Você está na página 1de 76

Technology Count

Beta 1
Cdma 28
Common 115
Evdo 83
Gsm 31
Ims 4
IPerf 0
Lte 481
LteCdma 3
LteEvdo 12
LteGsm 13
LteWcdma 44
Mtap 16
Pdm 0
Rova 0
Wams 166
Wcdma 180
WcdmaGsm 0
WcdmaWams 0
Winds 7
Total 1184

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Technology EventId Event Code
Beta 0x0001 GpsAltitudeDelta
Cdma 0x0001 ThreeGToTwoGHandOff
Cdma 0x0002 BaseStationRelease
Cdma 0x0003 Drops
Cdma 0x0004 HardHandoffUnk
Cdma 0x0005 InterFreqHandoff
Cdma 0x0006 IntraFreqHandoff
Cdma 0x0007 MobileRelease
Cdma 0x0008 IdleNeighborList
Cdma 0x0009 NeighborList
Cdma 0x000a OrigSucc
Cdma 0x000b OrigFail
Cdma 0x000c TermSucc
Cdma 0x000d TermFail
Cdma 0x000e RfctAnchorTransfers
Cdma 0x000f SearchWindow
Cdma 0x0010 SyncNLA
Cdma 0x0011 WPA
Cdma 0x0012 OrigRelOrder
Cdma 0x0013 OrigReOrder
Cdma 0x0014 TermRelOrder
Cdma 0x0015 TermReOrder
Cdma 0x0016 CallOrigAttempt
Cdma 0x0017 CallTermAttempt
Cdma 0x0018 InterFrequencyHandoff
Cdma 0x0019 InterFreqHandoffFailure
Cdma 0x001a InterFreqHandoffSuccess
Cdma 0x001b Handoff
Cdma 0x001c InterFrequencyHandoffCommand
Common 0x0001 StartFileTimeEvent
Common 0x0002 EndFileTimeEvent
Common 0x0003 FileGap
Common 0x0004 HugelandCallattempt
Common 0x0005 HugelandCallblocked
Common 0x0006 HugelandCallestablished
Common 0x0007 HugelandCallconnected
Common 0x0008 HugelandCalldropped
Common 0x0009 HugelandCallhangup
Common 0x000a HugelandCallreleasednormally
Common 0x000b HugelandCallreleasedbydrop
Common 0x000c HugelandCallincoming
Common 0x000d HugelandCallalerting
Common 0x000e HugelandATPItemBegin
Common 0x000f HugelandATPItemEnd
Common 0x0010 HugelandATPTestPause
Common 0x0011 HugelandATPTestResume
Common 0x0012 HugelandPingattempt
Common 0x0013 HugelandPingsuccess
Common 0x0014 HugelandPingfailure

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Common 0x0015 HugelandFTPdownloadbegan
Common 0x0016 HugelandFTPdownloadsuccess
Common 0x0017 HugelandFTPdownloadfail
Common 0x0018 HugelandFTPuploadbegan
Common 0x0019 HugelandFTPuploadsuccess
Common 0x001a HugelandFTPuploadfailure
Common 0x001b HugelandServerlogonsuccess
Common 0x001c HugelandServerlogonfailure
Common 0x001d HugelandServerlogonattempt
Common 0x001e HugelandControlchannelmsg
Common 0x001f HugelandFTPerror
Common 0x0020 HugelandWAPgatewayconnected
Common 0x0021 HugelandWAPgatewayconnectfailure
Common 0x0022 HugelandWAPlogonsuccess
Common 0x0023 HugelandWAPlogonfailure
Common 0x0024 HugelandWAPiconreport
Common 0x0025 HugelandWAPredirection
Common 0x0026 HugelandWAPdownloadsuccess
Common 0x0027 HugelandWAPdownloadfailure
Common 0x0028 HugelandWAPreplyfailure
Common 0x0029 HugelandWAPreply
Common 0x002a HugelandMMSsendsuccess
Common 0x002b HugelandMMSsendfailure
Common 0x002c HugelandMMSpushmsgreceived
Common 0x002d HugelandMMSpushmsgfailure
Common 0x002e HugelandMMSretrievesuccess
Common 0x002f HugelandMMSretrievefailure
Common 0x0030 HugelandSMSreceieved
Common 0x0031 HugelandSMSP2Psuccess
Common 0x0032 HugelandSMSP2Pfailure
Common 0x0033 HugelandSMSsendattempt
Common 0x0034 HugelandSMSsentout
Common 0x0035 HugelandSMSsendfailure
Common 0x0036 HugelandMMSP2Psuccess
Common 0x0037 HugelandMMSP2Pfailure
Common 0x0038 HugelandWAPpushmsgreceived
Common 0x0039 HugelandMOSrecord
Common 0x003a HugelandCallsetuprecord
Common 0x003b HugelandRASDialattempt
Common 0x003c HugelandRASDialfailure
Common 0x003d HugelandRASDialsuccess
Common 0x003e HugelandFTPAbort
Common 0x003f HugelandHttprequest
Common 0x0040 HugelandHttpresponseok
Common 0x0041 HugelandHttpresponseerror
Common 0x0042 HugelandHttppagedisplay
Common 0x0043 HugelandHttppagecomplete
Common 0x0044 HugelandHttppageincomplete
Common 0x0045 HugelandHttppagefailure
Common 0x0046 HugelandHttpdownloadbegin

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Common 0x0047 HugelandHttpdownloadsuccess
Common 0x0048 HugelandHttpdownloadfailure
Common 0x0049 HugelandHttpdownloadaborted
Common 0x004a HugelandRTSPservingconnecting
Common 0x004b HugelandRTSPsetupfailure
Common 0x004c HugelandRTSPsetupsuccess
Common 0x004d HugelandRTSPmessage
Common 0x004e HugelandRTPtransferover
Common 0x004f HugelandEmailsendstart
Common 0x0050 HugelandEmailsendsuccess
Common 0x0051 HugelandEmailsendfailure
Common 0x0052 HugelandEmailreceivestart
Common 0x0053 HugelandEmailreceivesuccess
Common 0x0054 HugelandEmailreceivefailure
Common 0x0055 HugelandEmailserverconnected
Common 0x0056 HugelandEmailserverconnectfailure
Common 0x0057 HugelandFLVrequest
Common 0x0058 HugelandFLVdownloadstarted
Common 0x0059 HugelandFLVdownloadfinished
Common 0x005a HugelandFLVdownloadaborted
Common 0x005b HugelandFLVdownloadfailure
Common 0x005c HugelandFLVplaybegan
Common 0x005d HugelandFLVplayfailure
Common 0x005e HugelandFLVplaypaused
Common 0x005f HugelandFLVplayresumed
Common 0x0060 HugelandFLVplayfinished
Common 0x0061 HugelandFLVplaydropped
Common 0x0062 HugelandFLVplayaborted
Common 0x0063 HugelandDNSresolutionsuccess
Common 0x0064 HugelandDNSresolutionfailure
Common 0x0065 HugelandVoIPUAregisterstart
Common 0x0066 HugelandVoIPUAregistersuccess
Common 0x0067 HugelandVoIPUAregisterfailure
Common 0x0068 HugelandVoIPcallattempt
Common 0x0069 HugelandVoIPcallincoming
Common 0x006a HugelandVoIPcallblock
Common 0x006b HugelandVoIPcallconnected
Common 0x006c HugelandVoIPcalldropped
Common 0x006d HugelandVoIPcallhangup
Common 0x006e HugelandSIPmsgreceived
Common 0x006f HugelandSIPmsgsent
Common 0x0070 HugelandVoIPUAunregister
Common 0x0071 HugelandIMSregistersuccess
Common 0x0072 HugelandIMSregisterfailure
Common 0x0073 HugelandIMSunregistered
Evdo 0x0001 PerformedOfs
Evdo 0x0002 NetworkRevisionAttribute
Evdo 0x0003 AccessProbeHandoff
Evdo 0x0004 OriginationSuccess
Evdo 0x0005 TerminationSuccess

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Evdo 0x0006 OriginationFailure
Evdo 0x0007 TerminationFailure
Evdo 0x0008 ANConnectionRelease
Evdo 0x0009 DroppedConnection
Evdo 0x000a MaxAccessProbeFail
Evdo 0x000b OtherConnectionRelease
Evdo 0x000c OriginationAccessFailure
Evdo 0x000d TerminationAccessFailure
Evdo 0x000e ATConnectionRelease
Evdo 0x000f EvTo3G1xHHOSuccess
Evdo 0x0010 EvTo3G1xHHOFailure
Evdo 0x0011 NeighborListAlert
Evdo 0x0012 InterFrequencyHandoff
Evdo 0x0013 RlpReset
Evdo 0x0014 SearchWindowAlert
Evdo 0x0015 InterRncHandoff
Evdo 0x0016 VirtualSoftHandoff
Evdo 0x0017 RevASoftHandoff
Evdo 0x0018 RevASofterHandoff
Evdo 0x0019 Rev0SoftHandoff
Evdo 0x001a Rev0SofterHandoff
Evdo 0x001b RanLatency
Evdo 0x001c ConnectionSumamry
Evdo 0x001d InterFrequencyHandoffSucc
Evdo 0x001e InterFrequencyHandoffFail
Evdo 0x001f Hugeland1XIdlehandoff
Evdo 0x0020 Hugeland1XHardhandoffattempt
Evdo 0x0021 Hugeland1XHardhandoffsuccess
Evdo 0x0022 Hugeland1XHardhandofffailure
Evdo 0x0023 Hugeland1XSofthandoffattempt
Evdo 0x0024 Hugeland1XSofthandofffailure
Evdo 0x0025 Hugeland1XSofthandofffinish
Evdo 0x0026 Hugeland1XAccessProbeInfo
Evdo 0x0027 HugelandEvDOAccessProbeInfo
Evdo 0x0028 HugelandNoservice
Evdo 0x0029 Hugeland1XSearchingsyncchannel
Evdo 0x002a Hugeland1XIdlemode
Evdo 0x002b Hugeland1XDedicatedmode
Evdo 0x002c HugelandPagingZoneupdatesuccess
Evdo 0x002d HugelandPagingZoneupdatefailure
Evdo 0x002e HugelandSIDareaupdatesuccess
Evdo 0x002f HugelandSIDareaupdatefailure
Evdo 0x0030 HugelandEvDOconnectionattempt
Evdo 0x0031 HugelandEvDOconnectionsetup
Evdo 0x0032 HugelandEvDOconnectionsetupfailure
Evdo 0x0033 HugelandEvDOconnectionclose
Evdo 0x0034 HugelandEvDOconnectiondrop
Evdo 0x0035 HugelandEvDORLhandoffsuccess
Evdo 0x0036 HugelandEvDORLhandoffattempt
Evdo 0x0037 HugelandEvDOVShandoffatempt

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Evdo 0x0038 HugelandEvDOVShandoffsuccess
Evdo 0x0039 HugelandEvDOVShandofffailure
Evdo 0x003a HugelandDOto1Xhandoffrequest_active
Evdo 0x003b HugelandDOto1Xhandoffsuccess_active
Evdo 0x003c HugelandDOto1Xhandofffailure_active
Evdo 0x003d HugelandDOto1Xhandoffrequest_dormant
Evdo 0x003e HugelandDOto1Xhandoffsuccess_dormant
Evdo 0x003f HugelandDOto1Xhandofffailure_dormant
Evdo 0x0040 Hugeland1XtoDOhandoffattempt
Evdo 0x0041 Hugeland1XtoDOhandoffsuccess
Evdo 0x0042 Hugeland1XtoDOhandofffailure
Evdo 0x0043 HugelandEvDOHardhandoffattempt
Evdo 0x0044 HugelandEvDOHardhandoffsuccess
Evdo 0x0045 HugelandEvDOHardhandofffailure
Evdo 0x0046 Hugeland1xconnectionattempt
Evdo 0x0047 Hugeland1xconnectionsetup
Evdo 0x0048 Hugeland1xconnectionsetupfailure
Evdo 0x0049 Hugeland1xconnectionterminated
Evdo 0x004a Hugeland1xconnectiondrop
Evdo 0x004b HugelandIRATLToeHRPDopthandoffstart
Evdo 0x004c HugelandIRATLToeHRPDopthandoffsuccess
Evdo 0x004d HugelandIRATLToeHRPDopthandofffailure
Evdo 0x004e HugelandIRATLToEidlehandoffstart
Evdo 0x004f HugelandIRATLToEidlehandoffsuccess
Evdo 0x0050 HugelandIRATLToEidlehandofffailure
Evdo 0x0051 HugelandIRATLToEredirectstart
Evdo 0x0052 HugelandIRATLToeHRPDhandoffsuccess
Evdo 0x0053 HugelandIRATLToeHRPDhandofffailure
Gsm 0x002e InterRatHOCmd
Gsm 0x002f InterRatHOSuccess
Gsm 0x0030 InterRatHOFailure
Gsm 0x0031 HSDPAtoGSM
Gsm 0x0032 HSUPAtoGSM
Gsm 0x0048 CSDroppedCall
Gsm 0x0049 CSReleasebyUE
Gsm 0x004a CSReleasebyUTRAN
Gsm 0x004f PSDroppedCall
Gsm 0x0050 PSReleasebyUE
Gsm 0x0051 PSReleasebyUTRAN
Gsm 0x0052 GsmAccessInterrupted
Gsm 0x0053 GsmOrigSuccess
Gsm 0x0054 GsmOrigFailure
Gsm 0x0055 GsmTermSuccess
Gsm 0x0056 GsmTermFailure
Gsm 0x0057 GsmUnkAccessSuccess
Gsm 0x0058 GsmUnkAccessFailure
Gsm 0x0059 GsmDroppedCall
Gsm 0x005a GsmBaseStationRelease
Gsm 0x005b GsmMobileRelease
Gsm 0x005c GsmReleasebyOther

