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2/27/2017 Completelistofmathbranches|PhysicsForumsTheFusionofScienceandCommunity


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Complete list of math branches

ErichFranz #1 Jan 23, 2011

I want to compile a list of every branch of mathematics, for my studies.

This is what I got from wiki:

1. Basic mathematics
2. Advanced mathematics
2.1 Pure mathematics
2.1.1 Algebra
2.1.2 Calculus and analysis
2.1.3 Geometry and topology
2.1.4 Combinatorics
2.1.5 Logic
2.1.6 Number theory
2.2 Applied mathematics
2.2.1 Dynamical systems and differential equations
2.2.2 Mathematical physics
2.2.3 Computing
2.2.4 Information theory and signal processing
2.2.5 Probability and statistics
2.2.6 Game theory
2.2.7 Operations research

Let me know if any are missing

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icystrike #2 Jan 23, 2011

Galois theory?

micromass #3 Jan 23, 2011

Check out the great site http://www.math-atlas.org/ it lists the most of the mathematical disciplines,
subdisciplines, ...

According to the site, there are the following main elds in mathematics: foundations, algebra, geometry, analysis,
Staff Emeritus
probability and statistics, computer sciences and applied math. These can be subdivides in the following:

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