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A 11ractical alJIJrOac11 to rucI.dc.

To will
c1l'sig-n fIltl,t.-r
:l for
(1I11il the' service
a ship whkh
which would r~sult in loss of propulsive
cHic i\'IIl: r. . .
once again into th~ lll'st
for op"rat ing cond it i, JIIS.
a 1111all}" olher l'articlI!:tr "wun's re- (. Figmcs t to 6 show some of the It is n:colIIlII\'!H(nl t hat for ~ltil'-; wi tl\
quiremellts c:l!L oftl'lI .be a 1'1'0j.-l'..L..iu bdt\'r known typ"s of ru;lders. SOllie (",twanl turllin~: propelll'rs (I hat is
. itself. ;\Ianv Illllle tl'~ts with 1I\111kls OWlIl'rS hay\! ddillile prdl'rl'lIccs, hut st;uho:inl'c1Ol:kwise, purt :mticlockwise
and partic,;larly Oil helanl shi!,,; in it is geul'rally :lccl'ptnl to-dar that if I,,(,king forward), the I1llldns lH~ l"',.,i-II;)'
service, will he I\('n'ss;ll\' tll ('stahlish co~;t . will P\'llllit, the. <!ollhlc.:.ll!.;l.t.e I tion,:,l lllltsi\le the' ccntreliuc'; of th.:~_,\
or l1Iodify th . Illt'ori,'s' lIpon which streallllil1l',1 rud\kr J~e JISCJI. Hcganl- \'Iltopellcr shafts and vice versa fllrDf.e,
rudder dl:sigllers Ikp"nd so lIlllch. It illl("the chord thicl<n~%' ratio which i war~1 tllrtling pr"l'l'lIl'1s. They shonl\!
is Ilot wilhill tIll' SclI!'e: of thi,; arlicl,: gives the hi!-;hest lift, ant! consi(lt.:rinl; I be pusitiuIH.:<1 so as to clear the YI,rteX
to cover all tYl'e,; of nllld"rs, thc're- r"sistaucc, it is rccollllllcIH!n! that Illr core cadtation, caused by the hllh
{ore ~iilgle ane! twin-suI''''- ships wit h
rudder:; at till' sti:1'I1 ..\ill l,,~ cOllsidl'l'ed_
N.,\.C.A. Se('tiOlis 0015, 0018 or 0021. l or the propeller at high r.p.m. An
- The authors have siftL'd through llltl\:h
of t1w ;i\-ailahte
inf'l( nlal jlln on this.
am! snlllHit tit\.' r"llowing as
m, i.:-:-'~

their suggestiol! for a practical approach
-liiiT(Tcr-(ri:.~igll. Th\'le arc many ~r,.
argulllents for anll :I;::Jinst the ...-adou,;
I ) )
~.. I, (I
melhods of tackling this problem an\1
it llIay he worlh noting at this slage
that this application has pW\'eu succcss-
ful OWl' a PCriOI! of ycars with .. arious
, I )
\I vessels large and !>!I!~.!1. .
, ,,--. / ..----- ../ _.'~ ../
The performance re'luirrt!
~hjp is tlte ba~i~ U~""!l which we mw:t
from the Cf----- --t_-----
select lhe type of rm!der. A ship
which sJleilds nwst 'Jf it;; life in the
"l'rn sca ami whi(;l, when it is in
harbour, is llI:lno,'u\red br tugs, will
1l"luir\' good cours" !;;('l'ping fJualitks
with lill k .colTecti''n f"Hit the! helms
man. The tllgs which gnide this .. es':e1 -~JlL_
will rc.qllir (' a high dct;-Il'\.' or Inal1<)(,'11
bilily. A warship Illay be reqnired
llavc a certain minimum tactical
('ia_ !I f\
.mrtcr ami turning cire!l'.
'mate guide to the anlount
. area usual ill single
An apl'ro:'.:i.
of rudlhor
:\I\cl twin-screw
1:*.,J- ~-~3=3
ships is given ill Table 1 (ref. I). V
Fig,(. 1-6. SIITIl/! oj the bettcr lm.,m1l t)PCS oj rudders

