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Studienbesuche fr Bildungsexperten

Study visits for education specialists

Visites d'tude pour spcialistes de l'ducation

Catalogue 2006 - 2007

The Arion study visits, which aim at better information and sensibilisation of education
specialists and decision-makers to new developments of the education systems in the
countries participating in the action, are facing new expectations and demands.
Instead of programmes which are too general or too wide and mixed in their approach,
the organisers now tend to offer programmes which are better targeted, or which
concentrate on a specific aspect of one of the themes of the programme.

For this reason it was decided to issue this 11th edition of the catalogue of Arion study
visits for the 2006 2007 programme. The information sheets on the study visits,
drafted on the basis of information forwarded by the Member States, the EFTA
countries or the new countries which participate in the programme, aim at helping the
education specialists to make an appropriate choice.

In March 2002, the European Council of Barcelona adopted the detailed work
programme on the subject of the Concrete Future Objectives of Education and
Training until 2010. It is the Commissions opinion that Arion is really appropriate to
implement the objectives as defined by the Ministers. This catalogue refers to the
objectives and to activities for exchanging information. An analytical summary is
attached to this catalogue. On pages 9 to 13 the reader will find a description of the
expected approaches of the visits in relation with the work programme on Concrete
Future Objectives of Education and Training.

* *

Les visites dtude Arion, qui visent mieux informer et sensibiliser les spcialistes et
dcideurs de lducation aux nouveaux lments introduits dans les systmes
ducatifs dans les diffrents pays qui participent laction, sont confrontes de
nouvelles attentes. Scartant progressivement de programmes trop gnraux ou
ayant des contenus relevant de plusieurs secteurs, les organisateurs tendent
dsormais offrir ces programmes mieux cibls, ou qui se concentrent sur un aspect
particulier dun des thmes du programme.

Cest pour cette raison que la onzime dition du catalogue des visites dtude Arion
est prsente pour le programme 2006 2007. Les fiches dinformation sur les visites
dtude, rdiges sur base dinformations fournies par les Etats membres, les pays de
lAELE ainsi que les nouveaux pays participant au programme, ont comme objectif
daider les spcialistes de lducation mieux orienter et cibler leur candidature.

En Mars 2002 le Conseil Europen de Barcelona a adopt le programme de travail

dtaill au sujet des Objectifs Futurs Concrets de lEducation et la Formation dici
2010. La Commission est davis que Arion est une action tout fait approprie pour
la mise en oeuvre des objectifs dfinis par les Ministres. Ce catalogue fait rfrence
aux objectifs ainsi quaux activits dchanges dinformation. Un rsum analytique se
trouve en annexe ce catalogue. Aux pages 9 13 se trouve une description des
approches attendues par rapport au programme de travail sur les Objectifs Futurs
Concrets de lEducation et la Formation.

Die Arion Studienbesuche haben zum Ziel, Bildungsexperten und Entscheidungs-
trger besser zu informieren und zu sensibilisieren. Die Experten sehen sich
kontinuierlich mit neuen Erwartungen und Herausforderungen konfrontiert, daher
geniet Weiterbildung im Bildungssektor und das Aufzeigen von Entwicklungen in den
Bildungssystemen der teilnehmenden Lndern einen hohen Stellenwert. Statt
Studienprogrammen, die zu allgemein oder zu breit und uneinheitlich in ihrem Ansatz
sind, bieten die Organisatoren nunmehr Programme an, die besser abgestimmt sind
und sich nur auf einen spezifischen Aspekt der Themen des Programms beziehen.

Aus diesem Grund wurde die 11. Ausgabe des Arion Katalogs mit dem
Studienbesuchs-Programm 2006 2007 verffentlicht. Der Katalog wurde auf Basis
von Informationsmaterial aus den Mitgliedslndern, den EFTA Lndern und den
neuen Teilnehmerlnder erstellt. Er ermglicht den Bildungsexperten eine gute und
ausgewogene Wahl ihres Studienbesuchs zu treffen.

In Mai 2002 hat der Europische Rat von Barcelona das detaillierte Arbeitsprogramm
Konkrete zuknftige Ziele der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung bis 2010
verabschiedet. Die Kommission vertritt die Meinung, dass Arion optimal fr die
Implementierung dieser Ziele, die von den Ministern definiert wurden, geeignet ist. Der
Katalog bezieht sich auf die Ziele und die Intention des Informations- und
Erfahrungsaustauschs. Eine analytische Zusammenfassung der Themen ist im
Anhang des Katalogs zu finden. Auf den Seiten 9 bis 13 werden die erwarteten Inhalte
der Besuche in Bezug auf das Arbeitsprogramm Konkrete zuknftige Ziele der
allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung beschrieben.

Note for the reader
Each information sheet of this catalogue contains the data, which should enable the
candidates to choose the study visit which suits them best: the theme, the organiser,
the period, the objectives, the programme description, the working language, . Most
information sheets also contain the address of the web page of the organiser, thus
giving way to more detailed information.

Special attention should be paid to the working language. The first language
mentioned is the language of the country visited. The second language is the real
working language of the study visit. Several organisers also filled out a third language.
They would offer linguistic support in this language. This language will thus not be the
working language of the programme. Finally, for some study visits the organisers also
provide for additional linguistic support in another language. It goes without saying that
candidates should preferably have a good command of the working language of the
study visit, so as to get maximal benefit of their participation in the programme.

Avis au lecteur
Chaque fiche de ce catalogue contient les donnes de base que devraient permettre
aux candidats de choisir la visite dtude qui leur convient le mieux: le thme,
lorganisateur, la priode, les objectifs, une description du programme, les langues de
travail, La majorit des fiches contient galement ladresse de la page web de
lorganisateur, ce qui permet daccder davantage dinformations.

Les langues de travail mritent une attention particulire. La premire langue

mentionne est la langue du pays visit. La deuxime langue est la vraie langue de
travail de la visite dtude. Certains organisateurs ont galement rempli une troisime
langue. Ils fourniront un support linguistique pour cette langue. Cette troisime langue
ne sera donc pas la langue vhiculaire du programme. Enfin, pour quelques visites
dtude, les organisateurs ont prvu un support linguistique pour une autre langue
complmentaire. Il va de soi que de prfrence les candidats matrisent la langue de
travail des visites dtude, afin de tirer le profit maximal de leur participation au

Fr den Leser
Jedes Informationsblatt dieses Katalogs umfasst smtliche Daten, die es den
Kandidaten erlauben, den best geeigneten Studienbesuch auszuwhlen: das Thema,
den Organisator, den Termin, die Ziele, die Programmbeschreibung, die
Arbeitssprache, Die meisten Informationsbltter beinhalten auch die Internetseite
des Organisators, wodurch der Zugang zu detaillierter Information mglich wird.

Spezielle Sorgfalt sollte auf die Arbeitssprache gelegt werden. Die erste erwhnte
Sprache ist die Landessprache des Studienbesuchorts. Erst die zweite Sprache ist die
wirkliche Arbeitssprache. Einige Organisatoren fllen auch die dritte Sprache aus. In
dieser Sprache knnen die Organisatoren sprachliche Untersttzung leisten. Diese
Sprache ist allerdings nicht auch Arbeitssprache. In manchen Studienbesuchen
stellen die Organisatoren auerdem zustzliches Unterrichtsmaterial in einer weiteren
Fremdsprache zur Verfgung. Es ist selbstverstndlich, dass die Kandidaten die erste
Arbeitssprache gut beherrschen sollten, um optimal von ihrem Studienaufenthalt zu



It is quite natural to establish links between the Arion study visits

and the Work programme on the objectives in education and
training up to 2010. The Arion participants are partners by
excellence to exchange experience on good practice for almost all of
the 13 objectives. So it is logical that room should be made for this
type of exchanges in the programmes of the study visits and to
report on this. But of course, the Arion study visits are much more
than that. They should continue to be a multilateral learning tool on
educational developments throughout Europe, so as to realise the
main objectives of this action.

1. Scope

The themes of the Arion study visits aim at studying one or more aspects of the
education system of the visited country. For some of the themes there is no reference at
all to the Objectives Work Programme. Very often, the scope of the study visit is much
wider than what is asked for in the Objectives report, but organisers are invited to pay
enough attention to its topics for exchanging experience, whenever possible.

2. Reference to the objectives report and themes for exchanging experience

Most of the information sheets on the study visits make a reference to the appropriate
objective. Further information on the specific themes for exchanging experience can
be found in the table at the end of the catalogue.

3. Inclusion of these themes in the study visits programme

The organisers are invited to check if these themes for exchanging experience can be
included in their programmes and what attention can be given to them. In most cases,
this exercise will enable them to add an extra dimension to their programmes and it is
expected that participants exchange information on the situation in their respective

4. Reporting elements

It is expected that the reports of participants will contain a specific section referring to
the themes for exchanging experience of the Objectives Report. These topics may be
discussed throughout the weeks programme and a final format should be discussed
during the closing session of the study visit.



Il est tout fait naturel d'tablir des liens entre les visites d'tude
Arion et "le programme de travail sur les objectifs de lducation et
la formation dici 2010". Les participants Arion sont des partenaires
par excellence pour changer l'exprience sur la bonne pratique
pour presque tous les 13 objectifs. Ainsi, il est logique doffrir de
lespace pour ce type d'changes dans les programmes des visites
d'tude et de produire des rapports sur cette exprience. Mais
videmment, les visites d'tude Arion sont beaucoup plus que a.
Elles devraient rester un outil d'apprentissage multilatral sur les
dveloppements scolaires dans l'ensemble de l'Europe, afin de
raliser les objectifs principaux de cette action.

1. Objectif

Les thmes des visites d'tude Arion visent tudier un ou plusieurs aspects du systme
d'enseignement du pays visit. Pour quelques-uns des thmes il n'y a aucune rfrence
du tout au programme de travail sur les objectifs. Trs souvent, le champ d'application de
la visite d'tude est beaucoup plus large que ce qui est demand dans le rapport sur les
objectifs, mais les organisateurs sont invits prter assez d'attention ses sujets pour
changer l'exprience, autant que possible.

2. La rfrence au rapport sur les objectifs et les thmes pour changer


La plupart des fiches d'informations sur des visites d'tude font rfrence aux objectifs
appropris. Des informations complmentaires sur les thmes spcifiques pour
changer l'exprience peuvent tre consultes au tableau la fin du catalogue.

3. Inclusion de ces thmes dans le programme de visites d'tude

Les organisateurs sont invits vrifier si ces thmes pour changer l'exprience
peuvent tre inclus dans leurs programmes et quelle attention leur peut tre accorde.
Dans la plupart des cas, cet exercice leur permettra d'ajouter une dimension
supplmentaire leurs programmes et on s'attend ce que les participants changent
des informations sur la situation dans leurs pays respectifs.

4. Elements de rapportage

On s'attend ce que les rapports des participants contiennent une section spcifique
faisant rfrence aux thmes dchange d'exprience du rapport sur les objectifs. Ces
sujets peuvent tre examins au cours de tout le programme de la semaine et un
format final devrait tre examin pendant la session de clture de la visite d'tude.



Es ist bedeutend, dass Verbindungen zwischen den Arion

Studienbesuchen und dem Arbeitsprogramm Konkrete zuknftige
Ziele der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung bis 2010 geschaffen
werden. Die Arion Teilnehmer sind Partner par excellence, um
Erfahrungen zu best practice Beispielen betreffs aller 13 Ziele
auszutauschen. Daher ist es sehr wichtig, auch den Austausch ber
diese Studienbesuche zu gewhrleisten und darber zu berichten.
Das Hauptziel dieser Aktion ist allerdings, ein multilaterales Lerntool
fr Bildungssysteme in ganz Europa zu etablieren.

1. Zweck

Die Themen der Arion Studienbesuche haben zum Ziel, ein oder mehr Aspekte des
Bildungssystems des besuchten Landes kennen zu lernen. Einige Themen haben
berhaupt keinen Bezug zu dem Arbeitsprogramm von Barcelona. Oft ist der Inhalt viel
breiter als in dem Zielbericht. Das wichtigste ist allerdings, vor allem den internationalen
Erfahrungsaustausch zu frdern.

2. Bezug zu dem Zielbericht und den Themen fr den Erfahrungsaustausch

Die meisten Informationsbltter enthalten einen Hinweis zu dem entsprechenden Ziel.

Weitere Informationen zu den spezifischen Themen fr den Erfahrungsaustausch
knnen im Anhang des Katalogs gefunden werden.

3. Einbezug dieser Themen in das Studienbesuchsprogramm

Die Organisatoren werden dazu eingeladen, Verknpfungen zu den Themen fr den

Erfahrungsaustausch zu ihrem Arbeitsprogramm herzustellen und den Stellenwert
dieser festzulegen. In den meisten Fllen, gestattet ihnen diese Vorgangsweise eine
extra Dimension in ihrem Programm einzufhren. Die Teilnehmer werden ersucht, ihre
Erfahrungen in ihrer Heimat weiterzugeben.

4. Reporting

Es wird erwartet, dass die Teilnehmerberichte einen separaten Bereich enthalten, der
sich auf die Themen fr den Erfahrungsaustausch aus dem Zielbericht beziehen.
Diese Inhalte knnten whrend des Wochenprogramms diskutiert werden und ein
Endformat sollte am Ende des Studienbesuchs beschlossen werden.


Introduction 03
Note for the reader 07
Linking up with the work programme of the Objectives Report 09
Table of contents 15

Theme 1: General study education systems 22 53

Theme 2: Certification and assessment 54 55
Theme 3: Combating illiteracy
Theme 4: ICT in education 56 70
Theme 5: Education of disabled pupils 71 82
Theme 6: Equal opportunities in education 83 86
Theme 7: Intercultural education 87 92
Theme 8: Measures to prevent school failure 93 97
Theme 9: European dimension in education 98124
Theme 10: The teaching profession 125140
Theme 11: The role of parents 141145
Theme 12: Language teaching 146162
Theme 13: Health education 163169
Theme 14: Environmental education 170182
Theme 15: The heads of schools 183190
Theme 16: The school 191206
Theme 17: The pupils 207215
Theme 18: Adult education 216232
Theme 19: Violence and protection of children 233234
Theme 20: Quality in education 235261
Theme 23: The role of the inspector 262263
Theme 25: The curriculum 264266
* * *
Linking up Arion themes with the report on the Concrete future objectives
in education and training 267271

Useful addresses 283296

Table des matires

Introduction 03
Avis au lecteur 07
Relier avec le programme de travail du Rapport sur les Objectifs 11
Table des matires 17

Thme 1: Etude gnrale des systmes ducatifs 22 53

Thme 2: Certification et valuation 54 55
Thme 3: Lutte contre lanalphabtisme
Thme 4: TIC dans l'ducation 56 70
Thme 5: Education des enfants handicaps 71 82
Thme 6: Egalit des chances en ducation 83 86
Thme 7: Education interculturelle 87 92
Thme 8: Echec scolaire 93 97
Thme 9: Dimension europenne de l'ducation 98124
Thme 10: La profession de l'enseignant 125140
Thme 11: Le rle des parents 141145
Thme 12: L'enseignement des langues 146162
Thme 13: L'ducation la sant 163169
Thme 14: Education l'environnement 170182
Thme 15: Les chefs d'tablissement 183190
Thme 16: Le projet d'tablissement 191206
Thme 17: Les lves 207215
Thme 18: Education des adultes 216232
Thme 19: La violence et la protection des enfants 233234
Thme 20: La qualit de l'ducation 235261
Thme 23: Le rle de linspecteur 262263
Thme 25: Le curriculum 264266
* * *
Lien entre les thmes Arion et le Rapport sur les Objectifs futures concrets
de lEducation et de la Formation 272277

Indications utiles 283296


Einfhrung 05
Fr den Leser 07
Verbindung zu dem Arbeitsprogramm des Zielberichts 13
Inhaltsverzeichnis 19

Thema 1: Allgemeine Untersuchung der Unterrichtssysteme 22 53

Thema 2: Notengebung und Beurteilung der Schler 54 55
Thema 3: Bekmpfung des Analphabetismus
Thema 4: IKT in der Schule 56 70
Thema 5: Eingliederung Jugendlicher mit Behinderung in das Regelschulwesen 71 82
Thema 6: Chancengleichheit fr Burschen und Mdchen 83 86
Thema 7: Interkulturelle Erziehung 87 92
Thema 8: Manahmen zur Verhinderung von Schulversagen 93 97
Thema 9: Einfhrung der europischen Dimension 98124
Thema 10: Die Lehrkrfte 125140
Thema 11: Die Rolle der Eltern 141145
Thema 12: Fremdsprachenunterricht 146162
Thema 13: Gesundheitserziehung 163169
Thema 14: Umwelterziehung 170182
Thema 15: Die Schulleiter 183190
Thema 16: Die Schule 191206
Thema 17: Die Schler 207215
Thema 18: Erwachsenenbildung 216232
Thema 19: Gewalt und Schutz von Kindern und Jugendlichen 233234
Thema 20: Bildungsqualitt 235261
Thema 23: Der Schulaufsichtsbeamter 262263
Thema 25: Das Curriculum 264266
* * *
Verbindung der Arion Themen zu dem Bericht Konkrete zuknftige Ziele 278282
der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung

Ntzliche Adressen 283296

Arion StudyVisits Catalogue 2006-2007
Study visits for education specialists

Visites d'tudes pour spcialistes de l'ducation

Studienbesuche fr Bildungsexperten

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 200 Page 21 of 266

ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06001,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Birute Ambrazeviciute

+370 5 2610856 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: National M.K.Ciurlionis school of Arts

+370 5 2612077 Kosciuskos str. 11

Organiser Email:

metocentr@ciurlioniomm.lt Vilnius

Postal Code: LT-01100

Title: 01,01 - LT - Cultural and artistic education in Lithuanian education system

Beginning date: 01.10.2006 Venue: Vilnius

End Date: 05.10.2006 Country: Lithuania

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Lithuanian English Italian

Reference OBJECTIVE 2.2: Making Learning more attractive


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 7

Coordinator of programme In-service training centre at the National Ciurlionis School of Arts and General and Basic
Education Division at the Minisitry of Education and Science. The study visit will give examples of various
programmes and projects on artistic and cultural education in Lithuania in formal education system. Visits to National
Ciurlionis School of Arts (balley, music, visual arts branches, Contemporary school centre, kindergarden, primary
school, secondary shools, gymnasiums in Vilnius and in Kaunas) meeting school authorities, non-formal education
institutions ( Children and Youth centre, art shools) to be acquainted with artistic and cultural education in Lithuanian
education system. The programme will include: visits to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of
Education and Science, Open Air Museum of the centre of Europe and National M.K.Ciurlionis museum educational
offices and will provide opportunity for analysis and comparison of artistic and cultural education as part of curriculum
and as extracurriculum activity in European educational systems

Language support in Italian

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 200 Page 22 of 266

ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06001,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mrs Parsla Kopmane

+3713622595 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Ventspils 1.gimnazija

+3713622595 Kuldigas iela 1

Organiser Email:

parsla19@navigator.lv Ventspils

Postal Code: LV-3600

Title: 01,02 - LV - General study of education systems

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Ventspils

End Date: 13.10.2006 Country: Latvia

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Latvian English German

Reference Objective 1.5: Making the best use of resources


Nr of places: 10 Min required: 8

Viztes laik ts dalbnieki tiks iepazstinti ar Latvijas izgltbas sistmu un ts saistbu ar dzves
aktualittm. Dalbniekus iepazstinsim ar dadajm Ventspils pilstas izgltbas iestdm: brnudrzi, skolas,
augstskola, brnu un jaunieu rpusskolas iestdes - jaunrades nams, mzikas, mkslas skola un sporta skola.
Piedvsim vrot dadas mcbu stundas un nodarbbas. Programmas saturs virzts uz skolotju skolnu
sadarbbu mcbu procesa un rpusstundu mcbu darba organizan. Pardsim, k realizjam skolas - vecku un
sabiedrbas sadarbbu brnu kvalitatvas un vispusgas izgltbas nodroinan.

During the visit its participants will be acquainted with the education system of Latvia and the place of interest
education in it. The participants will be given the possibility to visit various education institutions in Ventspils city:
kindergarden, schools, institution of higher education, children and youth extra-curricular institutions art house,
music and art school, sports and culture centre. Participants will observe lessons and extra-curricular activities.

The content of the programme is based on the teachers pupils parents society cooperation in organizing
study/training process and different extra-curricular activities to ensure qualitative and all-round education for children.
Language support in German.Web page: www.gym.ventspils.lv

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 200 Page 23 of 266

ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06001,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Maria Luisa Sedita, Nadia Rizzo

+39 0934 21600 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Liceo Ginnasio Statale R. Settimo

+39 0934 25225 Via Rosso di San Secondo

Organiser Email:

dirigentescolastico@liceorsettimo.it Caltanisetta - CL

Postal Code: I- 93100

Title: 01,03 - IT - Nuove strategie di comunicazione on line: un network operativo di sistemi scolastici europei -
New communication strategies on line: an effective network of European School systems

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Caltanisetta

End Date: 13.10.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English ?

Reference Objective 1.2: Developing Skills for the Knowledge Society


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Alla luce della dimensione europea dellinsegnamento, lobiettivo generale del progetto quello di promuovere
rapporti continui on line tra sistemi educativi, creare confronti e sviluppare scambi di informazioni ed esperienze sui
sistemi educativi degli Stati Membri. In particolare il gruppo dei partecipanti avr la possibilit di usare lo strumento di
un giornale telematico internazionale che permetter alle scuole di condividere notizie, idee e politiche educative.
Questa forma di cooperazione approfondir le tematiche del Mediterraneo per la costruzione di un progetto
Euromediterraneo che possa consentire la comunicazione, il confronto e laggiornamento continuo sulle tematiche
riguardanti i sistemi educativi. La visita di studio rafforzer i rapporti tra le scuole e aiuter a mantenere i contatti
personali. Attivit: seminario di presentazione del progetto, lavori di gruppo, tavola rotonda. Mezzi: aula multimediale,
portale della scuola, spazio autogestito dedicato al giornale telematico internazionale. Soggetti coinvolti: Dirigenti
scolastici e Docenti.

Under the principle of the European dimension of teaching the project will promote continuous relations on line
between educational systems, assure comparison and develop exchanges of information and experiences on issues
common to the educational systems of the Member States. In particular the group of participants will have the chance
to use the instrument of an on line monthly international magazine through which schools will share news, ideas and
educational policies. This form of cooperation will also include an analysis on the Mediterranean issues and policy in
order to build a Euro-Mediterranean project aiming at communicating updated teaching resources. The study visit
will also strength relations and maintain personal end European contacts. Activities: seminar to present the project,
working groups, round table. Means: multimedia room, school web site. People involved: Headmasters and High
School Teachers. Web page:http://www.liceosettimo.it

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 200 Page 24 of 266

ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06001,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Franoise Daout

+32 2 413 40 12 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Communaut franaise de Belgique

+32 2 413 35 78 44,Bld Lopold II

Organiser Email:

francoise.daout@cfwb.be Bruxelles

Postal Code: 1080

Title: 01,04 - BE - le systme ducatif en Communaut franaise de Belgique

Beginning date: 16.10.2006 Venue: Bruxelles

End Date: 20.10.2006 Country: Belgium (French speaking)

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French ?

Reference Objective 1.2: Developing skills for the knowledge society


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Notre systme se singularise par labsence de certification externe base sur des preuves standardises de type
Abitur, baccalaurat ou GCSE en fin de scolarit obligatoire. Ceci lui donne plus de souplesse, mais cre un certain
nombre de problmes qui seront dbattus en cours de sjour. De plus notre enseignement est organis par diffrents
pouvoirs qui jouissent tous de la libert pdagogique, ce qui ncessite un pilotage du systme. Enfin, beaucoup
dcoles doivent faire face des lves en difficult et sadapter la prsence dun nombre lev dlves issus de
limmigration. Les participants auront loccasion de visiter des tablissements scolaires du niveau primaire,
secondaire, suprieur non-universitaire, ainsi quune cole denseignement spcialis et de rencontrer des
responsables du pilotage du systme.

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 200 Page 25 of 266

ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06001,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mag. Christine Tomaschitz

+43/316/806767 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Pdagogisches Institut des Bundes i.d.Steiermark

+43/316/806743 Ortweinplatz 1

Organiser Email:

christine.tomaschitz@pi-stmk.ac.at Graz

Postal Code: A-8010

Title: 01,05 - AT - The education system and their values

Beginning date: 16.10.2006 Venue: Graz

End Date: 20.10.2006 Country: Austria

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German English German

Reference Objective 3.1.Strengthening the links with working life and research, and society at large

Nr of places: 25 Min required: 6

Im sterreichischen Schulwesen ist die verpflichtende Berufsorientierung auf der Sekundarstufe I laut OECD
einzigartig in Europa. Das pdagogische Institut des Bundes in der Steiermark will demonstrieren, wie die curricularen
Inhalte der verbindlichen bung "Berufsorientierung" auf der Sekundarstufe I (7. und 8.Schulstufe) fcherbergreifend
in den Pflichtschulen umgesetzt wird und in welcher Weise dieser Gegenstand in einer prozesshaften
Weiterentwicklung - als Berufsfindungsprozess- eine wichtige Basis fr die Sekundarstufe II (Polytechnische und in
weiterer Folge Berufsschule) darstellt. Neben der Darbietung verschiedener Unterrichtseinheiten zur Berufsfindung
und Berufsberleitung im Sinne einer eigenverantwortlichen Auseinandersetzung der SchlerInnnen mit der Arbeits-
und Berufswelt soll an Hand von best practice Projekten demonstriert werden wie die Zusammenarbeit zwischen
Schule, Wirtschaft und anderen Institutionen durchgefhrt wird. In diesem Zusammenhang sollen schul- und
unterrichtsorganisatorische Manahmen, der Bereich Lehrer Fort- und Weiterbildung und eine Kurzdarstellung des
Bildungswesens in sterreich durch pdagogische Fachkrfte dargeboten werden.

In accordance with the OECD report there is vocational orientation compulsory in the Austrian school system at the
secondary level I and II. The institute for in-service teacher training in the region of Styria is going to demonstrate how
the contents of the subject "vocational orientation" is cross curricular implemented in the compulsory school system
at secondary level I and what special kind of process oriented development takes place in form of a "better job finding
process" to represent an important basic training for further pre-vocational and vocational education. (in secondary
level II).Apart from several demonstrations of education units for job finding and transition to working-life practises
and exercises- in the sense of the students own respectful discussion with their career opportunities- best practice
projects should be shown- how cooperation programmes work between schools, school partners, enterprises,
companies, representative bodies, labour market, service,.. In this context pedagogical experts of the regional school
board will give a short outline of the Austrian school system, teachers of further education and training methods and
internal school organization procedure for the implementation of the vocational orientation programme.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06001,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ilker COLTU

+90-535-4521077(GSM) Type: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)


+90-322-3386265 Cukurova Un.Devlet Konservatu.

Organiser Email: Balcali

icoltu@cu.edu.tr or ayucel@cu.edu.tr ADANA

Postal Code: TUR-01330

Title: 01,06 - TUR - Exchange experience in fields of music education and organization of education process

Beginning date: 06.11.2006 Venue: ADANA

End Date: 10.11.2006 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish German English

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5: MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES; Self-evaluation to improve the quality
Objectives of education provided, Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator)

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Das Staatskonservatorium der Cukurova Universitt in Adana ist eine Schule ,wo klassische Musik gelehrt wird. Es
gibt drei Lehrstufen des Studiums: Grundschule (Primarstufe), Oberschule (Sekundarstufe) und Hochschule. Unsere
Studenten sind im Alter von 10 bis 25 Jahren, die mit einer Begabungsprfung aufgenommen werden. Die Grund-
und Oberschulen arbeiten mit den Vorschriften des Ministeriums fr Erziehung und Bildung, die Hochschule ist der
Universitt untergeordnet. Das ist eine Besonderheit bei unserer Ausbildung und Erziehung. Die Teilnehmer ,die an
dieser Tagung teilnehmen werden, haben die Mglichkeit, ausser des Konservatoriums andere private und staatliche
Schulen hier in der Trkei kennenzulernen. Unsere Mission ist klassische Musik zu lehren und es in unserem Leben
einzufhren. Unsere eigentliche Aufgabe besteht darin, Solisten und Mitglieder fr Orchester, Chor, fr Oper und
Theaterhuser auszubilden . Die Teilnehmer knnen unser Konservatorium, unsere Lehrmethoden, wie auch unsere
soziale und knstlerische Ttigkeiten in Adana und in unserem Lande beobachten und einschtzen. Die Erwartung
dieser Tagung ist die Zusammenarbeit mit den Teilnehmern ber den Vergleich und den Austausch der
Musikerziehung, die Organisation des Musikerziehungprozesses, als auch die Folgen der obligatorischen

The State Conservatory of Cukurova University in Adana is a music school where the students can have an education
on classical music. Its aims are to introduce and to teach classical music and training musicians for
orchestra,solo,opera,choir and theatre. There is primary education,secondary education and undergraduate-graduate
education in our conservatory. Our students are between 10 and 25 years old. They are admitted by a special ability
examination. Beside instrumental activities, the primary and secondary school students must have lessons which are
accepted by the Ministry of Education, because the primary and secondary school of the conservatory work under
the system of the Ministry of Education, but the Undergraduate and Graduate study programmes are in connection
with the system of the ukurova University. So,the study project we would like to prepare will give the participiants a
possibility to see both educational systems. And more of this will be the possibility to know other private and state
schools of different levels in Turkey. Also the participants can observe how our systems works, such as
organization, educational methods, our social participation in the cultural life of Adana and in our country, too.
Through this study project,also we will have the opportunity to examine other educational systems. We expect to
compare and contrast the systems and to exchange experiences in fields of music education and organization of
education process,also performance and results up to the end of compulsory education.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06001,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: ENJUANES Pierre

00 33 4 98 10 40 10 Type: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: L.P.A LES MAGNANARELLES

00 33 4 98 10 40 18 BP 30

Organiser Email:

pierre.enjuanes@educagri.fr LES ARCS SUR ARGENS

Postal Code: 83460

Title: 01,07 - FR - Le projet d'un tablissement d'enseignement technique et professionnel : de l'laboration


Beginning date: 13.11.2006 Venue: LES ARCS SUR ARGENS (Rgion Provence Alpes C

End Date: 17.11.2006 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference Objectifs : 1.1, 1.3, 2.1 et 3.5


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

L'objectif de la visite d'tude est d'organiser un change sur le thme "le projet d'tablissement comme outil de
management". Il comprend une vision moyen terme de 5 ans et une partie prospective en fonction des relations
avec les partenaires. Le projet d'tablissement est la manire dont l'tablissement organise ses activits (formation
initiale, formation continue, animation rurale) avec ses diffrents partenaires (profession agricole, entreprises,
parents d'lves, collectivits territoriales, ministre) dans son territoire. L'objectif de la visite d'tude est d'changer
sur la mise en uvre, des projets d'tablissements, des systmes ducatifs en Europe. Rencontres avec les quipes
pdagogiques, les partenaires. Quels objectifs ? Pour quel public ? De l'laboration l'valuation ? Au cours de la
visite sera organise une visite de l'arrire pays varois et de la cte d'Azur. La visite d'tude aura lieu en franais et
sera traduite en anglais. Notre Lyce se trouve prs de l'aroport de Nice et de la gare TGV Les Arcs-Draguignan.

anglais : traduction simultane disponible (avec valise guide d'interprtariat si possible, sinon avec prsence
d'interprte pour un petit groupe). The aim of the study visit is to exchange about "the school project as a
management tool". It is planned for 5 years but some parts may change related to links with partners. The school
project is meant to enable the school to organise its activities (Education, vocational education, rural extension) with
different partners (enterprises, parents, ministry, local bodies, the professionals) in their territory. The aim of the
study visit is to exchange about how the school project is organised, and partners will be organised. The school
project will be analysed. (which objectives ? Who are the target groups ? From its frame to its assessment ?) A visit
will be organised in the south of France in the Var and Cote d'Azur areas.

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Visit No: 06001,08

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mag. Silvia Wiesinger

+43/1/5236222-93211 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Pdagogisches Institut der Stadt Wien

+43/1/52362229993210 Abteilung fr AHS

Organiser Email: Burggasse 14-16

s.wiesinger@m56ssr.wien.at Wien

Postal Code: A-1070

Title: 01,08 - AT - Neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der Oberstufe an Wr. Allgemein bildenden hheren Schulen

Beginning date: 03.12.2006 Venue: Wien

End Date: 09.12.2006 Country: Austria

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German English

Reference objective 1.5.: Making The Best Use Of Resources


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Die TeilnehmerInnen sollen neue innovative Entwicklungen im Bereich der Oberstufe an Wiener Schulen kennen
lernen, wie z.B. Profil gebende Schul- und Organisationsentwicklungsvorhaben im Rahmen autonomer Mglichkeiten
von Schulen, Entwicklung von Frderkonzepten und Manahmen zu eigenverantwortlichen und individulaisiertem
Lernen von Schlerinnen und Schlern. Inhalte werden sein: Inputs zum sterreichischen Schulsystem, Mglichkeiten
autonomer Entwicklungen, Schwerpunktsetzungen im Bereich der allgemein bildenden hheren Schulen, besonders
der Oberstufenformen, Besuche von Schulbehrden, wie Stadtschulrat, Ministerielle Abteilungen,
Fortbildungseinrichtungen und Schulen.

Participants will be able to get insight into new innovative developments and trends; specially for the upper grades of
secondary academic schools (grammar school), as there are organisational and quality development initiatives for
new profiles in the framework of autonomous possibilites of schools, autonomous learning programmes,
individualisation of pupils learning. Content and activities will be: introduction into the Austrian educational system,
possibilities for autonomous developments for schools, possibilities for setting special focus points specially for the
upper grades of secondary education, visits to educational authorities like educational boards, departments of the
ministry, teacher training institutions and schools.

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Visit No: 06001,09

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr David Kenyon

+44 (0)1305 224 551 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Dorset County Council - Children's Services

+44 (0)1305 224 499 County Hall

Organiser Email: Dorchester

d.kenyon@dorsetcc.gov.uk Dorset

Postal Code: DT1

Title: 01,09 - GB - UK Music Education Systems

Beginning date: 26.02.2007 Venue: Bournemouth, UK

End Date: 02.03.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?

Reference 1.1 - improving education and training for teachers and trainers

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

European delegates will be able to observe a range of activities allowing them to discuss music teaching and learning
in depth with UK colleagues. The UK has a very different method of teaching Instrumental Music than many other
European countries and Dorset has an interesting and varied programme for music education. We are keen to work
with our European partners in this field of education. The visit will be of interest to musicians and music educators
from schools and colleges, and together with our stunning region famous for tourism, you will have a stimulating visit.
Web Page: www.dorsetforyou.com

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Visit No: 06001,10

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Francis Mc Hugh/Eileen Mc Guire/Roma Osborne

00353 1 8896482/2395 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: The Department of Education and Science,

00 353 1 8892376 Arion, International Section,

Organiser Email: Training College, Marlboro St.

francis_mchugh@education.gov.ie Dublin 1

Postal Code: IRL

Title: 01,10 - IRL - A General study of the Education System

Beginning date: 05.03.2007 Venue: Dublin/Meath

End Date: 09.03.2007 Country: Ireland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?

Reference To give participants an insight into the structure of Irish Education at both primary and secondary
Objectives level.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

This study visit will begin with a presentation of the educational structure in Ireland and will focus on the following
areas: the primary education system, the secondary education system and the work of the
inspectorate. The remainder of the week will be spent visiting primary and secondary schools in
addition to Colleges of Education, to observe the system in operation. There will be opportunities for participants to
have discussions with teachers and students about school life during the visit. Web page:www.education.gov.ie
Alternative E-mails: roma_osborne@education.gov.ie eileen_mcguire@education.gov.ie

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Visit No: 06001,11

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mag. Cornelia Hackl

+43/512/52033234 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Landeschulrat fr Tirol

+43/512/52033342 Innrain 1

Organiser Email:

c.hackl@lsr-t.gv.at Innsbruck

Postal Code: A-6020

Title: 01,11 - AT -Pdagogisches Leadership

Beginning date: 05.03.2007 Venue: Innsbruck

End Date: 09.03.2007 Country: Austria

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German English

Reference Objective 1.5. Making the best use of ressources


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

Fhren ist nicht nur eine Frage von Wirtschaftsbetrieben, die Fhrung von jungen Menschen, aber auch die Frhung
von Pdagogen, die sich mit jungen Menschen auseinandersetzen, bedarf besonderer Sensibilitt und besonderer
Konzepte. Mit diesem Arion Besuch sollten die Tiroler Spezialitten und besondere Erfahrungen in dem Bereich
aufgezeigt und mit den Teilnehmern in einen europischen Vergleich gestellt werden. Der Aufenthalt soll auch dazu
dienen, die eigene Pdagogische Leadership zu strken.

Leading is not only a question of economy enterprises, the leadership of young people, but the leadership of
educationalists who talk with young people also requires special sensibility and special concepts. With the Arion visit
the Tyrolean specialities and special experiences should be shown in the area and provided with the participants in a
European comparison. The visit also shall serve to strengthen the educational Leadership of ist own.

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Visit No: 06001,12

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Leila Kurki and Maarit Rossi

+358 929672101 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Comprehensive schools of Veikkola and Kirkkoharju

+358 929672155 Kisapolku 8

Organiser Email:

leila.kurki@kirkkonummi.fi Kirkkonummi

Postal Code: FIN-02880

Title: 01,12 - FI - The Education System in Finland

Beginning date: 05.03.2007 Venue: Kirkkonummi, 40 km from Helsinki

End Date: 09.03.2007 Country: Finland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Finnish English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Vierailun tavoitteena on antaa yleiskuva Suomen koulutusjrjestelmst. Koulutusjrjestelm tarkastellaan mys
opetushallituksen ja opettajakoulutuslaitoksen nkkulmasta. Vierailun aikana tutustutaan eri koulumuotoihin,
esikoulusta lukioon ja ammatilliseen kouluun. Pvierailut tehdn isntkouluissa. Veikkolan koulu on maan
ensimmisi yhteniskouluja, jossa on oppilaita 1-9 luokkaan (n. 750 oppilasta). Koulun rakenne vastaa siten
parhaiten maan viimeisi opetussuunnitelmia. Kirkkoharjun koulussa luokilla 7-9 oppilaita on noin 600. Koulussa on
kunnan yhteisi erityisluokkia niille ylkouluikisille, joilla on oppimisvaikeuksia ja ns lisluokka eli 10 luokka, niille
jotka eivt ole psseet jatko-opintoihin. Koulussa on erityisluokat matemaattisesti, musikaalisesti ja kielellisesti
lahjakkaille. Koulu on yksi menestyneist PISA-kouluista

The programme will provide an overview of the education system in Finland, also from the viewpoint of the Finnish
National Board of Education and the teacher training department at the university. During the visit the participants will
get acquainted with different schools in the area. The visit is hosted by two schools: Veikkola and Kirkkoharju
comprehensive schools. Veikkola School is one of the first schools in Finland where the grades 1 to 9 are integrated
in the same school. The school follows the development of the most recent curricula plan in Finland. Kirkkoharju
School (http://koulut.kirkkonummi.fi/~kirkkohar/ contact: maarit.rossi@kirkkonummi.fi) consist of the grades 7 to 9, in
addition there are special classes for pupils with special needs, classes for mathematically, musically and
linguistically talented pupils, and 10th grade for pupils who could not continue with their studies. The school is one of
the PISA schools.

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Visit No: 06001,13

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Joachim Kimon Kolyvas

+302103220950 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Hellenic Ministry of Education

+302103228060 15 Mitropoleos Str.

Organiser Email:

europe@ypepth.gr Athens

Postal Code: GR-10185

Title: 01,13 - GR - Developing Education

Beginning date: 12.03.2007 Venue: Athens

End Date: 16.03.2007 Country: Greece

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Greek English ?

Reference 2.3: Supporting active citizenship, Equal opportunities and social cohesion

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5


Developing education is rapidly gaining interest among Greek teachers; lessons and projects, adopting a
development education perspective are planned for multicultural classes. This study visit will focus on themes of
multicultural, anti-racist formal and informal education. There will be class observation, observation of actions taken
by teachers, local authorities and NGOs. Round table discussions will be an essential part of the visit. The study
visit is organized by the Department of the EU Affairs of the Ministry of Education in cooperation with the Association
of Teachers of English (PEKADE). More information on: www.ypepth.gr

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Visit No: 06001,14

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Ute Chatterjee

+44 (0)207 340 4488 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Department for Education and Skills

+44 (0)207 340 4472 Joint International Unit

Organiser Email: L 4A, Caxton Hse, Tothill St

ute.chatterjee@dfes.gsi.gov.uk London

Postal Code: GB-SW1H

Title: 01,14 - GB - General study of education systems and evaluation of education systems

Beginning date: 12.03.2007 Venue: London, UK

End Date: 18.03.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?

Reference Objective 1.2 - Developing skills for the knowledge society


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

The weeks programme will include: presentations by Department for Education and Skills policy officials on themes
such as curriculum development, early years teaching and raising attainment in schools. There will be visits to
external organisations within areas of teacher training, curriculum development and the inspectorate. The programme
will also incorporate 2 days with a local authority and include visits to a range of schools in the London area. The
group will look at examples of good practice and changes in systems; both in school and higher education provision
and organisation over the last decade. Participants will share experiences with European colleagues on their
own systems of education. Participants should have a good knowledge of written and spoken English, as
translation services will not be available.

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Visit No: 06001,15

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: CARDI Jean-Pierre

00 33 4 75 83 33 55 Type: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: LEGTA Bourg les Valence

00 33 4 75 83 38 45 Le Valentin

Organiser Email:

jean-pierre.cardi@educagri.fr Bourg Les Valence

Postal Code: 26500

Title: 01,15 - FR - Un tablissement de formation secondaire et technique comme ple de ressources pour son
territoire /how can a school be a ressource centre for his local partners ?

Beginning date: 26.03.2007 Venue: Valence - Drme Provenale (26)

End Date: 30.03.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference 1.2 : Dvelopper les comptences ncessaires dans une socit fonde sur la connaissance.1.5 :
Objectives Optimiser l'utilisation des ressources. 3.1 Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et
Report la socit.3.2 : Dvelopper l'esprit d'entreprise.

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

Objectif de la visite : Echanger sur le thme suivant : comment un tablissement de formation secondaire, technique
et suprieur court peut-il tre ple de ressources pour son territoire ? En quoi un tablissement de formation peut-il
enrichir son territoire ? Comment tre un lien entre le monde de la recherche et les professionnels des petites et trs
petites entreprises?Les approches de cette visite:-Quels liens avec les partenaires ? (Communaut ducative,
partenaires politiques, diffrents centres de formation de l'tablissement disperss sur un territoire, professionnels,
anciens lves)-Quelle mthodologie suivre et avec quels outils ? (Projet d'tablissement, projet ducatif,
dmarche participative ? )-Comment mettre en uvre une telle dmarche ? (Mission d'enseignement, mission de
dveloppement rural, mission d'animation du territoire, de coopration internationale et d'insertion professionnelle)-
Quelle valorisation rgionale ? -Echanges critiques et constructifs avec des homologues europens.-Comment
passer d'une ouverture sur le territoire dans sa rgion une ouverture europenne ? Les activits proposes : Cette
rencontre se fera autour de prsentations dans diffrents tablissements de la rgion, de visites, d'changes avec les
professionnels, les lus des collectivits locales, les partenaires rgionaux (autres lyces en rseau), et des
moments conviviaux (dcouverte des spcificits agricoles rgionales : caves des ctes du Rhne, huile d'olives,
plantes aromatiques).La traduction en anglais sera assure par les professeurs de langues de l'tablissement.

The purpose of the visit : how can a school be a ressource centre for his local partners ? How can the local bodies
benefit from the school in its territory? How can the school be a link between research partners and professionnals ?
Approaches : 1/ The links between a school and local partners (educational, scientists, political and professional
partners )?2/ how can this approcah be implemented (local democracy, school project as governance tool)?3/
Practical examples (within the area of Valence)4/ European dimensions (exchange with european visitors about their
own experiencesdebate: how to give a school not only a local dimension but a european one ? Activities: visit of
schools, visit of local partners, debate, meeting with educational teams will be organised. Break, informal exchange
between participant, visit of a winery and olive oil factory (typical food products).

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Visit No: 06001,16

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Malgorzata Rau

+ 48(42) 664-80-62 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Okregowa Komisja Egzaminacyjna w Lodzi

+ 48 (42) 634-91-54 Ulica Praussa 4

Organiser Email:

gosia@komisja.pl Lodz

Postal Code: PL-94203

Title: 01,16 - POL - The system of external examinations and its role for the quality of education.

Beginning date: 26.03.2007 Venue: Lodz

End Date: 30.03.2007 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English German

Reference Objective 1.5.: Making the best use of resources


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Tematem wizyty beda egzaminy zewnetrzne jako immanentny element systemu oswiaty. Przedstawimy strukture
szkolnictwa w Polsce oraz wdrazana reforme. Zaprezentujemy znaczenie, zalozenia i funkcjonowanie systemu
egzaminow zewnetrznych oraz Okregowa Komisje Egzaminacyjna: jej strukture, zasady pracy i poszczegolne
zadania: szkolenie egzaminatorow (ich praca, uprawnienia, zadania i obowiazki), ukladanie zadan egzaminacyjnych,
zasady nadzorowania przestrzegania procedur egzaminacyjnych, sposob sprawdzania prac, dokonywanie weryfikacji,
komunikowanie wynikow, wystawianie swiadectw oraz sporzadzanie raportow, gromadzenie informacji (bazy danych).
Spotkanie z nauczycielami i przedstawicielami szkol wyzszych bedzie poswiecone temu jak uczniowie powinni byc
przygotowywani do egzaminow, wykorzystywaniu raportow z lat poprzednich i doswiadczen nauczycieli
egzaminatorow dla doskonalenia ich pracy oraz roli egzaminow zewnetrznych dla naboru na dalsze etapy ksztalcenia.

The subject of the study visit will concern external examinations as an essential element of the educational system.
The agenda will include the following points: the structure of educational system in Poland, the principles of the
reform being introduced, the role of external examinations and the way the examination system operates, the
structure of the Regional Examination Board in Lodz and its responsibilities including: training examiners entitling
them to marking examination papers their tasks and duties, constructing examination question papers, supervising
the enforcement of examination procedures, paper marking according to the assessment procedures including
verification, issuing certificates, writing reports analysing examination results, data storing. The meetings with
teachers and college representatives will be devoted to: the way students should be prepared for examinations,
drawing conclusions for teachers work from the reports of examination results (self-evaluation), applying the
examiners` experience in improving the quality of their work as teachers, the role of external examinations in selection
of candidates for subsequent stages of education. Web page:http:// www.komisja.pl

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06001,17

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Cristina I. Pavisic

+39 071 22754224 Type: Research institute (RES)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: IRRE Marche

+39 071 22754204 Corso Garibaldi, 78

Organiser Email:

cristina.pavisic@irre.marche.it Ancona - AN

Postal Code: I-60121

Title: 01,17 - IT - L'innovazione per i discenti adulti nella Regione Marche: corsi IFTS - Innovation for adult
learners in the Marche Region: IFTS courses

Beginning date: 26.03.2007 Venue: Ancona

End Date: 30.03.2007 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English Spanish

Reference Objective 1.2: Developing Skills for the knowledge society


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Obiettivi: I corsi IFTS sono un nuovo percorso formativo di livello post-secondario di tipo non universitario denominato
ISTRUZIONE E FORMAZIONE TECNICA SUPERIORE. E' rivolto a giovani ed adulti diplomati. E' finalizzato
all'acquisizione di competenze rispondenti ai fabbisogni del mondo del lavoro. I corsi si svolgono attraverso un
sistema integrato di formazione fra scuola, universit, formazione professionale ed associazioni di categorie.
L'obiettivo della visita Arion che si propone di fare conoscere ai partecipanti questa realt nella regione Marche cos
come quella di scambiare esperienze e opinioni sulla educazione degli adulti in Europa. Contenuti della visita e
attivit previste: il programma includer visite alle scuole dove si svolgono i corsi IFTS con dettagliata presentazione
da parte dei gestori dei corsi, incontri e dibattiti con i dirigenti scolastici, gli insegnanti e le autorit amministrative ed
economiche del territorio. Sono anche previste visite a localit di particolare valore storico-culturale-paesaggistico.
Soggetti coinvolti: Istituto Regionale di Ricerca Educativa (IRRE Marche) con la collaborazione dell'ITIS VOLTERRA
Torrete, IPSSARCT "PANZINI" Senigallia ed altri istituzioni che si occupano d'istruzione e formazione nella regione
Marche. Ulteriori recapiti dell'organizzatore: e-mail: irre@irre.marche.it

Aims: The IFTS courses are a new training course of upper secondary level, it isn't an Universitary Course and its
name is "HIGHER TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING". The users are young people and adults holding a
school-leaving diploma. Its goal is to train people based on the needs of the work market.The courses are developed
by an integrated system between School, University, Vocational Education and Trade Union. The aim of the visit is to
give to the participants an overview of this training system at the Marche Region, to let them exchange ideas and
opinions about Adult Education in Europe. Contents of the visit and expected activities: The programm will include
visits to schools where these courses are taken place and the person in charge will give full details of it, meetings with
school managers,teachers and the administrative and economical authorities of the territory. There will also be some
visits in places with a particular historical-cultural-landscape value. Organisers: Istituto Regionale di Ricerca
Educativa (IRRE Marche) in collaboration with ITIS VOLTERRA" Torrette, IPSSARCT "PANZINI" Senigallia and other
educational and training institutions of the Marche Region. Other data of the organiser: e-mail: irre@irre.marche.it;
Web page: http://www.irre.marche.it

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Visit No: 06001,18

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Martn Casado

+34 946 640027 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)


+34 946 641684 DONOSTIA S.SEBASTIAN 1

Organiser Email:

arionbilbao@berritzeguneak.net VITORIA

Postal Code: E-01010

Title: 01,18 - ES - In service training for teachers: advisory systems

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Bilbao

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English French

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.1: E & T for teachers and trainers. Curriculum; promotion systems; working conditions

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Conocimiento del sistema educativo del Pas Vasco y de sus servicios de apoyo. Intercambio de experiencias. La
Red de formacin permanente, estructura y funciones. Poltica educativa del Pas Vasco: escuelas multilinges y
sociedad bilinge. Tecnologas de la informacin y Comunicacin. Servicios de apoyo en primaria y secundaria:
Teora (planes de formacin). Prctica (Planes de Innovacin); Talleres, necesidades educativas especiales en el
Pas Vasco. Presentacin del Sistema Educativo vasco (ms de 1000 centros y servicios de apoyo) y visitas a
centros, servicios de apoyo y formacin.....ofertas paralelas educativas (municipal...) Intercambio de experiencias
entre visitantes.

In-service teacher training network:structure and functions. Multilingual school and bilingual society. Information and
communication technologies (ICTS) in schools.... The Basque country educational policy. Advisory system and
primary and secondary schools: theory (teachers formation plan) and practice (innovation plans with students),
workshops, special educational needs, etc. in the Basque country. Presentation on the Basque educational system (+
1000 establishments and support services) and visits to schools, lectures by authorities, support and exchange of
experiences among visitors. **Language support in French. Please, visit the web:www.arionbilbao.tk

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Visit No: 06001,19

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Branimir Rokavec

+386 2 748 28 10 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Gimnazija Ptuj

+386 2 748 28 28 Volkmerjeva 15

Organiser Email:

branimir.rokavec@guest.arnes.si Ptuj

Postal Code: SI-2250

Title: 01,19 - SLO - Adjustment of the education system with the introduction of the European and global
dimension in education

Beginning date: 10.04.2007 Venue: Ptuj

End Date: 14.04.2007 Country: Slovenia

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Slovene English German


Objectives implementation of the novelties and adjustment of the education system within the European place

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Udeleencem tudijskega obiska bomo predstavili sistem izobraevanja v Republiki Sloveniji s poudarkom na
uvajanju evropske in globalne dimenzije v izobraevanju. Prikazali jim bomo kako in na kaken nain smo poskusno
uvedli evropske oddelke v sistem splonega izobraevanja. Program evropskih oddelkov temelji predvsem na
kurikularni integraciji in interdisciplinarnosti znanja. Na primerih dobre prakse se bodo udeleenci seznanili s
problemi in teavami pri uvajanju novosti v izobraevalni sistem, spoznali pa bodo tudi pot pri modificiranju programa
evropskih oddelkih. Pri prikazu edukativne slike slovenskega izobraevalnega sistema bomo organizirali obiske na
celotni piramidi izobraevanja od vrtcev, osnovnih in srednjih ol do fakultet. S tudijskim obiskom pa ne elimo
udeleencem prikazati le razvoja evropske in globalne dimenzije v slovenskem splono izobraevalnem sistemu,
temve elimo pokazati, kako ti dve dimenziji zdruujemo z razvojem nacionalne identitete, kajti le vse tri zagotavljajo
monosti za oblikovanje aktivnega in enakopravnega dravljana v nacionalni, evropski in globalni skupnosti.

We are going to present to the participants the education system in Slovenia with the emphasis on the
implementation of the European and global dimensions into education.We are going to present how we are piloting
the introduction of the European classes within the system of general education. The program in European classes is
based on the curricular integration and interdisciplinary knowledge. On the basis of good practice the participants will
learn about the problems and difficulties in the implementation of novelties in education system and about the ways
how to adjust the curriculum in European classes. To present the Slovenian education system we are planning to
organize visits to all levels of education, from kindergartens, primary and secondary schools to university. With the
study visit we would not only like to present the development of the European and global dimension within the
Slovene general education system, but we would like to show how these two dimensions emerge with the
development of the national identity, because only the three provide the opportunity to form an active and equal
citizen in national, European and global community. Language support in German Web page: www.gimptuj.net

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Visit No: 06001,20

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr Graham Parkin

+44 (0) 1790 755003 Type: Adult/cont. education provider (EDU.5)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Linkage Community Trust

+44 (0) 1790 754058 Linkage College, Toynton Hall

Organiser Email: Toynton All Saints

graham.parkin@linkage.org.uk Spilsby

Postal Code: GB-PE23

Title: 01,20 - GB - Preparing young adults with severe learning difficulties for Life through Education, Care and
Employment Opportunities at Linkage Community Trust

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Linkage College, UK

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?

Objectives COHESION

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

Linkage Community Trust, located Lincolnshire in Eastern England, provides education, care, residences and
employment opportunities for those with learning difficulties. The College also provides residential education for
students aged 16-24 from across the whole of the United Kingdom. The week will be spent showing how an
integrated service between Linkage Care and Residential Services and Linkage Employment Service, is provided for
adults and students to enable them to be as independent as their abilities and disabilities allow. There will also be
opportunities to find out about this rural and beautiful area of the country. Web Page: www.linkage.org.uk

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Visit No: 06001,21

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Jan Enerstvedt

+47 53 748091 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Forum for oppvekst i Sunnhordland

+47 53 748001 Sveio kommune

Organiser Email:

jan.enerstvedt@sveio.kommune.no Sveio

Postal Code: NO-5559

Title: 01,21 - NO - Schools and Schoolsystems in a Norwegian region

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Town Hall, Municipality of Stord (about 15 minutes by

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Norway

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Norwegian English ?



Nr of places: 12 Min required: 10

Programmet omfattar besk til fleire av dei seks samarbeidande kommunane i Sunnhordland og vil ta deltakarane til

Skular fra 30 til 400 elever. Integrering av handikappa born, antimobbekampanjer og andre viktige

utdanningssprsml vil st p agendaen. Web: www.fos-sunnh.no

Objective: To show the variety of methods used to solve pedagogical challenges in a small local society. The study
visit takes place in one of the most spectacular regions in West-Norway. The participants will get to know Norwegian
school system in general, but more important, how a small region has created cooperation between municipalities
and how they together are working on important issues like integration of handicapped children, the use of nature and
environment in education and other issues. The course willo also include a visit to the regional University College of
Stord Haugesund. Web: www.fos-sunnh.no

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Visit No: 06001,22

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Claudia Reichmann

+49 9071 53136 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Akademie fr Lehrerfortbildung und Personalfhrung

+49 9071 535174 KardinalvonWaldburgStr. 6/7

Organiser Email:

c.reichmann@alp.dillingen.de Dillingen

Postal Code: D-89407

Title: 01,22 - DE - PISA - its consequences and its impact on the Bavarian educational system

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Mnchen

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German English

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5 :


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 7

Die Ergebnisse der internationalen Vergleichsstudien TIMSS und PISA stellen eine Zsur in der deutschen
Bildungspolitik dar, auf die die einzelnen Bundeslnder mit unterschiedlichen Manahmen reagiert haben. Um die
wesentlichen Dimensionen von Schulqualitt zu verbessern, orientiert sich die bayerische Bildungspolitik verstrkt an
folgenden Zielsetzungen: - Die Qualitt des Unterrichts systematisch zu steigern und auszubauen - Die individuelle
Frderung der Schlerinnen und Schler zu verstrken - Die vertikale Durchlssigkeit des Schulsystems weiter zu
entwickeln. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet das Seminar mit Besuchen von Schulen und anderen Institutionen des
bayerischen Bildungswesens einen berblick ber konkrete Manahmen zur Qualittssteigerung und sicherung von
Unterricht. Diese stehen nicht nur im Kontext nationaler und internationaler Tests, sondern bercksichtigen im
stndigen Dialog mit Wirtschaft, Universitten und Gesellschaft auch deren spezifische Anforderungsprofile. Weitere
wesentliche Aspekte des Seminars sind darber hinaus die zunehmende Eigenverantwortlichkeit von Schulen und
das vielfltige Angebot an Untersttzungssystemen, das von der Lehrerfortbildung ber die Rekrutierung und
Ausbildung von Fhrungskrften bis hin zur Evaluation von Schulen reicht.

The results of the international comparative studies TIMMS and PISA mark a new era in German educational policy.
The various federal states have reacted to these results with different measures. Bavarian education policy is
governed by the following principles in order to improve the essential quality dimensions of schools: - improving
education and the quality of tuition - strengthening the pupils` individual abilities and providing equality of
opportunity - facilitating the permeability of the different educational systems. In accordance with these targets the
seminar offers an overview of specific measures which can be taken to improve and safeguard quality in Bavarian
schools. Within the framework of international tests, these measures are not only compatible with those of other
educational systems, but they also consolidate the links with working life, research and society. Thus they meet the
challenges faced by educational institutions in general. Different aspects are emphasized, especially increasing the
individual responsibility of schools as well as offering a variety of supportive measures (e.g. teacher-training
programmes and courses on school management) and last but not least assessing and evaluation schools.

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Visit No: 06001,23

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mario Pedicini, Angela Mastella

+39 0824 365216 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Centro di Servizi Amministrativi di Benevento

+39 0824 365279 Via Mario Pascucci, 2

Organiser Email: Rione Libert

info@mariopedicini.it Benevento - BN

Postal Code: I-82100

Title: 01,23 - IT - La scuola dell'infanzia in Italia - Italian state pre-schools

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Benevento

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English ?

Reference Objective 1.5: Making the best use of resources


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Obiettivo della visita far conoscere la realt e le esperienze della Scuola dellInfanzia in Italia, per porla a confronto
con le altre realt europee. In particolare si offrir ai partecipanti la possibilit di visitare istituzioni scolastiche
rappresentative. Gli incontri saranno strutturati in modo da permettere il dialogo con i responsabili delle istituzioni
visitate e rappresentanti di tutti gli attori coinvolti, in particolare docenti e genitori. E prevista inoltre la possibilit di
assistere ad alcune lezioni e/o laboratori. Lincontro si concluder con una riflessione sullesperienza fatta e una
valutazione da parte del gruppo. Ulteriori recapiti dellorganizzatore: tel.: +39 0824 365235, +39 0824 365284, e-mail:
csa.bn@istruzione.it, usp.bn@istruzione.it

Objectives: To know reality and experience Italian State Pre-school, to compare it with other European realities.
Contents: The participants will have the opportunity to visit educational institutions. The visit will give opportunity to
meet principals as well teachers and parents. Furthermore it will be possible to take part in lessons or to assist lab
activities. The last session will be devoted to a common reflection on the experience and to its evaluation. Other data
of the organiser: tel.: +39 0824 365235, +39 0824 365284, e-mail: csa.bn@istruzione.it, usp.bn@istruzione.it

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Visit No: 06001,24

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Rainer Juslin

+358 18 50199 Type: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Fgl grundskola

+358 18 50006 Fglvgen 45

Organiser Email:

rainer.juslin@foglo.aland.fi Fgl

Postal Code: FIN-22710

Title: 01,24 - FI - Making the best use of resources

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Mariehamn, the land Islands

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Finland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?



Nr of places: 10 Min required: 7

Landskapet land har en autonom stllning i republiken Finland. Den srstllning som landskapet tnjuter
betrffande det svenska sprket och lagstiftningsbehrigheten inom exempelvis utbildningens omrde, r garanterad
genom ett beslut som togs i Nationernas Frbund redan r 1921. land, som ligger i stersjn mitt emellan Finland
och Sverige, har idag ca 26000 invnare och av dessa bor drygt 10000 i den enda staden Mariehamn. lndska
landsbygden och skrgrden r glesbebyggd men livskraftig tack vare satsningarna p en fungerade dagvrd och
frundervisning samt ett ttt skolnt som ofta omfattar grundskolans alla nio rskurser. Mjligheterna att f en god
yrkesutbildning p land r goda. Likas kan man idag inom vissa yrkesomrden som sjfart och sjukvrd f en
gedigen utbildning p hgskoleniv. Grundskolorna har en frn Finland avvikande lroplan. Mnga skolor har ett
omfattande sprkundervisningsprogram, trots sin litenhet. Det r mjligt att lsa tre olika sprk under
grundskoletiden. Att integrera olika ldersgrupper r ocks vlutvecklat och man nr goda resultat i nationella
utvrderingar. Den lndska lroplanen ger mjlighet till att beakta lokala srfrhllanden och kulturer och detta kan
fras in p schemat som s kallad tillvalsundervisning, ex. skrgrdskunskap. Inflyttningen frn utomnordiska lnder
har kat starkt de senaste ren.

The programme will provide an overview of the early years, comprehensive and upper secondary level general
education system in the land Islands, an autonomous, demilitarised and Swedish speaking region of Finland.

land consists of 6500 islands and skerries and the population of 26000 inhabitants lives on only 65 islands. Over 40
per cent live in the only town, Mariehamn. Despite its relatively small size the region provides good possibilities for
general education. The nine-year compulsory school runs by the totally 16 municipalities in the land
Island/Ahvenanmaa. The schools provides a broad general education and they often find their own profiles due to the
unique curriculum. The language teaching could be one profile. English is obligatory, in Fgl actually from the first
class. From the fourth class French, Finnish or German is optional. It is possible to study all the languages in the
compulsory school. Many of the schools in land/Ahvenanmaa/lands Islands are small, especially in the arcipelago.
This makes children enable to study in their home parish throughout the first nine school years . lands provides
also upper secondary education in shipping, commerce, tourism, medical care, technology and farming. lands
Lyceum offers three-year theoretical courses and prepares the students for university studies. We will focus
generally on the teaching methods and a special focus is put on the use of resourses. The programme will offer
participants to study and visit all levels of education in many different kind of environments on the main island and in

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the archipelago .

Visit No: 06001,25

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr Peter Inglis

+44 (0)1224 522203 Type: Education authority

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Aberdeen City Council

+44 (0)1224 522605 Neighbourhood Services

Organiser Email: St Nicholas House, Broad St

pinglis@aberdeen-education.org.uk Aberdeen

Postal Code: GB-AB10

Title: 01,25 - GB - Delivering Education within an integrated children's services framework

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: Aberdeen, Scotland

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?

Reference Objective 1.2


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

Participants will investigate how the childrens services plan is applied in Aberdeen City Council and see how national
initiatives and legislation are translated into local policy and practise. We will investigate the system of integrated
childrens services being developed in Aberdeen, exchange ideas between the participants to help develop attitudes
and thinking in this field, and establish links with European partners to enable co-operative working in the future. We
will focus on areas such as community schools, health promoting schools, child protection, additional support needs,
inclusive education and school building and refurbishment programmes. We will discuss the concept of matrix
management within the framework of the Aberdeen Futures initiative to gain insight into the transfer from discrete
departments to neighbourhood delivery of childrens services, with managers adopting a generic responsibility. We
will show how the community plan can link local needs and aspirations with the provision of resources. There will
be opportunities for social interaction and informal sharing of ideas on the theme. Web Page:

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Visit No: 06001,26

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Elena-Liliana Iftemie

+40^744^391.489 Type: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Lycee economique "Virgil Madgearu" Bucharest

+40^21^314.73.21 Blvd Dacia 32, Bucarest

Organiser Email:

elena.iftemie@mec.edu.ro Bucarest

Postal Code: RO-010403

Title: 01,26 - RO - Lenseignement dans les lyces economiques

et lenseignement professionel

Beginning date: 18.05.2007 Venue: Bucarest

End Date: 21.05.2007 Country: Romania

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Romanian French ?

