aluminum reflector.
Medium base sockets.
Wattage and lamps are indicated for specific
units. Lamps are not furnished.
Extruded aluminum plaster frame with universal
Holophano Lcn3 hanger brackets furnished with a pair 25"
adjustable sliding bar hangers.

Trim assembly consists ot two piece splayed ot

multi-stepped trim and lens.
Choice ol splayed or multi-stepped trim. lnner
trim available in white, black or muted grey paint
or satin aluminum; with outer trim white paint or
satin aluminum finish. Finish must be specified.
Choice of fresnel lens, Holophane lens or
drop opal d iffuser.
Fresnel and Holophane lens units have a
two piece die cast touch-latch trim as standard.
lnner trim has lens in frame and fits securely in
outer frame. Slight upward pressure on lens
activates hinging. Automatically relocks when
frame is pushed back. Hinging is concealed.
When open, lens and frame drop vertically
1/4" away from supporting surface eliminating
the danger of ceiling or trim disfiguration
during relamping.
Trigger latch hinging is standard on drop opal
Dlllu.6r units and available as optional on fresnel and
Holophane lens u nits.
Tamperproofing is available, specify /03 when
U.L. Llsted, Sultablo lot damp locatlons
l.B.E.W. Unlon Made
Cat. No. Spec. Trim Waltage & Lamp H eight Ce iling Trim O.D.
Page cut"out

R304739 R49 sp ayed 100/150/200wi A23 10" 11"

R304743 R49 m u lt i-ste p ped 100/ 1 50/200w/A23 7'1" 10" 11"
R604740 R55 splayed 300w/PS30 7%" 13" 14"
R604744 R55 mult ste p ped 300w/PS30 7'/"' 13" 14"

Ttim tinish must be specitied

C.lllog C!Ylly A.ll.cl.nc.
PP in ner-oute r white 60 70 5030 100
SS in ner-oute r satin ta
Wtll R.ll.cl.nc.
70 50 30 10 70 5{ 3010 50 30 10 50 30 10 sO 30 10 0
aluminurnt ,no crtllcl.nt. ot Ullllallon
GP in ner grey-Outer white 59 58 55 55 $ 57 s5 40 54 53 53 52 52 51 51 5! 49 48
GS inner grey-outer satin s6
5r 49 55 53
47 44 a2 \9
5! 49 51
46 44 47
48 47 4 47 46 45
44 43 45 {3 42 !1
aluminum 50 46 43 40 49 45 42 40 44 42 40 43 4r 39 42 40 39 3a
KP in ner black-outer white 47
39 37 46 42
36 34 44 39
39 36 rr
36 3,133
40 3A 36 39 37 35 35
35 33 s8 35 33 32
KS in ner black-outer satin 42 36
39 34
33 30 41 36
30 28 3a $
33 30 s5
30 28 33
32 30
3D 2A 32
32 30 34 32 30 29
29 21 32 29 27 26
aluminum 9 3731 27 253631 27 2a 3A 21 25 3X 21 25292T2524
tavailable w/splayed unit only 800 1a 34 29 2a 23 34 2A 25 23 2A 25 23 28 2'J 23 21 25 23 22

R304739 & R304743

150Wi A23 med ur'rr base
Touchlatch hinging standad 1000
Floor cav ly ref ectance 0.2
lJ.L. list'd lot thermally Spac ng to mlg ht. ral o- 0.9
Notected operation Efi 52.62,"
ior 100W muil ply by 6l
for 200W mult p y by I ,10
F ot optional accessoties, C.lllng C!vlly A.ll6clrnc.
specily altet cat, na. 80 70 5030 100
w'll R.ll..l.nc.
lo1 27" C channel hanger tooot, 705030 10 70so30 10 50 30 10 5! 30 10 50 30 100
C@lllcl.nl! ol ullli2!llon
/03 tamperproof ing
/06 weatherproof gasket ing

7a 6A 67 65 69 67 66 6,1 65 63 61 62 61 60 60 59 59 58
zooo l 67 63 61 5a 65 62 60 5A 60 5a 57 5a 5/ 55 57 55 54 53
/07 triggerlatch hinging 63 59 55
5S 54 5r
s3 62 5A 55 52
5,1 5Lr 48
55 s2 51 53
5r 48 46 50
51 5rJ 49
48 46 45
/64 night light,25W/ 3000
56 50 46
55 50 46 43 49 45 43 4814 42 41 !4 42 41
45 42 40 44 41 39
medium base 53 47 43 4A a2 47 43 4A 46 42 40 38

50,13 39 36 49 43 39 36 42 38 s6 41 38 36 40 38 3 35
/86 thermal p rotectio n 8
47 40 36
44 37 33
40 36 33
37 33 30
3S 36
36 33
3a 35 33 38
36 32 30 35
35 33
32 30
deleted 10 41 35 3r 23 41 3,1 31 28 34 30 28 33 30 28 33 3C 28 27

R604740 & R604744

300W/PS30 med iu rn base
F oor cav ly rel ectance O.2
Spac ng to rntg ht. ratio
Eff. 62.4'./"
- 0I
Cal. No. Spec. Trim Watlage & Lamp Height Ceiling
Page cul-out

R304741 R51 splayed 100/150/200W/A23 7 fi' 10" 11"

R304745 R51 multi-stepped 100/150/200W/A23 7 v;' 10" 11"
R604742 R57 sp layed 300W/PS30 7 7e' ' 13" 14"
mu lti-stepped 300W/PS30
R604746 R57 14"

Tim f inish must be specitied Fdlouonaovruc ilata
PP inner-outer white c.lllng CtYlrY R.ll.cl!nc.
SS in ne r-ouler satin 80 70 5030 100
w'll Felloclrnco
aluminumt 705030 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
Collicl6ni3 ol Utlll2alion
GP inner grey-outer white
GS inner grey-outer satin
1 58 56 54
a4 a2 49
aluminum 3 5t 48 45 43 50 47 45 43 46 44 42
45 43 41 43 42 41 4A

KP inner black-outer white 5

49 4s 42
46 41 38
KS in ner black"outer satin 6 44 39 36
41 36 33
33 s2
30 29
aluminum I 3S 34 31 28 38 34 30 28 33 3A 2A 32 3A 2A 3? 30 28 27
tavailable w/splayed unil only I 37 32 28 26 36 31 28 26 31 28 26 30 28 26 30 28 26 25
10 35 30 27 24 34 29 26 24 29 26 24 29 26 24 2A 26 24 23