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Gsm 0x005d AbnormalRelease
Gsm 0x005e GsmHandoverCommand
Gsm 0x005f GsmHandoverSuccess
Gsm 0x0060 GsmHandoverFailure
Gsm 0x0061 GsmEndOfStudy
Gsm 0x0064 EndOfStudy
Gsm 0x0068 CallState
Gsm 0x006c CSReleaseUnknown
Gsm 0x006d PSReleaseUnknown
Ims 0x0001 InviteEvent
Ims 0x0002 RegisterEvent
Ims 0x0003 AckEvent
Ims 0x0004 ByeEvent
Lte 0x0001 OriginationSuccess
Lte 0x0002 TerminationSuccess
Lte 0x0003 Drop
Lte 0x0004 CallState
Lte 0x0005 LteMissingNeighborListAlertBasedOnRSRP
Lte 0x0006 LteMissingNeighborListAlertBasedOnRSRQ
Lte 0x0007 LteMissingNeighborListAlertBasedOnRSRPAndRSRQ
Lte 0x0008 RrcConnectionRequest
Lte 0x0009 RrcConnectionComplete
Lte 0x000a RrcConnectionFailure
Lte 0x000b NasAttachRequest
Lte 0x000c NasSuccessfulAttach
Lte 0x000d NasFailedAttach
Lte 0x000e TrackingAreaUpdateRequest
Lte 0x000f SuccessfulTrackingAreaUpdate
Lte 0x0010 TrackingAreaUpdateFailure
Lte 0x0011 ServiceRequest
Lte 0x0012 SuccessfulServiceRequest
Lte 0x0013 ServiceRequestFailure
Lte 0x0014 DedicatedBearerActivation
Lte 0x0015 DedicatedBearerRelease
Lte 0x0016 DedicatedBearerDrop
Lte 0x0017 RrcCallDrop
Lte 0x0018 HoCommand
Lte 0x0019 HoSuccess
Lte 0x001a StayedUpOnSource
Lte 0x001b RadioDrop
Lte 0x001c HoFailureAtTarget
Lte 0x001d HoFailureWithoutHoComplete
Lte 0x001e HoFailureWithRadioProblem
Lte 0x001f A2TriggerEvent
Lte 0x0020 ActiveLteToEHrpdHoAttemptEvent
Lte 0x0021 RadioLinkFailureEvent
Lte 0x0022 PeriodicTrackingAreaUpdateRequest
Lte 0x0023 PeriodicSuccessfulTrackingAreaUpdate
Lte 0x0024 PeriodicTrackingAreaUpdateFailure
Lte 0x0025 IratHOStatLteToGsmEvent

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Lte 0x0026 IratHOStatLteToWcdmaEvent
Lte 0x0027 IratHOStatLteToEvdoEvent
Lte 0x0028 IratHOStatLteTo1xRttEvent
Lte 0x0029 EOF
Lte 0x002a OriginationFailure
Lte 0x002b TerminationFailure
Lte 0x002c ReleaseByUe
Lte 0x002d ReleaseByUtran
Lte 0x002e ReleaseByOther
Lte 0x002f AbnormalRelease
Lte 0x0030 IratHOActiveLteToWcdmaAttemptEvent
Lte 0x0031 IratHOActiveLteToGsmAttemptEvent
Lte 0x0032 StayedUpOnLteEvent
Lte 0x0033 DedicatedEpsBearerSetupFailure
Lte 0x0034 NetworkInitiatedDedicatedEpsBearerSetupSuccess
Lte 0x0035 DefaultEpsBearerSetupFailure
Lte 0x0036 DefaultEpsBearerSetupSuccess
Lte 0x0037 LteIFHOCommand
Lte 0x0038 LteIFHOSuccessDl
Lte 0x0039 LteIFHOFailureAtTargetDl
Lte 0x003a LteIFHOFailureWithoutHoCompleteDl
Lte 0x003b LteIFHOFailureWithRadioProblemDl
Lte 0x003c LteIFHOSuccessUl
Lte 0x003d LteIFHOFailureAtTargetUl
Lte 0x003e LteIFHOFailureWithoutHoCompleteUl
Lte 0x003f LteIFHOFailureWithRadioProblemUl
Lte 0x0040 HoSuccessUl
Lte 0x0041 HoFailureAtTargetUl
Lte 0x0042 HoFailureWithoutHoCompleteUl
Lte 0x0043 HoFailureWithRadioProblemUl
Lte 0x0044 B2TriggerEvent
Lte 0x0045 LteToGsmIRatS1HOFailure
Lte 0x0046 LteToWcdmaIRatS1HOFailure
Lte 0x0047 LteToGsmIRatS1HOSuccess
Lte 0x0048 LteToWcdmaIRatS1HOSuccess
Lte 0x0049 LteMacDrxCgiReportConfig
Lte 0x004a LteTargetCellSibReading
Lte 0x004b LteEcgiReport
Lte 0x004c LteAnrTrigger
Lte 0x004d LteAnrConfiguration
Lte 0x004e HoIntraFailure
Lte 0x004f HoInterFailure
Lte 0x0050 FtpStartsInLte
Lte 0x0051 FtpCompletesInLte
Lte 0x0052 FtpFailsInLte
Lte 0x0053 FtpStartsInGsm
Lte 0x0054 FtpCompletesInGsm
Lte 0x0055 FtpFailsInGsm
Lte 0x0056 FtpStartsInWcdma
Lte 0x0057 FtpCompletesInWcdma

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Lte 0x0058 FtpFailsInWcdma
Lte 0x0059 FtpStartsInUnknown
Lte 0x005a FtpCompletesInUnknown
Lte 0x005b HoIntraSuccess
Lte 0x005c HoInterSuccess
Lte 0x005d DroppedRrcConnection
Lte 0x005e PagingAttempt
Lte 0x005f PagingSuccess
Lte 0x0060 PagingFailure
Lte 0x0061 LteHoIntraSuccess
Lte 0x0062 LteHoIntraFailure
Lte 0x0063 ConnectedToIdle
Lte 0x0064 IdleToConnected
Lte 0x0065 VoipRrcDrop
Lte 0x0066 CsfbAttachAttempt
Lte 0x0067 CsfbAttachSuccess
Lte 0x0068 CsfbAttachFail
Lte 0x0069 CsfbTauAttempt
Lte 0x006a CsfbTauSuccess
Lte 0x006b CsfbTauFail
Lte 0x006c CsfbMoGeranActiveCallAttempt
Lte 0x006d CsfbMoGeranIdleCallAttempt
Lte 0x006e CsfbMtGeranActiveCallAttempt
Lte 0x006f CsfbMtGeranIdleCallAttempt
Lte 0x0070 CsfbMoUtranActiveCallAttempt
Lte 0x0071 CsfbMoUtranIdleCallAttempt
Lte 0x0072 CsfbMtUtranActiveCallAttempt
Lte 0x0073 CsfbMtUtranIdleCallAttempt
Lte 0x0074 CsfbMo1xRttActiveCallAttempt
Lte 0x0075 CsfbMo1xRttIdleCallAttempt
Lte 0x0076 CsfbMt1xRttActiveCallAttempt
Lte 0x0077 CsfbMt1xRttIdleCallAttempt
Lte 0x0078 CsfbMoGeranActiveRr
Lte 0x0079 CsfbMoGeranIdleRr
Lte 0x007a CsfbMtGeranActiveRr
Lte 0x007b CsfbMtGeranIdleRr
Lte 0x007c CsfbMoUtranActiveRr
Lte 0x007d CsfbMoUtranIdleRr
Lte 0x007e CsfbMtUtranActiveRr
Lte 0x007f CsfbMtUtranIdleRr
Lte 0x0080 CsfbMo1xRttActiveRr
Lte 0x0081 CsfbMo1xRttIdleRr
Lte 0x0082 CsfbMt1xRttActiveRr
Lte 0x0083 CsfbMt1xRttIdleRr
Lte 0x0084 CsfbMoGeranActiveCallSuccess
Lte 0x0085 CsfbMoGeranIdleCallSuccess
Lte 0x0086 CsfbMtGeranActiveCallSuccess
Lte 0x0087 CsfbMtGeranIdleCallSuccess
Lte 0x0088 CsfbMoUtranActiveCallSuccess
Lte 0x0089 CsfbMoUtranIdleCallSuccess

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Lte 0x008a CsfbMtUtranActiveCallSuccess
Lte 0x008b CsfbMtUtranIdleCallSuccess
Lte 0x008c CsfbMo1xRttActiveCallSuccess
Lte 0x008d CsfbMo1xRttIdleCallSuccess
Lte 0x008e CsfbMt1xRttActiveCallSuccess
Lte 0x008f CsfbMt1xRttIdleCallSuccess
Lte 0x0090 LteIratAnrTrigger
Lte 0x0091 LteIratAnrConfiguration
Lte 0x0092 LteIratEcgiReport
Lte 0x0093 LteCgiReportConfig
Lte 0x0094 LteEquivalentAttachRequestSuccess
Lte 0x0095 LteEquivalentAttachRequestFailure
Lte 0x0096 LteEquivalentServiceRequestSuccess
Lte 0x0097 LteEquivalentServiceRequestFailure
Lte 0x0098 LteEquivalentRrcDrop
Lte 0x0099 HoSuccessQcJdsu
Lte 0x009a HoFailureAtTargetQcJdsu
Lte 0x009b HoFailureWithoutHoCompleteQcJdsu
Lte 0x009c HoFailureWithRadioProblemQcJdsu
Lte 0x009d CsfbMoUtranActiveReselectionAttempt
Lte 0x009e CsfbMoUtranIdleReselectionAttempt
Lte 0x009f CsfbMtUtranActiveReselectionAttempt
Lte 0x00a0 CsfbMtUtranIdleReselectionAttempt
Lte 0x00a1 CsfbMoUtranActiveReselectionSuccess
Lte 0x00a2 CsfbMoUtranIdleReselectionSuccess
Lte 0x00a3 CsfbMtUtranActiveReselectionSuccess
Lte 0x00a4 CsfbMtUtranIdleReselectionSuccess
Lte 0x00a5 LteInterFrequencyRedirection
Lte 0x00a6 CsfbMoGsmActiveReselectionAttempt
Lte 0x00a7 CsfbMoGsmIdleReselectionAttempt
Lte 0x00a8 CsfbMtGsmActiveReselectionAttempt
Lte 0x00a9 CsfbMtGsmIdleReselectionAttempt
Lte 0x00aa CsfbMoGsmActiveReselectionSuccess
Lte 0x00ab CsfbMoGsmIdleReselectionSuccess
Lte 0x00ac CsfbMtGsmActiveReselectionSuccess
Lte 0x00ad CsfbMtGsmIdleReselectionSuccess
Lte 0x00ae CsfbMoEvdoActiveReselectionAttempt
Lte 0x00af CsfbMoEvdoIdleReselectionAttempt
Lte 0x00b0 CsfbMtEvdoActiveReselectionAttempt
Lte 0x00b1 CsfbMtEvdoIdleReselectionAttempt
Lte 0x00b2 CsfbMoEvdoActiveReselectionSuccess
Lte 0x00b3 CsfbMoEvdoIdleReselectionSuccess
Lte 0x00b4 CsfbMtEvdoActiveReselectionSuccess
Lte 0x00b5 CsfbMtEvdoIdleReselectionSuccess
Lte 0x00b6 ECsfbMoGeranActiveCallAttempt
Lte 0x00b7 ECsfbMoGeranIdleCallAttempt
Lte 0x00b8 ECsfbMtGeranActiveCallAttempt
Lte 0x00b9 ECsfbMtGeranIdleCallAttempt
Lte 0x00ba ECsfbMoUtranActiveCallAttempt
Lte 0x00bb ECsfbMoUtranIdleCallAttempt