be used as these gi\'(~ the ImaximulIl acid!',! al!vantage in this being' easier
thickncss at :llJ per cent o{ the rudder l-emll"'-:.! of propellers anti stcrlltube
High SflN'd Atblltk liHC'n
~~O'.i~-<~:lnl1d ships
,~i?:u'tto chord frolll tlle leading- e\li;e, alsf) their shaft.ing. \Vhell twin fllIl<!crs arc pnt
:ar !,hl('s . . ((.,3,2 leading cdges arc not too !lllllit and over to their maximum all~le there
L:ut:" c.ur,o aod P;\~"4"Itg"'r ~hir~ 1"-21) will tllcrcCore not irnprdc propulsion. 5hou1.d Hot he any protrusion beyolHl
~11\.'11raq;o :lnd lJ;}~sC"II~;rr ships
. (O.utrJc; . . t7-2J r/'-
20,JJ I''or t'Wl1\-srrew s I"
ups wit II wl!\g ' t If'
IC p.al1 vIew 0 {I tie s I'lip a t tl Ie Ioau.1
Tu~s. rih>l vC''Ssds.:a.nd frrry bu:)l~ 2's-('O L rfuulil'rs. a minilllulIl of 30 per cent watl'![ line ;L<;indicated hy Z. Fir,. 7-.j
---------------------- of tlte depth of thll rudders is rccol!\- Oa. hoUI sillgle ;\nll twin screw S'dp5
SOll\e owners m:lY sI'ccif,. good tIlall- 1IIl'IHlell to exlell(! hcl0w th~ shaft the top or root chord of the rudoler(s)
<t'uvrabilily at iutenlll'\liatc draughts .:entrcline. This is to take advi\nta::c shou~(1 be kept as close to the shcll as
nnd the abovc table shoull! he usell of the propdlt-r race (see Fi,:, 5, X to cOl\stn'uctional limitatiol\s will permit.
with this in minI! if apl'licahle, be at kast :.10 ]Icr c\'nt of V). If thi:; distance is cXli'~.shc ;\nli :\ hi~h
.' For single screw ships as much as Siting of the .rudders shollid be as degree of 1I\:llIllcunability is rcqllired,
I'0~~ihlc of the rlldd,'r an'a sholll,1 far aft as possihle in order tu ohi:i1ii.:i. - thell a ~01LJlJatl' Shllll It! be hUnl (see
,,,x."n\1 over lhe propdl,'r diarnelt'r. !;i.rge turning inol~ll:nt {.r~~'<Ui~J~.~iiXi!~ Fj!~.Hi. Th,~spiil pbte ~,h<)nllll'rotrHd.!
1"/:11 aspect ratio rlldd'~1 S give large ceul n: o( the sill 1'.. .-1:01'. gO'Hl .collrs(~ as f:J r beyOtH! t h .: I'Itor d as pract ic.:alJle
III,I,I('\' f\lr~s '!Jut it shllllid he nolt;oI k\'\'pinl:, a ~,il1gk centrdinc r\l'h!"r ig (indic:!.tl'd in Fil~. S). J\s far as the
1l1."t I>"'alalo\\'11 of tlllW. ocellI'S at '; ..rv often Iii ie'l. [( ihii' rlillder is s';;iiii:- allth"r':' know there is no 11\1 to llatc
III\\('r :ill!:It!sof attack, The hreat,down', I. i;'d:-\I.1C''! il.ll' st.'\lek cI'_lIi.r.c.iillc