R304741 & R304745

Touchlalch hinging standad 150W/A23 medium base
U.L. listed tot thetmally F oor cavity reflectance o.2
prctected operction Spacing to mtg. ht. ratio 1.0
- 51.0%
for 100W mu ltiply by.61
Fot optional accesso/res, for 200W multiply by 1.40
specily attet cat. no.
101 27" C channel hanqer Coillng C.vily R6ll6cttncg
/03 tamperproofing e0 70 5030 100
Wsll Roll.clanco
/06 weatherprool g asket ing 70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 3010 50 30 10 0
c06lllclonls ol ullllzallon
/07 trigger-latch hinging
/64 night light,25W/ 1

57 56 55
54 52 50
53 53
50 49
52 51
48 47
medium base 3 56 52 49 41
5a a2
5A 48 46
47 44 42
47 46
45 43
45 44
53 49 46 52 41
/86 thermal protection 5 5A 46 42 40 49 45 42 4A 44 41 3S 43 41 42 40
39 38 38
6 43 3t 41 43 39 37 42 39 37 41 39 37
40 38 36 36
deleted ^A 40
45 ^a
36 34 44 40 36 34 39 36 34 38 36 38 35
34 33 33
4 3a 34 32 42 37 34 32 37 34 32 36 33 3r 36 33 31 31
9 41 35 32 30 40 35 32 30 35 32 30 34 31 29 34 31 29 29
10 39 33 30 28 38 33 30 28 33 3A 28 32 3A 2A 32 29 28 27

R604742 & 604746
300W/PS30 med um base
Floor cav ty reilectance A.2
Spacing to mtg. hl ratio -85
Elf. 56.4"/"
Cat. No. Spec. Trim Wattage & Lamp Height Ceiling Trim O.D.
Paqe cul-out

R304735 R53 splayed 100/150/200w/A23 7 fi' 10" 11"

R304737 R53 multi.stepped 100/150/200w/A23 10" 11"
R604736 R59 splayed 300wPS30 14"
R604738 R59 multi-stepped 300w/PS30 7
5/d' IJ 14"

Ttim tinish rnust be specilied

PP in ner-oute r white /50 Calllng Crvlly F6tr.clanc6
SS in ner-outer satin 80 70 5030 100
aluminumt 70 50 30 r0 70 50 30 10 50
Wall F6lloclanc6
3! 10 50 30 10 50 3010 0
GP in ner grey-outer white 600 r.llo C06lllcl.nl! ol Utlllz.ilon
GS in ner grey-outer satin 34 32 3r 30 33 32 31 3A 3A 29 2S 29 28 28 2a 2T 27 26
aluminum 31 29 27 2a 3A 2A 26 25 27 25 24 26 25 23 25 24 23 22
2A 25 23 21 2A 25 23 21 24 22 20 23 21 20 22 21 2a 19
KP inner b lack-o u ter white 26 23 20 1a 25 22 2A 1A 21 19 18 21 19 17 20 19 17 17

KS in ner black-ouler satin 24 20 1A

22 19 16
16 23 2A 17 t6 r9 17 15 1S 17 r5 18 16 15 14
14 221816141816 14 17 15 14 r7 15 14 13
aluminum 20 16 14 12 20 16 13 1216 t3 12 15 r3 12 15 13 11 11
I r9 t5 t2 t0 l8 15 12 10 14 12 10 14 12 10 13 12 10 10
tavailable w/splayed unit only I 18 13 11 917 13 11 913 tr 9 13 11 912 10 9 I
l0 1612r0 816 1210 4121Q 811 9 8r1 9 8 7
Ttigge tlatch hinging standatd 0o R304735 & R304737
150W/A23 medium base
U.L. listed lot thermally FLoor cavity reflectance - 0.2
prctected operction Spaclng to mtg. hl. ratio - 1.25
Eff. 30.8%
for 100W muliiPlY bY .61
Fot optional accessoties, for 200W multiply by 1.40
specily altet cat, no.
l0'l 27" C channel hanger Collin! C!vlly B6ll.clrnc.
/03 tam perp roof in g /50
80 70 5030 100
/06 weatherproof gasket ing wallR.ll.cl.nc6
70 50 30 10 70 50 3010 50 30 10 s0 30 10 s0 30 10 0
/07 trigger-!atch hinging 60!
Cooltlcl6nrs oi Ullllzallon

/64 night light,25W/ 1

34 37 36
28 34 32
34 33 32
30 29 27
32 31
32 31 30 30
2A 27
2A 27 26 25
medium base 3 32 28 26 24 31 28 25 23 2T 24 23 26 24 23
25 24 22 22
/86 thermal protection 5
23 2A 29 25
2Q 18 26 22
24 22 2A
22 19 17
23 21 19 t9
21 2A
20 18 t7 16
19 17
deleted 6 25 2r t8 16 25 21 t8 t6 20 t7 i6 19 i7 i5 19 t7 15 15
23 18 1513 22 18 15 13 17 15 13 17 15 13 17 14 13 12
8 21 17 14 1221 16 14 12 16 13 12 16 13 12 15 13 11 11
I 20 15 12 10 19 15 12 10 14 12 10 14 121A141210 9
10 18 14 11 918 14 11 913 11 913 11 913 1r I 8
R604736 & 8604738
300W/PS30 med iurn base
Floor cavily reflectance 0.2
Spacing to mtg. ht. ratio- 1.26
Efi. 34 7a/" -
Recessed Round Housing SPECIFICATIONS
Die Cast Trim
Housing assembly conslsts of housing, socket
plaster frame, hanget brackets, bar hangers,
connector, flex and prcwired iunction box.
Cylindrical housing is heavy gauge bonderized
steel finished in white baked enamel.
.050 etched aluminum rellector. For optional
Alzak reflector, sPec ifY /12.
Units are furnished prewired as standard with
llex, connector and junction box mounted on
p laster frame. SF wire.

100 wait verlical lamp

U.L. listed for thermally protected operation.
Where exceptions to thermal protection
regulations may apply, specily /86 for thermal
protection deleted.
l,/edium base sockets.
,--..- \. For incandescent lamP (bY others)
One piece die cast plaster frame with universal
hanger brackets furnished with a pair 25"
adju stable sliding bar hangers.

100 watl horizontal lamP Trim assembly conslsls of die cast lrame
and dill u se r or lens
Choice of flat diffuser, flat fresnel lens
drop opal diffuser or regressed fresnel lens.
Trim ring is available in white paint or satin
aluminum finish and must be specified.
Torsion spring h ing in g.
Gasketed die cast trim.