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Lte 0x00bc ECsfbMtUtranActiveCallAttempt
Lte 0x00bd ECsfbMtUtranIdleCallAttempt
Lte 0x00be ECsfbMo1xRttActiveCallAttempt
Lte 0x00bf ECsfbMo1xRttIdleCallAttempt
Lte 0x00c0 ECsfbMt1xRttActiveCallAttempt
Lte 0x00c1 ECsfbMt1xRttIdleCallAttempt
Lte 0x00c2 ECsfbMoGeranActiveRr
Lte 0x00c3 ECsfbMoGeranIdleRr
Lte 0x00c4 ECsfbMtGeranActiveRr
Lte 0x00c5 ECsfbMtGeranIdleRr
Lte 0x00c6 ECsfbMoUtranActiveRr
Lte 0x00c7 ECsfbMoUtranIdleRr
Lte 0x00c8 ECsfbMtUtranActiveRr
Lte 0x00c9 ECsfbMtUtranIdleRr
Lte 0x00ca ECsfbMo1xRttActiveRr
Lte 0x00cb ECsfbMo1xRttIdleRr
Lte 0x00cc ECsfbMt1xRttActiveRr
Lte 0x00cd ECsfbMt1xRttIdleRr
Lte 0x00ce ECsfbMoGeranActiveCallSuccess
Lte 0x00cf ECsfbMoGeranIdleCallSuccess
Lte 0x00d0 ECsfbMtGeranActiveCallSuccess
Lte 0x00d1 ECsfbMtGeranIdleCallSuccess
Lte 0x00d2 ECsfbMoUtranActiveCallSuccess
Lte 0x00d3 ECsfbMoUtranIdleCallSuccess
Lte 0x00d4 ECsfbMtUtranActiveCallSuccess
Lte 0x00d5 ECsfbMtUtranIdleCallSuccess
Lte 0x00d6 ECsfbMo1xRttActiveCallSuccess
Lte 0x00d7 ECsfbMo1xRttIdleCallSuccess
Lte 0x00d8 ECsfbMt1xRttActiveCallSuccess
Lte 0x00d9 ECsfbMt1xRttIdleCallSuccess
Lte 0x00da LteInterAnrConfiguration
Lte 0x00db LteInterEcgiReport
Lte 0x00dc LteInterEcgiReportAnr
Lte 0x00dd LteIntraEcgiReport
Lte 0x00de LteIntraEcgiReportAnr
Lte 0x00df LteMeasurementPurpose
Lte 0x00e0 IFHoSuccessQcJdsu
Lte 0x00e1 IFHoFailureAtTargetQcJdsu
Lte 0x00e2 IFHoFailureWithoutHoCompleteQcJdsu
Lte 0x00e3 IFHoFailureWithRadioProblemQcJdsu
Lte 0x00e4 LteEcmIdleState
Lte 0x00e5 LteEcmConnectedState
Lte 0x00e6 LteEmmDeregisteredState
Lte 0x00e7 LteEmmRegisteredState
Lte 0x00e8 LteEmmRoamingState
Lte 0x00e9 PingSuccess
Lte 0x00ea PingSuccessWithWarning
Lte 0x00eb PingFailure
Lte 0x00ec CsfbMoUtranActiveCallFailure
Lte 0x00ed CsfbMoUtranIdleCallFailure

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Lte 0x00ee CsfbMtUtranActiveCallFailure
Lte 0x00ef CsfbMtUtranIdleCallFailure
Lte 0x00f0 ECsfbMoUtranActiveCallFailure
Lte 0x00f1 ECsfbMoUtranIdleCallFailure
Lte 0x00f2 ECsfbMtUtranActiveCallFailure
Lte 0x00f3 ECsfbMtUtranIdleCallFailure
Lte 0x00f4 HoFailureWithRrcConnRestReq
Lte 0x00f5 IFHoFailureWithRrcConnRestReq
Lte 0x00f6 MeasurementReportConfigurationIDMapping
Lte 0x00f7 LongFtpDuration
Lte 0x00f8 HoFailureWithRrcConnRestReqUl
Lte 0x00f9 IFHoFailureWithRrcConnRestReqUl
Lte 0x00fa ECsfbMo1xRttActiveCallFailure
Lte 0x00fb ECsfbMo1xRttIdleCallFailure
Lte 0x00fc ECsfbMt1xRttActiveCallFailure
Lte 0x00fd ECsfbMt1xRttIdleCallFailure
Lte 0x00fe SIPServerRegistrationFailure
Lte 0x00ff SIPServerRegistrationComplete
Lte 0x0100 VoLteCallAttempt
Lte 0x0101 VoLteCallSuccess
Lte 0x0102 VoLteCallFailure
Lte 0x0103 SIPProvisionalResponse
Lte 0x0104 SIPSuccessfulResponse
Lte 0x0105 SIPDirect
Lte 0x0106 SIPClientFailure
Lte 0x0107 SIPServerFailure
Lte 0x0108 SIPGlobalFailure
Lte 0x0109 PacketLost
Lte 0x010a ConsecutivePacketLost
Lte 0x010b TtiBundlingEnable
Lte 0x010c VoIPSipInvite
Lte 0x010d VoIPSip100Trying
Lte 0x010e VoIPSipRinging
Lte 0x010f VoIPSip200OK
Lte 0x0110 VoIPSipAck
Lte 0x0111 VoIPSipBye
Lte 0x0117 SipPrack
Lte 0x0112 LteCallDurationEvent
Lte 0x0113 SingleRABSuccess
Lte 0x0114 SingleRABFailure
Lte 0x0115 MultiRABSuccess
Lte 0x0116 MultiRABFailure
Lte 0x0118 SPSConfigDL
Lte 0x0119 SPSConfigUL
Lte 0x011a DLSPSActivation
Lte 0x011b DLSPSRelease
Lte 0x011c ULSPSActivation
Lte 0x011d ULSPSRelease
Lte 0x011e VoLteSrvccHandoverAttempt
Lte 0x011f VoLteSrvccHandoverSuccess

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Lte 0x0120 VoLteSrvccHandoverFailure
Lte 0x0121 SPSConfigDLRelease
Lte 0x0122 SPSConfigULRelease
Lte 0x0123 ScellConfigAdded
Lte 0x0124 PsSrvccEvent
Lte 0x0125 PsSrvccFailure
Lte 0x0126 PsSrvccSuccess
Lte 0x0127 VoiceBearerRelease
Lte 0x0128 VoiceCallAttempt
Lte 0x0129 RachFailureEvent
Lte 0x012a PLMNChangeEvent
Lte 0x012b A1TriggerEvent
Lte 0x012c A3TriggerEvent
Lte 0x012d A4TriggerEvent
Lte 0x012e A5TriggerEvent
Lte 0x012f A1ReportConfigEvent
Lte 0x0130 A2ReportConfigEvent
Lte 0x0131 A3ReportConfigEvent
Lte 0x0132 A4ReportConfigEvent
Lte 0x0133 A5ReportConfigEvent
Lte 0x0134 B1ReportConfigEvent
Lte 0x0135 B2ReportConfigEvent
Lte 0x0136 B1TriggerEvent
Lte 0x0137 RtpInterruptionDl
Lte 0x0138 RtpInterruptionUl
Lte 0x0139 VolteCallCancel
Lte 0x013a RrcReestablishmentEvent
Lte 0x013b VoltedropEvent
Lte 0x013c PingPongHandover
Lte 0x013d VolteRtpInterruption
Lte 0x013e SipBye
Lte 0x013f HugelandRRCTimerFired
Lte 0x0140 HugelandPrachMsg1_RA
Lte 0x0141 HugelandPrachMsg2_RAR
Lte 0x0142 HugelandPrachMsg3_UEID
Lte 0x0143 HugelandPrachMsg4
Lte 0x0144 HugelandRandomaccesssuccess
Lte 0x0145 HugelandRandomaccessfailure
Lte 0x0146 HugelandHandoverstart
Lte 0x0147 HugelandHandoversuccess
Lte 0x0148 HugelandHandoverfailure
Lte 0x0149 HugelandHandoverLaterncyInfo
Lte 0x014a HugelandCellreselectstart
Lte 0x014b HugelandCellcampon
Lte 0x014c HugelandCellsearchforanycell
Lte 0x014d HugelandCellsearchforsuitablecell
Lte 0x014e HugelandSearchforspecificPLMN
Lte 0x014f HugelandSearchforPLMNlist
Lte 0x0150 HugelandTAUsuccesss
Lte 0x0151 HugelandTAUfailure

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Lte 0x0152 HugelandEPSattachsuccesss
Lte 0x0153 HugelandEPSattachfailure
Lte 0x0154 HugelandEPSdetached
Lte 0x0155 HugelandRRCsetupsuccess
Lte 0x0156 HugelandRRCsetupfailure
Lte 0x0157 HugelandPagingresponsesuccess
Lte 0x0158 HugelandPagingresponsefailure
Lte 0x0159 HugelandPagingreceived
Lte 0x015a HugelandCellreselectsuccess
Lte 0x015b HugelandCellreselectfailure
Lte 0x015c HugelandRRCrelease
Lte 0x015d HugelandUEpoweron
Lte 0x015e HugelandUEpoweroff
Lte 0x015f HugelandServicesetupsuccess
Lte 0x0160 HugelandServicesetupfailure
Lte 0x0161 HugelandIRATmeasurementstart
Lte 0x0162 HugelandIRATmeasurementstop
Lte 0x0163 HugelandIRATTToLreselectstart
Lte 0x0164 HugelandIRATTToLreselectsuccess
Lte 0x0165 HugelandIRATTToLreselectfailure
Lte 0x0166 HugelandIRATGToLreselectstart
Lte 0x0167 HugelandIRATGToLreselectsuccess
Lte 0x0168 HugelandIRATGToLreselectfailure
Lte 0x0169 HugelandIRATWToLreselectstart
Lte 0x016a HugelandIRATWToLreselectsuccess
Lte 0x016b HugelandIRATWToLreselectfailure
Lte 0x016c HugelandIRATWToLHOstart
Lte 0x016d HugelandIRATWToLHOsuccess
Lte 0x016e HugelandIRATWToLHOfailure
Lte 0x016f HugelandIRATTToLHOstart
Lte 0x0170 HugelandIRATTToLHOsuccess
Lte 0x0171 HugelandIRATTToLHOfailure
Lte 0x0172 HugelandIRATGToLredirectstart
Lte 0x0173 HugelandIRATGToLredirectsuccess
Lte 0x0174 HugelandIRATGToLredirectfailure
Lte 0x0175 HugelandIRATWToLredirectstart
Lte 0x0176 HugelandIRATWToLredirectsuccess
Lte 0x0177 HugelandIRATWToLredirectfailure
Lte 0x0178 HugelandIRATTToLredirectstart
Lte 0x0179 HugelandIRATTToLredirectsuccess
Lte 0x017a HugelandIRATTToLredirectfailure
Lte 0x017b HugelandRRCreestabsuccess
Lte 0x017c HugelandRRCreestabfailure
Lte 0x017d HugelandRadiolinkfailure
Lte 0x017e HugelandOutofService_LTE
Lte 0x017f HugelandOutofSync
Lte 0x0180 HugelandCSFBMOstart
Lte 0x0181 HugelandCSFBMTstart
Lte 0x0182 HugelandCSFBcallproceeding
Lte 0x0183 HugelandCSFBreturnLTE