....' s.holli\i inform:" ion as :I1'l1!i":Ih'e 'to "hil'S.
111\\\ rvt'r .' !I .
, ", (c .( :wcd
nlll) , '1>" tl -.,
to lal~'('r rllcl,kr h,: :-.llllut :!I lH-r I ..ccllt (.Jf the.lllaxillllllll .. 1~l'W:lr..h in aviiltillll )10\'; reC01I1I1I\'IHk,1
' Ie Illl 1l\'l\et: or the JIl.:pelln dill"!. fill' h'llll st"\'IT\! ':essd:l, so, a~ to' the II",: of ~pill plall's on the "1'1,,!r
1.\, ,'. 1\'l'e\'t. ratlll!\ or 1:1'2;:; arc fic slIre it i~ not o\'('r-bal:tll(,('" alll! sudan' of the willl:s ,.f certain tyl"''; of
';Il'llol,t t. '.
V,'ss"h . with .Il";lrirtql. \\'i.iil,! nol 11I,mll-lI the helmsman. If hi",1t,
,:1\. ,1 aircrafl.
a nlltable ,::'(:lIl1!,lc
f,,' "1\l1l"~!,\'Clal rl'llslIlt-ral,"", iii:iiiu'llnalti!ity I'; o{ primc impo, tann: Iwilll: the COIII<:\ 1'" "r Hoyal Air Force
, ., \1"1'1<-.
. J.p, "d "t'" - I
a tllllll\'1
." S('f('W . .. ~h~lIow . thnl twill 'rllddns ill the raCt: ot twin Tran'.I_'-'lt <:Oll1l11all'\. EXl'<:rill\"lIt~
.." 1,,,1.1,, s" WIlIII,l
.\ .... , I It"!uin: .. :I'short sen'w" is. rt'(:()ll\Il '."111 "'d .. W!l<'lh\l'tlll:sc .by T. lI:-.Ahd.t (rd, 2). illdic;'.It! that
." , . I
., "d., III
,,'t.II,, all,l I'O"'llolle,1 slI arl! tll 11\:),o:;itioll"d illhllald Ill' llI1ll"':lr<l
'1 '1' .
wlrat,,;.~'r tll.t:size of tire Sl,ill 111:1\('" a
. (I'"ssl II II)' IIf aClallllll of. lilt! propeller' celltrclines reljHire:l ccr!;lill iLIlHlUllt of the .Ioss of lift due
3to watl'r tl,)willl; O\'cr tite rOllt chord Oil l.et us ~ay_ lur tlus eltaml'ie, th:n Centrc of I're""ure at :;5 - ru.llier angle
to the luw pressure ~ide of the rud.lc-r Iln~ltippinl.: of tlw rudder on tlte ,;in'n this being thc lIlaXimllll1 re,!uirl'd.
:SWill bc ;lvoidc,! al1<! thCH'("IC thc aller eud !illl's allows a maxillllllll nll':1JI = Q-:J75t X (h<)lll = 1),375 :< J8.'i
!!t trallsn'r~e 1ll0nll'lIt Oil the rudllcr :III\! depth of rudd,', of 7 fLM ill. ,Tht" ( = 1,1/ ft. from forwanl edge of ;
o( the ship wi11 he incHa.;,"!.
\\'ilh rl'l~an! to halance,! rtll"kr~ the
'JJ>crcclIlal:e chord balauce recollllllellllt-<I
~is 21i':10 per cent.
:In'a of tlte flllhler, :!!l5 sq. It., ghoes
a Illean choul of:-
:.:.._--~" :J85 ft.
_ rudller.
10r'1u<.' Icver
E: 141 ft.-IOS ft. = O3G ft.
. - .[ .,
J-.I i
'J From thl' forq.:oill:: all outline for the 7GG Peak lorq"~ i: ; /.

