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Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338

Free spanning analysis of offshore pipelines

H.S. Choi
Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University, Pusan 609-735,
South Korea

Received 18 May 2000; accepted 13 September 2000


A rigorous procedure was established on the free span analysis of offshore pipelines. The
closed form solutions of the beamcolumn equation, considering tension and compressive
force, were derived for the various possible boundary conditions. The solutions can be used
to find the natural frequencies of the free spans using the energy balance concept. The results
can be applied to improve the current design codes. The improved procedure will yield more
realistic calculations of the allowable free span lengths of offshore pipelines. Some calculations
are included to present the sensitivity of the axial forces on the allowable free spanning lengths.
2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

Keywords: Offshore pipeline; Vortex shedding; Allowable free span length

1. Introduction

For a safe operation of offshore gas or oil pipeline during and after installation,
the free span lengths should be maintained within the allowable lengths, which are
determined during the design stage. Free spans may be caused by seabed unevenness
and change of seabed topology such as scouring or sand wave (Danish Hydraulic
Institute, 1997). Once a free span longer than the allowable span length occurs, the
free span may suffer the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) and consequently suffer
the fatigue damages on the pipe due to the wave and current. The vortex shedding
phenomenon results in two kinds of periodic forces on a free span of a pipe. Sym-
metrical vortices are shed when the flow velocity is low. A pipe will start to oscillate
in-line with the flow when the vortex shedding frequency is about one-third of the
natural frequency of a pipe span. Lock-in occurs when the vortex shedding frequency
is half of the natural frequency. As the flow velocity increases further, the cross-
flow oscillation begins to occur and the vortex shedding frequency may approach

0029-8018/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

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1326 H.S. Choi / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338

the natural frequency of the pipe span. Amplified responses due to resonance between
the vortex shedding frequency and natural frequency of the free span may cause
fatigue damage. Thus, the determination of the critical allowable span lengths under
the various environments becomes an important part of pipeline design.
During the extensive study of vortex-induced vibration, it was found that the cur-
rent design code is insufficient to include all the aspects of design, installation, and
operation. The axial force (tension or compression) has a significant effect on
determining the critical allowable span lengths. Therefore, this study suggests some
improvement on the current design code regarding the vortex-induced vibration and
free span analysis.

2. Parameters of vortex shedding analysis

The Strouhal number, St, is a non-dimensional number which relates the vortex
shedding frequency, the diameter of the cylindrical pipe, and the velocity of the flow:
St (1)
where fs is the vortex shedding frequency, U is the flow velocity normal to the pipe
axis, and D is the diameter of the pipe.
The Reynolds number, Re, is used to determine the range of the vortex shedding:
Re (2)
where v is the kinematic viscosity of fluid. Vortex shedding is well organized at
sub-critical (300Re3105) and trans-critical (Re3.5106) ranges. At the critical
range (3105Re3.5106), vortex shedding is disorganized and vortex-induced
motion is insignificant (Blevins, 1990).
The stability parameter, Ks, determines uniquely the maximum amplitude of
vibrations (Sumer and Fredsoe, 1994) and is defined as:
Ks 2 (3)
where d is the logarithmic decrement of damping, r is the mass density of the sur-
rounding water, and me is the effective mass per unit length, including structural
mass, added mass and the mass of any fluid contained within the pipe.
Reduced velocity, Vr, is used to determine the velocity ranges of the occurrence
of VIV. Vr is defined as:
Vr (4)
where fn is the natural frequency of the pipe. Symmetric vortices are shed when Vr
falls between 1.0 and 2.2. When Vr exceeds 2.2, vortices are shed alternately. Accord-
H.S. Choi / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338 1327

ing to the Det Norske Veritas (DNV) codes (1981, 1991 and 1998), in-line vortex
shedding may occur when 1.0Vr3.5. As flow velocity increases further, the cross-
flow oscillation occurs and lock-in happens when Vr is about 5.0.

3. Allowable span length by DNV

3.1. Allowable span lengths

Allowable span lengths are governed by the code limitations regarding maximum
allowable stresses and by the onset of vortex shedding criteria. The allowable pipe
span lengths can be chosen as the lesser lengths found from the span length criteria of
the ANSI code: allowable stress (static), and the DNV code: onset of VIV (dynamic).
Most of the allowable span lengths are governed by the onset of a VIV. Thus,
this study is dealing with only the allowable span due to vortex shedding.