Reference Objectifs spcifiques:

Objectives -Dcouvrir les spcialits des lyces
Report conomiques dans le Roumanie;

Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5

Scopul vizitei de studiu este organizarea unui schimb pe tema invataman-tului in liceele economice si invataman-tului
profesional economic.specifice: Descoperirea specialitatilor din liceele economice din Romania;curriculum in
liceele economice;evaluarea practica in obtinerea diplomei / atestatului / la finalizarea studiilor. Vizita de studiu va
permite comunicarea si schimbul privind: formarea initiala in specializarile economice punerea in aplicare a
programelor de formare initiala in invatamantul practic-modalitati de functionare a invatamantului practic schimburi
de experienta in unitati scolare cu baza de practica; ateliere de lucru pe tema Specializarea in domeniul unitatilor
scolare cu profil economic (tehnician in activitati financiar-contabile, tehnician in turism etc.) Alte activitati: Vizitarea
de licee economice (din Bucuresti, Braila, Pitesti); vizitarea institutiilor afiliate care sprijina formarea initiala in
domeniul economic (Centrul National de Dezvoltare a Invatamantului Profesional si Tehnic);intalniri cu autoritati
publice locale si Centrale (Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii, inspectorate scolare, Primarii, Prefecturi); vizitarea de
obiective turistice si culturale

Lobjectif de la visite dtude est dorganiser un change sur le thme de lensei-gnement dans les lyces
economiques et de lenseignement economique professionel. Objectifs spcifiques: Dcouvrir les spcialits des
lyces conomiques de Roumanie; le curriculum dans les lyces cono-miques; -levaluation de la pratique dans la
dlivrance des diplmes/attestation/a la fin des etudes. La visite detude permettra de mettre en commun et d
changer sur: Formation initiale dans le domaine economique; la mise en oeuvre des programmes de formation
initiale dans lenseignement pratique economique; les modalits de fonctionnement des ateliers technologiques-
echanges didactiques dans des etablissementes scolaires en tant que base pratique; Ateliere de travail sur le theme
La spcialisation dans le domaine des units scolaire au profil conomique (technicien dans les activites financieres
comptables, technicien dans le tourism etc.) Autres activites: Visites des lycees economiques (de Bucarest, Braila,
Pitesti); La visite des institutiones arrondees qui soutient de formation initiale dans le domaine economique (Le
Centre National de Developpement lEnseignement Proffessionel et Tehnique); rencontres avec les autorites
publiques locales et centrales (Ministere de lEducation et de la Recherche, des inpectorats scolaires, des Mairies,
des Prefectures;-des visites touristiques et culturelles

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Visit No: 06001,27

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Werner Luthner

+49 2331 7880835 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Landesinstitut fr Qualifizierung des Landes NRW

+49 2331 7880878 Haus Harkorten 8

Organiser Email:

werner.luthner@lfq.nrw.de Hagen

Postal Code: D-58135

Title: 01,27 - DE - Strukturelle Bewertung von beruflicher Aus- und Weiterbildung im europischen Kontext

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Dsseldorf

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German English

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.2 :

Report OBJECTIVE 1.5 :

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

Europa hat sich in der Deklaration von Lissabon zum Ziel gesetzt, bis zum Jahre 2010 zum wettbewerbsfhigsten und
dynamischsten wissensbasierten Wirtschaftsraum der Welt zu werden. Berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung wird dazu
einen wesentlichen Beitrag leisten. In einem Studienbesuch wird das deutsche Ausbildungssystem vorgestellt und mit
Besuchen von Berufskollegs, Klein- und Mittelstndischen Unternehmen, sowie Institutionen der Aus- und
Weiterbildung vertieft werden. Dabei werden die Modernisierungstendenzen und Manahmen zur
Attraktivittssteigerungen von beruflicher Ausbildung einen Schwerpunkt bilden, aber auch die Thematik der
Beschftigungsfhigkeit von Jugendlichen mit geringen sozialen Chancen wird behandelt.

Europe has aimed high within the Lisbon Declaration to become the worlds most competitive and dynamic
knowledge based economy by the year 2010. Vocational training and continuing education will contribute a
substantial part to this. In a study visit the German vocational training system will be introduced and enhanced with
visits to Community Colleges, small and mediumed-sized businesses and other Institutions of training and continuing
education. Focus will be given on tendencies of modernization and measures taken to make vocational training more
attractive. But the employability of young people with lesser social chances will also be a topic.

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Visit No: 06001,28

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mehmet BOLLUK

+90-532-7489473(GSM) Type: Vocational secondary school (EDU 3.2.1)


+90-366-2148781 Kastamonu Endustri Meslek Lise

Organiser Email:

mehmetbolluk@hotmail.com or 168124@meb.gov.tr KASTAMONU

Postal Code: TUR-37100

Title: 01,28 - TUR - Vocational Education in Turkey

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: KASTAMONU

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English ?

Objectives numeracy developments in schools an in provision for adults. OBJECTIVE 1.5: MAKING THE BEST
Report USE OF RESOURCES; Self-evaluation to improve the quality of education provided

Nr of places: 20 Min required: 6

Throughout this Study Visit, (1) the participants will be provided with a general knowledge about the general and, in
particular, the vocational education system in Turkey. (2) By conducting visits to business enterprises and local
organisations, the participants will be informed about how education and training institutions collaborate with
eachother to improve the quality and efficiency of education. (3) Site visits to local authorities, various schools and
adult training centers will be conducted. (4) Excursions to historical places, coastal areas, museums and galleries will
be conducted.

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Visit No: 06001,29

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Huseyin YIGIT & Murat CAKA

+90-505-2660694(GSM) Type: Vocational secondary school (EDU 3.2.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Manisa Anatolian Teachers High School

+90-236-2393786 Manisa Anadolu retmen Lisesi

Organiser Email: Tumen Cad No:29

bilgi@manisaaol.k12.tr or mcaka@manisaaol.k12.tr MANISA

Postal Code: TUR-45200

Title: 01,29 - TUR - Comparative analysis of school types, the education system and actors of the education in

Beginning date: 18.09.2006 Venue: MANISA

End Date: 22.09.2006 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5: MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES; Self-evaluation to improve the
Objectives quality of education provided, Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator)

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

The main objective of the visit is getting familiar with the education system (structure) in Turkey and the educational
renewals and the applications of the Turkish Government towards the European Union and having knowledge of
exchange. 1-Visiting some schools at each level: (Primary, secondary, high schools and the university.) 2-Meeting
with the Board of Education, the local authorities, educational volunteers and the representatives of the NGOs. (Non-
governmental organizations) 3-Meeting with teachers, representatives of students and the members of the parent-
unions. 4-Visit to the tourist attractions in the area. 5-Visit to the campus of Celal Bayar University. 6-Sightseeing
tour and having a barbecue party on a national picnic area. 7-Workshop meeting.

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Visit No: 06001,30

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Joachim Kimon Kolyvas

+302103220950 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Hellenic Ministry of Education

+302103228060 15 Mitropoleos Str.

Organiser Email: Athens

Postal Code: GR-10185

Title: 01,30 - GR - Developing skills for primary school pupils

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Alexandroupolis, Thrace

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Greece

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Greek English ?

Reference 1.2: Developing skills for the knowledge society


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5


This study visit focuses on primary education. A wide range of projects are implemented by primary education
teachers for pupils of different ages. These projects help pupils develop basic skills by using innovative approaches
and raising awareness of local history, culture and environment. The approach is based on active learning and the
method applied is cross curricular. During the week of the study visit there will be observation of class work in
school and on the field, a visit to the Department of Primary Education of the University of Thrace and discussions
with experts.More information on: www.ypepth.gr

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Visit No: 06001,31

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: BELTRAN Francis

00 33 1-64-07-39-31 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Lyce polyvalent Clment Ader

00 33 1-64-07-20-18 76 Rue Georges Clemenceau

Organiser Email:

francis.beltran@ac-creteil.fr TOURNAN

Postal Code: 77220

Title: 01,31 - FR - L'enseignement professionnel en Ile de France

Beginning date: 13.11.2006 Venue: Tournan (Rgion Ile de France)

End Date: 17.11.2006 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French English French

Reference OBJECTIFS 1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 et 3.5


Nr of places: 16 Min required: 10

Objectifs :Dcouverte de l'enseignement professionnel au sein d'un lyce polyvalent, les relations avec les
entreprises, les centre de formations d'apprentis, les Greta, rencontre avec les partenaires institutionnels, mairie,
rgion, chambre de commerce, rectorat, inspection, Validation des acquis de l'exprience. Activits : Visite
d'tablissements, rencontre avec les diffrents partenaires et table ronde. Organisation de la traduction : les
organisateurs ont une pratique courante de la langue anglaise, possibilit d'avoir un traducteur sur l'ensemble des

Aims: to find out about training within a multi-purpose 6th form college, working relationship with local companies,
apprenticeship, adult education centres, meeting with local organisations, local and regional councils, chamber of
commerce, educational authorities, acknowledgement of acquired experience. Activities: visit schools, meet with
various working colleagues and take part in round table discussions. Translation: organisers have a working
knowledge of English. However, simultaneous translation can be arranged throughout the activities.

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Visit No: 06001,32

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: COUTURIER Frdric

00 33 2 48 71 17 24 Type: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Lyce Edouard Vaillant

00 33 2 48 71 96 11 41 bis rue Charles Hurvoy

Organiser Email:

frederic.couturier@club-internet.fr VIERZON

Postal Code: 18100

Title: 01,32 - FR - L'organisation du service "vie scolaire" en France et le rle spcifique du Conseiller Principal

Beginning date: 12.02.2007 Venue: VIERZON (Rgion Centre)

End Date: 16.02.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference 1.1 : Amliorer l'ducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs. 1.5 : Optimiser
Objectives l'utilisation des ressources.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Prsenter et faire connatre le service Vie Scolaire et le rle spcifique du Conseiller Principal d'Education (CPE)
dans le systme ducatif franais. Le stage sera articul autour de 3 thmes:1) Prsentation du systme ducatif
franais: historique du service vie scolaire. Rle, missions et formation spcifique des CPE.2) La place du projet Vie
Scolaire dans le Projet d'Etablissement.3) La collaboration avec les autres personnels dans le suivi ducatif des
lves:Chefs d'tablissements, enseignants, personnel mdico-social, conseiller d'orientation psychologue.La visite
permettra de prendre connaissance d'exemples concrets d'actions mises en place autour du service Vie Scolaire, y
compris celles incluant une dimension europenne.

The aim of this Arion visit is to present and describe the Vie Scolaire department and the specific role wich is played
by the Conseiller Principal d'Education (CPE) in the French educational system. The visit will be organised around
three axies: 1) Presentation of the french educational system. The emphasis will be put on the history and evolution
of the Vie Scolaire department: roles, missions and training of the Conseiller Principal d'Education.2) The position of
the project Vie Scolaire in the overall educational policy of the school.3) The cooperation of the CPE with the other
staff to improve the student's academic standards: principal, teachers, careers officers, welfare workers, nurses and
the medical staff.The visit will give the participants the opportunity to observe concrete examples launched by the Vie
Scolaire department, including European exchange programmes.

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Visit No: 06002,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Franco Romagnoli, Emanuela Guzzini

+39 071 981391 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Circolo Didattico Recanati V.le C. Battisti

+39 071 981391 Viale Cesare Battisti, 3

Organiser Email:

primocircolorecanati@primocircolorecanati.it Recanati - MC

Postal Code: I-62019

Title: 02,01 - IT - Scuola europee a confronto - European schools at the mirror

Beginning date: 02.10.2006 Venue: Recanati

End Date: 06.10.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English French


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Obiettivi: Analisi e confronto dei Sistemi Educativi dei Paesi partecipanti con particolare riferimento alla gestione
dellIstituto Scolastico, ai rapporti con Autorit Locali, risorse culturali, economiche e sociali del territorio. Contenuti
della visita: Sistemi educativi dei Paesi partecipanti Tecniche di gestione degli Istituti scolastici (autonomia
organizzativa e didattica); Accordi operativi con altri Istituti scolastici, Autorit Locali e Operatori culturali per il
raggiungimento di obiettivi condivisi. Attivit: Gruppi di lavoro per il confronto della prassi relativi alliter Formulazione
degli indirizzi generali dell istituzione scolastica traduzione in linee educative, didattiche, amministrative
realizzazione e valutazione dei compiti dellIstituzione; Visite guidate alle scuole dellinfanzia e primarie della citt, ai
musei e monumenti cittadini e alle pi significative attivit culturali e produttive; incontri con le Amministrazioni del
Comune e della Provincia, le Scuole Secondarie, lUniversit, Operatori culturali e Industrie. Ulteriori recapiti
dellorganizzatore: Tel.: +39.071.982196, +39.071.7577450, e-mail: mcee02200t@istruzione.it

Objectives: Analysis and comparison of European educational systems with special reference to management of
schools, to relations with local authorities, to cultural, economic, social resources of the regional territory. Contents:
European Educational Systems - Techniques of management of schools (organizational and didactic autonomy);
operating agreements with others schools and cultural operators for the attainment of common objectives. Activity:
Teamwork for the comparison of different school system (overall school policy, education, didactic, administration and
results evaluation). Visits: pre-primary and primary schools, museums and monuments, local authorities (City Hall,
Province), Secondary Schools, University, Cultural Operators, Handmade Factories. Other data of the organiser: Tel.:
+39.071.982196, +39.071.7577450, e-mail: mcee02200t@istruzione.it, Web page:http://www.primocircolorecanati.it

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Visit No: 06002,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Stanislaw Raczkowski , Maria Krogulec - Sobowiec

+48^41^3624548 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Swietokrzyskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli

+48^41^3624899 ul. Marsz. J. Pilsudskiego 42

Organiser Email:

msobow@wom.kielce.pl Kielce

Postal Code: PL-25431

Title: 02,02 - POL - External examinations and assessment at schools

Beginning date: 28.05.2007 Venue: region of the Swietokrzyskie mountains

End Date: 01.06.2007 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English German


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

W stolicy malowniczych Gor Swietokrzyskich Kielcach uczestnicy wizyty zapoznaja sie z systemami oceniania
zewnetrznego i wewnatrzszkolnego w Polsce oraz innych krajach Europy. Goscie wezma udzial razem z polskimi
nauczycielami w kilkugodzinnych warsztatach Niekowencjonalne metody sprawdzania i oceniania osiagniec
szkolnych uczniow zorganizowanych przez instytucje goszczaca. Uczestnicy wizyty odwiedza rozne typy szkol w
wojewodztwie swietokrzyskim (szkoly podstawowe, gimnazja, szkoly ponadgimnazjalne) oraz Centra Ksztalcenia
Praktycznego, w ktorych beda obserwowali proces przygotowywania uczniow do egzaminow zewnetrznych oraz jego
ewaluacje. Podczas wizyty odbeda sie takze spotkania z wladzami miasta, wojewodztwa, przedstawicielami
Kuratorium Oswiaty w Kielcach oraz Okregowej Komisji Egzaminacyjnej w Lodzi. Podsumowaniem wizyty bedzie
wydanie Biuletynu Studyjnego zawierajacego m.in. scenariusze zajec hospitowanych przez naszych gosci,
udostepnione przez nich materialy informacyjne i edukacyjne.

In he capital of the picturesque Swietokrzyskie Mountains Kielce all participants of the study visit will get to know
the systems of external assessment and assessment at schools in Poland and other European countries. The guests
together with Polish teachers will take part in several-hour workshops Unconventional methods of checking and
assessing students school achievements organized by the host institution. The participants will visit different types
of schools in Swietokrzyskie Province (primary, lower secondary and secondary schools) and Practical Training
Centres, in which they will observe the process of students preparation for external examinations and its evaluation.
During the study visit the meetings with the local authorities of the city, the province , the representatives of the
Regional Educational Inspectorate in Kielce and the Regional Examination Committee in d are planned. The
summing up of the visit will be the publication of the Study Bulletin, including lesson plans of observed by our guests
classes and the participants educational materials. Web page: www.wom.kielce.pl

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Visit No: 06004,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Marialuisa Sabino

+39 0971 449927 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Basilicata

+39 0971 445103 Piazza delle Regioni

Organiser Email:

mlsab@tiscali.it Potenza - PZ

Postal Code: I-85100

Title: 04,01 - ITA - eTwinning linking Europe and Regional Areas

Beginning date: 02.10.2006 Venue: Potenza - Matera

End Date: 06.10.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

La dimensione virtuale della cooperazione europea nelleducazione, nella formazione e nella mobilit virtuale
costituir il punto focale della visita. I partecipanti si confronteranno sul contributo fornito dalle tecnologie
dellinformazione e della comunicazione (ICT) alla qualit delleducazione e della formazione. Il lavoro in rete tra
scuole e la collaborazione in progetti educativi con partner europei appare determinante nel conferire dimensione
europea alleducazione scolastica e a rendere i giovani consapevoli dellaspetto multilinguistico e multiculturale della
moderna societ della conoscenza. I partecipanti alla visita prenderanno in considerazione anche il contributo del
gemellaggio elettronico nellaggiornamento professionale dei docenti e dei formatori, con particolare attenzione alluso
pedagogico e collaborativi delle TIC. Saranno organizzate visite a scuole che realizzano gemellaggi elettronici di
qualit. E previsto luso interattivo di infrastrutture tecnologiche. Ulteriori recapiti dellorganizzatore: tel.:
+39.0971.449911, e-mail: direzione-basilicata@istruzione.it

The focus of the visit will be the virtual dimension of european cooperation in education and virtual mobility.
Participants will discuss about the contribution of information and communication technologies (ICT) to the quality of
education and training. Networking among schools and cooperation in an educational project with counterparts in
other European countries prove to be decisive in fostering the European dimension in education and awareness
among young people of the European model of a multilingual and multicultural society. Participants will also analyse
how eTwinning of schools help update teachers and trainers professional skills in the pedagogical and collaborative
use of ICT. There will be visits to institutions where eTwinning is developed to a high level. Interaction through
hardware, software and technological instruments (videoconferences, ) will be used. Other data of the organiser:
tel.: +39.0971.449911, e-mail: direzione-basilicata@istruzione.it, web-page:http://www.basilicata.istruzione.it

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Visit No: 06004,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ettore Ruggiero, Sandra Troia Ottomanelli

+39 080 5962824 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: UNIVERSUS CSEI

+39 080 5417471 Viale Japigia, 182

Organiser Email:

sandra.troia@universus.it Bari - BA

Postal Code: I-70126

Title: 04,02 - IT -Introduction of new technologies in education department - Open and Blended Learning: using
ICT to foster learning and teaching activities

Beginning date: 02.10.2006 Venue: Bari

End Date: 06.10.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English Italian

Reference Objective1.3: Ensuring Access To ICT For Everyone


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Contenuti della visita e attivit previste (giorno per giorno): 1. Presentazione dei temi della visita e auto-
presentazione dei partecipanti. Incontro con i responsabili del Settore E-learning del Consorzio Universus.
Presentazione della piattaforma e-learning Open Campuse degli interventi formativi realizzati in modalit Blended E-
Learning. Dibattito sul tema: Caratteristiche di un modello aperto in rete: confronto delle esperienze europee; 2.
Incontro con responsabili del Settore Formazione del Consorzio Universus. Presentazione dei supporti e strumenti
didattici multimediali prodotti ed utilizzati dal Consorzio Universus. Dibattito sul tema: Scaffolding: esperienze
europee a confronto; 3. Incontro con i Dirigenti Scolastici di scuole nella Provincia di Bari. Dibattito sul tema: Peer
tutoring and cooperative learning. Visita delle sedi e dei Laboratori di Istituti scolastici nella Provincia di Bari; 4.
Incontro con i Dirigenti Scolastici di scuole nella Provincia di Lecce. Dibattito sul tema: Blog e apprendimento
cooperativo. Visita delle sedi e dei Laboratori di Istituti scolastici nella Provincia di Lecce; 5. Incontro con i
Funzionari dellUfficio Scolastico Regionale per la Puglia e delle locali Universit (Universit degli Studi di Bari, LUM,
Politecnico di Bari) sul tema: La costituzione di una comunit di pratica europea finalizzata ad unazione di studio e
ricerca sul tema Open Learning: luso delle ICT nella didattica. Attivazione di Workshop. Soggetti coinvolti: docenti,
dirigenti istituti scolastici, Funzionari e operatori del settore.

Visit contents and scheduled activities (day by day): 1 Introduction of the visit themes and participants self-
presentation. Meeting with the managers of Universus Consortium E-Learning department. Introduction of Open
Campus e-learning platform and of training interventions realized with Blended E-Learning modality. Discussion on
Open Learning: comparison of European experiences; 2 Meeting with the managers of Universus Consortium
Training Department. Introduction of multimedia didactic supports and tools produced and used by Universus
Consortium. Discussion on: Scaffolding: comparison of European experiences; 3 Meeting with school managers of
Bari province. Discussion on: Peer tutoring and cooperative learning. Visits to the venues and the Laboratories of
Bari province schools. 4 Meeting with school managers of Lecce province. Discussion on: Blog and cooperative
learning. Visits to the venues and the Laboratories of Lecce province schools; 5 Meeting with the Officers of Apulia
Regional Scholastic Institution and discussion on: The creation of a European community of practice oriented to the
study and research on the following theme: Open Learning: Use of ICTs in various subjects. Workshop. Participants:
Teachers, scholastic institutes managers, Officers and staff working on this theme.web-page:http://www.universus.it

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Visit No: 06004,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Francis Mc Hugh/Eileen Mc Guire/Roma Osborne

00353 1 8896482/2395 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: The Department of Education and Science,

00 353 1 889 2376 Arion, International Section,

Organiser Email: Marlborough St

francis_mchugh@education.gov.ie Dublin 1

Postal Code: IRL

Title: 04,03 - IRL - Information and Communications Technology in the Irish Education System

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Dublin City/Monaghan/Louth

End Date: 13.10.2006 Country: Ireland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English ? ?

Reference To give an insight into the development of Information & Communications Technology in the Irish
Objectives education system, at primary and secondary levels in urban, provincial and rural settings.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

The visit will focus on the result of the increased investment by the Irish Government in the installation of Information
and Communications Technology (I.C.T.) in schools since 1997. It
will include visits to primary/secondary schools to observe workshops and classes in action. There will be an
opportunity to talk with teachers and students about the issues involved in developing I.C.T. in
schools. In addition to visiting educational institutions in Dublin City there will also be a visit to
schools in counties Louth and Monaghan which are located along the border with Northern Ireland. This part of the
programme will include a visit to Monaghan Education Centre. These centres provide continuous training and
professional development for teachers. It also gives support to schools in the implementation of educational
programmes such as the various I.C.T. initiatives that have been introduced in recent
years. There will also be an overview of the Irish Education
System by the Inspectorate of the Department of Education and Science. Finally,
the National Centre for Technology in Education (N.C.T.E.) a body which advises The Department of Education and
Science on I.C.T. issues, will give a talk on the installation of I.C.T. in the Irish Education system. Web
page:www.education.gov.ie. Alternative E-mails: roma_osborne@education.gov.ie

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Visit No: 06004,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: MARTINOD Danielle

00 33 4 78 84 42 27 Type: Non-profit association - regional (ASS.4)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: FADBEN-LYON (Association des

00 33 4 78 84 42 27 enseignants documentalistes)

Organiser Email: MJC 5 Place St Jean

danielle.martinod@wanadoo.fr LYON

Postal Code: 69005

Title: 04,04 - FR - La fonction documentaire au cur des TICE : pour une utilisation raisonne d'Internet par les
lves du primaire la terminale

Beginning date: 27.11.2006 Venue: LYON (Rgion Rhne-Alpes)

End Date: 01.12.2006 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference OBJECTIFS 1.1, 1.2, 1.5 et 2.1


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Par des exposs en franais et des ateliers multilingues possibles, on explicitera l'attitude responsable et citoyenne
que doit avoir l'lve dans l'utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication et d'Internet en
particulier. On insistera sur l'importance d'une formation aux rgles d'usage (ntiquette, charte) sous-tendues par le
lgislatif. Les tmoignages des travaux d'lves feront percevoir les enjeux d'une acquisition aux comptences
documentaires valables dans toutes les disciplines et tout au long de sa vie. Les rencontres avec les responsables
institutionnels, les visites des centres ressources associs, les changes avec les enseignants feront mieux
comprendre les mdiations pdagogiques mettre en uvre, au sein des quipes ducatives, pour russir ces
projets d'apprentissage, de l'cole primaire la terminale. Les visites de Lyon - ville classe au patrimoine de
l'Humanit - son histoire, ses ateliers de soierie, ses murs peints, sa clbre gastronomie, donneront une plus-value
certaine cette rencontre pdagogique.

This study visit will draw attention on the perception and role of ICT in the French system of education-particularly in
the school libraries- It will focus on the use of Internet as a tool for learning. The participants will see how teachers
and documentalists face the educational process, from 6 to 18. (beware plagiarism, cutting and pasting, or pay
attention to the sourcesi.e) The program will include visits to a range of institutions - resources and training - to
allow visitors to make comparisons within France as well as in their own country. The visits of the historic site of
Lyon - World Heritage City - with its silk's workshops, painted walls and famous gastronomy will add interest to this
educational visit.

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Visit No: 06004,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Viera Blahov

+42 12 593 744 05 Type: Education authority

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic

+42 12 593 744 58 Stromova 1

Organiser Email:

zuzana.candrakova@minedu.sk Bratislava

Postal Code: SVK- 813 30

Title: 04,05 - SVK - ICT in Primary and Secondary Education,Identifying and sharing good practice

Beginning date: 04.12.2006 Venue: Bratislava

End Date: 08.12.2006 Country: Slovak Republic

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Slovak English ?

Reference Objective 1.3: Ensuring access to ICT for everyone


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5


astnci si bud vymiea sksenosti, diskutova a tudova problematiku IKT v kolch. Navtvia (zkladn a
stredn) koly na Slovensku. Predstav sa pouvanie IKT v predmetoch a medzipredmetovch projektoch,
pecilna pozornos bude venovan predmetu informatika, ktor m 20 ron histriu v uebnch plnoch strednch
kl. Nvteva je naasovan v obdob, ke na kolch prebieha s a v programovan Zenit. To umon astnkom
vidie do podpory talentovanch iakov v naej krajine. Toto umon skvel prleitos na vmenu kontaktov a
materilov. Posledn de sa zameriame na zvery z nvtevy a spsoby renia informci na in koly a krajiny.

Delegates will be asked to share exemplars from their own experience and debate and research ICT in Schools. SK
schools (Primary and Secondary) will be visited. The use of ICT in subjects and interdisciplinary projects will be
promoted with special attention to the special subject informatics which has 20 years tradition in Secondary Schools
curricula. The visit will be timed to coincide with the school Zenit contest in programming. This will enable delegates
to see the support for gifted students in our country. This will provide excellent opportunities for making contacts and
building banks of useful materials that can be discussed and disseminated. The last day will focus on the key
messages from the visit and methods of dissemination in other schools and countries. Web page: www.minedu.sk

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Visit No: 06004,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr Andrew Potter

+44 (0)208 478 4244 Type: Primary school (EDU.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Sheringham Junior School

+44 (0)208 514 6613 Sheringham Avenue

Organiser Email: Manor Park

admin.sheringham@pop3.newham.gov.uk London

Postal Code: GB-E7

Title: 04,06 -GB- ICT in Education

Beginning date: 08.01.2007 Venue: Newham, UK

End Date: 12.01.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?

Reference 1.1 Improving Education and Training for teachers and trainers
Objectives 1.2 Developing skills for the knowledge society
Report 1.3 Ensuring Access to ICT for everyone. Use of ICT in various subjects.

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

We aim to show how the use of ICT in the classroom is being explored through a project using Interactive
whiteboards in all classrooms and laptops for all children in Year 5 and 6. As Newham is an area of high economic
deprivation with a rich multicultural population, teachers frequently work in partnership where they can share and
develop effective teaching skills, including those of ICT. There will be an opportunity to visit other schools involved in
the project and an Infants school to see the use of Interactive Whiteboards in a younger setting. A feature of the
programme will be the opportunity to spend a day at the BETT show, the worlds leading educational ICT event, at
Olympia in Kensington, West London. Wep Page: www.sheringham-jun.newham.sch.uk

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Visit No: 06004,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr. Juho Airola

+358 2 262 9855 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Kupittaan lukio

+358 2 262 9648 Syreenikuja 1

Organiser Email:

kuplukio@tkukoulu.fi Turku

Postal Code: FIN-20720

Title: 04,07 - FI - ICT and teaching: The case of Kupittaa upper secondary school in co-operation with ICT-
companies and universities.

Beginning date: 15.01.2007 Venue: Turku

End Date: 19.01.2007 Country: Finland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Finnish English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Vierailun tarkoituksena on esitell Kupittaan lukiossa kehitetty mallia (ITM-linja), jossa lukio yhdess alueen
korkeakoulujen ja ICT-alan yritysten kanssa tarjoaa toimivan ja innovatiivisen opiskeluympristn tulevaisuuden ICT-
alan osaajille. Ohjelmassa tutustutaan informaatioteknologian opetukseen Kupittaan lukiossa sek vieraillaan linjaa
tukevissa organisaatioissa kuten Turun yliopiston informaatioteknologian laitoksella ja Nokia Oyj:ss. Lisksi
ohjelmassa varataan aikaa Suomen koulu- ja opettajankoulutusjrjestelmn esittelyyn ja tutustumiseen esim. Turun
normaalikouluun, Turun yliopiston Opetusteknologiayksikkn sek opettajien tietotekniikan
tydennyskoulutusyksikkn TOP-keskukseen. Ohjelmaan kuuluu tietysti mys tutustuminen Suomen vanhimman
kaupungin nhtvyyksiin.

The aim of this visit is to introduce and share good teaching practises at upper secondary school level in the field of
ICT. The programme will contain visits to ICT-companies like Nokia and to schools from primary education to upper
secondary level as well as to the local universities. The participants have a chance to get acquainted with the
mainlines of the Finnish education system and teacher training in practise during the visit to the Univ. of Turku
teacher training centre. We will introduce you also to the Centre of Computer-Assisted Learning that concentrates in
training teachers ict skills. Finally we will visit the University of Turku Educational Technology Unit. The Kupittaa
upper secondary school emphasizes teaching of the Computer Science and Media studies. Our programme began in
2000 and it is supported by Turku Centre for Computer Science (TUCS), a joint research and education centre
between the University of Turku, bo Akademi University and the Turku School of Economics and Business
Administration. Our students can start there universities studies after their first year in secondary school. During their
school years they have a chance to gain the free access to university. We have simultaneously developed a co-
operation program with a number of ICT-companies like Ericsson, Hansaprint, Fujitsu Services, Nokia and Siemens.
In a special three year plan the companies offer to our students possibilities to get acquainted with the ICT-sector.

The medieval city of Turku will be introduced to you through city tours and visits to various sights.Web

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06004,08

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Frank Smit and Jan Lutje Schipholt
+31703814448 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijs
+31703831958 Bezuidenhoutseweg 253

Organiser Email:

fsmit@europeesplatform.nl Den Haag

Postal Code: NL-2594

Title: 04,08 - NL - ICT and Education

Beginning date: 18.02.2007 Venue: Den Haag (The Hague) and surrounding region

End Date: 23.02.2007 Country: Netherlands

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Dutch English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.3: ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE; Quality hardware and software in
Objectives schools; Use of ICTs in various subjects; Use of ICT's in non-formal education; Qualitative
Report assessment of the use of ICT in education

Nr of places: 13 Min required: 7

Bezoek aan beleidsmakers op gemeentelijk niveau; lezingen over beleidsontwikkelingen en financiering; vragen en
discussie. Bezoek aan scholen, instellingen en samenwerkingsprojecten op PO, VO, VMBO, ROC en HBO niveau;
discussie met leraren, cordinatoren en leerlingen over onderwijs- en trai nings mogelijkheden met ICT. Bezoek aan
klassen en ICT lokalen; indien mogelijk het bijwonen van lessen.

Visit to municipal policymakers; lectures on policy development and financing; questions and discussions. Visit to
schools, institutes and cooperation projects primary, secondary, pre-vocational, vocational and higher vocational
education; discussion with teachers, coordinators and students on education and training possibilities using ICT. Visit
to classes and ICT laboratories, if possible observation of lessons and instructions.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06004,09

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Steffen Braun

+49 351 8439421 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Regionalschulamt Dresden

+49 351 8439476 Groenhainer Strae 92

Organiser Email:

steffen@braun-dresden.de Dresden

Postal Code: D-01127

Title: 04,09 - DE - e-Learning in Schulen der Sekundarstufe II

Beginning date: 19.03.2007 Venue: Dresden

End Date: 23.03.2007 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German English

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.3 :


Nr of places: 16 Min required: 8

Neue Medien zur informatorischen Bildung sind heute Bestandteil aller Schulen. Zwei Schulversuche untersuchten a)
das Erlernen von Fremdsprachen, b) den Einsatz von fachspezifischer Software im Unterricht und c) die
Untersttzung des selbstgesteuerten Lernens mit PC auerhalb der Schule. Bei dem Studienbesuch werden die
Ergebnisse einschlielich der festgestellten Grenzen, Probleme im Einsatz und der notwendigen
Rahmenbedingungen vorgestellt und diskutiert. Auch werden Erfahrungen bei der Lehrerfortbildung zum e-Learning
vermittelt. Sie hospitieren im Unterricht und diskutieren mit Schlern und Lehrern. Weitere Informationen, das
Tagungsprogramm und ein Angebot zum kulturellen Rahmenprogramm steht unter: www.braun-

Today new audio-visual aids for the informative education are part of all school systems. Two school experiments
investigate the following points: a) learning of foreign languages, b) application of specific software during lessons c)
support of independent learning at home on the computer. During the study visit results, problems in application and
general conditions of the school experiment will be presented and discussed. Furthermore experiences of teacher
training with e-Learning will be offered. You may take part in lessons and you may discuss with students and
teachers. Further information as well as the agenda of the study visit and the offer of cultural fringe events you can
find at: www.braun-dresden.de/arion/arion.htm

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Visit No: 06004,10

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Jos Juan Dominguez Rodrguez

+34 956 336573 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Centro del Profesorado de Jerez

+34 956 324274 Alameda Cristina 11.2 planta

Organiser Email:

cepca2.ced@juntadeandalucia.es Jerez de la Frontera

Postal Code: ES-11403

Title: 04,10 - ES - Ensuring access to ICT for everyone

Beginning date: 15.04.2007 Venue: Jerez de la Frontera

End Date: 19.04.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English Spanish

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.3: ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software in
Objectives schools; Use of ICTs in various subjects; Use of ICTs in non-formal education;Qualitative assesment
Report of the use of ICT in education

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Esta visita de estudio tiene por objeto que los participantes constaten la importancia de las TICs en la mejora de la
escuela. Se pondr especial nfasis en los aspectos pedaggicos del aprendizaje y la enseanza a travs de la
utilizacin de estas herramientas. Los participantes tendrn la oportunidad de observar e intercambiar buenas
prcticas. La visita incluye: encuentros y discusiones con expertos y visitas a centros escolares de educacin
primaria y secundaria que realizan proyectos con TIC para apreciar su contribucin e impacto en el aprendizaje de
los alumnos. Tambin se mostrarn experiencias de formacin de profesorado especfico, plataformas informticas y
aplicaciones de software educativo, sistemas colaborativos de aprendizaje, etc.

The aim of this visit is to enable the participants to appreciate the importance of ICT in whole school improvement. A
special emphasis will be given to the pedagogical issues of teaching and learning through ICT. Participants will have
the opportunity to observe and share good practice experiences. The visit will include: meetings and discussions with
experts, visits to both primary and secondary schools, including those with ICT projects, and observation of teaching
and learning in the classroom. The visit is an opportunity to see the contribution of innovative technology and its
impact on pupil learning and training experiences. Main topics of the visit include: learning communities, collaborative
learning systems, free code. Computer platforms and software educational applications, training teacher in ICT and

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06004,11

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Antonio Guilln/Carmen Rojas/Antonio Paniagua

+34 92012070 Type: Non-profit association - local (ASS.5)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Unidad de Programas Educativos.

+34 924012076 Consejera de Educacin

Organiser Email: Avda. Huelva 2 -2 P

upefor2.dpba@edu.juntaex.es Badajoz

Postal Code: ES-06004

Title: 04,11 - ES - A trip across an school environment immerse in the ICT world

Beginning date: 17.04.2007 Venue: Badajoz

End Date: 23.04.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English French



Nr of places: 20 Min required: 6

El objetivo de este programa es presentar el modelo extremeo de aplicacin de las TIC a la vida escolar: -
experiencias en el aula con el modelo pionero de aula TIC, Aula 21, generalizado en todos nuestros centros
educativos (infantil, primaria, secundaria y formacin profesional); -elaboracin de materiales didcticos interactivos; -
grupo de creacin de software educativo extremeo; - portal educativo extremeo Educar.ex;- coordinadores TIC
en los centros; - sistemas de gestin TIC a travs de un servidor; -formacin del profesorado en didctica de las TIC.

This visit aims to show the model of Extremadura for ICT applied to the school environment. The participants will
have the opportunity to study or interact with:experiences in elementary, secondary and vocational schools (pioneer
model of the ICT classroom classroom 21 present in all our schools);interactive educational material;educational
software;-Educar.ex educational site;-ICT coordinators;-ICT central server management;-ICT in-service teacher

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06004,12

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Ute Chatterjee

+44 (0)207 340 4488 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Department for Education & Skills

+44 (0)207 340 4472 Joint International Unit

Organiser Email: L 4A, Caxton Hse, Tothill St

ute.chatterjee@dfes.gsi.gov.uk London

Postal Code: GB-SW1H

Title: 04,12 - GB - ICT in Schools

Beginning date: 30.04.2007 Venue: London, UK

End Date: 04.05.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English ? ?

Reference Objective 1.3: Developing ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

The weeks programme will include: presentations by Department of Education and Skills policy officials on strategies
developed for delivering high quality education through ICT, raising standards and enhancing motivation with the
effective use of new technologies and on using ICT as an effective tool to teach modern foreign languages.

There will be visits to a range of schools in the London area to observe ICT teaching/pupils using ICT, followed by
discussions with teachers and pupils. Participants will learn about and see some innovative UK initiatives such
as: Electronic whiteboards, the PDA Pilot Scheme and the development of an e-mentoring project. Participants will
share experiences with European colleagues on the use of ICT in their countries. Participants should have a good
knowledge of written and spoken English, as translation services will not be available.

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Visit No: 06004,13

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Jos Joaquim Leito

++351218433912/66 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Direco Regional de Educao de Lisboa

++35121849913 Praa de Alvalade n 12

Organiser Email:

Jose.leitao@drel.min-edu.pt Lisboa

Postal Code: PT-1749 - 070

Title: 04,13 - PT - As Tecnologias da Informao e Comunicao (TIC) nas Escolas

Beginning date: 15.05.2007 Venue: Lisboa/Lisbon

End Date: 19.05.2007 Country: Portugal

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Portuguese English ?

Reference To contribute for the acess and use of ICT as essencial working tools and as a mean of integration
Objectives into the knowledge society.To allow schools to as a constant resource in their practices.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

Discussion and evaluation of both items: ICT practices along formal and non formal education as well as the quality of
hardware and softwere used in our schools. Visits to various public schools,making possible open discussions and
debates over the main theme as well as mutual exchanging of experiences.Web page:http://www.drel.min-edu.pt

Discusso e avaliao da utilizao das TIC na educao formal e no formal e da qualidade dos hardware e
software nas escolas.Visitas a diferentes estabelecimentos de ensino, proporcionando discusses e debates sobre o
tema e intercmbio de experincias.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06004,14

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ludvik Eger

+420 377 633 335 Type: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: University of West Bohemia

+420 377 633 502 Hradebni 22

Organiser Email:

ludvik.eger@fek.zcu.cz Cheb

Postal Code: CZ-35011

Title: 04,14 - CZ - ICT in School Education

Beginning date: 22.05.2007 Venue: Cheb

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Czech Republic

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Czech English ?

Reference To observe ICT in education in secondary and primary schools. To exchange experience of support
Objectives ICT in education process. To discuss possibilities of role ICT in education process at secondary and
Report primary schools.

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

Ucastnici studijni navstevy se seznami s vysledky projektu Comenius: Virtualni kurz dalsiho vzdelavani pro vedouci
pracovniky skol. Ten byl na fakulte s mezinarodni spolupraci uspesne realizovan v letech 2001-2004. Dle budeme
prezentovat kooperaci fakulty se strednimi skolami, kter jsou zamerene na podporu blended learning v esk
republice. Fakulta ve spolupraci s gymnaziem pripravuje e-learningovou podporu pro celozivotni vzdelavani v regionu.
Ucastnici navstivi gymnazium, zakladni skolu v Chebu a odbor skolstvi v Karlovych Varech. Predstavime jim projekty
zamerene na podporu ICT (spolupraci ve meste, vzdelavani ucitelu, studentske vysledky ze soutezi). Planujeme
vymenu zkusenosti mezi ucastniky v ruznych zemich a je zde tak moznost diskuse o dal spolupraci.

Participants of the study visit will get the information about Comenius project: Virtual further education course for
headmasters, that was successfully realised at the faculty in the international co-operation (2001-2004). We will
present co-operation between the faculty and upper secondary schools that support blended learning in the Czech
Republic. The faculty in co-operation with a grammar school prepares e-learning support for life-long-learning in the
region. Participants will visit grammar school, primary school in Cheb and the school department in Karlovy Vary. We
will present some special projects that are focused on ICT (co-operation in the town, training for teachers, students
results achieved within the competitions). We plan exchange the experience from other countries and there will be a
possibility to discuss future co-operation.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06004,15

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: SUIRE Marie

00 33 2 47 42 02 47 Type: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: CFPPA

00 33 2 47 42 16 92 La Plaine

Organiser Email:

cfppa.tours@educagri.fr FONDETTES

Postal Code: 37230

Title: 04,15 - FR - Dvelopper l'accs la formation par la mise en place des dispositifs de formation ouverte et
distance (FOAD) utilisant les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication (NTIC)

Beginning date: 05.02.2007 Venue: FONDETTES (Rgion Centre)

End Date: 09.02.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference OBJECTIFS 1.3, 1.5, 2.1 et 2.3


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

Objectifs de la visite : Dfinir ce qu'est la formation ouverte et distance (FOAD), comment la mettre en oeuvre
(outils pdagogiques, accompagnement, environnement technologique...), cerner les points-cls du dispositif,
comprendre les volutions du mtier de formateur, changer sur les pratiques des participants. Approches :
Echanges entre participants/Prsentation d'exemples concrets et de tmoignages. Types d'activits :Prsentation
d'exemples de dispositifs, d'outils, de plate-formes...Tmoignages d'apprenants et de formateurs/Visites/Organisation
de la traduction : Formateur d'anglais sur site.Documents crits franco-anglais fournis.

Improving learning access with Open Distance Learning (ODL) device, using New Technologies of Information and
Communication (NTIC). Target groups : trainers, teachers, responsible for communication ..Aim of the visit : What is
Open Distance Learning (ODL), how to apply it (pedagogical tools, accompaniment, technological environment ...),
what are the key points of the device, understanding evolutions of teacher trade, exchanging about practical of
participants. Approaches :Exchanges between participants. Presentation of concrete examples and accounts. Type of
activities : Presentation of device examples, tools, platforms .. Visits Organising English interpreting and translation
:English lecturer on site. French and English documentation available.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06005,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms. Ottilia Szemeti

06 22 313 352 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Fejr Megyei Pedaggiai Szakmai s Szakszolg. Int.
06 22 313 352 III. Bla kirly tr 1.

Organiser Email:

mpi@mail.pedint-szfvar.sulinet.hu Szkesfehrvr

Postal Code: HU-8000

Title: 05,01 - HU - Equal opportunities for socially deprived and/or mentally handicapped children in the country
and town

Beginning date: 06.11.2006 Venue: Szkesfehrvr, Central Transdanubia

End Date: 10.11.2006 Country: Hungary

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Hungarian English ?

Reference Objective 2.3: Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Introducing the organiser - Regional educational - methodological experience creating
chances. Complex information and
supporting methodology Directions of development: the teaching-learning process, school factors affecting personal
success, the compensation of disadvantages at kindergarten and at school and the model of empathy and tolerance.
Methods of activities for improving ways of thinking, for communication and self-recognition and games of
socialization. Plans for equal opportunity, 'chancelessons', activities for identity forming, 'lifestyle days' and exhibitions
of the handicapped. Adult education : improvement of manual abilities for working and unemployed adults, spiritually
and socially handicapped people's education in prison. Main differences: Social and personal abilities; a minority of
discrimination and marginalization: the Gypsies. Integration for mentally handicapped children, active art therapy and
'life-restoration' (unique in Europe). A visit and presentation. www.pedint-szfvar.sulinet.hu

Szervez intzmny bemutatsa - Rgis eslyteremt oktats - mdszertani

tapasztalatok Komplex
informci s segt mdszertan. Fejlesztsi irnyok: tantsi-tanulsi folyamat, egyni sikerre hat iskolai faktorok,
htrnykompenzl vodai, iskolai programok, emptia s tolerancia modellek. Tevkenykedtet, gondolkodst
fejleszt, kommunikcis s nismeretei mdszerek, szocializcis jtkok. Eslyegyenlsgi tervek, eslyrk,
identitsforml foglalkozsok, letmd napok, trlatok (srltek alkotsai). Felnttoktats: dolgoz s munkanlkli
felnttek manulis kpessgeinek fejlesztse, a brtntagozaton lelki s/vagy szocilis srltek nevelse. Relevns
klnbsgek: szocilis, lakhelyi, cskkent egyni kpessgek, diszkriminlt s/vagy marginalizldott kisebbsg:
romk. rtelmileg akadlyozott gyermek (szegreglt) trsadalmi beilleszkedse, habilitci, terpis foglalkozsok,
norml gyakorl munkahely (Eurpban is egyedlll). Ltogats s bemutat, mdszertani albummal. (www.pedint-

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06005,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Heike Grter

+49 211 58673411 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Ministerium fr Schule und Weiterbildung

+49 211 58673672 Vlklinger Strae 49

Organiser Email:

heike.grueter@msw.nrw.de Dsseldorf

Postal Code: D-40221

Title: 05,02 - DE - Hospital schools Schools for pupils with psychiatric disturbances and physical illness

Beginning date: 20.11.2006 Venue: Dsseldorf

End Date: 24.11.2006 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German English French

Reference OBJECTIVE 2.3 :


Nr of places: 14 Min required: 10

In Nordrhein-Westfalen werden kranke Schlerinnen und Schler, die voraussichtlich lnger als vier Wochen im
Krankenhaus bleiben, in Schulen fr Kranke unterrichtet. Die Frderung und der Unterricht fr psychisch und
physisch kranke Kinder und Jugendliche, die Beschulung von suchtkranken oder drogenabhngigen Schlerinnen
und Schlern und die Fortfhrung des Unterrichts fr krebskranke und chronisch kranke Kinder steht im Zentrum der
schulischen Arbeit. Dazu haben die Schulen fr Kranke, auch in Abstimmung mit den betreuenden Kliniken
unterschiedliche Strukturen und Schwerpunkte entwickelt. Ziel des Arion-Projektes ist es, die unterschiedlichen
Schulsysteme kennen zu lernen. Hierzu sind Gesprche mit den Schulleiterinnen /Schulleitern, den Kolleginnen und
Kollegen und Hospitationen in Unterrichtssequenzen vorgesehen.

In North-Rhine-Westfalia psychiatrically and emotionally children as well as those with acut or chronic physical
illnesses lasting more then four weeks remain at hospital schools, that are designed to meet their special needs. The
support system for these children is at the center of the schools daily plan, which is geared toward treating children
and youth with a variety of disturbances, including eating disorders, cancer and chronic illnesses. The schools have
flexible academic schedule in order to meet the medical and psychiatric treatments of the students. The aim of the
arion-project is to enhance the educational experiences of children and youth with special needs in hospital schools,
and to make methods and structures of these schools known internationally. Participants can talk to the directors of
these schools, to the colleges and can visit pupils in their lessons.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06005,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Joachim Kimon Kolyvas

+302103220950 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Hellenic Ministry of Education

+302103228060 15 Mitropoleos Str.

Organiser Email:

europe@ypepth.gr Athens

Postal Code: GR-10185

Title: 05,03 - GR - Integration of handicapped children

Beginning date: 20.11.2006 Venue: Thessalonica, Northern Greece

End Date: 24.11.2006 Country: Greece

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Greek English ?

Reference 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, Equal opportunities ans social cohesion

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5


This study visit focuses on issues and questions of social inclusion of disabled pupils. There will be visits and class
observation in nursery, primary, secondary level and vocational schools which integrate disabled pupils. There will
also be visits to special needs schools and to university departments preparing student - teachers for special
education.New technologies as a supportive tool for children with special needs will also be observed and discussed.
There will be visits to institutions concerned with issues of special needs education. The study visit takes place in
Thessalonica capital city of Northern Greece. More information on: www.ypepth.gr

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06005,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Francis Mc Hugh/Eileen Mc Guire/Roma Osborne

00353 1 8896482/2395 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: The Department of Education and Science,

00353 1 8892376 Arion, International Section,

Organiser Email: Training College, Marlboro St.

francis_mchugh@education.gov.ie Dublin 1

Postal Code: IRL

Title: 05,04 - IRL - The Development of Special Needs Education in the Irish Education System

Beginning date: 20.11.2006 Venue: Dublin

End Date: 24.11.2006 Country: Ireland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?

Reference Objective 2.3: Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

This visit will present participants with an opportunity to visit schools which provide specialised education for children
with special needs. Since the enactment of the 1998 Education Act there is an obligation on the
Department of Edcuation and Science to ensure that there is made available to each person, including every person
with a disability or other educational needs, support services and a level and quality of education appropriate to
meeting the needs and abilities of that person. The visit will also, therefore,
afford participants an opportunity to observe the education of students with special needs in a mainstream
educational setting. There will also be a series of
talks on the history, current structure and future developments of the overall Irish education system. In addition there
will be a presentation on special needs education in Ireland. Participants will have the
opportunity to visit schools, observe classes in action while also having occasion to talk with students and teachers
about their experiences of special education in Ireland. Alternative E-mails:
roma_osborne@education.gov.ie eileen_mcguire@education.gov.ie

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06005,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Frank Smit and Jan Lutje Schipholt
+31703814448 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijs
+31703831958 Bezuidenhoutseweg 253

Organiser Email:

fsmit@europeesplatform.nl Den Haag

Postal Code: NL-2594

Title: 05,05 - NL - Integration of handicapped children

Beginning date: 14.01.2007 Venue: Den Haag (The Hague) and surrounding region

End Date: 19.01.2007 Country: Netherlands

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Dutch English ?


Objectives COHESION; Models for integration of and giving access to disadvantages groups to education and
Report trainings models

Nr of places: 13 Min required: 7

Bezoek aan beleidsmakers op gemeentelijk niveau; lezingen over beleidsontwikkeling, vragen en discussie. Bezoek
aan scholen, instellingen en samenwerkingsprojecten op basis- en voortgezet onderwijs; inclusie in regulier onderwijs,
gespecialisserde onderwijsinstellingen, leergebonden financiering (Rugzak); discussie met leraren, bezoek aan
klassen, waar mogelijk het bijwonen van lessen.

Visit to municipal authorities; lectures on policy-developments, questions and discussion. Visit to schools, institutes
and cooperation-projects primary and secondary education; inclusion in regular education, specialised schools and
institutes, pupilbound financing system (Backpack); discussion with teachers and managers, visit to classes; where
possible observation of lessons. Web page www.europeesplatform.nl.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06005,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Maria Lavander

+46 960 15606 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Arvidsjaurs kommun

+46 960 15534 Barn och ungdom

Organiser Email: Storgatan 13

maria.lavander@arvidsjaur.se Arvidsjaur

Postal Code: SE-93381

Title: 05,06 - SE - Integration of handicapped pupils

Beginning date: 19.03.2007 Venue: Arvidsjaur

End Date: 23.03.2007 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English German

Objectives COHESION;Models for integration of and giving access to disadvantaged groups to education and
Report training; models for encouraging them to pursue formal qualifications

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Vi vill grna visa: - vr grundsrskola - hur vra skolor arbetar aktivt med entreprenrskap och frldra- och
elevinflytande - hur vi anvnder Individuella inlrningsstilar i undervisningen - hur en glesbygd kan ha visioner om
framtiden med t.ex. pilotutbildning med elever frn hela landet. Vi gr studiebesk med ovanstende som tema.
Kontakter med lrarpersonal. Dessutom kan vi erbjuda upplevelser med Samekultur, renar, matupplevelser, golf p
sn m.m. Vi kan erbjuda bra boende och enkla transporter mellan Stockholm och Arvidsjaur, direktflyg.

We would like to show/present: our special school within the compulsory school - our active work in our schools on
entrepreneurship and the participation of pupils and parents in organized committees - how we are working with
Individual learningstyles in our schools - how a sparsely-populated area can have visions for the future, for ex. we
can show our upper secondary school for pilots, aviators. We can organize visits of the above mentioned. Contacts
with our teachers. We can also offer experience of the Lappish culture, reindeers, food culture, golf on snow and
more. We can offer good accomodations and convenient transport from Stockholm to Arvidsjaur, direct flights daily.
Web page: www.arvidsjaur.se

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Visit No: 06005,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Rita Garzetti

+39 0321 629022 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Scuola Media Statale Duca D'Aosta

+39 0321 394868 Baluardo Massimo D'Azeglio, 1

Organiser Email:

garzetti@libero.it Novara - NO

Postal Code: I-28100

Title: 05,07 - IT - Integrazione degli allievi diversamente abili nel sistema scolastico italiano - Social inclusion of
disable students in the Italian education system

Beginning date: 26.03.2007 Venue: Novara

End Date: 30.03.2007 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English ?

Reference Objective 2.3: Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Obiettivi: favorire lintegrazione degli allievi diversamente abili nella classe attraverso strategie pedagogiche e
didattiche. La disabilit spesso vista allinterno della scuola come un vincolo e un impedimento anzich
unopportunit e una risorsa per la crescita di tutti gli allievi. La visita prender in esame le strategie educative e
didattiche per lintegrazione degli allievi diversamente abili nei vari ordini scolastici italiani (primaria, secondaria di I
grado, secondaria di II grado). Essa prevede visite in diversi istituti scolastici per assistere alla pratica educativa
quotidiana e colloqui con insegnanti di sostegno e con operatori sociali per una riflessione teorico-pratica. Uleriori
recapiti dell'organizzatore: +39.329.9532350

Aims: supporting the integration of disabled students in the class through pedagogical and teaching strategies.
Students disability is often considered by schools as a restraint and a drawback instead of an opportunity and a
resource for the development of all the students. The visit will examine pedagogical and teaching strategies for the
integration of disabled students in the Italian school levels (primary, lower secondary, upper secondary). The
participants will visit various schools to assist at everyday teaching practice and discuss about theoretic and pratical
issues with support teachers and social workers. Other data of the organiser: mobile phone: +39.329.9532350; Web

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06005,08

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Teresa Cabello/Carmen Castilla Elena

+34 91 7203319 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Area Territorial Madrid Capital

+34 91 7203084 Servicio Unidad de Programas

Organiser Email: Vitruvio 2

Carmen.castilla@madrid.org Madrid

Postal Code: ES-28071

Title: 05,08 - ES - La atencin educativa al nino enfermo en el rea Terreitorial de Madrid Capital.

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Madrid

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish French Spanish

Reference OBJETIF 2,3: Favoriser la citoyennet active, l' galit des chances et la cohsion sociale

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

El objetivo de esta visita es dar a conocer cmo la Administracin de Madrid proporciona apoyo educativo al nio
enfermo en el rea Territorial de Madrid Capital a travs de las tres vas existentes en el momento actual: 1-Aulas
Hospitalarias: atencin educativa al nio cuando est hospitalizado. 2,- S.A.E.D (Servicio de Apoyo Educativo
Domiciliario): apoyo educativo al nio cuando permanece en su domicilio a causa de una enfermedad y no puede
asistir de forma normalizada al centro escolar. 3,- Unidades de Psiquiatra: refuerzo educativo al alumno con
patologa psiquitrica dentro de un centro hospitalario. Estos tres canales se enmarcan dentro de la "Compensacin
Educativa", respondiendo as al derecho a la educacin de los nios que se encuentran en situacin de desventaja
eduativa por motivo de enfermedad. Actividades: a) Visitas a las Aulas Hospitalarias de Madrid capital b) Reuniones
de trabajo con los profesores de estas aulas C) Encuentro con los profesores del S.A.E.D (Servicio de Apoyo
Educativo Domiciliario). D) Contactos con las Unidades Psiquiatra y sus profesores especialistas.

Le but de cette visite est de montrer comme l' Administration procure d' appui ducatif aux enfants malades de la
region de Madrid capitale travers des trois voies existantes au moment actuel: 1.- Des Salles Hospitalires,
lattention ducative l'enfant quand il reste dans sa maison cause de sa maladie et ne peut pas assister d'une
forme normalise son centre scolaire. 3.- Units de Psychiatrie, de renfort ducatif dans un centre hospitalier
llve avec une pathologie psychiatrique. Ces trois voies s'encadrent dans la <<Compensation ducative>>,
programme qui donne rponse au droit l' ducation des enfants qui se trouvent en situation de dsavantage
ducative cause de la maladie. Cette visite se dveloppera travers des activits suivantes: A) Visite aux Salles
Hospitalires de Madrid capitale. B) Des runions de travail avec les professeurs du S.A.E.D (Service d' Appui
ducatif Domiciliaire) C) Des rapports avec les Units de Psychiatrie et ses professeurs spcialistes D) Des runions
avec de diffrents professionnels du moyen ducatif de la Pdagogie Hospitalire: du personnel mdical, des
pdiatres, des volontaires des ONGS et des Associations, des travailleurs sociaux, des ducateurs et du personnel d
l' Administration responsable.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06005,09

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Giampaolo Ziroldi

+39 0535 29785 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Comune di Mirandola - Ufficio Pubblica Istruzione

+39 0535 21430 Via F.Montanari, 5

Organiser Email:

giampaolo.ziroldi@comune.mirandola.mo.it Mirandola - MO

Postal Code: I-41037

Title: 05,09 - IT - Buone pratiche di piena integrazione scolastica degli alunni disabili - Good practices for a full
integration of disabled pupils

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: Mirandola (Modena)

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English ?

Reference Objective 2.3: Supporting Active Citizenship, Equal Opportunities And Social Cohesion

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

La visita di studio si propone di offrire ai partecipanti una visione globale della realt italiana di piena integrazione
degli alunni disabili allinterno delle scuole. In occasione della Visita di Studio saranno presentati i protocolli locali di
riferimento e le buone pratiche, da tempo consolidate e apprezzate a livello nazionale, di rapporti tra servizi sanitari
specialistici per minori disabili (NPI), scuola e famiglia. Saranno organizzate presentazioni per fornire un
inquadramento teorico e normativo del tema in oggetto, e i membri visiteranno scuole di diversi ordini, dallInfanzia
alla Secondaria di 2 Grado, dove potranno partecipare a momenti di routine e assistere a progetti didattici specifici
indirizzati alla integrazione/valorizzazione degli alunni disabili. Si svolgeranno incontri con servizi sociali e sanitari e
associazioni che operano localmente sul tema. I membri Arion avranno anche occasione di visitare realt produttive
caratteristiche del territorio della provincia di Modena e della regione Emilia Romagna. Ulteriori recapiti
dell'organizzatore: cellulare: +39.333.6892554, e-mail: dd.mirandola@tiscali.it

The study visit aims to offer to its participants an overall vision of the Italian mainstream education reality where
disabled pupils are fully integrated. Local protocols for the integration and good practice will be shown to the guests
during their stay. Such good practice of an effective co-operation among health and care services for disabled
children, mainstream schools and families have long been nation-widely appreciated. Effective presentations of the
legal and theoretical framework of the topic will be shown and participants will visit schools from the pre-primary to the
upper secondary level where they will be given the opportunity to attend routine activities as well as to witness the
ongoing special education projects for the integration and empowerment of disabled pupils. Meetings with health,
social care and local associations will be held during the stay. Arion members will also be given the opportunity to
visit some of the most peculiar manufacturing realities in the province of Modena and Emilia Romagna region. Other
data of the organiser: mobile phone: +39.333.6892554, e-mail: dd.mirandola@tiscali.it; Web

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06005,10

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Gunilla Blomberg

+46 31 3667373 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Gteborgs Stad, Lundby

+46 31 518295 Wieselgrensgatan 11

Organiser Email:

gunilla.blomberg@lundby.goteborg.se Gteborg

Postal Code: SE-41721

Title: 05,10 - SE - Inclusion and Special Education Needs in Pre-school

Beginning date: 28.05.2007 Venue: Gteborg

End Date: 01.06.2007 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?

Objectives COHESION; Models for integration of and giving access to disadvantaged groups to education and
Report training; models for encouraging them to pursue formal qualifications

Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5

Att se god inkludering i frskolan fr barn med srskilda behov. Jmfra Lundbys system fr tidig insats/ std till
dessa barn med det egna landets. Ge frutsttningar fr att dela goda exempel. Studiebesket vill fokusera p arbete
med barn i ldern 1-6 r i Frskolan. Det blir tillflle att mta specialister som arbetar med inkludering i de tidiga
ldrarna fr diskussioner kring principer, praktik och utmaningar. Deltagarna kommer att beska olika frskolor fr att
se inkludering i praktiken, beska en Familjefrskola och ppna frskolan. Personal med olika kompetenser arbetar
tillsammans och erbjuder std i barnets utveckling och hjlper till att hitta den bsta lsning/inkludering fr varje
enskilt barn. Det blir tillflle att se och uppleva Gteborg och Vstkusten. Kanske blir det ett besk p Liseberg, ett
stort njesflt, dr man kan roa sig.

To see good inclusion in pre-school for children with special needs. To compare and contrast The City District of
Lundbys' system for early identification and intervention with the sytems of the participating countries. Provide the
opportunity to share good practise. The visit will focus on ways of working with children in the age of 1- 6 years and
their families, as they recive their early years education. There will be opportunity to meet specialists working with
early years inclusion and advisory staff for a professional discussion around the principles, practice and challenges of
early years education and special education needs. Participants will visit several different pre-schools to see inclusion
in practise, visit a special pre-school which offer support in parenthood, a visit to the open pre-school for children and
their families. Staff with different competences work together and provide support in the development of the child and
help to find the best solution/inclusion for each child. There will be an opportunity to see Gothenburg and the West
Coast of Sweden. Perhaps a visit to Liseberg, a big amusement park. Web page:www.lundby.goteborg.se

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06005,11

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms. Edina va Szegeczki

06 52 518 500 Type: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Klcsey Ferenc Reformtus Tantkpz Fiskola

06 52 518 538 Pterfia u. 1-7.

Organiser Email:

szedina@kfrtkf.hu Debrecen

Postal Code: HU-4026

Title: 05,11 - HU - Education of Handicapped Pupils with Special Needs

Beginning date: 12.11.2006 Venue: Debrecen, Northern Great Plain

End Date: 18.11.2006 Country: Hungary

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Hungarian English ?

Reference Objective 2.3 supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion

Nr of places: 20 Min required: 10

This theme is very important from the point of view of Sociology, Public Education Policy, Pedagogy and Psychology.
The solution of this problem is one of the main tasks of the 21st century. Klcsey Ferenc Reformed Teacher Training
College prepares teachers year by year with good results for their profession, its effect is measurable in the home
region. KFRTTC has worked out the opportunity of the partner-centered co-operation and continuosly have
connections with parents in order to develop their educational methods. This course can enrich not only the
participants' pedagogical work-culture but also their educational and teaching methods. At the end of the course we
would like to issue a publication about the experiences and we hope that this would be useful for students and
practising teachers as well. Web page:www.kfrtkf.hu

A tmakrnk jelents szociolgiai, kzoktats-politikai, pedaggiai s pszicholgiai szempontbl. Ennek a

krdsnek a megoldsa a XXI. Szzad egyik kiemelt feladata, melyet a pedaggusok s a mellettk dolgoz
szakemberek tudnak eredmnyesen felvllalni, kidolgozni. A pedaggusok felksztsben a fiskolai vek ta
eredmnyesen dolgozik, hatsa mrhet a rgiban. Kidolgozta a partnerkzpont egyttmkds lehetsgeit, s
keresi a kapcsolatokat a szlk nevelsi mdszereinek vltoztatshoz. A konferencia tovbb gazdagthatja a
szakemberek pedaggiai munkakultrjt, gazdagabb teheti nevelsi - oktatsi mdszereit. Tapasztalatainkat
kiadvnyban szeretnnk kzreadni a fiskolai hallgatknak s a gyakorl pedaggusoknak.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06005,12

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Cevdet DURAN or Idris BAKIRHAN

+90-505-3889798(GSM) Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: National Education Directorate of Bartin Province

+90-378-2271696 Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu

Organiser Email: Golbucagi Mah.2 Nolu Cevreyolu

bartinmem@meb.gov.tr or bartin_abb@yahoo.com BARTIN

Postal Code: TUR-74100

Title: 05,12 - TUR - Integration of handicapped children

Beginning date: 04.06.2007 Venue: BARTIN

End Date: 08.06.2007 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English German

Objectives COHESION; Models for integration of and giving access to disadvantaged groups to education and
Report training; models for encouraging them to pursue formal qualifications

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

The aim of this visit is to show the participants the schools which provide primary education to handicapped children.
Participants will also have chance to compare the approach to the education of handicapped children both in Turkey
and in their countries. Not only the schools for handicapped children but also all type of educational institutions in our
city will be visited. And also there will be meetings with teachers and educational authorities. Since there are many
villages around the city, visiting these villages and the schools there, will be within the content of our programme.

Der zweck dieses Besuchs ist ,den Teilnehmern die Behindertenschulen zu zeigen.Die Teilnehmer werden die
chance haben ,die Erziehungsannaherungenin Behindertenschulen-in der Trkei und in ihren eigenen Landern zu
konfrontieren.Nicht nur die behindertenschulen,sondern auch die anderen Erziehungsinstitutionen werden besucht.Es
werden Versammlungen mit Erziehungsautoritaten und Lehrern/innen gemacht.Auch die schulen in den Drfern
werden in unserem Besuchsprogramm sein.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06006,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Zdenka Maskova

+420 318 633 779 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: In-service Teacher Training Institution of Pribram

+420 318 625 567 28.rijna 24

Organiser Email:

z.maskova@seznam.cz Pribram

Postal Code: CZ-26101

Title: 06,01 - CZ - Equal Opportunities for Vunerable Children in Central Bohemian Area

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Pribram

End Date: 13.10.2006 Country: Czech Republic

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Czech English ?

Reference To share working experience from different educational programmes and services which meet the
Objectives varying needs of all students as a way to promote all studentsequal educational opportunities
Report regardless of ethnic or racial background, religious beliefs, etc.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 7

V ramci programu Arion chceme ukazat soucasnou situaci v oblasti poskytovani statniho vzdelavani detem etnickych
a narodnostnich mensin, vcetne deti zadatelu o azyl v ceskych skolach. Ucastnici budou mit prilezitost navstivit ruzne
skoly s multikulturnimi tridamu, ruzne statni a mistni vzdelavaci organizace a instituce, kter garantuji rovny pristup ke
vzdelavani. Ucastnici navstivi tak prazsky Urad Vysokeho komisare OSN pro uprchliky a ruzne neziskove
organizace, kter se zabyvaji dalsim vzdelavanim pedagogickych rpacovniku v oblasti multikulturni vychovy a vychovy
k lidskym pravum. V zaveru studijni navstevy zorganizujeme diskusi u kulateho stolu s ceskymi odborniky na tema
poskytovani statniho vzdelani v atmosfere, kde rozdily jsou chapany a ocenovany, a kde je ke vsem detem
pristupovano cestne s veskerym respektem k jejich odlisnostem a bez diskriminace. Organizator poskytne
ucastnikum hodne informaci o tom, jak zvysit informovanost mistnich komunit o vzdelavacich potrebach zranitelnych
deti a jak vest vzdelavaci kampane za jejich rovny pristup ke vzdelani.