~ nllhln(s) call he deh'rJIlilH'l!. To ellable Jlte aSlwct ratio will therefore he:- = 031; x 557
"'jh suitable stn'rilll: gl'ar to he rhosl'1I =. 2'01 tons ft.
~tJ;e "pl'ak tur,!lIl'," whell soing' _.:... = 1-99 (recollllllended 13..:.2'5) l'eah lorq'lIe (going :lstem)
Jahcad" :l1ld . goillg astern" tIlust be 3'85 .
Normal force Q

-r ..
!!;':aklllatcd. . C()l\sideriu~ the celllrelinc of stock and
Exall1pks I, J[ :1ll,1 II I l'aeh give a = Q-():J5 ;< 295 (4 X 1 . GS!W X 35
the clearance from the leading' edge
~~lcp by ~tl'P inlcrpldati<.lll uf this of the rudder which we re<prire to
= I,O.'iO 1\',;.
= 1)'71 tou.

_ applicat ion to the (ksign of three llllship thl' propeller. tlte maximulll of
~Iilkrellt t}lles o( ru.ddns fur llll' sallie Centre of pressure at 35 rudder :lngle
! ft. I in. of the chord is permissihle. I
~ship, pillS their individual veak tOllllle = Q':l75t X :1-8.'i
This gives a pncclltage chort! balancc
,j:alclllatit. 11. 1 III example 11 the sillg!e of:-
= 1,14 fL from after edge of. rml<.!er.: I
~ screw is replaceu by a twill-screw 1.08 Torque le\'cr i

~lrrangcl1lcut. . -- oX 100 = 28 per cent, = 2'77 - 144

~ The principal dinicusion~; of the
3-85 ; = J -33 ft.
_ ,esse!, for exampll', a tug, arc as As this pl'rcenlage chonl b:dance C'-'I;l~S P':ak \orquc
~ollows :--
COilven it'll t1y with in the rall(;e (~G-30 = 1 -:1:1 X O 71
Length '1.) b.p. " 9G H. 0 in.
})er cent) we lIlay be ~atislil'd with thc = 0'~S5 tOilS ft.
outlir\'~ (If the rudder. \Vt~ :trc restricted Allowing a margin for frictiollal
~ nrc:\(lt~: B) mOIlI,kd 23 It. 0 in.
oJ Dqllh ti:') InoJultletl 11 ft. 0 in. \0 a ml';\ll deplh of rudder of 7 ft. S in. losses ill the steering gear. beariugs, etc.,.
t~ s;;:,i''''
~ D ,.,,- ',y .: .
I. iy~U C'"
. 10 It. 3 in.


II knots
thus the ck;\I'ance betwel'Il
alld the rout chord (see Fig. S) warrants
the hull we shall require a steering gear capalJlc
of dealing with a maxill1ulli torquc o!, .
--J'.,,;III'l'H: J
" knots


the fitting of a spill platc.R/eIIAI'O D.$SJACIITf(.,
Penh io'-qrlc (I'oiu~ nheadj
sa)', 23 tons ft.
As a st reailllill~'d r~~.hler was spcciliel1
~ Sllccift",! rl'quirertll'llts: One strc:\1l1- . , ;.:)' wc have shown III bg. 8 the proposed
N01 m.1! ~ <:rce ~_. , ru<1tk, sktioll :II\(I oHsets. The section
~inc,1 lJalancl'd .rudder.
is basel! OIl N.A.C.A. now with leading
-:J LX.d = !"II) X 1O<!5 = 931 st}. ft.
= 0'03;> A Y-O (3)..
-----~. :\IId trailinf, cdlj!'s modifieu slightly to
~. Froll\. Table I. 1,er cent L X c[. for
..jingle sen'''' tu:; is, say, 3 pel' cent. = 0'0:35 X 29 5 (II X l'GS9p X 35 tal;c :lv;lilable TOum! bars in the t~vcntlla!
~ 3 per ('ent ..of L X d
= 12.-180 Ills. cOllslruct,iun. Note in Fig. 8 n torsioll
= :3 per cent of 981
= 5'57 tons. I . box is inclicatel!. Variolis yards havc
~ = 295= Area of rudder in sq. ft. t
Speed ill kllf>ts x I liSfI:- ,pred
in ft. per s~c. R~commcntlet.l const3nt for ccntcc of pr~ssure C1t JS"

", -----.~tt[-t.IlUDOER STOCK

SPill PLAH\ 1- ~~U
I ~
~ , ROOT "-1-' -1 ~"~
~ HCOt-lHENDED TOE ~\ I O/OR :'\'/:-jF" -TORSION BOX\. . -'-


~ ~\ -:~d '-T !'-
.."~._. __ ._._._._._-- /
[~~POT~IORE H'A~:l_'~:""-=--~l'A!IS
..h g

A-~-! I/~I ;_._~ I

4 9!~i--I"'i'r-;;. \

f.. 'IP",~L. //. .
SPill PlAlE L.j.:~~_._. __ ._.


S~~:~.;'I-~lj'~11j~u1LI4631 j~dj~4Ii~ili~It-J?1 j5&11

~'ig_ 7 (lI~OI'l")_ 1'lil11 ljCIV of nft;r ('till (If hI/II

. ~.r(~_--r--'
. !.--."I.I.-'--
';!:ir,. ll: (rig"')' EXClIII/"r.

