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BEGINNINGS (in Argentina)

It is very difficult to say this, but my first memory is when my four years old
collages and drawings of fairies and princesses with the packaging of snacks
Havanna that for those times, as well as delicious, came with colored metallic foil.
Then, I sold them to my family for $ 10 of a distant monetary system (must be of
the few times that I sold my art, almost always gave). In elementary school I draw many drawings,
very nave, colorful, full of images of all kinds. In adolescence, besides handicrafts, pottery made with
Rafael Segu and the sporadic visit of Jorge Fernandez Chiti, interspersed throughout my life writing
many stories of fiction and other "weeds" that never saw the publisher. My drawings were
spontaneous, on either side, tangled with stripes, balls, curves, little flowers and today I find that's
called Zentangle (today is Art and at that time I was sent to a psychologist, haha !!!). Already in my 23
years old I started ceramic sculpture in the workshop of Rafael Martn and then I studied restoration
of cultural property and art (oil paintings, porcelains, ceramics, wood, and every object of art) which
will I spent 17 years, also kept studying art: drawing and painting, museums and collections, etc. In
the middle of these, I moved to Uruguay Until it came the year 2000 and a great sabbatical ...

During my sabbatical year

From late 2000 to late 2014 lasted this period when I left the art behind, but not creativity and study.
Since 1998 I was already alternating restoration with Yoga, Spirituality and Naturopathy. In this period
I started to deepen and make my professional career in this knowledge, until one day I just needed to
go back to Art. And with all my strength !!

During the 2015

It is the year of the "explosion" there all my studies and my practices, my profession and my actions
were fused into one, everything seems like it was a unique knowledge and at the start of 2016 this
merges and was created with the name " Arte.Pat - SaludArte system "because if I greet you with
Health and Art, then I see you ... and I see me, all in the same play. (It is a playword that means
art+health and together are the word Greet).

The system (which actually is not a system, because it is flowing with Life itself) simply proposes
making art, without speculation, without judgment, without expectations of anything at all and in this
Nothing found the being that we Are. Thus the work within the Work arises.
Arte.Pat obviously is a game with my nickname, but also pta, in Sanskrit, means "fall", the idea is
that the power of art falls and blows in you as the expression of your being. Let us all be touched by
the Art !!!
In this "multi-space" Ive created is room for health, therapies, art, expression and openness to our
Being touches us, that subtle touch that moves you, opens your heart and changes your life.

Through art techniques you want to learn, as we work on our designs, while we laugh and chat, the
divine breath of Being do what Thy knows.

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