U.L. Listed. Suilable lor damp locations

150 wall horizontal lamp LB.E.W. Union Made

2001300 watt horizonlal lamP

Cal. No. Spec. Trim Waltage & Lamp Height Ceiling Trim O.O.
Page cul.oul
R201701 H1 vertical 100WA19 or A21 7.h" 8'h"
R402705 R9 horizontal 100WA19 or A21 6%" 10" 1.1"
R602709 R17 horizontal 150WA21 or A23 6%" 11'h" 12v,"
R702713 R25 horizontal 300wPs30 8" 13" 14"

Ttim linish must be specitied: Fot optional accassories, spdcily altet cal. no,
P low gloss white paint /01 27" C channel han ger
S sat in alu m inum /03 tamperprooling
lo4 top access
/05 night light, 25W/ medium base
U.L. listed lor thermally /06 weatherprool gasketing
protected operation
/86 thermal protection deleted

Photometric Data - zonal cavity method

R201701 horizontallamp R4O2ZO5

100W/A21 medium base 100WA21 medium base
Floor cavity reflectance
Spacing to mtg. ht. ratio
- 0.2
Floor cavity reflectance 0.2
Spacing to mtg. ht. ratio - 1.23
.Etf . 42.8"/"
- Eff. 49.2"/"
- -
c.rlhg crvlry R.il.cr.nc. c.lllnC C.vhy R.ll.cl.nc.
60 70 5030 100 30 t0 50 30
w.ll R.iler.n.. W.ll R.il.cl.nc.
70 50 30 10 t0 50 3i, 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 0 70 50 30 10 70 5Ir 30 10 Sn 30 r0 50 30 10 50 30 10 0
c4lllcl.nb ol urllrzrlon Co.illcl.nlr ol Ullllz.llon
36 35 34 33 36 34 33 32 33 32 31 32 31 30 30 30 29 23 41 30 33 37 40 39 37 36 37 36 36 35 34
35 34 34 33 32
34 31 29 21 33 30 29 27 29 2A 2A 2A 27 26 21 26 25 25 3a 35 33 31 37 34 32 30 33 31 34
32 30 n 31292424
31 2A 25 23 & 27 25 23 26 21 23 25 24 22 24 23 22 21 35 31 23 26 34 31 23 26 30 27 29 21 25
25 n 26 25 24
29 2s 22 2A 2A 24 22 20 24 21 20 23 21 t92221 t9 19 32 2A 25 23 31 2A 25 23 27 24 22
2A 24 22 25 23 22 21
26 22 20 1T 26221917 21 19 17 21 19 17 2013 17 16 sa 25 22 2A 29 25 22 20 24 21 23 21 19
19 23 21 1S 1A
2A 23 20 1a 27 23 2A 1A 22 201A 22 19 1A 21 19 17 17
2213 15 13 22 1315 13 17 15 131715 13 1614 13 12
21 16 1,4 12 20 16 14 12 16 13 12 15 13 12 15 13 12 11 2.r 19 16 13 23 131513 131513 17 151317151313
1915 12 1010 1512 10 14 12 101412 10 14 12 10 10 2217 1412 21, 11 14121A 1412 16 14 12 16 13 12 11
20 16 13 |
20 15 t311 15 12 11 15 12 11 14 12 11 t0
Cat. No. Spec. Trim Wattage & Lamp Height Ceiling
Page cul-oul
R201702 R3 ical
ve rt 100WA'19 or A21 8]/,"
R402706 R11 horizontal 100W/A19 or A21 6vd' 10" 11"
R602710 R19 horizontal 150W/A21 or A23 b7. 111h"
R702714 R27 h o rizon tal 300w/PS30 at 14"

T m linlsh must be specitied: Fot optional accessories, specity aftet cal. no.
P low gloss white paint 101 27" C channel hanger
S satin alum inum /03 tam pe rproof ing
/04 top access
U.L. lisled for thermally /05 night light,25W/ rnedium base
protected operation /06 weatherproof g as ket ing
/86 thermal protection de leted

Photometric Data zonal cavity method



"* -:'

vertlcal lamp R2A1702 horizontallamp R402706

100W/A21 med ium base 100W/A21 medium base
Floor cavity refleclance 0.2 Floor cavity reflectance 0 2
Spacing to mlg. ht. ratio - 1.5 Spacing to mtg. ht. ratio - 122
Fft - 454/" Fff - 50.8%

C.lllnoCaYlly R6rlocltnc CslllnO ctvllY F.llocr!nc

30 70 50 30
w.ll F6ll.cronc w3ll R6llocl.nc
/0 50 3010 70 50 30 10 s0 3010 s0 30 10 s0 30 10 0 0 50 3010 50 30 r0 0
Coolllcldhl3 ol Ulll12!tlon

50 43 47 45 49 47 46 45 45 44 43 AA 43 42 42 41 41 4A 0 50 4s .r3 43 47 47 46
53 50 .3 46 52 50 47 45 43 46 ,14 46 4513 45 44 42 42
4339 36 34 42 39 36 34 37 35 3 50 46 43 41 4S 4s 4310 4412 40 43 41 39 4r {0 33 37
40 36 32 30 39 35 32 29 34 31 29 33 31 29 32 30 23 23 47 42 3S 36 46 42 39 36 41 33 36 40 37 35 39 37 35 34
31 32 2S 26 36 32 2a 26 31 2A 26 3A 21 25 23 21 ?5 24 44 :t9 35 33 43 33 35 33 37 34 32 36 34 32 36 33 32 3r
35 29 26 23 34 29 26 23 28 25 23 27 25 23 27 24 23 22 41 36 32 30 41 36 32 30 35 32 3C 34 31 29 33 31 29 23
31 26 22 2A 31 25 ?2 19 ?5 22 19 24 21 19 24 21 1913 3A 33 29 26 37 32 29 ?6 32 23 26 31 23 26 s0 23 26 25
29 23 20 17 2A n 19 11 2? 19 17 22 19 17 21 19 17 16 36 3A 26 24 35 3A 26 24 2S 26 24 2A ?6 23 2A 25 23 23
17 15 20 17 r5 20 17 r5 19 17 15 14 33 27 24 21 33 27 24 21 27 23 21 26 23 21 26 23 21 2A
25 19 ls 13 24 19 15 13 rA 15 13 13 15 13 17 r5 13 12 19 24 21 13 24 21 19 ?121 19 18

Cal. No. Spec. Trim Watlage & Lamp Height Ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cui.out
R201703 R5 vertical 100W/A19 or A2.1 7 vi' 71h" 8,h"
R402707 R13 horizontal 100W/A19 or A2.l 6%" 10" 11"
R602711 R21 ho rizo ntal 150W/A21 or A23 6vi' 11'h" 12v,"
R702715 R29 horizontal 300wPS30 8" IJ 14"

Ttim ltnlsh rnust be speciliod: Fot optional accessories, specity attet cat. no.
P low gloss white paint /01 27" C channel h anger
S satin aluminum /03 tam perproof ing
104 top access
U.L. isted for therrnally /05 night light,25W/ medium base
protected operation
/06 weatherproof gasketing
/86 thermal protection d e leted