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Lte 0x0184 HugelandEventA1
Lte 0x0185 HugelandEventA2
Lte 0x0186 HugelandEventA3
Lte 0x0187 HugelandEventA4
Lte 0x0188 HugelandEventA5
Lte 0x0189 HugelandEventB1
Lte 0x018a HugelandEventB2
Lte 0x018b HugelandERABsetuprequest
Lte 0x018c HugelandERABsetupsuccess
Lte 0x018d HugelandERABsetupfailure
Lte 0x018e HugelandERABnormalrelease
Lte 0x018f HugelandERABabnormalrelease
Lte 0x0190 HugelandPTTgroupestablishsuccess
Lte 0x0191 HugelandPTTgroupestablishfailure
Lte 0x0192 HugelandPTTspeakersuccess
Lte 0x0193 HugelandPTTspeakerfailure
Lte 0x0194 HugelandPTTspeakerreleased
Lte 0x0195 HugelandPTPMOcallattempt
Lte 0x0196 HugelandPTPMTcallattempt
Lte 0x0197 HugelandPTPcallconnected
Lte 0x0198 HugelandPTPcallblocked
Lte 0x0199 HugelandPTPcallreleased
Lte 0x019a HugelandPTPcalldropped
Lte 0x019b HugelandIRATEToLidlehandoffstart
Lte 0x019c HugelandIRATEToLidlehandoffsuccess
Lte 0x019d HugelandIRATEToLidlehandofffailure
Lte 0x019e HugelandIRATEToLredirectstart
Lte 0x019f HugelandIRATEToLredirectsuccess
Lte 0x01a0 HugelandIRATEToLredirectfailure
Lte 0x01a2 ATSingleRABRRCdropinVoLTE
Lte 0x01a3 ATMultiRABRRCdropinVoLTE
Lte 0x01a4 ATSingleRABVoLteCallAttempt
Lte 0x01a5 ATSingleRABVoLteCallSuccess
Lte 0x01a6 ATSingleRABVoLteCallFailure
Lte 0x01a7 ATSingleRABVolteCallCancel
Lte 0x01a8 ATMultiRABVoLteCallAttempt
Lte 0x01a9 ATMultiRABVoLteCallSuccess
Lte 0x01aa ATMultiRABVoLteCallFailure
Lte 0x01ab ATMultiRABVolteCallCancel
Lte 0x01ac VoLTECallCompletesSuccessfully
Lte 0x01ad ATSingleRABVoLTECallCompletesSuccessfully
Lte 0x01ae ATMultiRABVoLTECallCompletesSuccessfully
Lte 0x01af RoamingStartInLte
Lte 0x01b0 RoamingEndInLte
Lte 0x01b1 ATSingleRABVoiceCallAttempt
Lte 0x01b2 ATMultiRABVoiceCallAttempt
Lte 0x01b3 VoiceCallSuccess
Lte 0x01b4 ATSingleRABVoiceCallSuccess
Lte 0x01b5 ATMultiRABVoiceCallSuccess
Lte 0x01b6 VoiceCallFailure

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Lte 0x01b7 ATSingleRABVoiceCallFailure
Lte 0x01b8 ATMultiRABVoiceCallFailure
Lte 0x01b9 VoLteSrvccToGeranHandoverAttempt
Lte 0x01ba VoLteSrvccToGeranHandoverSuccess
Lte 0x01bb VoLteSrvccToGeranHandoverFailure
Lte 0x01bc ScellConfigReleased
Lte 0x01bd ATSingleRABVoltedrop
Lte 0x01be ATMultiRABVoltedrop
Lte 0x01bf TtiBundlingDisable
Lte 0x01c0 ImsVoiceToGsmVoiceSuccess
Lte 0x01c1 ImsVoiceToGsmVoiceFailure
Lte 0x01c2 ImsVoiceToUmtsVoiceSuccess
Lte 0x01c3 ImsVoiceToUmtsVoiceFailure
Lte 0x01c4 ImsVoiceToImsVideoSuccess
Lte 0x01c5 ImsVoiceToImsVideoFailure
Lte 0x01c6 ImsVideoToGsmVoiceSuccess
Lte 0x01c7 ImsVideoToGsmVoiceFailure
Lte 0x01c8 ImsVideoToUmtsVoiceSuccess
Lte 0x01c9 ImsVideoToUmtsVoiceFailure
Lte 0x01ca ImsVideoToImsVoiceSuccess
Lte 0x01cb ImsVideoToImsVoiceFailure
Lte 0x01cc ImsVoiceToCdmaVoiceSuccess
Lte 0x01cd ImsVoiceToCdmaVoiceFailure
Lte 0x01ce ImsVideoToCdmaVoiceSuccess
Lte 0x01cf ImsVideoToCdmaVoiceFailure
Lte 0x01d0 SmsOverImsAttempt
Lte 0x01d1 SmsOverImsSucess
Lte 0x01d2 SmsOverImsFailure
Lte 0x01d3 CAActivatedEvent
Lte 0x01d4 CADeactivatedEvent
Lte 0x01d5 VideoOutOfSequencePackets
Lte 0x01d6 VideoPacketsLost
Lte 0x01d7 TestStarts
Lte 0x01d8 TestEnds
Lte 0x01d9 TestPassed
Lte 0x01da TestFailed
Lte 0x01db embmsOosSeriveWarning
Lte 0x01dc VideoBearerSetup
Lte 0x01dd VideoBearerRelease
Lte 0x01de VolteCallSetupOnNonLteOrForwarded
Lte 0x01df VolteVideoSetupSuccess
Lte 0x01e0 VolteVideoSetupFailure
Lte 0x01e1 LteE911IdleCallAttempt
Lte 0x01e2 LteE911ActiveCallAttempt
LteCdma 0x0001 LteTo1xRttReselectionAttempt
LteCdma 0x0002 LteTo1xRttReselectionSuccess
LteCdma 0x0003 LteTo1xRttReselectionFailure
LteEvdo 0x0001 ActiveLteToEhrpdServiceSwitching
LteEvdo 0x0002 ActiveLteToEhrpdHandoverSuccess
LteEvdo 0x0003 ActiveLteToEhrpdHandoverFailure

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
LteEvdo 0x0004 LteToEhrpdReselection
LteEvdo 0x0005 ServiceLost
LteEvdo 0x0006 EhrpdToLTEReselection
LteEvdo 0x0007 EhrpdToLTEReselectionSuccess
LteEvdo 0x0008 EhrpdToLTEReselectionfailure
LteEvdo 0x0009 ActiveLteToEHrpdHoAttempt
LteEvdo 0x000a LteToEhrpdReselectionAttempt
LteEvdo 0x000b LteToEhrpdReselectionSuccess
LteEvdo 0x000c LteToEhrpdReselectionFailure
LteGsm 0x0001 ActiveLteToGsmHandoverAttempt
LteGsm 0x0002 ActiveLteToGsmHandoverSuccess
LteGsm 0x0003 ActiveLteToGsmHandoverFailure
LteGsm 0x0004 IdleLteToGsmReselectionAttempt
LteGsm 0x0005 IdleLteToGsmReselectionSuccess
LteGsm 0x0006 IdleLteToGsmReselectionFailure
LteGsm 0x0007 ActiveLteToGsmRedirectionStart
LteGsm 0x0008 IdleGsmToLteReselectionAttempt
LteGsm 0x0009 IdleGsmToLteReselectionSuccess
LteGsm 0x000a IdleGsmToLteReselectionFailure
LteGsm 0x000b IdleLteToGsmReselectionAttemptDueToTauFailure
LteGsm 0x000c IdleLteToGsmReselectionAttemptDueToAttachFailure
LteGsm 0x000d IdleLteToGsmReselectionAttemptDueToServiceFailure
LteWcdma 0x0001 LteToWcdmaRedirectionAttempt
LteWcdma 0x0002 LteToWcdmaRedirectionSuccess
LteWcdma 0x0003 LteToWcdmaRedirectionFailure
LteWcdma 0x0004 LteToWcdmaReselectionAttempt
LteWcdma 0x0005 LteToWcdmaReselectionSuccess
LteWcdma 0x0006 LteToWcdmaReselectionFailure
LteWcdma 0x0007 WcdmaToLteReselectionAttempt
LteWcdma 0x0008 WcdmaToLteReselectionSuccess
LteWcdma 0x0009 WcdmaToLteReselectionFailure
LteWcdma 0x000a CsfbAttempt
LteWcdma 0x000b CsfbSuccess
LteWcdma 0x000c CsfbFailure
LteWcdma 0x000d LteToWcdmaPsHandoverAttempt
LteWcdma 0x000e LteToWcdmaPsHandoverSuccess
LteWcdma 0x000f LteToWcdmaPsHandoverFailure
LteWcdma 0x0010 WcdmaToLteIratHandoffSuccess
LteWcdma 0x0011 WcdmaToLteIratHandoffFailure
LteWcdma 0x0012 HandoverRelocationfailureWcdmaToLte
LteWcdma 0x0013 EutranIratWcdmaToLteSuccess
LteWcdma 0x0014 LteToWcdmaIratHandoffSuccess
LteWcdma 0x0015 LteCsfbMoE911IdleCallAttempt
LteWcdma 0x0016 LteCsfbMoE911ActiveCallAttempt
LteWcdma 0x0017 LteCsfbMoE911CallSuccess
LteWcdma 0x0018 CsfbAttachAttempt
LteWcdma 0x0019 CsfbAttachSuccess
LteWcdma 0x001a CsfbAttachFail
LteWcdma 0x001b CsfbTauAttempt
LteWcdma 0x001c CsfbTauSuccess

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
LteWcdma 0x001d CsfbTauFail
LteWcdma 0x001e CsfbMoUtranActiveCallAttempt
LteWcdma 0x001f CsfbMoUtranIdleCallAttempt
LteWcdma 0x0020 CsfbMtUtranActiveCallAttempt
LteWcdma 0x0021 CsfbMtUtranIdleCallAttempt
LteWcdma 0x0022 CsfbMoUtranActiveRr
LteWcdma 0x0023 CsfbMoUtranIdleRr
LteWcdma 0x0024 CsfbMtUtranActiveRr
LteWcdma 0x0025 CsfbMtUtranIdleRr
LteWcdma 0x0026 CsfbMoUtranActiveCallSuccess
LteWcdma 0x0027 CsfbMoUtranIdleCallSuccess
LteWcdma 0x0028 CsfbMtUtranActiveCallSuccess
LteWcdma 0x0029 CsfbMtUtranIdleCallSuccess
LteWcdma 0x002a LteToWcdmaReselectionAttemptDueToTauFailure
LteWcdma 0x002b LteToWcdmaReselectionAttemptDueToAttachFailure
LteWcdma 0x002c LteToWcdmaReselectionAttemptDueToServiceFailure
Mtap 0x0001 DownloadStarts
Mtap 0x0002 UploadStarts
Mtap 0x0003 DownloadCompletes
Mtap 0x0004 UploadCompletes
Mtap 0x0005 LteToWcdmaIratHandover
Mtap 0x0006 LteToGsmIratHandover
Mtap 0x0007 LteToEvdoIratHandover
Mtap 0x0008 WcdmaToLteIratHandover
Mtap 0x0009 GsmToLteIratHandover
Mtap 0x000a EvdoToLteIratHandover
Mtap 0x000b MoVoiceCallStarts
Mtap 0x000c MoVoiceCallCompletes
Mtap 0x000d MoVoiceCallDropped
Mtap 0x000e MtVoiceCallStarts
Mtap 0x000f MtVoiceCallCompletes
Mtap 0x0010 MtVoiceCallDropped
Wams 0x0001 FtpMeasurementsDownloadLessThanOrEqualTo120Seconds
Wams 0x0002 FtpMeasurementsDownloadGreaterThan120Seconds
Wams 0x0003 FtpMeasurementsUploadLessThanOrEqualTo120Seconds
Wams 0x0004 FtpMeasurementsUploadGreaterThan120Seconds
Wams 0x0005 FtpMeasurementsAppLayerSetupSuccess
Wams 0x0006 FtpMeasurementsAppLayerSetupFailure
Wams 0x0007 HttpStarts
Wams 0x0008 SuccessHttpTest
Wams 0x0009 FailedHttpTest
Wams 0x000a VoiceMosTestEvent
Wams 0x000b VoiceMosTestExtraEvent
Wams 0x000c IperfDlStartsEvent
Wams 0x000d IperfDlSuccessEvent
Wams 0x000e IperfDlFailureEvent
Wams 0x000f IperfUlStartsEvent
Wams 0x0010 IperfUlSuccessEvent
Wams 0x0011 IperfUlFailureEvent
Wams 0x0012 WebBrowsingStartEventInLte