Within the Arion Programme we would like to present the situation of providing public education to children of ethnic
minorities and asylum seeker children in the Czech mainstream schools. The participants will have an opportunity to
visit different schools with multicultural classes, different state and local organizations and institutions which must
guarantee that education is accessible to all children, and that barriers to proper education are limited. Moreover, the
participants will also visit the Prague UNCHR Office and various NGOs that deal with the in-service teacher training
concerning multicultural education and human rights education. Finally, in the end of the study visit we will organise a
roundtable discussion with the Czech specialists in providing public edcuation in an atmosphere where differences
are understood and appreciated, and all children are treated fairly, with respect and without discrimination. The
organiser will provide the participants witha lot of information about how to raise awareness in the community of
issues facing the vunerable childrens situation during their education, and how to campaign for their equal
educational rights.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06006,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Gozde Pekiner or Banu Duman

+90-532-5913899(GSM) Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: National Education Directorate of Ankara Province

+90-312-2229415 il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu

Organiser Email: Besevler Kampusu D Blok

gozde@svstudios.com or dumanbanu@gmail.com ANKARA

Postal Code: TUR-06500

Title: 06,02 - TUR - Girls! lets go to school

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: ANKARA

End Date: 13.10.2006 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English ?

Objectives COHESION; Gender equality in tertiary education and continuous training

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

This study visit aims at presenting implemented projects, campaign and democratic structures supporting citizenship
education, equal opportunity and social cohesion issues, providing active participation of primary and secondary
school students and mutual sharing of implementations, good practices, knowledge and experiences about these
issues by European Union countries. One of the objectives is to present Girls Lets Go to School project carried out
collaboration with Ministry of National Education and UNICEF. It is aimed to enable disadvantaged girls (6-14 years
old) to attend compulsory education who cant go to school. Also within the framework of this study visit, some
primary and secondary schools will be visited implementing some projects and having democratic structures allowing
active participation of students in education and training such as student clubs, student councils, student-oriented
school project, democratic education and school parliament project, children friendship school project etc. Moreover,
legal regulations providing active participation of students, student-oriented approach and new curricula for primary
schools about these issues will be mentioned at this study visit.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06006,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Kina Kotlarska

+359 62 2626352 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Inspectorat Regional du Ministere de l'education

+359 62 628037 13, rue Vassil Levski

Organiser Email:

kinakotlarska@yahoo.fr Veliko Tarnovo

Postal Code: BG-5000

Title: 06,03 - BG - Egalite des chances et l'education en genre

Beginning date: 16.04.2007 Venue: Veliko Tarnovo

End Date: 20.04.2007 Country: Bulgaria

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Bulgarian French English

Objectives COHESION

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

La visite est destinee aux chefs d'etablissements, inspecteurs, formateurs d'enseignants et tous les dirigeants
interesses par la problematique. Les participants auront la possibilite d'echanger l'experience d'une approche de
genre dans l'enseignement secondaire (pre-primaire, primaire, college, lycee). Les observations seront focalisees sur
le fonctionnement d'un partenariat entre les structures de la formation formelle et informelle, ONGs et pouvoir local.
Des cours du type "porte ouverte" sont egalement prevus. Les participants auront aussi la possiblite de decouvrir le
patrimoine culturel et historique de la region (la capitale medieval - le palais Tzarevetz, le site architectural
d'Arbanassi et d'autres).

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06006,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Principal Riitta Launis

+358 3 31165110 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Dep. of daycare&basic education /City of Tampere

+358 3 31164372 Koivikkopuiston koulu

Organiser Email: Q2 Teiskontie 35

riitta.launis@tampere.fi Tampere

Postal Code: FI-33520

Title: 06,04 - FI - The equal opportunity to an unbroken school path from pre-primary school to upper secondary
school for every child

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Tampere

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Finland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Finnish English ?

Objectives COHESION

Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5

Vierailun tavoitteena on luoda yleiskuva oppilaan koulupolun jatkuvuudesta esikoulusta lukioon erityist tukea
tarvitsevan ja sairaalakoulun oppilaan nkkulmasta. Vierailun osallistujat saavat yleiskuvan suomalaisen
koulujrjestelmn jokaisen oppilaan hyvst huolenpidosta. Se takaa tasa-arvoiset mahdollisuudet jokaiselle
oppilaalle saada kokonaisvaltaista kasvatuksellista, opetuksellista ja terveydenhoidollista huolenpitoa. Osallistujat
vierailevat kouluissa ja uusissa oppimisympristiss, tutustuvat kouluvaikeuksien ennaltaehkisyn ja varhaisen
puuttumisen kytntihin ja menetelmiin Tampereella. Osallistujat vierailevat sairaalakoulussa osana oppilaan
koulupolkua ja tutustuvat oppilaan integraatioprosessiin, kun hn palaa sairaalasta takaisin omaan kouluun. Vierailun
aikana on mahdollisuus tavata yliopistosairaalan lastentautien osastojen ja psykiatristen osastojen
lkreit. Osallistujat tapaavat paikallisia rehtoreita ja opettajia ja perusopetuksen johtajan ja viranomaisia ja
vierailevat Lnsi-Suomen Lninhallituksen opetusosastolla ja lisksi tutustuvat suomalaiseen
kouluterveydenhoitoon. Vierailun aikana on mahdollisuus vaihtaa hyvi kytnteit ja kokemuksia osallistujien kesken
eri maista

The aim of the visit is to give an overview of the continuity of school path of the child from pre-primary school to upper
secondary school from the perspective of the child with special needs and the hospital school. The participants will
get an overview of how Finnish educational system takes care of every pupil. It ensures the equal opportunity for
every pupil to get the integrated educational and health care. The participants will visit schools and new learning
environments; they will get to know the practices and methods to prevent school failure and problems and how to
intervene in them in Tampere. The participants will visit the hospital school as a part of the pupil s school path and
learn about the integration process of the pupil when returning from hospital back to home school. There will be a
possibility to meet doctors from paediatric and psychiatric wards in the university hospital. The participants will meet
with local principals and teachers from different schools, meet local education authorities and visit the Education
Department of State Provincial Office of Western Finland and get to know school health service. During the visit it is
possible to exchange good practices and experiences with each other from different countries. Web page:

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06007,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Outi Rinne

+358 50 4323677 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: The City of Turku, Education Services

+358 2 2629465 Ksityliskatu 10

Organiser Email:

outi.rinne@turku.fi Turku

Postal Code: FIN- 20100

Title: 07,01 - FI - Arrangements of Multicultural Education How to Answer the Demands of Immigrant Pupils.

Beginning date: 18.09.2006 Venue: Turku

End Date: 22.09.2006 Country: Finland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Finnish English ?

Objectives COHESION

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Vierailun aikana tutustutaan monikulttuurisen opetuksen jrjestelyihin perusopetuksessa. Tllin kiinnitetn
huomiota erilaisiin tukitoimiin, hyviin toimintatapoihin ja opetuksellisiin ratkaisuihin. Eri kouluissa tutustutaan mm.
valmistavaan opetukseen, suomi toisena kielen-opetukseen ja maahanmuuttajan oman idinkielen opetukseen.
Koulukyntien aikana on mahdollista keskustella koulujen edustajien kanssa ja vaihtaa kokemuksia mys osallistujien
oman ryhmn kesken. Lisksi tutustutaan lyhyesti ammatilliseen valmistavaan opetukseen ja nuorten
maahanmuuttajien ryhmn. Luonnollisesti monikulttuurisen opetuksen lisksi suomalainen koulu kokonaisuutenakin
tulee vierailijoille tutuksi.

During the visit you get acquainted with different arrangements of multicultural education in the basic school. We pay
attention to ways of support, good practices and educational solutions. In different schools we visit for instance a
preparatory class, Finnish as a second language class and the pupils own mother tongue class. During the school
visits there is a possibility for discussion with the representatives of the schools and among the members of the
visiting groups themselves. Moreover, a short visit to a vocational preparatory class and a class of newly arrived
young adults will take place. Naturally the Finnish school as a whole will become familiar during the visit, not only the
multicultural aspect of it.

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Visit No: 06007,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Frank Smit and Jan Lutje Schipholt
+31703814448 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijs
+31703831958 Bezuidenhoutseweg 253

Organiser Email:

fsmit@europeesplatform.nl Den Haag

Postal Code: NL-2594

Title: 07,02 - NL - Intercultural education

Beginning date: 10.12.2006 Venue: Den Haag (The Hague) and surrounding region

End Date: 15.12.2006 Country: Netherlands

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Dutch English ?


Nr of places: 13 Min required: 7

Bezoek aan beleidsmakers op ministerie- en gemeentelijk niveau; lezingen over beleidsontwikkeling in kader van
maatschappelijke veranderingen; vragen en discussie. Bezoek aan scholen en instellingen op PO, VO en VMBO-
niveau met gemengde leerlingen bevolking en wisselende problematiek. Bezoek aan PO scholen op Islamitische
basis. Discussies met leraren en leerlingen over achterstand- en binnenstadsproblematiek. Bezoeken van klassen en
waar mogelijk het bijwonen van lessen.

Visit tot the Ministry and municipal authorities; lectures on polcy-developments in framework of current changes in
urban society; questions and discussions. Visit to school and institutes primary-, secondary- and pre vocational
education with mixed / coloured student population and various problems. Visit to primary Islambased schools.
Discussion with teachers, staff and students on innercity intercultural education and education for disadvantaged
pupils. Visit of classrooms and if possible observation of lessons.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06007,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: FRANCISCO J.GARCA TARTERA

+34 91 7200808 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)


+34 91 7200807 ALCAL GALIANO 4, 4 PLANTA

Organiser Email:

edu.programasinternacionales@madrid.org MADRID

Postal Code: ES-28020

Title: 07,03 - ES - Diversity Attention. An educational answer to social changes.

Beginning date: 16.04.2007 Venue: Madrid

End Date: 20.04.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English Spanish

Reference Objective 2,3: Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

La sociedad madrilea ha sufrido en muy poco tiempo un fuerte cambio social. Ello ha sido debido, entre otros
factores, a un rpido proceso de modernizacin y desarrollo econmico. Asmismo, ha tenido lugar un cambio en la
estructura social en razn, fundamentalmente, de los procesos inmigratorios. Como consecuencia, el sistema
educativo ha tenido que dar una respuesta inmediata a travs de la atencin a la diversidad como instrumento
integrador en la escuela de los procesos interculturales. En funcin de esta realidad, se visitar, por una parte, la
Unidad Gestora, donde se expondrn los fundamentos tericos y, por otra, se visitarn los centros y servicios
educativos donde se podr comprobar in situ la dinmica escolar, manteniendo a su vez encuentros de trabajo con
los profesionales. Para ello est previsto mostrar la intervencin educativa en los modelos dirigidos a tres tipos de
alumnado: 1.- Alumnado extranjero 2,- Alumnado con fuerte retraso curricular y en situaciones de desventaja
sociocultural y 3,- Alumnado enfermo o convaleciente. Se visitarn centros de Madrid capital y de otras localidades
que puedan mostrar, a la vez, la diversidad regional existente en la Comunidad de Madrid. Tambin se realizarn
visitas culturales.

The Madrid society has changed quickly in a short time. The main factor for this change has been a fast
modernization and the economic development as well. The social structure has also changed because of
immigration. Therefore, the educational system must give an immediate answer by paying attention to diversity, as an
inclusion instrument of intercultural processes in the school. According to this reality, we will have a chance to
observe school dynamics in situ. Educational action will be shown through patterns specifically designed for three
types of pupils: 1.- Foreign pupils. 2.- pupils with strong curricular failure and social and cultural disadvantaged. 3,-
Sick pupils. We will organise visits to educational centres and others in the region, with the aim of showing Madrid
regional diversity, The program will be implemented with cultural visits in Madrid.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06007,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Teresa Cabello Prez/Susana Montemayor Ruiz

+34 91 7203163 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Area Territorial Madrid Capital

+34 91 7203084 Unidad de Programas Educativos

Organiser Email: Vitruvio 2

susana.montemayor@madrid.org MADRID

Postal Code: ES-28071

Title: 07,04 - ES - la atencin educativa al alumno inmigrante con desconocimiento del espanol

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Madrid

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish Spanish Spanish

Objectives COHESION.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

El objetivo de esta visita es dar a conocer la manera en la que la Adminstracin Educativa atiende a los alumnos
inmigrantes con desconocimiento del espaol en el rea Territorial de Madrid Capital, a atravs de las que se
posibilita una atencin especfica al alumnado extranjero con desconocimiento del idioma espaol. 2) la propuesta d
einmersin y adapatacin al contexto escolar, social, cultural y lingstico desde el respeto a su identidad cultural:
Proceso de acoghida e interculturalidad. 3) El servicio de Apoyo itinerante al alumnado inmigrante (S.A.I). 4) La
formacin del profesorado. La visita se desarrollar a travs de las siguientes actividades: a) Visita a Aulas de
Enlace de Madrid Capital. B) reuniones de trabajo con los profesores de estas aulas C) Encuentros conlos
profesores del S.A.I. (Servicio de Apoyo itinerante al alumnado inmigrante) D) Reuniones con diferentes
profesionales en la Enseanza del espaol como lengua extranjera E) Recursos metodolgicos de la enseanza del
espaol como lengua extranjera para el alumnado inmigrante, interculturalidad, educacin en valores y atencin a la

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06007,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: David Cristbal Huertas

+34 950 268622 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Centro del Profesorado de Almera

+34 950 268693 Paseo de la Caridad, 125

Organiser Email:

cepal1.ced@juntadeandalucia.es Almera

Postal Code: ES-04008

Title: 07,05 - ES - Multicultural contexts: New approaches to teacher development and to interculurality

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Almera

End Date: 13.05.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish Spanish English

Objectives COHESION

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

La visita tiene por objeto proporcionar una visin de la poltica educativa actual de Andaluca en relacin con los
alumnos socialmente desfavorecidos. Se examinarn igualmente cmo los aspectos de desarrollo profesional
pueden favorecer la situacin de estos estudiantes y mejorar su entorno escolar. Habr tiempo tambin para
intercambiar, compartir y discutir distintas experiencias de los participantes.

This visit will give an overview of current educational policies in Andalusia regarding socially deprived students
(immigrant and gipsy). It will also focus on examining how new approaches to professional development can have an
effect on improving the situation of those students and lead to a richer school environment. There will also be time for
exchanging, sharing and debating participant experiences.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06007,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: JANTET Jean-Pierre

00 33 4 76 74 78 71 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: CENTRE RESSOURCES E.N.A.

00 33 4 76 74 79 95 Collge Fernand Lger

Organiser Email: Rue G. Braque

jean-pierre.jantet@ac-grenoble.fr SAINT MARTIN D'HERES

Postal Code: 38400

Title: 07,06 - FR - Dcouverte d'un dispositif dpartemental d'accueil et de scolarisation des enfants des
populations migrantes

Beginning date: 05.03.2007 Venue: Saint-Martin d'Hres / Grenoble (Rgion Rhne-Alpes

End Date: 09.03.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference OBJECTIFS 1.1, 2.3 et 3.5 (Amliorer l'ducation et la formation des enseignants/Favoriser la
Objectives citoyennet active/Renforcer la coopration europenne)

Nr of places: 20 Min required: 10

L'inspection acadmique du dpartement de l'Isre a rorganis, la rentre scolaire 2002-2003 les modalits
d'accueil et de suivi des lves nouvellement arrivs en France. La volont politique nationale d'intgrer les enfants et
les jeunes, avec leur spcificit, a t prise en compte dans un dispositif dpartemental pour l'accueil et la russite
de tous les lves. Le temps de la visite Arion permettra de prsenter ce dispositif original, d'changer sur la
problmatique de l'accueil et de l'intgration de ces publics et faire merger de nouveaux axes de travail et
d'volution du dispositif prsent et des dispositifs des diffrents pays reprsents. Les participants auront l'occasion
de: - rencontrer les diffrents acteurs du dispositif dpartemental: inspecteurs, conseiller pdagogique, animateur du
centre ressources, enseignants, directeurs d'cole (1er degr), chefs d'talissement (2nd degr), conseillers
d'orientation-psychologues et diffrents partenaires. -participer des tables rondes portant sur diffrents aspects de
cette thmatique: accueil des familles, diagnostic et mise en place de moyens adapts, accompagnement
individualis, formation des enseignants (certification complmentaire).

The "inspection acadmique" of Isre has remodeled at the beginning of the 2002-2003 school year the modalities of
reception and support of the students recentlly arrived in France. The national politics will to integrate the children and
the youth with their own specificities has been considered in a departemental plan for the reception and the success
of all the students. The time of the Arion visit will allow to present this original plan, to exchange on the problematic
that is the reception and the integration of this public and to define new axes of work as well as the evolution of the
presented plan and those of the represented countries. The participants will have the opportunity to :- meet the
diffrent persons involved in the departement plan: inspectors, pedagogical counsellors, ressource center moderator,
teachers, principals, headmasters, guidance counsellors and different partners.- take part of round table conferences
on the differents aspects of this thematic: reception of the families, diagnosis and the putting in place of the fittest
means, individualised accompaniement, teachers training (complementary certification).

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06008,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Nina Mares

+32 2 553 95 80 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Nina Mares

+32 2 553 95 65 Departement Onderwijs

Organiser Email: Koning Albert II-laan, 15

nina.mares@ond.vlaanderen.be Brussel

Postal Code: B-1210

Title: 08,01 - BE - Measures to prevent school failure

Beginning date: 20.11.2006 Venue: Brussels

End Date: 24.11.2006 Country: Belgium (Flemish speaking)

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Dutch English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

De meeste scholen zijn voortdurend in de weer om de mogelijkheden van leerlingen verder te ontplooien. Maar niet
alle kinderen en jongeren in het onderwijs hebben dezelfde kansen. Jongeren die leven in verschillende sociale,
economische en culturele situaties starten met ongelijke kansen in het onderwijs. Maar kinderen die met ongelijke
kansen in het onderwijs starten, moeten met gelijke kansen naar het volwassen leven toe uitstromen. De talenten van
alle jongeren ontwikkelen en omzetten in competenties, vergt een meersporenbeleid: evenwichtig samengestelde
scholen; aandacht en respect voor de diversiteit van de leerlingen; aanpakken van specifieke onderwijsbehoeften,
leerproblemen en scholingsachterstand, inclusief taalachterstand; stimuleren van de leermotivatie van de leerlingen;
acties tegen spijbelen en anti-sociaal gedrag, en een goede ondersteuning van scholen. Dat meersporenbeleid vergt
overleg tussen verschillende beleidsdomeinen en over de verschillende beleidsniveaus heen. Via bezoeken aan
het Departement Onderwijs en scholen, gesprekken met ambtenaren, experts, schoolhoofden en leerkrachten wordt
een inzicht gegeven in deze thematiek.

Most schools put in a great effort to develop the talents of their pupils. But not all children and youngsters get the
same chances. Youngsters with a different social, economical and cultural background start with different
opportunities in the educational system. But children that are starting education with unequal opportunities must have
the same opportunities when they move on to adult education. To develop the talents of all pupils and convert them
into competences, policy has to work on different levels: well-balanced compound schools; attention and respect for
the diversity of pupils; tackling specific educational needs, learning problems and arrears; stimulating the learning
motivation of pupils; actions against truancy and anti-social behaviour; and great assistance for the school
management. These policies need consultation between the different actors involved. This theme is clarified
during visits to the Education Department and schools, and through discussions with civil servants, experts, head
teachers and teachers. Web page:http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06008,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Claudia Lzaro

+34 942 208012 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Consejera de Educacin de Cantabria

+34 94 2207504 Vargas 53 5

Organiser Email:

lazaro_mc@gobcantabria.es SANTANDER

Postal Code: ES-39010

Title: 08,02 - ES - Prevention of School failure

Beginning date: 26.03.2007 Venue: Santander

End Date: 30.03.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.2: Developing skills for the knowledge society.


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Visin general del sistema educativo espaol y de algunas medidas para prevenir el fracaso escolar, principalmente
centradas en el plan de atencin a la diversidad desarrollado por la Consejera de Educacin del Gobierno de
Cantabria. Se aportar informacin acerca de actuaciones destinadas a jvenes sin titulacin. El programa incluir
visitas a centros escolares y a otras instituciones educativas.

Overview of the Spanish education system and measures to prevent school failure, mainly focused on the Attention to
Diversity Plan developed by the Educational Authority of the Regional Government of Cantabria. We will give
information about measures to assist young people who left the education without qualifications. The programme will
include visits to schools and other educational insitutions.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06008,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Franoise Daout

+32 2 413 40 12 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Communaut franaise de Belgique

+32 2 413 35 78 44, Bld Lopold II

Organiser Email:

francoise.daout@cfwb.be Bruxelles

Postal Code: BG-1080

Title: 08,03 - BE - Lutte contre lchec scolaire, intgration des jeunes migrants en Communaut franaise de

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Bruxelles

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Belgium (French speaking)

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Un grande partie de la semaine sera consacre examiner les solutions proposes par certains tablissements de la
rgion bruxelloise pour faciliter lintgration des enfants de migrants dans le systme scolaire (entre autres les
classes passerelles). En outre la Communaut franaise de Belgique doit faire face un grand taux dchecs tous
les niveaux denseignement. Les participants seront convis prendre connaissance dexpriences destines
promouvoir une pdagogie du succs.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06008,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: CORNETTE Alain

00 33 2 41 59 15 06 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: COLLEGE LUCIEN MILLET

00 33 2 41 59 37 75 34 av. St-Exupry

Organiser Email: BP 9

alain.cornette@ac-nantes.fr DOUE LA FONTAINE

Postal Code: 49700

Title: 08,04 - FR - Enseignement et patrimoine : motiver et ouvrir les lves

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: Dou la Fontaine (Rgion Pays de La Loire)

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference OBJECTIFS 2.1 et 2.2 (Ouvrir l'environnement d'apprentissage/Rendre l'apprentissage attrayant)


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Dou-la-Fontaine dispose dun patrimoine riche au rang duquel lhabitat troglodytique et les carrires souterraines
tiennent une grande place. La population scolaire du collge (milieu rural, 333 lves) se caractrise par une faible
ambition scolaire et professionnelle. La connaissance du patrimoine est intgre certains enseignements et fait
lobjet de divers projets pdagogiques. Lobjectif vis est double : par le biais dactivits de dcouverte, - 1) susciter
la motivation des lves pour les apprentissages scolaires ; - 2) ouvrir leur horizon culturel patrimoine. En
travaillant sur ces deux aspects, il sagit de contribuer lutter contre lchec scolaire. Lobjet de la semaine est de
voir de quelle manire les enseignements peuvent mieux prendre en compte la richesse et les spcificits du
patrimoine afin de proposer aux lves des activits attractives, motivantes et transfrables dans dautres
domaines, et de comparer diffrents projets prsents par les participants. (traduction simultane en anglais et en

Dou-la-Fontaine has at its disposal a rich heritage in which the cave dwellings and the underground quarries hold an
important place. The student population of the middle-school (rural population, 333 students) is characterized by a
low scholastic and professional ambition. The knowledge of the cultural heritage is integrated in certain teachings an
dis the object of diverse pedagogical projects. There is a double objective targeted by means of discovery activities
: - 1) motivate the scholarly learning of the students - 2) open to them the horizons of their cultural
heritage. Working on these two aspects contributes to the fight against school failure. The objective of the week is
to see in what manner teachers can better take into consideration the richness and specificity of the heritage thereby
enabling them to propose attractive and motivating activities which can be transferred to other subject areas, and to
compare different projects presented by the participants. (simultaneous translation in English and German).

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06008,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: DAUDET Jean-Pierre

00 33 5 53 06 60 38 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Cit scolaire Bertran de Born

00 33 5 53 09 20 64 1 Rue Charles Mangold

Organiser Email: BP 1083

j.-pierre.daudet@ac-bordeaux.fr PERIGUEUX

Postal Code: 24001

Title: 08,05 - FR - Le suivi de l'lve : un moyen de lutter contre l'chec scolaire

Beginning date: 02.04.2007 Venue: Prigueux (Rgion Aquitaine)

End Date: 06.04.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French Spanish


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

L'objectif de cette visite Arion est de suivre le parcours d'un lve de son entre au collge (11 ans) jusqu'aux
classes post-baccalaurat (20 ans) en montrant les dispositifs mis en uvre pour sa russite, qu'ils soient
institutionnels ou lis au Projet d'Etablissement (remdiation,soutien, suivi individualis, modules). Ce sjour
d'tude s'appuiera sur les expriences des diffrents acteurs du systme ducatif (Inspecteurs, Universitaires, Chefs
d'tablissement, Conseillers d'Orientation Psychologues, Conseillers Principaux d'Education, Professeurs) Il
proposera des visites d'tablissements scolaires et universitaires. Il tiendra compte galement des caractristiques
d'une rgion riche historiquement (grottes de Lascaux, Bastides du Prigord) dont la population est attache une
qualit de vie renomme (champignons, foie gras, vins).

El objetivo de esta visita Arion es seguir el recorrido del estudiante desde su ingreso al colegio (11 aos) hasta las
clases de post-bachillerato (20 aos) revelando los dispositivos puestos en marcha para alcanzar sus logros, los
cuales pueden ser de carcter institucional o relacionados a Proyectos del Establecimiento (remediacin,
ayuda/apoyo, seguimiento individualizado, mdulos). Esta semana de estudio se apoyar en las experiencias de
los distintos actores del sistema educativo (Inspectores, Universitarios, Directores de Establecimientos,
Orientadores, Consejeros Principales de Educacin, Profesores). Se basar en visitas de establecimientos
escolares y universitarios. As mismo, se tendrn en cuenta las caractersticas de una regin rica en historia
(Cuevas de Lascaux, Pueblos del Perigord) cuya poblacin est ligada a una renombrada calidad de vida (foie
gras, vino, cetas).

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Joanna Sobotnik, Mr Adam Zabiegala

+48/32/207.74.53 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Kuratorium Oswiaty w Katowicach

+48/32/257.13.96 ul. Jagiellonska 25

Organiser Email:

europa@kuratorium.katowice.pl Katowice

Postal Code: PL-40032

Title: 09,01 - POL - European dimension at school

Beginning date: 02.10.2006 Venue: Capital of the Upper Silesia

End Date: 06.10.2006 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English French


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 5

Wizyta bedzie obejmowac przedstawienie doswiadczen szkol naszego regionu w dziedzinie edukacji europejskiej -
projektow realizowanych w ramach programu Socrates-Comenius, bdcych przykladami dobrej praktyki, projektow w
dziedzinie nauczania jezykow obcych, wyroznionych European Label, innowacyjnych form i metod nauczania jezykow
obcych oraz prezentacj pracy instytucji odpowiedzialnych za ksztalcenie i doskonalenie nauczycieli, instytucji
zajmujacych si wspieraniem wspolpracy miedzynarodowej i integracji europejskiej oraz inicjatyw promujacych
wymiar europejski i znajomosc jezykow obcych. Wizyta bedzie tez uwzgledniac prezentacje doswiadczen
uczestnikow, zwiazanych z wprowadzaniem wymiaru europejskiego w szkole. Udzial w wizycie umozliwi poznanie
regionu, jego wielokulturowego charakteru. Mamy nadzieje, e wizyta pozwoli na nawiazanie wspolpracy w ramach
programow europejskich.

We would like to present in the frame of study visit experiences of schools from our region in the field of European
dimension - Socrates-Comenius projects, examples of good practice, projects in the field of foreign languages
teaching awarded with European Label, innovative forms and methods of foreign languages teaching (i.e. bilingual
schools, DELF programme), work of teacher training institutes and of teacher in-service training centres, of
international collaboration and european integration centres and activities in the field of promotion of european
dimension and foreign language teaching. Participants also will be asked to present their experiences in the area of
implementation of european dimension in education. The visit will be an opportunity to know Silesia, intercultural
dimension of this region. We hope the visit will encourage participants start collaboration in the frame of European
Union programmes.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Massimino Russo

+39 081 5174171 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Istituto Tecnico Industriale G. Marconi

+39 081 927918 Via Atzori, 174

Organiser Email:

satf070009@istruzione.it Nocera Inferiore - S

Postal Code: I-84014

Title: 09,02 - IT - La dimensione europea dell'insegnamento e le priorit di Lisbona. - La dimension europenne

de l'enseignement et les priorits de Lisbonne

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Nocera Inferiore (Salerno)

End Date: 13.10.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian French English

Reference Objective 3.5: Strengthening european co-operation


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Obiettivi: Conoscere i diversi sistemi scolastici europei dellistruzione secondaria, individuare somiglianze e differenze
significative, raccordare le formazioni con gli obiettivi e le priorit da realizzare per il 2010, individuare aree di
intervento per armonizzare programmi e saperi, sviluppare una dimensione progettuale degli Istituti in chiave europea
(partenariati e reti di scuole), riflettere sulla spendibilit dei titoli di studio rilasciati in un mercato del lavoro europeo.
Contenuti e attivit previste: Presentazione dei sistemi scolastici, definizione dettagliata degli obiettivi e priorit della
UE da realizzare per il 2010 nel campo dellistruzione e della formazione, analisi dei profili finali di uscita previsti dalla
formazione di ogni istituto partecipante, delle somiglianze e delle differenze, individuazione di metodologie di
intervento (piani organizzativo, didattico, relazionale e delle attrezzature di supporto) per realizzare pienamente una
dimensione europea dellinsegnamento e delleducazione. Il programma della visita prevede conoscenza di varie
tipologie formative dellistruzione secondaria, incontri con autorit locali e agenzie formative culturali del territorio,
sessioni plenarie di presentazione e lavori di gruppo per definire le problematiche e sviluppare ipotesi operative
comuni da realizzare nel proprio sistema scolastico. Soggetti coinvolti: Dirigenti scolastici, Ispettori, Formatori

Objectifs: Connatre les diffrents systmes de lenseignement secondaire en Europe, trouver les diffrences et les
ressemblances significatives, relier les formations avec les objectifs et les priorits raliser dici 2010, crer des
actions pour harmoniser les programmes et les savoirs, dvelopper la capacit des tablissements de faire des
projects au niveau europen (partenariat et rseaux dtablissements), rflchir sur la valeur que les diplmes ont
dans le march europen du travail. Contenus et activits prvues : prsentation des systmes de lenseignement,
dfinition dtaille des objectifs et des priorits de la UE raliser dici 2010 dans le domain de linstruction et de la
formation, analyse des profils finaux prvus par chaque institution scolaire des participants, des ressemblances et
des diffrences, repre des mthodologies (du point de vue de lorganisation, de la didactique, des relations sociales
et des instruments technologiques de soutien) pour raliser une vraie dimension europenne de lenseignement et de
lducation. Le programme de la visite prvoit: la connaissance de plusieurs typologies formatives de lenseignement
secondaire, des rencontres avec des autorits locales et des centres de formation du territoire, des sances
gnrales de prsentation et des groupes de travail pour dfinir les problmatiques et penser a solutions communes
raliser dans les systmes scolaires des participants. Sujets concerns : Chefs dtablissements, Inspecteurs,
formateurs des enseignants. Web page:http://www.itimarconinocera.org

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Oldino Cernoia

+39 0432 731116 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Convitto Nazionale P. Diacono

+39 0432 731683 Piazzetta Chiarottini, 8

Organiser Email:

paolodia@tin.it Cividale del Friuli

Postal Code: I-33043

Title: 09,03 - IT - Speak the world: the actions undertook from the Italian schoolastic and formative system for the
promotion and the diffusion of the objectives of the European Union through educational paths

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Cividale del Friuli

End Date: 13.10.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English French

Reference Objective 3.5: Strengthening european co-operation


Nr of places: 20 Min required: 8

"Parlare il mondo: le azioni intraprese dal sistema scolastico e formativo italiano per la promozione e diffusione degli
obiettivi dell'Unione Europea attraverso percorsi educativi". Il seminario si prefigge lo scopo di analizzare quanto
stato fatto sulla tematica della Cittadinanza europea (che, assieme allo studio delle lingue e agli studi della storia del
900 rappresenta un pilastro delliniziativa denominata Parlare il mondo a cura del MIUR) in termini di percorsi
educativi e formativi nelle scuole italiane. Da appositi gruppi di lavoro emergeranno confronti e comparazioni rispetto
ad analoghi percorsi attuati negli altri Paesi europei. In un successivo workshop si proceder ad elaborare prospettive
condivise di sviluppo della tematica per determinare orizzonti di senso rispetto alle problematiche congiunte
dellidentit e dellappartenenza. Gli incontri prevedono gruppi di lavoro, interventi di autorevoli esperti e tavole
rotonde in cui esaminare singoli aspetti della tematica centrale. In una successiva fase si prevede lelaborazione e
limplementazione di materiali in un apposito sito web attraverso il quale la formazione trover rinforzo per un periodo
da determinarsi. Saranno coinvolti dirigenti e decisori scolastici oltre a dirigenti di scuole del territorio nonch la
Facolt di Scienze della Formazione di Udine, lUfficio Scolastico Regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia, la Direzione
Generale degli Affari Internazionali del MIUR, Enti locali del Friuli Venezia Giulia. Disponibile il servizio di traduzione
per la lingua tedesca.

The European Citizen, with the study of the History of the 900 and the Learning Languages, is one of the pillars of
the initiative of the Italian Ministry of Education that is assumed under the name Speak the World. Under this line
the Arion visit is inserted and proposed from the Convitto Nazionale (national boarding school) of Cividale. Objective:
1) analysis of the initiatives at ministerial level (national level) regarding the content of the European Citizenship; 2)
analysis of the formative and educational activities effected in the Italian Schools; 3) to make proposals of didactic
strategies to apply. Activities; Working groups, case studies, interview with experts, round table, analysis of
documentation, Target groups: headmasters, principals, school staff, decision makers. Translation also available in
German. Web page:http://www.cnpd.it

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mrs Livija Mukane

+3716836192 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Malpils pagasta padome

+3717925342 Nakotnes iela 1

Organiser Email: Malpils

karte1@inbox.lv; limu@inbox.lv Rigas rajons

Postal Code: LV-2152

Title: 09,04 - LV - The European dimension at school

Beginning date: 25.09.2006 Venue: Malpils, Riga region

End Date: 30.09.2006 Country: Latvia

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Latvian German English

Reference Objective 3.5: Strengthening european co-operation


Nr of places: 7 Min required: 5

Mlpils pagast ir pirmsskolas izgltbas iestde, pamatskola, vidusskola, interntskola, profesionl vidusskola un
mzikas un mkslas skola. Viss ajs skols un ar Mlpils pagasta padom ir realizti Eiropas Savienbas izgltbas
programmu Leonardo da Vinci un Comenius programmu projekti, k ar citas starptautisks sadarbbas aktivittes,
kas uzsktas jau 1994.gad. Viztes dalbniekiem piedvjam iepazties ar msu mcbu iestu un pagasta
padomes pieredzi un uzkrtajiem vizuli informatvajiem materiliem izgltbas projektu organizan, apmeklt
msu mcbu iestdes, tikties ar projektu organiztjiem un dalbniekiem. Plnojam tikanos ar pagasta vadbu un
Rgas rajona padomes apmekljumu, lai iepaztos ar Eiropas dimensijas ievieanas pieredzi vis Rgas reion.

In der Gemeinde Malpils gibt es Kindergarten, Hauptschule, Mittelschule, Internathauptschule, Berufliche

Mittelschule, Musik-und Kunstschule. In allen diesen Schulen und im Gemeinderat Malpils sind Projekte der
Europischen Ausbildungsprogramme Leonardo da Vinci und Comenius durchgefhrt, sowie auch andere Aktivitten
der internationalen Zusammenarbeit, die ersten von denen 1994 begonnen wurden. Wir bieten Kennenlernen mit
Erfahrung unserer Schulen und des Gemeinderates und visuell informativen Materialien zu den durchgefhrten
Projekten. Es werden Besuche in den Schulen geplant, Treffen mit den Organisatoren und Teilnehmern dieser
Projekte. Es wird Treffen im Gemeinderat und in der Bezirksverwaltung Region Riga geplant, um Erfahrung bei der
Einfhrung der Europischen Dimension in der ganzen Region Riga kennenzulernen.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr Aleksander Janiak

+ 48^ 503 77-13-08 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Urzad Miejski w Krotoszynie

+ 48 ^ 62^722-74-93 ul. Kollataja 7

Organiser Email:

kembi1@gazeta.pl Krotoszyn

Postal Code: PL-63700

Title: 09,05 - POL - The European dimension in local education system

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Wielkopolskie voivodship

End Date: 14.10.2006 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English German

Reference Objective 3.5: Strengthening european co-operation.


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 5

Krotoszyn, miasto wyroznione Tablica Honorowa Rady Europy utrzymuje stosunki partnerskie z miastami w
Niemczech, Holandii, Francji i na Litwie. Z tego wzgledu dzialalnosc edukacyjna jest ukierunkowana na
wspolprace miedzynarodowa . Wizyta studyjna w ramach powyzszego tematu ukazuje roznorodnosc i
wszechstronnosc dzialan wszystkich instytucji lokalnych powolanych do realizacji celow edukacyjnych. Projekt
obejmuje prezentacje sportu lokalnego szkolnego i klubowego, nauki jezykow obcych, edukacji srodowiskowej ,
ekologicznej , turystyki kwalifikowanej, historii regionalnej i roznorodnosci kulturowej regionu. Wizyta ukaze
rowniez prace z niepelnosprawnymi oraz edukacje doroslych.

Krotoszyn, city which was awarded The Plaque of Honour by Council of Europe , has been developing
international relations with towns in Germany , Netherlands, France and Lithuania. From this reason local
education is directed on international cooperation. Study vistit presents model activities and particular
projects of local education system in The European Dimension. Each day of visit focuses on specific theme :
integration of handicapped children and adults education; language teaching in local eduction system; Particular
projects in local sport education; multicultural education; environmental education, tourism and walking tracks.
Web page:www.krotoszyn.pl

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Anna-Britta Bromander

+46 44 135262 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Barn- och utbildningsfrvaltningen, KICK

+46 44 219824 Norretullsvgen 5

Organiser Email:

anna-britta.bromander@kristianstad.se Kristianstad

Postal Code: SE-29132

Title: 09,06 - SE - Antiracist Film festival with international role plays; an experince of humanism and interactive

Beginning date: 16.10.2006 Venue: Kristianstad

End Date: 20.10.2006 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English French

Reference OBJECTIVE 3.5 : STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION; Inclusion of the European

Objectives dimension in education and training

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Befrmja kunskap om fundamentala vrderingar och mnskliga rttigheter som de framgr av antirasistiska filmer
och internationella rollspel. Befrmja kampen mot frmlingsfientlighet. Befrmja analysen av Europeisk film som
behandlar fundamentala vrderingar och pedagogiska och didaktiska sidor i samtida Europeisk film.Innehll:
Deltagande i Antirasistiska filmdagar (www.arfarf.se) med brjan den 16 oktober 2006 i Kristianstad. Mte med ett
Comenius 1.1 projekt som utvecklats frn ett Comenius 3 ntverk EWHUM (European Humansim in the World,
http://www.ewhum.org) och arbete med humanistiska aspekter i samtida Europeisk film. Mte med elever i
antirasistiska grupper, lrare som arbetar med filmdagarna och rollspelen samt rektorer som stdjer filmdagarna.
Mte med lrare som arbetar med internationella program fr elever. Deltagande i ett internationellt FN-rollspel i en
modellskola fr rollspel. Rollspelet innebr interaktivt lrande, en effektiv metod fr elever att n kunskap om och
frstelse fr internationell politik och internationella relationer och p s stt erhlla respekt och frstelse fr andra
kulturer och levnadsvillkor.

Promote knowledge concerning fundamental values and human rights as shown in antiracist films and international
role plays. Promote the battle against xenophobia. Promote the reflection on European films dealing with fundamental
values and pedagogical and didactic aspects on contemporary European films. Contents: Participation in Anti racist
film festival (www.arfarf.se) opening 16th of October 2006 in Kristianstad, Sweden. Meeting with Comenius 1.1 project
developed from a Comenius 3 network EWHUM (European Humanism in the World, http://www.ewhum.org) and
working with humanistic aspects of contemporary European films. Meeting with students in antiracist groups, teachers
involved in the film festival and the role plays and with headmasters supporting the festival. Meeting with teachers
concentrating on international programmes for students. Participating in an international UN-role play in a model
school for role plays. The role play imply interactive learning, an efficient method for students to reach knowledge
about and understanding for international politics and international relations and thereby get respect and
understanding concerning other cultures and conditions of life.Language support in French. Web

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Dr.UZEYIR DERELI

+90-536-6913029(GSM) Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: DUDULLU 75. YIL CUMHURIYET LISESI

+90-216-4999527 DUDULLU SON DURAK

Organiser Email: UMRANIYE

uzder@hotmail.com or uzeyirdereli@yahoo.com ISTANBUL

Postal Code: TUR-34775

Title: 09,07- TUR - The European Dimension in Education

Beginning date: 06.11.2006 Venue: ISTANBUL

End Date: 10.11.2006 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English ?


Objectives dimension in education and training

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Here is a general high school, in Dudullu / Umraniye / ISTANBUL. We want to improve our educational quality. For
this purpose, we wait for the cooperation of our European collegues. Visitors are going to tell us their education
systems; branches, kind of school, kind of education etc. We are going to tell them our education system; branches,
kind of school, kind of education etc. At least three kind of school will be visited. Topkap Saray (Palace), Ayasofya
(Hagia Sophia) , Arkeoloji Museum, Sultan Ahmet Camii (Mosque) Dolmabahe Saray and The Bosphorus visits will
also be within the content of our programme.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,08

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mona Wiklander

+46 26 241905 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Kunskapskontoret, Sandvikens kommun

+46 26 255887 Gvlevgen 82

Organiser Email:

mona.wiklander@sandviken.se Sandviken

Postal Code: SE-81180

Title: 09,08 - SE - Digital Competence

Beginning date: 20.11.2006 Venue: Sandviken

End Date: 24.11.2006 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?


Objectives dimension in education and training

Nr of places: 20 Min required: 5

Sandviken r en av Sveriges tre ledande IT-kommuner. Kommunen deltar i SPICE, ett Comenius 2.1-projekt, som
har projektmte nov 2006 med ca 60 skolledare och pedagoger frn Europa. Vi inbjuder samtidigt till ett Arion-
studiebesk fr beslutsfattare och experter inom utbildningsomrdet. Vissa av programpunkterna kommer att vara
gemensamma fr SPICE och Arion. I syfte att frbttra kvalitn i de europeiska utbildningssystemen ger besket en
mjlighet till dialog om digital kompetens. En dialog som handlar om vilka frutsttningar som krvs fr att EU-
definitionen av digital kompetens ska kunna frverkligas. Digital kompetens ska bidra till att elever blir delaktiga och
aktiva medborgare i Kunskapssamhllet. Studiebesken p Sandvikens skolor och institutioner ska ge underlag fr
dialog kring den tekniska dimension, den didaktiska dimensionen och den kritiska dimensionen samt
informationskompetens. Det kommer att ges mjlighet till bildande av ntverk fr fortsatt samarbete. Ntverken ska
sprida tankarna om digital kompetens och dess frutsttningar.

Sandviken is one of the three most important IT-communities in Sweden. The community is involved in SPICE, a
Comenius 2.1 project and will have its project meeting November 2006 with 60 head teachers and pedagogues. At
the same time we will invite education decision makers and experts to an Arion visit. Some matters on the agenda will
be common for both SPICE and Arion. With the intent to improve quality in the European Education systems the visit
facilitates a dialogue about digital competence. A dialogue about what kind of competences you need to realize the
EU-definition of digital competence. Digital competence shall promote all pupils/students to be involved and active
citizens in the knowledge society. The study visits to Sandvikens Schools and institutions will form a basis for a
dialogue about the technical dimension, the didactics dimension, the critical dimension and information competence.
There will be possibilities to found networks for continued cooperation. The networks are going to spread the thoughts
about digital competence and its conditions further. Web page: www.sandviken.se

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,09

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Doina Spita

+40^232^252.870 Type: Non-profit association - local (ASS.5)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Fondation EuroEd

+40^232^252.902 Str Florilor 1C

Organiser Email:

dspita@euroed.ro Iasi

Postal Code: RO-700513

Title: 09,09 - RO - Lducation linterculturel dans la politique dun tablissement scolaire

Beginning date: 20.11.2006 Venue: Iasi

End Date: 26.11.2006 Country: Romania

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Romanian French ?

Reference vivre lexprience du dialogue interculturel entre chefs dtablissements europpens; identifier
Objectives ensemble les enjeux de louverture interculturelle dans le contexte europen actuel;

Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5

Proiectul nostru isi propune sa provoace o dezbatere colectiva asupra importantei dimensiunii interculturale in
construirea Europei, conducand la elaborarea unor proiecte interculturale care sa valorifice experientele de
observare, descoperire, reflectie si schimb de idei traite, de catre participanti, in timpul vizitei de studiu. Obiectivele
urmarite sunt: a determina un dialog intercultural intre directori de institutii scolare europene; a identifica impreuna
mizele deschiderii interculturale in contextul european actual; a dezvolta atitudini si piste de actiune care sa
favorizeze dezvoltarea , in spatiul scolar, a unui dialog intercultural autentic.

Notre projet se propose de provoquer un dbat sur limportance de la dimension interculturelle pour la construction de
lEurope, conduisant llaboration de projets interculturels mme de valoriser les expriences dobservation, de
dcouverte, de reflexion et dchanges vcues par les participants lors de la visite dtude Les objectifs poursuivis
sont: vivre lexprience du dialogue interculturel entre chefs dtablissements europpens; identifier ensemble les
enjeux de louverture interculturelle dans le contexte europen actuel; construire des attitudes et des pistes daction
permettant de vivre, lecole, le dialogue interculturel.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,10

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Maria Giovanna Colombo

+39 0331 372011 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: ITC E. Tosi

+39 0331 380910 V.le Stelvio, 173

Organiser Email:

maria.colombo@itctosi.va.it Busto Arsizio - VA

Postal Code: I-21052

Title: 09,10 - IT - La valorizzazione dei risultati della progettazione europea - The valorisation of the results of the
European projects

Beginning date: 27.11.2006 Venue: Busto Arsizio

End Date: 01.12.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English French

Reference Objective 3.5: Strengthening european co-operation


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Finalit: Lapprofondimento ed il confronto sulla valorizzazione dei risultati della progettazione europea, priorit del
Programma dazione integrato per lapprendimento permanente per il periodo 2007-2013, sar il tema di studio della
visita. La diffusione, il trasferimento e lutilizzo dei risultati dei progetti comunitari devono essere sostenuti allo scopo
di aumentare limpatto dei progetti e dei programmi, migliorare la visibilit e laccesso ai risultati ed integrare
stabilmente nei sistemi e nelle pratiche i risultati raggiunti. Programma: nel corso della settimana si alterneranno
momenti di relazione, anche con la presenza di esperti della Commissione Europea DG Educazione e Cultura, a
momenti di discussione e lavori di gruppo. Sar inoltre dato spazio a visite/incontri con docenti di alcune strutture
scolastiche significative per le loro esperienze di progettazione in campo europeo. Quotidianamente sar pianificata
una sessione dedicata al feedback sulle attivit svolte. Destinatari: Responsabili e dirigenti nel settore delleducazione
a diversi livelli. Ulteriori recapiti dell'organizzatore: e-mail: itctosi@itctosi.va.it

Objectives: the development and the confrontation on The valorisation of the results of the European projects, a
major priority in the new Integrated Action Programme in the field of lifelong learning for the period 2007-2013, will be
the topic of the visit. The dissemination, the transfer and the use of results of the European projects have to be
discussed and supported in order to increase the impact of projects and programs; improve visibility and access to
results and permanently integrate the achieved results in the systems and practices. Programme: different phases
will take turns during the week: lectures, with the contribution of experts from the European Commission DG
Education and Culture, debates and workshops. In order to improve the understanding of the Italian Education
system, a number of visits to schools/meetings with teachers from schools with relevant experience in the planning of
European projects, will take place. A daily feedback session will be planned. The partners will also focus on the final
report which will offer relevant cues for the future policies and the set-up of adequate strategies of enhancement of
European projects. Target group: decision-makers and senior managers of educational institutions at different levels.
Language support in French. Other data of the organiser: e-mail: itctosi@itctosi.va.it; Web page:http://www.itctosi.va.it

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,11

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Veronika Gerhard

+49 5671 99240 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Albert-Schweitzer-Schule Hofgeismar

+49 5671 992425 Magazinstr. 21

Organiser Email:

gym.ass.hofgeismar@schule.landkreiskassel.de Hofgeismar

Postal Code: D-34469

Title: 09,11 - DE - Education in rural areas - challenge and chance

Beginning date: 04.12.2006 Venue: Hofgeismar

End Date: 08.12.2006 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German English French

Reference OBJECTIVE 3.5 :


Nr of places: 18 Min required: 7

Noch immer sind Kinder auf dem Lande im Vergleich zu stdtischen Zentren unterprivilegiert, auch was ihren Zugang
zu kulturellen Aktivitten betrifft. Wir sehen das als Herausforderung und wollen Mglichkeiten zeigen, die man
entdecken und nutzen kann. Wir wollen Sie mit unterschiedlichen Schultypen bekannt machen, z. B. einem
Oberstufengymnasium, das am hessischen Europaschulprogramm teilnimmt und Unesco-Projektschule ist. Es soll
gezeigt werden, wie man mit lokalen und regionalen Einrichtungen - z. B. Ev. Akademie, Bibliotheken, Museen - in
verschiedenen Schulstufen zusammenarbeiten und lokale Traditionen (Grimms Mrchen/Reinhardswald/Tierpark)
einbeziehen kann. Die aktuelle Bildungsdiskussion wird mit Experten aus der Region gefhrt. Ein Besuch in
Documentastadt Kassel kann sich anschlieen. Mehr auf unserer Homepage: www.ass-hofgeismar.de

Children in far off regions still are underprivileged as to their access to cultural activities. We want to show that this is
a challenge to be met. We would like to make you acquainted with different types of schools in Nordhessen,
especially an "Oberstufengymnasium" that takes part in a "Europaschulprogramm" and is a "Unesco-Project" school.
You will learn how local and regional sources such as "Evangelisch Akademie", libraries, museums, and local
traditions - such as the Grimm fairy tales (Sababurg, Reinhardswald, Tierpark) can efficiently be used in different
stages of education in the process of introducing the European dimension. The discussion about education will be
presented by the way of videos and live debates with regional experts. In addition we want ot offer you highlights of
our region: a visit to Kassel (town of Documenta, a world-famous picture gallery - Rembrandt and the like -,
impressive parks and monuments, etc.). Language support in French. Our homepage: www.ass-hofgeismar.de

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,12

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Gennaro Esposito, Cristina Persone'

+39 099 4706866 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Istituto Comprensivo Galilei

+39 099 4707447 Vico Carducci, 9

Organiser Email:

istitutogalileita@libero.it Taranto - TA

Postal Code: I-74100

Title: 09,12 -IT - Migrazioni, intercultura, scuola: percorsi per la didattica della pace - Migrations, interculture,
school: itineraries for didactics of peace

Beginning date: 11.12.2006 Venue: Taranto

End Date: 15.12.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English French


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Il mondo contemporaneo caratterizzato dalle migrazioni di persone che, in Europa, o provenendo da altre aree del
pianeta, si muovono alla ricerca di migliori condizioni di vita. Obiettivo della visita sar Educare alla pace in una
dimensione europea. Si realizzer linterazione fra operatori provenienti da esperienze culturali e didattiche differenti.
Si acquisiranno competenze utili ad integrare i percorsi formativi e ad individuare metodologie didattiche efficaci verso
i giovani. Questi, pur differenti per provenienza geografica, sono accomunati da un ricco patrimonio di valori che deve
essere conosciuto, compreso e valorizzato. Verr rafforzata la dimensione europea nella pratica educativa. Sono
previsti, in giorni diversi e in presenza di operatori della scuola, delle amministrazioni regionali e locali: 2 tavole
rotonde su Cittadinanza attiva: appartenenza alla realt locale, nazionale ed Europea, rispetto della diversit e delle
culture altre e La mediazione didattica nei rapporti interculturali; Workshop di illustrazione dei percorsi formativi
realizzati su percorsi programmati nelle scuole; 2 giornate di Master class sulle esperienze attuate nelle scuole.
Ulteriori recapiti dellorganizzatore: Tel.: +39.099.4707447, fax: +39.099.4706866, e-mail: info@progettorussia.it

The contemporary world is characterized of migration of people that, in Europe or from other part of the world, move
in pursuit of better life conditions. Purpose of the visit will be Educate to peace in a European dimension. There will
be interaction among operators coming from different cultural and didactic experiences. Participants will acquire
competences useful to integrate formative courses and to determine didactic methodologies good for young people.
Young people, although coming from different places of origin, have the same rich heritage of values which must be
known, understood and valorized. The European dimension will be reinforced in the educative practice. There will be,
in different days and in collaboration with the operators of the school, of the regional and local administrations: 2
round tables about active citizenship, belonging to local, national and European reality, respect of different cultures
and didactic mediation in intercultural relationships; workshop where will be illustrated formative courses carried out
in the schools; 2 days of master class about experiences realized in the schools. Other data of the organiser: Tel.:
+39.099.4707447, fax: +39.099.4706866, e-mail: info@progettorussia.it

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,13

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Christian Veske

+37 2 Type: Private company - services (SER)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: TrainEst O

Tartu mnt 80C

Organiser Email:

christian@hk.tlu.ee Tallinn

Postal Code: EE-10112

Title: 09,13 - EE - European Integration in education

Beginning date: 05.02.2007 Venue: Tallinn

End Date: 09.02.2007 Country: Estonia

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Estonian English ?

Reference Objective 3.5: Strengthening european co-operation


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 3

Euroopa integratsioon on hsti toimiv mnedes valdkondades. Haridussektor ei ole olnud kige edukam
integratsioonis. Haridussektoris on integratsioon toimunud peamiselt krghariduses. Selle ppelhetuse eesmrgiks
on: (a) tutvustada, mida on Eestis tehtud Euroopa integratsiooni osas hariduses ning (b) tutvustada Eesti
haridusssteemi, selle suundumusi ja poliitikaid kesolevas hetkes. ppelhetuse jooksul klastavad osavtjad
haridusasutusi (ldhariduskool, kutsekool, likool ning hariduspoliitikat kujundav asutus) ning kohtuvad vastava ala
spetsialistidega. Korraldajad proovivad seoses ppelhetusega vtta arvesse osavtjate erisoove.

Integration in European context is well functioning in some areas, whereas in others, like education, have not been so
successful. In education, mostly higher education has achieved some level of European integration. This study visit
aims to: (a) Introduce the measures taken in Estonia for European integration on different levels in education
(primary, secondary, vocational and higher), (b) Introduce Estonian education system in general and current policies
and trends. During the study visit participants will visit educational establishments (a secondary school, vocational
school, university and a decision making institution) and meet specialists in the field. Organisers of the study visit try
to meet specific requests of participants. http://www.hk.tlu.ee/?id=87

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,14

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Giuseppe Di Vita

+39 091 6520801 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: IPSSAR P. Borsellino

+39 091 6520801 Piazza G. Bellissima, 3

Organiser Email:

pidivita@libero.it Palermo

Postal Code: I-90146

Title: 09,14 - IT - La Dimensione Europea dell'Istruzione: La scuola per una cittadinanza europea - La Dimension
Europenne de l'Instruction: L'cole pour une nationalit europenne

Beginning date: 19.02.2007 Venue: Palermo

End Date: 23.02.2007 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian French ?

Reference Objective 3.5: Strengthening European Co-Operation


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Obiettivo: Alla luce dellart. 149 del Trattato di Maastricht, dellart. 22 della Carta dei Diritti Fondamentali dellUnione
Europea ed in riferimento alla nuova scadenza del 2010, proposta dalla Strategia di Lisbona, evidenziare il ruolo
dellIstruzione e della formazione professionale, come veicolo privilegiato affinch il comune retaggio culturale,
umanistico e religioso del popolo europeo diventi diritto ed elemento di formazione del cittadino europeo, capace di
saper gestire le sfide della societ conoscitiva. Contenuti della visita: Tra i temi trattati saranno presi in
considerazione lanalisi ed il confronto dei sistemi educativi, compresi la programmazione, i curricola delle scuole
dellUnione europea e la professione docente, nella prospettiva del comune retaggio culturale e delle nuove sfide da
affrontare; le politiche comunitarie dellIstruzione, ed i relativi programmi; il ruolo della cultura umanistica e della
dimensione sociale nella formazione del cittadino europeo; listruzione e la formazione professionale nel nuovo
scenario occupazionale. Attivit previste e soggetti coinvolti: gruppi di lavoro, seminari, workshop, visite guidate ed
incontri con il personale della scuola, con luniversit, con le istituzioni, le associazioni e gli enti locali. Ulteriori recapiti
dell'organizzatore: Cellulare: +39 348 3820452, Tel.: +39.091.6710933, Fax: +39.091.6716804

Objectif: Selon larticle 149 du Trait de Maastricht et larticle 22 de la Carte des Droits Fondamentaux de lUnion
Europenne et par rapport aux objectifs atteindre e dici 2010 tablis la Confrence de Lisbonne, on voudrait
mettre en vidence le rle de linstruction et de la formation professionnelle, comme moyen privilgi pour permettre
que le commun hritage culturel, humaniste et religieux du peuple europen devienne droit et lment de formation
du citoyen europen, capable de grer le dfis de la socit de linformation. Contenus de la visite: analyse et
comparaison des systmes ducatifs, y compris la programmation et les activits des coles de lUnion Europenne
et la profession denseignant, avec la perspective de lhritage culturel europen et des nouveaux dfis; les politiques
communautaires et les programmes de linstruction; le rle de la culture humaniste et de la dimension sociale pour la
formation du citoyen europen; linstruction et la formation professionnelles dans le nouveau scenario du monde du
travail. Activits de la visite: groupes de travail, sminaires dtude, visites guides, meeting avec les professeurs, les
institutions, luniversit, les organismes et les associations locaux. D'autres coordonnes de l'organisateur: mobile
phone: +39 348 3820452, Tel.: +39.091.6710933, Fax: +39.091.6716804, Web page:http://www.ipssarborsellino.it

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,15

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Maria Cristino & Marina Barros

++35121 923 8804 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Cmara Municipal de Sintra - Diviso de Educao

++35121 923 8531 Casa de Santa Maria

Organiser Email: Rua Higino de Sousa n 12

dedu@cm-sintra.pt Sintra

Postal Code: PT-2710 - 487

Title: 09,15 - PT - Gesto de Projectos nas Escolas

Beginning date: 05.03.2007 Venue: Sintra

End Date: 09.03.2007 Country: Portugal

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Portuguese English ?

Reference To show projects concerning ARON themes, which are taking place in several schools from Sintra.
Objectives To show the architectonic, archeological, cultural and landscape patrimony heritage from Sintra.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

Health Education, Promoting Equal Opprtunities at School, The European Dimension, Information and
Communication Techniques, Cooperation of education and training institutions with business enterprises, for
example concerning placements and training opportunities. The architectonic, archeological, cultural and landscape
patrimony heritage from Sintra. Visit to schools, Seminars concerning the projects developed by the schools,
Workshops and exhibitions organized by the students involved in the projects, Visits to several landmarks, which
allowed Sintra to be classified as World Heritage in 1995 by UNESCO.

Educao para a Sade, Escola Inclusiva, Dimenso Europeia, Tcnicas de Informao e Comunicao na Escola,
Cooperao Escola/ Empresas com vista integrao dos alunos na vida activa.O patrimnio arquitectnico,
arqueolgico, cultural e paisagstico do concelho de Sintra. Visita s instalaes escolares. Palestras de
divulgao dos projectos desenvolvidos pelas escolas. Interveno de alunos participantes no trabalho. Partilha
dos produtos elaborados pelos alunos. Visitas aos diferentes marcos histricos, que em muito contriburam para
que, em 1995, Sintra fosse classificada Patrimnio da Humanidade pela UNESCO.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,16

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Barbara Benyskiewicz, Ms Maria Furtak

+48 68 328 64 31 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Osrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli

+48 68 328 64 24 ul. Chopina 15 a

Organiser Email:

B.Benyskiewicz@odn.zgora.pl Zielona Gora

Postal Code: PL-65031

Title: 09,16 - POL - A school for Europe without borders and barriers

Beginning date: 19.03.2007 Venue: Western part of Poland

End Date: 23.03.2007 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

W ramach wizyty studyjnej planuje sie: a) Zajecia w formie interaktywnych wykadw (10%) i warsztatw (90%) w
trzech obszarach tematycznych: *Edukacja dla Europy, czyli przygotowanie do zycia w zjednoczonej Europie
(ksztatowanie postaw i kompetencji kluczowych, np. komunikacyjnych, wspolpracy w grupie); * Edukacja o Europie,
czyli czego i jak uczymy o zjednoczonej Europie; *Edukacja w Europie, czyli ksztatowanie postaw obywatelskich
(otwartosc, tolerancja, prawa czowieka); b) Wizyty w szkoach zielonogorskich, jako prezentacja przykadow
dobrej praktyki; c) Europejski kiermasz, czyli prezentacja projektow aktywnych szkol wojewdztwa lubuskiego.

The study visit includes: a) Interactive lectures (10%) and workshops (90%) in three thematic
areas: Education for Europe, that is preparation for living in united Europe (moulding of attitudes and key
competences, for example communicative competences, co-operation in a group); Education about Europe, that
is what and how to teach about united Europe; Education in Europe, that is moulding of civil attitudes (openness,
tolerance, human rights); b) Visits to schools in Zielona Gora as a presentation of good practices
examples; c) An European fair, that is presentation of active schools projects from lubuskie province. Web

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,17

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Katerina Marcheva

+359 73 831984 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: "St. Kliment Ohridski" Language School

+359 73 831984 PO 410

Organiser Email:

kmarcheva@gmail.com Blagoevgrad

Postal Code: BG-2700

Title: 09,17 - BG - Building bridges in Europe (European dimension in education)

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Blagoevgrad

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Bulgaria

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Bulgarian English French


Objectives dimension

Nr of places: 18 Min required: 6

The visit is intended to heads of schools, supervisors, teacher trainers, inspectors and experts. The participants will
be presented the Bulgarian educational system and will have the possibilities to present their own educational
systems. The visitors will see some examples of European dimension in the host school and in other educational
institutions at different levels. Observations are planned in kindergarten, primary school, technical/vocational school,
university. The focus of these observations will be put on the European element in many subjects of the curriculum
(history, geography, language learning, environmental education, ICT, European literature, music, arts and sports).
The participants will have the opportunity to get in touch with the cultural identity of the region (visit to the Rila
monastery and other natural, historical and cultural monuments). Linguistic support in French will be available.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,18

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Alison Cunningham

+44 (0)1603 223480 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Norfolk County Council

+44 (0)1603 223838 County Hall

Organiser Email:

alison.cunningham@norfolk.gov.uk Norwich

Postal Code: GB-NR1

Title: 09,18 - GB - Supporting International Education

Beginning date: 08.05.2007 Venue: Norwich, UK

End Date: 13.05.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?

Reference Objective 3.5 - strengthening European co-operation


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

The visit will be held in the historical city of Norwich situated in the beautiful landscape of eastern England. During
the week, participants will visit schools and other institutions involved in promoting an international dimension in the
curriculum. Participants will hear at first hand about the government objective that every UK school be linked with
a school in another country by 2010 and about the UK Governments aims as set out in November 2004 in their
document, Putting the World into World Class Education. They will be able to discuss the importance of the
European dimension in education and to see the results of the strategic links which have been forged between
Norfolk and partners overseas in countries such as France and China.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,19

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Eugenia Tesoro

+39 0823 342087 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Comune di Procida - Assessorato alla Cultura

+39 0823 342087 Via Libert, 12 bis

Organiser Email:

eugenia.tesoro@istruzione.it Procida - NA

Postal Code: I-80079

Title: 09,19 - IT - Condividere per cooperare - To share in order to cooperate

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Isola di Procida

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English ?

Reference Objective 3.5: Strengthening European Co-operation


Nr of places: 20 Min required: 5

OBIETTIVI: Promuovere la conoscenza, il confronto, lo scambio di buone pratiche e la condivisione progettuale sulla
cittadinanza europea. Creare un ambiente favorevole alla riflessione sulla cultura alimentare quale paradigma
antropologico della societ per metterne a fuoco i valori, gli aspetti pedagogici e didattici, gli elementi utili alla
costruzione dellidentit europea. Realizzare spazi e momenti di dialogo e confronto sul tema anche con le istituzioni
locali e regionali, le universit, la stampa e i decisori politici. CONTENUTI: Incontri con studenti, docenti, capi
distituto ed esperti. Partecipazione alla Conferenza Tematica organizzata dalla Rete Comenius 3 NEAC (Network of
European Alimentary Culture http://www.neac.eat-online.net), coordinata dallo stesso Assessorato alla Cultura del
Comune di Procida. Approccio integrato ad attivit di osservazione e analisi di esperienze, di formazione, di
cooperazione transnazionale, di integrazione con Istituzioni esterne alla scuola. ATTIVITA: Seminari, tavole rotonde,
incontri-contatti, visite, valutazione esperienze. A queste attivit seguiranno momenti di incontro per confrontare le
diverse esperienze e porre le basi per futuri, possibili gemellaggi e partenariati. Al termine sar redatto un report
congiunto delle attivit svolte. SOGGETTI COINVOLTI: Scuole, Universit, Rete Comenius 3 NEAC, Istituzioni
governative, Aziende, Associazioni.