Photometric Data - zonal eavity rli!etlnod


vertical lamp R201703 horizontallamp R4O2707

100W/A21 med ium base 100W/A21 medium base
Floor cavity reflectance
Spacing to mtg. ht. raiio
- 0.2 Floor cavity reflectance 0.2
Spacing to mtg ht. ratio - T.2
Efi. 37 .15%
- 1.44 Eff. 2a.o"/" -
csrrrns cavlry Ro 6clanco c6lllnq cdvnv Rsri.ctanco
s0 70 30 70 s0 30
W.tr F6flBcr!nc. w!Ll R.il.cran.s
70 s0 30 10 70 s0 3010 50 30 1 70 s0 30 r0 70 s0 30 10 50 30 1
Coorllclnis or Uir ru,rron Coolllcl.ntt ol Urlllsllon
40 3A 36 3-139 37 35 33 35 31 32 34 32 3l 32 31 30 30 3A 2A 21 26 29 2A 26 25 26 25 24 25 25 24 24 24 23 22
36 33 30 2A 35 32 29 27 31 2A 27 29 2A 26 2A 27 25 ?4 27 25 23 21 26 24 22 21 23 21 2A 22 21 ?A 21 2A 19 1A
33 29 25 23 32 2A 25 23 27 24 ?2 26 24 22 25 23 21 21 25 221917 24 21 19 17 20 13 17 19 13 16 l9 17 16 r5
30 ?5 22 2A 29 25 2219 2421 19 23 21 19 22 20 19 13 23 19 1/ 15 22 r9 16 15 i3 161
2A I19 17 27 2219 17 21 1S 16 21 l3 16 20 13 16 15 21 17 14 13 2a 17 14121614 12 16 14 12 15 13 12 I l
26 21 17 15 25 2a 11 15 2017 15 19 17 15 13 16 t4 14 rr
r9 16 i3 11 19 15 13 r5 1311 14 12 1r 14 l2 l1 10
23 13 15 r2 23 13 1s 12 17 14 1217 141216 14 12 11 1A1411 I r/ r31r 913 r1 I r311 91210 I S
221613 r1 21 i61311 16 13 it
15 1311 1512 il 10 1612i0 3161210 31210 311r0 3r1 I3 /
201512 10 2015 12 r0 t411 I1411 913 r1 9I 9 711 I7r0 3 710 3 7 7
r91'10 3 131310 313 r0 31310 A12rO 3 3 3 510 3 610 3 6I3 6 6
Cal. No. Spec. Trim Watlaqe & Lamp Height Ceiling
Page cui.oul
R201704 R7 ve rt ical 100W/A19 or A21 8v,"
R402708 R15 horizontal 100WA19 or A21 O7a 10" 11"
6./i' '11'h" 1?.h"
R602712 R23 horizontal 150W/A21 or A23
R702716 R31 horizontal 300w/PS30 o 13" 14"
T m flnish must bo specitied: Fot optional accessories, specity altet cat. no.
P low gloss white Paint /01 27" C channel han ge r
S satin aluminum /03 tamperproof ing
t04 top access
U.L. iisted lor thermally /05 night light,25W/ medium base
protected o pe rat ion
/06 weatherproof gasketi ng
/86 thermal protection de leted
Photom etric Data zonal cavity method

,!a-- )

vertical lamp R201704 horizontal lamp R402708
100W/A21 med ium base 100W/A21 medium base
Floor cavilY reflectance 0 2 Floor cavity ref ectance 0.2
Spaclnq 10 mtg. ht. ratio - 16 Spaclng to mtg. ht. ratio- 1.27
Etf. 39.3% El1. 51.50/6
- -
cdllln! c.vhy Rdllcranc6 Collln crvlly R6rl.clrnc.

wall F.lloclanc. W.ll R.ll.cianc

70 so 3010 70 50 30 10 s0 3010 50 3010 s0 30 10 0 70 50 30 10 70 50 3010 s0 30 r0 s0 3010 5o 3010 0
Coslllclnl3 ol Uilllz.tlon C@lllclonts ol Uilllz.tlon

.r1 42 41 40 41 40 39
43 40 33 3
39 33 37 37 36 36 35 53 56 54 53 56 55 53 52 53 52 51 51 50 49 49 43 43 47
41 3A 36 34 40
33 36 34 36 35
33 35 34 33 34 33 32 31 54 51 49 47 53 50 43 .6 49 47 45 17 46 44 46 44 43 42
33 34 32 30 37
34 31 30 33 31
29 32 3A 29 31 29 2A 21 5r 47 44 41 50 46 43 41 15 42 40 43 41 40 42 41 39 33
35 31 28 26 31 2A 26
34 30 26 29
27 27 25 2A 26 25 24 4313 10 37 47 42 39 37 41 39 36 40 3A 36 39 37 36 35
32 2A 25 23 2A 25 23
3? 21 22 26
24 24 22 25 23 22 21 45 39 36 33 14 39 36 33 33 35 33 37 34 32 36 34 32 31
30 26 % 2A 2S 25 ?2 20 25 22
2A 24 22 2A 23 21 2A 19 42 37 33 30 41 36 33 30 35 32 30 35 32 30 34 3r 30 29
27 2215 17 27 22 19 11 ?1 19 17 21 13 i7 20 13 17 16 39 33 29 27 33 33 29 26 32 29 26 31 2A 26 31 2A 26 25
5 r9 16151316 r414 36 3A 26 24 35 3A 26 24 29 26 24 29 26 2124 25 23 23
23 r315 13 23 13 1513 17 15 r3 17 14 13 17 14 13 12
21 1613 rr 21 16 13 1r 1613 11 15 r3 11 15 13 r1 10 31 25 22 19 31 25 21 19 24 21 19 24 21 19 21 21 19 13
Recessed Square Houslng SPECIFICATIONS
Die Cast Trim
Housing assembly conslsls ot housing, sockel
plaster lnme, hanger brackets, bat hangers,
connector, flex and prewired iunction box.
Square housing is heavy gauge bonderized
steel finished in white baked enamel.
.050 etched aluminum reflector. For optional
Alzak reflector, specify /12.
Units are furnished prewired as standard with
flex, connector and junction box mounted on
plaster f rame. SF wire.
100/150 walt
U.L. listed for thermally protected operation.
Where exceptions to thermal protection
regulations may apply, specify /86 for thermal
protection deleted.
Medium base sockets.
For incandescent lamp (by others)
Extruded aluminum plaster frame with universal
hanger brackets turnished with a pair 25"
adjustable slid ing bar hangers.