3.2. Calculation of allowable span lengths

3.2.1. In-line motion

According to the DNV codes (1981, 1991 and 1998), in-line vortex shedding may
occur when 1.0Vr3.5 and Ks1.8. Once the range of the in-line oscillations has
been established, based on the upper and lower bound values of Vr, the corresponding
pipe spans can be determined. Fig. A.3 in the DNV code (1981) is used to obtain
the lower bound value of Vr based on Ks for the onset of in-line motion. The upper
bound value of Vr is set at 3.5. The natural frequency of the pipe can then be calcu-
lated using the aforementioned relationship. The allowable pipe spans (lower bound
values) are then computed by solving for the span length L, the following formula:


where E is the modulus of elasticity, I is the moment of inertia, and C is the end
boundary coefficient.

3.2.2. Cross-flow motion

For cross-flow oscillations, vortex shedding may occur when Ks16 and Vr falls
within the range as determined in Fig. A.5 in the DNV code. The allowable pipe
spans are then determined using the same procedure as Eq. (5) and cross-flow Vr.

3.3. Maximum amplitude of vibration

3.3.1. In-line motion

Once the stability parameter is determined, the maximum amplitude of motion
can be directly obtained from Fig. A.4 in the DNV code (1981).
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3.3.2. Cross-flow motion

The maximum amplitude of cross-flow motion can be determined by Fig. A.6 in
the DNV code (1981). The mode shape parameters are required to get the maximum
amplitude of cross-flow motion.

3.3.3. Mode shapes

Free transverse vibration of the BernoulliEuler beam is governed by:

d 2y
dx2 dx2
d 2y
0 (6)

where y is the displacement of the beam and rA is the mass per unit length of
the beam.
Assuming a harmonic motion given by
y(x, t)Y(x) cos(wta) (7)
and substituting Eq. (7) into Eq. (6), one gets the eigenvalue equation:
d 4Y
EI 4 rAw2Y0 (8)
On substituting
b 4 (9)
the fourth-order differential equation is obtained for a vibration of a uniform beam:
d 4Y 4
b Y0 (10)
The general solution of Eq. (10) may be written in the form
Y(x)C1 sinh bxC2 cosh bxC3 sin bxC4 cos bx (11)
The four constants and b can be obtained using boundary conditions:

Fixed end boundary condition:

Y0, 0 (12)
Pinned end boundary condition:
Y0, 0 (13)
Free end boundary condition:
d 2Y d3Y
0, 0 (14)
dx2 dx3
H.S. Choi / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338 1329

The mode shapes for each boundary condition are as follows:

Fixedfree boundary condition:

Y(x)C{cosh bxcos bxKr(sinh bxsin bx)} (15)
(cosh bL+cos bL)
(sinh bL+sin bL)
Pinnedpinned boundary condition:
Y(x)C sin (16)
Fixedpinned boundary condition:
Y(x)C{cosh bxcos bxKr(sinh bxsin bx)} (17)
(cosh bLcos bL)
(sinh bLsin bL)
Fixedfixed boundary condition: the equation of motion is the same as Eq. (17),
but the different boundary conditions result in a different form of the mode shape.

3.3.4. Mode shape parameter, g

The mode shape parameter, g, is defined as:
L 1/2

Y2(x) dx


Y4(x) dx

where Ymax is the maximum value of the mode shape. Once the mode shape parameter
is obtained from Eq. (18), the maximum amplitude of cross-flow motion can be
obtained from the DNV code (1981).