..I '3 j}, 0YI.; (lJ) mid. II fl. 0 ill_

of ru.ldl'r 1/"5;'/;111'11 jor
,~lIr;:'r...r~"ll' l'.<SI'l: (1,) {J.p. tJti Ji. 0 ill.; (lJ) mid . 10- f~~
---:c ..._t_.:..t._J_.!
l--L_L ..)_
7' 6
5 4. J 2 I

i,tRAO.T.E. -.-.-. . --._-- .~
-_._-_. . -

.. rCi"'Tlnu A'it .


tliHl'rt:nt l'rl'fl'wnn,;. in this c~~:::p!t: ;\ -.--- 5~.:W ' ---":':-'yHEt;
, --.-:::i'u --.~

v drop pintle \\Ollll! l.e located ill the ~t STOCK

bot tom b<.'arin~, ' . ;',1-. ' ."ROOt ,;;- L _

':.? Example II (twin screw, same uimclI- ! I ,,----~ -~.:::::::.c/

I,' -\

Spcdfittl rC{luircllIt"1lts: Twill slr{';IIII-
linctl habnCl'I! rlllle kr:.. I[igh Ikgrec 1 i ;""i.~" \\\', '
of mallocU\'Tahilily reqllired.
J. X cl = 9G X JO <~5 ,~ !lSI S'I. rt.
From Tahle I per cenl L X tl for tug
(lwill screw), say :15 pcr I:cnt.


[,' )1

I \ *t-"..-f2:-\";:;--
8 !. J

35 per n'nt of L X d "" 31'" sq. n.
(comuincd f1Hlder arca). '-"~I\'-" . J.j[lH7 ~~~R~'':J 1' V
'5 Que rudder are:t
:q ..
= -_.--= 17 2 sq.r t.
IUi I\ /
I Fig. 9 (ObUL'I'). Rud,[a .ll'sigllcll fur Iwill'

':J In this exalllpll' kl ns say that the

root chord can he quile dose to the
ct--,----" ._ Fig. 10 (lcfl):
5crClV vessel
Single pl,,'e IlllbCll"/Iep.tl ruelder:
:) hull as there are few constrllctional
Centre of preS5tlre at 35" rlltkler angle Pelll< torque (going astern)
limitali,)(\s. Thc shaft cClltrelinc is
:) produced tu our appro:-:il11ate centrelim: = 0375 X 298 Norma.l force
of stock (sce fig. 9). \\"1' sholl III have = I 12 ft. front aftcr edge of rudder = 0'035 X 29'5 (-I X 1'639)1 X 35
:) :It least :J<) per cent l'f till: depth of thc
Torque lever = 1.650Ih5.
rmleler below this liJll' (X to he :lO 1wr
= 2,15- 112 = 103 = 0'7-1 tOil.
~ cenlY, Fig. 5). Folluwing the lille of
the hull and keepil1!-: the root chord Pcaktorquc Centre of pres5ure at 35' rud,jer angle
:) at miniJJlum pI'rmissibJc distancc frulll = 1/3rcl X 3,"7 .
= t 03 X 0155 = 0468 tons ft.
it, it follows therefore, that we shall = I 1ti ft. from a it Cli=;o: 0f ::-u,juer
'j require a mean lleplh of 5 ft. 9 in. to TIle pea!;: torque for twin rudclers
w:] be 228 tOilS ft. Steering gear Tdrquc lever

satisfy this requirelllent. Thus we
have :I mean churd of;- manufacturl'rs arc always wjllill~ to =2IOft.
give :!cl\'ice on thc selectiou of lhe most
:) 172
- = 298 ft.
suit;tbJc g~ar fer e:1.ch. p~rticuJar job.
Peak torque
575 =
210 X 0'74
? .. Tlle aspect ra tio will therefore be:- Example In- (siugle screw, saLlle dimen = 155 lons ft.
::I' 5'75 1.93 Specificc} requircll\euts: Oile si,ngle
Thi:" rudder will retluire a si.eerillr, gear
c:1l'ahle of dealing with a maxilllulll
-:) 2'93 = plate ,unbalancell rudder. torqul' of about 5-1 tou~ ft.