'150/200 watt Ttim assembly corslsls of one u two piece ttim

frame with diltuser or lens.
Choice of flat ditluser, tlat fresnel lens,
drop opal diffuser, Holophane flat lens,
Holophane concave lens, Holophane drop lens
or Asymmetric lens.
One piece trim trame is available in white paint
or satin aluminum finish and must be specified.
Two-piece trim has concealedtquch latch. One
piece has torsion spring hinging.
Weather resislanl gasketed one or two piece
die cast trim or two piece die cast trim
with inner black multi-step riser. The stepped
type two-piece trim has outer trim available in
paint or satin aluminum, and stepped inner
available in black or grey paint. Finish must be
s p ec if ied.
150r200W multl-slep trlm
- U.L. Listed. Suitable lor damp locations
LB.E.W. Union Mede

satr.l s allat h..i t. ft)UCH 1At( H lt."r h/r.: r.r'at.d
300 walt l[. saLt.l a.d a. p \||]rt) d.trt l. tt tlt nt ,tt,!rr Ix
r.lar Dit.tlt.n; li ltt,
Cat. No. Spec. Trim Wattage & Lamp Height Ceiling Trim O.D.
Paqe cut.out

s401801 S1 one p iece 100/150w/A21 7" 9%" 10%"

s40181 1 S1 two p iece 100/150w/A21 7" 9%" 10%"
s601821 s11 one p iece 150/200W/A-type 12f;' 13"
s601831 s11 two p iece 150/200W/A-type 7%" 12'h"
s801851 s41 one p iece 300w/PS30 7" 13%" 14,h"
s801861 s41 two piece 300w/PS30 7" 13,/," 14'L"
Trim linlsh must ba specilied: Fot optional accessories,
specify aflet cat. no.
P low gloss white paint
S sat in alum inum 101 27" C channel hanger
/03 tamperproof inq
/04 10p ac ces s
U.L. listed for thermally /05 night light.25W/
p rotec ted o pe ratio n rnedium base
/06 weatherproot gasketlng
/86 therma p rotec t io n
de eted
Cat. No. Spec. Trim Wattage & Lamp H eight Ceiling Trim O. D.
Page cut.out

two p iece
3/"" 12,h" t.t
s601841 s25 150/200W/A-type 7


Fot optional accessories,

T m ltnlsh rnusl De specifiod: specily attet cal. no.
PP r-outer white painl
in ne 101 27" C channel hanger
KP inner black, outer white paint /03 tam pe rp roof ing
KS inner black, outer satin aluminum
/04 top access
GS inner grey-outer satin aluminum
/05 night light,25W/
GP inner grey,ouler white medium base
/06 weatherproof Easketing
U.L. listed for thermally /86 thermal protection
protected operat io n


Crllln! Crvlly R.llelrn.6

500 I 80 70 50 31t 10
Wrll R.ll.cunc.
70 50 i!0 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 so 30 10 so 30 i0
Cltlcl.nlr ol Ullllutlon
1 6562 6058&61 5957 53 56 55 565! 5354 5352 50
2 59 55 51 48585451 485249 47 5a 48 4643 a644 43
3 s54S44 41 53 48444t 46434045 42 3943 41 39 37
1500 4 51 4439 36 49 43 3935423a354037 34 39 35 3433
5 47 40 35 31 45 39 3,1 31 3a 34 30 37 33 30 36 32 30 29
6 44 3631 2843 3631 28 3531 23 34 30 27 33 30 27 26
7 40 3227 24 39 32 27 24 31 21 233A 2623 29 26 23 22
8 37 29 24 2136292421 2A2421 27 2421 27 23212A
9 34 27 2? 19 34 26 22 19 26 22 19 25 21 1924?1 1817
1A 32 24 20 17 31 24 2A 11 24 19 17 23 t9 t7 22 19 17 16

s801851 & S801861

300W/PS30 med urn base
F oor cav ty Tef cctancc 0.2
Spac n9 to mtq ht rat o 1 17
Eif 58 99;

C.lllnq Crvlty F.ll.ctrnc.

80 70 5030 100
w'll R.ilGlrnc.
70 50 30 10 70 50 3010 5'0 30 10 50 30 10 so 30 10 0
C6ltlcl.nts ol Utlll4llon
5oo 1 5-{ 52 50 4A 53 51 49 4a 49 48 46 47 46 45 45 44 43 42
] 2 S 46 53 51 ,19 45 43 40 4141 39 42 40 3a 41 39 3 37
3 46 41 38 35 45 41 37 3,139 3 34 38 35 33 37 34 33 32
1aa / 43 37 33 30 42 37 33 30 35 32 30 34 31 29 33 31 2! 28
5 39 33 29 27 3a 133 29 26 32 29 26 31 2a 26 30 2T 25 24
6 37 31 27 24 36 30 27 24 30 26 24 29 26 23 28 25 23 22
14 ?1 )a 20 33 27 23 2a 26 23 2A 25 22 20 2a 22 2A 19
B 31 25 2i t8 3t 2a 21 1A 24 20 18 23 2a 18 ?3 20 18 17
I 29 23 19 16 28 22 1S 16 22 18 re 21 18 16 21 18 16 15
10 21 21 17 14 21 21 11 14 2A 17 14 2a 17 14 19 t6 14 13

s60r82r, s60r83r & s60r84l

200W/A23 med i! m base
F oor cav ty ref ectance 4.2
Spac n! to mt!. hl. rat o 1 lB
Elf. 49.5 %
for 150W mLrlliply by.77

Cat. No. Spec. Trim Wattage & Lamp H eig ht Ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cut-out

s401802 S3 one iecep 100/150w/A21 7' 10% "

s40181 2 S3 two p ece 100/150w/A21 7" 9i;' 103,/,"

s601822 s13 one piece 150/200W/A-type 7',h" 12'k' 13'

s601832 s13 two p iece 150/200W/A-type 7 f;' 13"
s801852 s43 one p iece 300w/PS30 7" 13t' 14,n"
s80 t 862 s43 two p iece 300w/PS30 7' 1 3'i; " 14'h '

Trim llnish must bs specilied: Fot optional accessoties,

specily aflet cat. no.
P low gloss white paint
S satin alu min um 101 27" C channel hanger
/03 tamperProof lng
/04 top acces s
U.L. lisled for thermally /05 night light,25Wi
protected ope rat io n medium base
/06 weatherproof g as ket ing
/86 thermal p roiect io n

Cat. No. Spec. Trim Watlage & Lamp Height Ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cut-oul

two piece
s601842 527 150/200w/A-type 7'l;' 12,h" 13"

T m llnlsh must Oo specifled: Fot optional accessories,

PP in ne r-o u ter white paint spacity attet cal, no.
KP inner black, outer white paint 101 27" C channel hanger
KS inner black, outer satin aluminum /03 tam pe rproof ing
GS inner grey-outer satin aluminum /04 top ac cess
GP inner grey,outer white /05 night light,25W/
medlum base
/06 weatherproof gasketing
U.L. listed for thermally /86 thermal p rotect ion
protected ope rat io n deleted

Photometric Data zonal cavity method

Clllno Cavlly Aotlet!nc.

