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Hpathy 8/28/2009
Causes of cough

Infections such as laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchaictasis

Mechanical irritation like inhalation of dust, gases, tobacco smoking, compression of air passages, foreign
bodies in air passages.

Thermal stimulus inhalation of cold air, especially in asthmatics, and those with intercurrent infections

Habit cough when a patient has suffered from prolonged illness, in which cough has been a prominent feature,
the cough may at times persist as a habit long after the cause has ceased to operate.

Psychogenic cough may be a form of obsessional neurosis or co-ordinated tic.

Reflex from reflux irritation of vagus (a) wax in external ear or otitis media (b) distension of stomach or rarely of
colon. (c) Liver abscess or sub diaphragmatic abscess.

Types of cough

Dry or unproductive cough

Wet or productive cough
Barking cough
Wheezing cough
Paroxysmal cough
Nocturnal cough
Bovine cough
Croupy cough
Hacking cough
Suppressed and painful cough
Toneless, whispering, aphonic cough
Spluttering cough
Meal related cough

Homeopathic treatment of cough

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the
theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a
state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering.
The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat cough but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As
far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to cure cough that can be selected on the
basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the
patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in

the treatment of cough:

Aconite- Ringing or whistling cough; spasmodic, dry barking cough; of measles; at night; absence of sputa or sputa
thin; suffocating cough awakes patient from sleep; amelioration from lying of back; aggravation after eating or
drinking; at night, from exposure to dry cold winds, walking in open air, I a upright position, from deep inspiration,
from speaking.

Alumina cough with marked dryness of mucus membrane; dry, hacking cough with frequent sneezing; every
morning there is a long attack of dry cough, with difficult little mucus; dry cough at night with dryness of throat;
splinter like sensation in throat when swallowing; hoarseness.

Ambra gresia nervous spasmodic cough; paroxysm of cough coming from deep in chest, excited by violent
tickling in throat; cough usually at night; spasmodic cough with oppressed feeling of chest, whistling in chest; worse
by drinking cold drinks, by speaking.

Ammonium carb well known medicine for chronic cough of old people; dry cough at night with expectoration only
in the morning; incessant cough, excited by a sensation as if down in the larynx; violent cough about 3 or 4 A.M.,
with spasmodic constriction of chest.

Ammonium Mur dry cough from tickling in throat in the morning; worse when turning on side and taking a deep
breath; morning cough with expectoration; rawness and soreness of throat; with expectoration of lumpy mucus.

Antim tart profuse mucus in the chest with inability to expectorate; cough violent after each meal; rattling of cough
without expectoration; suffocating attack of cough; aggravation after eating, after midnight, damp sellers, lying
down, every morning, amelioration from sitting upright, from expectoration.

Argentum Nitricum cough with rawness of throat, irritation of the vagus and sympatheticus: dryness of the throat
when beginning to speak; aggravation just before midnight; laughing, and sudden exertion.

Arsenic album oppressed feeling in the chest; cough especially in the night, must sit up as soon as cough
commences; cough aggravates after eating and drinking; cough caused by checked or non appearing skin
eruptions; breathing arrested with expectoration of frothy mucus; unceasing cough, excited by smoking sensation or
as of vapors of sulphur in larynx.

Arsenic album phthisis; short, suppressed cough; often loose with muco-purulent expectoration, occasionally
stringy, especially night and morning

Belladonna irritable and inflammatory condition of larynx and trachea; short, dry, cough from tickling in the
larynx, with stitches in different parts, often induced by talking.

Bryonia dry cough, coming from gastric region, and preceded by a crawling and tickling sensation I epigastrium
or in throat, inducing cough, followed by mucus sputa; cough, with involuntary discharge of urine; stitches in the
chest and small of the back, aggravated by touch, motion, talking, laughing, eating and drinking; cough at night in
bed, compelling one to spring up and assume erect posture at once; cough excited by beer and relieved by warm

carbo veg cough with greenish yellow fetid expectoration; spasmodic hollow cough in short, hard spells, caused
by a feeling as of vapors of sulphur; worse evening or before midnight; by going in to cold air or in to cool air from a
warm place, with copious sputa night and morning.

Causticum catarrhal aponia; cough relieved by a swallow of cold water; worse from exhaling cold air, from
evening till midnight, when awaking; the quantity of mucus in the throat and chest produces spells of coughing;
sensation of soreness down the trachea and under sternum in chest when coughing.

Chamomilla excellent remedy for cough in children, which is worse at night, from crying, during sleep, and cold

Coccus cacti remedy for cough in drunkards; catarrhs which come on early in fall, upon first change from warm to
cold weather, lasting until next summer when weather again becomes warm.

Drosera nervous, spasmodic cough; aggravation after midnight, afternoon and evening, by warmth, tobacco,
drinking; nocturnal cough of phthisical patients, cough sounds loose, but nothing comes up; expectoration yellow,
offensive, bitter, salty which has to be swallowed.

Dulcamara cough caused by exposure to damp, cold weather; after living in damp cold basements; spasmodic
cough, with profuse secretion of mucus in the larynx and trachea.

Hepar Sulph one of the best remedies for cough; croupy night cough, the phlegm is loose and chocking; patient
Is hypersensitive; cough is worse by exposure to chilly night air; and from drinking cold water; severe laryngeal
catarrh, with roughness and pain in the upper part of throat.

Hyoscyamus nervous cough which is aggravated by lying down; cough with spasm of larynx; dry cough
especially in night, with scanty expectoration.

Ipecauc the chest is full of phlegm, cough with vomiting and retching; suffocative attack of cough, worse from
least motion and better in open air.

Kali bi expectoration of tough mucus which comes in strings; cough with wheezing; excited by tickling in larynx;
toothache when coughing

Kali carb cough after midnight till 3.00 to 4.00 A.M, in paroxysms; cough from tickling in larynx, throat and
trachea; cough with vomiting of ingesta, dry cough at night.

Phosphorous rawness of entire respiratory tract; sensation of tightness across the chest; feeling of rawness and
soreness in trachea and bronchi, nervous cough when anyone enters the room, headache, burning dryness along
with cough; pains in chest often compels him to sit up.

Pulsatilla cough with sensation of vomiting; dry cough at night, with dyspnoea, loose cough during the day; dry
after every sleep, in the evening when lying down.

Rhus Tox dry cough, caused by tickling in the bronchi; cough with taste of blood; although no blood Is to be seen,
cough with tearing pain in the chest.

Rumex exalting the sensibility and diminishing the secretion of larynx and trachea; hoarse, barking cough, in
attacks, every night 11. P.M and at 2 and 5 A.M. cough in any position, he keeps the head covered with bedclothes,
as when undressing and going to bed, it makes the chest feel bruised, and it seems as if the cough did not reach
low enough down to raise phlegm. ; cough by every inhalation of cool air and at night

Sambucus Niger increased secretion of the skin and of the respiratory mucus membrane; sudden nocturnal
suffocative attacks from obstruction of thorax

Spongia dry, barking, wheezing, caused by burning tickling in larynx, chronic cough in violent attacks, worse by
lying with the head low, the room getting too warm, relieved by eating ever so little.


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