OBJECTIVES: To promote the acquaintance, the comparison, the exchange of good practices and the projects
sharing on European citizenship. To create an environment favourable to reflecting on the alimentary culture as an
anthropological paradigm of society in order to highlight the values, the pedagogical and didactic aspects, the useful
elements to build a European identity. To implement spaces and occasions for the dialogue and the confrontation
about the topic also with local and regional Institutions, Universities, press and political decision makers. CONTENTS:
Meetings with students, teachers, heads of schools and experts. Participation to the Thematic Conference organized
by the Comenius 3 Network NEAC (Network of European Alimentary Culture http://www.neac.eat-online.net), with
the coordination of the same Municipality of Procida Department for Culture. Integrated approach to observation
activities and analysis of experiences, training, transnational cooperation, integration of schools with external
Institutions. ACTIVITIES: Seminaries, roundtables, meeting-contacts, visits, experiences evaluation. These activities
will be followed by meetings during which the several experiences will be compared and the foundations for future
twinnings and partnerships will be laid. At the end a joint report about the activities carried out will be produced.
INVOLVED SUBJECTS: Schools, Universities, NEAC Comenius 3 Network, Governmental Institutions, Companies,
Associations. Web page: http://www.neac.eat-online.net

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,20

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Elena Trincanato

+39 091 6113911 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: IRRE Sicilia

+39 091 6113938 Via Mariano Stabile, 172

Organiser Email:

trincanato@irresicilia.it Palermo - PA

Postal Code: I-90139

Title: 09,20 - IT- Dimensione Europea dell'educazione - European dimension in education

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Palermo

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Obiettivi: 1. Migliorare la qualit e lefficacia dellistruzione e formazione nellunione europea, essendo sempre pi
evidente la crescente integrazione fra dimensione europea e dimensione nazionale; 2. Migliorare e promuovere il
concetto europeo di educazione nel territorio, rispettando le esperienze locali, le diversit e riconoscendo le altre
culture; 3. Favorire il tema della cittadinanza europea, vista come consapevolezza dellappartenenza alla dimensione
locale, nazionale ed europea; 4. Costruire relazioni che favoriscano la cooperazione, sostengano i progetti scolastici e
contribuiscano a rinforzare leducazione europea e a creare il cittadino europeo. Attivit: Visite alle scuole che hanno
sviluppato progetti europei pertinenti al tema n. 9; Partecipazione ad attivit didattiche in classe rivolte allo sviluppo
della dimensione europea delleducazione; Incontri con i responsabili locali dellistruzione. Soggetti coinvolti:
Partecipanti alla visita Arion (specialisti operanti nella scuola e decisori politici); referente IRRE e gruppo di progetto;
dirigenti scolastici, docenti e alunni delle classi coinvolte. Ulteriori recapiti dell'organizzatore: e-mail:
elenatrinca@libero.it, http://www.irresicilia.it

Aims: 1. Improving the quality and the effectiveness of education and training in the EU as it seems more and more
evident the increasing integration between the European dimension and the national dimension; 2. Improving and
promoting the European concept of education in the local community, respecting at the same time local custom,
diversity and recognising other cultures; 3. Promoting the themes of European citizenship seen as awareness of
belonging to the local, national and European dimension; 4. Building relations which promote cooperation, support
school projects and contribute to reinforce the European education and to create the European Citizen. Activities:
Visits to schools that have developed European projects relating to the theme n. 9; Taking part in classroom activities
aiming at the development of the European dimension in education; Meetings with the authorities in charge of the
education at local level. Participants: Participants to the Arion study visit (Education specialists and decision makers
of the EU); IRRE organizer and project group; headmasters, teachers and pupils of the involved schools. Other data
of the organiser: e-mail: elenatrinca@libero.it, http://www.irresicilia.it

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,21

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Jos Manuel lvarez Martnez

+34 95 2690733/34 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Direccin Provincial de Educacin

+34 952 68343 Cervantes 6-3 planta

Organiser Email:

upe5@melilla.dp.mec.es Melilla

Postal Code: ES-52001

Title: 09,21 - ES - La construccin de una Europea unida desde la escuela.

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Melilla

End Date: 12.05.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English Spanish

Objectives COHESION. Gender equality in tertiary education and continuous training.

Nr of places: 20 Min required: 10

The organization of this study visit in a multicultural context as the town of Melilla-in which the Muslim, Jewish, Hindu,
Christian and Gypsy cultures have lived together for years-is aimed at the presentation of a theoretical proposal as
well as some practical experiences focused on the promotion of education for citizenship, intercultural communication
and social cohesion in Europe nowadays form Primary and Secondary Education schools. The participants will have
the opportunity to know innovative curricular materials, examples of good practice through the visit to different schools
and even further, the way of living in an intercultural community in Europe.

La celebracin de esta visita en un contexto tan multicultural como el de nuestra ciudad -en la que conviven las
culturas hebrea, musulmana, cristina, hind y gitana desde hace aos- tiene como objetivo ofrecer una propuesta
terica y experiencias prcticas orientadas a contextos multiculturales basadas en el fomento de la educacin para la
ciudadana, la convivencia intercultural y la cohesin social en la Europa actual desde la Educacin Primaria y
Secundaria. Los participantes tendrn la oportunidad de conocer a lo largo de la visita materiales curricualres
innovadores, ejemplos de buena prctica a travs de las visitas de centros educativos as como la forma de vida de
una comunidad intercultural.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,22

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Rachele Verrier

+44 (0)1622 696592 Type: Education authority

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Kent County Council

+44 (0)1622 694012 International Development Unit

Organiser Email: Sessions House, County Hall

rachele.verrier@kent.gov.uk Maidstone

Postal Code: GB-ME14

Title: 09,22 - GB - The European Dimension in Education and Training

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: Maidstone, UK

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English French

Reference Objective 3.5 - Strengthening European co-operation


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

Partcipants will have the opportunity to meet with educationalists and receive a background to the edcuation system
in Kent. A number of school visits will be included in the programme at both primary and secondary level, where
participants can meet with staff and students and discuss and see how The European Dimension is included in
teaching and training in schools. Time will also be allocated during the programme for cultural activities/visits in the
historic and beautifiul county of Kent. Web Page: www.kent.gov.uk

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,23

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr. Jzsef Gl

06 62 246 446 Type: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Szegedi Tudomnyegyetem Mezgazd. Fiskolai Kar

06 62 241 779 Andrssy t 15.

Organiser Email:

gal@mfk.u-szeged.hu Hdmezvsrhely

Postal Code: HU-6800

Title: 09,23 - HU - Partnership beyond Borders - European Dimension in Education

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: Hdmezvsrhely, Southern Great Plain

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Hungary

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Hungarian English ?

Reference Objective 3.5: Strengthening European co-operation


Nr of places: 20 Min required: 8

Our goal is to speak about European dimension in the education, the acceptance and equality. We would like to
present our results and discuss the ideas and results of the other countries. We live close to borders, therefore
international cooperation in our region is very important for schools. We would like to visit primary, secondary
schools, a university, an adult training center operated by a private company, and the educational council of the local
government. The course will cover the different aspects of education; elementary, secondary, vocational schools,
minorities, environmental education, sport, handicapped children. We plan to show examples also from Romania.
We would like to survey the real situation not just the best practice. The course will be held in a training center based
in Hodmezovasarhely. Web page: www.mfk.u-szeged.hu

Clunk, hogy beszljnk az oktats eurpai dimenziirl, az elfogadsrl s a megfelelsrl. Szeretnnk bemutatni
eredmnyeinket s megkrdezni ms orszgok kpviselit, beszlni gondolataikrl, eredmnyeikrl. Klnbz
orszgok hatrai kzelben helyezkednk el, ezrt a nemzetkzi egyttmkds az iskolk letben nagyon fontos.
A tovbbkpzs egy tovbbkpz kzpontban kap helyet Hdmezvsrhelyen. Szeretnnk megltogatni ltalnos
s kzpiskolt, egyetemet, magnszfra ltal zemeltetett felnttkpz intzmnyt s a helyi nkormnyzat oktatsi
bizottsgt. Beszlnk, tapasztalatot szerznk az oktats eurpai dimenziirl ltalnos, kzp, szakkpz iskolk
nemzetisgiek, kisebbsgek, a nk, a krnyezeti nevels, a sport, az egszsgmegrzs, a problms s
fogyatkkal l gyerekek s dikok tekintetben, valamint a kbtszer s az alkohol sszefggsben. Beszlnk az
eurpai trendekrl s az iskola felelssgrl, a megelzsrl eurpai dimenziban. Pldkat hozunk Romnibl,
amely hamarosan EU tagg vlhat s Szerbia & Montenegrbl, amely a tvolabbi jvben csatlakozik. Nem csupn
a legjobb gyakorlatrl, hanem a valsgrl szeretnnk beszlni.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,24

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Idil LEYLEK & Mustafa GURKAN

+90-532-3550713(GSM) Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: ISPARTA GAZ LSES

+90-246-2231034 ISTIKLAL MAH.

Organiser Email: MERKEZ

ileylek78@yahoo.com or mustafa_gurkan@yahoo.co. ISPARTA

Postal Code: TUR-32100

Title: 09,24 - TUR - Getting Used to Live in an Extended Europe

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: ISPARTA

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English French


Objectives dimension in education and training

Nr of places: 20 Min required: 6

The general purpose of the planned activity is to make the educators contribute to the European mosaic by
making the students attend culture or language classes which may be held once or twice a week. By this way we can
observe the affects of the culture on students and they can be aware of the the others in an expanding Europe.By
teaching the different cultures of Europe to the students both the teachers and the students will be made aware of
the colours of Europe. The main aim of the planned acitivity will be talking and deciding what precautions can be
taken at schools about the diminishing languages like Irish,Turkish,Swedish and about the cultures of the nominee
countries for the EU.Information regarding to the cultural background and different languages of Europe will be
provided. Speakers from European countries will tell about their plans and intentions and the participants will be
informed about Turkish culture and language. An excursion to Antalya , which is a very close touristic town will be
organised during the activity period and the histocial monuments,a museum and some interesting places showing
about Turkish culture will be visited.

Le but gnral des activits organises; les leves participent aux lecons une ou deux fois par semaine sur l'union
europenne. Apres ces travaux on peut observer les effets sur les leves au sujet de lducation culturelle ainsi que
les diffrences a l'chelle europenne. On discute les langues moins rpandues: le turc, irlandais, suedois, etc. et les
cultures des pays candidats. On fournit l'information sur les cultures anciennes et les langues diffrentes. Les
participants auront la facult de prsenter la situation dans leur propre pays. Pendant la visite d'Arion on fera une
promenade dans la region touristique Antalaya, por visiter les monuments historiques, les muses et tous les
batiments intrssants.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,25

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Eva Alos

+44 (0)121 464 5726 Type: Tech/vocat. edu. in conjunction with work(EDU 3.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Athena Eicaz

+44 (0)121 464 5725 Harborne Hill School

Organiser Email: Harborne Road, Edgbaston

athena@seaz.bham.org.uk Birmingham

Postal Code: B15

Title: 09,25 - GB - Powerful Video Conferencing / El poder de la video conferencia

Beginning date: 28.05.2007 Venue: Birmingham, UK

End Date: 01.06.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English Spanish

Reference 1.3 - Ensuring access to ICT for everyone


Nr of places: 30 Min required: 10

This visit will offer an exploration of Video Conferencing as a tool to expand and enhance teaching and learning
opportunities. Video Conferencings unique key facilitates greater and more collaboration, virtual presence and
content and resources for education. There will be a demonstration of powerful Video Conferencing immersive,
concurrent and distributed learning in action. Participants will have the opportunity to examine different models of
working and application of Video Conferencing including models for curriculum delivery, educational partnerships,
teachers professional development, training and inclusion. The program will also include practical workshops, visits
and demonstrations.

Exploracin de la video conferencia como una herramienta para mejorar las opportunidades de ensear y
aprender. Las caracterticas nicas de la video conferencia ms y mejor; colaboracin; presencia virtual y
contenidos y materials para la educacin. Una demonstracin del poder de la video conferencia- aprendizaje
immersivo, concurrente y distribuido. Una examinacin de los modelos de trabajo y aplicacin de la video
conferencia utilizando modelos para ensear el currculum, asociaciones educativas, desarrollo professional del
profesorado, formacin e inclusin. El programa incluye talleres practices, visitas y demonstraciones.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,26

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Krystyna Juzwicka

+ 48 43 8236979 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Wojewodzki Osrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli

+48 43 8273071 ul. Tuwima 2

Organiser Email:

kryjuz0@poczta.onet.pl Sieradz

Postal Code: PL-98200

Title: 09,26 - POL - European Dimension in Education Cultures of the Nations, Cultures of the Regions

Beginning date: 04.06.2007 Venue: Lodz region

End Date: 08.06.2007 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English ?

Reference Strengthening European Co-operation


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 5

Program wizyty adresowany jest do specjalistow z dziedziny edukacji odpowiedzialnych za zarzadzanie szkolami i
administrowanie oswiata. Uczestnicy beda mieli sposobnosc zobaczenia w jaki sposob edukacja europejska i
edukacja srodowiskowa s promowane i realizowane w dwch powiatach naszego regionu w powiecie sieradzkim
oraz powiecie zdunskowolskim. Chcemy pokazac korelacje programow szkoleniowych oferowanych przez
Wojewodzki Osrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Sieradzu z projektami w zakresie edukacji europejskiej i edukacji
srodowiskowej/regionalnej, realizowanymi w roznych szkolach powiatow naszego regionu. Wspolpraca nauczycieli,
edukatorow i przedstawicieli wydziaow edukacji lokalnych samorzadow wydaje si byc kluczem do sukcesu we
wprowadzaniu europejskiego wymiaru edukacji. Nasi goscie beda mieli mozliwosc odpoczynku w przyjemnych i
malowniczych okolicach Sieradza i Zdunskiej Woli, zobaczenia ciekawych miejsc regionu, a takze sposobnosc
zwiedzenia drugiego co do wielkoci miasta w Polsce Lodzi.

The programme of our visit has been scheduled for education specialists responsible for school management and
school administration. The participants will be offered the opportunity of getting to know how European and
environmental education are being promoted and implemented in the two local districts of our region Sieradz region
and Zduska Wola region. We intend to show the correlation between the training programmes offered by In-Service
Teacher Training Centre (WODN) in Sieradz and the European and environmental/regional educational projects
realized in different types of schools in the districts of our region. The cooperation of teachers, educators and the
representatives of education departments of local councils seems to be the key to reaching success in introducing
European dimension in education. Our guests will also have the opportunity to relax in the nice and picturesque
vicinities of Sieradz and Zduska Wola, see interesting places of the region, and visit the second largest town in
Poland d.web-page:www.wodnsieradz.edu.pl

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06009,27

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Jos Eilenbecker

++352808011213 Type: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Lyce classique Diekirch

++352808011214 32 avenue de la Gare

Organiser Email:

directeur@lcd.lu; joseph.eilenbecker@education.lu Diekirch

Postal Code: L-9233

Title: 09,27 - LU - L'introduction de la dimension europenne a l' cole

Beginning date: 18.06.2007 Venue: Luxembourg

End Date: 24.06.2007 Country: Luxembourg

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French English French

Reference Faire connatre la ralit et les projets europens vcus et envisags par la communaut scolaire du
Objectives Lyce d'accueil et d'autres coles partenaires. Etablir des directives prcises visant enrichir les
Report programmes scolaires de la dimension europenne.

Nr of places: 18 Min required: 12

Le Lyce Classique de Diekirch a une longue exprience dans diffrents projets et changes europens - comme.:
journes europennes, Comenius, Pegase. Le projet permet aux responsables et dcideurs de l'ducation au niveau
europen d'adapter et de repenser leur travail en tenant compte de l'exprience directe acquise en matire de
structures et de rformes ducatives dans d'autres Etats membres.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06010,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Erkan KULOGLU

+90-505-7237400(GSM) Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Mesleki ve Teknik Eitim Merkezi Mdrl

+90-422-5172424 METEM

Organiser Email: Doanehir

905074@meb.gov.tr or ekuloglu44@hotmail.com MALATYA

Postal Code: TUR-44000

Title: 10,01 - TUR - Effects of connecting the vocational education

Beginning date: 02.10.2006 Venue: MALATYA

End Date: 06.10.2006 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English ?

Objectives Evaluation of training programmes for teachers and trainers

Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5

School management practices and their introduction, studies and impressions. The opinions, ideas and advices about
the effects of connecting the profesonal education on school, environment, school administration, teacher, student
and education. Introduction of historical and natural beauties of our district and traveling these places will be within
the content of our programme.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06010,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Cihad Demirli

+90-535-7070358(GSM) Type: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Firat University Technical Education Faculty

+90-424-2367064 Firat Univ. Teknik Egitim Fak.

Organiser Email:

cdemirli@firat.edu.tr ELAZIG

Postal Code: TUR-23119

Title: 10,02 - TUR - Contemporary Technical Teacher Training System

Beginning date: 13.11.2006 Venue: ELAZIG

End Date: 17.11.2006 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English ?

Objectives Evaluation of training programmes for teachers and trainers, Conditions for becoming a teacher or
Report trainer according to educational level

Nr of places: 14 Min required: 7

The objective of the programme is to discuss about the technical teacher training system. Improving the quality of
technical teachersskills according to the needs of the technical education sector providing the national technical
education system and development and also sharing the experiences will be the key issues in the program. During
the Study Visit, informing all participants about old-Elazig (Harput) and its historical places, and visiting them in
different times during the program, visiting vocational high schools in Elazig, sharing the experiences and discussing
about the development of the cooperation between the teacher training programs and the schools have been
planned. Improving the quality of technical teachersskills according to the needs of the vocational educational sector
are among the important aims of the program.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06010,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Antonio Fernndez Bermudo

+34 95 5034314 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: DELEGACIN PROVINCIAL DE EDUCACIN

+34 95 5034421 Ronda Tamarguillo s/n

Organiser Email:

antonio.fernandez.bermudo@juntadeandalucia.es Sevilla

Postal Code: ES-41005

Title: 10,03 - ES - La profesin docente. The teaching profession

Beginning date: 13.11.2006 Venue: Sevilla

End Date: 17.11.2006 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

El objetivo de la visita es apreciar la importancia del rol del profesorado en la educacin de nuestro siglo. Se dar un
especial nfasis a cuestiones educativas relacionadas con las TIC, la enseanza bilinge y la formacin del
profesorado. Los participantes tendrn la oportunidad de compartir ejemplos de buenas prcticas, incluyendo
reuniones y discusiones con expertos, adems de visitas a centros educativos.

The aim of this visit is to enable the participants to appreciate the importance of the teachersrole in education of our
century. A special emphasis will be given to the pedagogical issues of teaching and learning through ICT, bilingual
teaching and in-service teachers training. Participants will have the opportunity to observe and shares good practice.
The study visit will include: meetings, discussions with experts and visits to both primary and secondary schools.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06010,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Eva Frech

+49 721 925 5775 Type: Inst. for initial teacher training (EDU 7)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Staatliches Seminar fr Didaktik und Lehrerbildung

+49 721 925 5777 Kaiserallee 11

Organiser Email:

Edgar.Traub@Seminar-BS-KA.kv.bwl.de Karlsruhe

Postal Code: D-76133

Title: 10,04 - DE - Kennenlernen der Aus- und fortbildung fr Lehrkrfte an beruflichen Schulen in Baden-

Beginning date: 05.02.2007 Venue: Karlsruhe

End Date: 09.02.2007 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German English German

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.1 :


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 7

Vorstellung des Staatlichen Seminars fr Didaktik und Lehrerbildung (Berufliche Schulen) in Karlsruhe Aufgaben
des Seminars, innovative Elemente der Lehrerbildung (z.B. e-learning), Projekte des Seminars Kennenlernen
einiger Schulen, die zuknftige Lehrer ausbilden (gewerbliche Schule, Hotelfachschule, kaufmnnische
Schule) Besuch der Akademie fr Lehrerfortbildung in Esslingen (Schwerpunkt: neue Technologien) Gesprche
mit dualen Partnern (IHK Karlsruhe, Mercedes-Benz, Rastatt, Firma Metallschlauch Witzenmann,
Pforzheim) http://www.bs.seminar-karlsruhe.de/sprach.html

Teacher training and further education for teachers at vocational schools in Baden-Wuerttemberg Introduction to
the Regional Teacher Training Institution (SSBS) for vocational schools in Karlsruhe: Tasks of the SSBS,
innovative elements in teacher training (e.g. e-learning), special projects of the SSBS Visit to three vocational
schools which participate in teacher training (Rastatt, Heidelberg, Pforzheim) Visit to the Regional Academy for
Further Education in Teaching, Esslingen (near Stuttgart) - specialty: new technologies Visit to the Chamber of
Industry and Commerce, Karlsruhe, and to two companies which train apprentices ( Mercedes-Benz, Rastatt and
Witzenmann, Pforzheim) http://www.bs.seminar-karlsruhe.de/sprach.html

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Visit No: 06010,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Marjory Hay

+44 (0) 131 314 6079 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: General Teaching Council for Scotland

+44 (0) 131 314 6003 Clerwood House

Organiser Email: 98 Clermiston Road

marjory.hay@gtcs.org.uk Edinburgh

Postal Code: GB-EH12

Title: 10,05 - GB - The Professional Development of Teachers in Scotland

Beginning date: 12.02.2007 Venue: Edinburgh, Scotland

End Date: 16.02.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

This study visit will offer participants an opportunity to learn about, discuss and debate recent innovations in the
professional development of teachers within the Scottish education system: from initial teacher education in the
universities, through the one year teacher induction scheme for new teachers, and onto further continuing
professional development opportunities including the Chartered Teacher Programme and the Scottish Qualification
for Headship. All of these stages of a teachers development are matched against Standards. The various roles of the
GTCS in these areas of professional development will be explored. The General Teaching Council for Scotland was
set up in 1965. It was the first such body for teachers in the United Kingdom and, indeed, one of the first teaching
councils in the world. The Council is an advisory non-departmental public body funded from the annual registration
fees paid by registered teachers and not from the public purse. Its key functions include: to maintain a register of
those entitled to teach in public sector schools and colleges in Scotland; to keep under review the standards of
education, training and fitness to teach of persons entering the teaching profession in Scotland; to oversee the
management of the probationary period for teachers; to accredit all modules and programmes leading to the award of
Chartered Teacher and all programmes leading to the award of the Scottish Qualification for Headship. Web Page:

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Visit No: 06010,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Nina Mares

+32 2 553 95 80 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Nina Mares

+32 2 553 95 65 Departement Onderwijs

Organiser Email: Koning Albert II-laan, 15

nina.mares@ond.vlaanderen.be Brussel

Postal Code: BE-1210

Title: 10,06 - BE - The teaching profession

Beginning date: 19.03.2007 Venue: Brussels

End Date: 23.03.2007 Country: Belgium (Flemish speaking)

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Dutch English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Leerkrachten vormen de spil van het onderwijs. Het onderwijs en de vorming van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap staan
bekend om hun kwaliteit. Die is in eerste instantie het resultaat van de stielkennis en de inzet van het onderwijzend,
ondersteunend en ander personeel. Maar de modernisering van het personeelsbeleid is meer dan ooit aan de orde.
Leerkrachten moeten hun job in goede omstandigheden kunnen uitoefenen. Een aantrekkelijk loopbaanperspectief en
een verdere professionalisering staan daarbij voorop. Hun jobinhoud moet variren. Professionals hebben ook het
recht om hun gezag uit te oefenen en moeten daarvoor vertrouwen en respect krijgen van de samenleving en de
overheid. Bij de vernieuwing van de lerarenopleiding in Vlaanderen werd onder andere vertrokken van volgende
uitgangspunten: de lerarenopleiding moet ook openstaan voor zij-instromers, permanente professionalisering is een
onderdeel van het lerarenberoep, de aantrekkelijkheid van het beroep moet ook via de lerarenopleiding gegarandeerd
worden, Via bezoeken aan het Departement Onderwijs en scholen, gesprekken met ambtenaren, experts,
schoolhoofden en leerkrachten wordt een inzicht gegeven in deze thematiek.

Teachers are the key figures in education. Education and training in the Flemish Community are known for their
quality. This is in the first phase the result of the expertise and the dedication of the educational, support and other
staff. But the modernization of the personnel management needs to be discussed. Teachers need to have good
conditions in which they can perform. An attractive career perspective and a continuing professionalization are
priorities. Their job content has to vary. When renewing the teacher training in Flanders, the government took in
consideration following basic assumptions: the teacher training must be open for unqualified teachers, permanent
professionalization is a part of the job, the attractiveness of the teaching profession must also be guaranteed through
the teaching training, This theme is clarified during visits to the Education Department and schools, and through
discussions with civil servants, experts, head teachers and teachers. Web page: http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/

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Visit No: 06010,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ursula Hermes

+49 2171 738125 Type: Inst. for initial teacher training (EDU 7)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Studienseminar fr Lehrmter an SchulenLeverkusen

+49 2171 368028 Brckenstr. 10-12

Organiser Email:

u.hermes@koeln.de Leverkusen

Postal Code: D-51379

Title: 10,07 - DE - Die Lehrerausbildung in Nordrhein-Westfalen an Schule und Seminar

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Leverkusen

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.1 :

Report OBJECTIVE 3.1 :

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 7

Die Lehrerausbildung in Nordrhein-Westfalen erfolgt nach dem Studium sowohl am Studienseminar als auch an
Schulen. Die Referendare werden von den Seminaren einer Schule zugewiesen, die ihrer Ausbildung entspricht. Die
Referendare mssen 12 Wochenstunden nachweisen, die sich in Ausbildungsunterricht (Unterricht unter Anleitung)
und selbststndigen Unterricht aufteilen. Sie nehmen darber hinaus an zwei Fachseminaren pro Woche und am
Hauptseminar teil. Der Studienaufenthalt wird neben einer allgemeinen Einfhrung in die Struktur der
Studienseminare und des Seminarprogramms die Gelegenheit bieten, die Referendare an ihren Schulen, im
Unterricht und in den Unterrichtsnachbesprechungen zu erleben. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer werden
Gesprche mit Ausbildungskoordinatoren und Seminarausbildern fhren und an Seminarveranstaltungen
teilnehmen. Kln und Bonn sind mit ffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln leicht zu erreichen, Stadtfhrungen sind

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06010,08

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Dr. Hubertus Stellmacher

+49 451 282126 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Leibniz-Gymnasium

+49 451 2962710 Lbecker Str. 75

Organiser Email:

leibniz@leibnizgymnasium.de Bad Schwartau

Postal Code: D-23611

Title: 10,08 - DE - Der Vorbereitungsdienst fr Lehrkrfte in Schleswig-Holstein und die Ausbildungsschule am

Beispiel des Leibniz-Gymnasiums im Bad Schwartau

Beginning date: 06.05.2007 Venue: Bad Schwartau

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.1 :


Nr of places: 8 Min required: 4

Als Lehrkraft kann in Schleswig-Holstein angestellt werden, - wer nach einer Hochschulausbildung die Befhigung
fr den Lehrberuf erworben hat und - wer einen zweijhrigen Vorbereitungsdienst erfolgreich absolviert hat. Die
Lehrkrfte in Ausbildung werden whrend des Vorbereitungsdienstes einer Ausbildungsschule zugewiesen. Der
Vorbereitungsdienst hat die folgenden Ziele: 1. Die im Hochschulstudium erworbenen Befhigungen im didaktischen
und pdagogischen Bereich sollen erweitert und vertieft werden. 2. Dieses soll in einem engen Bezug zum erteilten
Unterricht geschehen. 3. Dabei sollen definierte Standards erreicht werden. 4. Die zuknftigen Lehrer sollen nach
dem Vorbereitungsdienst in der Lage sein, Schler auch differenziert und individuell zu frdern und 5.
Entwicklungsprozesse der Schule mitzugestalten. Am Leibniz-Gymnasium werden diese Ziele durch die Arbeit nach
einem Schulprogramm verfolgt, das der Frderung der Selbststndigkeit und Eigenverantwortung von Schlern und
auch der von Lehrkrften in der Ausbildung groen Wert beimisst. Nhere und weitere Informationen knnen der
Homepage des Leibniz-Gymnasiums (www.leibnizgymnasium.de) entnommen werden. Dort wird unter dem Link
ARION auch der aktuelle Planungsstand dieses Studienaufenthalts fortgeschrieben.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06010,09

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: MARIA LUISA IGLESIAS

+34 968 362261 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: CONSEJERA DE EDUCACIN


Organiser Email: 32 2 ESCALERA.4 PISO

mluisa.iglesias@carm.es MURCIA

Postal Code: ES-30005

Title: 10,09 - ES - Education and in-service teacher training

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Murcia

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English Spanish

Reference 1.1: Improving education and training for teachers and trainers

Nr of places: 14 Min required: 6

Explicaremos y mostraremos las actuaciones y medidas mediante las que la Consejera de Educacin y Cultura de la
Regin de Murcia desarrolla la formacin permanente del profesorado. Se abordarn especialmente los aspectos del
Sistema Educativo Espaol y el estudio de la red de formacin del profesorado, con sus diferentes modalidades de
formacin. Se visitar un Centro de Profesores y Recursos y se presentarn dos proyectos europeos innovadores:
PEL, proyecto piloto Leonardo da Vinci y el proyecto PLUMIER, sobre integracin de las TIC en educacin. Tambin
se incluir una muestra del Plan Regional de Formacin del Profesorado

We will explain and show the actions and measures used by la Consejera de Educacin y Cultura de la Region de
Murcia in terms of education and in-service teacher training. We will look at: 1)aspects of the Spanish Educational
System; 2) study of the in service teacher training network of training for teachers; 3) visit one Resource and
Teacher Training Centre to study different methods of training; 3) two innovative European projects: PEL, Leonardo
da Vinci pilot project; 4)Exhibition of the Regional Plan for teacher training; 5) PLUMIER, project for the integration of
ICT in education.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06010,10

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Bettina Schmidt, Simone Huber-Langendorf

+49 711 2169701 Type: Education authority

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Staatliches Schulamt Stuttgart

+49 711 2169719 Bebelstr. 48

Organiser Email:

Bettina.Schmidt@stuttgart.de Stuttgart

Postal Code: D-70193

Title: 10,10 - DE - On the way to a job: Co-operation of education and training institutions with business

Beginning date: 06.05.2007 Venue: Stuttgart

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German English

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.1 :

Report OBJECTIVE 3.1 :

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Baden-Wrttemberg und seine Hauptstadt Stuttgart bilden eine Region mit langer handwerklicher und industrieller
Tradition. Bekannte Unternehmen wie Daimler-Chrysler, Porsche und Bosch fanden hier ihren
Ursprung. Schwerpunkte dieses Studienprogramms sind: - Verknpfung von schulischer und beruflicher
Bildung - Berufsvorbereitung in der Sekundarstufe 1unter besonderer Bercksichtigung des Technik- und
Hauswirtschaftsunterrichts - Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schule und Unternehmen - Motivationstraining und
Vermittlung von Sozialkompetenz Im Laufe der Woche werden wir Sekundarschulen, berufliche Schulen und
Firmen besuchen um uns ein Bild ber den aktuellen Stand der Zusammenarbeit zu machen.

Baden-Wrttemberg and its capital city Stuttgart have always been an area with a long tradition of entrepreneurship.
Well-known companies like Daimler-Chrysler, Porsche and Bosch took their rise from here. The study visit will
focus on the following issues: - teaching technical subjects and home economics at lower secondary schools -
vocational training at school - co-operation between school and business entreprises - teaching social skills We
will be visiting lower secondary schools, vocational schools and companies to observe the system in operation.

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Visit No: 06010,11

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Carlos Almeida

++351219231880 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Escola Secundria de Santa Maria

++351219231164 Rua Pedro Cintra

Organiser Email: Portela de Sintra

caze86@hotmail.com Portela de Sintra

Postal Code: PT-2710-436

Title: 10,11 - PT - Practice of student teachers at school

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Sintra & Lisbon

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Portugal

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Portuguese English ?

Reference Objective 1.1 Improving education and training for teachers and trainers

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

The aim of the visit is to give an insight on the Portuguese education and teacher training systems. Visitors will have
the chance to witness the different kind of teaching practices the student teachers from different areas of knowledge
have to pass through. It will also be possible to see what kind of work universities develop with the training teachers
and what kind of tools they have to tutor/evaluate the student teachers.It will be very important the exchange of
experiences between all the participants. During the visit, participants will have the chance of having a close look at
the school reality observing classes, contacting with teachers and pupils. It will also be possible visit universities and
participate in debates.

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Visit No: 06010,12

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Marzanna Tyburska, Ms Jadwiga Hryniewicz

+ 48 55 643 52-42 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Warminsko Mazurski Osrodek Nauczycieli

+ 48 55 643 52 52 ul Saperow 20

Organiser Email:

m.tyburska@wmodn.elblag.pl Elblag

Postal Code: Pl-82300

Title: 10,12 - POL - Professional development and teachers job improvement

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: Elblag

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English French

Reference Objective 1.1: Improving Education and Training for Teachers and Trainers

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 5

Celem wizyty jest pokazanie zawodu nauczyciela w polskim systemie edukacyjnym, ze szczegolnym uwzglednieniem
doskonalenia zawodowego. W trakcie wizyty omowiony bdzie system ksztalcenia, doskonalenia i awansowania
nauczycieli a takze beda pokazane instytucje zajmujace si organizowaniem roznorodnych form doskonalenia dla
nauczycieli tzw warsztatow metodycznych, kursow doskonalacych, kursow kwalifikacyjnych.

The aim of the Study Visit is to present teacher profession in Polish Education System, including teachers training.
The participants will be given the Polish system of educating, training and promoting teachers. They will also meet
institutions responsible for organizing different forms of teachers training e.g. methodology workshops, qualifying
courses. Web page:http://www.wmodn.elblag.pl

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06010,13

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Enver ORHAN

+90-505-6424633(GSM) Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: National Education Directorate of K.Maras Province

+90-344-2235463 Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu

Organiser Email:

enver46@yahoo.de or kmaras_abb@yahoo.com KAHRAMANMARAS

Postal Code: TUR-46060

Title: 10,13 - TUR - Training in Both Enterprises and Schools

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: KAHRAMANMARAS

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English German

Objectives SOCIETY AT LARGE; Co-operation of education and training institutions with business enterprises,
Report for example concerning placements and training opportunities

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

As there are many types of enterprises and vocational training schools in our region and our city is industrial, the
students get their training professionally and increase their knowledge about their profession which they gain at
school, in the enterprises. During the study visit, the classes will be observed in their working area at different types of
schools and then the students in the enterprises.During the study visit, there will be a wider program including visits to
different types of schools, enterprises, vocational training centers, extensive (public) training centers. Beside these,
there are many parts and historical places to see as our city is an ol done. There will be city tour after daily program.

Da unser Stadt eine Industriestadt ist und es viele Industrien bei uns gibt, werden unsere Schler in den
Berufsschulen professionel ausgebildet und deswegen finden sie auch mit ihren Erfahrungen sehr leicht
Arbeitsplaetze im Industriegebiet. Unsere Stadt befindet sich in der Mittelmeer Region und hat 350000 Einwohner;
das ist auch einer der Grnde warum die Berufsausbildung so eine wichtige Position hat. Waehrend des Arion
Studienbesuchs planen wir unsere Schler in ihren Schulen, Industrien; und verschiedenen Berufsschulen zu
besuchen. Neben diesen Aktivitaeten planen wir auch eine Rundfahrt in unserer Stadt. Denn in unserer Stadt gibt es
sehr verschiedene geschichtliche Sehenswrdigkeiten.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06010,14

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Joana Vidal

+34 93 4006933 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: DEPARTAMENT D'EDUCACI

+34 93 4006981 VIA AUGUSTA 202

Organiser Email:

jvidal@xtec.net BARCELONA

Postal Code: ES-08021

Title: 10,14 - ES - Formacin permanente del profesorado: la formacin del profesorado formador

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: Barcelona

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish French English

Reference OBJECTIVE 1,1: Improving education and training for teachers and trainers; OBJECTIVE 1.3:
Objectives Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large

Nr of places: 16 Min required: 5

Presentacin de la formacin permanente del profesorado en Catalua: caractersticas principales, modelos de
gestin, estructura y soporte a la formacin y tipologa de acciones formativas:seguimiento, evaluacin y recursos.
Presentacin de programas de formacin de formadores: competencias bsicas en distintas reas del currculum
escolar. Presentacin de programas de formacin del profesorado de ciencias. Visitas a centros de apoyo al
profesorado. Intercambio de informacin entre los participantes.

Prsentation de la formation continue des professeurs en Catalogne:caractristiques principales, modles de

gestion:structure et support la formation; typologie d' actions formatives, suivi, valuation et ressources.
Prsentation de programmes de formation de formateurs: comptences de base dans diffrents domaines du
curriculum scolaire. Prsentation de programmes de formation pour les professeurs de sciences. Echanges d'
information entre participants. Language support in English

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06010,15

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Recep CALIN or Unsal CERAN

+90-532-5017390(GSM) Type: Technical secondary school (EDU 3.2.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Kirikkale Anatolian Technical High School

+90-318-2242669 Kirikkale AnadoluTeknik Lisesi

Organiser Email: Fabrika Mah.Hurriyet Cad. No:2

recepcalin@hotmail.com or uceran@kateml.net KIRIKKALE

Postal Code: TUR-71100

Title: 10,15 - TUR - The cooperation between school and industry in vocational education

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: KIRIKKALE

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English ?

Objectives SOCIETY AT LARGE; Co-operation of education and training institutions with business enterprises,
Report for example concerning placements and training opportunities

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

The aim of the programme is discuss about the development of the cooperation between the industry and the school,
improving the quality of the intrstaff skills according to the needs of the sector, providing the permanent education and
development and sharing the experiences will be the key issue in the programme.. During the study visit informing the
participant about Krkkale and its touristic and historical places and visitingthem in different times during the
programme, visiting the high schools in Krkkale and Krkkale University and some industrial sectors, sharing the
experiences and discussing about the development of the cooperation between the industry and the planner of
education in this sector.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06010,16

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: OLLIER Balbine

00 33 04-75-39-42-46 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Bassin de formation des EPLE d'Ardche Mridionale
00 33 04-75-39-92-82 Collge Valle de la Beaume

Organiser Email:

Balbine.Ollier@ac-grenoble.fr JOYEUSE

Postal Code: 07

Title: 10,16 - FR - Le professeur principal : rle(s), fonction(s), volution(s)

Beginning date: 12.03.2007 Venue: JOYEUSE (Rgion Rhne-Alpes)

End Date: 16.03.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French Spanish

Reference 1.1 : Amliorer l'ducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs.


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Le rle du professeur principal en collge ou en lyce : mdiateur, tuteur, "orientateur" ? Visite de plusieurs
tablissements scolaires d'un bassin de formation afin de comparer les diffrents rles du professeur principal.
Comparaison avec les autres systmes europens. Quel est le statut institutionnel du professeur principal ? Quelles
sont les volutions de cette fonction dans le systme ducatif franais ? Quelles en sont les objectifs ? Quelle
formation initiale ou continue est mise en place pour aider les professeurs principaux dans leurs diffrents rles ?

El papel del profesor principal en instituto o colegio : mediador, tutor, "orientador" ? Visita de varios centros
escolares de una cuenca de formacin con el fin de comparar los distintos papeles del profesor principal.
Comparacin con los otros sistemas europeos. Cul es el estatuto institucional del profesor principal ? Cules
son las evoluciones de esta funcin en el sistema educativo francs ? Cules son los objetivos ? Qu formacin
inicial o continua se organiza para ayudar a los profesores principales en sus distintos papeles ?

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06011,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Umit SERKEK

+90-505-7484552(GSM) Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: PRIVATE YILDIRIM HIGH SCHOOL

+90-372-3181305 OZEL YILDIRIM LISESI


serkekumit@yahoo.com or feyzullahgulbent@yahoo.c ZONGULDAK

Postal Code: TUR-67310

Title: 11,01 - TUR - Parents and Students Hand in Hand to School

Beginning date: 13.11.2006 Venue: ZONGULDAK

End Date: 17.11.2006 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English ?

Objectives SOCIETY AT LARGE; Participation of parents in school life and in children's learning in general

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 5

To examine the effect of the parents of different nations on education To introduce the Turkish families, traditions
and customs. The role of the family in Turkish education system. To make historical and cultural excursions To
stanbul ( Topkap Palace, Hagia Sofia, Blue Mosque etc. and a yacht tour in the Bosphorus.) To the historic sea
side city Amasra To exchange ideas about different systems

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06011,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Adelaide Iula Perilli

+39 06 80967242 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: IRRE Lazio

+39 06 8070791 Via Guidobaldo del Monte, 54

Organiser Email:

perilli@irre.lazio.it; istituto@irre.lazio.it Roma

Postal Code: I-00197

Title: 11,02 - IT - Family learning: la corresponsabilit delle famiglie come progettazione partecipata - Family
learning: La co-responsabilit des parents dans la condivision du projet de l'institution scolaire

Beginning date: 26.03.2007 Venue: Roma

End Date: 30.03.2007 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian French English


Nr of places: 14 Min required: 5

Obiettivi: diffusione delle buone pratiche di corresponsabilit delle famiglie nellazione educativa/formativa in Europa;
condivisione esiti di pratiche, processi e ricerca educativa sul tema. Contenuti: confronto dei sistemi educativi-
scolastici europei e di esperienze di family learning. Attivit: accoglienza presso lIRRE Lazio, tavola rotonda,
discussione e riflessione sulle tematiche: incontro con rappresentanti istituzionali (USR MIUR - EELL) e referenti
delle principali associazioni di genitori; visita alle scuole di ogni ordine e grado. Soggetti coinvolti: IRRE, USR, MIUR,
ASSOCIAZIONI GENITORI (AGe . A.Ge.S.C. - C.G.D F.O.R.A.G.S. - F.O.P.A.G.S.), Comune di Roma, Scuole.

Objectifs: diffusion de bonnes pratiques de co-responsabilit des parents en ce qui concerne laction dans lducation
et dans la formation en Europe; condivision des resultats, des pratiques, des processus et des recherches dans
lducation sur le sujet. Contenus: confrontation des systmes scolaires europens et des expriences de family
learning. Activit: accueil auprs de lIRRE Latium, table ronde et mise au point des thmatiques sur le sujet;
rencontre avec les reprsentants des Institutions (USR MIUR EELL) et des responsables des les plus
importantes associations des parents; visite dans les coles de tous les niveux. Sujets intresss: IRRE (Instituts
Rgional de Recherche dans lEducation), USR (Bureau Scolaire Rgional), MIUR (Ministre de lEducation
Nationale), ASSOCIAZIONI GENITORI (Associations des parents) (AGe . A.Ge.S.C. - C.G.D F.O.R.A.G.S. -
F.O.P.A.G.S..), Mairie de Roma, Institutions scolaires. Language support in English. Web page:http://www.irre.lazio.it

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06011,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Gun Zetterberg

+46 303 239223 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Kunglvs kommun

+46 303 63185 Nmndhuset

Organiser Email:

gun.zetterberg@kungalv.se Kunglv

Postal Code: SE-44281

Title: 11,03 - SE - Develop the School through co-operation with the parents

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Kunglv

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English German


Objectives COHESION;Participation of pupils, parents and other stakeholders in school governance

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Skolans nra samarbete med frldrarna r en frutsttning fr elevernas lrande och skolans utveckling.
Tillsammans med frldrarna har skolan ett uppdrag att frmja elevernas utveckling till ansvarsknnande mnniskor
och samhllsmedborgare. Under besket kommer du att mta olika skolverksamheter och dess frldrar samt lra
knna de olika samarbetsarenor mellan skola och hem som finns i den svenska skolan och i Kunglvs kommun. Vrt
samarbetsuppdrag strcker sig inte bara till de frldrar som redan frn brjan r positiva till skolans verksamhet, vi
ska ocks lyssna p och samverka med de frldrar som r kritiska och ifrgasttande. Alla frldrar har enligt den
svenska lroplanen samma rtt till en god insyn och ett reellt inflytande ver skolans verksamhet. Detta stller krav
p att all personal som arbetar inom skolan mste vara lyhrda, tydliga och ha en god kommunikationsfrmga.

Close cooperation between school and parents is a condition for both pupils learning and development of the school.
The school has a mission together with the parents to promote pupils development so that they become responsible
persons and citizens of the society. During the visits you will have the opportunity to see different kinds of school
activities and meet parents to learn more about different arenas for cooperation between school and home. Our
cooperation mission stretch not only to parents who already have a positive view on the school, we also have to listen
to and cooperate with parents who are critical. According to the national curriculum all parents have full insight and
real influence about the school. These demand that all personnel inside the school have to be sharp, clear and have
good communication skill. Language support in German. Web page: www.kungalv.se

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Visit No: 06011,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Stanislaw Raczkowski

+ 48 41 362 45 48 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Swietokrzyskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli

+ 48 41 362 48 99 ul. Marsz. J. Pilsudskiego 42

Organiser Email:

mabed@wom.kielce.pl Kielce

Postal Code: PL-25431

Title: 11,04 - POL - Parents as partners of a teacher and a school in the process of education
Parents as partners of a teacher and a school in the process of education

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: region of Swietokrzyskie mountains

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English Spanish

Reference Objective 1.3: Strengthening links with working life and research and society at large

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Uczestnicy zostana zapoznani z przykladami wspolpracy szkoly z domem, beda mieli okazje uczestniczyc w
zajeciach: szkoleniach dla nauczycieli (w osrodku doskonalenia), spotkaniach w szkolach, zapoznaja sie z
dokumentacja wskazujaca na sprawdzone przyklady dobrej praktyki. Wymienimy sie informacjami i doswiadczeniami,
w jaki sposob pozyskuje sie rodzicow do wspolpracy w roznych krajach i jakie przynosi to wymierne korzysci.
Wspolnie z pracownikami instytucji doskonalacej zapoznamy sie z wynikami badan ankiety przeprowadzonej wsrod
nauczycieli i rodzicow na temat wzajemnych oczekiwan i wspolpracy. Efektem wizyty bedzie umieszczenie
ciekawych rozwiazan scenariuszy spotkan z rodzicami, zajec edukacyjnych, szkole na plytach CD, stronie www
organizatora i Biuletynie wizyty wersja papierowa. Uczestnicy beda mieli okazje poznac urocze zakatki Ziemi
Swietokrzyskiej nazywanej kraina latajacych czarownic.

Participants will be acquainted with examples of co-operation between school and home, they will have a chance to
both participate in classes: (training courses for teachers in the in-service teacher training centre), meetings at
schools, and get to know records indicating proven examples of good practice. We will exchange pieces of
information and experiences in which way schools enlist parents cooperation in different countries and what notable
benefits this brings. Together with the staff of the in-service teacher training centre we will find results of research a
survey conducted among teachers of mutual expectations and co-operation. An effect of the study visit will be the
placing of interesting solution: lesson plans of meetings with parents, educational classes, training courses on CDs,
the website of the organizer and a visit bulletin a paper version. Participants will have an opportunity to get to know
beauty spots of Swietokrzyskie Land called The Land of Flying Witches. Language support in Spanish. Web

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06011,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Alison Jenner

+44 (0)1792 470171 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: City & County of Swansea Lifelong Learning Service
+44 (0)1792 470430 Bryn House, 78 Walter Road

Organiser Email: Uplands

alison.jenner@swansea.gov.uk Swansea

Postal Code: GB-SA1

Title: 11,05 - GB - Family Learning & Basic Skills

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: Swansea, UK

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English English

Reference 2.3 - supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion; 2.2 - making learning
Objectives attractive

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 4

This study visit is aimed at adult education / basic education providers and also at those who aim to encourage
parents to develop their skills in helping children to benefit from school education and reduce literacy problems.The
study visit aims to explore strategies used to support parents in learning how to develop their childrens ability and
motivation to learn, through engaging in language development, maths games and other activities. We shall also
examine strategies and techniques to help people to improve their own Basic Skills, which are undertaken in a
partnership programme with other local providers. Visit participants will have the opportunity to: Visit English-
and Welsh- medium schools and observe a variety of teaching and learning styles, in primary (5-11 years) and
secondary (11-16 years) phases. Discuss with practitioners: the production of resources, negotiated programmes
of learning, accreditation methods and quality assurance. Meet teachers, parents and pupils, and representatives
from the Basic Skills Agency & local education department to discuss issues raised. Examine progress in a
county-wide European-(ESF) funded partnership to support adult basic skills. Explore activities undertaken by
students participating in a Grundtvig learning partnership (if current application is approved) Lay the foundations, if
desired, for a programme of exchanges/ partnerships with their own school (Comenius) or adult education institute
(Grundtvig) Discover the cultural heritage of Swansea and the Gower peninsula. Swansea is the second city of
Wales, which, since devolution, is emphasising a culture and identity long distinct from Englands. This area has a
history of heavy maritime and commercial activity and more recent industrial decline and forms part of West Wales
Objective 1 region. The birthplace of poet Dylan Thomas, this ugly, lovely town also includes Britains first Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty.

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Visit No: 06012,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Marlena Lewczuk- Lis, Ms Beata Babuk

+48 76 72 65 431 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Urzad Miejski w Glogowie

+48 76 72 65 598 Rynek 10

Organiser Email:

marlena3001@op.pl Glogow

Postal Code: PL-67200

Title: 12,01 - POL - European languages of co- operation

Beginning date: 10.09.2006 Venue: Lower Silesia region

End Date: 16.09.2006 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Gownym celem wizyty jest promocja zwiazkow miedzy systemem edukacji w Polsce i innych krajach europejskich.
Tematami przewodnimi bdzie temat 12: Nauka jezyka oraz temat 9: Wprowadzenie wymiaru
europejskiego. Program wizyty zostanie podzielony na dwie czesc: teoretyczna, ktora pozwoli na wymiane
doswiadczen (dwudniowa konferencja) i praktyczna (wizyty studyjne w 4 szkolach podstawowych i 4 gimnazjach
prowadzonych przez Gmine Miejska Glogow). Konferencja dotyczyc bdzie systemow edukacji w krajach osob
skladajacych nam wizyte, jak i metod oraz sposobow organizacji nauczania jezykow czy promowania sposobow
uczenia si jezykow. Koordynatorem projektu, ktory przeprowadzony zostanie glownie w Ratuszowej sali
konferencyjnej, bedzie Gmina Miejska w Glogowie, przy wspolpracy z Gimnazjum nr 3.Do uczestnictwa w
przedsiewzieciu zapraszamy 8- 10 osb: dyrektorow oraz nauczycieli szkol podstawowych i gimnazjalnych.

The main aim of the visit is the promotion of relations between educational systems in Poland and other European
countries. The study visit will focus on the theme 12: Language teaching in correlation with the theme 9: Introduction
of the European dimension. The programme of the visit will be divided into the theoretical (two- day conference) and
practical (visit to 4 primary schools and 4 gymnasiums) parts. The conference will cover the subject of education
systems in visitors countries as well as methods and organization of language education in European Union and the
ways of language promotion. The project will be coordinated by the Municipality of Glogow and mainly take place in
the conference room of the Town Hall. We would like to invite 8-10 persons: the principals of the primary and lower
secondary schools, primary and lower secondary teachers.Web page:www.glogow.pl

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Visit No: 06012,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Frank Smit en Jan Lutje Schipholt

+31703814448 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Europees Platform voor het Nederlands Onderwijs
+31703831958 Bezuidenhoutseweg 253

Organiser Email:

fsmit@europeesplatform.nl Den Haag

Postal Code: NL-2594

Title: 12,02 - NL - foreign language teaching

Beginning date: 01.10.2006 Venue: Den Haag (The Hague) and surrounding region

End Date: 06.10.2006 Country: Netherlands

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Dutch English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 3.3: IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING; Methods and ways of organising
Objectives the teaching languages; Early language learning; Ways of promoting the learning of foreign
Report languages.

Nr of places: 13 Min required: 7

Bezoek aan beleidsmakers op Ministerie- en gemeentelijk niveau: lezingen en discussie. Bezoek aan scholen en
instellingen op basis- en voortgezet onderwijs niveau met vreemdetalenonderwijs als regulier onderwijs, versterkt
vreemdetalen- onderwijs (Engels) tweetalig onderwijs (Engels), moedertaalonderwijs (Turks, Arabisch Zuid Europese
talen etc.);discussie met leraren en leerlingen, waar mogelijk het bijwonen van lessen.

Visit to Ministry and municipal authorities; lectures on national and municipal policy; discussion & questions. Visit to
schools and institutes primary and secondary education where foreign languages and classical languages are taught
as regular subjects (English, French, German, Latin Greek), as reinforced language instruction (English), as part of
billingual education (English); discussions with teachers and students, if possible observation of lessons. Web page

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Visit No: 06012,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Franoise Daout

+32 2 413 40 12 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Communaut franaise de Belgique

+32 2 413 35 78 44 Bld Lopold II

Organiser Email:

francoise.daout@cfwb.be Bruxelles

Postal Code: BE-1080

Title: 12,03 - BE - Lenseignement des langues en Communaut franaise de Belgique

Beginning date: 05.10.2006 Venue: Bruxelles et dans une ville de province

End Date: 10.10.2006 Country: Belgium (French speaking)

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French ?

Reference Objective 3.3: Improving foreign language learning


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

La Belgique est un pays o cohabitent trois communauts linguistiques : nerlandophone, francophone et
germanophone. En outre elle est le sige de nombreuses institutions europennes et internationales. La
connaissance dune, voire de plusieurs langues vivantes est donc absolument indispensable dans le pays. En
Communaut franaise les langues les plus souvent apprises ct du franais sont le nerlandais, lallemand et
langlais. Depuis plusieurs annes les expriences dapprentissage dune langue trangre en immersion (une partie
des matires est enseigne dans cette langue trangre) se multiplient. Par ailleurs, pour faire face la prsence
grandissante denfants issus de limmigration, une attention particulire a d tre accorde lapprentissage du
franais, langue trangre Nos htes trangers auront loccasion dobserver lapprentissage des langues lcole
fondamentale , dans lenseignement secondaire et dans lenseignement aux adultes.

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Visit No: 06012,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Olimpia Rasom, Ulrike Huber

+39 0471 417016 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Intendenza per la scuola delle localit ladine
+39 0471 417009 Via dei Bottai, 29

Organiser Email:

olimpia.rasom@provincia.bz.it Bolzano - BZ

Postal Code: I-39100

Title: 12,04 - IT - La promozione delle lingue in unarea plurilinguistica - Sprachfrderung in einer mehrsprachigen
Region - The promotion of language learning in a multilingual region - La promozion dla rujenedes te n raion
cun plu rujenedes
Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Provincia di Bolzano

End Date: 13.10.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English German


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

La visita di studio intende far conoscere la storia e levoluzione dei sistemi scolastici sudtirolesi, realt e chances di
unarea plurilinguistica, luso delle lingue (italiano, tedesco, ladino) nei curricula e mediante progetti particolari, la
realizzazione e lattuazione del portfolio delle lingue per larea sudtirolese, la formazione degli insegnanti e i materiali
didattici. Si prevede la visita alle istituzioni scolastiche dei tre sistemi (scuole in lingua italiana, in lingua tedesca e
delle localit ladine), incontri con il personale docente e dirigente e con i responsabili politici e amministrativi, inoltre
la visita alle istituzioni preposte alla formazione dei docenti. Parallelamente si prevede un programma culturale. La
visita di studio organizzata di concerto con le 3 amministrazioni scolastiche provinciali. Ulteriori recapiti
dellorganizzatore: tel.: +39.0471.416763, fax: +39.0471.416779, e-mail: ulrike.huber@schule.suedtirol.it

The aim of the study visit is to provide an insight into the history and the evolution of the three school systems in
South Tyrol, the present situation and the possibilities in language learning in a multilingual region. The focus will be
put on the use of the languages (Italian, German, Ladin), the promotion of languages in the curricula and through
projects, the language portfolio of South Tyrol, teacher training and teaching materials. On the programme there will
be visits to institutions of all three systems (schools with Italian as teaching language, schools in the Ladin valleys,
schools with German as teaching language), meetings with teachers and head teachers as well as political and
administrative decision makers and visits to the institutions for teacher training. Additionally, there will be a cultural
programme. The study visit is organised by the 3 school administrations of the Province of South Tyrol. Language
support in German. Other data of the organiser: tel.: +39.0471.416763, fax: +39.0471.416779, e-mail:

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Visit No: 06012,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Carmen Mattheis

+49 7051 922914 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Landesakademie fr Fortbildung und Personalentwick

+49 7051 922910 Schillerstr. 8

Organiser Email:

Carmen.Mattheis@landesakademie.org Calw

Postal Code: D-75365

Title: 12,05 - DE - Improving education and training for teachers and trainers of foreign languages

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Hotel Ochsen in Hfen/Enz oder Hotel Eyachmhle Ne

End Date: 14.10.2006 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 3.3 :


Nr of places: 16 Min required: 8

Pro europisches Mitgliedsland knnen sich zwei bis drei Bildungsexperten und bildungspolitische
Entscheidungstrger anmelden, die vor allem im Bereich "Deutsch ald Fremdsprache" ttig sind und einen Vergleich
der jeweiligen bildungspolitischen Strukturen vornehmen sollen. Eine erste Analyse soll den bisherigen Stand der
Konzepte zu Lehrerfortbildungen im jeweiligen Land erheben und den Bereich "Fremdsprachenunterricht" jeweils
verdeutlichen. Daran anknpfend soll errtert und gesammelt werden, welche weiteren Manahmen (z. B.
Entsendung von Referenten/innen, etc.) speziell den Bereich "Deutsch als Fremdsprache" im jeweiligen Land oder in
Baden-Wrttemberg strken knnen und welche neuen oder bereits bestehenden Netzwerke hierzu dienlich
sind/waren bzw. verndert und ausgebaut werden sollten. Dabei wird am Beispiel Fremdsprachenunterricht in Baden-
Wrttemberg vorgestellt, wie die Landesakademie fr Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung an Schulen
Lehrerfortbildungen inhaltlich gestaltet. Des Weiteren soll darauf aufbauend eine erweiterte, umfassende Konzeption
erarbeitet werden, die den gemeinsamen Bedrfnissen der europischen Mitgliedslnder gerecht wird, und eine
individuelle Verbesserung der Lehrerfortbildungen im Bereich Fremdsprachenunterricht und speziell "Deutsch als
Fremdsprache" ermglicht. Zustzlich soll der Studienaufenthalt den Bildungsexperten ermglichen, sich intensiv
ber ihren Ttigkeitsbereich auszutauschen, und Synergieeffekte zur Lehrerfortbildung sowie Kooperationen
zwischen den Lndern zu ermglichen.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06012,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr P.Mulkowski, Ms A.Owczarek, Ms A.Czeterbok

+48 61 28 100 24 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Liceum Ogolnoksztacace im. Gen. J. Wybickiego

+48 61 28 100 24 ul.Poznaska 11

Organiser Email:

mulkowski@op.pl Srem

Postal Code: PL-63100

Title: 12,06 - POL - Teaching foreign languages and foreign languages teachers' training.

Beginning date: 16.10.2006 Venue: Wielkopolska region

End Date: 20.10.2006 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

W trakcie wizyty uczestnicy bd mogli zapoznac sie ze sposobem nauczania jezykow obcych w szkoach
podstawowych, gimnazjalnych i ponadgimnazjalnych. Przedstawiona zostanie innowacja programowa dla szkoly
ponadgimnazjalnej: Nauczanie jezyka angielskiego w wersji rozszerzonej. W klasie tej w jezyku angielskim
prowadzone sa zajecia z wiedzy o kulturze oraz podstaw przedsiebiorczosci. Innowacja jest prowadzona we
wspolpracy z Kole-gium Nauczania Jezykow Obcych przy UAM w Poznaniu. Osobnym aspektem wizyty bdzie
zapoznanie uczestnikow z przebiegiem ksztacenia przyszlych nauczycieli w kolegium nauczania jezykow obcych.

During the visit the participants ill be able to get to know the way foreign languages are taught in primary, junior high
and secondary schools. They will be familiarised with edu-cational innovation for secondary schools: "Teaching
English at the extended level". In this class students have more hours of English per week. What is more they learn
two subjects: Business and Culture in English. The educational innovation is made with cooperation with the
Teachers Training College in Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna. Another aspect of the visit will be familiarising
the participants with teachers training at the Teachers Training College.Web page:www.sremlo.prv.pl

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06012,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Annunziata Brandoni, Lorena Marzoli

+39 071 780068 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Istituto Comprensivo Castelfidardo

+39 071 7820746 Via F.lli Rosselli, 18

Organiser Email:

psoprani@marcheonline.net Castelfidardo - AN

Postal Code: I-60022

Title: 12,07 - IT - La scuola montessoriana come ambiente favorevole alle lingue nell'ambito del processo
"Europa dell'Istruzione" - The Montessori School as a favourable environment for languages within the
process of "A Europe of Learning"
Beginning date: 16.10.2006 Venue: Castelfidardo

End Date: 20.10.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English French

Reference Objective 3.3: Improving foreign language learning


Nr of places: 20 Min required: 5

Il metodo montessoriano garantisce al bambino un ambiente favorevole allapprendimento delle lingue- Si pone
dunque in linea con gli obiettivi del progetto MIUR: Europa dellistruzione. FINALITA/OBIETTIVI: Contribuire alla
formazione della persona favorendo la motivazione allapprendimento, allinterazione, al rispetto di s e degli altri. Il
concetto di bambino cosmico nel pensiero pedagogico di Maria Montessori. CONTENUTI: La casa dei bambini
come ambiente favorevole allo studio di pi lingue straniere; il metodo montessoriano per lapproccio ludico alle
lingue nella scuola dellInfanzia e nella scuola Primaria. Lo studio delle lingue come attivit trasversale in unit di
apprendimento multidisciplinari. Lapprendimento delle lingue per comunicare e interagire in contesti multiculturali.
ATTIVITA: Presentazione delle esperienze significative sul territorio, visita alla citt natale di Maria Montessori
(Chiaravalle), partecipazione a lezioni in sezioni e classi montessoriane. Progetto Mickey Mouse come esempio di
buona pratica per lapprendimento delle lingue.Progetto LIREMAR come esempio di lavoro in rete fra scuole per
linsegnamento delle lingue. Workshops e incontri con i responsabili della rete tematica USR. Le Marche una regione
laboratorio. Ulteriori recapiti dellorganizzatore: Cell.: +39-339-7165679

The Montessori method guarantees a favourable learning environment for the child to learn languages. Thus placing
itself in line with the Italian Ministry of Educations (MIUR): objective of A Europe of Learning. OBJECTIVES:
Contributing to ones development, facilitating motivation for learning, interaction, respect for oneself and others.
Maria Montessoris pedagogical philosophy of the cosmic child concept. CONTENTS: The themes studied cover:
the childhouse as a favourable environment for enhancing motivation for studying of foreign languages; the
Montessori method for a play approach within Nursery School and Primary School. The study of languages as a
transferableactivity within a multidisciplinary learning unit. The learning of languages for communicating and
interacting in multicultural contexts. ACTIVITIES: Presentation of significant experiences throughout the territory,
visits to the birthplace of Maria Montessori (Chiaravalle), participation in Montessori classes. The Mickey Mouse
Project as an example of good practice for the learning of languages. The LIREMAR Project as an example of
schools working within a network for the teaching of English. Workshops and meetings with management of the USR
network (in the field of the Process MIUR D.G.A.I. A Europe of Learning Development and promotion of the
European dimension of Learning). The Marche, a laboratory region. Language support in French. Other data of the
organiser: Mobile phone: +39-339-7165679, Web page: http://www.marcheonline.net/soprani

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Visit No: 06012,08

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ingrid Johansen

+45 33 95 70 82 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: CIRIUS

+45 33 95 70 01 Fiolstrde 44

Organiser Email:

ij@ciriusmail.dk Copenhagen K

Postal Code: DK-1171

Title: 12,08 - DK - Innovation in foreign language teaching (English)

Beginning date: 30.10.2006 Venue: Copenhagen and suburbs

End Date: 03.11.2006 Country: Denmark

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Danish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 3.3.Improving foreign language learning* Methods and ways of organising the teaching
Objectives of languages. Early language learning. Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languages

Nr of places: 16 Min required: 8

The study visit will give participants an insight into innovation in foreign language teaching in Copenhagen and
Roskilde. The Teachers Resource Centre in Roskilde won the European Language Label Price in 2005, for the
development of innovative materials and methods for early language learning (English language). Par-ticipants will
get an insight into the materials developed for this purpose, and visit some of the schools, which avail themselves of
the materials and methods. The Teachers Resource Centres in Denmark have also designed a pilot version of a
European Language Portfolio for young learners. The principles of the ELP will be presented and discussed. Focus
on implementation. There will be observation in classrooms, meetings with experts, roundtables about the subject and
about the adjustment to the theories of learner autonomy, the multiple intelligences and different learning styles and
evaluations. The target group will be heads of schools, inspectors, language teachers, language advisers, subject
consultants and others with an insight and interest in foreign language learning. Web page: www.ciriusonline.dk

Studiebesget vil give deltagerne indsigt i innovation inden for fremmedsprogsundervisning i Kbenhavn og Roskilde.
Amtscenteret for Undervisning i Roskilde vandt European Language Label prisen i 2005 for udviklingen af innovative
materialer og metoder til tidlig sproglring (Engelsk). Deltagerne vil blive prsenteret for metoderne og materialerne,
og besge nogle af de skoler der benytter dem. Amtscentrene for Undervisning i Danmark har desuden udviklet en
pilot-udgave af "A European Language Portfoleo for young learners". Der vil vre prsentation og diskussion af
principperne bag ELP, med fokus p implementering. I studiebesget vil der indg skolebesg, observation i klasser,
mder og oplg fra eksperter, rundbordssamtaler om emnet og om tilpasning til teorierne om learner autonomy, de
mange intelligenser og forskellige lringsstile, samt evaluering. Mlgruppen er bred: Skoleledere, inspektorer,
sproglrere, fagkonsulenter/sprogkonsulenter og andre med indsigt og interesse i fremmedsprogsundervisning

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Visit No: 06012,09

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: ADNOT Christian/RENAUD Philippe

00 33 3 26 36 05 08 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Inspection acadmique de la Marne

1 bis Avenue du 18 juin 1940

Organiser Email:

christian.adnot@ac-reims.fr REIMS

Postal Code: 51100

Title: 12,09 - FR - L'enseignement des langues vivantes l'cole primaire

Beginning date: 05.03.2007 Venue: REIMS (Rgion Champagne-Ardennes)

End Date: 09.03.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference OBJECTIFS 1.1 et 3.3


Nr of places: 16 Min required: 8

Depuis 2002, l'enseignement d'une langue vivante, dont l'Anglais, est inscrit dans les programmes de l'cole primaire
en France, au mme titre que le Franais, les Mathmatiques, l'Histoire. L'objectif de la visite est de prsenter de
manire aussi complte que possible l'enseignement de l'anglais l'cole primaire, au cycle 3 (enfants de 8 11
ans). Les participants auront l'opportunit de dcouvrir cet enseignement dans diffrents milieux (urbain, pri-urbain,
rural) dans le cadre de visites de classes. L'occasion leur sera donne de rencontrer les diffrents intervenants qui
enseignent l'anglais l'cole primaire. Les participants seront reus officiellement la mairie de Reims et au
Rectorat, autorit locale en matire d'enseignement. Cette visite sera aussi l'occasion pour tous de dcouvrir
Reims, "la ville des sacres" et du Champagne, et ses environs.