wrll R6ll.cl.nc.
70 50 3010 70 50 t0l0 50 3010 50 30 t0 50 3010 0
Cdillcl.nlr ol ullll'rlon
54 52 51 50 53 51 50 49 49 48 47 48 47 46 46 45 45 44
51 48 46 44 5A 47 45 44 4S 44 43 44 43 42 43 42 41 4a
4A 44 41 39 47 44 41 39 42 40 38 41 39 38 40 38 37 36
45 41 38 35 44 40 37 35 39 37 35 3A 36 34 37 35 34 33
42 38 34 32 41 37 34 32 36 34 32 35 33 31 35 33 31 30
40 35 32 29 39 35 32 29 34 31 29 33 31 29 33 30 29 28
3T 32 29 26 36 32 2A 26 31 2A 26 30 2A 26 30 27 26 25
8 35 29 26 24 34 29 26 24 29 26 24 28 25 24 28 25 23 23
9 33 27 24 22 32 2T 24 22 26 23 21 26 23 21 25 23 21 21
10 31 25 22 20 30 25 22 20 24 22 20 24 21 19 24 21 19 19
s401802 & 5401812
150WA21 medium base
Floor cavity reflectance 0.2
Spacing to mtg. hl. ratio- 1.15
Eft. -
- 4a.2%
for 100W multiply by .61

C.llln0 Cevliy R6ll.cltnc.

W.ll R.ll.ct!nc.
70 50 30 t0 70 50 30 10 50 30 l0 511 30 10 50 30 10 0
cdlllcl.nt. 6l Ulll12.llon

1 69 67
65 64 68 66 64 63 63 62 61 61 60 59 59
58 57 56
2 65 62
59 56 64 61 58 56 59 56 55 57 55 53 55
54 52 51
3 61 57
53 50 60 56 53 50 54 51 49 53 50 48 49
51 46 47
58 52
49 46 57 52 48 45 50 4/ 45 49 46 44 48
46 44 43
5 54 48
44 41 53 48 44 41 47 43 4t 4a 43 4A 44
42 40 39
6 51 45
41 3a 50 45 41 38 44 40 37 43 40 37 42
39 37 36
7 4811 37 34 47 41 37 34 40 36 33 39 36 33 38
35 33 32
I 45 38 34 31 44 38 33 31 37 33 31 36 33 30 35
32 30 2S
I 42 35 31 28 41 35 31 28 3c 30 28 33 30 28 33 30 27 26
10 39 3' 2A 25 3a 32 2A 25 3r 2A 25 31 21 25 3A 27 25 24

s601822. 560i 832 & 5601842

200WA23 medium base
F oor caviiy reilectance 0.2
Spacing to mtg. ht. ratio- 1.19
Eff. 61.6%
for 150W mu liply by.71 19
Cat. No. Spec. Trim Wattage & Lamp Height Ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cul.oul

s601823 515 one piece 150/20OW/A-type 7 "/d' 12f;' 13"

s601833 515 two p iece 150/200W/A-type 7 "h" 13"
s801853 S45 one p iece 300w/PS30 7" 13'h" 14y;'
s801863 S45 two piece 300w/PS30 7" 13'h" 1A'li'

T m linish musl be specilied: Fot optional accessorias,

P low gloss white paint spoclry aftet cat. no.
S satin aluminum l0'l 27" C channel hanger
/03 tamperproof ing
,04 top access
U.L. listed for thermally ,05 night light,25W/
protected operation medium base
/06 weatherproof gasket ing
/86 thermal proteclion

Cal. No. Spec. Trim Watlage & Lamp Height Ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cul-oul

two p iece
'121/^" 13"
s60't 843 s29 150/200W/A-type

T m flnlsh musl ba speclliod: Fot optional accessoties,

PP in ner-oute r white paint spocity attet cat. no.
KP inner black, outer white paint l0l 27" C channel hanger
KS inner black, outer satin aluminum /03 tamperproof ing
GS inner grey-outer satin aluminum /04 top access
GP in ner grey,outer white /05 night light,25W/
medium base
U.L. listed for thermally /06 wealherproof gasketing
protected operation /86 thermal protect io n
de leted

Photometric Data zonal cavity method
Clllng Cavily Roll.clrn.o
80 70 5030 100
Wrll Rll6crrncs
tra 70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 3010 511 30 10 50 30 1C 0
C06lllci6nls ol Ullllzrllon

32 30 29 28 31 3A 2A 27 2A 27 26 27 26 24 26 25 25 24
29 26 24 22 2A 26 24 22 25 23 22 24 22 21 23 22 21 20
26 23 21 19 26 23 2A 1A 22 20 18 21 19 18 20 19 18 17
24 21 18 16 24 2Q 1816 2a 17 16 19 17 15 18 17 15 15
22 1a 16 14 22 18 16 14 17 15 13 17 15 13 16 15 13 12
21 11 t4 12 2A 17 14121614121614 12 15 13 12 11
450 7 19 15 12 10 18 14 12 10 14 12 10 14 12 10 13 11 10 9
I 18 13 11 917 13 11 9 13 lr 912 10 912 10 9 I
9 16 12 10 816 12 10 812 I811 I811 9 8 7
t0 15 11 9 715 11 I711 8 710 8 710 I7 6


s401803 & 5401813

150W/A21 med iu m base
Floor cavity retlectance 0.2
Spacing 1o mtg. hl. ratio- 1.31
Eff. -
- 30.0%
ior 100W multiply by .61

coiling cavily Rll.clanc

8o 70 5030 100
wall Aslleclanc6
70 so 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 3010 0
coalllclenls ol Utlrizallon

l 56 54 51 49 55 50 49 47 48 47 46 46
53 50 49 45 44 43
2 51 47 44 415A 44 42 39 43 41 39 41
46 43 4Q 39 38 37
3 47 423a34 46 39 36 33 38 35 33 37
41 37 34 34 32 31
44 3T 33 30 42 36 32 29 34 31 29 33
37 33 29 31 28 27
5 AA 34 29 26 39 32 2A 2a 31 2A 25 30
33 29 25 27 25 24
6 37 31 26 23 36 29 26 23 29 25 23 2A
30 26 23 25 22 21
34 27 23 19 33 27 221926 22 19 25 22 19 24 21 19 1A
8 32 2a 2a 17 31 24 20 17 23 19 17 22
24 2A 17 19 17 16
29 22 la 15 29 22 18 15 21 18 15 20
22 1A 15 17 15 14
10 2721 t61427 2A16ft2A 16 14 19 16 13 19 16 13 13

s601823. S601833 & S601843

200W/A23 medium base
Floor cavity ref ectance
Spacinq to mtq. ht. rat o
- 0.2
Cat. No. Spec. frim Wattage & Lamp H eight ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cut'oul

s401804 S7 one piece 100/ 150w/A21 7" 9"i" 10-1r"

s40 t 814 S7 two p iece 100/150w/A21 7" I%" 10x '
s601824 s17 one piece 150/200W/A-type 12,h" 13'
s601834 s17 two p iece 150/200W/A-type 7%" 12'k' 13"
s80't 854 s47 one piece 300w/PS30 7" 13%" 14'i''
s801864 s47 two p iece 300wi PS30 7' 13l;' 14'i"

