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Vocabulary Unit 2B 04/04/2017

Absent-minded Distrado
Clumsy Torpe
Kind Clido
Narrow-minded Cerrado
Self-centred Centrado
Unenthusiastic Desganado
Weak Dbil
Wise Sabio
Teeth Dientes postizos
Wigs Peluca
Wrinkled Arrugado
Skin Piel
Make-up Maquillaje
Eyesight Vista
Breaks down Perder el control
Cardigan Remera
Slippers Pantuflas
Smart Elegante
Trendy De moda
Stylish De moda y atractivo
Dress up Vestirse formal
Get dressed Vestirse normal
Short-sleeved Manga corta
Tight Ajustado
Loose Flojo
Scruffy Desarreglado
Sweater Suter
Tie Corbata
Try clothes on Probar ropa
Hang clothes up Colgar ropa
Get changed Cambiarse de ropa
Torn Roto
Hooded Capucha
Sleeved Mangas
Pattern Estampado
Cotton Algodn
Denim Tela de jean
Fur Piel de animal
Linen Lino
Lycra Licra
Silk Ceda
Wool Lana
Leather Cuero
Suede Gamuza
Wear Vestir (Con qu ropa)
Dress Vestir (De qu forma)
Fit Encajar (Tamao)
Suit Encajar (Apariencia)
Matches Combina
Go with Ir con
Uses Examples
as nouns
1) The French, the Spanish, the
1) Nacionalidades que terminan en Japanese, the Swiss.
Groups of ch, sh, ese y ss. 2) The young, the old, the sick, the
people blind, the deaf, the homeless, the
2) Grupos sociales. dead. Poor people, homeless
people, old people.
One A Japanese woman, a rich man,
Para hablar de una sola persona.
person French people.

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