Since 2002, foreign language learning, included English, is compulsory in Primary School. The aim of the visit is to
introduce, as much as possible, English learning in Primary School. The participants will have the opportunity to visit
different schools in different areas (urban, semi-urban, rural). They also will meet different teacher profiles who teach
English in Primary School. During this visit, the participants will discover REIMS, the city of consecrations and the
city of Champagne.

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Visit No: 06012,10

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Antonia Prodromou, Inspectress of English

+357 22 800773/991 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Dept. of Secondary Education

+357 22 800941 Ministry of Education and Cult

Organiser Email: Kimonos and Thoukididou

minedu@cytanet.com.cy Nicosia, CYPRUS

Postal Code: CY-1434

Title: 12,10 - CY - Innovations in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Secondary Education

Beginning date: 12.03.2007 Venue: Nicosia, Cyprus

End Date: 16.03.2007 Country: Cyprus

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Greek English ?

Reference Objective 3.3: Improving foreign language learning. Methods and ways of organising the teaching of
Objectives languages; ways of promoting the learning of foreign languages.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

I Episkepsi - Meletis echi stocho na pliroforisi ke na evesthitopeisi tous symetechontes sxetika me tis
exelixis, tis allages, ke tis kenotomies sti didaskalia ton Agglikon sti Mesi Ekpedeusi. Sygkekrimena tha
echoun tin efkeria na gnorisoun to ekpedeutiko systima me idieteri emfasi sti didaskalia ton Agglikon, to
systima diorismou ke epimorfosis ton ekpedeutikon, ta Analytika programmata ke ta didaktika vivlia ton
Agglikon, ti chrisi ton Neon Technologion sto mathima ton Agglikon, to thesmo ton ethouson glosson, pou
apoteli mia kainotomia sto Kypriako ekpedeutiko systima ke mia protoporia sta ekpedeutika dromena tis Evropis,
ke genika tis allages sti didaskalia, stis methodous ke tis proseggisis sto mathima ton Agglikon. Episis oi
synedroi tha echoun tin efkeria na episkeftoun scholia Mesis Ekpedeusis ke na parakolouthisoun digmatikes
didaskalies mesa stin Ethousa Glosson. Endiaferi kathigites, ekpedeutes kathigiton kai epitheorites Agglikon.

The Study Visit aims at informing and sensitising participants to innovations and changes that are taking
place in the teaching of English as a foreign language in Secondary Education. The programme aims at an
overview of the Cyprus Educational System, teacher training, new curricula and textbooks. The focus will be on
the new trends in English Language Teaching and Methodology, the use of new technologies (ICT) and the
establishment of Language Rooms , an innovation not only in the Cyprus educational system but all over
Europe. Moreover, school visits will be arranged and participants will attend demonstration lessons in the
Language Rooms. Target group: Teachers, teacher trainers and inspectors of English.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06012,11

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Antonio Lepre

+39 089 333147 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Istituto Linguistico-Psico-Pedagogico Alfano I

+39 089 337114 Via Dei Mille

Organiser Email:

preside@alfano1.it Salerno

Postal Code: I-84132

Title: 12,11 - IT - CLIL - A new way towards the integration of foreign language and other school subjects

Beginning date: 26.03.2007 Venue: Salerno

End Date: 30.03.2007 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English ?

Reference Objective 3.3: Improving foreign language learning


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Obiettivi: 3.3 Migliorare lapprendimento della lingua straniera. Nuove metodologie e nuove strategie utilizzate per
lacquisizione di competenze linguistiche. Promuovere nuovi approcci metodologici adeguati ai nuovi bisogni dello
studente europeo. Contenuti: Uso della lingua inglese come veicolo di trasmissione di contenuti e comunicazione.
Integrazione tra linsegnamento della lingua inglese e le altre discipline scolastiche (CLIL Content Language
Integrated Learning). Attivit previste: Ai partecipanti sar dato il benvenuto dalle autorit locali nonch dai
rappresentanti dellistruzione locale. Verr spiegato il sistema scolastico in generale ed in particolare le metodologie,
organizzazione delle classi, contenuti, programmi ed accenni sulla valutazione sar, inoltre, distribuito materiale
inerente il tema proposto. Durante la visita nelle scuole i partecipanti avranno occasione di partecipare a seminari ed
incontri tenuti da docenti universitari, ispettori e dirigenti scolastici sul tema delle CLIL. Avranno modo di seguire
lezioni tenute in classe, incontrare docenti ed alunni scambiando idee ed esperienze sul nuovo metodo CLIL, nonch
valutarne i risultati. Soggetti coinvolti: Dirigenti scolastici ed ispettori. Ulteriori recapiti dellorganizzatore: tel:
+39.089.337046, cell.: +39.328.1749691

OBJECTIVE 3.3: IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING; Methods and ways of organising the teaching of
languages; Early language learning; Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languages. CONTENTS: New
approaches in the teaching of foreign languages in the secondary school education (CLIL-content language
integrated learning). ACTIVITIES: Participants will be welcomed by the Local Education Authorities. Explanation of
our Educational System in general, explanation of methodology, organisation of classes, of contents, teaching
sequences, distribution materials and teacher resources and evaluation. They will have an opportunity to exchange
knowledge, cultural aspects and teaching experiences with each other. During the course of school visits participants
will have the opportunity to participate in seminars and meetings held by university teachers, school inspectors and
head teachers dealing with this subject. They will attend lessons held in classrooms, meeting teachers and students
personally, sharing their ideas and experiences about this new method (CLIL), evaluating its results. Target group:
Head teachers and Inspectors. Other data of the organiser: tel: +39.089.337046, cell.: +39.328.1749691, web

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06012,12

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: MR ARTUR MIKIEWICZ, MS BEATA TOMASZEWSK

+ 48 56 661 75 85 Type: Inst. for initial teacher training (EDU 7)


+48 56 661 75 55 UL.SIENKIEWICZA 38

Organiser Email:

college@nkjo.torun.pl Torun

Postal Code: PL-87100

Title: 12,12 - POL - How to make foreign language teaching and learning effective

Beginning date: 16.04.2007 Venue: Torun

End Date: 20.04.2007 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English French


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 5

Uczestnicy wizyty zapoznaja si z ciagle doskonalonym systemem nauczania jezykow obcych w szkolach polskich.
Odwiedza szkoly od przedszkola po szkole srednia , gdzie beda mieli mozliwosc obserwowania lekcji jezykow
obcych , rozmawiania z uczniami i nauczycielami. Pokazemy w jaki sposob do promowania uczenia sie jezykow
obcych wykorzystywane s rozmaite techniki i metody nauczania, technologia informacyjna, projekty inter-kulturowe,
konkursy. Przedstawimy system panstwowych egzaminow zewnetrznych z jezykow obcych. Uczestnicy poznaj
rowniez system ksztalcenia i doskonalenia nauczycieli w Nauczycielskich Kolegiach Jezykow Obcych. Uczestnicy
beda mieli takze mozliwosc podziwiac uroki starego miasta jakim jest Torun, miejsca , w ktorym urodzil sie Kopernik

The participants will become familiarized with the system of foreign language teaching in Polish schools. They will
visit a variety of schools, from pre-school to high school, where they will have an opportunity to observe foreign
language lessons, talk to students and teachers. We will demonstrate how to promote language learning by means of
various methods and techniques, information technology, intercultural projects and competitions. We will discuss the
new system of external school-leaving exams in foreign languages. The participants will learn about the pre- and in-
service training of language teachers organized in Teacher Training Colleges. The participants will also have an
opportunity to enjoy the beautiful views of the old town-Toru, the place where Copernicus was born.Language
support in French. Web page. www.nkjo.torun.pl

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Visit No: 06012,13

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Lidia Bugiera

+48 68 328 64 31 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Osrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli

+48 68 328 64 24 ul. Chopina 15 A

Organiser Email:

L.Bugiera@odn.zgora.pl Zielona Gora

Postal Code: PL-65031

Title: 12,13 - POL - Problems of teaching of foreign languages in Poland with particular taking into consideration
of lubuskie province

Beginning date: 20.04.2007 Venue: Lubuskie province

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English ?

Reference Objective 3.3: Improving foreign language learning


Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5

W ramach wizyty studyjnej proponuje si zapoznanie z problematyka nauczania jezykow obcych w wojewodztwie
lubuskim, ze szczegolnym uwzgldnieniem form i metod ksztalcenia jezykowego. Planuje si wizyty w szkolach
publicznych uczestniczenie w lekcjach jezykow obcych oraz na zajeciach pozalekcyjnych (zajecia dla dzieci
uzdolnionych jezykowo oraz zajecia wyrownawcze), a takze w prywatnej szkole jezykowej, oferujcej zajcia dla dzieci
na roznych poziomach zaawansowania. Proponuje si takze spotkania w szkolach z nauczycielami i kadra
kierownicza oraz spotkanie z nauczycielami roznych jezykow obcych w Osrodku Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Zielonej
Gorze. To spotkanie bedzie dotyczylo problematyki nauczania jezykow oraz wymianie wlasnych doswiadczen i
pogladow na ww. temat.

It is suggested within the confines of the study visit to fact-finding with problems of teaching of foreign languages in
lubuskie province with particular taking into consideration of forms and methods of foreign language education. It is
planned visits to public schools participating in the lessons of foreign languages and in the extraschool occupancies
(occupancies for children with a talent for foreign languages and leveling occupancies), and also visits to a private
language school, which offers occupancies on different levels of advancing. Meetings in schools with teachers and
school administration and a meeting with teachers of different languages in the institution for in-service teacher
training in Zielona Gora is also suggested. The meeting will concern problems of teaching of foreign languages and
an exchange of personal experiences and views on highly mentioned theme. Web page: www.odn.zgora.pl

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06012,14

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Penny Krucker

+44 (0)1452 427270 Type: Education authority

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Gloucestershire County Council

+44 (0)1452 427269 The Hucclecote Centre

Organiser Email: Churchdown Lane

penny.krucker@gloucestershire.gov.uk Gloucester

Postal Code: GL3-3QN

Title: 12,14 - GB - Primary Foreign Language Teaching and Learning

Beginning date: 29.04.2007 Venue: Gloucester, UK

End Date: 05.05.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?

Reference Objective 3.3 Improving Foreign Language Learning. Methods and Ways of organising the teaching
Objectives of languages. Early Language Learning. Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languages.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

With the UK Government introducing an entitlement to foreign language learning for all 7-11 year olds, this study visit
will examine approaches to primary modern foreign language learning in the UK. We look forward to sharing best
practice with our European colleagues. The visit will cover the current situation in the Gloucestershire region and
highlight the national strategy. We will investigate methodology and classroom observation and include a look at
teacher training. Web Page: www.glosinted.co.uk

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06012,15

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Pilar Cortejoso/Margarita Valds

+34 985 108635 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Consejera de Educacin y Ciencia.

+34 985 108615 Plaza de Espaa 5

Organiser Email:

pilarch@princast.es OVIEDO

Postal Code: ES-33007

Title: 12,15 - ES - Improving foreign language teaching

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Oviedo

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 3.3:Improving Foreign Language Learning: Methods and ways of organizing the teaching
Objectives of languages; early language learning; Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languages

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 7

El objetivo es mostrar las experiencias ms innovadoras que se estn llevando a cabo en la regin. Se pondr
especial atencin en la enseanza precoz de lenguas (en educacin infantil y primer ciclo de educacin primaria) y
en la enseanza de lenguas a travs de contenidos (Secciones bilinges y centros de currculo integrado espaol-
ingls) pero tambin se incluirn otros aspectos tales como la formacin del profesorado, la enseanza de adultos y
el uso de las TIC. Durante las visitas a los centros educativos de diferentes niveles habr oportunidad de hablar con
alumnado, profesorado y equipos directivos pero la prioridad ser la observacin de las clases y la reflexin sobre las
iniciativas que se llevan a cabo para mejorar el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Se dar a los participantes la
oportunidad de compartir sus conocimientos y experiencia sobre el tema. El programa de estudio, se completar con
un programa cultural.

The objective of this Study Visit is to show participants the most innovative experiences that are being developed in
the region. The focus will be on early language teaching (in Infant and first years of Primary education) and in
teaching foreign languages through content (in Bilingual classes and in schools with an integrates curriculum Spanish-
English), but other aspects will also be considered: in-service training of foreign languages teachers and teachers
who teach through English or French, teaching adults, using ICT, ect. During the visits to the schools, there will be
given to classroom observation and the reflection upon the initiatives that the Asturian Education Administration is
fostering in order to improve the learning of foreign languages. There will also be workshops where participants could
share their knowledge and experience. The programme will be complemented with cultural activities.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06012,16

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Sara Martn Dez

+34 928 248719 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: CEP Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

+34 928 248979 Carvajal 2.

Organiser Email: (Trasera Edf. Mar y Sol)

interculturalidad@ceplaspalmas.com Las Palmas de G.C.

Postal Code: ES-35004

Title: 12,16 - ES - Intercultural approach and the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language at everyday lessons

Beginning date: 11.05.2007 Venue: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

End Date: 15.05.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English Spanish

Objectives COHESION

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Canary Islands, which have always been a meeting (and somehow leaving for) point among three continents, have
now become the residence of people from many different origins, languages, cultural traditions and practices. This
mixture that initially implies an incredible source of cultural richness, may sometimes provoke stress among teachers,
cause conflicts among students, and create anxiety within society in general. Schools should make efforts not only
towards foreign students integration, but also promote a truly intercultural education. Visits to schools (Primary and
Secondary) that are involved in intercultural projects, debate and exchange of experiences and materials among
participants, training sessions focusing on intercultural education and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
through immersion, together with the possibilities offered by ICT to promote intercultural cohesion and the opportunity
to learn more about the Canary Islands culture (as an alive by-product of international historical influences) are part of
what we intend to offer to our Arion visitors.

Las Islas Canarias, tradicional punto de encuentro y partida entre tres continentes, se han convertido ahora en lugar
de residencia permanente de personas de variados y diferentes orgenes, lenguas, tradiciones y prcticas culturales.
Esta mezcla,que inicialmente implica una increble fuente de riqueza cultural, puede provocar a veces estrs entre el
profesorado, conflictos entre el alumnado y crear ansiedad en la sociedad general. Los centros educativos deben
centrar sus esfuerzos no solamente en la integracin del alumnado extranjero, sino tambin en promover una
verdadera educacin intercultural. Visitas a centros educativos tanto de Primaria como de Secundaria que estn
desarrollando proyectos interculturales, debates e intercambio de materiales entre los participantes, formacin
centrada en educacin intercultural y enseanza-aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera en un proceso de inmersin,
junto con las posibilidades que ofrecen las TIC para promover la interculturalidad y la oportunidad de conocer la
cultura canaria como resultado de las influencias internacionales a travs de la historia. Todo ello es parte de lo que
pretendemos ofrecer a nuestros visitantes Arion.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06012,17

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ana Isabel Snchez Salmern

+34 95 5064391 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Direccin Gral. de Ordenacin y Evaluacin Educati

+34 95 5064015 Juan A. De Vizarrn s/n.

Organiser Email: Edificio Torretriana

anai.sanchez.ext@juntadeandalucia.es Sevilla

Postal Code: ES-41071

Title: 12,17 - ES - El formento del aprendizaje de idiomas en el sistema educativo andaluz.

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: Sevilla

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English Spanish

Reference OBJECTIVE 3.3: Improving Foreign Language Learning. Ways of promoting the learning of foreign
Objectives languages. Methods and ways of organising the teaching of languages. Early language learning.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Esta visita de estudio tiene por objeto ofrecer una visin de conjunto de los programas educativos incluidos en el
Plan de Fomento del Plurilingismo en Andaluca. El programa de la visita incluir los siguientes aspectos:1)
Objetivos generales del Plan, los programas de anticipacin lingstica y el Programa "Idiomas y Juventud". 2)
Centros bilinges:organizacin de las enseanzas, curriculum integrado, participacin en los mismos de Auxiliares
de conversacin y escuelas de padres. 3) Las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas. 4) La formacin del profesorado de
centros bilinges. 5) Plurilingismo e Interculturalidad:programas de adaptacin lingstica para alumnos.6)
Programas europeos y otros programas internacionales vinculados al Plan de Fomento del Plurilingismo. Se
presentarn casos prcticos y visitas a centros escolares que desarrollen los citados programas. Tambin se incluye
un programa de actividades culturales.

This study visit aims at providing the participants with an overview of the education programs related to the
Andalucian Plan for the Promotion of Plurilinguism. 1) General objectives of the Plan, early language learning and
"Languages and Youth" programmes. 2) Bilingual schools:organizational principles, integrated curriculum, the role of
the language and cultural assistants and language instruction for parents. 3) The Official School of languages 4)
Teacher training in bilingual schools. 5) Plurilinguism and Intercultural education:temporary linguistic adaptation
classes for immigrant students and potential dual immersion programmes. 6) European programmes and other
international programmes related to the Andalucian Plan for the Promotion of Plurilinguism. Each presentation will be
accompained by either presentations of behalf of schools that are implementing the program or by visits to the
schools. The study visit will be supplemented by a cultural programme.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06013,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: LE BRIS Gil

00 33 4 66 65 65 65 Type: Education authority


00 33 4 66 65 65 50 9, rue Clestin Freinet

Organiser Email:

gil.le-bris@educagri.fr FLORAC

Postal Code: 48400

Title: 13,01 - FR - Ouverture des partenaires europens des actions du rseau d'ducation pour la sant dans
l'enseignement agricole

Beginning date: 20.11.2006 Venue: FLORAC (Rgion Languedoc-Roussillon)

End Date: 24.11.2006 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference Objectifs : 1.1, 1.5, 2.3 et 3.1


Nr of places: 10 Min required: 8

Objectifs : Elargir la rflexion du rseau d'ducation pour la sant de l'enseignement agricole Franais (RESEDA,
Rseau d'ducation pour la sant, l'coute et le dveloppement de l'adolescent) des homologues
europens. Acqurir des connaissances communes : Confrence et dbat sur une thmatique de prvention
(alimentation et sant ; addictions ; sexualit...) Crer des outils communs de prvention : Prsenter des actions
d'ducation pour la sant ralises avec 15 tablissements pilotes. Prsenter l'action de sevrage tabagique
opration lyce sans tabac" (Acadmie de Poitiers) Valoriser des appels projets d'ducation la
sexualit Echanger sur les pratiques professionnelles : Travailler en ateliers autour de trois thmatiques : -
Prvenir les violences (citoyennet, respect filles garons, mdiation) - Alcool et jeunes - Alimentation et
sant Acqurir des mthodes communes pour: - crer de projets - financer des projets et capitaliser les
rsultats - utilisation d'outils de travail collaboratif (TIC)

Aims : - opening the reflection of the Network for health education (RESEDA) of the French agricultural teaching
system to european partners - acquiring common knowledge - conference and debate around prevention (food
and health, addiction, sexuality...) creating common tools for prevention in 5 steps: 1. presentation of the different
health educationnal actions led with 15 French pilote schools 2. presentation of the action How to quid smoking?
(Poitiers Academy) 3. valorizing projects of sex edcuation 4. Exchange of good professionnal practices 5. Work in
3 thematic workshops: a. How to prevent violence (citizenship, mutual respect between boys and girls,
mediation) b. Alcool and youth c. Food and health -Acquiring common methods for: o Project creation o Project
financing o Using tools collaborative work (ICT)

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06013,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Joachim Kimon Kolyvas

+302103220950 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Hellenic Ministry of Education

+302103228060 15 Mitropoleos Str

Organiser Email:

europe@ypepth.gr Athens

Postal Code: GR-10185

Title: 13,02 - GR - Health Promotion

Beginning date: 05.02.2007 Venue: Larisa, Central Greece

End Date: 09.02.2007 Country: Greece

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Greek English French


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5


This study focuses on issues concerning health promotion and not on medical care. There will be visits to primary and
secondary education schools and class observation of interdisciplinary projects contributing to the mental, emotional
and physical development of the pupils. The methods adopted promote the active participation of students, improve
the standard of communication quality in a healthy school environment and open the school to the local community.
There will also be visits to locally activated institutions which support schools in projects dealing with issues such as
drug prevention.The study visit takes place in the cities of Larisa and Volos (central Greece). More information on:

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Visit No: 06013,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Jesper Jnsson, Ingela Sjberg

+46 46 719941 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Kommunfrbundet Skne

+46 46 719930 Baravgen 1

Organiser Email: Box 53

jesper.jonsson@kfsk.se; ingela.sjoberg@kfsk.se Lund

Postal Code: SE-22100

Title: 13,03 - SE - Health Promoting School Development in Skne

Beginning date: 19.03.2007 Venue: Malm, Lund, Helsingborg, Klippan, Kristianstad

End Date: 23.03.2007 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

Det vergripande mlet med studiebesket r att presentera innehll och strategi kring arbetet med Hlsofrmjande
skolutveckling i Skne. En framgngsrik process som drivits i samverkan mellan Region Skne och
Kommunfrbundet Skne sedan r 2000. Under besket kommer vi att presentera svl den nationella som vr
regionala strategi fr arbete med hlsofrmjande skolutveckling samt beska frskolor och grundskolor fr att ta del
av deras hlsofrmjande arbete och aktiviteter p det lokala planet. Vi kommer ven att beska myndigheter,
hgskolor, utbildningsorganisationer etc och trffa personer som r involverade i arbete med hlsofrmjande
arbetsstt och insatser. Syftet r att skapa en europeisk mtesplats fr att vcka diskussion om olika pedagogiska
utvecklingsmodeller kring hlsofrmjande skolor/skolutveckling samt genom att ta del av varandras erfarenheter,
driva utvecklingsarbetet vidare i en europeisk dimension. Studiebesket kommer att arrangeras i sdra Sverige
Skne, med nrhet till svl stder som natur och kultur.

The main objective of this study visit is to present content and strategy for the work with Health Promoting School
Development in Skne. It is a successful process that has been run by Region Skne and Skne Association of Local
Authorities, since the year of 2000. During the visit we will present the national as well as our regional strategy for the
work with Health Promoting School Development and visit preschools and compulsory schools to take part in their
health promoting work and activities at the local level. We will also visit authorities, university educations, other
educational organisations etc and meet persons who are involved in different work with and contributions for health
promotion. The principal aim of the visit is to create a meeting place to discuss different pedagogical models for the
work with Health Promoting Schools/School Development and learn by each others experiences, run the
development forward in an European dimension. The visit will take place in Skne, the southeast part of Sweden,
nearby capitals as well as nature and culture. Web page: www.kfsk.se

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06013,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr Brian Stobie

+44 (0)191 383 3631 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Durham County Council

+44 (0)191 383 4487 International Relations

Organiser Email: County Hall

brian.stobie@durham.gov.uk Durham

Postal Code: GB-DH1

Title: 13,04 - GB - Sport as a medium for engagement

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Durham, UK

End Date: 28.04.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?


Nr of places: 20 Min required: 8

The visit will provide an opportunity to better understand the approaches being made in County Durham and the North
East of England to address the UK governments aim of providing support to every child to be healthy.
http://www.everychildmatters.gov.uk There will be a programme of visits to specialist sports colleges for secondary
school pupils, primary schools and local football and cricket clubs with study centres
(http://www.dfes.gov.uk/playingforsuccess/). We look forward to engaging in exciting discussions with colleagues
from other parts of Europe and to sharing our approaches and initiatives. Sport in County Durham has long been
used as a medium for developing purposeful and meaningful international contact and presentations will be given
about successful international sports programmes including the British Councils Dreams and Teams.
http://www.britishcouncil.org/dreams.htm We will introduce colleagues to current practice and both local and national
provision including the community sports leader scheme (http://www.bst.org.uk/Home/Default.aspx ) and the Healthy
Schools Award. Web Page: www.durham.gov.uk/international

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Visit No: 06013,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Silvia Fazzini, Floriana Troiani

+39 0735 586067 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore Fazzini/Mercantini

+39 0735 575035 Via Salvo D'Acquisto, 30

Organiser Email:

itgfazzini@fazzinimercantini.it; marsi76@libero.it Grottammare - AP

Postal Code: I-63013

Title: 13,05 - IT - Il ruolo della scuola nell'Educazione alla salute - The role of the School about Health Education

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: Grottammare

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English French


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Lo scopo di questa visita Arion far conoscere la realt e le esperienze della Scuola italiana nel campo
dellEducazione alla salute per poi porle a confronto con le altre realt europee. La visita verr articolata su tre temi:
1) Presentazione del Progetto alla salute, con relativi riferimenti allanoressia, bulimia,eccessivo consumo di alcol e
disturbi alimentari rilevati tra i nostri studenti; 2) Ruolo specifico della Scuola come rilevatore e ricercatore delle
cause, delle devianze registrate e degli effetti che queste producono sullorganismo e di conseguenza
sullapprendimento; 3) Collaborazione tra Dirigente Scolastico, insegnanti, personale medico-sociale, nutrizionista e
psicologo. La visita offrir ai partecipanti lopportunit di osservare concretamente gli operatori del SERT, della ASL, i
responsabili dellAICAT(associazione Italiana club alcolisti in trattamento), gli Enti Locali, attraverso un workshop di
illustrazione dei percorsi attuati sullargomento. Lincontro si concluder con una riflessione sullesperienza fatta e una
valutazione da parte del gruppo di lavoro. Lingua di supporto Francese.

The aim of this Arion visit is to have an experience with Italian Schools in the field of Health Education and to
compare it with the other European realities. The visit will be organized around three axes: 1)Presentation of the
Health Project, with particular reference to anorexia, bulimia, excessive alcohol consumption and eating disorders
found in our students; 2) Specific role of the School as a data collector and researcher of the causes, the deviances
registered and of the effects they have on the human body and consequently on learning; 3) Cooperation amongst
Principals, teachers, welfare and medical staff, nutritionist and psychologist. The visit will give the participants the
opportunity to observe concrete examples, involving the SERT, the local ASL, the coordinators of the AICAT ( Italian
association for alcoholics in treatment) and the Local Authorities, through a workshop to illustrate the steps carried
out on the chosen topics. The last session will be devoted to a common reflection on the experience and its
evaluation. Language support in French. Web page: http://www.fazzinimercantini.it

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Visit No: 06013,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Barbara Pawowska, Mr Tomasz Wojtasik

(+48 32) 209 53 12 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Regionalny Osrodek Metodyczno Edukacyjny Metis

(+48 32) 209 53 13 ul. Drozdow 21

Organiser Email:

bapawlowska@gmail.com Katowice

Postal Code: PL-40530

Title: 13,06 - PL - Health Promotion in Schools

Beginning date: 16.04.2007 Venue: Silesia region

End Date: 20.04.2007 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English ?


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

Glownym celem wizyty jest prezentacja programu promocji zdrowia Slaska Siec Szkol Promujacych Zdrowie
prowadzonego od pieciu lat przez Regionalny Osrodek Metodyczno Edukacyjny Metis w Katowicach. Podczas
wizyty zaprezentowane zostana zalozenia i cele programu. Odwiedzimy szkoly, ktore uzyskaly Certyfikat Szkoly
Promujacej Zdrowie i zapoznamy uczestnikow wizyty z autorskimi programami promocji zdrowia oraz pokazemy
przyklady dobrych praktyk. Wizyty bedzie odbywac sie w Katowicach, stolicy regionu, w poblizu Krakowa
kulturalnej stolicy Polski i Wieliczki zabytku z listy Swiatowego Dziedzictwa Kultury UNESCO. Wiecej informacji na
stronie: www.metis.pl/arionvisit

The principal aim of the visit is to present a programme of Health promotion Silesian Network of Health Promoting
Schools. The programme has been run successfully by In-Service Teacher Training Center Metis in Katowice for five
years. During the visit we will present the aims and objectives of the programme. We will visit schools which has
been awarded a Certificate of Health Promoting School, present authors programmes implemented in those schools
and examples of good practice. The visit will take place in Katowice a capital of Silesian region in vicinity of
Krakow - Polands cultural capital and Wieliczka - world famous salt mine from the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List.

More information on the website: www.metis.pl/arionvisit

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Visit No: 06013,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: LOPEZ Dominique

00 33 4 73 86 01 00 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Collge de Chatel Guyon

00 33 4 73 86 19 36 Avenue Clementel

Organiser Email:

dominique.lopez@ac-clermont.fr Chtel Guyon

Postal Code: 63140

Title: 13,07 - FR - Education la sant en Auvergne

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: CLERMONT FERRAND (Rgion Auvergne)

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French Spanish

Reference OBJECTIFS 1.2 et 2.3 (Dvelopper les comptences / Favoriser la citoyennet active)

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

Cette visite a pour but de montrer comment le systme ducatif franais assure la construction du citoyen, travers
des actions favorisant l'ducation la sant et la connaissance de soi. L'ducation la sant est un des axes
importants du projet acadmique, valid par le Rectorat de Clermont Ferrand. Les participants pourront apprcier les
diffrentes actions menes par les tablissements scolaires en Auvergne en direction des lves, mais aussi des
personnels pour dvelopper le bien-tre de la communaut scolaire et la transfrabilit des apprentissages. A cette
occasion, ils constateront la manire dont les units pdagogiques utilisent les ressources procures par
l'environnement de proximit et le travail en quipe ncessaire l'closion de multiples projets en matire de
nutrition, de prvention des conduites risques ( drogues, SIDA, contraception) et d'volution des reprsentations et
de strotypes (galit hommes femmes, connaissance de son corps.

Espagnol : Esta visita ARION permitir mostrar como se integra el sistema educativo frances la elaboracion y
constitucion del futuro ciudadano, a traves de program relacionados con la educacion a la salud y el conocimiento
de su mismo. Es uno de los ejes directores del Proyecto acadmico de la Rectoria de CLERMONT FERRAND. Se
les dar a conocer a los participantes los diferentes programas y practicas propuestos no solo en direccion a los
alumnos de las escuelas e institutos, sino tambien en direccion al personal de estas escuelas, con finalidad de
desarollar el bienestar de la communidad escolar y favorecer entre si un intercambio interactivo de conocimientos y
practicas. Durante esta visita, los participantes podran ver las unidad de ensenanza el entorno de proximidad y el
trabajo en equipo para conducir proyectos multiples sobre : la nutricion, la prevencion de los comportamientos con
riesgo para la salud (drogas, sida, contracepcion), la evolucion de las representaciones y los topicos como igualdad
entre hombres y mujeres. El trabajo sobre el conocimiento de sus propio cuerpo. Anglais : It aims at showing how
the educationnal French system provides citizenship though health education and the knowing of oneself.( objective
of well-being) Participants could appreciate the different actions led in schools for both pupils and staff in order to
promote welfare and positive behaviour. These schools use the nearby environment and the works team, involved in
important projects such as nutrition, prevention of dangerous and addictive behaviours ( drugs, AIDS) and the
evolution of pupil's representation of their body and the problem of equality between men and women in the society.

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Visit No: 06014,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr Richard Dawson

+44 (0)1743 852160 Type: Other type of organisation (OTH)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Field Studies Council

+44 (0)1743 852101 Preston Montford

Organiser Email:

fscee@field-studies-council.org Shrewsbury

Postal Code: GB-SY4

Title: 14,01 - GB - Rethinking Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in a Changing World

Beginning date: 27.11.2006 Venue: Shrewsbury, UK

End Date: 01.12.2006 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?


Nr of places: 20 Min required: 10

This study visit will explore emerging ESD theory and practise in the UK and highlight a range of innovative education
approaches. Participants will critically assess how learning can make a real difference in the move towards
sustainability. The objectives of the study visit are to: critically engage with emergent effective education for
sustainable development policies and practise in the United Kingdom; critically examine cross cultural perspectives
on appropriate roles for education and learning in relation to sustainable development; critically explore a range of
learning outcomes that can support the UN Decade of Education for Sustainability from 2005. The core of the study
visit will be the opportunity to question key experts of sustainable development and learning as witnesses. The visit
will also examine examples of ESD in action, synthesise learning and propose developments in ESD. Participants
will be given a copy of "Rethink, refuse, reduce" - a new book for educators on education for sustainability. Full
information on our global work can be accessed via the web addresses above. Web Page: www.efseurope.org &

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Visit No: 06014,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: TOUZAIN Jacques

00 33 4 42 65 43 20 Type: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Lyce Agricole d'Aix-Valabre

00 33 4 42 65 43 21 Chemin Moulin Fort

Organiser Email:

touzainjacques@aol.com GARDANNE Cedex

Postal Code: FR-13548

Title: 14,02 - FR - Inscription dans leurs territoires des acteurs des structures d'ducation l'environnement et au
dveloppement durable

Beginning date: 19.02.2007 Venue: Gardanne (Rgion Provence Alpes Cte d'Azur)

End Date: 23.02.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference Objectifs : 1.1, 1.5, 3.1, 3.5


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

Les participants seront amens rencontrer des acteurs en ducation l'environnement et au dveloppement
durable sur le lieu-mme de leur activit (CPIE, parcs naturels, maisons de quartier, jardins d'insertion, rseau
rgional d'ducation l'environnement...), des quipes pdagogiques et des quipes de direction de centre de
formation. Ces visites seront l'occasion d'changes sur les pratiques des diffrents partenaires en EEDD et de la
mise en commun de leurs objectifs, partir des ralits d'un territoire. Des rencontres avec les institutions
territoriales (Conseil Rgional Provence Alpes Cte d'Azur, Conseil Gnral, Direction de l'Agriculture ) permettront
aux participants d'ouvrir leurs dispositifs de formation aux thmatiques cocitoyennes et environnementales. L'accent
sera mis chaque fois sur la dmarche partenariale envisageable entre les tablissements de formation et des
organismes indpendants ou des entreprises. Certaines structures pourront proposer des sances d'activits
pratiques, comme celles qu'elles proposent au public qui est le leur (scolaires, jeunes en apprentissage,
professionnels dans le domaine de l'environnement). Les visites se feront en traduction simultane franais/anglais.
Des moments d'change privilgieront l'expression des acquis de chacun, acquis qui seront repris dans une synthse
finale. Notre lyce se trouve prs de l'aroport de Marseille-Marignane et de la gare TGV d'Aix-en-Provence.
Pralablement ce stage, un questionnaire sera envoy aux participants afin qu'ils fassent part de leurs attentes et
de leurs pratiques en EEDD. Ces rponses, transmises aux organisateurs permettront de mieux "cibler" les visites et
les contenus des rencontres.

The trainees will have the opportunity to meet different persons working in Education in Environment and Sustainable
Development on the very place of their professional activity (national parks, local chambers, training centers,
vocational gardens, regional network of education in environment), teaching teams and Directors of training centres.
These visits will permit us to exchange and share the experiences of the different partners in Education in
Environment and Sustainable Development and their common objectives, starting from the realities of our territory.
Some meetings with the local institutions (Regional Council of Provence-Alpes-Cte d'Azur, General Council,
Direction of Agriculture) will permit to the different participants to open their teaching organization to the subjects of
environment and citizenship in relation with nature conservation. We will constantly insist on the common objectives
and thought processes which could be shared by the different teaching institutions and independent organizations
and firms. Some structures will have the opportunity to show us some practical teaching sessions, similar to those
they organize with their own public (schools, students in vocational apprenticeship, professsionals in the field of
environment). The visits will be made simultaneously in French and English. A certain time will be devoted everyday

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
to exchanges on the different partners' opinions on the visits and experiences of the day. A final report will eventually
be written at the end of the session. Our school is located near the Marseille-Marignane airport and the TGV station
of Aix-en-Provence. Before the training session, a question-form will be sent to the different partners so that they
might give us their expectations and practices in Education in Environment. These answers, transmitted to the
coordinators, will permit to adapt the contents and visits.

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Visit No: 06014,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Luca Basteris, Angela Cavallo

+39 0171 692906 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Liceo Scientifico G. Peano

+39 0171 690942 Via Monte Zovetto, 8

Organiser Email:

info@gpeano.org; dirigente@gpeano.org Cuneo - CN

Postal Code: I-12100

Title: 14,03 - IT - Scuola e ambiente - Didattica dell'ambiente

Beginning date: 05.03.2007 Venue: Cuneo

End Date: 09.03.2007 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English French


Nr of places: 22 Min required: 8

Obiettivi trasversali: 1)migliorare la corrispondenza e la conoscenza reciproca tra diversi sistemi educativi allinterno
della Comunit Europea; 2) Conoscere ed approfondire il sistema educativo italiano attraverso il contratto con attivit
e strutture e il confronto di esperienze didattiche significative; 3) Assicurare il confronto tra diverse politiche educative
e sensibilizzare i docenti alla trattazione di temi comuni e alla cooperazione nella dimensione europea
dellinsegnamento; 4) Condividere esperienze pratiche su problemi dellambiente e del territorio e offrire soluzioni
sostenibili alla comunit europea attraverso attivit didattiche di problem solving e task mirati al tema dellambiente;
5) sfruttare le tecnologie dellinformazione e della comunicazione nelleducazione per verificare apporti innovativi nella
metodologia e valutazione in un progetto che rifletta la realt e i problemi locali. Obiettivi specifici: Il progetto viene
incontro alle nuove esigenze di tutela ambientale e risparmio di risorse non rinnovabili sul territorio e tiene conto che
lo sviluppo dei nostri paesi deve essere improntato Alla qualit e sostenibilit ambientale. Solo diffondendo una
mentalit dello sviluppo sostenibile potranno vincersi le scommesse energetiche dei prossimi anni. Per questo
motivo indispensabile che gli operatori della formazione di ogni singolo Stato UE siano consapevoli dellimportanza
di calare prioritariamente nella didattica scolastica e nella formazione continua tali tematiche. Lo scopo di questo
progetto quello di mettere in comune con le realt dei vari paesi interessati le conoscenze didattiche e professionali
maturate nellambito delle energie rinnovabili, del risparmio energetico e della tutela ambientale, per rendere fruibili
anche in altri paesi delle nuove e buone pratiche di insegnamento.

The project focuses on the protection of the environment and the saving of unrenewable resources at local levels
considering that the development of our countries should be characterised by environmental quality and
sustainability. Only by spreading the mentality of sustainable lifestyle we will win the bet of improving the quality of
human life respecting the environment. For this reason all the people involved in the educational fields of each
European State should be aware of the importance of dealing with environment issues at school. The aim of this
project is to share the knowledge and the didactic experiences carried out in each school about renewable resources,
energy saving and protection of the environment so that new good teaching techniques can be spread and used in
each country. Language support in French. Web page: www.gpeano.org

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Visit No: 06014,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Iva Ritschelova

+420 475 282 210 Type: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: J.E.urkyne University in Usti nad Labem

+420 472 772 781 Horeni 13

Organiser Email:

ritschelova@rek.ujep.cz Usti nad Labem

Postal Code: CZ-40096

Title: 14,04 - CZ - Environmental education - Land reclamation and recultivation

Beginning date: 05.03.2007 Venue: Usti nad Labem

End Date: 10.03.2007 Country: Czech Republic

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Czech English ?

Reference To create conditions for mutual understanding, comparison and subsequent development of
Objectives environmental education in the field of the land reclamation and revitalisation.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Cilem studijni navstevy je vytvorit podminky pro vzajemne poznani, komparaci a dal rozvoj environmentalniho
vzdelavani v oblasti revitalizace a rekultivace krajiny. Ucastnici studijni navstevy budou mit moznost se seznamit s
teoretickymi i praktickymi zkusenostmi v dane oblasti environmentalniho vzdelavani. Seznami se s historii,
soucasnym stavem a vyvojem rekultivaci v jednotlivych zemich. Cil studijni navstevy bude dosazen castecne
prostrednictvim odbornych environmentalnich kurzu organizovanych castecne formou odbornych prednasek a
castecne formou exkurzi po severnich Cechach, kter jsou v Evrope znamy rozsahem rekultivaci spojenych s
tezebnymi aktivitami v regionu. Ocekavame, ze navsteva vyznamne zvysi znalost ucastniku o dane oblasti
environmentalniho vzdelavani.

Objective of the study visit is to create conditions for mutual understanding, comparison and subsequent development
of environmental education in the field of the land reclamation and revitalisation. Paricipants will get opportunity to
share theoretical and practical experience in this field of environmental education. They become familiar with the
history, current state and development of land reclamation in individual countries. Objective of the study visit will be
reached by way of environmental courses that will be organised partly by lectures and partly as field trips in the North
Bohemian region. That region is very famous around Europe by great extent of land reclamation related to the mining
activities. It is expected that the visit will increase the knowledge of the participants about the environmental
education in this field.

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Visit No: 06014,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Vaclav Broukal

+420 234 621 386 Type: Non-profit association - region/national (ASS.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Sdruzeni stredisek ekologicke vychovy

+420 234 621 386 Senovazne namesti 24

Organiser Email:

info@pavucina-sev.cz Praha 1

Postal Code: CZ-11647

Title: 14,05 - CZ - Environmental education in the Czech Republic

Beginning date: 12.03.2007 Venue: Prague

End Date: 16.03.2007 Country: Czech Republic

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Czech English ?

Reference Introduction to the systm of environmental education /EE/ in the Czech Republic and exchange of
Objectives mutual experience in EE.

Nr of places: 20 Min required: 10

Cilem studijni navstevy je seznamit ucastniky se systemem environmentalniho vzdelavani, vychovy a osvety (EVVO)
v esk republice, s procesem implementace Strategie UNECE pro vzdelavani k udrzitelnemu rozvoji v CR a vymena
zkusenosti a informaci o implementaci strategie v zemich ucastniku. V ramci navstevy bude zprostrdekovano diskusni
setkani s pracovniky centralnich organu statni spravy (ministerstva zivotniho prostredi a Ministerstva skolstvi),
seznameni se systemem EVVO na urovni regionu (kraju) formou navstevy jednoho z nich za ucasti odpovednych
pracovniku prislusneho krajskeho uradu. Vedle pusobeni verejne spravy v oblasti EVVO se ucastnici seznami s
cinnosti nevladnich organizaci pusobicich v tto oblasti - s cinnosti Sdruzeni stredisek ekologicke vychovy Pavucina
(zastresujici organizace EVVO), s jejimi projekty, probehne navsteva nekolika clenskych stredisek s predstavenim
naplne jejich cinnosti (ekologicke vyukove programy, vzdelavani pedagogu v EVVO, osvetova cinnost, spoluprace se
skolami, s verejnou spravou apod.).

The aim of the study visit is to present the system of environmental education /EE/ in the Czech Republic, the
process of implementing strategies in the participants home countries. During their stay the participants will meet
public administration officials (Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport), and they will
discuss EE activities on the regional level with the officials from a regional council. Besides activities in public
administration the participants will learn about the activities and projects of the Association Centres for Environmental
Education "Pavucina" which represents and provides services for several organizations active in this area. The
participants will also visit several member centres of Pavucina that will present their activities (environmental
education programmes, education of teachers active in EE, edification activities, co-operation with schools, with
public counciles, etc.)

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Visit No: 06014,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: HENRY Catherine

00 33 2 40 14 50 50 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: LYCEE SAINT FELIX

00 33 2 40 74 76 35 27, rue du Ballet

Organiser Email:

lycee@saintfelix.com NANTES CEDEX 1

Postal Code: 44001

Title: 14,06 - FR - Education la scurit routire : comment amener les lves un comportement citoyen lors
de leurs dplacements

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: NANTES (Rgion Pays de la Loire)

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference Objectifs : 1.1, 2.3, 3.1 et 3.5


Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5

Permettre des responsables pdagogiques europens de confronter leur exprience avec ce qui se fait en France
dans le domaine de la scurit routire. Cette confrontation doit mener un partage d'ides et d'initiatives contribuant
dvelopper chez les jeunes la notion de comportement citoyen visant assurer leur scurit et celle des autres
usagers. lors de leur sdplacements, en particulier en relation avec l'cole.

The objective is to allow European School representatives to discuss and compare their experiences with those of the
French in the field of education to road safety. This sharing of experiences should lead to a sharing of ideas and
initiatives which will contribute to the development of the idea of responsible behaviour in the young with the aim of
promoting their security and that of the other road users, especially for their journeys to and from school.

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Visit No: 06014,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Branka Likon

+386 5 651 46 70 Type: Primary school (EDU.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Osnovna ola dr. Ale Bebler-Primo Hrvatini
+386 5 651 40 70 Hrvatini 137

Organiser Email:

branka.likon@guest.arnes.si Ankaran

Postal Code: SI-6280

Title: 14,07 -SLO - Classroom in the nature

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Hrvatini, Ankaran, Koper - Slovenia

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Slovenia

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Slovene English ?

Reference MAKING LEARNING ATTRACTIVE - present different way to make learning attractive. MAKINGTHE
Objectives BEST USE OF RESOURCE - the participants will be aknowledged by endavour to ensure the best
Report use of resources at different organizations (elem., secondary school).

Nr of places: 16 Min required: 8

Program tudijskega obiska z naslovom Naredimo uenje privlano Uilnica v naravi posebej predstavlja monosti
izkustvenega uenja. Predstavljeno je raziskovalno delo v osnovni in srednji oli ter uenje s poskusi (na primer skrb
za olski vrt, obiranje oljk...). Poudarjeno je nenehno zagotavljanje stika z naravo in uenja iz narave. Udeleenci
bodo spoznali cilje taknega uenja, naine izvajanja in izkunje. Obisk predstavlja monost za razvoj in oceno
zmonosti narediti uenje privlano s prenosom procesa uenja in pouevanja izven ole v naravo ter s
spodbujanjem uencev da aktivno sodelujejo v tem procesu. Med programom bomo zagotovili pregled
izobraevalnega sistema v Sloveniji s poudarkom na osnovnih in srednjih olah ter njihovem sodelovanju z drugimi
izobraevalnimi institucijami. Namen obiska je tudi izmenjati ideje in primere dobre prakse. Udeleenci bodo obiskali
slovenske osnovne in srednje ole, univerzo ter zavod za olstvo. Posebna pozornost bo posveena tudi monosti
uenja v urejenem mediteranskem parku ob mladinskem zdraviliu Rdeega kria na Debelem Rtiu.

The program of the visit by title Making learning attractive The classroom in nature is an opportunity to be
acquainted with learning by doing. The research work in elementary and secondary school will be presented, as well
as learning by experiments in nature and gardening in school garden. The continuous ensouring the relationship with
nature and learning from nature is pointed out during study visit. The visit provides opportunities to develop and
evaluate skills to making learning attractive by transfere teaching and learning process outside the school in nature
and by encouraging students to actively participate in teaching and learning process. An overwiew of the education
system in Slovenia will be provided during the programmme. It is focused on elementary and secondary schools and
on their collaboration with other educational institutions in Slovenia. The study visit will include visit to different
elementary and secondary school, as well as University and National educational institute. The opportunity to learn
wiil be specialy presented in nature at Mediterranean park located near Red Cross health and holiday resort for young
people. Web page:www2.arnes.si/~oskphrv/

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06014,08

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Aravella Zachariou, Andri Savva

+357 22 402352 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Pedagogical Institude

+357 22 480505 P.O.BOX 12720

Organiser Email: Nicosia, CYPRUS

aravella@cyearn.pi.ac.cy; sandri@ucy.ac.cy Nicosia

Postal Code: CY- 2252

Title: 14,08 - CY - Teacher training in Environmental Education through Art and Culture

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Pedoulas Environmental Education Center-Pedoulas V

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Cyprus

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Greek English ?

Reference Using local community and indigenous people as a means to encourage environmental and cultural
Objectives learning; introducing ways of environmental practices through artistic interventions in various
Report environmental settings;

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

To sigkekrimeno programma episkepsis tha anaptixthei sto Kentro Perivallontikis Ekpaideysis Pedoula kai stin evriteri
perioxi Troodous. Sigkekrimena stoxevei stin perivallontiki evaisthitopoiisi kai gnosi mesa apo tin aksiopoiisi
sigkekrimenon xoron perivallontikou kai politistikou endiaferontos (politistika mnimia, mouseia, monopatia tis fisis,
dasos troodous). Epipleon, oi simmetexontes tha exoun tin eykairia na allilepidrasoun sta plaisia organomenou
programmatos sto Kentro, me mathites kai ekpaideytikous. Mesa apo to sigkekrimeno programma oi simmetexontes
a) tha enimerothoun gia programmata pou aforoun stin ekpaideysi ton ekpaideytikon se sxesi me to sigkekrimeno
thema, b) tha exoun tin eykairia na episkeftoun sxoleia olon ton vathmidon ekpaideysis sta opoia efarmozontai
perivallontika programmata aksiopoioisis tou sxolikou xorou kai tis topikis koinotitas. H simasia tou programmatos
sinistatai sto gegonos oti mesa apo tin allilepidrasi atomon me diaforetiki koultoura proerxomenon apo diaforetika
perivallonta mporei na siniditopoiithei oti perivallontika kai politismika zitimata pou eksetazontai kai aforoun se
sigkekrimeno xoro kai topo exoun oikoumeniki diastasi. Endiaferei epimorfotes se themata texnis kai perivallontos
stin ekpaideysi, topiotexnes, prosopiko kentron Perivallontikis Ekpaideysis.

The present program will take place in Pedoulas Environmental Education Center, which is situated in the southwest
on the Troodos Mountains. It aims to enhance participants environmental sensitivity and learning through artistic
interventions in various environmental settings (natural places and places of cultural interest: Nature trails, forest
ecosystem, museums and cultural monuments). Moreover, participants will have the opportunity to interact with
teachers and students participating in Environmental Education program in the specific setting. They will also a) be
informed about teacher training environmental programmes (linking art with environment), b) visit schools from all
educational levels implementing environmental educational programs focused on actions in school setting and with
local community. Cultural and environmental issues in the specific place and space and their global dimensions are
highlighted, through interactive learning with people from various cultures and environments. Target group:
Specialists in Environmental Education, art teachers, landscape artists, environmental project leaders, educators in
Environmental Education Centers.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06014,09

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr Andy Christie

+44 (0)1324 506671 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Falkirk Council Education Services

+44 (0)1324 506601 McLaren House

Organiser Email: Marchmont Ave, Polmont

andy.christie@falkirk.gov.uk Falkirk

Postal Code: GB-FK2

Title: 14,09 - GB - Environmental Education Development

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: Falkirk, UK

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

Environmental Education is supported in Falkirk Council by a range of initiatives and key partnerships through which
both national and local priorities are addressed. Over 90% of schools are signed up to the Eco Schools programme
used as a performance measure by the Scottish Executive in National Priority 4, Values & Citizenship. As well as
contributing to sustainable development and environmental awareness it promotes pupil empowerment and active
citizenship. The scheme is well supported within the Council through the work of an Environmental Education
Support Teacher, a cross service advice group and grant scheme, and also through linking with local environmental
agencies. The John Muir Award is also promoted in Falkirk Council schools. This hand, head, heart approach to
discovery and conservation, promotes active citizenship and readily allows for the delivery of the think global, act
local message of sustainable development. The flexibility offered by the award means it can be offered to a range of
ages and abilities, and the impact on some pupils has resulted in significant improvements in achievement, behaviour
and attendance. Delivery of this award demonstrates the joint working between school-based staff and members of
the Councils Outdoor Learning Team. Participants will have the opportunity: To meet with both staff and pupils
involved in the above mentioned schemes. To see first hand a range of activities that have been developed to
cover both curricular and extra curricular requirements. Undertake a site visit to the newly developed Outdoor
Learning base. Receive details on how the Outdoor Learning team is adapting national initiatives to deliver local
priorities in education. This will provide a comprehensive overview of the joint working being undertaken through
Education Services. We would welcome also input from other countries on how global citizenship and sustainable
development are addressed in their school environment.

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Visit No: 06014,10

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Yanka Shurelova

+359 56 813252 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Regional Inspectorate of Education - Burgas

+359 56 813259 150, Gladstone str.

Organiser Email:

yana_shurelova@abv.bg; yana_shurelova@yahoo.co Burgas

Postal Code: BG-8000

Title: 14,10 - BG - The environmental education in Bulgaria

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: Burgas

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: Bulgaria

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Bulgarian English French


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

The participants will visit the Regional Inspectorate of Education and the Municipality of Burgas for a presentation of
the Bulgarian educational system, the state educational requirements for environmental education, the projects
"Ecoschools - Bulgaria", "Green Burgas", "Burgas wet zone". "Bulgarian blue flag", etc. The study visit will include
observation of lessons in different subjects with an ecological context at the school and outdoors. Meetings and
discussions will be organized with experts, heads of schools, teachers and pupils. Visits are foreseen to the
envrironmental and educational centres "Poda", "Ropotamo", the national reservations in "Strandja national park", the
Salt Museum in Pomorie lake and local cultural sites.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06014,11

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Andrej Opllen, Jana Judov

+42 144 552 18 49 Type: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Associated Secondary School

+42 144 552 18 49 Demnovsk cesta 669

Organiser Email:

zssplm@zssplm.sk Liptovsk Mikul

Postal Code: SVK-031 02

Title: 14,11 - SVK - Implementation of Environmental Education into other subjects of Primary and Secondary

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: Liptovsk Mikuls

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: Slovak Republic

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Slovak English German


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 5

Implementcia enviromentlnej vchovy do jednotlivch vyuovacch predmetov. Nvteva v zkladnch a strednch
kolch, diskusia s uitemi a koordintormi enviromentlnej vchovy o uebnch osnovch enviromentlnej
vchovy (vydan M SR, 1996). Projektov vyuovanie. Projekt Zelen kola na Slovensku a jeho psobenie na
enviromentlnu vchovu. Nvteva Zelench kl. Spoluprca s mimovldnymi organizciami pi enviromentlnej
vchove. Exkurzia: ierny Balog lesncky skanzen, star eleznica, TANAP -Tatransk nrodn park

Implementation of Environmental Education into other subjects of Primary and Secondary Schools. The visit will be
held in the Primary and Secondary Schools in Slovakia discussion with teachers and coordinators of Environmental
Education about possibilities of education throughout projects. Project ECO schools in Slovakia. The visit in
Green schools. Cooperation between schools and NGOs. Excursion: ierny Balog - the old Railway, TANAP The
National Park.Language support in German. Web page:www.zssplm.sk.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06014,12

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: COLOMBIER Pierre Jean

00 33 6 24 39 63 69 Type: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: INSTITUT SANDAR

00 33 4 74 56 10 73 BP 17

Organiser Email:

pj.colombier@sandar.org LIMONEST CEDEX

Postal Code: 69579

Title: 14,12 - FR - Les pratiques pdagogiques transversales l'ducation l'environnement et l'ducation la

citoyennet UK - The educational practices cross- linked to the education to the environment and to the
education to citizenship
Beginning date: 16.10.2006 Venue: LYON - Limonest (Rgion Rhne-Alpes - FRANCE)

End Date: 20.10.2006 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference 2.3 : Favoriser la citoyennet active, l'galit des chances et la cohsion sociale.3.5 : Renforcer la
Objectives coopration europenne.

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

Echanger, comparer et analyser les pratiques pdagogiques transversales l'ducation l'environnement et
l'ducation la citoyennet entre un rseau de lyces d'enseignement agricole de la rgion de LYON et des
participants europens. L'objectif de cette rencontre est de prsenter la diversit des aspects de l'ducation
l'environnement - cologie, organisation sociale, culture, conomie et territoire - et d'changer sur des projets
pdagogiques qui permettent aux apprenants d'exprimenter leur rle d'acteur en partenariat avec des collectivits
territoriales, des associations, des ONG, et d'acqurir une conscience citoyenne en Europe et dans le monde. Des
quipes pdagogiques prsenteront des projets d'ducation l'environnement - gestion de l'eau, agriculture,
dcouverte du patrimoine, nergies renouvelables, dveloppement territorial...- qui impliquent diffrents acteurs sur
un territoire et qui conduisent des partenariat europens et de solidarit internationale. La visite sera conduite en
franais et traduite en anglais et espagnol.

Title of the study tour:The educational practices cross- linked to the education to the environment and to the
education to citizenship : To exchange, to compare and analyse educational practices that are cross-linked to the
education to the environment and to the education to citizenship between a network of agricultural schools in the
region of Lyons and the European participants. this meeting aims at presenting the versatility of the educational
aspects to the environment-ecology, social organisation, culture, economics and territory and at exchanging over
educational projects which allow the learners to experience their parts as actors in partnership with territorial
organizations, organizations, some non- governmental organizations and at acquiring some citizen awareness in
Europe and in the world. Educational teams will present educational projects to the environment- water management,
agriculture, discovery of the historical background of the region , renewable energies, territorial development.which
imply different actors on a territory and which lead to European partnerships and international mutual help. The tour
will be carried out in French and translated into English and Spanish.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06015,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Dick Aurell

+46 31 7732770 Type: Education authority

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Centre for School Management Training

+46 31 133528 Erik Dahlbergsgatan 11B

Organiser Email: Box 100

dick.aurell@rut.gu.se Gteborg

Postal Code: SE-40530

Title: 15,01 - SE - To explore School Leadership Training in an European perspective

Beginning date: 02.10.2006 Venue: Gteborg

End Date: 06.10.2006 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

Sverige har haft en statlig rektorsutbildning fr yrkesverksamma rektorer i nstan 30 r och denna utbildning r fn
under versyn. I Vstsverige ges denna utbildning av Rektorsutbildningen Vst i Gteborg. En nyckelfrga som kan
stllas r: r det mjligt att utbilda skolledare till att bli hgpresterande och hur ska detta i s fall g till? Olika
europeiska koncept frn deltagarnas lnder fr hur skolledarutbildning gr till inventeras och deltagarna i konferensen
utarbetar ider fr vad som r viktigt att tnka p vid utformandet av en framgngsrik skolledarutbildning. Vad fr
lrandesyn avspeglar de olika lndernas syn p hur lrande gr till i en sdan utbildning? Vilket innehll och vilka
arbetsformer r att fredra? Vi gr studiebesk under en av Rektorsutbildningens kursveckor dr yrkesverksamma
skolledare utbildas och samtalar med utbildare och deltagande rektorer. Vi besker ocks Pedagogen, Gteborgs
Universitet och fr se den mer akademiskt prglade skolledarutbildningen som r ppen fr bde yrkesverksamma
skolledare och lrare och andra kategorier som aspirerar p att ska en skolledartjnst. Frelsningar om
professionellt lrande fr rektorer och den nya Rektorsutbildningen som startar 1 januari 2007 kommer att arrangeras.
Studiebesk kommer ocks att gras som visar de natur- och kulturvrden som r betecknande fr den svenska
vstkusten. P hemsidan www.ped.gu.se/rut kan man lsa mer om den organisation, Rektorsutbildningen Vst, som
arrangerar studiebesket.

For almost 30 years the Swedish Government has run School Leadership Training for school heads. Over the years
the training has been changed a couple of times. Now it is under review again. In West Sweden The Centre for
School Leadership Training at Goteborg University is providing this training. A key question to be put might be: Is it
possible to train school leaders to become high achievers? In that case how should this be done? The participants
describe their countries' concepts of school leadership training, a discussion is held about what is important to
consider when designing a successful school leadership training. What content and which training methods are to be
preferred? We make a study visit to a Centre of School Management course week to talk to course leaders and
participating school heads. We also visit the Faculty of Pedagogics at Goteborg University and a more academic
education for heads and teachers and others who later on may apply for a job as principal. Lectures will be held on
how school heads learn and on the new training design for Swedish school leaders starting at the beginning of 2007.
Visits will also be made in Goteborg and its environment. On our home page www.ped.gu.se/rut you can read more
about The Centre for School Management Training in West Sweden, arranging this study visit. Web page:

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06015,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mehmet Emin BAKAY

+90-505-2322992(GSM) Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: National Education Directorate of Izmir Province

+90-232-4838911 Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu

Organiser Email: AB Birimi Konak Meydan

emin_bakay@yahoo.com or uailiskler35@meb.gov.tr Konak-IZMIR

Postal Code: TUR-35210

Title: 15,02 - TUR - School Management and Different Methods

Beginning date: 05.03.2007 Venue: Konak-IZMIR

End Date: 09.03.2007 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English ?

Objectives SOCIETY AT LARGE; Descriptive studies about how education and training establishments seek to
Report attract and involve those currently outside education and training systems

Nr of places: 20 Min required: 5

Participants will have the chance to observe school management, training of the managers and application of new
models. They will have the chance to observe the management and sample good applications of the kindergartens,
primary schools and high schools (both general and vocational), In addition project based school management
system, which has been applied in our schools since last year, will be demonstrated and finally touristic and cultural
heritage of the Izmir region will be presented, like Virgin Mary, Ephesos, Agora, Turkish caravanserai etc.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06015,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mircea Gemescu

+40^246^214.920 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Secondary School No 7 Giurgiu

+40^246^213.986 STR. PORTULUI 21

Organiser Email:

maricontact@k.ro Giurgiu

Postal Code: RO-080015

Title: 15,03 - RO - Managerial Styles

Beginning date: 10.04.2007 Venue: Giurgiu

End Date: 14.04.2007 Country: Romania

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Romanian English ?

Reference The acknowledgement of the recruiting methods; The analysis of the way of implementing of
Objectives managerial plan in schools; The analysis of communication techniques in schools;

Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5

Scopul vizitei este de a realiza schimburi de informatii, idei si experiente in ceea ce priveste managementul scolar.
Obiective specifice: Cunoasterea metodelor de recrutare, perfectionare, evaluare a managerilor de scoli; Analizarea
modului de aplicare a planului managerial in practica scolara; Compararea metodelor de intarire a spiritului de echipa
si a performantei profesionale; Analizarea tehnicilor de comunicare in scoli; Cunoasterea metodelor de colaborare a
scolilor cu mass-media, cu parintii si cu autoritatile locale. Compararea metodelor de dezvoltare a dimensiunii
europene a scolilor;DESCRIEREA VIZITEI (Activitati concrete pe care doriti sa le efectuati): Vizitarea de diverse
scoli: publice si private, gradinite, scoli primare si gimnaziale si liceale, din rural si urban; Vizite la Inspectoratul
Scolar, Casa Corpului Didactic, Clubul copiilor, Scoli speciale, Scoala de muzica; Schimburi de manuale scolare, carti
de management, de CD-uri cu activitati scolare; Dezbateri privind stilurile manageriale, privind comunicarea si
rezolvarea conflictelor; Asistarea la ore de curs, la sedinte de Consilii de administratie, la diverse activitati cultural-
sportive; Schimburi de planuri manageriale; Vizite la institutii de petrecere a timpului liber (muzee, Cluburi, Biblioteci,
Sali de sport, Cinematografe); Studii de caz Dificultati in managementul scolar; MOD DE ABORDARE: Se va face
comunicarea prin net, pentru a afla ce asteptari au participantii de la vizita ARION; Fiecare participant va fi rugat sa
aduca materiale legate de scoala si de invatamantul din tara sa (pliante, manuale, reviste, CD-uri, eseuri despre
stilurile manageriale, etc); Se vor face schimburi de materiale si idei in vederea realizarii unui mini muzeu al
invatamantului European, in fiecare scoala implicata; In proiectarea si realizarea activitatilor vom colabora cu
Inspectoratul scolar, Casa Corpului Didactic, cu mass-media si cu toate institutiile locale si judetene cu care avem

The aim of this visit is to exchange information, ideas and experience about school management. Specific objectives:
The acknowledgement of the recruiting methods, the ways of improving work, the assessment of the heads of the
school The analysis of the way of implementing of managerial plan in schools; The comparison of the ways of
strengthening the team spirit and professional performance; The analysis of communication techniques in schools.
The acknowledgement of the way of collaboration with mass-media, parents and local authorities; The comparison of
the development of the European dimension in schools. Visits at different public and private schools, kindergartens,
primary schools and high schools, located in towns and country side. Visits at the county School Inspectorate,
Teachers Resource Center, Childrens Club, special schools, Music schools; Textbooks exchange, management
courses, books, CDs with school activities. Session about management styles, ways of communication and conflict
solving methods; Attending classes, school board meetings, different sports and cultural activities; Exchange of

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
managerial plans; Visits at institutions for spending free time (museums, clubs, libraries, gyms, cinemas); Case study
Difficulties in school management APPROACH MANNER There will be net communication in order to find out what
expectations the participants have from the Arion visit; Each participant will be asked to bring materials regarding
school and the school system in his country (folders, textbooks, magazines, CDs, essays about managerial styles,
etc); There will be an exchange of materials and ideas, in order to carry out a mini museum of European education, in
each school involved; In order to project and carry out the activities, we will collaborate with the School Inspectorate,
Teachers Resource Center, media and all the local and county institutions we have partnership with.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06015,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Nina Mares

+32 2 553 95 80 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Nina Mares

+32 2 553 95 65 Departement Onderwijs

Organiser Email: Koning Albert II-laan, 15

nina.mares@ond.vlaandren.be Brussel

Postal Code: BE-1210

Title: 15,04 - BE - The heads of schools

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Brussels

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Belgium (Flemish speaking)

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Dutch English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Het leiden van een goede school veronderstelt heel wat competenties. De schoolleiders staan in voor de
loopbaanontwikkeling van hun personeel, ze moeten vaak zorgen voor een goede besteding van de financile
middelen en voor de uitrusting en het onderhoud van de schoolgebouwen. Ze moeten samenwerken met het
schoolbestuur, zorgen voor goede relaties met de ouders van de leerlingen en een netwerk rond de school
uitbouwen. Steeds meer wordt van hen verwacht dat ze deskundigheid en bezielend leiderschap combineren. De
laatste jaren kwamen er meer contacten en relaties met instanties en personen uit de plaatselijke omgeving. Ook
deze partners in het samen school maken, zoals personeelsleden, leerlingen, ouders en vertegenwoordigers van de
lokale gemeenschap, moeten steeds deskundiger worden, willen ze chte partners zijn. Via bezoeken aan het
Departement Onderwijs en scholen, gesprekken met ambtenaren, experts, schoolhoofden en leerkrachten wordt een
inzicht gegeven in deze thematiek.