Tim linish musl be specitied: Fot optional acc6ssories,

speclly altet cat. no.
P low gloss white paint
S satin aluminum 101 27" C channel hanger
/03 tam pe rp roof ing
/04 top access
/05 night light,25W/
U.L. listed for thermally medium base
protected ope rat io n
/06 weatherproof gas ket ing
/86 thermal protection

Cal. No. Spec. Trim Wattage & Lamp H eigh t Ce iling Trim O.D.
Page cul.out

two p ece
s601844 531 150/200W/A-type 12'tB ' 13'

Ttim tlnlsh musl be specitied: Fot opti on al accessories,

PP in ne r"oute r white paint specily altet cat. no.
KP inner black, outer white paint 101 27" C channel hanger
KS inner black, outer satin aluminum /03 tam pe rp roof in g
GS inner grey-outer satin aluminum /04 top acce ss
GP inner grey,outer while /05 n ight llght,25W/
medium base
/06 weatherproof gasketing
U.L. listed for thermal y /86 thermal p rotect ion
protected ope rat io n deleted


Ciling Cavity Rall6clrnc6

30 70 5030 100
cvly 70 50 30 l0 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 0
ralio Coollicl6nls ol Uli z.lion
5i 5j a:.ri ar 5: 5: a2 ar 5ir 5a 5i rt r! .[] 4r'1a

t,r ! .1!r 1 !j !! r3 46,16 .1, lt 17 4\ 44 1\.1t3 ta
5 11 1r ,r2 tLl 16 ja rr 45 al 4r 4,1 r:r,111 ,12 ar 3! 3!
tn tr ril ll 1i r:r 4!:Jij 1l J! -ir'al .i! ili lil:nj ajd 3-6
r: ta:i 3r 4tr Jn 17 ld .r! .16 :4 :lt :5 :r a/ 35 33 12
600 r-r rtr rt:r2 t2 tr t4 l2 l! il-l tr ra ril Jt i5 J3 irl l!
.:i .1.1 .it :3:t1l tl :f :u 3:3.:rit :::a 2t lr.ln 28 2i
:r,'rl:5 la il ii2 2U 2..:ll :1,26 il(l:6 21i ila 2/ 26 2-.
75t, .i) ;i :1 i! :\a 2i 2. 21 27 21 2a 2T ,A )2 26 24 21 2'

S,10T :\ S10T if 4
I50Wi A2i ]ledi!ni bas,.
F oor aairity itrfleatiiIce 0 ?
Spac fC 1(r n,t!. ltl rat o i l3
Eii 5l 0.,.,
for 100\rt nrrrltir. J/ b! 6i

Ceilifg CEviiy Ret .lan.o
80 70 50 30 10
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 i0 50 30 10
Coollic .ls ol Ulllzalion
7 ilr. llli ll! liil 66 li,] 65
i:17 6a 5ll -54
62 63 62 61 60
aT ar 61 -sit 66.c2 6!.53 60 5! ilt 55 5,1 5l
58 57 55 57
itr 5! 55 a2 62 5a a,l a2 56 5:5r 54 52 5i 53
5r 4C 1a
1tt0ll 6it t4 5! i/ aa 54 a! 4i !2 4!,1t 5r ,18,16 50
51 1l r0 4l t5 !l 4f,1:l tB t! 4:l t7 t,1 ,12 tO
t,1 d: 4l
qr 17 t3 1a 52 4n r: :9 45,12:914 dr 39,13l1 39 3a
j' t l! le 1!,r2 l3 l5 4i:1r t5 4r :7 35 40:/ 35 34
1250 .l 4,4n 35 32 lli 3! 35:2:!:5:2 ila il.l 12 ll7:n J2 l1
r3 li 12 2! r:i Jli il2 2! l{i 12 2!:i5 -12 2, i,1 31 2! 23

r 50c

s601824 560r 83/ & 560r8,14

200W1A23 mediurr base
Floor cav ty ref ,oclaf r.e A 2
Spac ng to rnlg. ht. rat o I 17
Elf. - 63.2't;
for 150W mLr tlp y by.71

Cal. No. Spec. Trim watlage & Lamp Height Ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cut-oul

100/150w/A21 7" q%" 10%"

s401807 S9 one p iece
s401817 S9 two p iece 100/150w/A21 7" 91, " 10%"
s601827 s23 one p iece 150/200W/A-type. 71," 12t;' 13"
s60't 837 >zJ two p iece 1 50/200W/A-type' 12'k" 13"

T m linish must be specilied: Fot optional accossoties,

spoclly altet cat. no.
P low gloss white paint
S satin alum inu m l0l 27" C channel hanger
/03 tamperproofing
/04 top access
/05 night light,25W/
medium base
U.L. listed for thermally /06 weatherproof gasketing
protected operation /86 thermal protection

Cat. No. Spec. Trim Waltage & Lamp Height Ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cul-out

two p iece
s601847 S37 1 50/200W/A-type . 12'/;' 13"

Ttim linish musl be specitied: F ot optional accessories,

PP in ner-oute r white painl specily attet cat. no.
KP inner black, outer white paint l0'l 27" C channel hanger
KS inner black, outer satin aluminum /03 tamperproof ing
GS inner grey-outer satin aluminum /04 top access
GP in ner grey,outer white /05 night light,25W/
medium base
/06 weatherproof gasket in g
/86 thermal p rotect io n
U.L. listed for thermally deleted
protected operation
Crllln! Crvlty Rotler!nc
80 70 5030 100
W.ll Roll&trdc.
70 50 30 r0 70 50 3010 50 301o 50 30 10 50 3010 0
Coiilcl.nlr ol UtlllDllon
63 61 60 5A 62 60 5 57 5a 56 55 56 55 5.4 5.4 53 52 5r
59 56 53 51 5a 55 53 51 53 51 49 52 50 4a 50 49 47 46
56 52 4a 46 55 51 48 45 49 17 44 A8 46 44 46 45 43 42
$444441 51 47 44 41 46 43 40 44 42 40 43 41 3938
49 44 40 37 4a {
40 37 42 39 37 41 3a 36 40 3a 36 35
47 41 37 34 46 40 37 34 39 36 34 39 36 34 3a 35 33 32
43 37 33 31 43 37 33 30 36 33 30 35 32 30 35 32 30 29
41 3n 31 284034302833302A33302A322921 26
I 3A 32 28 25 37 31 2A 25 31 27 25 30 27 25 30 27 25 24
10 3$ 29 26 23 35 29 25 23 29 25 23 29 25 23 2A 25 23 22

s401807 & 5401817

150WA21 medium base
Floor cavity reflectance 0.2
Spacing to mtg. ht. ratio- 1.15
Eff. 56.4y"
for 100W mu ltiply by.61

