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1) VLOOKUP & Data Validation For Menus

See how to take recipes listed in a column, set them up in rows, then create a
2) drop down arrow to select recipes and display ingredients and directions.
3) For more about Paste Special, see this video (10:00 minute mark): Highline Excel Class 28: More Excel Basics R
4) For more about VLOOKUP and Data Validation, see this video: Highline Excel Class 07: VLOOKUP function

5) For more about IF and ISERROR and IFERROR functions, see this video: Excel Magic Trick 333: #DIV/0! Error IF & ISE
6) To move records from columns to rows with a Macro, see this video: Highline Excel Class 53: Relative & Absolute
For more about the ROWS function to increment numbers, see Excel Magic
7) Trick # 336

If VLOOKUP table has blanks and you dont want to return zeroes (0),
highlight lookup table, F5 key (Go To), Click on Special, Select Blanks, click
8) OK, type ="", Ctrl + Enter.
xcel Class 28: More Excel Basics Review
xcel Class 07: VLOOKUP function formula 7 Examples

ic Trick 333: #DIV/0! Error IF & ISERROR or IFERROR functions

xcel Class 53: Relative & Absolute Macro Recorder
Name Mac & Cheese
Direction 1 1 bag Mac
Direction 2 1 cup Cheese
Direction 3 1 tablespoon Salt
Direction 4 1 cup Water
Direction 5 Mix
Direction 6 Cook

Name Fish Sandwich

Direction 1 Cod Fish
Direction 2 1 cup Spinach
Direction 3 1/2 cup cheese
Direction 4 Pinch salt
Direction 5 Tablespoon Mayonnaise
Direction 6 Tablespoon Mustard
Direction 7 Eat
Direction 8 Enjoy
Direction 9

Name Gel Oatmeal

Direction 1 1/4 cup raisins
Direction 2 1/4 cup peanuts
Direction 3 1/4 cup walnuts
Direction 4 2 chopped apple
Direction 5 1 cup oatmeal
Direction 6 2 1/2 cup water
Direction 7 Boil
Direction 8 Cook on low for 5 minutes
Direction 9
Select Menu from Drop Down in Yellow Cell
1) Variations On Incrementing Numbers In Formulas 8 Examples

The Function ROWS tells you how many rows there are in a range of cells. The
Function COLUMNS tells you how many columns there are in a range of cells. Using
the Formula =ROWS(A$3:A3) in cell A3 and then copying it down through the range
A3:A12 will do three things: 1) it will give us the incremented numbers 1 to 10; 2) it
will allow rows to be inserted and the number sequence will update or remain
correct; 3) if we move the formulas in the range A3:A12, the sequence will remain
2) intact.

The MOD function gives the remainder when division is done. For example
MOD(15,7) = 1 because 15/7 = 2 R 1. From the help menu, the MOD function
3) evaluates like this: MOD(n, d) = n - d*INT(n/d)

ROUND function in Excel

To round to the thousands position use "-3" as the second function argument
To round to the ones position use "0" as the second function argument
To Round to the Hundredths Position use "2" as the second function argument
4) =ROUND(C4,2)

The WEEKDAY function looks at a date and tells you what number day it is (if you use
5) 2 as the second argument 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 6 = Saturday and 7 = Sunday).

1 to 8 Formula 8 to 1 Formula 0 to 7
=ROWS(B$12:B12) =ROWS(D12:D$19)
=ROWS(B$12:B13) =ROWS(D13:D$19)
=ROWS(B$12:B14) =ROWS(D14:D$19)
=ROWS(B$12:B15) =ROWS(D15:D$19)
=ROWS(B$12:B16) =ROWS(D16:D$19)
=ROWS(B$12:B17) =ROWS(D17:D$19)
=ROWS(B$12:B18) =ROWS(D18:D$19)
=ROWS(B$12:B19) =ROWS(D19:D$19)
Increment (difference)
Arithmetic Sequence
Formula (Difference is Constant) Formula
=ROWS(F$12:F12)-1 =(ROWS(H$12:H12)-1)*H$10
=ROWS(F$12:F13)-1 =(ROWS(H$12:H13)-1)*H$10
=ROWS(F$12:F14)-1 =(ROWS(H$12:H14)-1)*H$10
=ROWS(F$12:F15)-1 =(ROWS(H$12:H15)-1)*H$10
=ROWS(F$12:F16)-1 =(ROWS(H$12:H16)-1)*H$10
=ROWS(F$12:F17)-1 =(ROWS(H$12:H17)-1)*H$10
=ROWS(F$12:F18)-1 =(ROWS(H$12:H18)-1)*H$10
=ROWS(F$12:F19)-1 =(ROWS(H$12:H19)-1)*H$10

Every 2 successive terms

have a common difference
Increment (difference) Common Ratio
3 3
Arithmetic Sequence Geometric Sequence (Ratio
(Difference is Constant) Formula is Constant)

Every 2 successive terms Every 2 successive terms

have a common difference have a common Ratio
1 to 4, then repeat

Formula Repeating Sequences

1 to 4, then repeat
Repeating Sequences
1 to 7, then repeat
Formula Sequences

Or use this:


1) Variations On Incrementing Numbers In Formulas

1 to 8

Formula =COLUMNS($C12:C12) =COLUMNS($C12:D12) =COLUMNS($C12:E12)

8 to 1

Formula =COLUMNS(C14:$J14) =COLUMNS(D14:$J14) =COLUMNS(E14:$J14)

rementing Numbers In Formulas

=COLUMNS($C12:F12) =COLUMNS($C12:G12) =COLUMNS($C12:H12) =COLUMNS($C12:I12)

=COLUMNS(F14:$J14) =COLUMNS(G14:$J14) =COLUMNS(H14:$J14) =COLUMNS(I14:$J14)



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