Managing a school requires a lot of competences. Heads of school are responsible for the development of the career
of their staff, they often have to take care of the budget, the equipment and the maintenance of the premises. They
have to cooperate with the school board, to assure good relations with the parents of the pupils and they have to
extend a network around the school. The combination of expertise and inspiring leadership is expected. During the
last years more contacts and relations with institutions and persons from the local community have grown. These
partners, like staff members, pupils, parents and representatives of the local community are also expected to be more
professional if they want to be real partners. This theme is clarified during visits to the Education Department and
schools, and through discussions with civil servants, experts, head teachers and teachers. Web page:

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Visit No: 06015,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: MIGNON Patrick

00 33 5-49-91-03-97 Type: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: EPLEFPA Jean-Marie BOULOUX

00 33 5-49-91-51-96 BP 47

Organiser Email:

patrick.mignon@educagri.fr MONTMORILLON

Postal Code: 86500

Title: 15,05 - FR - Nouvelles Pdagogies et Organisations des Etablissements

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: Montmorillon (Rgion Poitou-Charentes)

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference OBJECTIFS 1.1, 1.5 et 2.1


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

Dans de nombreux pays de l'Union Europenne, l'organisation de l'enseignement agricole s'oriente vers l'utilisation
de nouvelles pdagogies afin de rendre l'apprenant acteur de son parcours. Toutefois, pour permettre ces dernires
d'voluer favorablement, l'tablissement agricole doit s'organiser diffremment. La visite d'tude Arion dveloppera
les thmatiques suivantes : - la pluridisciplinarit, - l'autoformation, - le e-learning, - l'individualisation. Ateliers
d'changes de pratiques, rencontres avec des dcideurs et autorits rgionales, nationales, visites touristiques
(Futuroscope, Parc du Multimdia et de l'image).Ce sminaire sera assur en traduction simultane par un
organisme de formation.

In many countries of the European Community, the agricultural teaching organisation is focused on the use of new
pedagogies, so the students become the actors of their own learning process. So, in order to enable to the new
pedagogies to have a favorable evolution, the agricultural schools have to organise themselves in different ways. The
study visit Arion will develop the following themes :- multidisciplinarity- self-training- e-learning- individualisation
Practice exchange workshops, meetings with leaders and national and regional authorities, cultural visits
(Futuroscope, multimedia park and image show). The training will provide with a simultaneous translation by a training

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06015,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: GRUAT Daniel

00 33 6 61 99 06 73 Type: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Lyce de l'Arche Gudon

00 33 1 64 80 17 21 2 passage de l'Arche Gudon

Organiser Email:

gruat@wanadoo.fr TORCY

Postal Code: 77200

Title: 15,06 - FR - Le Chef d'tablissement dans le systme ducatif franais

Beginning date: 05.02.2007 Venue: TORCY (Rgion Ile de France)

End Date: 09.02.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French Spanish

Reference 3.1 : Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la socit dans son ensemble. 3.4 :
Objectives Accrotre la mobilit et les changes. 3.5 : Renforcer la coopration europenne.

Nr of places: 18 Min required: 8

Le chef d'tablissement : une fonction passionnante qui recouvre en Europe des statuts et des comptences trs
diversifis .Prsentation du chef d'tablissement dans le systme franais (procdure de recrutement, formation
initiale, statut, formation continue, responsabilit) qui favorisera une analyse critique comparative riche en diversit.
Le contenu de ce stage s'adresse tout naturellement aux chefs d'tablissement en exercice mais aussi aux
formateurs et aux candidats ces fonctions. Visites d'tablissements, rencontres avec les collectivits et les
responsables lus et institutionnels , historique et volution du mtier. Traduction des documents et des intervenants,
par un co-animateur ou par un assistant.

El director (escolar) : su funcion es apasionante y remite a diversos estatutos y competencias. Una presentatcion del
director dentro del sistema francs (como se recruta, su formacion inicial,sus misiones, su estatuto, su formacion
continua, sus responsabilidades ) favorecera un analisis critico y comparativo Lleno de diversidades. El contenido de
este cursillo se dirige muy naturalmente a los que ejercen actualmente la funcion de director asi como a los que
desean ejercer estas mismas funciones.

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Visit No: 06015,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: MIGNON Patrick

00 33 5-49-91-03-97 Type: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: EPLEFPA Jean-Marie Bouloux

00 33 5-49-91-51-96 BP 47 - Chteau Ringuet

Organiser Email:

patrick.mignon@educagri.fr MONTMORILLON

Postal Code: 86500

Title: 15,07 - FR - Pratiques de management

Beginning date: 12.03.2007 Venue: Montmorillon (Rgion Poitou-Charentes)

End Date: 16.03.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French English French

Reference OBJECTIFS 1.2, 1.5 et 3.2


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

Les responsables sont souvent seuls dans leur prise de fonction. Dans de nombreux pays de l'Union Europenne,
l'organisation de l'enseignement agricole se rforme. La visite d'tude Arion dveloppera les thmatiques suivantes :-
gestion des ressources humaines et techniques de ngociation et de communication dans les tablissements
europens- les pratiques de partenariat et de rseau dans le management des tablissements- les sources de
financement des tablissements- la politique de coopration internationale. Ateliers d'changes de pratiques,
rencontres avec des dcideurs et autorits rgionales / nationales, visites touristiques (Futuroscope, parc du
Multimdia et de l'image). Ce sminaire sera assur en traduction simultane par un organisme de formation.

English : The leaders are often alone when they have to take decisions. In many countries of the European Union,
the agricultural teaching organization is reforming. The study visit Arion will develop the following themes : - human
resources management, communication and negociation techniques in European schools - practices of partners
system and network in the school management - the schools' financial sources - the international cooperation
policy Discussions and exchanges in working group on participants ' experiences, meetings with leaders and
national and regional authorities, cultural visits (Futuroscope, multimedia and image show). A training organisation
will carry out this training by simultaneous translation. Spanish : Los responsables est'an solos para sus funciones.
En muchos paises de la Union Europeana, la organisacion de la ensenanza agricola esta cambiando. La visita de
estudios Arion desarollara los temas siguientes : - gestion de las recursos humanos y tecnicos de negociacion y de
comunicacion en los establecimientos europeanas - gestion de los establecimientos - financiacion de los
establecimientos - cooperacion internacional Intercambios practicos ; eniventros con personalidades importantes
visitas turisticas.Este seminario estara traducido por un organismo de formacion.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06016,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Santo Mancuso

+39 0961 722026 Type: Research institute (RES)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: IRRE Calabria

+39 0961 722027 Via XX Settembre, 62

Organiser Email:

smancuso@abramo.it Catanzaro - CZ

Postal Code: I-88100

Title: 16,01 - IT - La scuola e il suo ambiente. La dimensione europea nell'interazione con il patrimonio storico-
culturale e ambientale della Calabria

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Catanzaro

End Date: 14.10.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian French German

Reference Objective 3.1: Strengthening the links with working life and research, and society at large.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

OBIETTIVO: far conoscere al pi vasto mondo europeo, attraverso le istituzioni scolastiche e formative, il volto della
Calabria: la sua storia, originale sintesi pacifica e integrazione culturale di vari popoli, il suo ambiente, particolarmente
dotato di potenzialit turistiche per la salubrit del clima e la bellezza del suo ecosistema, felicemente armonizzato
tra mari colline laghi e monti, popolato da citt di media grandezza villaggi e centri ricchi di testimonianze del passato,
animati da originali iniziative sociali, economiche e culturali, le sue istituzioni impegnate ad interpretare costruire e
diffondere la nuova dimensione del cittadino europeo. Il Programma: Catanzaro: incontri con autorit regionali
provinciali e comunali, politiche, amministrative e scolastiche; presentazione del sistema scolastico e formativo
attuazione della Riforma - Autonomia - Dimensione Europea dell'EducazioneIniziative di supporto e monitoraggio
funzioni e ruolo dellIRRE rapporti con il Ministero, Direzione Scolastica Regionale, INDIRE Istituto Nazionale di
Documentazione per l'Innovazione e la Ricerca Educativa INValSI Istituto Nazionale Valutazione Sistemi
Istruzione; progetti innovativi; linterazione con lUniversit Il rapporto con il territorio: istituzioni, patrimonio artistico
mussale, aree naturalistiche testimonianze archeologiche; la costa ionica: Squillace Copanello, Noverato;
Lamezia Terme - Sila - Soveria Mannelli - Crotone e provincia- Vibo Valentia e provincia la costa tirrenica e
Tropea - Serra San Bruno. Disponibile un servizio di traduzione per la lingua inglese. Ulteriori recapiti
dell'organizzatore: tel.: +39 0961 795959, e-mail: irre.calabria@istruzione.it

Objectif: faire connatre au plus vaste monde europen, travers les institutions scolaires et formatives de rgion les
facettes de Calabre: -son histoire; une synthse originale d'une intgration culturelle pacifique des peuples divers, -
son milieu ambiant particulirement dou pour le tourisme favoris par son climat et la beaut de son environnement,
un mariage harmonieux entre les lacs et les monts, peupl des villes de taille moyenne et des villages riches en
tmoignages du pass, anim par des initiatives culturelles, sociales et conomiques originales et par des institutions
voue rpandre les nouvelles dimensions du citoyennet europenne. Le programme: Catanzaro: Rencontre avec
des autorits rgionaux, communaux, politiques et scolaires; -le Systme scolaire et de formation, -Ralisation de la
Rforme, -Autonomie, -Dimension europenne de l'Education, -Initiatives du support et du monitoring, -fonctions et
rle de l'IRRE, rencontre avec la Ministre, la Direction Scolaire rgionale, l'INDIRE (Institut National de
Documentation, d'Innovation et de Recherche ducative, INVALSI-Institut National d'Evaluation de Systme
d'Enseignement. D'autres coordonnes de l'organisateur: tel.: +39 0961 795959, e-mail: irre.calabria@istruzione.it
Translation available also in English

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Visit No: 06016,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Luis Maciel Silva

(+351) 295 401 100 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Direco Regional da Educao dos Aores

(+351) 295 401 182 Paos da Junta Geral

Organiser Email: Carreira dos Cavalos

Luis.M.Silva@azores.gov.pt Angra do Herosmo

Postal Code: PT-9700-167

Title: 16,02 - PT - K-12 Integrated Schools in Small Insular Communities

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Pico e So Jorge Islands Azores, Portugal

End Date: 13.10.2006 Country: Portugal

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Portuguese English ?

Reference Debate and assess the challenges faced by small schools in remote Europe;Evaluate strategies for
Objectives the integration of students of different grade levels in single schools;

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Analyse and assess the solutions of individual schools for the obstacles presented by the small communities in which
they function. The European dimension in remote areas of Europe; Curricular diversification; The integration in a
single school of students from kindergarten do grade 12; Teachers settling in remote locations;Innovative
pedagogical and curricular strategies; Management methods. Visits to Basic Integrated Schools (K-12);Observation
of classes;Observation of administrative dynamics;Analysis of school curricular projects and dynamics. The target
audience : School directors, public authorities in education, school inspectors, administrators and advisers. Web
page: http://srec.azores.gov.pt/der

Debater e avaliar os desafios das pequenas escolas da ultraperiferia europeia; Avaliar estratgias de integrao
escolar de alunos de diversos nveis de ensino; Analisar e avaliar as respostas individuais das escolas aos desafios
concretos das pequenas comunidades em que se inserem. A dimenso europeia na ultraperiferia;A diversificao
curricular;A integrao numa escola de alunos desde o pr-escolar at ao 12. ano;A fixao de professores em
localidades remotas;Estratgias de inovao pedaggicas e curriculares;Estilos de gesto.Visitas a Escolas
Bsicas Integradas (Pr-Escolar ao Secundrio);Observao de aulas; Observao de dinmicas de
gesto;Anlise de projectos e dinmicas curriculares de escola. Pblico-alvo: Directores de escolas e responsveis
pblicos pela educao, inspectores escolares e conselheiros e gestores educativos.

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Visit No: 06016,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Giulio Pavanini, Paola Melchiori

+39 049 720744 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: ITAS P. Scalcerle

+39 049 8685112 Via delle Cave, 174

Organiser Email:

info@istituto-scalcerle.it Padova - PD

Postal Code: I-35136

Title: 16,03 - IT - Orientamento scolastico alternanza scuola-lavoro - Job orientation: Rotating school activities
and training

Beginning date: 16.10.2006 Venue: Padova

End Date: 20.10.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English ?

Reference Objective 3.1: Strengthening the links with working life and research, and society at large

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 5

Questa visita organizzata da EUROPAD, rete delle scuole primarie e secondarie della provincia di Padova per i
progetti europei. Lobiettivo di far conoscere ai rappresentanti di altre scuole europee le attivit di orientamento che
vengono svolte nelle scuole superiori della provincia di Padova, con particolare attenzione alle attivit di alternanza
scuola-lavoro e alla certificazione delle competenze in vista dellorientamento alla scelta della scuola superiore o del
futuro lavoro al termine degli studi. Dalla osservazione e dallanalisi critica di questa realt dovrebbero nascere
proficue discussioni e confronti propositivi che stimolino tutte le scuole partecipanti ad un aggiornamento ed ad un
miglioramento in questo settore, con una ricaduta sulle scuole del loro territorio. Le attivit previste sono sia di
conoscenza del territorio: 1 - visite alla citt di Padova , Venezia e dintorni; 2 - visita ad alcuni Istituti coinvolti nel
progetto; 3 -visita a fabbriche, laboratori e industrie dove gli studenti svolgono gli stage lavorativi durante il percorso
scolastico, sia di conferenze e dibattiti tra i rappresentanti degli Istituti medi (inferiori e superiori) della provincia di
Padova, gli esperti europei che aderiranno alla visita, i rappresentanti di alcune realt produttive della citt di Padova
(Unindustria), rappresentanti scolastici a livello politico e organizzativo (CSA di Padova e Regione Veneto) e autorit

This visit is organized by EUROPAD, network of Paduan middle and high schools for European projects. Its aim is to
familiarize the representatives of other European Institutes with the activities performed in Paduan Institutes
regarding future school/ job orientation; particular attention will be devoted to: -rotating schools activities and training; -
certification of competences in order to orient the choice of high school / future job. From an accurate observation
and a critical analysis of this reality constructive discussions and positive comparisons should emerge, such as to
implement and to improve activities in this sector. A profitable repercussion on all the participant schools is to be
expected. Activities are planned considering two aspects: Knowledge of the territory: visits to Padua, Venice and
Venetian region; visits to some Institutes involved in the project; visits to laboratories and firms where the students
perform their training courses. Conferences and meetings among: representatives of Paduan middle and high
schools, experts from European schools, representatives of Paduan business activities, representatives of the
political and scholastic organisation and local authorities. Web page:http://www.istituto-scalcerle.it

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Visit No: 06016,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Jos Garca/ Carmen Garca Caldern

+34 95 1038068 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Consejera de Educacin

+34 95 1038024 Delegacin Provincial de Educ.

Organiser Email: Avda. de la Urora s/n

jose.garcia.ext@juntadeandalucia.es Mlaga

Postal Code: ES-29007

Title: 16,04 - ES - Bibliotecas escolares y Centros de Recursos para la Ensenanza y el Aprendizaje

Beginning date: 18.10.2006 Venue: Mlaga

End Date: 23.10.2006 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish Spanish English



Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

La transformacin conceptual, funcional y material de las actuales bibliotecas escolares en dinmicos centros de
recursos educativos para la enseanza y el aprendizaje nos obliga a generar materiales y programas para el buen
uso de las mismas en el contexto renovador de la sociedad de la informacin, el conocimiento y el aprendizaje
permanente. Es por ello que esta Delegacin Provincial, consciente de la importancia de las bibliotecas escolares,
dispuso en noviembre de 2000 la creacin de un Plan Provincial que potenciase y facilitase el papel de las
Bibliotecas Escolares como elemento dinamizador y de apoyo a la labor docente incorporando las tecnologas
avanzadas de la informacin y la comunicacin a la prctica educativa.

The modern school libraries have been transformed into dynamic educational resource centers for teaching and
learning and therefore we are obliged to create materials and programs for its use in the new context of an
information, knowledge and long life learning society.The Delegacin Provincial unit, fully aware of their importance,
published in November 2000 a Regional Plan including measures to foster the school libraries role as a fundamental
element for the teaching tasks. This plan incorporates as well in the teaching practice the advanced information and
communication technologies.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06016,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Antonio Puglia

+39 0968 23459 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: IPSIA L. da Vinci

+39 0968 21313 Via Salvatore Miceli, 54

Organiser Email:

info@ipsialameziaterme.it Lamezia Terme CZ

Postal Code: I-88046

Title: 16,05 - IT - Alternanza scuola-lavoro - Alternation school-job

Beginning date: 06.11.2006 Venue: Lamezia Terme

End Date: 10.11.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English ?

Reference Objective 3.1: Strengthening The Links With Working Life and Research, And Society At Large

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Lalternanza scuola lavoro, permette agli studenti di svolgere lintera formazione attraverso lalternanza di periodo di
studio e di lavoro. Listituto, scuola polo per lalternanza scuola-lavoro, ha stabilito una convenzione di collaborazione
continuativa con Fiat Auto S.p.A. di Torino ed una convenzione stage con la Ditta G, Tripodi S.r.L. concessionaria
Fiat e Lancia di Lamezia Terme. Il progetto si propone di: creare forti motivazioni nei docenti avvicinandoli alla realt
delle aziende; favorire la crescita di competenze progettuali ed organizzative del personale della scuola originate dal
lavoro comune con aziende come Fiat Auto S.p.A. Obiettivo del progetto anche quello di formare nei partecipanti
una mentalit attenta alle nuove problematiche quali il sistema di qualit, lorientamento al mercato, lefficienza come
attenzione ai processi riparativi e diagnostici. Le attivit prevedono momenti di fruizione teorica in aula dei concetti
relativi ai moderni autoveicoli e momenti di applicazione pratica degli stessi in azienda. Soggetti coinvolti: esperti
interni ed esperti aziendali.

The alternation school-job, allows the students to develop the whole training through the alternation of periods of
study and job. The institute, reference school for alternation school-job, has established a convention of continuous
collaboration with Fiat Auto S.p.A. of Turin and a convention of stage with the Firm G, Tripods S.r.L concessionary
firm Fiat and Lancia of Lamezia Terme. The aim of the project: to create strong motivations in the students by
approaching them to the reality of the companies; to favour the growth of planning and organisational competences of
school staff originated from the job common with firms as Fiat Auto S.p.A. Objectives: one of the aims is also that to
form in the participants the mentality to be aware of new problems like system quality, market orientation etc.
Activities foreseen: theory in the classroom and practical moments within the company. Subjects involved: internal
and company experts. Web page:http://www.ipsialameziaterme.it

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Visit No: 06016,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Jose M Prez Rivas

+34 941 291685 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: CRIE (Centro rural de innovacin educativa)

+34 941 291679 Marqus de Murrieta, 76

Organiser Email: Ala Oeste

programas.internacionales@larioja.org LOGROO

Postal Code: ES-26071

Title: 16,06 - ES - The European dimension through art, culture and gastronomy along the Saint James' way

Beginning date: 06.11.2006 Venue: Logroo (La Rioja)

End Date: 10.11.2006 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English Spanish

Reference Objective 3.5 Strenghtening European Cooperation. Inclusion of the European dimension in education
Objectives and training.

Nr of places: 20 Min required: 10

El Camino de Santiago supuso en la Edad Media un corredor de comunicacin y cultura, aparte de manifestacin
religiosa, muy importante entre gentes de toda Europa y an sigue sindolo hoy. Los participantes tendrn
oportunidad de visitar centros educativos relacionados con la enseanza del arte, la manipulacin y elaboracin de
alimentos, como enologa y restauracin, as como visitas a monasterios origen de la lengua castellana y focos de
cultura. Habr conferencias sobre el origen de la lengua castellana y manifestaciones del arte en el Camino.
Asmismo, se podr recorrer algn tramo del Camino como vivencia de esta realidad.

Saint James' Way constituted in the Middle Ages, besides a religious manifestation, a very important communication
and culture corridor among peoples all over Europe and it still does today. Participants will have the chance to visit
educational institutions dealing with the teaching of art, handling and elaboration of food, like oenology and restaurant
business. Visits to monasteries, origin of Castilian language and culture centres, will be organised as well. Talks on
the origin of Castilian language and instances of art on "El Camino" will take place. To experience all this reality
members of this visit of study will be able to walk a stretch of "El Camino".

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Visit No: 06016,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Klara Sotonova

+420 564 602 842 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Regional Office of Vysocina

+420 564 602 420 Zizkova 57

Organiser Email: Jihlava

sotonova.k@kr-vysocina.cz Jihlava

Postal Code: CZ-58733

Title: 16,07 - CZ - Zusammenarbeit der Schulen in Europa quer die Bildungssysteme

Beginning date: 05.02.2007 Venue: Jihlava

End Date: 09.02.2007 Country: Czech Republic

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Czech German English

Reference Moeglichkeiten fuer die Zusammenarbeit der europaeischen Schulen.


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

Spolupraci mezi evropskymi skolami asto komplikuje rozdilnost jednotlivych vzdelavacich systemu. Cilem studijni
navstevy je na jedne strane predstavit ucastnikum vzdelavaci system v CR, dat jim prostor prezentovat vzdelavaci
system sve zem a podilet se tak aktivne na programu studijni navstevy. Ve druh casti se ucastnici seznami se
vzdelavacimi programy Evropske unie a dalsimi programy a aktivitami na podporu evropske spoluprace skol.
Vysledkem tydenni prce bude prehled o tom, jake moznosti spoluprace se jednotlivym typum skol nabizeji. Aktivity
budou zahrnovat prezentace, workshopy, navstevy skol, diskuse mezi ucastniky, diskuse se zaky, uciteli, rediteli a
dalsimi aktery v oblasti skolstvi. Na zaver probehne mala partnerska burza, na kter ziskaji ucastnici moznost navazat
konkretni partnerstvi se skolami a dalsimi vzdelavacimi institucemi z kraje Vysocina. Pracovni program bude
doprovazen i malym kulturnim programem zamerenym na regionalni specifika.

Die Unterschiede in den verschiedenen Bildungssystemen komplizieren oft die Zusammenarbeit der europaeischen
Schulen. Ziel des Studienbesuches ist es, den Teilnehmern das tschechische Bildungssystem vorzustellen, sie
bekommen auch die Moeglichkeit das Bildungssystem ihres eigenes Landes vorzustellen und dadurch aktiv am
Programm teilzunehmen. Der zweite Schwerpunkt liegt darin, sich mit den Ausbildungsprogrammen der EU und
anderen Programmen und Aktivitaeten zur Unterstuetzung der europaeischen Zusammenarbeit der Schulen bekannt
zu machen. Als Ergebniss der wochentlichen Arbeit entsteht eine Ueberscicht ueber die Moeglichkeiten der
Programmaktivitaeten beinhalten: Praesentationen, Workshops, Besuche der Schulen, Diskussionen unter den
Teilnehmern aber auch mit Schuelern, Lehrern, Schuldirektoren und anderen Personen, die auf dem Gebiet des
Schulwesens taetig sind. Am Ende des Studienbesuches findet eine kleine Partnerboerse statt, wo die Teilnehmer
die Moeglichkeit bekommen, konkrete Partnerschaften mit Schulen und anderen Institutionen aus der Region
Vysocina zu knuepfen. Das Arbeitsprogramm wird von einem kleinen regional-spezifisch orientierten Kulturprogramm
bereichert. Language support in English.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06016,08

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Andrej Oplen, Zuana Lovsov

+42 144 552 18 49 Type: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Associated Secondary School

+42 144 552 18 49 Demnovska cesta 669

Organiser Email:

zssplm@zssplm.sk Liptovsk Mikul

Postal Code: SVK-031 02

Title: 16,08 - SVK - Vocational education in condition of the region - schools innovation

Beginning date: 12.02.2007 Venue: Liptovsk Mikuls

End Date: 16.02.2007 Country: Slovak Republic

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Slovak English German

Reference Objective 3.1: Strengthening the links with working life and research, and society at large.

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 5

Nvteva regionlnej, mestskej autority v spoluprci s ministerstvom kolstva: prednky o sasnej situcii a
postupe napredovania, otzky, diskusia. Nvteva kl, intitci a podnikov, ktor spolupracuj so kolami v
odbornej prprave iakov. Diskusia s vedenm kl a podnikov, uitemi praktickho vyuovania a iakmi. Nvteva
hodn praktickho vyuovania, monos pozorovania na hodinch. Prednky a diskusia k tmam: odborn
vzdelvanie, systm financovania, podmienky vzdelvania v regine a zmeny, poiadavky podnikov, uplatnenie
absolventov v praxi, v ivote, na trhu prce, inovcia koly.

Visit to region and municipal authorities in cooperation with Ministery of Education of the Slovak Republic: lectures
above actual situation and policy-development, discussion. Visit to schools, institutes and firms which co-operate with
schools. Discussion with students, with managements of schools, managers of firm, teachers of practical education.
Visit to practical lesson , observations of lessons are possible. Lectures and discussion: vocational education,
financional system, conditions of education in region and changes, requirement of firms, application of graduates in
practical life, in work, in the trade market, schools innovation. Language support in German. Web page:

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06016,09

Organiser Phone: Organiser name:

+34 976 631219 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Isabel Andrs Alpuente

+34 976 631200 Centro de profesores

Organiser Email: Gum 35 -5 planta

cprcaspe@educa.aragon.es CASPE

Postal Code: ES-50700

Title: 16,09 - ES - Propuestas sociales y educativas en la atencin a la interculturalidad

Beginning date: 19.03.2007 Venue: Caspe (Zaragoza)

End Date: 23.03.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish Spanish French

Reference OBJECTIVE 2.3: Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion

Nr of places: 14 Min required: 10

Se trata de conocer y promover distintas vas de integrar social y educativamente la variedad cultural de nuestros
centros educativos. Se plantearn visitas a centros educativos, charlas de personas expertas, difusin de programas
y proyectos relacionados con la temtica que se desarrollan en la comarca de Caspe. En dicha visita se cuenta con
la participacin de centros de la zona, tanto de educacin primaria, educacin secundaria, educacin de personas
adultas como de la UNED y otras entidades como los servicios sociales del Ayuntamiento y los sindicatos. Tambin
se pedir a los asistentes una breve exposicin del panorama educativo y de las acciones que desarrollan en su pas.

II s' agt de connatre et de promouvoir des diffrentes voies d'intgration sociale et ducative de nos centres
sducatifs.On va envisager des visites aux centres ducatifs, des exposs des experts, la diffusion des programmes
et des projets en rapport avec les thmes qui se dveloppent dans la rgion de Caspe. Dans cette visite on compte
sur la collaboration des centres de la zone, autant de l' enseignement prscolaire, de l' enseignement primaire et
secondaire, des coles pour les personnes adultes, comme l'UNED (universit nationale espagnole d' enseignement
distance) et d'autres organismes comme les services sociaux de la municipalit et des syndicats. On essayera de
faire concider la visite avec les vnements ou clebrations que Caspe ralise par rapport ces sujets, comme la
Semaine contre le racisme, le Jour international de la tolrance, etc... On demandera aussi aux personnes prsentes
un bref expos des actions qui se droulent dans leur pays. De cette manire, on fera une journe de panneaux

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Visit No: 06016,10

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Prof.Marina Grogger

+43/662/840322-39 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Pdagogisches Institut des Bundes in Salzburg

+43/662/848728 Erzabt -Klotz -Strae 11

Organiser Email:

marina.grogger@pi.salzburg.at Salzburg

Postal Code: A-5020

Title: 16,10 - AT - Small schools in Europe

Beginning date: 19.03.2007 Venue: Salzburg City and Salzburg Province

End Date: 24.03.2007 Country: Austria

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German English ?

Reference Objective 3.1.: Strengthening the links with working life and research, and society at large.
Objectives Collaboration of schools with local organisation; Cooperation of education and training insitutions with
Report business enterprises, for example concerning placements

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Das Seminar informiert ber Herausforderungen, die an kleine Volksschulen bzw. Hauptschulen in lndlichen
Gebieten gestellt werden. Die Entwicklung der Schulen sowie die Anpassung an die lokale Gemeinschaft in der
Kommune und Region werden behandelt. Der Wirkungsgrad von kleinen Schulen als Bildungszentrum wird
dargestellt. Zu folgenden Themen werden Schulen vorgestellt: Schulentwicklung, Schulprofil, Leitbildentwicklung und
Schulprogramme an Salzburger Schulen; die Erfahrungen der internationalen Teilnehmer werden verglichen und
diskutiert; Trend der Schulentwicklung in Pflichschulen in geographisch benachteiligten Gebieten und Schulqualitt
sowie Parnterschaften mit lokalen und regionalen Behrden sind Themen des Studienbesuchs.

The seminar informs about challanges which small schooles in Europe will confront in the near future. The
development, strategies of quality management of school in geographically disadvantaged areas are discussed. The
extra ordinary position of small schools in local communities and their effectiveness and efficiency will be focused
from the point of view of all stakeholders. (parents, teachers, pupils, headteachers and community authorities). The
following items will be presented: Focus on school profils, mission and school program and quality management,
school development in compulsory school in Salzburg (trends, measures, facilities...), school visits and networks with
local and regional community authorities.

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Visit No: 06016,11

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mag. Ursula Huber

+43/1/7481450 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: SSR Wien

+43/1/7495242 Europabro des SSr fr Wien

Organiser Email: Auerspergstrae 15/22

hs1enkp004k1@m56ssr.wien.at Wien

Postal Code: A-1080

Title: 16,11 - AT -Bilingualitt im sterreichischen Schulwesen

Beginning date: 16.04.2007 Venue: Wien

End Date: 16.04.2007 Country: Austria

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German ?

Reference Objective 3.3. Improving foreign language teaching


Nr of places: 20 Min required: 10

Kennern lernen der Projekte des SSR fr Wien im Pflichtschulwesen im Rahmen des Bilingual Schooling anhand von
Schulbesuchen in Volksschulen, kooperativen Mittelschulen, allgembildenenden hheren und berufsbildenden
hheren Schulen; Besuch von Klassen in der Grundstufe/ KNS mit Zweitsprache englisch, franzsisch, italienisch,
ungarisch und trkisch.

Visit to primary, grammar, secondary higher school and vocational school focusing the aspects of projects of
integration of foreign languages (english, french, italian, hungarian an turkish) in primary and secondary education.

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Visit No: 06016,12

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ines Fortun

+49 331 8663874 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Ministerium fr Bildung, Jugend und Sport

+49 331 8663874 Steinstr. 104-106

Organiser Email:

ines.fortun@mbjs.brandenburg.de Potsdam

Postal Code: D-14480

Title: 16,12 - DE - Fostering of reading skills at school and extracurricular. Schulische und auerschulische
Frderung von Lesekompetenz

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Potsdam

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German English

Reference OBJECTIVE 3.1 :


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

Die Notwendigkeit einer verstrkten, alle Bildungsbereiche umfassenden Lesefrdrung ist nicht zuletzt in Auswertung
der Ergebnisse der PISA-Studie unumstritten und sollte vor allem eines: die Freude am Lesen wecken und nachhaltig
entwickeln. Im Land Brandenburg, gewissermaen vor den Toren Berlins gelegen, werden unter anderem die
ffentlichen Bibliotheken alsPartner der Schulen in die schulische und auerschulische Lesefrderung eingebunden.
Die Programmteilnehmer erleben schulische und auerschulische Projekte und Aktivitten an Schulen
unterschiedlicher Schulformen im Berliner Umland sowie Beispiele fr eine erfolgreiche Kooperation von Schule und
ffentlicher Bibliothek. Vorgesehen ist u. a. auch ein Besuch der im Park Sanssouci gelegenen Landesfachstelle fr
Archive und ffentliche Bibliotheken.

Enhancing the reading literacy of all pupils is consequently one of the principal aims pursued with our quality-oriented
school system. Aims pursued with "Foster reading" are - to improve the reading motivation and reading literacy of
pupils - to provide effective remedial teaching for pupils with poor reading skills - to promote a broadly based
reading culture at schools During the study visit in Potsdam, located near Berlin, we will focus on school and
extracurricular activities to promote reading motivation and reading literacy. Furthermore, we would like to present
ways of a successful cooperation between schools and public libraries. Participants will visit schools of different
levels, public libraries and the national authority of archives and public libraries situated in the park Sanssouci.

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Visit No: 06016,13

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ana Sofia Godinho

++351 262955513 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Cmara Municipal de bidos

++351 262955514 Largo de S. Pedro

Organiser Email:

gab.educacao@cm-obidos.pt bidos

Postal Code: PT-2510 086

Title: 16,13 - PT - Collaboration of schools with local organizations

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: bidos

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Portugal

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Portuguese English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Collaboration of schools with local organisations; Participation of local representatives in school life; Co-operation of
school with business enterprises;Participants will have the opportunity to visits schools and observe the pupils
education form from the pre-primary education to the compulsory education, as well as vocational training and how
social parteners/business enterprises take part active in providing vocational training. There will be also opportunities
to discuss issues about school managment models and meeting school leaders in bidos. The target audience:
School managers, Directors, and other education responsibles from municipalities, local and regional authorities.
Web page:www.cm-obidos.pt

Articulao entre as escolas e as organizaes locais; Participao dos representantes locais na escola; Cooperao
entre a escola e as empresas locais; Os participantes tero oportunidade de visitar escolas e observar os alunos em
actividades, desde o ensino pr-escolar at ao ensino bsico. Tero opor bem como se desenvolve a cooperao
entre as empresas locais e os cursos de formao profissional. Haver tambm oportunidade de discutir os modelos
de gesto escolar bem como conversar com gestores escolares. O pblico-alvo: Gestores Escolares, directores,
autarquias e organismos locais e regionais.

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Visit No: 06016,14

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Felipe Garca Snchez

+34 925 288910 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Direccin Provincial de Educacin

+34 925 282918 Avda. de Europa 26

Organiser Email:

feligeg@jccm.es/nzamarreno@jccm.es Toledo

Postal Code: ES-45003

Title: 16,14 - ES - Organizacin y funcionamiento de los centros escolares.

Beginning date: 09.05.2007 Venue: Toledo

End Date: 13.05.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English Spanish


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

This visit will provide the participants with the opportunity to observe several schools organization, their governing
bodies and their assignements, as well as the educational offer and services the students benefit from. In addition,
the visitors will be given a chance to reflect and contrast participative autonomous standards in Spanish schools with
ones their own countries, across lectures by regional representatives and education authorities, meetings with some
school community members and workshops.

Mediante esta visita los participantes tendrn la oportunidad de observar de cerca la organizacin interna de distintos
centros docentes, conocer la composicin y funciones de sus rganos de gobierno, control, gestin y coordinacin,
as como las ofertas educativas y servicios que se ofrecen a los alumnos. Adems, a travs de ponencias impartidas
por representantes de las instituciones educativas regionales, reuniones con algunos miembros de la comunidad
educativa de las escuelas visitadas y grupos de trabajo, podrn reflexionar y contrastar los modelos organizativos y
de funcionamiento de los centros espaoles, basados en los principios de participacin y autonoma, con los de sus
pases respectivos.

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Visit No: 06016,15

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Amancio Garca Calvo

+34 975 220212 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Direccin Provincial de Educacin

+34 975 221236 Santa Teresa de Jess s/n

Organiser Email:

iriamoyo@jcyl.es Soria

Postal Code: ES-42003

Title: 16,15 - ES - La escuela en el Medio Rural: Compensacin de las desventajas

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: Soria

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish Spanish English


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

El principio de igualdad de oportunidades en educacin, incluye la prctica de acciones positivas de atencin a los
alumnos que viven en zonas geogrficamente deprimidas y con poca poblacin.La visita ofrece la posibilidad de
visitar diferentes tipos de Escuelas Rurales.Descubrir las caractersticas de los diferentes colegios, sus recursos,
organizacin y servicios complementarios. El papel del profesor.Los CRIES: Centros Rurales de Innovacin
Educativa.Los Centros de Formacin del Profesorado e Innovacin Educativa (CFIEs) en el medio ruralReuniones
para compartir experiencias entre los participantes

To make effective the principle of equal opportunities in education involves putting into practice some positive action
measures of attention to the pupils who live in geographically disadvantaged and almost dessert areas. The visit will
offer the opportunity to visit different kind of Rural Schools.Discovering the characteristics of different schools, their
resources, organization and complementary services. The teachers role.Educational Innovation Rural
Centre.Teacher Training and Resources Center in the rural area.Comparison of experiences among participants.

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Visit No: 06016,16

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mag. Ursula Huber

+43/1/ 748 14 50 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: SSR in Wien

+43/1/ 749 52 42 Europabro

Organiser Email: Auerspergstrae 15/22

hs11enkp004k1@m56ssr.wien.at Wien

Postal Code: A-1080

Title: 16,16 - AT -Das sterrischische Schulsystem im Verlgeich

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: Wien

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Austria

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German ?

Reference Objective 3.1. Knowledge of Austrian school system


Nr of places: 20 Min required: 12

Kennen Lernen verschiedenster Projekte des SSR fr Wien im Pflichtschulwesen wie Bilingualitt, Integration,
Berufsbildendes Schulwesen anhand von Schulbesuchen in Volksschulen, kooperativen Mittelschulen,
allgemeinbildenden hheren und berufsbildenden Schulen

Visit to a Primary, Grammar, Secondary higher and vocational school focusing the aspects of various projekcts within
th Vienna Board of Eduation ( Integration of handicapped pupils, bilingual teaching, vocational schooling)

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06017,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mrs Laura Iveta Strode

+3717201536, 9492718 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Rigas rajona padome

+3717223804 Lacplesa iela 24

Organiser Email:

laura@rrp.lv; laura_s@inbox.lv Riga

Postal Code: LV-1011

Title: 17,01 - LV - The pupils

Beginning date: 02.10.2006 Venue: Riga region

End Date: 06.10.2006 Country: Latvia

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Latvian English ?

Reference Objective 2.3: Supporting active citizenship? Equal opportunities and social cohesion

Nr of places: 14 Min required: 5

Viztes mris ir iepazstint ts dalbniekus ar intereu izgltbas sistmu Latvij un Rgas rajona skols, dadm
intereu izgltbas programmm - kultrizgltba (deja,mzika, tetris, vizul un lieti mksla, folklora), vides
izgltba, jaunatnes programmas (jaunieu klubi, intereu grupas), sporta programma. Skolu vizu laik dalbnieki
tiksies ar skolu vadtjiem, pedagogiem, skolniem, iepazsies ar skolu rpustundu aktivittm, skolnu ptniecbas
darbiem, dadiem konkursiem un skolu projektiem, skolnu ldzdalbu skolas paprvald. Mcbu iestu vizu
laik dalbnieki vars redzt, k dadas rpusstundu aktivitu formas tiek izmantotas Rgas rajona skols un k ts
paaugstina skolnu pilnveidoans iespjas skol ldztekus obligtajai mcbu programmai, ietekm skolnu gargo
un fizisko attstbu, k alternatvs mcbu formas veicina skolnu parealizcijas, radoo spju, individul un
zintnisk darba, komunikcijas un organizatorisko prasmju attstbu.

The aim of the visit is to present the interest related education in Latvia and schools of Riga district, different
programmes of interest education- culture education (dance, music, drama, arts, applied arts, folklore), environment
education, youth programmes (youth clubs, youth interest groups), sport programmes. During school visits,
participants are going to meet school heads, teachers, students, see different after-class activities, students research
works, competitions, school projects, self-government. Visiting schools, participants will see using different forms of
interest education and how these forms influence students development along with compulsory school curriculum,
influence students physical and intellectual develpoment, self-realization, creativity, individual and research work,
organizing and communication skills. Web page www.rrp.lv:

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Visit No: 06017,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Aneta Gladys, Ms Zdzislawa Barankiewicz

+ 48 24 366 53 66 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Mazowieckie Samorzadowe Centrum Dosk. Nauczyciel

+ 48 24 366 53 69 ul. Lukasiewicza 11

Organiser Email:

anetaglad@plock.edu.pl Plock

Postal Code: PL-09400

Title: 17,02 - POL - Frderung von begabten Schlerinnen und Schlern

Beginning date: 02.10.2006 Venue: Mazowsze region

End Date: 06.10.2006 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish German English

Reference Objective 2.3: Supporting active citizenship? Equal opportunities and social cohesion.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Celem wizyty jest prezentacja metod pracy Osrodka z nauczycielami roznych typow szkol w zakresie rozwijania
uzdolnien i talentow oraz wymiana doswiadczen z uczestnikami wizyty z innych krajow UE. W trakcie wizyty
zaprezentowane zostana : - projekty: Nasza szkola- szkola wspierajaca uzdolnienia oraz Delta- Klub - przykady
pracy z uczniem zdolnym i utalentowanym w szkole i na zajeciach pozalekcyjnych- wizyty w roznych placowkach -
instytucje wspierajace Osrodek w pracy na rzecz doskonalenia nauczycieli w zakresie wspierania dzieci zdolnych i
utalentowanych - regionalny system wspierania uzdolnien Informacje o dziaalnoci Orodka na stronie
internetowej : www.plock.mscdn.edu.pl

Der Studienbesuch hat zum Ziel die Prsentation der Arbeitsmethoden der Lehrerfortbildungsinstitution mit Lehrern
verschiedener Schultypen im Bereich der Frderung von begabten und leistungsbereiten Schlerinnen und Schlern
und Erfahrungsaustausch mit anderen Teilnehmern des Studienbesuches aus den EU- Lndern. Whrend des
Besuches werden prsentiert: - Projekte: Unsere Schule frdert begabte Schlerinnen und Schler und Delta-
Club - Beispiele der Arbeit mit begabten Schlerinnen und Schlern an den Schulen und an den Veranstaltungen
auerhalb des Unterrichts- Besuche an unterschiedlichen Einrichtungen - andere Institutionen, die bei der
Lehrerfortbildung im Bereich der Frderung von begabten und leistungsbereiten Schlerinnen und Schlern helfen -
das regionale System der Frderung von begabten Schlerinnen und Schlern Informationen ber das
masovische Zentrum fr Lehrerfortbildung auf: Language support in English. www.plock.mscdn.edu.pl

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Visit No: 06017,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Wolfgang J. Hombach, Sylvia Ruppel

+49 6181 257390 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Staatliches Schulamt fr den Main-Kinzig-Kreis

+49 6181 9062199 Hessen-Homburg-Platz 8

Organiser Email:

wjhgz@t-online.de Hanau

Postal Code: D-63452

Title: 17,03 - DE - Wer verantwortet den Lernprozess?

Beginning date: 03.12.2006 Venue: Hanau

End Date: 08.12.2006 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German English

Reference OBJECTIVE 2.3 :


Nr of places: 16 Min required: 8

Im Lehrgang wird gemeinsam der Frage nachgegangen, warum eigenverantwortliches Lernen notwendig ist, wie es
konkret praktiziert wird und welche Rahmenbedingungen notwendig sind, damit eine nachhaltige Vernderung
schulischer Strukturen erreicht wird. Dazu wird die Gruppe Unterricht in Schulen und Ausbildungssttten
(Grundschule, Sekundarstufe I, berufliche Bildung) besuchen und unsere Fragestellung mit Schler/innen,
Lehrkrften, Schulleitungen, Vertretern der Schulaufsicht und der Lehrerbildung errtern. Es wird erwartet, dass die
Teilnehmer Erfahrungen, Konzepte, Materialien aus ihren beruflichen Erfahrungsbereichen einbringen und vorstellen.
Die beteiligten Schulen und Institutionen befinden sich alle in Hanau und Umgebung im Osten von Frankfurt. Es gibt
eine direkte Verkehrsverbindung zum Flughafen Frankfurt. Die kulturellen Angebote werden u.a. der Region, ihrer
Bevlkerung sowie der Tatsache Rechnung tragen, dass es in Hanau, der Stadt der Brder Grimm und in der Nhe
von Goethes Geburtsstadt Frankfurt zahlreiche literarische Bezge gibt. Kommunikation auf Englisch ist neben der
Hauptarbeitssprache deutsch in allen Phasen des Lehrgangs sichergestellt.

The study visit will focus on the question why taking responsibility for their own learning process is essential for all
pupils; the group will examine and discuss how this can be realised in schools` daily routines and which conditions
will be necessary to change educational structures. In order to find out we will visit schools and take part in lessons
(elementary, secondary, vocational) and discuss our topic with pupils, teachers, heads of schools, inspectors and
teacher trainers. Participants are asked to provide and present own experiences, concepts, materials from their
professional background concerning the topic of our course. The schools and institutions involved are situated in and
around Hanau which is east of Frankfurt. Hanau is within easy reach of Frankfurt Airport by public transport. The
cultural program will include aspects of the Hanau region and its people, taking into account the numerous
connections with the Brothers Grimm and J.W.von Goethe. Language support in English if necessary.

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Visit No: 06017,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Prof. Marina Grogger

+43/662/840322-39 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Pdagogisches Institut des Bundes in Salzburg

+43/662/848728 Erzabt-Klotz-Strae 11

Organiser Email:

marina.grogger@pi.salzburg.at Salzburg

Postal Code: A-5020

Title: 17,04 - AT -Enrichment programs for gifted children in Salzburg schools

Beginning date: 12.03.2007 Venue: Salzburg, City and Province Salzburg

End Date: 16.03.2007 Country: Austria

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German English ?

Reference Objective 2.3.: Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion. Participation of
Objectives pupils, partnes and other stakeholders in school governance.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Das Seminar beinhaltet sowohl die theroetischen Grundlagen (Erkennen von Begabungen) als auch die
organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen und gesetzlichen Normen, die fr Begabtenfrderung Voraussetzung sind.
Folgende Einrichtungen werden vorgestellt : Musikalischer Schwerpunkt an Primarschulen, Frderung im
Fremdsprachenunterricht, sportliche Frderung im Leistungssport, spezielle Kurse fr besondere interessierte und
begabte Schler/innen, sterreichisches Zentrum fr Begabtenfrderung und Begabungsforschung, Universitt
Salzburg- Value Added Knowledge Education- Project.

The seminar deals with the theoretical elements (recognition of exceptional abilities), the organisational framework
and the legislative prerequisites necessary to start enrichment programs. The following terms will be presented:
primary schools with emphasis on music education, special enhancement of foreign language training, promotion in
the field of sports of top athletes, special courses for motivated and gifted children. Austrian Centre for the study of
giftedness, University of Salzburg, Faculty of Pedagogy, VaKE Project.

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Visit No: 06017,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mario Olivieri

+39 079 210347 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Istituto Tecnico Commerciale G. Dessi'

+39 079 210342 Via Monte Grappa, 2

Organiser Email:

malautier@libero.it; francesca.esposito@tiscali.it Sassari - SS

Postal Code: I-07100

Title: 17,05 - IT - Curriculum scolastico e tirocinio aziendale - Education and vocational training

Beginning date: 16.04.2007 Venue: Sassari

End Date: 20.04.2007 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English French

Reference Objective 2.3: Supporting Active Citizenship? Equal Opportunities and Social Cohesion

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Obiettivo della visita la presentazione del sistema scolastico italiano nei suoi aspetti pi innovativi, in particolar
modo i percorsi di alternanza scuola-lavoro. A tal fine si analizzer la collaborazione tra scuola e azienda finalizzata
allacquisizione di conoscenze per il futuro inserimento degli studenti nel mondo del lavoro. Ai partecipanti si offrir la
possibilit di visitare scuole di secondo grado e aziende che attuano questi percorsi integrati in collaborazione con la
Camera di Commercio e degli enti locali. Sassari la seconda citt della Sardegna e si trova a Nord, a soli 20 km dal
porto di Porto Torres e a 35 km dallaeroporto internazionale di Alghero. Operoso centro commerciale e finanziario,
Sassari anche sede di unantica Universit.

The visit is aimed at introducing the participants to the Italian State Education System and its more innovative
features concerning with the paths to vocational training as integrated part of education. The visit will focus on the
collaboration of schools with business enterprises in order to have the students acquire the needed knowledge and
competences for future working placements. The participants will have the opportunity to visit upper secondary
schools, business enterprises involved in the vocational training partnerships in collaboration with the Chamber of
Commerce and local institutions. Located in the North, Sassari is the second largest town in Sardinia. It is 20 km far
from the port of Porto Torres and 30 km far from Alghero international airport. It is a busy commercial centre as well
as a long-established university town.Web page: http://www.itcdessi.it

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Visit No: 06017,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr Stanislaw Raczkowski, Ms Maria Bednarska

+ 48 41 362 45 48 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Swietokrzyskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli

+ 48 41 362 48 99 ul. Marsz. J. Pisudskiego 42

Organiser Email:

mabed@wom.kielce.pl Kielce

Postal Code: PL-25431

Title: 17,06 - POL - In the direction of supporting and developing students abilities

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: region of Swietokrzyskie mountains

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English German

Reference Objective 2.3: Supporting active citizenship? Equal opportunities and social cohesion

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Uczestnicy wymienia sie informacjami i doswiadczeniami odnosnie umiejetnosci nauczycieli zwiazanych z
diagnozowaniem uczniow zdolnych i sposobami przygotowania ich w tym zakresie w placowkach doskonalenia
nauczycieli. Tematyka spotkan: Jak w szkole indywidualizowac nauczanie? Jak pracowac ze zdolnymi uczniami na
zajeciach dydaktycznych, kolach zainteresowan, fakultetach? Jakie stosowac metody. Uczestnicy beda mieli okazje
zapoznac sie z praca polskich pedagogow i porownac ja z rozwiazaniami w swoich krajach. Podczas wizyty
zaplanowano udzial w seminarium, warsztacie z mlodzieza uzdolniona, zapoznanie z funkcjonowaniem sieci wsparcia
dla nauczycieli i uczniow wojewodztwa swietokrzyskiego obejmujaca rozne instytucje. Efektem wizyty bedzie
umieszczenie ciekawych rozwiazan scenariuszy zajec edukacyjnych, szkolen na plytach CD, kasetach VHS, stronie
www organizatora i Biuletynie wizyty wersja papierowa. Wizyta umozliwi naszym gosciom poznanie ciekawego
regionu i jego uroczych zakatkow.

Participants will exchange information and experience concerning teachers abilities connected with evaluating apt
students and ways of preparing them for this in in-service teacher training centres. The subjects of meetings: How to
individualize teaching? How to work with gifted students during teaching classes? Special interest groups, optional
classes? What methods should be applied? Participants will have an opportunity to get to know Polish
educationalists work and compare it with solutions in their countries. The following things are planned during the
study visit: a workshop with apt students, familiarizing with functioning of a support net for teachers and students from
witokrzyskie Province, which comprises different institutions. An effect of the visit will be the placing of interesting
solutions on CDS, VHS cassettes, the website of the organizer and a visit bulletin a paper version. The visit
enables our guests to get to know an interesting region and its beauty spots. Language support in German.Web

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Visit No: 06017,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: M. Pilar Bonet/ Francisco Romero

+34 974 361847 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: IES "Domingo Miral/Centro de Profesores y Recursos

+34 974 35 58 53 IES "Domingo Miral"

Organiser Email: Avda. Regimiento Galicia N 6

iesdmjaca@educa.aragon.es Jaca

Postal Code: ES-22700

Title: 17,07 - ES - Educacin personalizada

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Jaca (Huesca)

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English French


Objectives OBJETIVO 1.5; OPTIMIZACIN DE LOS RECURSOS. Integracin el el sistema educativo de grupos
Report desfavorecidos, participacin de alumnos y padres,metodologa para motivar a los alumnos.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Visitaremos distintos centros escolares cuyas comunidades tratan de cambiar completamente la metodologa de los
mismos, afrontando el reto de una educacin personalizada y destacando consecuentemente, la importancia de:1) El
desarrollo de la relacin interpersonal de cada estudiante tanto con adultos comprensivos como con sus
compaeros. 2) La organizacin de los centros teniendo en cuenta la idea de que hay mltiples inteligencias y donde
los alumnos puedan aprender de acuerdo con sus intereses, habilidades y fuerzas.3) Los mtodos de enseanza-
*aprendizaje activos y que incorporan muchas formas de agrupamientos 4) El uso de las tecnologas de la
informacin a fin de facilitar la comunicacin entre los estudiantes como de personalizar sus interacciones con los
profesores, sin estar limitados por el tiempo o el espacio. 5) La importante implicacin de los padres en la vida
escolar y su colaboracin en las actividades que se realizan.6)La integracin de diferentes formas de bellas artes a
fin de mejorar el desarrollo personal de los alumnos.7) El tamao reducido de la clase y del centro, lo que permite
asegurarse la atencin personal por parte d elos profesores .8) La oferta de clases por la tarde a los alumnos que lo

We will visit different schools whose communities try to change them by facing the challenge of Personalized
Education and, consequently, emphasizing the importance of:1) interpersonal relationship development between each
student and both caring adults and their peers. 2)School organization taking into account multiple intelligences, where
students learn according to their interests and strengths. 3)Teaching-learning methods that are active and incorporate
many forms of grouping. 4) Information technologies use in order to both communicate among the students and
personalize their interactions with the teachers without being restricted by time or place. 5) Parents significantly
involved in school and collaborating with on-going activities. 6) Various forms of fine arts integration in order to
improve the students development. 7)small classroom and school size, which ensure personal attention form the
teachers. 8) Classes offered to students with special needs at convenient time in the evenings. Language support in

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Visit No: 06017,08

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Doug Springate

Type: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: University of Greenwich

Old Royal Naval College

Organiser Email: Park Row, Greenwich

dougspringate@yahoo.co.uk London

Postal Code: GB-SE10

Title: 17,08 - GB - Giving Primary School Pupils a Voice / Giving Power to the Pupils

Beginning date: 08.05.2007 Venue: London, UK

End Date: 13.05.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

The visit will occur in London near the prestigious Greenwich University. It will focus on dynamic ways in which pupils
can become more empowered in their own learning at the primary and pre-primary level. There will be a series of
school visits to see children being trained as researchers; pupil councils; learner focussed curriculum planning and
assessment, and children as teachers, peer assessors and mediators. Topics to be examined will include: how
pupils can be more involved in the planning and assessment of their learning, recognition of the different ways in
which individuals learn and new developments in England where children as young as nine are trained in research
methods so that they can conduct their own research. Web Page:www.gre.ac.uk

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Visit No: 06017,09

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Prof. Marina Grogger

+43/662/840322-39 Type: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Pdagogisches Institut des Bundes in Salzburg

+43/622/848728 Erzabt-Klotz-Strae 11

Organiser Email:

marina.grogger@pi.salzburg.at Salzburg

Postal Code: A-5020

Title: 17,09 - AT - Education - inspired by music.

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: Salzburg (Bad Ischl)

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Austria

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German English ?

Reference Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Das Seminar gibt einen Einblick in die Theorie und Praxis der musikalischen Erziehung einer Bildungsregion.
(schulischer und privater Unterricht) . Besuch von Schulen mit musischem Schwerpunkt (Primar- und
Sekundarschulen), Jugendchre und Blasmusikorchester sind Salzburger Tradition, die Zusammenarbeit mit
Vereinen der Freizeitgestaltung, Behrden und Theaterprojekte werden vorgestellt. Die Teilnehmer lernen Musical,
Oper, Operette fr den Schulunterricht, Singen in der Grundschule, Rhythmus, Tanz und Bewegung sowie
Chorgesang als Teil des Schulalltags kennen und tauschen Erfahrungen aus.

The seminar has its focus on theoretical aspects of Music Education as well as the implementation of music schools.
Schools visits are foreseen in schools with emphasis on music education. School choirs, brass instruments
education, music lessons, dancing with rythmical elements and playing instruments are part of creative education in
Salzburg schools. Musical, Opera and Operette in connection with schools projects will be presented from the local

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Visit No: 06018,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Jrgen Torehammar

+46 550 39274 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Lnsverksamhet utbildning, Landstinget i Vrmland

+46 550 83523 Strmsbergsgatan 15

Organiser Email:

jorgent@kps.liv.se Kristinehamn

Postal Code: SE-68132

Title: 18,01 - SE - Strenghtening citizenship for regional development

Beginning date: 11.09.2006 Venue: Arvika, Ingesunds folk high school

End Date: 15.09.2006 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 2.1 :OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENT; Availability of child-care and flexible learning
Objectives times to learners. Possibilities of educational leave for employees. Accreditation of prior learning.
Report Funding mechanisms and incentives for adults

Nr of places: 14 Min required: 8

Syftet med detta studiebesk r att ge en bild av den svenska folkhgskolemodellen. Denna skolform r inriktad mot
vuxna i syfte att strka individens bildning, samhllsengagemang och medborgarskap. Den svenska folkbildningen
och folkhgskolorna har haft stor betydelse fr den svenska samhllsutvecklingen och dess grundtankar r
fortfarande aktuella fr att frverkliga det livslnga lrandet och medborgaransvaret. Vi vill visa vilken effekt denna
skolform har fr den regionala utvecklingen. I studiebesket ingr en rundresa till ngra av folkhgskolorna i lnet.
Dessutom kommer deltagarna att f ta del av olika utvecklingsprojekt dr folkhgskolan samverkat med andra
samhllsinstitutioner, nringslivet och ideella freningar (NGO).

The purpose of this visit is to introduce the Swedish folk high-school model. This type of school focuses on adults:
improving their general educational level, promoting their commitment to civic issues and strengthening their position
as citizens in general. The Swedish folk high-schools have played and still play an important part in the development
of society and their basic ideas are still valid as regards civic responsibilities and life-long learning. We wish to
present the effect produced by this type of education on regional development. A tour of some folk high-schools in the
region will be included in the programme. The participants will also have the opportunity of studying a variety of
projects in which a folk high-school cooperates with other institutions, NGOs and industry. Web page: www.liv.se

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Visit No: 06018,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ulrika Grnqvist

+46 173 42130 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Regionfrbundet samt kommunerna i Uppsala ln

+46 173 42104 Kungsgatan 41

Organiser Email:

ulrika.gronqvist@osthammar.se Uppsala

Postal Code: SE-75148

Title: 18,02 -SE - Adult education in a local and regional development perspective

Beginning date: 25.09.2006 Venue: Uppsala, Enkping, Hbo, sthammar, Tierp

End Date: 29.09.2006 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 2.1 :OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENT; Availability of child-care and flexible learning
Objectives times to learners. Possibilities of educational leave for employees. Accreditation of prior learning.
Report Funding mechanisms and incentives for adults

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

Regionfrbundet samt kommunerna i Uppsala ln str tillsammans vrd fr detta studiebesk. Deltagarna kommer
under studiebesket beska olika vuxenutbildningsenheter, och f se olika exempel p samverkan mellan dessa och
det omgivande samhllet. De olika kommunerna kommer att visa upp olika exempel p hur vuxenutbildning kan
bedrivas och utvecklas. Fokus r p fljande omrden: Samverkan fr tillvxt och utveckling; Utvecklingsomrden
och utmaningar fr vuxenutbildningen; Rekrytering; Anpassning av arbetsformer kring vuxenutbildning samt
Utbildningar i nra samverkan med arbetslivet. Studiebesket kommer att fokusera p svl teori som praktik. Hela
bredden i svensk vuxenutbildning presenteras frn analfabetisering till hgskoleutbildning. Svl teoretisk som mer
yrkesinriktad utbildning kommer att visas. Det blir ett mte med utbildningsansvariga, fretrdare fr arbetslivet,
studerande och politiker.

Uppsala Regional Development Council and the local councils in the Uppsala region will together host this study visit.
The participants will visit different adult education units, and will see examples of collaboration between these units
and the society as a whole. The different local councils will show local solutions to how adult education can be
developed. Focus will be on the following areas: cooperation in order to promote local growth and development;
development areas of and challenges to adult education; methods of recruitment; adoption of different organisations
and working forms for adult education; and adult education in cooperation with companies. The study visit will focus
on theory as well as practice. Different forms of adult education in the region will be included and presented, from
Swedish for immigrants to higher education. Theoretical as well as vocational adult education will be studied. There
will be meeting with representatives for different educational providers, with cooperation partners to the adult
education, and with students and policy makers. Web page: www.regionuppsala.se

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Visit No: 06018,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Ewa Chociej

+48 85 65 15 855 Type: Adult/cont. education provider (EDU.5)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Centrum Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego

+48 85 65 15 855 Ul. Zabia 5

Organiser Email:

sekretariat@ckubialystok.pl Bialystok

Postal Code: PL-15448

Title: 18,03 - POL - The ways and forms of educating adults

Beginning date: 02.10.2006 Venue: Eastern part of Poland

End Date: 06.10.2006 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English Polish

Reference Objective 2.1: Open learning environment; Availability of child-care and flexible learning

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Celem seminarium jest wymiana informacji i doswiadczen w obszarze edukacji doroslych z uwzglednieniem
ksztalcenia na odleglosc, umozliwienie osobom odpowiedzialnym za edukacje porownania funkcjonowania i
zarzadzania placowkami ksztalcenia ustawicznego w roznych krajach oraz podjecia dzialan majacych na celu
ujednolicenie systemu edukacji doroslych w Europie. Zostana one osiagniete poprzez prezentacje przykladow dobrej
praktyki i rozwiazan stosowanych w krajach przedstawicieli bioracych udzial w wizycie. Ponadto kadra zarzadzajaca
oswiata oraz osoby odpowiedzialne za stan edukacji beda mogly praktycznie doswiadczyc zastosowania technologii
informatycznych w zdalnym nauczaniu doroslych poprzez udzial w zorganizowanej wideokonferencji. Jestesmy
przekonani, ze wizyta przyniesie wymierne korzysci wszystkim zainteresowanym , a nade wszystko wplynie na
podniesienie poziomu edukacji doroslych.

The exchange of information and experiences in area of adult education is the aim of seminar with consideration of
the education on distance, making possible the persons liable for the education comparison of kelter and
management the posts of constant education in different countries as well as the undertakings of workings having in
view the unification in Europe the system of adult education. They will reached across introductions of examples of
good practice and practical solutions in the representatives' taking part in visit. Moreover the manageress of
education personnel as well as people liable for the state of education will test practically the use of computer
technologies in remote teaching of adult across participation in organized guided videoconferencing. We are
convinced that this visit will bring measurable profit for all interested, web page:www.ckubialystok.pl

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Visit No: 06018,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr Zdzislaw Socha

+ 48 13 43 688 21 Type: Adult/cont. education provider (EDU.5)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Zespol Szkol Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego

+ 48 13 43 224 73 ul. Czajkowskiego 49

Organiser Email:

zdzislaw.socha@cku.krosno.pl Krosno

Postal Code: PL-38400

Title: 18,04 - POL - Adult education - module based and distance learning

Beginning date: 02.10.2006 Venue: region of the Bieszczady mountains

End Date: 06.10.2006 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English ?


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Celem wizyty studyjnej jest zaprezentowanie roznorodnych form i metod ksztalcenia doroslych w krajach Unii
Europejskiej i krajach kandydujacych. Wizyta umozliwi wymiane doswiadcze uczestnikow, ktorzy przedstawia
systemy edukacyjne w swoich krajach, w szczegolnosci ksztalcenie doroslych metoda modulowa oraz na odleglos.
Uczestnicy wizyty zapoznaja sie z organizacja ksztalcenia doroslych w Zespole Szkol Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego w
Krosnie ze szczegolnym uwzglednieniem nowoczesnych metod ksztalcenia takich jak nauczanie na odleglos i
ksztalcenie modulowe. Odbeda sie rowniez spotkania w innych instytucjach zwiazanych z systemem oswiaty
doroslych. Efektem kocowym wizyty bedzie raport przedstawiajacy systemy edukacji osob doroslych w krajach
europejskich wskazujacy na podobiestwa i roznice w zakresie organizacji, zarzadzania i finansowania. Celem wizyty
studyjnej bedzie rowniez nawiazanie przyszlej wspolpracy partnerskiej w zakresie realizacji wspolnych projektow
edukacyjnych i spolecznych zwiazanych tematycznie z ksztalceniem osob doroslych.

This study visit aims at the presentation of various forms and methods in adult education in the EU countries as well
as in the candidate countries. The visit will make possible the exchange of experience of the visits participants who
will present the education systems in their home countries, in particular training adults with modules and in distance
education system. The visit participants will become acquainted with the organisation of adult education in Complex
of Schools of Continuing Education in Krosno using distance education and training modules. It will take place the
meetings in another institutions connected to adult education.The report presenting adult education systems in
European countries will be the visits final outcome. This report will present the similarities and differences with regard
to the organisation, management and financing. The study visit also aims at the establishment of future partner co-
operation in implementation of common educational and social projects related to adult education. Web page:

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Visit No: 06018,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Zdenek Kluiber

+420 493 331 190 Type: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: University of Hradec Kralove

+420 495 513 890 Rokitanskeho 62

Organiser Email:

zdenek.kluiber@email.cz Hradec Kralove

Postal Code: CZ-500 03

Title: 18,05- CZ - University at the 3rd Age

Beginning date: 15.10.2006 Venue: Hradec Kralove

End Date: 20.10.2006 Country: Czech Republic

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Czech English ?

Reference New various methods and form in the adult-seniors education in the Czech Republic.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 7

Cilem navstevy je prezentace novych metod a forem vzdelavani dospelych - senioru v esk republice v ramci
programu "Univerzita tretiho veku" na Univerzite Hradec Kralove. Studijni navsteva umozni setkani s organizatory, s
ucastniky a s prednasejicimi. Ucastnici studijni navstevy budou seznameni s pojetim tto prce i na dalsich
univerzitach v esk republice. Hlavnim cilem navstevy je vymena zkusenosti mezi ucastniky, diskuse nad budoucimi
projekty a navazani spoluprace v tchto projektech. Program zahrne i navstevu vyznamnych kulturnich a historickych
pamatek. Organizator ocekava prijezd ucastniku v nedeli 15.rijna 2006, kdy se uskutecni uvodni setkani.

