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Lista inventii :

- Automobilul 1889 de germanul Carl Benz si Gottlieb Daimler

- Telefonul mobil 1973 ( prototip) 1983 lansat Martin Cooper
- Calculatorul primele modele digitale aparute in jurul anilor 40
50 ( Alan Turning) 1974 MITS (Micro Instrumentation Telemetry
- Cardul de credit 1950 Frank McNamara, Ralph Schneider
- Detectorul de metale sfarsitul anilor 20 - Gerhard Fisher
- Motorul cu abur 1698 Thomas Savery
- Laserul 1958 - Gordon Gould and Charles Hard Townes, Arthur L.
- Codul Morse 1838 - Samuel F.B. Morse
- Televizorul cu telecomanda 1950 Robert Adler
- Prajitorul de paine 1893 - compania Crompton
- Jocurile video 1972 - Nolan Bushnell
- Praful de pusca secolul 10 D.Hr. a fost descoperit in asia
- Aspirina 1897 - Felix Hoffmann
- Internetul 1969 1970 - Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA) at the Dept. of Defense
- You tube 2005 - Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, i Jawed Karim
- Camera de fotografiat 1888 George Eastman
- Moneda- 650 I.Hr. Lidieni (Turcia)
- Bomba nucleara 1945 - J. Robert Oppenheime
- Testatura virtuala (2008 primele prototipuri) compania Microsoft
- Penicilina 1928 Alexander Fleming

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