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Wams 0x0013 WebBrowsingSuccessEventInLte
Wams 0x0014 WebBrowsingFailureEventInLte
Wams 0x0015 WebBrowsingStartEventInWcdma
Wams 0x0016 WebBrowsingSuccessEventInWcdma
Wams 0x0017 WebBrowsingFailureEventInWcdma
Wams 0x0018 WebBrowsingStartEventInGsm
Wams 0x0019 WebBrowsingSuccessEventInGsm
Wams 0x001a WebBrowsingFailureEventInGsm
Wams 0x001b HTTPTransferDownloadStartEventInLte
Wams 0x001c HTTPTransferDownloadCompleteEventInLte
Wams 0x001d HTTPTransferDownloadFailureEventInLte
Wams 0x001e HTTPTransferDownloadStartEventInWcdma
Wams 0x001f HTTPTransferDownloadCompleteEventInWcdma
Wams 0x0020 HTTPTransferDownloadFailureEventInWcdma
Wams 0x0021 HTTPTransferDownloadStartEventInGsm
Wams 0x0022 HTTPTransferDownloadCompleteEventInGsm
Wams 0x0023 HTTPTransferDownloadFailureEventInGsm
Wams 0x0024 HTTPTransferUploadStartEventInLte
Wams 0x0025 HTTPTransferUploadCompleteEventInLte
Wams 0x0026 HTTPTransferUploadFailureEventInLte
Wams 0x0027 HTTPTransferUploadStartEventInWcdma
Wams 0x0028 HTTPTransferUploadCompleteEventInWcdma
Wams 0x0029 HTTPTransferUploadFailureEventInWcdma
Wams 0x002a HTTPTransferUploadStartEventInGsm
Wams 0x002b HTTPTransferUploadCompleteEventInGsm
Wams 0x002c HTTPTransferUploadFailureEventInGsm
Wams 0x002d PingTestStartEvent
Wams 0x002e PingTestCompleteEvent
Wams 0x002f PingFailureEvent
Wams 0x0030 EmailStartEvent
Wams 0x0031 EmailSuccessEvent
Wams 0x0032 EmailFailureEvent
Wams 0x0033 SMTPTransferDownloadStartEvent
Wams 0x0034 SMTPTransferDownloadCompleteEvent
Wams 0x0035 SMTPTransferDownloadFailureEvent
Wams 0x0036 SMTPTransferUploadStartEvent
Wams 0x0037 SMTPTransferUploadCompleteEvent
Wams 0x0038 SMTPTransferUploadFailureEvent
Wams 0x0039 EmailUploadConnectionSuccessfulEvent
Wams 0x003a EmailUploadLoginSuccessfulEvent
Wams 0x003b EmailUploadCompleteEvent
Wams 0x003c EmailDownloadConnectionSuccessfulEvent
Wams 0x003d EmailDownloadLoginSuccessfulEvent
Wams 0x003e EmailDownloadCompleteEvent
Wams 0x003f PingSuccessEvent
Wams 0x0040 PingSuccessWithWarningEvent
Wams 0x0041 SmsSuccessEvent
Wams 0x0042 SmsFailsEvent
Wams 0x0043 PingStart2Event
Wams 0x0044 PingSuccess2Event

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Wams 0x0045 PingFailure2Event
Wams 0x0046 FtpDownloadStartEvent
Wams 0x0047 FtpDownloadFailEvent
Wams 0x0048 FtpDownloadCompleteEvent
Wams 0x0049 FtpUploadStartEvent
Wams 0x004a FtpUploadFailEvent
Wams 0x004b FtpUploadCompleteEvent
Wams 0x004c Iperf2TestUploadStart
Wams 0x004d Iperf2TestUploadTestEnd
Wams 0x004e Iperf2TestUploadFail
Wams 0x004f Iperf2TestUploadComplete
Wams 0x0050 Iperf2TestDownloadStart
Wams 0x0051 Iperf2TestDownloadTestEnd
Wams 0x0052 Iperf2TestdownloadFail
Wams 0x0053 Iperf2TestDownloadComplete
Wams 0x0054 HttpTestDownloadStarts
Wams 0x0055 HttpTestDownloadFails
Wams 0x0056 HttpTestDownloadCompletes
Wams 0x0057 VoiceStarts
Wams 0x0058 VoiceFails
Wams 0x0059 VoiceCompletes
Wams 0x005a CsfbStarts
Wams 0x005b CsfbFails
Wams 0x005c CsfbCompletes
Wams 0x005d VideoStarts
Wams 0x005e VideoFails
Wams 0x005f VideoCompletes
Wams 0x0060 Sms2TestStarts
Wams 0x0061 Sms2TestCompletes
Wams 0x0062 Sms2TestFails
Wams 0x0063 HTTPTransferDownloadStartEvent
Wams 0x0064 HTTPTransferDownloadCompleteEvent
Wams 0x0065 HTTPTransferDownloadFailureEvent
Wams 0x0066 HTTPTransferUploadStartEvent
Wams 0x0067 HTTPTransferUploadCompleteEvent
Wams 0x0068 HTTPTransferUploadFailureEvent
Wams 0x0069 WebBrowsingStartEvent
Wams 0x006a WebBrowsingSuccessEvent
Wams 0x006b WebBrowsingFailureEvent
Wams 0x006c PingComplete2Event
Wams 0x006d IperfDLAbortedEvent
Wams 0x006e IperfULAbortedEvent
Wams 0x006f VoiceMoTestCycleStarts
Wams 0x0070 VoiceMoCallConnected
Wams 0x0071 VoiceMoCallConnectionFailure
Wams 0x0072 VoiceMoCallCompletesSuccessfully
Wams 0x0073 VoiceMoCallFailure
Wams 0x0074 VoiceMoDroppedCall
Wams 0x0075 VoiceMoTestCycleEnds
Wams 0x0076 VoiceMtTestCycleStarts

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Wams 0x0077 VoiceMtCallConnected
Wams 0x0078 VoiceMtCallConnectionFailure
Wams 0x0079 VoiceMtCallCompletesSuccessfully
Wams 0x007a VoiceMtCallFailure
Wams 0x007b VoiceMtDroppedCall
Wams 0x007c VoiceMtTestCycleEnds
Wams 0x007d CsOrigCallConnected
Wams 0x007e CsOrigCallCompletesSuccessfully
Wams 0x007f CsOrigCallFailure
Wams 0x0080 CsOrigDroppedCall
Wams 0x0081 CsTermCallConnected
Wams 0x0082 CsTermCallCompletesSuccessfully
Wams 0x0083 CsTermCallFailure
Wams 0x0084 CsTermDroppedCall
Wams 0x0085 CsfbMoCallConnected
Wams 0x0086 CsfbMoCallCompletesSuccessfully
Wams 0x0087 CsfbMoCallFailure
Wams 0x0088 CsfbMoDroppedCall
Wams 0x0089 CsfbMtCallConnected
Wams 0x008a CsfbMtCallCompletesSuccessfully
Wams 0x008b CsfbMtCallFailure
Wams 0x008c CsfbMtDroppedCall
Wams 0x008d VolteOrigCallConnected
Wams 0x008e VolteOrigCallCompletesSuccessfully
Wams 0x008f VolteOrigCallFailure
Wams 0x0090 VolteOrigDroppedCall
Wams 0x0091 VolteTermCallConnected
Wams 0x0092 VolteTermCallCompletesSuccessfully
Wams 0x0093 VolteTermCallFailure
Wams 0x0094 VolteTermDroppedCall
Wams 0x0095 MTCallStart
Wams 0x0096 MTCallSuccess
Wams 0x0097 MTCallFailure
Wams 0x0098 HttpTestWebBrowsingStarts
Wams 0x0099 HttpTestWebBrowsingFails
Wams 0x009a HttpTestWebBrowsingCompletes
Wams 0x009b HttpTestUploadStarts
Wams 0x009c HttpTestUploadFails
Wams 0x009d HttpTestUploadCompletes
Wams 0x009e Sms2MOTestStarts
Wams 0x009f Sms2MOTestCompletes
Wams 0x00a0 Sms2MOTestFails
Wams 0x00a1 Sms2MTTestStarts
Wams 0x00a2 Sms2MTTestCompletes
Wams 0x00a3 Sms2MTTestFails
Wams 0x00a4 SpeedTestStarts
Wams 0x00a5 SpeedTestCompletesSuccessfully
Wams 0x00a6 SpeedTestFails
Wcdma 0x0001 RRC_Signaling_Missing_Message
Wcdma 0x0002 ReportingE1a

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Wcdma 0x0003 ReportingE1b
Wcdma 0x0004 ReportingE1c
Wcdma 0x0005 ReportingE1d
Wcdma 0x0006 ReportingE1f
Wcdma 0x0007 Reporting2b
Wcdma 0x0008 ReportingE2d
Wcdma 0x0009 ReportingE2f
Wcdma 0x000a ReportingE3a
Wcdma 0x000b ReportingE3c
Wcdma 0x000c UeFrequencyChangeReport
Wcdma 0x000d HsdpaToR99Success
Wcdma 0x000e R99ToHsdpaSuccess
Wcdma 0x000f IFHHOCmd
Wcdma 0x0010 IFHHOSuccess
Wcdma 0x0011 IFHHOFailure
Wcdma 0x0012 HsupaToR99Success
Wcdma 0x0013 HsupaToR99Failure
Wcdma 0x0014 R99ToHsupaSuccess
Wcdma 0x0015 R99ToHsupaFailure
Wcdma 0x0016 HsdpaToR99Failure
Wcdma 0x0017 R99ToHsdpaFailure
Wcdma 0x0018 CellFACHtoHSDPASuccess
Wcdma 0x0019 CellFACHtoHSUPASuccess
Wcdma 0x001a CellFACHtoR99Success
Wcdma 0x001b HSDPAtoCellFACHSuccess
Wcdma 0x001c HSUPAtoCellFACHSuccess
Wcdma 0x001d R99toCellFACHSuccess
Wcdma 0x001e HSDPACellChangeSuccess
Wcdma 0x001f HSDPACellChangeFailure
Wcdma 0x0020 HsupaEdchCellChangeSuccess
Wcdma 0x0021 HsupaEdchCellChangeFailure
Wcdma 0x0022 CompressedModeOrder
Wcdma 0x0023 CompressedModeDeactivateOrder
Wcdma 0x0024 ULR99RBRateIncrease
Wcdma 0x0025 ULR99RBRateDecrease
Wcdma 0x0026 DLR99RBRateIncrease
Wcdma 0x0027 DLR99RBRateDecrease
Wcdma 0x0028 ASUComplete
Wcdma 0x0029 ASUFailure
Wcdma 0x002a ASU_ASUC_Missing
Wcdma 0x002b ASUCMissing
Wcdma 0x002c Registration
Wcdma 0x002d NegativeRrcResponse
Wcdma 0x0033 WCDMA_GSM_Fail
Wcdma 0x0034 WCDMA_GSM_Succ
Wcdma 0x0035 WCDMA_WCDMA_Fail
Wcdma 0x0036 WCDMA_WCDMA_Succ
Wcdma 0x0037 GSM_GSM_Succ
Wcdma 0x0038 GSM_WCDMA_Succ
Wcdma 0x0039 GSM_Reselection_Failure

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Wcdma 0x003a ASP_Addition
Wcdma 0x003b ASP_Removal
Wcdma 0x003c ASP_Reselection
Wcdma 0x003d ASP_Swap
Wcdma 0x003e Cell_FACH_to_Idle
Wcdma 0x003f CellUpdateCausedbyRadioLinkFailure
Wcdma 0x0040 DetectedSetAlert
Wcdma 0x0041 LocationUpdatingAccept
Wcdma 0x0042 LocationUpdatingReject
Wcdma 0x0043 IfhhoSNLA
Wcdma 0x0044 CSOrigSuccess
Wcdma 0x0045 CSOrigFailure
Wcdma 0x0046 CSTermSuccess
Wcdma 0x0047 CSTermFailure
Wcdma 0x0048 CSDroppedCall
Wcdma 0x0049 CSReleasebyUE
Wcdma 0x004a CSReleasebyUTRAN
Wcdma 0x004b PSOrigSuccess
Wcdma 0x004c PSOrigFailure
Wcdma 0x004d PSTermSuccess
Wcdma 0x004e PSTermFailure
Wcdma 0x004f PSDroppedCall
Wcdma 0x0050 PSReleasebyUE
Wcdma 0x0051 PSReleasebyUTRAN
Wcdma 0x0031 HSDPAtoGSM
Wcdma 0x0032 HSUPAtoGSM
Wcdma 0x0062 WcdmaMissingNeighborListAlert
Wcdma 0x0063 GsmScannerIratNeighborListAlert
Wcdma 0x0064 EndOfStudy
Wcdma 0x0065 UnkAccessFailure
Wcdma 0x0066 UnkAccessSuccess
Wcdma 0x0067 UnkDroppedCall
Wcdma 0x0068 CallState
Wcdma 0x0069 IFHHOScannerNeighborListAlert
Wcdma 0x006a WcdmaRrcMissingEvent
Wcdma 0x006b PartialAccess
Wcdma 0x006c CSReleaseUnknown
Wcdma 0x006d PSReleaseUnknown
Wcdma 0x006e RBReconfigurationAttemptCs
Wcdma 0x006f RBReconfigurationSuccessCs
Wcdma 0x0070 RbReconfigurationAttemptLbr
Wcdma 0x0071 RbReconfigurationSuccessLbr
Wcdma 0x0072 RbReconfigurationAttemptHbr
Wcdma 0x0073 RbReconfigurationSuccessHbr
Wcdma 0x0074 RbReconfigurationAttemptHsdpa
Wcdma 0x0075 RbReconfigurationSuccessHsdpa
Wcdma 0x0076 RbReconfigurationAttemptEdch
Wcdma 0x0077 RbReconfigurationSuccessEdch
Wcdma 0x0078 DcHsdpaCall
Wcdma 0x0079 UePositioning