This study visit aims at the presentation of various new methods and forms in the adult - seniors education in the
Czech Republic in the frame of the project "University at the 3rd Age" at University of Hradec Kralove. The visit will
make possible the meetings with organisers, participants and lecturers. The participants will have the possibility to get
acquaint with the conception of this work in other universities in the Czech Republic. The main aims are the exchange
of experience among participants, discussions about future projects and establishment of the co-operation in these
projects. The programme includes the visit of some important cultural and historical monuments. The participants are
expected to arrive on Sunday, October 15 when the first meeting will take place.

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Visit No: 06018,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Julia Marta Recuenco Lujn

+34 969 176350 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Delegacin Provincial de Educacin y Ciencia

+34 969 176403 Servicio de Planificacin.

Organiser Email: Avda. Repblica Argentina 16

jmarta@jccm.es Cuenca

Postal Code: ES-16002

Title: 18,06 -ES - El modelo de Educacin de Personas Adultas en Castilla-la Mancha

Beginning date: 13.11.2006 Venue: Cuenca

End Date: 17.11.2006 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English ?



Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

The educational practice in centers of adult education. The participants will be able to present and discuss real and
potential strategies aimed to offer opportunities of training to the pupils in rural and urban zones. Analysis of the
organization of these centers. The role of the Local Administration. Methodology: Visits to Centers of Adult Education.
Informative meetings of experiences. Valuations and conclusions.

La prctica docente en centros de educacin de personas adultas. Los participantes podrn presentar y discutir
estrategias reales y potenciales dirigidas a ofrecer oportunidades de formacin al alumnado de zonas rurales y
urbanas. Anlisis de la organizacin de estos centros. El papel de la Administracin Local. Metodologa: Visitas a
Centros de Educacin de Personas Adultas. Reuniones informativas de experiencias. Valorisation and conclusions.

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Visit No: 06018,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Giuseppina Raso

+39 0432 297909 Type: Adult/cont. education provider (EDU.5)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Universit delle LiberEt del FVG

+39 0432 297033 Via Ippolito Nievo, 16/a

Organiser Email:

libereta@libereta-fvg.it Udine - UD

Postal Code: I-33100

Title: 18,07 - IT - Lintegrazione europea attraverso lapprendimento della lingua straniera - European integration
through foreign language learning

Beginning date: 20.11.2006 Venue: Udine

End Date: 24.11.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English ?

Reference Objective 2.1: Open learning environment


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

La conoscenza di altre lingue europee condizione essenziale per una efficace integrazione europea, a maggior
ragione se ci si riferisce alla popolazione adulta. Quali sono le misure adottate dai vari Paesi a tal fine? Come viene
praticato il plurilinguismo nellottica del life long learning? Come viene incoraggiata la mobilit finalizzata
allapprendimento linguistico? Quale ruolo possono svolgere le singole strutture scolastiche? Ci si prefigge, con
questa visita, di trovare spunti di riflessione e di analizzare quali sono le situazioni dei vari Paesi. Ulteriori recapiti
dellorganizzatore: tel.: +39.0432.295961

The knowledge of other European languages is an essential condition for an effective European integration,
especially regarding adult population. Which are the measures used by the different Countries to reach this aim? How
can the multilingualism be implemented in the field of life long learning? How can the mobility aimed to foreign
language learning can encouraged? Which role can be carried out by each of the educational institutions? With this
Arion visit we would like to reflect, analyse and work on the different situations, regarding the languages, in the
different Countries. Other data of the organiser: tel.: +39.0432.295961; Web page: http://www.libereta-fvg.it

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06018,08

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Sh Mehmet DOGRU

+90-505-3971578(GSM) Type: Adult/cont. education provider (EDU.5)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Sahinbey Halk Egitim Merkezi ve Aksam Sanat Okulu
+90-342-2300546 Eyupoglu Mah.Kastelbas Cad.

Organiser Email: No:15

smdogru@mynet.com.tr GAZIANTEP

Postal Code: TUR-27010

Title: 18,08 - TUR - The New Bridge to Extensive Education in Europe

Beginning date: 12.03.2007 Venue: GAZIANTEP

End Date: 16.03.2007 Country: Turkey

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Turkish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 2.1: OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENT; Accreditation of prior learning, Funding
Objectives mechanisms and incentives for adults

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

The aims of the study visit are as follows: 1) to improve the quality of the extensive education 2) to compare the
extensive education systems in Europe. 3) to discuss how to make extensive education systems in Europe more
effective and popular. 4) to discuss positive and negative aspects of extensive education systems in Europe 5) to
create a model for extensive education systems for Europe. 6) to help people in Turkey become aware of Europen
Union 7) to get the benefits of being a European citizen. The visit will give the participants opportunity to observe
the extensive education system and its applications. Observation of the educational methods and lessons,discussion
with students.The principal,the teachers and the students of the vocational and extensive education in the region will
be familiarized with the extensive educational systems in Europe:discussion,questions and answer,presentations with
visual materials.It will also let participants share ideas and experiences in order that people will live comfortably.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06018,09

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: VICARD Franois

00 33 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Lyce Blaise de Vigenre

00 33 51, Avenue pasteur

Organiser Email:

0030044G@ac-clermont.fr St Pourain/Sioule

Postal Code: 03500

Title: 18,09 - FR - Former tout au long de la vie

Beginning date: 19.03.2007 Venue: MOULINS (Rgion Auvergne)

End Date: 23.03.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference 1.2 : Dvelopper les comptences ncessaires dans une socit fonde sur la connaissance.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 7

La rgion de MOULINS est situe au centre de la France, dans une zone rurale possdant un patrimoine historique
riche, lieu d'origine de l'ancienne famille royale des Bourbons.Cette rgion, agricole, viticole, partiellement
industrialise, cartele entre plusieurs villes et traverse par des grands axes routiers retient peu sa population. Les
lves s'orientent plus qu'en zone urbaine vers des tudes courtes, finalits professionnelles. Dans ce contexte,
trois questions seront tudies : 1) La formation des adultes : formation tout au long de la vie ? 2) Quelles validations
de la formation des adultes ? 3) De la validation de la formation une reconnaissance Europenne ? Ces questions
seront tudies dans le cadre de confrences, rencontres et de visites de ples de formations et d'entreprises. 15
personnes maximum.

The Moulins district lies in the centre of France, in a rural area. Being the place where the old Bourbon royal Family
originated, it has a rich historical heritage. The agricultural, wine-growing, partly industrialized area which is torn
between several towns and crossed by major roads, has fewer and fewer inhabitants. More than in urban areas, the
pupils there tend to prefer short studies and vocational training. In that context, three questions will be dealt with : 1)
Adult training : life-long training ? 2) How to validate adult training ? 3) From training validation to regnition on a
European Level? All these points shall be examined during conferences, meetings and visits training centers and
factories.Maximum of 15 people.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06018,10

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Rigmor Windahl

+46 19 6024953 Type: Adult/cont. education provider (EDU.5)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Kvesta folkhgskola

+46 19 230802

Organiser Email:

rigmor.windahl@folkbildning.net Skllersta

Postal Code: SE-69794

Title: 18,10 - SE - A coherent adult education

Beginning date: 26.03.2007 Venue: Kvesta folk high school

End Date: 30.03.2007 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 2.1 :OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENT;Availability of child-care and flexible learning
Objectives times to learners. Possibilities of educational leave for employees. Accreditation of prior learning.
Report Funding mechanisms and incentives for adults

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Studiebesket kommer fokusera p: otraditionella stt att arbeta med heterogena grupper bestende av mnniskor
i olika ldrar och med olika bakgrunder hur man kan finna former dr skoltrtta elever och nyfikna yrkesmnniskor
blir stimulerade tillgodorknande av tidigare erfarenhet (validering av arbetslivserfarenhet ) seminarier med
diskussioner om pedagogiska och metodiska frgestllningar utifrn den senaste forskningen. Vrdorganisationen
Kvesta folkhgskola erbjuder de studerande fyra olika linjer musik, dans, bild och form samt en allmn linje.
Folkhgskolan har ett nra samarbete med universitet och musikhgskola i rebro, dit deltagarna bjuds in under
besket. Det vergripande mlet fr Kvesta r inte bara att utveckla de studerandes kunskaper utan ocks hela
mnniskan genom olika otraditionella metoder.

The studyvisit will focus upon: untraditional ways and methods in working with heterogenous groups, people coming
from very different backgrounds and with a wide age range how to find incentives and mechanism for adult learners
systems for accreditation of prior learning (experience of work validated and recognised in the total study
period) seminars with discussions about pedagogical and methodical questions on the basis of latest
research The host organisation Kvesta folk high school offers different courses with focus on art, music and culture,
but the biggest one is a general course. The folk high school works closely together with the Academy of Music in
rebro and rebro University, institutions that the participants will be invited to visit. The overall aim for Kvesta folk
high school is to develop not only the students knowledge but the whole human being using methods that are not
always traditional. Web page:www.kavesta.fhsk.se

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06018,11

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Frank Smit and Jan Lutje Schipholt
+31703814448 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse Onderwijs
+31703831958 Bezuidenhoutseweg 253

Organiser Email:

fsmit@europeesplatform.nl Den Haag

Postal Code: NL-2594

Title: 18,11 - NL - Adult and Vocational education

Beginning date: 15.04.2007 Venue: Den Haag (The Hague) and surrounding region

End Date: 20.04.2007 Country: Netherlands

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Dutch English ?

Reference objective 2.1; OPEN LEARNING EVVIRONMENT; Availability of childcare and flexible learning times
Objectives to learners; Possibilities of educational leave for employees; Accredidation of prior learning; Funding
Report mechanisms and incentives for adults

Nr of places: 13 Min required: 7

Bezoek aan beleidsmakers op Ministerie en gemeentelijk niveau; lezingen over beleid m.b.t. inrichting van
beroepsonderwijs en projecten volwassenen onderwijs; vragen en discussies. Bezoek aan CINOP (zuster instelling
van het Europees Platform), scholen, instituten en projecten op BVE-niveau; discussie met docenten cordinatoren
en studenten/deelnemers. Zo mogelijk observatie van lessen en instructies.

Visit to Ministry and municipal authorities; lectures on policy regarding financing and equipping vocational schools and
projects for adult education; questions and discussions. Visit to CINOP (national Centre for the Innovation of
education and training in the Netherlands), schools institutes and projects concerning idem; discussion with teachers,
instructors, coordinators, students and particpants in (municipal) projects. Visit tot instruction rooms, if possible
observation of lessons and instruction.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06018,12

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Izabela Gorecka, Ms Monika Wojciechowska

+48 22 844 07 40 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Krajowy Osr Wspierania Edukacji Zaw. i Ustawicznej
+48 22 646 52 51 ul. Spartanska 1B

Organiser Email:

i.gorecka@koweziu.edu.pl Warszawa

Postal Code: PL-02954

Title: 18,12 - POL - The Adult Education in Poland

Beginning date: 16.04.2007 Venue: capital of Poland

End Date: 20.04.2007 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English German

Reference Objective 2.1: Open learning envronment; Availability of child-care and flexible learning

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

Celem wizyty studyjnej jest dostarczenie jej uczestnikom informacji na temat polskiego systemu ksztacenia i
szkolenia ludzi doroslych. Uczestnicy wizyty beda zaznajomieni z: systemem ksztalcenia doroslych w Polsce
wacznie z uwzglednieniem jego organizacji, zarzadzania i finansowania, formami i metodami edukacji
doroslych, partnerstwem miedzy wladzami panstwowymi, samorzadowymi, pracodawcami i izbami
rzemieslniczymi. W trakcie wizyty uczestnicy odwiedza wladze edukacyjne, prywatne i panstwowe placowki
ksztalcenia doroslych (takie jak: centra ksztalcenia ustawicznego, Uniwersytety Trzeciego Wieku, zaklady
doskonalenia zawodowego) zlokalizowanymi w Warszawie, Gdansku, Krakowie oraz inne instytucje zwiazane z
systemem ksztalcenia doroslych. Grupa bedzie miala sposobnosc spotkac sie z decydentami, nauczycielami edukacji
doroslych, trenerami edukacji doroslych, uczniami. Celem wizyty bedzie rowniez wymiana doswiadczen i tzw.
dobrych praktyk a takze mozliwosc wspolpracy w zakresie realizacji wspolnych projektow zwiazanych z
ksztalceniem doroslych.

TThe aim of the visit is to provide an overview of the Polish adult education and training system. Participants of the
visit will be familiar with: the Polish adult education and training system including the organization, management
and financing of it, forms and methods of teaching in adult education, partnership between national
authorities, employers and trade unions. The program will include visits to: national authorities, public and non-public
adult education posts (such as: Continuing Education Centers, Third Age Universities, Centers for Vocational
Development) located in Warsaw, Cracow, Gdask and other institutions connected with adult education. Group will
have opportunity to meet and discuss with decision-makers, adult education teachers, trainers, students. The study
visit also aims to exchange experience and good practices, although to establish future partner cooperation
opportunity of common educational projects related to adult education. Web page: www.koweziu.edu.pl

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06018,13

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Fritz Voss, Wolfgang Kerber

+49 431 799 64 0 Type: Tech/vocat. edu. in conjunction with work(EDU 3.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Berufliche Schule in Gaarden

+49 431 799 64 100 Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 9

Organiser Email:

fvoss@bsgaarden.de and poststelle@bsgaarden.de Kiel

Postal Code: D-24143

Title: 18,13 - DE - Qualifizierung junger Arbeitnehmer durch duale Ausbildung, betriebliche Fortbildung und

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Kiel

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German English

Reference OBJECTIVE 2.1 :


Nr of places: 16 Min required: 6

Schwerpunkt des ARION Studienbesuchs ist das lebensbegleitende Lernen in der beruflichen Ausbildung und
Weiterbildung in Schleswig-Holstein im Vergleich mit den Berufsbildungssystemen der Herkunftslnder der
Teilnehmer. In Kiel erhalten die Teilnehmer Einblick in die duale Ausbildung einer gewerblichen Berufsschule mit
Schwerpunkt Elektrotechnik und IT. Die betriebliche Qualifizierung lernen die Teilnehmer durch Besuche und
Gesprche bei Firmen der Industrie und des Handwerks auf lokaler Ebene kennen. Die Weiterbildungseinrichtungen
in der Region runden den berblick ab. Die Veranstaltung fhrt ebenfalls zu maritimen Sehenswrdigkeiten in Kiel
und Umgebung. www.bsgaarden.de

The main emphasis of the ARION Study visit is life-long learning in vocational training and further education in
Schleswig-Holstein, in comparison with the job training systems in the participants home country. In Kiel the
participants will get an insight into the dual training schemes of a vocational school with an emphasis on electro-
technology and IT. They will, moreover, be able to discuss in-company training schemes with local firms in industry
and commerce. Visits to further education establishments in the region will round off the overview. The event will
also take in places of interest regarding maritime life in Kiel and in the surrounding area. www.bsgaarden.de

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06018,14

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: John Nises

+46 238 2344 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Falu Kommun, Vuxenutbildningen

+46 238 3765 Kristinegatan 28

Organiser Email: Box 183

john.nises@falun.se Falun

Postal Code: SE-79183

Title: 18,14 - SE - Adult education in rural areas

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: Falun, Borlnge

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 2.1 :OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENT;Availability of child-care and flexible learning
Objectives times to learners.Possibilities of educational leave for employees. Accreditation of prior learning.
Report Funding mechanisms and incentives for adults

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 7

Visa hur vuxenutbildningen ser ut i ngra orter p landsbygden i Dalarna, dr den generella utbildningsnivn r lg.
Ett regionalt ntverk har byggt upp olika modeller fr att klara den framtida arbetskraftsfrsrjningen och motverka
utflyttning. Mlsttningen r att alla vuxna som vill studera ska kunna gra det p, eller i nrheten av sin hemort
genom att kombinera en vl fungerande vgledning med modernt IKT-std, lokal infrastruktur fr vuxenutbildning
samt validering av de kunskaper som livs- och arbetserfarenhet ger. Det nya framvxande informations- och
kommunikationssamhllet skapar nya jobb som krver nya kunskaper. Nyetableringar i glesbygder r mjliga,
frutsttningen r att det finns tillgng till kompetent personal. Den regionala och lokala arbetsmarknaden styr
utbildningsbehoven. Arbetsplatsfrlagt lrande r ett stt att utbilda den enskilde direkt fr rdande arbetsmarknads
behov samt att verfra kunskaper frn den ldre generationen till den yngre. Studiebesk kommer att innehlla
mten med regionala och lokala politiker, deras syn p utbildningens roll i regionens utveckling, forskare med
kunskaper om vuxenutbildningens mjligheter, fretrdare fr olika utvecklingsprojekt samt besk i olika utbildningar.
Besket frlggs till vrldsarvsstaden Falun i Dalarna och studiebesken grs p olika stllen i nrheten. Se:
www.falun.se/vux , http://www.visitfalun.se/varldsarvet/, http://www.affla.se/2005/ och
http://www.ntglar.se/ntglar/index.shtml .

The visit aims to show adult education in some rural areas in the region Dalarna, where the general level of education
is low. A regional network has created different models in order to cope with future labour needs and to counteract
migration. The aim is to make it possible for all adults wishing to study to do so, or to combine well functioning
educational counselling with modern ICT (Information- and Communication Technology) support, local infrastructure
for adult education as well as validation of knowledge gained from work and life experiences. The new developing
information and communication society is creating new jobs that require new knowledge; new establishments are
possible in rural districts provided there is access to competent personnel. The regional and local labour markets
dictate training requirements. Workplace learning is a way of directly training individuals for prevailing labour market
requirements and transmitting knowledge from the older to the younger generation. The visit will include meetings
with regional and local politicians and their views on the role of education in developmental work, researchers with
knowledge of the possibilities of adult education, representatives for different development projects as well as visits to
different course organisers. The visit is located in the heritage town of Falun in Dalarna and educational visits will be
made in various places in the vicinity. See www.falun.se/vux, http;//www.visitfalun.se/varldsarvet/ ,
http://www.affla.se/equal/ and http://www.ntglar.se/ntglar/index.shtml

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Visit No: 06018,15

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: FRANCISCO J.GARCA TARTERA

+34 91 7200808 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)


+34 91 7200807 ALCAL GALIANO 4, 4 PLANTA

Organiser Email:

edu.programasinternacionales@madrid.org MADRID

Postal Code: ES-28020

Title: 18,15 - ES - Adult education in the community of Madrid. The lifelong learning

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: Madrid

End Date: 25.05.2007 Country: Spain

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Spanish English Spanish

Reference OBJECTIVE 2.1:OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENT.To show the provision for Adult Education and
Objectives the regional supportive structure in the Community of Madrid.

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

Desde que en 1999 la Comunidad de Madrid asumi las competencias de educacin se est realizando un proceso
de desarrollo normativo para la educacin de personas adultas en consonancia con las orientaciones que la Unin
Europea viene realizando para la Educacin a lo largo de la vida (Lifelong Learning). El objetivo de la visita es
mostrar la red de Educacin de Personas Adultas y la estructura de apoyo que la Administracin Autonmica de
Madrid posee en el mbito regional. Se organizarn visitas a: Centros de Educacin de Personas Adultas (urbanos y
rurales), centros penitenciarios, centros que ofrecen educacin a distancia y al Centro Regional de Educacin de
Personas Adultas (CREPA). Se mantendrn encuentros con el profesorado y el alumnado, reuniones de trabajo con
responsables del centro regional y otros representantes de la Administracin Educativa.

Since the assumption of educational competences by the Madrid Community Regional Government, a process of
development of General Basic Regulations for Adult Education is being achieved, according to guidance given by the
European Union concerning the Lifelong Learning. The objective of the visit is to show the provision for Adult
Education and the regional supportive structure of Madrid Community. Visits will take place in different settings: Adult
Education Centres (urban and rural), adult education in prisons, Open and Distance Learning Centres, and Regional
Centre for Adult Education. Meetings with educational staff and learners, as well as working sessions with
representatives of the Educational Administration will be held in the Regional Centre.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06018,16

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Danijel Polajnar

+386 1 52 00 675 Type: Other type of organisation (OTH)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Glotta Nova d.o.o.

+386 1 52 00 676 Poljanska 95

Organiser Email:

dani@glottanova.si Ljubljana

Postal Code: SI-1000

Title: 18,16 - SLO - Global learning

Beginning date: 18.06.2007 Venue: Ljubljana, Slovenia

End Date: 22.06.2007 Country: Slovenia

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Slovene English ?

Reference Getting familiar with the Global learning Method for adult learning

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 9

tudijski obisk je namenjen predstavitvi metode Globalno uenje. Metoda temelji na dolgoletnih izkunjah v
pouevanju in uenju odraslih udeleencev. Temelji na celostnem in individualnem pristopu do vsakega udeleenca.
Je celostni nain uenja in pouevanja in se lahko posebej uinkovito uporablja pri uenju in pouevanju tujih jezikov.
Skozi celoten tudijski obisk, bodo udeleenci pridobili veliko znanja s podroja pouevanja odraslih. Spoznali bodo
razline metode, sodelovali na delavnicah, izvedeli kako se pripravlja gradiva, kako se usposabljajo uitelji, predstavili
bodo tudi svoje izkunje.

The aim of the study visit is to introduce Global Learning Method. The Global learning Method is based on many
years of experience in educating adults. It is a completely learner-centered method. It is a holistic way of learning and
teaching and is used especially in foreign language. Through the whole study visit, applicants will get a lot of
knowledge in the field of educating adults. They will get familiar with the different methods, they will take part in
workshops, they will learn how to prepare course materials, how teachers should be taught and they will be able to
share their own experience with the others. Web page: www.glottanova.com

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06018,17

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: CHRONOPOULOS Laurence

00 33 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: GIP-FCIP DE L'ACADEMIE DE LIMOGES

00 33 13, rue Franois Chnieux

Organiser Email:

laurence.chronopoulos@ac-limoges.fr LIMOGES

Postal Code: 87031

Title: 18,17 - FR - Htellerie-restauration-tourisme : l'adaptation de l'offre de formation en regard des enjeux du

dveloppement local

Beginning date: 20.11.2006 Venue: LIMOGES (Rgion Limousin)

End Date: 24.11.2006 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference OBJECTIFS 1.1, 3.4 et 3.5


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

Ce sjour d'tude se donne pour objectif de proposer aux participants une approche concrte du systme ducatif
franais, notamment dans la rponse qu'il apporte aux besoins du secteur Htellerie-restauration-tourisme : des
visites d'tablissements de formation aux pratiques pdagogiques diffrencies, ainsi que des dplacements sur des
sites reprsentant la partie "professionnelle" du secteur seront organiss. Un Lyce des Mtiers de l'htellerie-
alimentation, un CFA htelier, un Centre Permanent professionnel des Mtiers de la Restauration, des
tablissements hteliers urbains et ruraux sont mis au programme des visites. Ce sjour sera ponctu de temps de
reformulations, d'changes, de confrontation de pratiques et de rflexion dans le but d'amliorer la connaissance
mutuelle des diffrents systmes d'enseignement, des expriences et des ides relevant en particulier de l'Education
et Formation tout au long de la vie. La traduction en langue anglaise sera assure en concomittance avec les

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06019,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ingrid Johansen

+45 33 95 70 82 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: CIRIUS

+45 33 95 70 01 Fiolstrde 44

Organiser Email:

ij@ciriusmail.dk Copenhagen K

Postal Code: DK-1171

Title: 19,01 - DK - Measures to prevent violence, mobbing and bullying

Beginning date: 25.09.2006 Venue: Kolding City, Vejle County, Jutland - Denmark

End Date: 29.09.2006 Country: Denmark

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Danish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 2.2: Making learning more attractive. 1.5 Making the best use of resources

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

The aim of the study visit is to give participants an insight into different measures to prevent violence, mobbing and
bullying in school life. Initially there will be a presentation of the Danish school system, focused on the Folkeskole
(primary and lower secondary level). There will be visits to local/regional education authorities, institutions and to
schools. Thre will be debates and "round tables" about aspects of the preventive work. The hosting local authorities
and schools will exchange experiences with participants concerning issues such as: How to identify children at risk,
how are the possibilities of early intervention? How do we secure successful prevention? What is the role of the
parents? How do home/parents, police, school and social authorities co-operate in the prevention of criminality,
violence etc. At the end of the visit, we aim at having identified som examples of good practice, and at having
established a basis for future European networking and projects between participants and hosting institutions Web
page: www.ciriusonline.dk

Studiebesget har til forml at give deltagerne indsigt i forskellige tiltag for at forebygge vold og mobning i skolen. I
begyndelsen af besget bliver det danske skolesystem prsenteret - frst og fremmest Folkeskolen. Der vil indg
besg og samtaler med lokale uddannelsesmyndigheder, skoler og institution. Der vil indg debatter, og
rundbordssamtaler om forskellige aspekter af det forebyggende arbejde. De lokale skolemyndigheder og skoler vil
udveksle erfaringer med deltagerne om emner som: Hvordan idenfificerer vil de "udsatte" brn? Hvordan er
mulighederne for tidlig indgriben? Hvordan sikres det at forebyggelsen virker? Hvad er forldrenes rolle? Hvordan
samarbejder forldrende, politiet, skolen og de sociale myndigheder omkring forebyggelse af kriminalitet, vold og
mobning? Ved slutningen af besget, regner vi med at have identificeret nogle eksempler p god praksis, og med at
have en god basis for fremtidigt samarbejde og projekter mellem deltagere og lokale vrter.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06019,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Danusa Pasiakova

+420 257 534 373 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Socrates National Agency

+420 257 534 368 U Luzickeho seminare 13

Organiser Email:

pasiakova@socrates.cz Prague 1

Postal Code: CZ-118 01

Title: 19,02 - CZ - Violence of Juiveniles and its Manifestations in the School Environment - Call for All !

Beginning date: 26.02.2007 Venue: Prague

End Date: 02.03.2007 Country: Czech Republic

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Czech English ?

Reference To focus on various problems of violence at schools and to present the Czech Prevention Programme
Objectives agains Bullying

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 7

Nasili je svetovym a narustajicim jevem. Potvrzuji to nejenom vyzkumy Svetove zdravotnicke organizace (WHO).
Jeden z pruzkumu provedenem ve 27 zemich napr. ukazal, ze vetsina deti ve veku 13 let mela zkusenost se
sikanovanim. Varujici jsou i statistiky policie. Jednim z cilu studijni navstevy je predstavit ucastnikum Cesky skolni
program proti sikanovani a jeho fungovani v praxi. Autorem programu je predni cesky odbornik a autor nekolika
publikaci o sikanovani, Michal Kolar. Vysledky tohoto programu jsou srovnatelne se znamym Olweusovym
programem. Ucastnici budou mit dle moznost seznamit se s problematikou nasili mladistvych v esk republice. V
ramci studijni navstevy je planovana navsteva ruznych typu skol a dalsich instituci, kter se zabyvaji resenim otazky
nasili mladistvych. Prijezd ucastniku se ocekava v nedeli 25.unora, kdy se uskutecni prvn setkani.

Violence is a world-wide and increasing phenomenon. This fact has also been proved by the World Health
Organization (WHO). One of the surveys made in 27 countries has shown that most children aged 13 experienced
bullying at least for a certain period of their lives, in most countries. Police statistics sound a warning, too. One of the
objectives of the study visit is to present the Czech School Programme against Bullying and its implementation in the
practise. The author of this programme, Mr Michal Kolar is a leading expert in the problems of bullying and the author
of several books on this subject. The results of this programme are encouraging and they can be compared with the
effectiveness of the world-famous Olweus Intervention Programme. The participants will have the ooportunity to get
familiar with the problems of violence of juveniles in the Czech Republic, with the prevention provisions and to
compare the situation in their countries. Visits of various types of schools and institutions dealing with the juvenile
criminality are planned. The participants are expected to arrive on Sunday, February 25 when the first meeting will be
held in the evening.

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Visit No: 06020,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr Ulf Hedn

+46 42 107235 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Bidningsnmnden

+46 42 106355 stra Alln 16

Organiser Email:

ulf.heden@helsingborg.se Helsingborg

Postal Code: SE-25189

Title: 20,01 - SE - The independent learning process in practice in a goal oriented school

Beginning date: 11.09.2006 Venue: Helsingborg

End Date: 15.09.2006 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5 :MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES;Self-evaluation to improve the quality
Objectives of education provided. Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator)

Nr of places: 14 Min required: 8

Vi har startat arbetet med att skapa 20-hundratalets moderna skola vilken bygger p elevens medvetenhet om,
delaktighet i och ansvar fr inlrningsprocessen. Besket belyser arbetet med den livslnga lrandeprocess som
elever och anstllda deltar i och har sitt fokus p grundskolan, men visar ocks p kopplingarna till frskolan och
gymnasieskolan. Bakgrunden finns i den nationella lroplanen med dess ml, Helsingborgs Stads uppdrag till
skolorna med det lokala handlingsprogrammet. Genom besk och mten med fretrdare fr Helsingborgs stad,
rektorer, lrare och elever ser vi hur planer och ml omvandlas till handling p de enskilda skolorna. Vi ser ocks
vilken betydelse ledarskapet har fr skolutvecklingen.Deltagarna fr bl.a. se hur skolorna arbetar med Individuell
Utvecklingsplan fr elever, vad Portfoliometoden innebr, hur individuella lrstilar pverkar arbetsstten och hur man
arbetar temainriktat istllet fr mnesinriktat.

We have started working on creating the modern school of the 21st Century, which is built upon the young learners
awareness of, participation in and responsibility for the learning process.The visit shows the work with the lifelong
learning process that young learners and staff take part in. The focus is on the compulsory basic school for students
7-16 years old, but it also shows the links with pre-school services and upper secondary school. The starting point is
in national curriculum with its objectives, the instructions to schools from the City of Helsingborg with the local action
programme. Via visits and meetings with representatives from the local authoritiy in Helsingborg, principals, teachers
and students we will illustrate how plans and goals are being converted into action in different schools. We also put
stress on the importance of the leadership to attain school development. The participants will know how schools work
with Individual Development Plans for students, what the Portfolio-method is, how the learning process is being
influenced by individual learning styles and how students work with thematic studies instead of individual subjects.
Web page:www.helsingborg.se

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Visit No: 06020,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Judit Kovcs

06 1 886 3900 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Oktatspolitikai Elemzsek Kzpontja suliNova Kht.

06 1 886 3910 Vci t 37.

Organiser Email:

opek@sulinova.hu Budapest

Postal Code: HU-1134

Title: 20,02 - HU - Quality and Effectiveness of Education in Hungary

Beginning date: 18.09.2006 Venue: Budapest, Central Hungary

End Date: 22.09.2006 Country: Hungary

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Hungarian English ?

Reference Objective 1.5: Making the best use of resources


Nr of places: 10 Min required: 6

In the countries of European Union, ensuring the quality of education is one of the most important goals. Since 2002,
a key objective of the EU is to increase the effectiveness and improve the quality of education. In Hungary, this field
has received particular political and professional attention since the mid-nineties: the outcome of education is a highly
deated issue. The main goal of study visit is to share ideas and best practices in the fields of quality and
effectiveness. At the same time there will be a discussion about the different levels of hungarian education system
(national, regional and local levels). Web page: www. Sulinova.hu

Az oktats minsgnek s eredmnyessgnek biztostsa valamennyi unis orszgban az oktatspolitika

legfontosabb cljai kz tartozik. E tma slyt mutatja, hogy az Eurpai Uni 2002-ben elfogadott, 2010-ig
megvalstand kiemelt prioritsai kz tartozik az oktatsi s kpzsi rendszerek minsgnek s
eredmnyessgnek javtsa. Az elmlt vtizedekben Magyarorszgon ezekre a terletekre mind szakmai, mind
pedig az oktatspolitikai krkben fokozott figyelem irnyul. A tanulmnyt elsdleges clja nemzetkzi
tapasztalatcsere a minsg s az eredmnyessg krdsben. A kurzus sorn a rsztvevknek lehetsge nylik ,
hogy e tmakrkben megismerhessk a magyar oktatsi rendszer klnbz szintjein (gazati, fenntarti s
intzmnyi) az elmlt vekben felgylt tapasztalatokat.

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Visit No: 06020,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Gelsomina Gonnella

+39 0771 461780 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore E. Fermi

+39 0771 462104 P.zza Trieste, 1

Organiser Email:

ltps010001@istruzione.it Gaeta - LT

Postal Code: I-04024

Title: 20,03 - IT - Qualit, valutazione ed autovalutazione distituto - Quality, school evaluation and self-evaluation
Qualit, evaluation et autoevaluation dinstitut

Beginning date: 02.10.2006 Venue: Gaeta - LT

End Date: 06.10.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English French

Reference Objectif 1.5: Optimiser l'utilisation des ressources


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Finalit: cercare nuovi metodi e tecniche per il miglioramento della qualit nellinsegnamento e nei servizi. Obiettivi:
conoscenza dei sistemi di valutazione dei Paesi coinvolti. Miglioramento delle tecniche di valutazione. Contenuti:
analisi comparativa dei differenti sistemi di valutazione dei Paesi coinvolti; analisi dei processi di qualit
nellerogazione dei servizi. Attivit: videoconferenze, focus, discussioni, dibattiti, incontri con docenti universitari.
Destinatari: professori, dirigenti scolastici, autorit locali coinvolte nellistruzione, docenti universitari.

Aims: find out new evaluation methods and techniques for improving quality in teaching and in services. Objectives:
knowledge of evaluation systems of the Countries involved. Improving the evaluation techniques. Contents:
comparative analysis of the evaluation systems of the Countries involved. Analysis of the quality processes in offering
services. Activities: videoconferences, focus, discussions, debates, meetings with university teachers. Participants:
teachers, Principals, local Authorities dealing with education, university teachers. Finalits: chercher des
nouvelles mthodes et techniques dvaluation pour ameliorer la qualit de lenseignement et des services. Objectifs:
connaissance des systmes dvaluation des Pays participants, amlioration des techniques dvaluation. Contenus:
analyse comparative des diffrents systmes dvaluation des Pays participants. Analyse des processus de qualit
dans loffre des services. Activits: vidoconferences, focus, discussions, dbats, rencontres avec des enseignants
universitaires. Destinataires: professeurs, chefs dcole, autorits locales, professeurs universitaires. Web-page:

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Visit No: 06020,04

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Mr Chris Williams

+44 (0)1522 881144 Type: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Lincoln Christ's Hospital School

+44 (0)1522 881145 Wragby Road

Organiser Email:

crwilliams@christs-hospital.lincs.sch.uk Lincoln

Postal Code: GB-LN2

Title: 20,04 - GB - Quality of Education: raising standards through self-evaluation

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Lincoln, UK

End Date: 13.10.2006 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English Spanish

Reference 1.5 - making the best use of resources


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

We invite you to see how schools and colleges across the United Kingdom have made increasing use of self-
evaluation as well as external inspection to identify strengths and weaknesses. Through this approach, school
leaders, teachers, students and parents have become increasingly pro-active in developing strategies and action
plans for addressing particular difficulties and raising standards in general. During this seminar, participants will
visit primary, secondary and tertiary educational establishments in Lincolnshire and hear from practitioners who are
using self-evaluation. The main focus will be on how self-evaluation is used to improve teaching and learning in the
classroom. Participants will leave equipped with exemplar materials which can be adapted for their own needs.
Further details of the outline programme can be found on our website at: www.christs-hospital.lincs.sch.uk

Les invitamos a que vean cmo en los ltimos aos los colegios e institutos del Reino Unido han comenzado a hacer
un uso mayor de las autoevalucaciones, as como de las inspecciones externas, con el objeto de identificar sus
puntos dbiles y fuertes. Esto ha permitido que los directivos de los colegios, los profesores, alumnos y padres
participen ms activamente en el desarrollo de estrategias y planes de accin para tratar determinadas dificultades y,
en general, mejorar sus estndares. Durante este seminario, los participantes visitarn centros de educacin
primaria, secundaria y de educacin superior en Lincolnshire. Asimismo, escucharn a profesionales que utililizan
actualmente las autoevaluaciones. El seminario se centrar principalmente en cmo estas sirven para mejorar la
enseanza y el aprendizaje que tienen lugar en el aula. Los participantes recibirn meterial ejemplar que podrn
adaptar a sus propias necesidades. Para una informacin ms detallada del programa, consulten la pgina web

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Visit No: 06020,05

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Michele Quagliarini, Emanuela Germano'

+39 039 793882 Type:

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Istituto Comprensivo A. Casati

+39 039 790918 Via 1 Maggio, 6

Organiser Email:

muggiop@tin.it Muggio' - MI

Postal Code: I-20053

Title: 20,05 - IT - Making the best use of resources: Quality in school management and teaching/learning process

Beginning date: 09.10.2006 Venue: Milano

End Date: 13.10.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English ?

Reference Objectif 1.5: Optimiser l'utilisation des ressources


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Lo sviluppo di un sistema Qualit divenuto di recente un aspetto molto importante nelle scuole di Milano. Le
scuole hanno incluso il miglioramento della Qualit come la parte pi importante dei loro programmi di politica
scolastica, anche se con differenti prospettive. Un programma di sviluppo del sistema Qualit stato introdotto dal
1998 al 2000 nelle scuole di Milano e provincia. Il programma stato sostenuto dal Polo qualit di Milano in tutte le
scuole interessate. Molte di loro ora stanno ottenendo una certificazione ufficiale di Qualit secondo le norme
internazionali ISO 9000. Poich le scuole sono interessate ad assicurare la qualit non solo per quanto riguarda gli
aspetti organizzativi, i partecipanti saranno coinvolti, durante le visite e le discussioni di gruppo, anche nelle
tematiche relative a come sviluppare buone strategie e metodologie di insegnamento per gli allievi, con particolare
riguardo allutilizzo e al supporto delle attrezzature multimediali. Dopo unintroduzione generale del sistema di
istruzione italiano attuale, i partecipanti visiteranno vari istituti scolastici per osservare lorganizzazione generale, il
management e le nuove metodologie di insegnamento, con particolare attenzione alle TIC. Si discuter inoltre dei
sistemi di qualit sviluppati dalle scuole e degli indicatori di misurazione della qualit osservando il sistema Qualit
certificato in alcuni istituti. La visita organizzata insieme allIstituto Comprensivo Buonarroti - Via L. Salma 53
Corsico (MILANO) Tel.: +39 024471805, Fax: +39 024408308, e-mail: emagerman@tin.it

Quality improvement has recently become an important issue throughout the schools in Milan. Schools have included
quality improvement as the most important part of their policy, although with different perspectives. A local quality
development programme was introduced in this area from 1998 to 2000. The programme was then supported to
stand on its own in all the involved schools. Many of them are now getting an official ISO quality certification. As
schools are interested in the problem of providing quality in a wider sense, the participants will be also involved in
group discussions on how to develop good strategies and methodologies in students training, with the support of
multimedia tools. They will visit different schools and meet teachers and headmasters to discuss about management
and teaching/learning strategies. After a general introduction of the present Italian educational system, the
participants: will visit various educational institutions to observe the Quality system, the general management and the
teaching process, with special focus on ICT: will discuss the different ways of measuring quality; will meet experts
and representatives of school management. The visit is organized together with Istituto Comprensivo Buonarroti -
Via L. Salma 53 - Corsico (MILANO) Tel.: +39 024471805, Fax: +39 024408308, emagerman@tin.it, Web

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Visit No: 06020,06

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: TARBY Jean-Paul

00 33 3 81 65 75 29 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Rectorat de Besanon / DAAC/DARIC

00 33 3 81 65 74 07 10, rue de la convention

Organiser Email:

jean-paul.tarby@ac-besancon.fr Besanon Cdex

Postal Code: 25030

Title: 20,06 - FR - L'ducation au patrimoine

Beginning date: 16.10.2006 Venue: Besanon (Rgion Franche-Comt)

End Date: 20.10.2006 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference OBJECTIFS 1.1, 1.2,1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 et 3.5


Nr of places: 20 Min required: 8

Faire connatre les actions innovantes engages en Franche comt dans le domaine de l'ducation au patrimoine,
travers des actions transversales et pluridisciplinaires en direction du public scolaire. Envisager les multiples
dclinaisons de l'ducation au patrimoine partir d'un vnement phare : la commmoration du bicentenaire de
Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, architecte de la Saline royale d'Arc et Senans, btiment inscrit au patrimoine mondial de
l'UNESCO. Mutualiser, entre les participants, les approches du thme de la visite dans les diffrents pays europens.
Activits prvues : Exposs sur la politique nationale et acadmique d'ducation au patrimoine, participation
ponctuelle au colloque international "l'architecture, l'utopie et la ville", visites d'tablissements porteurs de projets
pilotes, changes avec les quipes ducatives spcialises dans le patrimoine et dcouverte de l'action des
partenaires extrieures qui contribuent, en lien avec l'cole, au dveloppement de l'ducation au patrimoine.
Participation des activits culturelles autour du patrimoine (visites de sites architecturaux ressources pour
l'enseignement du patrimoine).

To inform about novatives actions engaged in Franche comt in the field of national heritage education, through
crosscurricular and multisubjects approches towards school students. Decline multiple the multiples forms of national
and regional heritage education from two strong events : 1/ the bicentenarial anniversary of Claude Nicolas Ledoux,
the utopist architect of the Royal Saltworks of Arc et Senans, famous monument listed on UNESCO world heritage 2 /
the tricentenarial anniversary of Vauban, other famous local architect specialised in military fortification. He was not
only a field marshal and Louis XIV 's best military engineer : he was also a town planner, a statistician, a man of
social reform and a humanist. Mutualise, between the participants the different approaches of the theme on the
education concerning heritage. Planned activities during the visit : conferences about our national and local policies
ont the education concerning national heritage, participation in international congress about "Architecture, Utopia and
city", visits of schools involved in pilots projects, encounters with teachers teams and institutional school partners
specialised in heritage education. Cultural visits focalised on heritage.

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Visit No: 06020,07

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Dorota Abramowicz

+ 48^85^ 651 61 87 Type: Other type of organisation (OTH)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Podlaska Komenda Ochotniczych Hufcw Pracy

+ 48^85^ 651 61 87 Osrodek Szkolenia w Wasilkowie

Organiser Email: ul. Supraslska 21

ceipbstok@poczta.onet.pl Wasikow

Postal Code: PL-16010

Title: 20,07 - POL - Module education in professional training of the youth at risk.

Beginning date: 24.10.2006 Venue: Eastern part of Poland

End Date: 27.10.2006 Country: Poland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Polish English German

Reference Objectif 1.5: Optimiser l'utilisation des ressources; auto-valuation dans le but d'amliorer la qualit
Objectives de l'enseignement prodigu; depenses publiques et prives consacres a lducation (indicateur
Report structurel)

Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5

Wizyta studyjna sluzyc bedzie wymianie doswiadczen w zakresie realizacji ksztalcenia modulowego mlodziezy, ze
szczegolnym uwzglednieniem mlodziezy defaworyzowanej, poznania przykladow dobrej praktyki i rozwiazan
zastosowanych w innych krajach czlonkowskich UE. Wizyta przyczyni sie do dostosowania form i metod ksztalcenia
zawodowego oferowanego przez OHP dla mlodziezy zagrozonej marginalizacja spoleczna do potrzeb lokalnego,
krajowego i europejskiego rynku pracy. Chcemy podniesc jakosc oferowanego ksztalcenia poprzez optymalne
wykorzystanie posiadanych zasobow ludzkich, istniejacej bazy warsztatowo szkoleniowej i edukacyjnej oraz
nowoczesnych technologii informatycznych. Wizyta studyjna bedzie okazja do prezentacji organizacji
uczestniczacych, dyskusji na temat przebiegu procesu dydaktycznego i warsztatow w zakresie obslugi programu
Moodle. Planujemy nawiazac siec partnerskiej wspolpracy.

Preparatory visits is designed to exchange the experience in the field of professional training of the youth at risk, with
an emphasis on the module education, exchange good practice and other measures applied in other European
countries. The visit will allow us to discuss and adopt the forms and methods of professional training offered by our
organization to young people threaten by social exclusion to requirements of local, national as well as the European
job market. We would like to enhance the quality of offered training by making the most of human resources in our
organization as well as existing education and training base and modern computer technology. The preperation visit
will allow the participating organization to introduce themselves, take part in workshops on Moodle Programme
and discussion on teaching process. We plan to start the network of cooperation between partners. Web

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Visit No: 06020,08

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Eva Svobodova

+420 325 610 173 Type: Other type of organisation (OTH)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Hotel School and College of Hospitality and Touris
+420 325 614 292 Komenskeho 156

Organiser Email: Podebrady

sev@hsvos.cz Podebrady

Postal Code: CZ-29001

Title: 20,08 - CZ - New Technologies as the Tool of Quality in Education

Beginning date: 13.11.2006 Venue: Podebrady

End Date: 17.11.2006 Country: Czech Republic

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Czech English ?

Reference Objectif 1.5: Optimiser l'utilisation des ressources.


Nr of places: 14 Min required: 7

Predstaveni hostitelske skoly (stredni hotelove skoly, vyssi odborne skoly a jazykove skoly), kter pripravuej
odborniky pro hotelnictvi a turizmus. Predstaveni msta a regionu, v nemz pusobi. Strucna prezentace skol ucastniku,
prehled technologii, kterymi zabezpecuji vyuku a organizaci vzdelavani. Prehled historickeho vyvoje ucebnych
pomucek (prednaska). Navsteva stare skoly v skanzenu v Prerove nad Labem. Seznameni s technologiemi, kter se
v hostitelske skole pouzivaji pro vyuku teoretickych predmetu (video, dataprojektor, interaktivni tabule), pro prakticke
vyucovani (v kuchyni, ve skladu, recepci) a pro zabezpeceni chodu skoly (jidelna, knihovna). Diskuse o roli ucitele ve
skole vybavene novymi technologiemi. Navsteva hodin a seminaru. Diskusni forum o zkusenostech s vyuzivanim
novych technologii (ucitele hostitelske skoly a vsichni ucastnici). Ucitele versus technologie. Technologie - pro a
proti. Budouci trendy ve vyuce v Evrope a celosvetove.

Presentation of the host school (secondary school, college and language school) which prepares future professionals
in hospitality and tourism. Presentation of the town and region. Brief presentation of the participantsschools, survey
of technologies which support teaching process and organisation of education. Survey of history and development of
teaching aids (lecture). Visit to an old school in the open air museum in Prerov nad Labem. Presentation of
technologies used in schools in Podebrady, for teaching theoretical subjects (video, dataprojector, inter-active board),
in practical training (in the kitchen, storage room, front office) and supporting generally run of the schools (restaurants
and library). The role of a teacher in the school using new technologies. Inspecting visits to lessons and seminars,
where new technologies are used. Discussion forum about experience with technolgies in the process of teaching
(teachers from the host school and all participants). Teachers versus technologies. Technologies - pros and contras.
Future trends in education in Europe and worldwide.

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Visit No: 06020,09

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms. Micheline Sciberras

(+356) 2598 2304 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Ministry of Education, Youth and Employment

Great Siege Road,

Organiser Email: Floriana, Malta

annabelle.m.vassallo@gov.mt Floriana

Postal Code: MT

Title: 20,09 - MT - A new network of organisation for quality education

Beginning date: 19.02.2007 Venue: Malta

End Date: 23.02.2007 Country: Malta

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?



Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

The network is the main organisational form which can give depth and scale to the process of transformation. Such
transformation, would only occur by shaping and stimulating discipline process of innovation within the school system,
and by building an infrastructure capable of laterally transferring ideas, knowledge and new practices. Study visit
targeted to policy makers. Web page:http://www.education.gov.mt

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,10

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Sue Foster

+44 (0)1904 332260 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: City of York Local Authority

+44 (0)1904 554365 Educational Services

Organiser Email: Mill House, North Street

sue.foster@york.gov.uk York

Postal Code: GB-YO1

Title: 20,10 - GB - Continuing Professional Development (CPD) on school improvement

Beginning date: 05.03.2007 Venue: York, UK

End Date: 09.03.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English ?

Reference Objective 1.1 - improving education and training for teachers and trainers

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

Opportunities will be provided to look at the English Education system and how it is interpreted within a local context,
in schools, nurseries and University departments: to see how the LA has developed a strategic approach to
continuing professional development which links directly with school improvement; to offer a range of experiences
which can be tailored to the needs of the visitors across all settings from pre-school to University level; to recognise
the impact of CPD on educational standards and personal & professional enrichment. Key staff will be on hand to
provide information and answer questions on how the strategy has been incorporated, and will provide examples of
good practice which may be adapted to your own settings. There will be a chance to see beautiful, historic York and
how it has been influenced by successive settlers from the Romans to the Vikings and more recent settlers and how
this heritage benefits all learners in the modern city.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,11

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Frank Smit and Jan Lutje Schipholt
+31703814448 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijs
+31703831958 Bezuidenhoutseweg 253

Organiser Email:

fsmit@europeesplatform.nl Den Haag

Postal Code: NL-2594

Title: 20,11 - NL - Quality in Education

Beginning date: 11.03.2007 Venue: Haarlem and surrounding region

End Date: 16.03.2007 Country: Netherlands

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Dutch English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5: MAKING THE BESTUSE OF RESOURCES; Self-evaluation to improve the quality
Objectives of education provided; public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator)

Nr of places: 13 Min required: 7

Het studiebezoek wordt georganiseerd door het openbaar primair onderwijs te Haarlem. Bezoek aan beleidsmakers
op gemeentelijk niveau en de onderwijs inspectie; lezingen over kwakiteitsbepaling en bewaking van het onderwijs op
PO en VO niveau; taak inspectie en hantering kealiteitskaart. Gelgenheid tot het stellen van vragen en discussie.
Bezoek aan scholen op PO-, VO, VMBO en MBO-niveau; discussie met leraren en staf; discussie met leerlingen.
Bezoek aan klassen en zomogelijk bijwonen van lessen.

De visit will be organised by the public primary education situated in Haarlem. Visit to municipal authorities and the
Inspection; lectures on national and municipal policy concerning safe-guarding and determining quality of education;
function and objectives of the (privatised) inspectorate; use of so called 'Quality' card. Visit to schools and institutes
Primary, Secondary, Pre-vocational and Vocational education; discussion with teachers abd Staff; discussion with
students. Visit of classes and - if possible- observation of lessons. Web page:www.europeesplatform.nl

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Visit No: 06020,12

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Jorunn yen

+47 56 553000 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Kvam herad

+47 56 553001 Grovagjelet 16

Organiser Email:

jorunn.oeyen@kvam.kommune.no Norheimsund

Postal Code: NO-5600

Title: 20,12 - NO - Quality Work in Kindergardens and Vocational Training for Child- and Youth Workers

Beginning date: 19.03.2007 Venue: The Municipality of Kvam

End Date: 23.03.2007 Country: Norway

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Norwegian English ?


Nr of places: 8 Min required: 4

Kindergarten: Informasjon om nasjonalt og lokalt helhetlig kvalitetsarbeid i barnehagesektoren, bruk av BALANSERT
MLSTYRING og Strategikart for barnehagesektoren, arbeidsdokument med plan for evaluering, strategiske ml
for konomi, personalutvikling og pedagogisk innhold og kursprogram fram til 2009. Bruk av IKT- som
evalueringsverkty. Vocational training: Barne- og ungdomsarbeiderfaget. P grunnlag av den nasjonale lreplanen
har kommunen utviklet en lokal lreplan med modulavslutning for de ulike modulene; barnehage, skole og AS
Storeholmen A.S.V.O http://storeholmen.no/. Storeholmen er en institusjon med tilrettelagte arbeidsplasser.
Mobilitet: med Ringsend and Irishtown Playgroup and Creche og St.Patrick Boys School i Dublin, Irland. Kommunen
fr sttte av Leonardo da Vinci-programmet Deltakerne fr beske store og sm barnehager samt naturavdeling
og/eller besk av institusjoner som er knytt til fagopplringen. Her fr en snakke med fagarbeidere, pedagoger,
styrere og/eller instruktrer og institusjonsledere. Det legges opp til diskusjoner og erfaringsutveksling i grupper og
samlet om hvordan vi kan utvikle kvalitetsarbeid i barnehagesektoren og fagopplringen i ulike land. Tema for
erfaringsutveksling er hvordan vi kan utvikle kvalitet i barnehager og frskoler i ulike land?

Kindergarten: Information about national and local quality work within department of childcare with focus on
BALANSERT MLSTYRING (Balanced Scorecard ) a measurement systems for economic, staffeducation and
development, and together with different self-evaluations, child-evaluation and parents-evaluation, methods for
reflection and educationplan until 2009. Use ICT for measurement in kindergartens. Vocational training: Child- and
youth workers. With the basic in the national curriculum we got a local curriculum with local certificate supplement
and qualitative assessment under every module; kindergarten, school and AS Storeholmen A.S.V.O,
http://storeholmen.no/ . Storeholmen is an institution for youth and adults with special needs. Mobility: Support by
Leonardo da Vince program the young workers may stay in Ringsend and Irishtown Playgroup and Creche and
St.Patrick Boys School in Dublin, Ireland. Study visits in small and large kindergartens, out-doors kindergarten
and/or institutions for vocational education. Discussions in small group as well as with all participants together and
with pedagogues and heads of kindergartens in the municipality. The topic for exchanging exchanging experience is
how can we develop our quality work in kindergarten. Web page:www.kvam.no

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,13

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Barbara Brokamp

+49 221 221 29192 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Lehrerfortbildung Schulamt fr die Stadt Kln

+49 221 221 29253 Willy-Brandt-Platz 3

Organiser Email:

Barbara.brokamp@koeln.de Kln

Postal Code: D-50679

Title: 20,13 - DE - Nutzung der kulturellen Infrastruktur zur Qualittssicherung von Unterricht und Schule am
Beispiel der Stadt Kln am Rhein

Beginning date: 19.03.2007 Venue: Kln

End Date: 24.03.2007 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German English

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5 :


Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

Kln zeichnet sich aus durch eine uerst reichhaltige kulturelle Infrastruktur. Im Rahmen des Studienaufenthaltes
werden die Teilnehmer Gelegenheit erhalten, Teile dieser kulturellen Infrastruktur kennen zu lernen und sich mit
Beispielen der Nutzung dieser Infrastruktur fr die Qualittssicherung von Unterricht und Schule
auseinanderzusetzen. Dazu sollen verschiedene Einrichtungen, die fr den besonderen Charakter des Klner
Kulturangebots ausmachen (verschiedene Museen, die Philharmonie, Galerien, Rundfunk und Fernsehstationen
usw.), besucht werden, die ihr Angebot fr Schulen vorstellen werden. Die Verwendungsmglichkeiten dieses
Angebots in Schule und Unterricht und seine Nutzung fr die Qualittssicherung sollen im weiteren Verlauf mit
Lehrern, Lehrerfortbildnern und Schlern diskutiert werden. Schlielich werden die Teilnehmer die Mglichkeit
erhalten, im Rahmen von Schul- und Unterrichtsbesuchen praktische Beispiele fr die Nutzung des Kulturangebots
zur Qualittssicherung in unterschiedlichen Schulformen von der Grundschule bis zur Sekundarstufe II selbst zu

The city of Cologne has an extremely rich cultural infrastructure. This study visit will allow participants to explore a
number of institutions that are part of this infrastructure and considered typical for Cologne culture. Furthermore, they
are invited to analyse the potential of such institutions to contribute to quality assurance in schools. For this purpose
they will visit museums, galleries, the philharmonic concert hall, radio and television stations etc. and study the
programmes they offer for schools. Subsequently they will discuss the possible uses of such programmes with
teachers, teacher trainers, and students. Finally, they will have the opportunity to visit a variety of schools from
primary schools to sixth forms in order to observe practical examples of the uses made of such cultural programmes
to assure quality at school level.

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Visit No: 06020,14

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Christina Edman

+46 706 180419 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Den Globala Skolan

+46 910 585499 Laboratorgrnd 7

Organiser Email: Skeria 4

christina.edman@denglobalaskolan.com Skellefte

Postal Code: SE-93177

Title: 20,14 - SE - Global learning in a local context - Learning for Sustainable Development in a changing world

Beginning date: 26.03.2007 Venue: Ume

End Date: 30.03.2007 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5 :MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES; Self-evaluation to improve the quality
Objectives of education provided. Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator)

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8

I FN-deklarationen frn Johannesburg 2002, understryks att utbildning har en avgrande betydelse fr en hllbar
samhllsutveckling. Alla lnder ska drfr arbeta fr att hllbar utveckling ska genomsyra utbildningssystemets alla
niver. I december 2003 togs ett riksdagsbeslut om en ny svensk Politik fr Global Utveckling (PGU), med avstamp i
FNs Millenniedeklaration (2000). Enligt regeringsdeklarationen br Sverige vara ett fregngsland om utbildning fr
hllbar utveckling. Vad har d Sverige hittills gjort p detta omrde? Hur behandlas globala utvecklingsfrgor i
svenska frskolor, grundskolor, gymnasieskolor och lrarutbildningen? Deltagarna kommer att f information om hur
Sverige i allmnhet, och lokala skolor i synnerhet, arbetar med en global agenda i klassrummen. Studieveckan
kommer att fokusera p hur skolor i praktiken kan frbereda barn och ungdomar fr en framtid i en globaliserad vrld,
genom att bl a presentera innovativa praktiska skolexempel dr en global dimension, global kunskap och globalt
hllbar utveckling genomsyrar undervisningen ur svl ekonomiska, sociala och miljmssiga perspektiv.

In the UN declaration produced at the summit meeting in Johannesburg 2002 it is emphasized that education is of
decisive importance for sustainable development of society. Hence, all countries are to work to ensure that
sustainable development permeates all levels of the educational system. In December 2003, the Swedish Parliament
enacted Swedens Policy for Global Development (PGD), with the UN Millennium Development Goals (2000) as the
point of departure. According to the Swedish Government, Sweden is to be a role model country when it comes to
education for sustainable development. But what has been done in Sweden this far? How are global issues and a
global agenda taken into the classrooms in preschools, primary schools, secondary schools, upper secondary
schools and teacher education? The main objective of the study visit is to offer participants information and examples
of how Sweden in general, and local schools in particular, have implemented innovative ways of teaching global
issues in their local classrooms. The study visit will focus on how school can prepare youth and children for a future
with an increasing globalisation, by presenting a global perspective in the teaching performed in classrooms. The
study visit will present concrete examples of how Swedish schools have worked with a focus on global knowledge and
global sustainable development - from economic and social as well as ecological points of view. Web page:

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,15

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Kyllikki Vilkuna

+358 9 2289 180 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Kulosaari Secondary School

+358 9 2289 1810 Sthlberginkuja 1

Organiser Email:

kyllikki.vilkuna@edu.hel.fi Helsinki

Postal Code: FIN-00570

Title: 20,15 - FI - Finnish Experience in Education

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Helsinki

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Finland

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Finnish English German



Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5

Ohjelman aikana tutustutaan suomalaisen peruskoulun ja lukion opetussuunnitelmallisiin ratkaisuihin keskittyen
erityisesti isntkoulun kehittmiin opetus- ja arviointikytnteihin.Nihin kuuluvat mm vieraskielisen ja kaksikielisen
opetuksen kehittminen, rubriikkeihin perustuva opetus ja arviointi erityisesti science-aineissa, arkipivn
kansainvlisyys (oppilaat/opiskelijat edustavat noin 30 kansallisuutta, samoin opettajat), oppilaiden ja opiskelijoiden
osallistuminen (oppilaskuntatoiminta, osallistuminen koulun hallintoelimiin, kansainvlisen YK- simulaation HELIMUN-
kongressin vuosittainen jrjestminen). Koulu on saanut vuonna 1998 ensimisen ylasteena ja lukiona Suomessa
ja ensimmisen Euroopassa Euroopan komission myntmn kieltenopetuksen laatuleiman. Ohjelman puitteissa
vieraillaan mys muissa peruskouluissa ja lukioissa.

The programme will provide an overview of the comprehensive and upper secondary level general education system
in Finland focusing on the teaching methods and assessment criteria developed in the host school. These include
e.g. the development work of content and language integrated learning, teaching and assessment based on the rubric
system in science subjects, everyday internationalism (students represent ca 30 different nationalities, many teachers
have a foreign background), the active participation of students (in the student council, in the school board, and in
the teachers meetings, the arrangement of the annual international UN simulation the HELIMUN conference). The
host school received the very first European Label as a secondary school for innovative language teaching both in
Finland and in Europe in 1998 awarded by the European Commission. During the programme the participants will
have a chance to visit other comprehensive and upper secondary schools.

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Visit No: 06020,16

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Karin Kurvits

+37 2 44.37.112 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Prnu Adult Gymnasium

+37 2 44.37.267 Lembitu 1A

Organiser Email:

karin.kurvits@mail.ee Prnu

Postal Code: EE-80028

Title: 20,16 - EE - School network in Prnu Community

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Prnu

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Estonia

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Estonian English ?

Reference Objective 1.5: Making the best use of resources


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

ppelhetuse phiteemaks on linna koolivrgu valutu reorganiseerimine. Kutsume osalejaid (linnakoolide direktorid,
kohalike omavalitsuste haridusosakondade ttajad) les sel teemal kaasa rkima ja oma valitsuste kogemusi
jagama. Osalejatel on vimalus klastada erineva taseme ja tpoloogiaga haridusasutusi lasteaiast keskkoolini
(k.a kutsekool), klastame nii linna- kui ka erakoole. Lhetusel osalevad ka koolijuhid, petajad, pilased ja
haridusametnikud Eestist. Viimane sessioon on phendatud osalejate omavahelisele kogemuste vahetamisele.
Kasulikku infot leiate aadressilt http://www.parnu.ee/?id=416

The key issue of the study visit is how to reorganise painlessly school network in a town. To this purpose the
participants (heads of municipal schools and administrative personnel at education departments of local
municipalities) will be invited to debate and share experience of their own governments. The participants will have
the opportunity to visit educational institutions of different levels and typologies, from the pre-primary school to the
upper secondary school (incl. vocational educational institution). We will visit municipal and private institutions.
Estonian headmasters, teachers, students and administrative personnel at local government is also participating. The
last session of the study visit will be devoted to a common reflection on the experience. Useful information:

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,17

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Michael Mosbach

+49 6321 992320 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Aufsichts- und Dienstleistungsdirektion

+49 6321 9932320 Friedrich-Ebert-Strae 14

Organiser Email:

michael.mosbach@addnw.rlp.de Neustadt a.d.W.

Postal Code: D-67433

Title: 20,17 - DE - Qualittsentwicklung in Schulen wie geht das?

Looking at the process of improving quality in schools

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Speyer

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German English

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5 :


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6

Beobachtet werden sollen Prozesse der Qualittsverbesserung in Schulen. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer
vergleichen Modelle der Kooperation, Aufsicht und Beratung in ihren jeweiligen Herkunftslndern mit den whrend
des Aufenthalts gemachten Erfahrungen. Sie diskutieren bei Schulbesuchen vor Ort mit Schulleitungen, Lehrkrften,
Eltern und Schlerinnen und Schlern sowie Ausbildungskrften und Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern der
Schulbehrde (auch Inspektorinnen und Inspektoren). Dem Aspekt Fhrung/Leadership bei der Qualittsarbeit gilt ein
besonderes Augenmerk. Weitere Informationen unter www.add37nw.bildung-rp.de - Unterpunkt ARION.

The process of improving quality in schools should be observed. Participants compare models of cooperation,
guidance and advice in their own countries with the experience during the visit. They discuss the topic with heads of
schools, staff, pupils, parents, teacher trainers and school administrators (including inspectors). Special attention is
given to leadership in improving quality in schools. For further details visit www.add37nw.bildung-rp.de and choose

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,18

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Walter Burchgardt

+49 2162 391462 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Schulamt fr den Kreis Viersen

+49 2162 391468 Rathausmarkt 3

Organiser Email:

walter.burchgardt@kreis-viersen.de Viersen

Postal Code: D-41747

Title: 20,18 - DE - Die Rolle von externer und interner Evaluation im Schulentwicklungsprozess/ The role of
external and internal evaluation in school development processes

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Kreis Viersen (District of Viersen)

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Germany

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

German German English

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5 :


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 9

Der Kreis Viersen liegt im uersten Westen des Bundeslandes Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW). In den neun mehr
lndlich geprgten Stdten und Gemeinden leben rund 304.000 Einwohner. Reizvolle Gegenstze sind hier
anzutreffen. ber die Grenze zu den Niederlanden hinaus erstreckt sich der Naturpark Maas-Schwalm-Nette mit
seinen beschaulichen Flusslufen, Seen und Auenwldern. Zu den Grostdten Mnchengladbach, Krefeld und
Dsseldorf sind es jedoch nur wenige Kilometer. Die Teilnehmer werden Gelegenheit haben, die landschaftlich
eindrucksvolle Region des Niederrheines kennen- zulernen. Mit dem Besuch der Landeshauptstadt Dsseldorf wird
eine Begegnung mit Abgeordneten im Landesparlament verbunden sein. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Begegnung mit
den Grundschulen. Die Teilnehmer haben Gelegenheit, sich ber die Arbeit in der Schuleingangsphase (1. und 2.
Schuljahr) und die Frderung der Kinder in jahrgangsbergreifenden Klassen zu informieren. Die Schulen stellen ihre
Konzepte zur Gestaltung der Schuleingangsphase vor. Sie geben einen Einblick in ihre Jahresplanung auf der
Grundlage von Zielvereinbarungen und deren Evaluation. Die Teilnehmer lernen die Struktur eines staatlichen
Schulamtes und die Arbeit der Schulaufsicht kennen. Es werden einige der Vorgaben des Landes NRW zur
Qualittsentwicklung von Schule und Unterricht vorgestellt. Am Beispiel der Schuleingangsphase werden die interne
und externe Evaluation von Schulentwicklungsprozessen veran- schaulicht. Die Verantwortung der Schulleitung fr
Schulentwicklung und deren Qualitt wird dargestellt. Die Schulaufsicht ihrerseits macht deutlich, wie sie Schulen
begleitet, bert und berprft. Es wird ausdrcklich gewnscht, dass die Teilnehmer aus ihren Lndern berichten
und ihre Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der Weiterentwicklung von Schule und Unterricht einbringen. Im Dialog mit
den Vertretern der Schulen sollen diese europischen Erfahrungen mit den Entwicklungen und Vernderungen an
den Grundschulen in NRW verglichen und bewertet werden. Anlsslich des Besuchs des Landesparlaments in
Dsseldorf sollen aktuelle schulpolitische Themen unter besonderer Bercksichtigung der Weiterentwicklung von
Grundschulen in Europa errtert werden.