3.4. Results by DNV code approach

A pipe diameter of 324 mm (12 in.) and wall thickness of 16 mm (0.625 in.) was
used for the calculations. Table 1 shows mode shape factors for various mode shapes
and boundary conditions. Table 2 shows vortex shedding frequencies for in-line and
cross-flow directions as the flow velocity increases. Figs. 1 and 2 show allowable span
1330 H.S. Choi / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338

Table 1
Mode shape factors for various boundary conditions

B.C. Mode number Mode shape factor

Fixedfree 1 1.3050
2 1.4987
3 1.5371
4 1.5634

Pinnedpinned 1 1.1547
2 1.1547
3 1.1547
4 1.1547

Fixedpinned 1 1.1613
2 1.1934
3 1.2057
4 1.2124

Fixedfixed 1 1.1670
2 1.1613
3 1.1824
4 1.1934

Table 2
Vortex shedding frequencies (Hz)

Current speed 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5


In-line 0.480 0.961 1.441 1.922 2.402

Cross-flow 0.190 0.390 0.600 0.820 1.046

lengths and Table 3 presents the amplitudes of motion for various boundary conditions.
As mentioned in Section 2, the maximum amplitude of vortex-induced vibration is
uniquely determined by the stability parameter. This fact indicates that the maximum
amplitude is not controlled by the fluid speed. If fluid speed increases, the allowable
span length will be reduced and the maximum amplitude remains the same.

4. Effect of axial force on span analysis

4.1. Effect of axial force

The load on the pipeline during the operation is not the same as the loading con-
dition during installation. During installation, the pipeline may have residual tension
H.S. Choi / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338 1331

Fig. 1. Allowable span lengths by DNV (in-line).

Fig. 2. Allowable span lengths by DNV (cross-flow).

due to the lay-barge method. During operation, the pipeline may have operational
load due to the operational pressure and temperature. This operational loading may
cause very high compressive force in part of the pipeline. Therefore, the effect of
axial force is studied in this section and applied to the DNV code to calculate the
modified allowable span lengths.

4.2. Governing equation and solutions

The axial force may greatly alter the shape of the elastic deflection and its influence
on the equilibrium conditions cannot be neglected. When a pipeline is subjected to
a transverse downward load of w(x) per unit length, and an axial force, Nx, the
governing equation for a beam under an axial force is:
d 2y
EI 2 Nx 2w(x)
1332 H.S. Choi / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338

Table 3
Amplitude of response for various boundary conditions (m)

B.C. FixFix PinPin FixPin FixFree

In-line 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025

Cross-flow 0.429 0.378 0.381 0.384

The positive and negative Nx respectively denote compression and tension. The gen-
eral solutions of Eq. (19) are:
For Nx0: yC1 sinh lxC2 cosh lxC3xC4 (20)
For Nx0: yC1x3C2x2C3xC4 (21)
For Nx0: yC1 sin lxC2 cos lxC3xC4 (22)
where l=|Nx|/EI
The coefficients C1, C2, C3, and C4 were determined from various boundary con-
ditions and are presented in Table 4. The boundary conditions are provided by the
end conditions:

Fix end condition:

Y0, 0 (23)

Pinned end condition:

Y0, 0 (24)

Free end condition:

d 2Y d3Y dy
2 0, EI 3 Nx 0 (25)
dx dx dx

When Nx approaches zero, the deflections of Eqs. (20) and (22) converge to Eq.
(21). If Nx is positive and l approaches a critical value, then deflections of the beams
increase indefinitely and Eulers buckling load for the beams is yielded.
Table 4
Coefficients in solutions of beamcolumn equation

B.C. Nx C1 C2 C3 C4

Fixfree wL w(lL sinh lL+1) lC1 C2

lNx l2Nx cosh lL

0 wL wL2 0 0

+ wL w(lL sin lL1) lC1 C2

lNx l2Nx cos lL

Pinpin w(cosh lL1) w wL C2

l2Nx sinh lL l2Nx 2Nx

0 wL 0 wL3 0
12EI 24EI

+ w(cos lL1) w wL C2
l2Nx sin lL l2Nx 2Nx

Fixpin w(2 cosh lL+cosh lL(lL)2+2) w(2 sinh lL+sinh lL(lL)2+2lL) lC1 C2
2l2Nx(cosh lLlLsinh lL) 2l2Nx(cosh lLlLsinh lL)

0 5wL wL2 0 0
48EI 16EI

+ w(2 cos lL+cos lL(lL)22) w(2 sin lL+sin lL(lL)22lL) lC1 C2

H.S. Choi / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338

2l2Nx(cos lLlLsin lL) 2l2Nx(cos lLlLsin lL)