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Wcdma 0x007a CbsMsgFailSendForBroadcast
Wcdma 0x007b SabpTcpCnxEstabFailure
Wcdma 0x007c SabpTcpDataTxFailure
Wcdma 0x007d SabpTcpCnxReestablished
Wcdma 0x007e SabpTcpFirstConnection
Wcdma 0x007f RabSetupAttemptCs
Wcdma 0x0080 RabSetupSuccessCs
Wcdma 0x0081 RabSetupFailureCs
Wcdma 0x0082 RabSetupAttemptPs
Wcdma 0x0083 RabSetupSuccessPs
Wcdma 0x0084 RabSetupFailurePs
Wcdma 0x0085 RabReconfAttempt
Wcdma 0x0086 RabReconfSuccess
Wcdma 0x0087 RabReconfFailure
Wcdma 0x0088 ActivatePdpContextAttempt
Wcdma 0x0089 ActivatePdpContextSuccess
Wcdma 0x008a ActivatePdpContextFailure
Wcdma 0x008b DeActivatePdpContextAttempt
Wcdma 0x008c DeActivatePdpContextSuccess
Wcdma 0x008d DeActivatePdpContextFailure
Wcdma 0x008e LocationAreaUpdateAttempt
Wcdma 0x008f LocationAreaUpdateSuccess
Wcdma 0x0090 LocationAreaUpdateFailure
Wcdma 0x0091 RoutingAreaUpdateAttempt
Wcdma 0x0092 RoutingAreaUpdateSuccess
Wcdma 0x0093 RoutingAreaUpdateFailure
Wcdma 0x0094 MacroMetroHoCmd
Wcdma 0x0095 MacroMetroHoSucc
Wcdma 0x0096 MacroMetroHoFail
Wcdma 0x0097 MetroMacroHoCmd
Wcdma 0x0098 MetroMacroHoSucc
Wcdma 0x0099 MetroMacroHoFail
Wcdma 0x009a MetroMetroHoCmd
Wcdma 0x009b MetroMetroHoSucc
Wcdma 0x009c MetroMetroHoFail
Wcdma 0x009d MacroMacroHoCmd
Wcdma 0x009e MacroMacroHoSucc
Wcdma 0x009f MacroMacroHoFail
Wcdma 0x00a0 IntraFreqHhoCmd
Wcdma 0x00a1 IntraFreqHhoSucc
Wcdma 0x00a2 IntraFreqHhoFail
Wcdma 0x00a3 HugelandRRCsetupsuccess
Wcdma 0x00a4 HugelandRRCsetupfailure
Wcdma 0x00a5 HugelandRRCrelease
Wcdma 0x00a6 HugelandRbsetupsuccess
Wcdma 0x00a7 HugelandRbsetupfailure
Wcdma 0x00a8 HugelandPSattachfail
Wcdma 0x00a9 HugelandPSattachsuccess
Wcdma 0x00aa HugelandPSdetached
Wcdma 0x00ab HugelandPDPactivatefail

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Wcdma 0x00ac HugelandPDPactivatesuccess
Wcdma 0x00ad HugelandPDPdeactivated
Wcdma 0x00ae HugelandRAUfail
Wcdma 0x00af HugelandRAUsuccess
Wcdma 0x00b0 HugelandLAUfail
Wcdma 0x00b1 HugelandLAUsuccess
Wcdma 0x00b2 HugelandCellreselect
Wcdma 0x00b3 HugelandHandoverstart
Wcdma 0x00b4 HugelandHandoversuccess
Wcdma 0x00b5 HugelandHandoverfailure
Wcdma 0x00b6 HugelandIRATGToWreselectstart
Wcdma 0x00b7 HugelandIRATGToWreselectsuccess
Wcdma 0x00b8 HugelandIRATGToWreselectfailure
Wcdma 0x00b9 HugelandIRATGToWHOstart
Wcdma 0x00ba HugelandIRATGToWHOsuccess
Wcdma 0x00bb HugelandIRATGToWHOfailure
Wcdma 0x00bc HugelandPRACH
Wcdma 0x00bd HugelandActivesetupdated
Wcdma 0x00be HugelandActivesetupdatefailure
Wcdma 0x00bf HugelandIRATLToWreselectstart
Wcdma 0x00c0 HugelandIRATLToWreselectsuccess
Wcdma 0x00c1 HugelandIRATLToWreselectfailure
Wcdma 0x00c2 HugelandIRATLToWHOstart
Wcdma 0x00c3 HugelandIRATLToWHOsuccess
Wcdma 0x00c4 HugelandIRATLToWHOfailure
Wcdma 0x00c5 HugelandIRATLToWredirectstart
Wcdma 0x00c6 HugelandIRATLToWredirectsuccess
Wcdma 0x00c7 HugelandIRATLToWredirectfailure
Winds 0x0001 FtpTimeout
Winds 0x0002 FtpUnableToConnect
Winds 0x0003 UdpDataTransferStart
Winds 0x0004 UdpDataTransferEnd
Winds 0x0005 UdpDataTransferTimeout
Winds 0x0006 FtpWcdmaUnableToConnect
Winds 0x0007 FtpWcdmaTimeout

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Event Name Release Added
Altitude Delta base
3Gto2G Handoff base
Base Station Release base
Drops base
Hard Handoff(Unk Type) base
Inter-Freq Handoff base
Intra-Freq Handoff base
Mobile Release base
Idle Neighbor List base
Neighbor List base
Origination Success base
Origination Failure base
Termination Success base
Termination Failure base
RFCT Anchor Transfers base
Search Window base
Sync NLA base
WPA base
Origination ReleaseOrder base
Origination ReOrder base
Termination ReleaseOrder base
Termination ReOrder base
Call Origination Attempt base
Call Termination Attempt base
Inter Frequency Handoff base
Inter-Freq Handoff Failure base
Inter-Freq Handoff Success base
Handoff base
Inter Frequency Handoff Command base
Start Of File Event base
End Of File Event base
Large File Gap base
Call attempt base
Call blocked base
Call established base
Call connected base
Call dropped base
Call hangup base
Call released normally base
Call released by drop base
Call incoming base
Call alerting base
ATP Item Begin base
ATP Item End base
ATP Test Pause base
ATP Test Resume base
Ping attempt base
Ping success base
Ping failure base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
FTP download began base
FTP download success base
FTP download fail base
FTP upload began base
FTP upload success base
FTP upload failure base
Server logon success base
Server logon failure base
Server logon attempt base
Control channel msg base
FTP error base
WAP gateway connected base
WAP gateway connect failure base
WAP logon success base
WAP logon failure base
WAP icon report base
WAP redirection base
WAP download success base
WAP download failure base
WAP reply failure base
WAP reply base
MMS send success base
MMS send failure base
MMS push msg received base
MMS push msg failure base
MMS retrieve success base
MMS retrieve failure base
SMS receieved base
SMS P2P success base
SMS P2P failure base
SMS send attempt base
SMS sent out base
SMS send failure base
MMS P2P success base
MMS P2P failure base
WAP push msg received base
MOS record base
Call setup record base
RAS Dial attempt base
RAS Dial failure base
RAS Dial success base
FTP Abort base
Http request base
Http response ok base
Http response error base
Http page display base
Http page complete base
Http page incomplete base
Http page failure base
Http download begin base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Http download success base
Http download failure base
Http download aborted base
RTSP serving connecting base
RTSP setup failure base
RTSP setup success base
RTSP message base
RTP transfer over base
Email send start base
Email send success base
Email send failure base
Email receive start base
Email receive success base
Email receive failure base
Email server connected base
Email server connect failure base
FLV request base
FLV download started base
FLV download finished base
FLV download aborted base
FLV download failure base
FLV play began base
FLV play failure base
FLV play paused base
FLV play resumed base
FLV play finished base
FLV play dropped base
FLV play aborted base
DNS resolution success base
DNS resolution failure base
VoIP UA register start base
VoIP UA register success base
VoIP UA register failure base
VoIP call attempt base
VoIP call incoming base
VoIP call block base
VoIP call connected base
VoIP call dropped base
VoIP call hangup base
SIP msg received base
SIP msg sent base
VoIP UA unregister base
IMS register success base
IMS register failure base
IMS unregistered base
Performed OFS base
Network Revision Attribute base
Access Probe Handoff base
Origination Success base
Termination Success base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Origination Failure base
Termination Failure base
AN Connection Release base
Dropped Connection base
Max Access Probe Fail base
Connection Release (Other) base
Origination Access Failure base
Termination Access Failure base
AT Connection Release base
EV To 3G1X HHO Success base
EV To 3G1X HHO Failure base
Neighbor List Alert base
Inter Frequency Handoff base
RLP Reset base
Search Window Alert base
Inter RNC Handoff base
Virtual Soft Handoff base
RevA Soft Handoff base
VSHO RevA Softer Handoff base
VSHO Rev0 Soft Handoff base
VSHO Rev0 Softer Handoff base
RAN Latancy base
Connection Summary base
Inter Frequency Handoff Success base
Inter Frequency Handoff Failure base
1X Idle handoff base
1X Hard handoff attempt base
1X Hard handoff success base
1X Hard handoff failure base
1X Soft handoff attempt base
1X Soft handoff failure base
1X Soft handoff finish base
1X Access Probe Info base
EvDO Access Probe Info base
No service base
1X Searching sync channel base
1X Idle mode base
1X Dedicated mode base
PagingZone update success base
PagingZone update failure base
SID area update success base
SID area update failure base
EvDO connection attempt base
EvDO connection setup base
EvDO connection setup failure base
EvDO connection close base
EvDO connection drop base
EvDO RL handoff success base
EvDO RL handoff attempt base
EvDO VS handoff atempt base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
EvDO VS handoff success base
EvDO VS handoff failure base
DO to 1X handoff request(active) base
DO to 1X handoff success(active) base
DO to 1X handoff failure(active) base
DO to 1X handoff request(dormant) base
DO to 1X handoff success(dormant) base
DO to 1X handoff failure(dormant) base
1X to DO handoff attempt base
1X to DO handoff success base
1X to DO handoff failure base
EvDO Hard handoff attempt base
EvDO Hard handoff success base
EvDO Hard handoff failure base
1x connection attempt base
1x connection setup base
1x connection setup failure base
1x connection terminated base
1x connection drop base
IRAT L->eHRPD opt handoff start base
IRAT L->eHRPD opt handoff success base
IRAT L->eHRPD opt handoff failure base
IRAT L->E idle handoff start base
IRAT L->E idle handoff success base
IRAT L->E idle handoff failure base
IRAT L->E redirect start base
IRAT L->eHRPD handoff success base
IRAT L->eHRPD handoff failure base
Inter-RAT HO Cmd base
Inter-RAT HO Success base
Inter-RAT HO Failure base
HSDPA to GSM base
HSUPA to GSM base
CS Dropped Call base
CS Release by UE base
CS Release by UTRAN base
PS Dropped Call base
PS Release by UE base
PS Release by UTRAN base
GSM Access Interrupted base
GSM Orig. Success base
GSM Orig. Failure base
GSM Term. Success base
GSM Term. Failure base
GSM Unk Access Success base
GSM Unk Access Failure base
GSM Dropped Call base
GSM BS Release base
GSM MS Release base
GSM Release by OTHER base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Abnormal Release base
GSM HO Command base
GSM HO Success base
GSM HO Failure base
Gsm EndOfStudy base
End Of Study base
Call State base
CS Unknown Release base
PS Unknown Release base
Invite base
Register base
Ack base
Bye base
LTE PS Orig. Success base
LTE PS Term. Success base
LTE PS Drop base
Call State base
LTE Missing Neighbor List Alert(RSRP) base
LTE Missing Neighbor List Alert(RSRQ) base
LTE Missing Neighbor List Alert(RSRP and RSRQ) base
RRC Connection Request base
RRC Connection Complete base
RRC Connection Failure base
Attach Request base
Successful Attach base
Failed Attach base
TA Updating Tracking Area Update Request base
Successful TA Updating Tracking Area Update base
TA Updating Tracking Area Update Failure base
Service Request base
Successful Service Request base
Service Request Failure base
Dedicated Bearer Activation base
Dedicated Bearer Release base
Dedicated Bearer Drop base
RRC Call Drop base
LTE Intra-Frequency HO Command base
LTE IntraFreq HO Success DL base
Stayed up on Source base
Radio Drop base
LTE IntraFreq HO Failure at Target DL base
LTE IntraFreq HO Failure without HO Complete DL base
LTE IntraFreq HO Failure with Radio Problem DL base
A2 Trigger base
Active LTE To eHRPD Handover Attempt base
Radio Link Failure base
Periodic Tracking Area Update Request base
Periodic Successful Tracking Area Update base
Periodic Tracking Area Update Failure base
IRAT handoff from LTE to GSM base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
IRAT handoff from LTE to WCDMA base
IRAT handoff from LTE to EVDO base
IRAT handoff from LTE to 1xRTT base
LTE EOF base
LTE PS Orig. Failure base
LTE PS Term. Failure base
LTE PS Release By UE base
LTE PS Release By Utran base
LTE PS Release By Other base
LTE PS Abnormal Release base
Active LTE to WCDMA Handover Attempt base
Active LTE to GSM Handover Attempt base
Stayed Up On LTE base
Dedicated EPS Bearer Setup Failure 8.0.0
Network-Initiated Dedicated EPS Bearer Setup Success 8.0.0
Default EPS Bearer Setup Failure 8.0.0
Default EPS Bearer Setup Success 8.0.0
LTE Inter-Frequency HO Command 8.0.0
LTE IFHO Success DL 8.0.0
LTE IFHO Failure at Target DL 8.0.0
LTE IFHO Failure without HO Complete DL 8.0.0
LTE IFHO Failure with Radio Problem DL 8.0.0
LTE IFHO Success UL 8.0.0
LTE IFHO Failure at Target UL 8.0.0
LTE IFHO Failure without HO Complete UL 8.0.0
LTE IFHO Failure with Radio Problem UL 8.0.0
LTE IntraFreq HO Success UL 8.0.0
LTE IntraFreq HO Failure at Target UL 8.0.0
LTE IntraFreq HO Failure without HO Complete UL 8.0.0
LTE IntraFreq HO Failure with Radio Problem UL 8.0.0
EventB2 Trigger event 8.0.0
LTE to GSM IRAT S1 Handoff Failure 8.0.0
LTE to WCDMA IRAT S1 Handoff Failure 8.0.0
LTE to GSM IRAT S1 Handoff Success 8.0.0
LTE to WCDMA IRAT S1 Handoff Success 8.0.0
MAC-DRx and CGI Report Configuration 8.0.0
Target Cell SIB Reading 8.0.0
E-CGI Report 8.0.0
ANR Trigger 8.0.0
ANR Configuration (Intra-Frequency ANR) Alert 8.0.0
LTE Intra-Frequency HO Failure 8.0.0
LTE Inter-Frequency HO Failure 8.0.0
FTP starts in LTE 8.0.0
FTP completes in LTE 8.0.0
FTP fails in LTE 8.0.0
FTP starts in GSM 8.0.0
FTP completes in GSM 8.0.0
FTP fails in GSM 8.0.0
FTP starts in WCDMA 8.0.0
FTP completes in WCDMA 8.0.0