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The District of Viersen lies in the far West of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). The population of its
nine communities totals about 304,000 inhabitants. The mainly rural area offers afformative contrasts: The Maas-
Schwalm-Nette Nature Reserve with its contemplative rivers, lakes and woodlands stretches across the Dutch border.
The cities of Mnchengladbach, Krefeld and Dsseldorf are in easy reach. The participants will have the opportunity
to see some parts of the charming countryside of the Lower Rhine area. The visit to the State Capital of Dsseldorf
will include a meeting with deputies of the State Parliament. The visit will focus on meeting colleagues in primary
schools. Participants will have a chance to inform themselves about work in the entry stage (classes 1 and 2) and
also about the encouragement given to children in combined classes. The individual schools will present their
concepts of organizing the entry stage. They will also provide an insight into their annual planning, being based on
target objectives and their evaluation. Participants will get to know the structure of state school management and
also the tasks of inspectors. Some of the official standards for improvement of schools and education will be
presented. The entry stage will be taken as an example for the internal and external evaluation of school development
processes. School heads responsibility for the development of schools and its quality will be demonstrated. The
school inspectorate on its part will demonstrate how it provides guidance, counselling and school
assessment. Participants will be encouraged to report on their countries and their experience in the fields of
development of schools and education. By an exchange of points of view with the schools representatives these
European experiences shall be compared and evaluated against the development and change within primary schools
in NRW. The trip to NRWs capital Dsseldorf will include a visit of the State Parliament. Some MPs will discuss
current matters of school policy. This will take account of the current situation and development of primary schools in
European countries.

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,19

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Camilla Winter

+46 33 357054 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Bors Stad

+46 33 353200 Kungsgatan 55

Organiser Email:

camilla.winter@boras.se Bors

Postal Code: SE-50180

Title: 20,19 - SE - Local school development for high quality

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Bors

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English German

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5 :MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES;Self-evaluation to improve the quality
Objectives of education provided. Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator)

Nr of places: 20 Min required: 5

Studiebesket bestr av en allmn introduktion i det svenska skolsystemet, skolbesk, diskussioner med skolledare,
lrare, elever och frldrar. Nyckelbegrepp r bl. a. god undervisning, god ls- och skrivinlrning, hlsa, kamratstd,
trygghet, betyg- och bedmning samt kvalitetsredovisning och tgrder. Studiebesket omfattar frskola
vuxenutbildning. Deltagarna kan vlja niv.

The study visit consists of a general introduction to the Swedish education system, school visits, discussions with
head teachers, teachers, pupils/students and parents. Key words are, among other things, good teaching,
development of pupils literacy skills, health, good spirit of comradeship, confidence, assessment and grading and
quality account and measures. The study visit contains pre school adult education. The participants have the
possibility to choose level. Language support in German. Web page: www.boras.se

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,20

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Yvonne Berneke

+46 485 88142 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Borgholms kommun

+46 485 13034 A-huset, Sjukhusomrdet

Organiser Email: Box 500

yvonne.berneke@borgholm.se Borgholm

Postal Code: SE-38701

Title: 20,20 - SE - Quality work in pre schools and schools

Beginning date: 07.05.2007 Venue: Borgholm

End Date: 11.05.2007 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5 :MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES; Self-evaluation to improve the quality
Objectives of education provided. Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator)

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 10

Information om kvalitetsarbetet inom utbildningsfrvaltningen i Borgholms kommun samt om hur det lokala och
nationella kvalitetsarbetet knyts ihop. Information om hur erfarenheter frn kvalitetsarbetet anvnds inom olika delar
av utbildningsfrvaltningen och sprids inom och utanfr kommunen. Jmfrelser och utbyten av erfarenheter mellan
deltagare frn olika lnder. Studiebesk p frskolor och skolor efter deltagarnas egna nskeml, med mjlighet till
studier av speciella kvalitetsomrden och samtal med elever och pedagoger om det lokala kvalitetsarbetet.
Gemensamma studiebesk p ngra frskolor eller skolor. Diskussioner i grupper och gemensamt om hur vi kan
utveckla kvalitetsarbetet i olika lnder. Diskussioner om kvalitetsarbete och erfarenhetsutbyten tillsammans med
rektorer och skolledare, samt med nyckelpersoner inom olika kvalitetsomrden i kommunen.

Information about quality work within the department of education in Borgholm municipality and about how the local
and national quality work are tied together. Information about how experiences are used within different parts of the
department of education and are spread within and outside the municipality. Comparisons and sharing of experiences
between participants from different countries. Study visits to pre schools and schools due to the participants own
requests, with the possibility of studies of special quality areas and conversations with pupils and teachers about the
local quality work. Joint study visits at some pre schools or schools. Discussions in small groups as well as with all
participants together about how we can develop our quality work in different countries. Discussions about quality work
and sharing of experiences together with principals and heads of schools, as well as with key persons within different
quality areas in the municipality.Web page: www.borgholm.se

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,21

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Maria Manuela Rezende

++351 222061750 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Cmara Municipal do Porto

++351 222061798 Praa General Humberto Delgado

Organiser Email:

manuela.rezende@cm-porto.pt Porto

Postal Code: PT-4049-001

Title: 20,21 - PT - Qualidade da Educao Uma Cidade Educadora

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: Porto

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: Portugal

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Portuguese French ?

Reference Valoriser l'optimisation de ressources de la communaut ;Rehausser toutes les composantes qui
Objectives participent dans l'ducation, dans tous les niveaux de scolarit.

Nr of places: 16 Min required: 8

Faire connatre le travail dvelopp dans le domaine de Porto Ville ducatrice ;Valoriser l'optimisation de
ressources de la communaut ;Rehausser toutes les composantes qui participent dans l'ducation, dans tous les
niveaux de scolarit. Le systme ducatif portugais (gnral) ; Les comptences Municipales en matire d'ducation
(gnral);La Municipalit de Porto (Conseil Municipal dducation et Carte ducative) ; Le Projet ducatif Municipal
de Porto;Le rle des Associations de Parents, en matire d'education;L'articulation entre le systme ducatif, le
Municipe et le Commissions de Protection dEnfants et des Jeunes;Contact avec les responsables du Municipe, en
matire d'Education, et explicitation des comptences attribues;Contact avec les Services Rgionaux d'Education
et explicitation du systme ducatif national ;Prsentation du Projet ducatif Municipal ;Visites des tablissements
d'enseignement (depuis l'colier jusqu la secondaire) et pris de contact avec les respectifs projets ducatifs, ainsi
qu'avec les activits du Projet ducatif Municipal;Runion de travail avec un Service de Psychologie et d'Orientation
et son encadrement dans le Projet ducatif d'cole ;Visite une Commission de Protection dEnfants et Jeunes et
respective explicitation du travail dvelopp ;Runion de travail avec des reprsentants des Association de Parents
;Implmentation d'un Module de Formation, donn par l'Universit de Porto. Web page:www.cm-porto.pt

Dar a conhecer o trabalho desenvolvido no mbito do Porto Cidade Educadora;Valorizar a optimizao de

recursos da comunidade;Realar todas as valncias que giram em funo da educao, em todos os nveis de
escolaridade. O sistema educativo portugus (geral);As competncias municipais em matria de educao
(geral);O Municpio do Porto (Conselho Municipal de Educao e Carta Educativa);O Projecto Educativo municipal
do Porto;O papel das Associaes de Pais em matria de educao;A articulao entre o sistema educativo, o
Municpio e as Comisses de Proteco de Crianas e Jovens.Contacto com os responsveis do Municpio, em
matria de educao e explicitao das competncias atribudas;Contacto com os Servios Regionais de Educao
e explicitao do sistema educativo nacional;Apresentao do Projecto Educativo Municipal;Visitas a
estabelecimentos de ensino (desde o pr-escolar at ao secundrio) e tomada de contacto com os respectivos
Projectos Educativos, bem como com as actividades do projecto educativo Municipal;Reunio de trabalho com um
Servio de Psicologia e Orientao e devido enquadramento no Projecto Educativo de Escola;Visita a uma
Comisso de Proteco de Crianas e Jovens e respectiva explicitao do trabalho desenvolvido;Reunio de
trabalho com representantes das Associaes de Pais;Implementao de um Mdulo de Formao, ministrado pela
Universidade do Porto. Pblico-alvo: Tcnicos de Educao; Decisores do domnio da Educao.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,22

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ms Carolyn White / Mr Bruce Clarke

+44 (0)1793 463261 Type: Adult/cont. education provider (EDU.5)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Swindon Learning Partnership

+44 (0)1793 466484 Swindon Borough Council

Organiser Email: Premier House, Swindon Road

bclarke@swindon.gov.uk Swindon

Postal Code: GB-SN1

Title: 20,22 - GB - Learning Partnerships in Adult Education

Beginning date: 21.05.2007 Venue: Swindon, UK

End Date: 26.05.2007 Country: United Kingdom

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English English Spanish

Reference 2.3 - supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion; 3.1 - strengthening the
Objectives links with working life and research, and society at large

Nr of places: 10 Min required: 8

The aim of the visit will be to exchange good practice on the use of learning ambassadors in widening participation in
adult education and neighbourhood renewal. The seminar will provide insight into local learning partnerships and a
neighbourhood learning ambassador scheme. It will provide examples of multicultural working, local learning centres
in deprived areas, working with hard to reach groups, curriculum development and skills for life (basic skills)

El objetivo de la visita ser de cambiar la prctica buena en el uso de aprender a embajadores en el ensanchamiento
la participacin en la renovacin adulta de la educacin y el vecindario. El seminario proporcionar la penetracin en
aprender local las asociaciones y un vecindario que aprende esquema de embajador. Proporcionar los ejemplos de
trabajar multicultural, aprender local los centros en reas privadas, trabajando con alcanzar duramente los grupos, el
desarrollo del plan y habilidades para la vida (las habilidades bsicas) los programas. Web Page: www.swindon-

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Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,23

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Tomas Mjrnheden

+46 31 613596 Type: Adult/cont. education provider (EDU.5)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Vuxenutbildningen i Gteborg

Rosenlundsgatan 8

Organiser Email: P.O. Box 5412

tomas.mjornheden@vux.goteborg.se Gteborg

Postal Code: SE-40229

Title: 20,23 - SE - Quality assurance and assessment in adult education

Beginning date: 28.05.2007 Venue: Gteborg

End Date: 01.06.2007 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English French

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5 :MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES; Self-evaluation to improve the quality
Objectives of education provided. Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator)

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

Under veckan kommer teoretiskt och praktiskt kvalitetsarbete inom utbildnings- och vgledningsprocesser att
presenteras och diskuteras. En viktig del r diskussion och erfarenhetsutbyte om hur vi kvalitetsskrar utbildning och
vgledning. Hur arbetar vi fr att n statliga och lokala ml? Hur skapar vi ett tydligt och sammanhngande
gemensamt frbttringsarbete inom vra verksamheter (planera utfra vrdera agera)? Vilka kritiska omrden
kan vi identifiera i vrt kvalitetsarbete, och hur kommer vi tillrtta med dem? Seminarieveckan vnder sig framfr allt
till skolledare, kvalitetscontrollers, kvalitetsansvariga och planeringspersonal p lokal och regional myndighetsniv
som r ansvariga fr och/eller arbetar med kvalitetsarbete inom vuxenutbildning. Utgngspunkten fr blir
Vuxenutbildningen i Gteborgs erfarenhet av kvalitetsarbete, men stort utrymme ges fr deltagarnas egna
erfarenheter och frgestllningar. I programmet kommer ven studiebesk att ing till utbildningsanordnare och andra
aktrer med intresse fr kvalitetsarbete. Frutom seminariets huvudtema kommer sociala inslag att ing som
kulturbesk, Gteborg upplevelser och andra tillfllen till samvaro.

During this week both theoretical and practical quality work in the field of educational and counselling process will be
presented and discussed. An important part will be the exchange of discussions and experiences about how we
assure quality in education and career guidance. How do we plan our work to fulfil national and local goals? How do
we create a common and improved quality work that is visible, transparent and coherent and follow our responsibility
(plan deliver - value act)? What critical points can we identify in our quality work and how do we handle to adjust
them? The target group for the seminar is school managers, quality controllers and planning officers at local and
regional authority who is responsible for/or work with quality in the field of adult education and career guidance for
adults. Starting point is the experiences that The Adult Education Authority of Gteborg has about quality work, but a
large space will be given to the participants' own experiences and questions. The programme includes study visits to
educational providers and other actors in similarly fields. Beside the main theme for the seminar there will be social
events like cultural visits, social gathering and experiences from what Gteborg and surrounding neighbourhood can
offer. Language support in French. Web page: www.vux.goteborg.se

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,24

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Kjell Kemi

+46 921 62959 Type: Public authority local (PUB.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Bodens kommun

+46 921 52171 Bjrknsskolan

Organiser Email: Idrottsgatan 4

kjell.kemi@edu.boden.se Boden

Postal Code: SE-96164

Title: 20,24 - SE - Quality in education in Bodens municipality

Beginning date: 28.05.2007 Venue: Boden

End Date: 01.06.2007 Country: Sweden

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Swedish English ?

Reference OBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES; Self-evaluation to improve the quality
Objectives of education provided. Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator)

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8

Studier och information avseende kvalitetsarbetet i Boden kommuns utbildningsfrvaltning i perspektivet livslngt
lrande, samt hur det lokala och nationella kvalitetsarbetet knyts ihop. Studierna avser hela organisationen frn
frskola till gymnasium, samt ven i viss mn vuxenutbildningen. Deltagarna fr mta fretrdare fr Bodens
kommun, rektorer, lrare, elever och ges d tillflle till samtal om det lokala kvalitetsarbetet. Studiebesk kommer att
genomfras p ett antal skolor frn frskola till vuxenutbildning. Dessa kommer att ske bde gemensamt och valbart
efter deltagarnas nskeml. Diskussioner och erfarenhetsutbyten om kvalitetsarbete mellan deltagare frn olika
lnder och lokala skolledare kommer att genomfras. Hr har deltagarna mjlighet till jmfrelse mellan olika lnders

Studies and information about the quality work within the department of education in Boden municipality in the
perspective of lifelong learning and how the local and national quality work are tied together. The studies are about
the whole organization from preschool to upper secondary school but also something about the education of adults.
The partipicants will meet authorities from Bodens municipality principals, teachers, students and will get opportunity
to discuss the local quality work. Study visits will be arranged to some scools from pre school to education of adults.
They will be in the form of joint study visits and due to the partipicants own requests. Discussions and sharing of
experience about quality work together with partipicants from different countries and local heads of school in the
municipality will be implemented. Here the partipicants have the opportunity to comparison between the education
system in different countries. Web page: www.boden.se

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,25

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: MICHEL Christine

00 33 2 62 48 14 38 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Rectorat de La Runion/DARIC

00 33 2 62 48 13 97 24 av. Georges Brassens

Organiser Email:

christine.michel@ac-reunion.fr Saint-Denis

Postal Code: 97702

Title: 20,25 - FR - Planification d'une offre d'ducation collaborative pour la formation professionnelle et technique

Beginning date: 16.04.2007 Venue: Saint-Denis, Ile de La Runion

End Date: 20.04.2007 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference OBJECTIFS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.3, 3.2, 3.4 et 3.5

Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10

Lien entre mobilit et ingnierie ducative (ingnierie de formation et ingnierie pdagogique) dans une zone de l'UE
qui est aussi ouverte sur l'Ocan indien, l'Afrique et l'Asie. La pression dmographique, la rpartition des lves (50
% des lycens en lyce professionnel ou section d'enseignemnt professionnnel), le contexte local et rgional de
l'industrie et des services imposent la ncessit d'innover et de transfrer les acquis du savoir faire coopratif issu
des programmes europens. Il impose aussi de les harmoniser avec les ralits rgionales. Il est envisag de mettre
l'accent sur la cration de rseau et de plateforme de travail collaboratives fondes sur des partenariats entre
tablissements de formation ayant des particularits semblables (secteur, quipement, publics) et prsentant des
complmentarits (manque des uns apports des autres). Le soutien des entreprises, des organismes de recherche et
des collectivits territoriales ainsi que leur rle permettra d'laborer des stratgies coopratives combinant les
orientations europennes et nord-sud. Un programme d'action commun pourra ventuellement tre envisag.

The seminar will focuss on relationships between mobility and educational engineering (pedagogical and formative
engineering) in a UE zone that opens also on to the Indian Ocean, Africa and Asia. The demographic pressure and
actual students groups (50% of upper secondary school students take up vocational or technological study streams)
as well as the local and regional context of the industrial and service sectors create the necessity of innovating and
acquiring, by means of European educational programmes (i.e. Arion, Leonardo, Socrates), a cooperation know how
and expertise which has to be transferred and harmonised with respect to the region's reality. Stress will be put on the
creation of collaborative platforms based upon partnerships with similar educational institutions (both vocational &
technological) as far as sector, equipment and beneficiary public are concerned or with institution having
complementarities. The role of private enterprise, research institutions, local and regional authorities will be analysed
as an element of the cooperation strategies so as to combine European and North-south cooperation. Eventually a
common programme of activities might come out of the seminar involving all participants.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06020,26

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: TOUZEAU Christian

00 33 Type: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Collge Edgar QUINET

00 33 4, cours de l'Europe

Organiser Email:

christian.touzeau@ac-poitiers.fr SAINTES

Postal Code: 17100

Title: 20,26 - FR - La prise en compte de la qualit dans la gestion des tablissements d'enseignement :
quelques comparaisons internationales

Beginning date: 16.10.2006 Venue: ROYAN et SAINTES (Rgion Poitou-Charentes)

End Date: 20.10.2006 Country: France

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

French French English

Reference 1.5 : Optimiser l'utilisation des ressources.3.2 : Dvelopper l'esprit d'entreprise.


Nr of places: 10 Min required: 6

La dmarche Qualit dans le fonctionnement d'un tablissement est souvent implicite. Le projet est de l'expliciter en
tudiant et en comparant ensemble les possibilits d'amlioration continue de la gestion de nos tablissements
d'enseignement. La dmarche propose est de partir de problmatiques qualit observes dans diffrents types
d'tablissement (coles, collge, lyce gnral et professionnel, tablissement d'enseignement adapt) sous l'angle
des infrastructures, de la scurit, de l'environnement et du management. Quelle qualit du cadre de vie et de travail
pour les lves ? Comment mettre en uvre les exigences de la scurit ? Comment faire partager par les
personnels et les lves la dmarche qualit dans une optique de dveloppement durable ? Comment optimiser la
gestion des ressources mises la disposition des tablissements ? Il conviendra de prciser les points de
convergences entre les systmes d'enseignement reprsents et d'identifier les freins la mise en place d'un
systme de management par la qualit. La traduction sera assure par des professeurs des tablissements visits
et des l'tablissements organisateurs.

The ways in which Quality is created in an establishment are often implicit. Our aim is to make this process through
studying and comparing different examples in order to improve the managment of our educational establishments.
We will begin by considering problems of quality found in different types of establishments (primary and secondary
schools, institutions for general and vocational education, special education) from the point of view of premises,
security, environment and management. What is the quality of the environment and working conditions for the pupils
? How can the best impliement security requirements ? How can staff and pupils be involved in creating quality as a
long - term aim ? How can we best manage the resources availlable to the establishments ? We will identify the
points of convergence beteween the different educational systems represented and make clear those elements that
prevent the creation of a managment system based on quality.

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 200 Page 261 of 266

ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06023,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Adriana Iacob

+40^264^594.672 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: County School Inspectorate Cluj

+40^264^592.832 Piata Stefan cel Mare

Organiser Email:

iacob@isjcj.ubbcluj.ro Cluj-Napoca

Postal Code: RO-400192

Title: 23,01 - RO - The role of the school inspector in local coordination of the educational politics and good
institutional management in education

Beginning date: 14.05.2007 Venue: Cluj-Napoca

End Date: 18.05.2007 Country: Romania

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Romanian English ?

Reference To inform the participants about the educational politics and strategic development; To draw up a
Objectives collection of best practices To set up a network of professionals

Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5

Titlul: Rolul inspectoratului scolar n coordonarea la nivel local a politicilor educationale si a unui bun management
institutional n educatie Scop: ntelegerea si compararea rolului inspectorului scolar n realizarea si implementarea
politicilor educationale si n eficientizarea managementului scolar promovarea modelului romnesc Obiective
specifice: 1. Informarea participantilor referitor la sistemele de nvatamnt din statele europene reprezentate, cu
accent asupra metodelor de coordonare a politicilor n educatie si dezvoltare strategica; 2. Comunicarea si
mpartasirea de idei si informatii privind modalitatile concrete prin care inspectorul scolar este implicat n masurarea si
evaluarea calitatii procesului educational si de formare profesionala; 3. Alcatuirea unei colectii de exemple de buna
practica n ceea ce priveste realizarea si implementarea unui sistem deschis de coordonare OCS n institutii similare,
care coordoneaza implementarea politicilor educationale din statele europene reprezentate; 4. Realizarea unei retele
de profesionisti cu expertiza solida n management institutional n educatie si n managementul calitatii. Abordarea
metodologica si activitati: Prezentari: Prezentarea participantilor si a programului vizitei de studiu - Deschiderea
oficiala a vizitei de studiu de catre reprezentantii autoritatilor educationale si publice locale - Conferinte: - Sistemul
educational si de formare profesionala din Romnia - Masurarea si asigurarea calitatii procesului educational si de
formare profesionala n Romnia - Ateliere de lucru: Prezentarea sistemelor educationale si de formare profesionala
din statele europene reprezentate, cu accent asupra modalitatilor de masurare si asigurare a calitatii procesului
educational si de formare profesionala n statele respective - Rolul Inspectoratului Scolar n coordonarea la nivel
local a politicilor educationale si a unui bun management institutional n educatie. - Prezentarea exemplelor de buna
practica n realizarea si implementarea unui sistem deschis de coordonare, n diferite institutii similare din statele
europene reprezentate - Evaluarea vizitei de studiu Arion - Vizite de studiu: Colegiul National Emil Racovita Cluj-
Napoca - Vizita de studiu la Colegiul National Mihai Viteazul din Turda - Vizita de studiu la Inspectoratul Scolar
Judetean Cluj - Vizitarea Centrului de Excelenta Cluj - Vizita de studiu la Colegiul Tehnic Anghel Saligny din Cluj-
Napoca - Vizita de studiu la Liceul Teoretic Avram Iancu din Cluj-Napoca - Vizita de studiu si ntlnire cu directori de
scoli din Cluj-Napoca la Casa Corpului Didactic Cluj - Vizita de studiu la Universitatea Babes- Bolyai Cluj-Napoca,
Facultatea de fizica.

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Title: The role of the school inspector in local coordination of the educational politics and good institutional
management in education Purpose: To understand and compare the role of the school inspector in achieving and
implementing of the educational politics and the optimization of the school management - the promoting of the
Romanian model Specific objectives: 1. To inform the participants on the education and training systems in the
represented European countries, focusing on the coordination methods of the educational politics and strategic
development; 2. To communicate and share ideas and information on the concrete modalities through which the
school inspector is involved in the measuring and ensuring the quality of the educational and training process; 3. To
draw up a collection of best practices concerning achieving and implementing a Open Coordination System in
institutions which implements educational politics from the represented European countries; 4. To set up a network of
professionals with expertise in institutional management, in education and quality management. The methodological
approach and activities: Presentations: of the participants and of the study visit program - Official opening of the Arion
study visit in the presence of local educational and public authorities representatives - Conferences: The education
and training system in Romania - Measuring and ensuring the quality of the educational and training process in
Romania - Workshops: Presentation of the education and training systems in the represented European countries,
focusing on the methods used in measuring and ensuring the quality of the education and training process in the
respective countries - School Inspector role in local coordination of the educational politics and ensuring of best local
institutional management in education. Presentation of the examples of good practice in achieving and implementing
a OCS in different similar institutions from the represented European countries - Group evaluation of the Arion study
visit Study visits: at the Mihai Viteazul National College from Turda at the Cluj County School Inspectorate - to the
Cluj Regional Centre of Excellence for youngsters with advanced learning potential - at the Anghel Saligny
Technical College from Cluj-Napoca - at the Avram Iancu High School from Cluj-Napoca - meeting with
Headteachers from Cluj at the Cluj Teachers House - at the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of

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ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06025,01

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Susanna Occhipinti

+39 016 5548010 Type: Public authority regional (PUB.2)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: Sovrintendenza agli studi-Regione Autonoma VdA

+39 016 5548013 Via Cretier, 4

Organiser Email:

s.occhipinti@regione.vda.it Aosta - AO

Postal Code: I-11100

Title: 25,01 - IT - L'insegnamento delle scienze nella dimensione europea: competenze e curriculi a confronto.
Strumenti per "buone prassi" - Teaching of science in the European dimension: comparison between
competencies and curricula
Beginning date: 25.09.2006 Venue: Aosta

End Date: 29.09.2006 Country: Italy

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Italian English French

Reference Objective 1.4: Increasing Recruitment to scientific and technical studies


Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5

Il progetto si propone di: analizzare e condividere nel quadro europeo standard di qualit nei vari curricoli disciplinari
scientifici per i diversi gradi di scuola; individuare le competenze che permettono agli studenti di utilizzare i propri
saperi nei diversi ambiti; sviluppare strategie per promuovere la motivazione nello studio delle discipline scientifiche,
ricercare e confrontare approcci innovativi per la promozione di uno studio non enciclopedico, ma mirato alla
costruzione di percorsi disciplinari. Nel corso della settimana verranno proposte ed analizzate le esperienze in atto
nelle scuole dei vari ordini della regione, con particolare attenzione allarea delle scienze ambientali, per le quali le
valenze naturalistiche della regione possono dimostrarsi efficace strumento di lavoro. In particolare verranno
presentati alcuni casi di fruizione didattica del territorio, realizzati dalle scuole in aree note, come il Parco Nazionale
del Gran Paradiso e lEspace Mont Blanc, che di aree meno note ma ricche di valenze naturalistiche, il Parco
Regionale del Mont Avic e i SIC della rete natura 2000, come esempi di buone prassi, che, mentre forniscono agli
studenti una solida conoscenza delle tematiche scientifiche, permettono di acquisire una sensibilit alle tematiche
dello sviluppo sostenibile e della tutela del patrimonio naturale ambientale della propria regione. Ulteriori recapiti
dell'organizzatore: e-mail: sit@regione.vda.it; m.rosina@regione.vda.it

The project aims at: analysing and sharing quality standards in scientific school curricula for the various school levels
in Europe; pointing out the competencies that enable students to use their knowledge in various fields; developing
strategies to increase students motivation to study science; finding new approaches to promote a study of scientific
disciplines which is not encyclopaedic but organized in structured paths. During the week the participants will be able
to analyse some experiences in schools of different levels in the region, with special focus on environmental science,
which is of utmost importance in a region rich in natural features. In particular they will examine some projects of
didactic use of the territory, which are carried out by schools dealing with famous areas, like the Gran Paradiso
National Park and the Espace Mont Blanc, and in less known areas like the Mont Avic Regional Park and the SIC (of
the net nature 2000), rich in natural attractions. They are all examples of how a sound knowledge of scientific topics
let students develop a special sensitivity to sustainable development and protection of the natural environmental
patrimony of their region. Other data of the organiser: e-mail: sit@regione.vda.it; m.rosina@regione.vda.it; Language
support in French. Web page:http://www.scuole.vda.it/Sit

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 200 Page 264 of 266

ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06025,02

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Karel Rydl

+420 466 036 447 Type: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: University Pardubice

+420 466 036 228 Studentska 95

Organiser Email:

karel.rydl@upce.cz Pardubice

Postal Code: CZ-53210

Title: 25,02 - CZ - Innovative Curriculum for Small Countryside Schools

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Pardubice

End Date: 28.04.2007 Country: Czech Republic

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

Czech English German

Reference Specific creativity in small Czech schools as a frame for curricular reform.

Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6

Ucastnic poznaji systm utvareni a realizace vlastniho kurikularniho programu v malotridkach na ceskem venkove.
Budou moci mit prilezitost pozorovat uskutecnovani principu kreativity v kurikulich primarniho vzdelavani primo bhem
navstev a hospitaci ve vybranch skolach vesnis v okoli msta Pardubice. Organizator pripravi prostor pro diskuse a
besedy s rediteli skol, uciteli, rodici i detmi, dle s experty na malotridky, s lidmi z administrace a tak z esk skolni
inspekce. Cilem studijni navstevy je vymena zkusenosti v ruznych zemich a tak ukazani moznosti zvysovani kvality
vzdelavani v malych skolach.

The participants will learn about the system of creation and realisation of own curricular programmes in the small
schools in the Czech countryside in practise. They will observe the creativity principles in the curriculum of the basic
learning (primary education) directly by the visits and hospitations of many schools in small villages near Pardubice
City. We will organise discussions with headmasters and teachers, children and parents in schools, with experts for
curricula and people form the administration offices and the Czech School Inspection. The aim is the exchange of
experience from different countries and the presentation how it is possible to increase the quality of the education in
small schools. Language support in German.

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 200 Page 265 of 266

ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Arion Study Visits 2006-2007
Visit No: 06025,03

Organiser Phone: Organiser name: Ingrid Johansen

+45 33 95 70 82 Type: Public authority national (PUB.3)

Organiser Fax: Organiser address: CIRIUS

+45 33 95 70 01 Fiolstrde 44

Organiser Email:

ij@ciriusmail.dk Copenhagen K

Postal Code: DK-1171

Title: 25,03 - DK - How can innovation and entrepreneurial culture be enhanced through school life?

Beginning date: 23.04.2007 Venue: Herning, Mid Jutland

End Date: 27.04.2007 Country: Denmark

Languages: Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2

English Danish ?



Nr of places: 14 Min required: 8

Pupils in our schools are taught by teachers who themselves have gone to school their whole lives! How can one
expect the coming generations to develop an entrepreneurial culture, if they are not being influenced through their
education? In Denmark the government has decided that Denmark must be a leading nation within innovation,
entrepreneurship and growth by the year 2010. To reach this goal, it is the intention that the spirit of free enterprise
should be included in thematic teaching, from kindergarten until the students leave the educational system. This visit
will focus on the possibilities for including this aspect, and the results achieved so far. School and company visits will
indicate if we are moving in the right direction, and hopefully reveal new potentials and methods. As all educational
levels will be represented during the visit, the target group would be heads of schools, as well as other decision-
makers within a wide range of educations and representing different age groups: from pre-school to primary,
secondary, upper secondary, vocational and further education.

Vores skolebrn bliver undervist af lrere, som selv har get i skole hele livet! Hvordan kan man forvente, at de
kommende generationer udvikler innovation og ivrkstterkultur, hvis de ikke bliver pvirket til det gennem deres
uddannelse? Regeringen har sat det ml, at Danmark skal vre ledende inden for innovation, forskning og udvikling i
2010. For at n dette ml er det hensigten, at innovation og ivrkstterkultur skal fremmes i uddannelsessystemet
og indg p tvrs af fagene, fra brnehaveklasse indtil de unge forlader uddannelsessystemet. Studiebesget vil
stte fokus p mulighederne for at inddrage innovation og ivrkstterkultur i undervisningen og hvilke resultater der
indtil nu er opnet. Skole- og virksomhedsbesg vil give en indikation af, om vi er p rette vej, og vil forhbentlig vise
nye potentialer og metoder. Da alle uddannelsesniveauer er reprsenteret ved studiebesget, er mlgruppen
tilsvarende bred fra folkeskole over erhvervsuddannelse til videregende niveau. Web page: www.ciriusonline.dk

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 200 Page 266 of 266

ARION CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - powered by Socrates National Agency Austria
Linking up Arion themes with the Report on the Concrete Future Objectives in Education and

In the following table, the point of departure is the list of existing themes of the Arion scheme. The assumption is that this list remains valid,
since the themes where either approved, or requested by the participating countries.

The next step was to weight these themes against the 13 objectives of the objectives report, and the possible themes for exchanging
experience. This leads to the following conclusions:

There is a high degree of convergence between the existing list of themes of the Arion scheme and the 13 objectives.

For 7 themes, there is no identifiable corresponding objective. Obviously, the reason for this is that the nature of these
themes is quite topical as for example education statistics.

For 4 objectives, there is no corresponding Arion theme. The reason for this is that these objectives do not fit in the
framework of the Arion scheme, either because they primarily deal with vocational training (objective 3.2) or that their scope
is very general (Objectives 2.2, 3.4 and 3.5).

For all themes of the Arion scheme, the number of topics for exchanging experience is much higher than the ones mentioned
in the objectives report. This must of course be highlighted in our communication with the partners involved, otherwise the
outcome of the study visits would become poorer.

Theme Arion themes Reference Themes for exchanging experience
Concrete future
1. General study of education OBJECTIVE 1.2 : Literacy and numeracy developments in schools and in
systems and evaluation of Developing skills for the provision for adults
education systems knowledge society Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign
language and mathematics up to the end of compulsory
OBJECTIVE 1.5 : Self-evaluation to improve the quality of education provided
Making the best use of Public and private expenditure on education (structural
resources indicator)

2. Certification and assessment of

3. The fight against illiteracy OBJECTIVE 1.2 : Literacy and numeracy developments in schools and in
Developing skills for the provision for adults
knowledge society Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign
language and mathematics up to the end of compulsory
4. ICT in schools OBJECTIVE 1.3 : Quality hardware and software in schools
Ensuring access to the Use of ICTs in various subjects
ICT for everyone Use of ICTs in non-formal education
Qualitative assessment of the use of ICT in education
5. Integration of handicapped OBJECTIVE 2.3 : Models for integration of and giving access to disadvantaged
children Supporting active groups to education and training; models for encouraging
citizenship, equal them to pursue formal qualifications
opportunities and social

6. Equal opportunities in education OBJECTIVE 2.3 : Gender equality in tertiary education and continuous training
Supporting active
citizenship, equal
opportunities and social

7. Intercultural education
8. Measures to prevent school
9. The European dimension OBJECTIVE 3.5 : Inclusion of the European dimension in education and
Strengthening European training

10. The teaching profession OBJECTIVE 1.1 : Evaluation of training programmes for teachers and trainers
Improving education and Conditions for becoming a teacher or trainer according to
training for teachers and educational level
trainers Inclusion of the following subjects in study and training
plans: ICT, foreign languages, European dimension of
education and intercultural education
Promotion systems in the teaching profession during a
teacher's career
Improvement of working conditions of teachers
OBJECTIVE 3.1 : Co-operation of education and training institutions with
Strengthening the links business enterprises, for example concerning placements
with working life and and training opportunities
research, and society at Participation of teachers in training organised and carried in
large co-operation with business
11. The role of parents OBJECTIVE 2.3 : Participation of pupils, parents and other stakeholders in
Supporting active school governance
citizenship, equal
opportunities and social

OBJECTIVE 3.1 : Participation of parents in school life and in children's

Strengthening the links learning in general
with working life and
research, and society at
12. Language teaching OBJECTIVE 3.3 : Methods and ways of organising the teaching of languages
Improving foreign Early language learning
language learning Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languages

13. Health education

14. Environmental education
15. The heads of schools

16. The school OBJECTIVE 3.1 : Participation of local representatives in school life
Strengthening the links Collaboration of schools with local organisations
with working life and Co-operation of education and training institutions with
research, and society at business enterprises, for example concerning placements
large and training opportunities
Descriptive studies about how education and training
establishments seek to attract and involve those currently
outside education and training systems
17. The pupils OBJECTIVE 2.3 : Participation of pupils, parents and other stakeholders in
Supporting active school governance
citizenship, equal
opportunities and social
18. Adult education OBJECTIVE 2.1 : Availability of child-care and flexible learning times to
Open learning learners
environment Possibilities of educational leave for employees
Accreditation of prior learning
Funding mechanisms and incentives for adults
19. Violence and the protection of
20. Quality in education (theme 20). OBJECTIVE 1.5 : Self-evaluation to improve the quality of education provided
Making the best use of Public and private expenditure on education (structural
resources indicator)

23. The inspector.
24. Education statistics (theme 24).
25. The curriculum (theme 25). OBJECTIVE 1.4 : Inclusion of scientific and technical subjects in secondary
Increasing recruitment to education
scientific and technical Development strategies aiming at the performance of
studies schools in encouraging pupils to study natural science,
technology and mathematics and in teaching these subjects

XX Xxxx OBJECTIVE 2.2 : Ongoing training courses in order to motivate learners
Making learning more Possibility of following open courses, on-line or distance
attractive learning
Validation of experience acquired
XX xxxx OBJECTIVE 3.2 : Qualitative assessment of young graduates starting
Developing the spirit of enterprises according to economic sector; viability of these
enterprise enterprises
Promotion of self-employment
Teaching of entrepreneurship at various educational levels.

XX Xxxx OBJECTIVE 3.4 : Financing, participation and geographical distribution of EU

Increasing mobility and and national exchange programmes
exchange Social benefits, i.e. in public transportation, museums etc,
granted to people during mobility
Evaluation of the results and development of EUROPASS
Information on mobility offers and conditions of the EU and
the Member States
ECTS in vocational training
Development of "certificate supplement" in vocational
training (similar to diploma supplements in higher education)
Transferability of national grants for foreign education and
training periods

XX xxxx OBJECTIVE 3.5 : Promotion of accreditation in higher education

Strengthening European Promotion of joint courses and degrees in Europe which are
co-operation internationally recognised; promotion of relevant marketing

Lien entre les thmes Arion et le Rapport sur les Objectifs futurs concrets de lEducation et de la

Dans la table qui suit, le point de dpart est la liste des thmes dArion tel quelle existe. On considre que cette liste reste valide, puisque tous
les thmes sont approuvs par le Conseil ou par les Etats membres individuels.

Ltape suivante tait de comparer ces thmes avec les 13 objectifs du rapport sur les objectifs et avec les thmes possibles pour lchange
dexpriences contenus dans celui-ci. Ceci nous amne aux conclusions suivantes:

Il y a un grand degr de convergence entre la liste des thmes Arion et les 13 objectifs.

Pour 7 des thmes il ny a pas un objectif correspondant. En loccurrence, il sagit l de thmes trs spcifiques (ducation
denfants migrants et tsiganes, statistiques de lducation, etc)

Pour 4 des objectifs, il ny pas de thme Arion correspondant. La raison est que ces objectifs nont pas de lien avec laction
Arion, parce quil sagit de sujets lis la formation professionnelle (objectif 3.2.), ou bien quils soient dune nature trs
gnrale (objectifs 2.2, 3.4 et 3.5).

Pour tous les thmes de laction Arion, le nombre de sujets pour lchange dexprience est beaucoup plus lev que ceux
mentionns dans le rapport sur les objectifs. Ceci doit tre mis au clair dans nos contacts avec les partenaires concerns,
pour viter que le rsultat des visites dtude diminue.

Thme Thmes Arion Rfrence Thmes pour lchange dexprience
Objectifs concrets
1. Etude gnrale des systmes OBJECTIF 1.2 : niveau et rsultats dans la langue maternelle, les langues
ducatifs ainsi que l'valuation des Dvelopper les trangres et en mathmatiques jusqu' la fin de
systmes ducatifs comptences l'enseignement obligatoire
ncessaires dans la
socit de la progrs en matire de lecture, d'criture et de calcul dans
connaissance les tablissements scolaires et la formation dispense aux
OBJECTIF 1.5 : auto-valuation dans le but d'amliorer la qualit de
Optimiser l'utilisation des l'enseignement prodigu
ressources dpenses publiques et prives consacres l'ducation
(indicateur structurel)
2. la certification et l'valuation de
3. lutte contre l'analphabtisme OBJECTIF 1.2 : niveau et rsultats dans la langue maternelle, les langues
Dvelopper les trangres et en mathmatiques jusqu' la fin de
comptences l'enseignement obligatoire
ncessaires dans la
socit de la progrs en matire de lecture, d'criture et de calcul dans
connaissance les tablissements scolaires et la formation dispense aux
4. Les technologies de linformation et OBJECTIF 1.3 : prsence de matriel informatique et de logiciels de qualit
de la communication lcole Permettre tous d'avoir dans les coles
accs au TIC utilisation des TIC dans diverses matires
utilisation des TIC dans l'ducation non formelle
valuation qualitative de l'utilisation des TIC dans
5. Intgration des jeunes handicaps OBJECTIF 2.3 : modles permettant d'intgrer les personnes dfavorises et
dans le systme scolaire normal Favoriser la citoyennet de leur donner accs l'ducation et la formation,
active, l'galit des modles permettant de les encourager acqurir des
chances et la cohsion qualifications formelles

6. Egalit des chances entre filles et OBJECTIF 2.3 : galit des chances entre les sexes dans l'enseignement
garons dans l'enseignement Favoriser la citoyennet suprieur et la formation continue
active, l'galit des
chances et la cohsion
7. Scolarisation des enfants de
travailleurs migrants et tziganes
8. Mesures prventives contre l'chec
9. La dimension europenne OBJECTIF 3.5 : Inclusion de la dimension europenne dans lducation et la
Renforcer la coopration formation

10. La profession de l'enseignant OBJECTIF 1.1 : Evaluation des programmes de formation destins aux
Amliorer l'ducation et enseignants et aux formateurs
la formation des Conditions pour devenir enseignant ou formateur en fonction
enseignants et des du niveau d'enseignement
formateurs Inclusion des sujets ci-aprs dans les programmes d'tude
et de formation: TIC, langues trangres, dimension
europenne de l'ducation et ducation interculturelle
Systmes de promotion des enseignants pendant leur
Amlioration des conditions de travail des enseignants.
OBJECTIF 3.1 : coopration des institutions d'ducation et de formation avec
Renforcer les liens avec les entreprises, par exemple en ce qui concerne les
le monde du travail, la possibilits de stage et de formation
recherche et la socit participation des enseignants des formations organises
dans son ensemble et donnes en coopration avec les entreprises
11. Le rle des parents. OBJECTIF 2.3 : participation des lves, des parents et des autres acteurs
Favoriser la citoyennet la gestion des coles
active, l'galit des
chances et la cohsion

OBJECTIF 3.1 : participation des parents la vie de l'cole et
Renforcer les liens avec l'apprentissage des enfants en gnral
le monde du travail, la
recherche et la socit
dans son ensemble

12. Enseignement des langues OBJECTIF 3.3 : mthodes et moyens pour organiser l'enseignement des
Amliorer l'enseignement langues trangres
dans langues trangres apprentissage prcoce des langues
manires de promouvoir l'apprentissage des langues
13. Education la sant
14. Education lenvironnement
15. Les chefs dtablissement.

16. Le projet dtablissement OBJECTIF 3.1 : participation des reprsentants locaux la vie scolaire
Renforcer les liens avec collaboration des coles avec les organisations locales
le monde du travail, la coopration des institutions d'ducation et de formation avec
recherche et la socit les entreprises, par exemple en ce qui concerne les
dans son ensemble possibilits de stage et de formation
Etudes descriptives sur les mesures prises par les
tablissements d'ducation et de formation pour intresser
et intgrer les personnes qui ne sont dans aucun systme
d'ducation et de formation.
17. Les lves. OBJECTIF 2.3 : participation des lves, des parents et des autres acteurs
Favoriser la citoyennet la gestion des coles
active, l'galit des
chances et la cohsion
18. Education des adultes OBJECTIF 2.1 : existence de services de garde d'enfants et d'horaires de
Crer un environnement cours souples pour les apprenants
propice l'apprentissage possibilits pour les salaris de bnficier d'un cong de
validation des tudes et formations antrieures
mcanismes de financement et mesures d'incitation pour les

19. Violence et la protection des
20. Qualit de lducation. OBJECTIF 1.5 : auto-valuation dans le but d'amliorer la qualit de
Optimiser l'utilisation des l'enseignement prodigu
ressources dpenses publiques et prives consacres l'ducation
(indicateur structurel)
23. Les inspecteurs.
24. Statistiques de lducation.
25. Le curriculum OBJECTIF 1.4 : inclusion de matires scientifiques et techniques dans
Augmenter le l'enseignement secondaire
recrutement dans les Stratgies de dveloppement pour que les coles soient en
filires scientifiques et mesure d'encourager les lves tudier les sciences
techniques naturelles, la technologie et les mathmatiques et
d'enseigner ces matires.

XX Xxxx OBJECTIF 2.2 : cours de formation continue visant motiver les apprenants
Rendre l'ducation et la possibilit de suivre des cours ouverts, en ligne ou
formation plus distance
attrayantes Validation de l'exprience acquise.

XX xxxx OBJECTIF 3.2 : Evaluation qualitative des jeunes diplms qui crent une
Dvelopper l'esprit entreprise par secteur de l'conomie; viabilit de ces
d'entreprise entreprises
promotion des activits d'indpendant
enseignement de l'esprit d'entreprise diffrents niveaux du
systme d'ducation

XX Xxxx OBJECTIF 3.4 : financement et distribution gographique des programmes

Accrotre la mobilit et communautaires et nationaux d'changes et participation
les changes ces programmes
Avantages sociaux, par ex. concernant les transports
publics, les muses, etc., accords aux personnes
participant une action de mobilit
valuation des rsultats et de l'volution d'EUROPASS
informations sur les possibilits de mobilit proposes par
l'UE et les tats membres et sur les conditions qui y sont
ECTS en matire de formation professionnelle
Elaboration d'un "supplment au certificat" pour la formation
professionnelle (similaire aux supplments au diplme
existant dans l'enseignement suprieur
Possibilit de transfrer des bourses nationales durant les
priodes d'ducation et de formation l'tranger
XX xxxx OBJECTIF 3.5 : promotion de la validation des tudes accomplies dans
Renforcer la coopration l'enseignement suprieur
europenne Promotion en Europe des cycles d'tudes et des diplmes
communs bnficiant d'une reconnaissance internationale;
promotion des initiatives pertinentes cet gard

Verbindung der Arion Themen zu dem Bericht Konkrete zuknftige Ziele der allgemeinen
und beruflichen Bildung

Der Ausgangspunkt der folgenden Tabelle ist die Liste der bestehenden Arion Themen. Es liegt die Annahme zugrunde, dass diese
Liste weiterhin gltig ist, da diese Themen weiterhin von den teilnehmenden Lndern besttigt und nachgefragt wurden.

Der nchste Schritt war die Gewichtung dieser Themen im Bezug auf die 13 Ziele des Zielberichts und die Festlegung der
mglichen Themen fr den Erfahrungsaustausch. Diese Vorgehensweise fhrt zu den nachfolgenden Schlussfolgerungen:

Es besteht einer hoher Grad der bereinstimmung zwischen der bereits bestehenden Liste von Arion Themen und den 13

Fr 7 Themen gibt es kein eindeutig entsprechendes Ziel. Diese Tatsache resultiert aus der sehr engen inhaltlichen Natur
dieser Themen wie beispielsweise das Thema Bildungsstatistik.

Fr 4 Ziele gibt es kein entsprechendes Arion Thema. Der Grund liegt darin, dass diese Ziele nicht in den Rahmen des Arion
Schemas fallen, entweder weil sie hauptschlich mit beruflicher Ausbildung (Ziel 3.2) zu tun haben oder weil sie zu allgemein
gehalten sind (Ziele 2.2, 3.4, 3.5).

Fr alle Themen des Arion Schemas, ist die Anzahl der Themen fr den Erfahrungsaustausch sehr viel hher als die, die in
dem Zielbericht erwhnt werden. Dies muss vor allem bei der Kommunikation mit den involvierten Partnern betont werden,
sonst wrde das Ergebnis der Arion Studienbesuche betrchtlich geringer ausfallen.

Thema Arion Themen Verbindung zu dem Themen zum Erfahrungsaustausch
1. Allgemeine Untersuchung der ZIEL 1.2.:
Unterrichtssysteme Die Entwicklung der
notwendigen Fhigkeiten
fr die

ZIEL 1.5: Selbstevaluierung zur Verbesserung der angebotenen

Optimale Nutzung der Bildungsqualitt
Ressourcen ffentliche und private Bildungsausgaben (Strukturindikator)

2. Notengebung und Beurteilung

der Schler
3. Bekmpfung des
4. Informations- und ZIELE 1.3: Hochwertige Hardware und Software in Schulen
Kommunikationstechnologien in Gewhrleistung des Verwendung von IKT in verschiedenen Projekten
der Schule allgemeinen Zugangs zur Verwendung von IKT im informellen Bereich
IKT Qualitative Beurteilung der Verwendung von IKT in der
5. Eingliederung Jugendlicher mit ZIELE 2.3: Integrationsmodelle
Behinderung in das Untersttzung der aktiven Zugang zu Bildung und Training fr benachteiligte Gruppen
Regelschulwesen Staatsbrgerschaft, Frderungsmodelle zur Verfolgung formeller Qualifikationen
Chancengleichheit und
soziale Integration

6. Chancengleichheit fr Burschen ZIELE 2.3: Gleichbehandlung von Burschen und Mdchen in hheren
und Mdchen Untersttzung der aktiven Bildungseinrichtungen und kontinuierliches Training
Chancengleichheit und
soziale Integration

7. Interkulturelle Bildung
8. Manahmen zur Verhinderung
von Schulversagen

9. Einfhrung der europischen ZIEL 3.5: Einbezug der europischen Dimension in Ausbildung und
Dimension Strkung der Training

10. Die Lehrkrfte ZIEL 1.1:

Verbesserung von
Ausbildung und Training
von Lehrern und Trainern

ZIEL 3.1:
Verstrkung der
Verknpfungen zwischen
Arbeitswelt, Forschung
und der Gesellschaft

11. Die Rolle der Eltern ZIELE 2.3:

Untersttzung der aktiven
Chancengleichheit und
soziale Integration

ZIEL 3.1:
Verstrkung der
Verknpfungen zwischen
Arbeitswelt, Forschung
und der Gesellschaft

12. Fremdsprachenunterricht ZIEL 3.3: Methoden und Mglichkeiten zur Organisation von
Verbesserung des Fremdsprachenunterricht
Fremdsprachen- Frhzeitiger Erwerb von Fremdsprachen
unterrichts Mglichkeiten zur Frderung von Fremdsprachenunterricht

13. Gesundheitserziehung
14. Umwelterziehung
15. Die Schulleiter

16. Die Schule ZIEL 3.1: Zusammenarbeit der Schulen mit lokalen Organisationen
Verstrkung der Kooperation mit Unternehmen betreffs Praktika und
Verknpfungen zwischen Berufsausbildungen
Arbeitswelt, Forschung
und der Gesellschaft

17. Die Schler ZIELE 2.3: Aktive Teilnahme von Schlern, Eltern und anderen
Untersttzung der aktiven Interessensgruppen an der Schulpolitik
Chancengleichheit und
soziale Integration

18. Erwachsenenbildung ZIEL 2.1: Verfgbarkeit von Kinderbetreuungssttten und flexible

Offenes Lernumfeld Lernzeiten fr Lernende
Mglichkeiten des Bildungsurlaubs fr Arbeitnehmer
Akkreditierung der hheren Prioritt der Weiterbildung
Aufbringen von Mitteln und Incentives fr Erwachsene
19. Gewalt und Schutz von Kindern Interaktion von Kindern zwischen 6 und 11 Jahre, die in
und Jugendlichen problematischen geografischen Gebieten leben
Entwicklung, Implementierung und Studium der Methodik
zur Verhinderung von Gewalt gegen Kinder
20. Bildungsqualitt ZIEL 1.5: Selbstevaluierung zur Verbesserung der angebotenen
Optimale Nutzung der Bildungsqualitt
Ressourcen ffentliche und private Bildungsausgaben (Strukturindikator)

23. Der Schulaufsichtsbeamter
24. Bildungsstatistik
25. Das Curriculum ZIEL 1.4: Entwicklung von Strategien zur Ermutigung von Schlern
Zunehmende Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Mathematik zu studieren
Rekrutierung zu sowie diese zu lehren
wissenschaftlichen und

XX Xxxx ZIEL 2.2: Kontinuierliche Weiterbildung zur Motivation der Lernenden
Steigerung der Mglichkeit fr weiterfhrende Kurse, online oder Fernkurse
Attraktivitt des Beurteilung der erworbenen Erfahrung

XX xxxx ZIEL 3.2: Qualitative Beurteilung der Unternehmen, die von

Entwicklung des Studienabsolventen gegrndet wurden, sowie die
Unternehmertums Lebensfhigkeit dieser (je Wirtschaftssektor)
Frderung der Selbstndigkeit
Vermittlung des Unternehmertums auf verschiedenen

XX Xxxx ZIEL 3.4: Finanzierung, Teilnahme und geografische Verteilung der

Steigerung der Mobilitt EU und nationale Austauschprogramme
und des Austauschs Soziale Leistungen, z.B. ffentliche Transportmittel, Museen
etc., die den Studienbesuchern whrend ihres Aufenthalts
gewhrt werden
Evaluierung der Ergebnisse und Entwicklung des
Informationen ber Austauschangebote und Bedingungen
der EU und der anderen Mitgliedsstaaten
ECTS fr berufliche Weiterbildung
Entwicklung von einem Zertifikat Supplement fr berufliche
Weiterbildung (hnlich zu einem Diplom Supplement fr
hhere Bildung)
bertragbarkeit von nationalen Zuschssen fr
Weiterbildung im Ausland

XX xxxx ZIEL 3.5: Frderung der Akkreditierung von hherer Bildung

Strkung der Frderung von lnderbergreifenden Kursen und Titeln in
europischen Europa, die international anerkannt werden
Zusammenarbeit Setzung der entsprechenden Marketing Aktivitten




National agencies in the Member States

and the new countries

(List updated


Sokrates Nationalagentur Mrs Romana BEIKIRCHER

Schreyvogelgasse 2 Tel. +43 1 53408-61
A 1010 WIEN Fax: +43 1 53408-20
Web: www.sokrates.at


Ministerie van de Vlaamse GemeenschapMrs Nina MARES

Departement Onderwijs
Koning Albert II laan15, lokaal 5C15 Tel.: (32-2) 553.95.80 553.95.70
B-1210 BRUSSEL Fax.: (32-2) 553.95.65
Website WWW.ond.vlaanderen.be/socrates

Ministre de lEducation Mrs F. DAOUT

Secrtariat gnral
Direction des Relations Internationales
Espace 27 septembre - 6me tage A Tel.: (32-2) 413.40.12
Boulevard Lopold II, 44, Fax.: (32-2) 413.29.82 ou 413.35.78
B - 1080 BRUXELLES E.mail: Francoise.daout@cfwb.be
Website: www.socrates.be

Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Mrs Suzanne KCHENBERG

Gemeinschaft - Agentur fr
Europische Bildungsprogramme Tel.: (32-87) 59.63.00
Gospert 1 Fax.: (32-87) 55.77.16
E-mail: suzanne.kuechenberg@dgov.be
B-4700 Eupen Website: www.dglive.be

Website: http://www.dglive.be/chapter02/eu-programme/euprogramme.html


Sekretariat der Stndigen Konferenz

der Kultusminster der Lnder Mr Werner LICH
in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Pdagogischer Austauschdienst Tel.: (49-228) 50.12.55 / 50.13.58
Lennstr. 6 Fax.: (49-228) 50.12.59
D - 53113 BONN 1 E.mail: pad.lich@kmk.org
Web: www.kmk.org/pad/sokrates2


CIRIUS Mr Jens Mejer Pedersen

Fiolstraede 44 Ms Ingrid JOHANSEN
DK - 1171 KOEBENHAVN Tl.: (45) 33 95.70.00
Fax.: (45) 33 95.70.01
E.mail: ij@ciriusmail.dk
Website: www.ciriusonline.dk


Ministry of National Education Ms R. ELEFTHERIADOU

and Religious Affairs Mr Joachim Kimon KOLYVAS
EC Directorate Tel. :(30-210) 322.09.50 or 324.35.13
Mitropoleos 15 Fax.: (30-210) 322.07.67
GR - 10185 ATHENS Fax.: (30-210) 324.82.64
Fax.: (30-210) 322 80.60
E.mail: europe@ypepth.gr
Website: www.ypepth.gr


Ministerio de Educacin y Cultura Mrs Lola LOPEZ

Subdireccin General de
Programas Europeos Tel.: (34-91) 506.55.69
Paseo del Prado 28 - 1 Fax.: (34-91) 506.56.89
E - 28014 MADRID E.mail: mdolores.lopez@mec.es
Web: www.mec.es/programas-europeos


Centre for International Mobility- Ms Tytti VOUTILAINEN

CIMO Programme Coordinator
P.O. Box 343 Tel.: (358-9)7747.7349
Hakaniemenkatu 2 Fax.: (358-9)7747.70.64
FIN - 00531 HELSINKI E-mail: tytti.voutilainen@cimo.fi
Website: www.cimo.fi


Agence SOCRATES France Mr Patrice DELEGUE

Mrs Christelle PEN
25, Quai des Chartrons Tel. (33-5)
F-33000 Bordeaux Cedex Fax: (33-5)
E.mail: patrice.delegue@socrates-leonardo.fr
Website: www.socrates-leonardo.fr


Department of Education & Science Ms Karen Tighe

International Section Mr Francis McHugh
Marlborough Street Tel.: (353-1) 889.24.56 / 889.20.18
IRL - DUBLIN 1 Fax.: (353-1) 889.23.76
E-mail: karen_tighe@education.gov.ie
Website: www.irlgov.ie/educ



Agenzia Socrates Italia Ms Ann-Christin LINDGREN
Via Nardo di Cione, 22
I-50121 FIRENZE Tel.: (39-055) 23.80.389 / 326 / 328 / 338 /387 /
Fax: (39-055) 238.03.99 / 343
E-mail: arion@indire.it
Website: http://www.indire.it/socrates

Sede legale: Via M. Buonarroti 10, I-50122 FIRENZE

Sede operativa: Via Nardo di Cione 22, I-50121 FIRENZE

Ministero dellIstruzione, Ms Paola Gigante
dellUniversit e della Ricerca Tel.: (39-06) 58 49 33.88
Direzione Generale per gli Fax: (39-06)
Affari Internazionali Uff. II e.mail: paola.gigante@istruzione.it
Via Trastevere 76/a
I - 00153 ROMA


Nationale Agentur Sokrates Mr Helmut KONRAD

Austrasse 79 Ms Nadine BATLINER
FL - 9490 VADUZ Tel.: (+423) 236 67 58
Fax.: (+423) 236 67 71
E.mail: helmut.konrad@sa.llv.li
Website: www.socrates.li


Ministre de l'Education nationale, Mme Karin PUNDEL

la Formation professionnelle et des Sports
Agence Nationale Socrates Tel.: (352) 478 52.89 / 478.52.90
34-36 Avenue de la Porte Neuve Fax.: (352) 24.18.84
L - 2227 LUXEMBOURG E.mail: karin.pundel@men.lu
Website: www.socrates.lu


Contact for Dutch grant holders

Europees Platform voor het Mr Kees ZWAGA / Mrs Judith DAYUS
Nederlandse Onderwijs Mrs Corine IKOGHO
Nassauplein 8
NL - 1815 GM ALKMAAR Tel.: (31-72) 511 85 02
Fax.: (31-72) 515 12 21
E.mail: arion@europeesplatform.nl
Website: http://www.europeesplatform.nl

Contact for incoming Arion visitors

Dependance Europees Platform voor het Mr Frank SMIT
Nederlandse Onderwijs
Bezuidenhoutseweg 253
NL 2594 AM DEN HAAG Tel.: (31-70) 381 44 48
Fax.: (31-70) 383 19 58
E.mail: fsmit@europeesplatform.nl
Website: http://www.europeesplatform.nl


S.I.U.- Senter for internasjonalt Mr Arne AARSETH

SOKRATES-programmet i Norge Tel. (00-47)
Vaskerelven 39 PO Box 7800 Fax (00-47)
N-5020 BERGEN E-mail: siu.@siu.no
Website: www.siu.no/sokrates/arion


Agencia Nacional para os Programas Ms. Sandra RAMALHO

Comunitrions Scrates e Leonardo da Vinci
Av. D. Joo II, lote
Edifcio Administrativo da Parque Expo Tel.: (351-21) 891 99 24
Piso 1 Ala B Fax.: (351-21) 891 99 29
1990-096 Lisboa E-mail: sramalho@socleo.pt
Website: www.agencianacional-socrates-


The British Council Ms Denise MEADE-HILL

Mr Dermot George Mr Chris SOUVLIS
Head of European Education Services Ms Dimple MAKWANA
Education and Training Group Tel.: (44-20) (Denise Meade-Hill)
10 Spring Gardens Fax.: (44-20)
E.mail: dimple.makwana@britishcouncil.org
Website: www.socrates-uk.net/arion


International Programme Office for Ms Anna GUDMUNDSSON

Education and Training
Box 22007
Kungsbroplan 3A, 2nd Floor Tel.: (46-8) 453.72.00
S-104 22 Stockholm Fax.: (46-8) 453 72 01
Website: www.programkontoret.se


Office of International Education Ms Elin JOHANNESDOTTIR

Socrates National Agency
Neshagi 16 Tel. 00/354/525.43.11- 525 58.53
IS-107 Reykjavik Fax. 00/354/525.58.50
E.mail: elinjoh@hi.is
Website : www.ask.hi.is/socrates/arion


Mr Janos JENEI Phone: +36 1 237 1300

Socrates National Agency Fax: +36 1 239 1329
Tempus Public Foundation E-mail: socrates@tpf.hu
Vci t 37. 7th floor janos.jenei@tpf.hu
H-1134 Budapest, Website: www.tka.hu



Tel. (420-2)
CSVS - SOCRATES Office Fax (420-2)
U Luzickho seminre 13 e.mail: pasiakova@socrates.cz
11800 Praha 1 info@socrates.cz
Czech Republic Website: www.socrates.cz


Ms Margarita PENEVA Tel.: (359-2) 921.77.27

Ministry of Education and Science Fax: (359-2)988.06.00/ 988.49.74
Department European Integration E-mail: m.peneva@minedu.government.bg
And Bilateral Cooperation Website: www.minedu.governement.bg
Bld. Dondukov, 2-A
BG-1000 Sofia

Mrs Vanya TIVIDOSHEVA Tel.: +359 2 91 550 19

Human Resource Fax: +359 2 91 550 49
Development Centre E-mail: Vanya@hrdc.bg
15, Graf Ignatiev Street, floor 4 nrcvg@hrdc.bg
BG 1000 Sofia Website: http://www.nrcvg.hrdc.bg


Ms Viera FARKAOV (Director) Tel. (421-2)

Ms Renata Mezeiova (Arion) Tel. (421-2)
Socrates National Agency Fax (421-2)
Star Grunty 52 E-mail:socrates@saaic.sk
SK-84244 Bratislava renata@saaic.sk
Website: www.saaic.sk


Ms. Beata OSMULSKA Tel. (48.22) 622.34.47 629.25.74

Foundation for the Development Tel. (48-22) 626.91.30
of the Education System Fax.: (48.22) 622.37.10
National Agency for the Socrates Programme
Ul. Mokotowska 43 Website: www.socrates.org.pl
PL-00551 WARSZAWA E-mail: beata.osmulska@socrates.org.pl


Mr. Radu CERKEZ Tel.: (40-21) 311.35.05 312.11.87

National SOCRATES Agency
For Community programmes
In education and training (NACPEVT) Fax.:(40-21) 311.35.00
1, Schitu Magureanu Street, sector 5 E-mail: radu.cerkez@socrates.ro
RO- 050025 Bucarest Web: www.socrates.ro


Sirli TANILOO Tel: +372/696.24.10

SOCRATES National Agency Fax: +372/696.24.26
Koidula 13A E-mail: sirli@archimedes.ee
Website: www.socrates.ee


Foreign Relations Division
Ministry of Education and Science Tel: +370 2 74.31.31
A. Volano st. 2/7 Fax: +370 2 61.20.77
LIT-2691 VILNIUS E-mail: garmuviene.a@smm.lt
Website: www.socrates.lt



Academic Programme Agency Tel: +371 7 28.01.38
Blaumana iela 28 Fax: +371 7 28.01.08
LV-1011 RIGA E-mail: apa@apa.lv
Web: www.socrates.lv


Center for Vocational Education & Training
EU programmes Agency Tel: +386 1 586 42 40
Kavciceva 66 Fax: +386 1 586 42 31
SLO-1000 Ljubljana E-mail: mojca.gombac@cmepius.si
Website: www.cpi.si


Ms Antonia PRODROMOU Tel: +357 22 800 773

Ministry of Education and Culture Tel: +357 22 800 649 800 934
Socrates National Coordination Unit Fax: +357 22 428 268
ARION E-mail: minedu@cytanet.com.cy
Kimon and Thoukydides Street, Website: www.moec.gov.cy
CY 1434 Nicosia


Mr Mark Bezzina
Ministry of Education Tel. +356 21 255 086
EUPU, 36 Fax. +356 2558 6139
Old Mint Street E-mail: Silvano.cristauro@gov.mt
Valletta, VLT 12 mark.bezzina@gov.mt


Mr Ahmet TUKEN (Arion Programme Expert) Tel.: +90 312 409 60 97

Mr Abdullah SAHIN (Acting Coordinator Arion) Tel.: +90 312 409 60 73
Ulusal Ajans (National Agency)
Socrates / Arion Program Fax: +90 312 409 60 09
Huseyin Rahmi Sok. No:2 +90 312 409 60 98
06680 Cankaya-Ankara E-mail: ahmet.tuken@ua.gov.tr
Turkey abdullah.sahin@ua.gov.tr
Website: www.ua.gov.tr



Directorate-General for Education and Culture Tl.: (32-2) 295 60 31 296.39.37
B-7, 05/47 Fax.: (32-2) 299 22 31 298.94.99
Rue de la Loi 200 E-mail: guido.boel@cec.eu.int

Nety : dgeacboelgui + ARION conference

Internet: http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/socrates/arion/index.html

Arion Central Coordination.

ARION Central Service Europe Ms Teresa GERLICH

Sokrates Nationalagentur Ms Katrin BAIER
sterreich Tel. +43 1 534.08.27
Schreyvogelgasse 2 Fax: +43 1 534.08.20
A 1010 WIEN E.mail: office@arion-visits.net
Web: http://www.arion-visits.net

Nety: Arion conference.


Louisalaan 240 Ms Gisle DE LEL

B-1050 Brussel Tel. +32 2 600.53.61
Fax +32 2 600.53.63
E-mail: gisele.delel@eurydice.org
Internet: http://www.eurydice.org





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