Fixfix wL(2 cosh lL+sinh lLlL+2) wL(2 sinh lL+cosh lLlL+lL) lC1 C2
2lNx(2+sinh lLlL2 cosh lL) 2lNx(2+sinh lLlL2 cosh lL)

0 wL wL2 0 0
12EI 24EI

+ wL(2 cos lL+sin lLlL2) wL(2 sin lL+cos lLlL+lL) lC1 C2

2lNx(2+sin lLlL+2 cos lL) 2lNx(2+sin lLlL+2 cos lL)
1334 H.S. Choi / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338

4.3. Natural frequencies by energy method

To obtain the natural frequency of a beam under an axial load, the Rayleigh
method can be applied. This method assumes that the maximum potential energy of
the system is equal to its maximum kinetic energy. The fundamental frequency can
be obtained by equating the potential and kinetic energy (Choi and Haun, 1994).

g miyi



where yi are solutions obtained from Eqs. (20)(22).

4.4. Lloyds approximate formula

w n 2

Eqs. (26) and (27) give the same natural frequency of beams if axial load becomes
zero. The natural frequency equation of beams without axial force is as follows:

m L
wnC 4 (28)

Fig. 3 shows the axial load effect on the natural frequencies of the pipe for various
boundary conditions. The natural frequencies significantly change with the axial load.
The natural frequencies given by Lloyd are compared with exact solutions and

Fig. 3. Effect of the axial force on the natural frequency.

H.S. Choi / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338 1335

Fig. 4. Natural frequencies for pinnedpinned boundary conditions (B.C).

are presented in Figs. 47. The approximate formula given by Lloyd is in good
agreement with the exact solution, except for the freefixed condition.

4.5. Allowable span lengths

The exact solutions of the beam equation under the axial load were used to calcu-
late the natural frequency with the Rayleigh method. The natural frequencies obtained
by Eq. (26) can be used with the current DNV code instead of Eq. (28). Thus, more
realistic allowable span lengths can be obtained. For the improved method to calcu-
late the allowable span lengths under the axial load, an iterative numerical method
can be applied. Figs. 8 and 9 show allowable span lengths for various load factors

Fig. 5. Natural frequencies for fixedpinned B.C.

1336 H.S. Choi / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338

Fig. 6. Natural frequencies for fixedfixed B.C.

Fig. 7. Natural frequencies for fixedfree B.C.

Fig. 8. Allowable span lengths with axial force (in-line).

H.S. Choi / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338 1337

Fig. 9. Allowable span lengths with axial force (cross-flow).

and boundary conditions. The allowable span lengths increase with an increment in
tension, and decrease with an increment in compression.

5. Conclusions

1. If during the operation and installation of offshore pipelines high axial force is
included, its effect could not be neglected. The results of the study show axial
load effect on the natural frequencies and allowable span lengths of the pipeline
for various boundary conditions. The natural frequencies significantly change with
respect to the axial load.
2. The exact solutions of the beamcolumn equation are derived for various bound-
ary conditions. The solutions are used to find natural frequencies with the energy
balance method. This method was compared with Lloyds approximate method.
The results of the two methods are in good agreement.
3. An improvement was made to the vortex shedding analysis of offshore pipelines.
It can be applied to the current design code and will result in more accurate
calculation of allowable free span lengths of offshore pipelines.


Blevins, R.D., 1990. Flow-Induced Vibration. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, New York.
Choi, H.S., Haun, R.D., 1994. The effect of residual tension and free span-induced moments on vortex
shedding of deep water pipelines. In: Fourth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,
Osaka, Japan, vol. 2, pp. 102109.
Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI), 1997. Pipeline Free Span Design. Design Guideline, vol. 1 (project
Det Norske Veritas (DNV), 1981. Rules for Submarine Pipeline Systems (Appendix A).
1338 H.S. Choi / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 13251338

Det Norske Veritas (DNV), 1991. Environmental Condition and Environmental Loads. Classification
Notes No. 30.5.
Det Norske Veritas (DNV), 1998. Free Spanning Pipelines. Guidelines No. 14.
Sumer, B.M., Fredsoe, J., 1994. A review on vibrations of marine pipelines. In: Fourth International
Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Osaka, Japan, vol. 2, pp. 6271.

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