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
FTP fails in WCDMA 8.0.0
FTP starts in unknown 8.0.0
FTP completes in unknown 8.0.0
LTE Intra-Frequency HO Success 8.0.0
LTE Inter-Frequency HO Success 8.0.0
Dropped RRC connection 8.0.0
Paging Attempt 8.0.0
Paging Success Alert 8.0.0
Paging Failure Alert 8.0.0
Lte Intra Freq HO Success 8.0.0
Lte Intra Freq HO Failure 8.0.0
Connected To Idle 8.0.0
Idle To Connected 8.0.0
CSFB Attach Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB Attach Success 8.0.0
CSFB Attach Fail 8.0.0
CSFB Tracking Area Update Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB Tracking Area Update Success 8.0.0
CSFB Tracking Area Update Fail 8.0.0
CSFB MO GERAN Active Call Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MO GERAN Idle Call Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MT GERAN Active Call Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MT GERAN Idle Call Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MO UTRAN Active Call Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MO UTRAN Idle Call Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MT UTRAN Active Call Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MT UTRAN Idle Call Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MO 1xRtt Active Call Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MO 1xRtt Idle Call Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MT 1xRtt Active Call Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MT 1xRtt Idle Call Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MO GERAN Active Redirect Release 8.0.0
CSFB MO GERAN Idle Redirect Release 8.0.0
CSFB MT GERAN Active Redirect Release 8.0.0
CSFB MT GERAN Idle Redirect Release 8.0.0
CSFB MO UTRAN Active Redirect Release 8.0.0
CSFB MO UTRAN Idle Redirect Release 8.0.0
CSFB MT UTRAN Active Redirect Release 8.0.0
CSFB MT UTRAN Idle Redirect Release 8.0.0
CSFB MO 1XRTT Active Redirect Release 8.0.0
CSFB MO 1XRTT Idle Redirect Release 8.0.0
CSFB MT 1XRTT Active Redirect Release 8.0.0
CSFB MT 1XRTT Idle Redirect Release 8.0.0
CSFB MO GERAN Active Call Success 8.0.0
CSFB MO GERAN Idle Call Success 8.0.0
CSFB MT GERAN Active Call Success 8.0.0
CSFB MT GERAN Idle Call Success 8.0.0
CSFB MO UTRAN Active Call Success 8.0.0
CSFB MO UTRAN Idle Call Success 8.0.0

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
CSFB MT UTRAN Active Call Success 8.0.0
CSFB MT UTRAN Idle Call Success 8.0.0
CSFB MO 1XRTT Active Call Success 8.0.0
CSFB MO 1XRTT Idle Call Success 8.0.0
CSFB MT 1XRTT Active Call Success 8.0.0
CSFB MT 1XRTT Idle Call Success 8.0.0
ANR Trigger (IRAT ANR) 8.0.0
ANR Configuration Alert (IRAT ANR) 8.0.0
E-CGI Report (IRAT ANR) 8.0.0
CGI Report Configuration 8.0.0
LTE equivalent attach request success event 8.0.0
LTE equivalent attach request failure event 8.0.0
LTE equivalent service request success event 8.0.0
LTE equivalent service request failure event 8.0.0
LTE equivalent rrc drop event 8.0.0
LTE IntraFreq HO Success 8.0.0
LTE IntraFreq HO Failure at Target 8.0.0
LTE IntraFreq HO Failure without HO Complete 8.0.0
LTE IntraFreq HO Failure with Radio Problem 8.0.0
CSFB MO Active Wcdma to Lte Reselection Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MO Idle Wcdma to Lte Reselection Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MT Active Wcdma to Lte Reselection Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MT Idle Wcdma to Lte Reselection Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MO Active Wcdma to Lte Reselection Success 8.0.0
CSFB MO Idle Wcdma to Lte Reselection Success 8.0.0
CSFB MT Active Wcdma to Lte Reselection Success 8.0.0
CSFB MT Idle Wcdma to Lte Reselection Success 8.0.0
LTE inter frequency redirection 8.0.0
CSFB MO Gsm to Lte Reselection Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MO Idle Gsm to Lte Reselection Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MT Gsm to Lte Reselection Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MT Idle Gsm to Lte Reselection Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MO Gsm to Lte Reselection Success 8.0.0
CSFB MO Idle Gsm to Lte Reselection Success 8.0.0
CSFB MT Gsm to Lte Reselection Success 8.0.0
CSFB MT Idle Gsm to Lte Reselection Success 8.0.0
CSFB MO Evdo to Lte Reselection Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MO Idle Evdo to Lte Reselection Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MT Evdo to Lte Reselection Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MT Idle Evdo to Lte Reselection Attempt 8.0.0
CSFB MO Evdo to Lte Reselection Success 8.0.0
CSFB MO Idle Evdo to Lte Reselection Success 8.0.0
CSFB MT Evdo to Lte Reselection Success 8.0.0
CSFB MT Idle Evdo to Lte Reselection Success 8.0.0
ECSFB MO GERAN Active Call Attempt 8.0.0
ECSFB MO GERAN Idle Call Attempt 8.0.0
ECSFB MT GERAN Active Call Attempt 8.0.0
ECSFB MT GERAN Idle Call Attempt 8.0.0
ECSFB MO UTRAN Active Call Attempt 8.0.0
ECSFB MO UTRAN Idle Call Attempt 8.0.0

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
ECSFB MT UTRAN Active Call Attempt 8.0.0
ECSFB MT UTRAN Idle Call Attempt 8.0.0
ECSFB MO 1xRtt Active Call Attempt 8.0.0
ECSFB MO 1xRtt Idle Call Attempt 8.0.0
ECSFB MT 1xRtt Active Call Attempt 8.0.0
ECSFB MT 1xRtt Idle Call Attempt 8.0.0
ECSFB MO GERAN Active Redirect Release 8.0.0
ECSFB MO GERAN Idle Redirect Release 8.0.0
ECSFB MT GERAN Active Redirect Release 8.0.0
ECSFB MT GERAN Idle Redirect Release 8.0.0
ECSFB MO UTRAN Active Redirect Release 8.0.0
ECSFB MO UTRAN Idle Redirect Release 8.0.0
ECSFB MT UTRAN Active Redirect Release 8.0.0
ECSFB MT UTRAN Idle Redirect Release 8.0.0
ECSFB MO 1XRTT Active Redirect Release 8.0.0
ECSFB MO 1XRTT Idle Redirect Release 8.0.0
ECSFB MT 1XRTT Active Redirect Release 8.0.0
ECSFB MT 1XRTT Idle Redirect Release 8.0.0
ECSFB MO GERAN Active Call Success 8.0.0
ECSFB MO GERAN Idle Call Success 8.0.0
ECSFB MT GERAN Active Call Success 8.0.0
ECSFB MT GERAN Idle Call Success 8.0.0
ECSFB MO UTRAN Active Call Success 8.0.0
ECSFB MO UTRAN Idle Call Success 8.0.0
ECSFB MT UTRAN Active Call Success 8.0.0
ECSFB MT UTRAN Idle Call Success 8.0.0
ECSFB MO 1XRTT Active Call Success 8.0.0
ECSFB MO 1XRTT Idle Call Success 8.0.0
ECSFB MT 1XRTT Active Call Success 8.0.0
ECSFB MT 1XRTT Idle Call Success 8.0.0
ANR Configuration (Inter-Frequency ANR) Alert 8.0.0
E-CGI Report (InterFreq) 8.0.0
E-CGI Report (InterFreq ANR) 8.0.0
E-CGI Report (IntraFreq) 8.0.0
E-CGI Report (IntraFreq ANR) 8.0.0
Measurement Purpose 8.0.0
LTE InterFreq HO Success 8.0.0
LTE InterFreq HO Failure at Target 8.0.0
LTE InterFreq HO Failure without HO Complete 8.0.0
LTE InterFreq HO Failure with Radio Problem 8.0.0
LTE ECM Idle State 8.0.1
LTE ECM Connected State 8.0.1
LTE EMM Deregistered State 8.0.1
LTE EMM Registered State 8.0.1
LTE EMM Roaming State 8.0.1
Ping Success 8.0.1
Ping Success with Warning 8.0.1
Ping Failure 8.0.1
CSFB MO UTRAN Active Call Failure 8.0.0
CSFB MO UTRAN Idle Call Failure 8.0.0