The maximum clearance between FWIH Ex;trnples I, 11 and III 'it is
~. 11wl'l'l1er <\nd lealiing cdge 'with rmlLlers
L X d = 9ti X 1025 = 9S1 sq. ft.
evident th:tt for single screw ves~cls
5et 1ft. 0 in. inboard uf shaft centrclines Front T:lble I per cent L X d {or Example I will fullil the requirt~lllCllt.
(inward turning propellers) allow!: :t single screw tug is, say, 3 JleF cent. For thc twin-screw vessel Example II
l\1e<111balance fmm 5lock to leading 3 per cent of L X d will also be satisfactory. Ex:trnple II r
"J edge of 10 in. l~iving a percentage = 3 per ccnt of 984 will also fulfil the particuJ:tr oWller's
'J mean chord balallc'~ of:- = 29'5 = area of rudder in sq. ft. requirement, although Example I would
083 . mean depth (see Fig. 10) is j ft. Gin. he a more up to date arrangement._
:) 2'~8 X 100 = 27 'Sper cent
The cust of Examples I all(l I I I would
Chord length }lTobahly be about the s:tIl\c :lft(~r the
tlere again we can be s:ttisfied wilh
? the ruddcr outline. It 'is rccoIHmcllc!ed =
8.5 = 347 ft.
two l'teering gears
have ),cell considered,
and construction
but Example I
Utat a spill plate be filled to the tip
~ chord (s('e Fig. 9).
'\\"oul,1 he mon~ efficient.
Aspect ralio The rudder desir,nr:r has no ca talnl;ue
? Prall ""que (going ahead) 8'5 from which lie call sekct a rudder to
= 3.47 = 245 suit his particular ship. I Ie IIlU~t seek
Norma.l force (onc rllthler) ~
out availablc inlormatiun. decide on
= 0'011 AV'U (rd. 3) Pcak torque (g()in~ al\ead) its valuc and apply it, using his experi-
= O 011 X 17' 2 (II xl, 6S9) s X 3S ence :tS a guide.
= 8,fiOO Ib5, Normal force
= 3 SO tOllS. l)'0:l5 X 295 (II X HJ8!)' X 35 "!:hi," anti Marine P;1I~lltc~. U. Rr~l1.t=lnclt,
Ccntre tlf pr;,ssure at :J5~ rudllcr angle = 12 .IHII Ills. It-tOI",!.It,,, :JIlIl Slt'f'tiut: 0.1 ~hil'''''' l.>r. Ir. )\'. ". A.
= 5'57 tOilS. Van 1..ltuUttnn.
~ 0'375 X 293 IAlt.-n. T. II . "~Ofll<" m,,,I,1 ""I'f'ril1l~1I11011 r11l1.lr(l
= II:!' It. from forward edge ()f Centre of pressure a~ :JS~ruuclel" an!::le fJ.\Cr,' t'l'hlwl a 1,1.11":,1"".1\\"0".1." r,l1n.,ul'uttJ nf the
IL,tituhpn of N.lv;,. ArIhilld~. 10:1.1.
rUlltlcr 1/3nl dlOrcl t It. \'i. L. G~wn llll,lllllllon of N~v~1 Archll<th,
.1'o!lllIe lever 19.:') .
Iprel X 3 "17
-. 1'12 - 0'83 = 029 ft. l' III ft. from forwanl eclsc of
Pm/{' torq:11'
rudder ;;tock. Nc\y hc:u!lluarttrs for D.S.I.IL
Torqne lever . Th~ !Jc;\clfluar!l'l's clf the Dup:trtJllel1t
"', 0'29 X 3'80 14 tons H.
=0 I, Hi r..s~half di:l. stock (say 21 ill,) of Scientific anti Industrial HeSt'all:h
J'(III; (goin,,(astcrn)
tC)}qul! = 1- Hi It. - 0'21 ft. = 0'95 ft. ha~ llIovecl to Stato II(Jwlt~, IIigh 110(
NIIl'ma! f"r{'(~ (OIH' .rtttleler) . burn, Londoll, W.C.I (tclcl'hollu:
Pcnk torquc Clpllct'ry 17.02).
,~ n'0:17 A V'O (IC:' :1) ~ Stall; i.1oll~c i~ a new I!j'!Itorey hlocle
<. 0t1:l7 :.; \7'2 (I X 16S!})' X 35
095 X 5-57 ." 5-~S tOll5 Ct.
abo'l1t thrru' JIIinlllt-~;" wallr flolll 1101
., 1,1l~lI II ".;. --_._--_...:._---------
t JbrUIUUlf'u",J.,' rOil' Lane Illr lo.'nhe 01 prtlltue at
horn lInclngr\lund slation Oil the north
., Olfi5 tOil.
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