C.iling Cavily Rotloclanco

Wall Alloclanc
70 s0 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 3010 50 30 10 50 30 r0 0
Ccliicionls ol Ullllbllon
75 73 T1 7A 74 72 7A 69 69 6a 66 66 65 64 64 63 63 61
71 6A 65 62 70 66 64 61 64 62 60 62 60 59 60 59 57 56
67 62 59 56 66 61 5 55 60 57 54 58 55 53 56 54 53 51
63 58 54 50 62 57 53 50 55 53 50 54 51 49 53 50 48 47
60 53 49 46 58 53 49 46 51 48 45 50 47 45 49 46 44 43
56 50 45 42 55 49 45 42 48 44 42 47 44 41 46 43 41 4A
53 46 41 38 s2 45 41 38 44 40 38 43 40 37 43 39 37 36
49 42 38 35 48 42 37 34 41 37 34 40 37 34 40 36 34 33
46 39 34 31 45 38 3! 31 38 34 31 37 34 31 37 33 3t 30
43 36 31 2a3631 243531 243431 2434312427

s601827, 5601837 & S601847

200WA23 medium base
Floor cavity reflectance 0.2
Spacing to mtg. ht_ ratio
Eff. 67.0"/" - 1.14
for 150W multipiy by.71

Cat. No. Spec. Trim Wattage & Lamp Height Ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cut-out
. 13"
s601825 519 one p rece 1 50/200W/A-type
s601835 519 two p iece 150/200W/A-type' 12'k" 13'
s801855 s49 one p iece 300w/PS30 7" 13it' 14'h"
s801865 s49 two p iece 300w/PS30 7' 1 3',/, " 14'i,"

Ttim tinish must be sp'cilied: Fot optiona I accessotios,

speclly altet cat. na.
P low qloss white paint
S satin alum inum l0l 27" C channel hanger
/03 tamperproof ing
/04 top access
/05 night light,25W/
medium base
U.L. listed for thermally /06 weatherproof gasketing
protected operation /86 thermal p rotect ion

Cat. No. Spec. Trim Wattage & LamP Heighi Ceiling Trim O.D.
Paqe cut-out

two p iece
s601845 150/200W/Alype. 12f;' 13"
m u lt i-ste p

Ttim tinish must be specified: F ot optional accgssories,

PP in ner-outer white paint speclty attet cal. no,
KP inner black, outer white paint 101 27" C channel hanger
KS inner black, outer salin aluminum /03 tamperproof ing
GS inner grey-outer satin aluminum /04 top access
GP in ner grey,outer white /05 night 1ight,25W/
medium base
t06 weatherproof gasketing
U.L. listed for thermally
p rotec ted operation /86 thermal p rotect io n

Photometric Data zonal cavity method

C.lllng Carlly R.tl.clanco

8o 70 50 30 10
W!ll R.ll.clrnc.
70 50 3l) 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10
C@lllcl.nl. ot Urllltrtlon
1 66 64 62 60 65 63 61 59 60 59 57 58 57 55 56 55 54 53
2 62 5a 55 53 61 57 54 52 55 53 51 53 5t 50 52 50 49 47
3 58 53 50 47 57 53 49 46 51 48 46 49 47 45 48 46 44 43
55 49 45 42 54 49 45 42 4T 44 42 46 43 41 45 42 41 39
5 52 46 41 38 50 45 41 38 44 40 38 43 40 37 42 39 37 36
6 49 43 38 35 48 42 38 35 41 38 35 40 37 35 39 37 35 34
46 39 35 32 45 39 35 32 38 34 32 37 34 31 36 33 31 30
8 43 36 32 29 42 36 32 29 35 32 29 35 31 29 34 31 2S 28
I 4A 34 3A 27 4A 33 29 2T 33 29 27 32 29 27 32 2S 26 26
10 38 31 27 25 37 31 21 25 31 27 25 30 27 25 30 2T 24 24

s601825, 5601835 & 5601845

200WA23 med ium base
Floor cavity reflectance 0.2 for 150W multip y by.71
Spacing to mtg. ht. ratio 1.1
Ell. 59.7 0/" -

Colllnq Cavlly Felleclrnco

80 70 5030 100
Wall Rsllsctsnc6
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 100
Coellicisnls ol Utllizallon
1 78 75 73 70 76 74 T1 69 71 69 67 68 66 65 65 64 63 62
2 73 68 65 61 71 67 64 61 65 62 59 66 60 58 60 58 57 55
3 68 62 58 54 67 61 57 54 59 56 53 58 55 52 56 53 51 50
64 58 53 49 63 57 52 49 55 51 48 54 50 47 52 49 47 46
5 60 53 48 44 59 52 47 44 51 47 43 50 46 43 48 45 43 41
6 57 49 44 41 56 49 44 40 48 43 40 46 43 40 45 42 40 38
53 45 40 36 52 44 40 36 44 39 36 43 39 36 42 38 35 34
I 50 42 37 33 49 41 36 33 40 36 33 40 36 33 39 35 33 31
9 47 38 33 30 46 38 33 30 37 33 30 37 33 30 36 32 30 29
s801855 & 5801865 10 44 36 31 27 43 35 31 27 35 30 21 35 30 27 33 30 27 26

300WPS30 med iu m base

Floor cavity reflectance
Spacing to mtg. ht. ratio
- 0.2
Ell. 70.60/"
Cat. No. Spec. Trim Waltage & Lamp H eight Ceiling Trim O.D.
Page cut-out

two p iece
s601848 S39 150/200w/A21 . 13"

Fot optional accessorias,

T m linish rnust bo specilied: spgcity attet cat. no.
PP in ne r-ou ter white paint 101 27" C channel hanger
KP inner black, outer while paint
/03 tamperproofing
KS inner black, outer satin aluminum /04 top access
GS inner grey-outer satin aluminum
/05 night light,25W/
GP in ner grey,outer while
medium base
/06 weatherproof gasketing
U.L. listed for thermally /86 thermal p rotect io n
protected operation


similar fixtures with...


High Pressure Sodium

0t Mercury Vapor

0t Metal Halide

...light sources request catalog information.


Subsidiary of Kiddo, lnc.

6100 S. W lm ngton Ave.

Los Ange es, CA 90001
(213) 583-6551

1101 Lakeland Ave.

Bohem a. NY 11716
(516) 567 6060

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