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What was your favorite subject in school? (cul era tu ramo favorito en la escuela?)
My favorite subject was math (mi ramo favorito era matemticas)
I didnt have a favorite subject (yo no tena ramo favorito)

What did you like to do when you were a child? (qu te gustaba hacer cundo eras
I liked to play video games (me gustaba jugar videojuegos)
I liked to watch TV (me gustaba ver tv)
I liked to have fun with my friends (me gustaba divertirme con mis amigos)

Who was your favorite teacher in high school (quin era tu profesor favorito en la
enseanza media?)
I didnt have a favorite teacher (no tena un profesor favorito)
My favorite teacher was my history teacher (mi profesor favorito era el profesor de historia)

Did you like school? (te gustaba el colegio?)

Yes, I did. It was fun. (S, me gustaba. Era entretenido)
No, I didnt. It was boring (No, no me gustaba. Era aburrido)

Do you remember your first day at school? (recuerdas tu primer da en la escuela?)

No, not really (no, en realidad no)
Yes, I cried a lot (s, llor mucho)
Yes, and I made new friends (s, e hice nuevos amigos)

Which subject did you hate? (cul ramo odiabas?)

I hated religion (odiaba religin)
I didnt hate any subject (no odiaba ningn ramo)

What was the name of your best friend? (cul era el nombre de tu mejor amigo?)
My best friends name was ____ (el nombre de mi mejor amigo era ____)

When did you finish school? (cundo terminaste el colegio?)

I finished school in 2014 (termin el colegio en el 2014)

What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? (cul era tu programa de TV
favorito cuando eras nio?)
My favorite TV show was Ninja Turtles (mi programa favorito eran las Tortugas Ninja)
I didnt have a favorite show (no tena un programa favorito)

Whats your best memory from school? (cul es tu mejor recuerdo del colegio?)
My best memory from school was when (mi mejor recuerdo del colegio fue cuando)
I stole my teachers wallet (rob la billetera de mi profesor)
I graduated (me gradu)
I had fun with my friends (me diverta con mis amigos)
I dont have good memories from school (no tengo buenos recuerdos del colegio)
Whats your most precious memory from childhood? (cul es tu recuerdo ms preciado
de la infancia?)
My most precious memory was when I got my first cat (mi recuerdo ms preciado fue cuando tuve
mi primer gato)
My most precious memory was when I learned to ride a bike (mi recuerdo ms preciado fue
cuando aprend a andar en bicicleta)
When I had fun with my siblings (cuando me diverta con mis hermanos)
I dont have precious memories. A bear raped me. (no tengo recuerdos preciados. Un oso me viol)


- Remember / Remembered (recordar / record recordaba)

Do you remember that ugly guy you kissed at the party? (recuerdas a ese wen feo que besaste
en la fiesta?)

- Take / took (tomar / tomaba tom - tom)

I took some classes (yo tom unas clases)

- Drink / drank (beber / beba beb - bebi)

He drank cola de mono (l bebi cola de mono)

- Have / had (Tener haber / tena haba tuvo hubo tuve)

She had to go (ella tena que ir)

- Go / went (ir / iba fui fue)

I went to school (fui a la escuela)

*Los verbos en presente slo se conjugan de forma diferente para she/he/it (ej: I play, we play, he
plays), pero en pasado she/he/it no cambian su conjugacin (I played, he played, she played).
Conclusin: la nica we de la que corresponde preocuparse es de utilizar los verbos en pasado
cuando corresponda.

Palabras Importantes

When Cuando When I was a child Cuando yo era nio/a

Liked gustaba/gust I liked to play football Me gustaba jugar ftbol
Was era/estaba I was good at chemistry Yo era bueno en biologa
Memory recuerdo/memoria I have good memories Tengo buenos recuerdos
Remember recordar I don't remember anything No me acuerdo de nada
Had tena/hubo I had an evil twin Yo tena un gemelo malvado

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