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
CSFB MT UTRAN Active Call Failure 8.0.0
CSFB MT UTRAN Idle Call Failure 8.0.0
ECSFB MO UTRAN Active Call Failure 8.0.0
ECSFB MO UTRAN Idle Call Failure 8.0.0
ECSFB MT UTRAN Active Call Failure 8.0.0
ECSFB MT UTRAN Idle Call Failure 8.0.0
LTE IntraFreq HO Failure with RRC Connection Reestablishment Request 8.3.0
LTE InterFreq HO Failure with RRC Connection Reestablishment Request 8.3.0
Measurement & Report Configuration ID Mapping 8.3.0
FTP Duration > FTP Duration Threshold 8.3.0
LTE IntraFreq HO Failure with RRC Connection Reestablishment Request Uplink 8.3.0
LTE InterFreq HO Failure with RRC Connection Reestablishment Request Uplink 8.3.0
ECSFB MO 1XRTT Active Call Failure 9.1.0
ECSFB MO 1XRTT Idle Call Failure 9.1.0
ECSFB MT 1XRTT Active Call Failure 9.1.0
ECSFB MT 1XRTT Idle Call Failure 9.1.0
SIP Server Registration Failure 9.2.0
SIP Server Registration Complete 9.2.0
VoLTE Call Attempt 9.2.0
VoLTE Call Success 9.2.0
VoLTE Call Failure 9.2.0
SIP Provisional Responce 9.2.0
SIP Successful Response 9.2.0
SIP Direct 9.2.0
SIP Client Failure 9.2.0
SIP Server Failure 9.2.0
SIP Global Failure 9.2.0
Packet Lost 9.2.0
Consecutive Packet Lost 9.2.0
TTI Bundling Enable 9.2.0
VoIP SIP Invite base
VoIP SIP 100 Trying base
VoIP SIP 200 OK base
LTE Call Duration base
Single RAB Success 9.3.0
Single RAB Failure 9.3.0
Multi RAB Success 9.3.0
Multi RAB Failure 9.3.0
SPS Config DL 9.3.1
SPS Config UL 9.3.1
SPS Activation DL 9.3.1
SPS Release DL 9.3.1
SPS Activation UL 9.3.1
SPS Release UL 9.3.1
VoLTE SRVCC To WCDMA Handover Attempt 9.3.1
VoLTE SRVCC To WCDMA Handover Success 9.3.1

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
VoLTE SRVCC To WCDMA Handover Failure 9.3.1
SPS Config DL Release 9.3.1
SPS Config UL Release 9.3.1
SCell Config added 9.3.1
PS SRVCC 9.3.1
PS SRVCC Failure 9.3.1
PS SRVCC Success 9.3.1
Voice Bearer Release 9.3.1
Voice Call Attempt 9.3.1
RACH Failure event 10.1.0
PLMN change event 10.1.0
A1 Trigger base
A3 Trigger base
A4 Trigger base
A5 Trigger base
A1 Report Config base
A2 Report Config base
A3 Report Config base
A4 Report Config base
A5 Report Config base
B1 Report Config base
B2 Report Config base
EventB1 Trigger event 10.1.0
VoLTE RTP Interruption - DL base
VoLTE RTP Interruption - UL base
VoLTE Call Cancel Event 10.2.0
LTE RRC Reestablishment Event 10.2.0
VoLTE Drop base
LTE Ping Pong Handover base
VoLTE RTP Interruption base
Sip Bye Event base
RRC Timer Fired base
Prach: Msg1 (RA) base
Prach: Msg2 (RAR) base
Prach: Msg3 (UE ID) base
Prach: Msg4 base
Random access success base
Random access failure base
Handover start base
Handover success base
Handover failure base
Handover Laterncy Info base
Cell reselect start base
Cell camp on base
Cell search for anycell base
Cell search for suitable cell base
Search for specific PLMN base
Search for PLMN list base
TAU successs base
TAU failure base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
EPS attach successs base
EPS attach failure base
EPS detached base
RRC setup success base
RRC setup failure base
Paging response success base
Paging response failure base
Paging received base
Cell reselect success base
Cell reselect failure base
RRC release base
UE power on base
UE power off base
Service setup success base
Service setup failure base
IRAT measurement start base
IRAT measurement stop base
IRAT T->L reselect start base
IRAT T->L reselect success base
IRAT T->L reselect failure base
IRAT G->L reselect start base
IRAT G->L reselect success base
IRAT G->L reselect failure base
IRAT W->L reselect start base
IRAT W->L reselect success base
IRAT W->L reselect failure base
IRAT W->L HO start base
IRAT W->L HO success base
IRAT W->L HO failure base
IRAT T->L HO start base
IRAT T->L HO success base
IRAT T->L HO failure base
IRAT G->L redirect start base
IRAT G->L redirect success base
IRAT G->L redirect failure base
IRAT W->L redirect start base
IRAT W->L redirect success base
IRAT W->L redirect failure base
IRAT T->L redirect start base
IRAT T->L redirect success base
IRAT T->L redirect failure base
RRC reestab success base
RRC reestab failure base
Radio link failure base
Out of Service (LTE) base
Out of Sync base
CSFB MO start base
CSFB MT start base
CSFB call proceeding base
CSFB return LTE base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Event A1 base
Event A2 base
Event A3 base
Event A4 base
Event A5 base
Event B1 base
Event B2 base
ERAB setup request base
ERAB setup success base
ERAB setup failure base
ERAB normal release base
ERAB abnormal release base
PTT group establish success base
PTT group establish failure base
PTT speaker success base
PTT speaker failure base
PTT speaker released base
PTP MO call attempt base
PTP MT call attempt base
PTP call connected base
PTP call blocked base
PTP call released base
PTP call dropped base
IRAT E->L idle handoff start base
IRAT E->L idle handoff success base
IRAT E->L idle handoff failure base
IRAT E->L redirect start base
IRAT E->L redirect success base
IRAT E->L redirect failure base
ATT SingleRAB RRC drop in VoLTE Event 10.4.0
MultiRAB RRC drop in VoLTE Event 10.4.0
ATT SingleRAB VoLTE Call Attempt 10.4.0
ATT SingleRAB VoLTE Call Success 10.4.0
ATT SingleRAB VoLTE Call Failure 10.4.0
ATT SingleRAB VoLTE Call Cancel Event 10.4.0
ATT MultiRAB VoLTE Call Attempt 10.4.0
ATT MultiRAB VoLTE Call Success 10.4.0
ATT MultiRAB VoLTE Call Failure 10.4.0
ATT MultiRAB VoLTE Call Cancel Event 10.4.0
VoLTE call completes successfully Event 10.4.0
AT SingleRAB VoLTE call completes successfully Event 10.4.0
AT MultiRAB VoLTE call completes successfully Event 10.4.0
Roaming Starts In LTE base
Roaming End In LTE base
AT SingleRAB Voice Call Attempt Event 10.4.0
AT MultiRAB Voice Call Attempt Event 10.4.0
Voice Call Success Event 11.0.0
AT SingleRAB Voice Call Success Event 11.0.0
AT MultiRAB Voice Call Success Event 11.0.0
Voice Call Success Event 11.0.0

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
AT SingleRAB Voice Call Failure Event 11.0.0
AT MultiRAB Voice Call Failure Event 11.0.0
VoLTE SRVCC To GERAN Handover Attempt 11.0.0
VoLTE SRVCC To GERAN Handover Success 11.0.0
VoLTE SRVCC To GERAN Handover Failure 11.0.0
SCell Config Released 11.0.0
ATT SingleRAB VoLTE Drop base
ATT MultiRAB VoLTE Drop base
TTI Bundling Disable Event 11.1.0
LTE IMS Voice To GSM Voice Success 11.1.0
LTE IMS Voice To GSM Voice Failure 11.1.0
LTE IMS Voice To UMTS Voice Success 11.1.0
LTE IMS Voice To UMTS Voice Failure 11.1.0
LTE IMS Voice To LTE IMS Video Success 11.1.0
LTE IMS Voice To LTE IMS Video Failure 11.1.0
LTE IMS Video To GSM Voice Success 11.1.0
LTE IMS Video To GSM Voice Failure 11.1.0
LTE IMS Video To UMTS Voice Success 11.1.0
LTE IMS Video To UMTS Voice Failure 11.1.0
LTE IMS Video To LTE IMS Voice Success 11.1.0
LTE IMS Video To LTE IMS Voice Failure 11.1.0
LTE IMS Voice To CDMA Voice Success 11.1.0
LTE IMS Voice To CDMA Voice Failure 11.1.0
LTE IMS Video To CDMA Voice Success 11.1.0
LTE IMS Video To CDMA Voice Failure 11.1.0
SMS Over IMS Attempt 11.1.0
SMS Over IMS Sucess 11.1.0
SMS Over IMS Failure 11.1.0
CA Activated Event 11.1.0
CA Deactivated Event 11.1.0
Video Out Of Sequence Packets 11.1.0
Video Packets Lost 11.1.0
Test Starts 11.2.0
Test Ends 11.2.0
Test Passed 11.2.0
Test Failed 11.2.0
eMBMS Out of Service Warning 11.2.0
Video Bearer Setup Event 11.2.0
Video Bearer Release Event 11.2.0
VoLTE Call Setup On Non LTE Or Forwarded 11.2.0
VoLTE Video Setup Success 11.2.0
VoLTE Video Setup Failure 11.2.0
LTE E911 Idle Call Attempt 11.2.0
LTE E911 Active Call Attempt 11.2.0
LTE to 1xRTT Reselection Attempt base
LTE to 1xRTT Reselection Success base
LTE to 1xRTT Reselection Failure base
Service Switching from LTE to eHRPD base
LTE to eHRPD Handover Success base
LTE to eHRPD Handover Failure base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
LTE to eHRPD Reselection base
Service Lost base
eHRPD To LTE Reselection base
eHRPD to LTE reselection success base
eHRPD to LTE reselection failure base
Active LTE To eHRPD Handover Attempt base
LTE to eHRPD Reselection Attempt base
LTE to eHRPD Reselection Success base
LTE to eHRPD Reselection Failure base
Active LTE to GSM Handover Attempt base
Active LTE to GSM Handover Success base
Active LTE to GSM Handover Failure base
Idle LTE to GSM Reselection Attempt base
Idle LTE to GSM Reselection Success base
Idle LTE to GSM Reselection Failure base
Active LTE to GSM Redirection Start base
Idle GSM to LTE Reselection Attempt base
Idle GSM to LTE Reselection Success base
Idle GSM to LTE Reselection Failure base
Idle LTE to GSM Reselection Attempt due to Tracking Area Update Failure base
Idle LTE to GSM Reselection Attempt due to Attach failure base
Idle LTE to GSM Reselection Attempt due to Service Request Failure base
LTE to WCDMA Redirection Attempt base
LTE to WCDMA Redirection Success base
LTE to WCDMA Redirection Failure base
LTE to WCDMA Reselection Attempt base
LTE to WCDMA Reselection Success base
LTE to WCDMA Reselection Failure base
WCDMA to LTE Reselection Attempt base
WCDMA to LTE Reselection Success base
WCDMA to LTE Reselection Failure base
CSFB Attempt base
CSFB Success base
CSFB Failure base
LTE to WCDMA PS Handover Attempt base
LTE to WCDMA PS Handover Success base
LTE to WCDMA PS Handover Failure base
WCDMA to LTE IRAT S1 Handoff Success base
WCDMA to LTE IRAT S1 Handoff Failure base
Handover Relocation Failure WCDMA To LTE base
Mobility from EUTRAN IRAT WCDMA To LTE success base
LTE to WCDMA IRAT Handoff Success base
CSFB MO E911 Idle Call Attempt base
CSFB MO E911 Active Call Attempt base
CSFB MO E911 Call Success base
CSFB Attach Attempt base
CSFB Attach Success base
CSFB Attach Fail base
CSFB Tracking Area Update Attempt base
CSFB Tracking Area Update Success base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
CSFB Tracking Area Update Fail base
CSFB MO UTRAN Active Call Attempt base
CSFB MO UTRAN Idle Call Attempt base
CSFB MT UTRAN Active Call Attempt base
CSFB MT UTRAN Idle Call Attempt base
CSFB MO UTRAN Active Redirect Release base
CSFB MO UTRAN Idle Redirect Release base
CSFB MT UTRAN Active Redirect Release base
CSFB MT UTRAN Idle Redirect Release base
CSFB MO UTRAN Active Call Success base
CSFB MO UTRAN Idle Call Success base
CSFB MT UTRAN Active Call Success base
CSFB MT UTRAN Idle Call Success base
LTE to WCDMA Reselection Attempt due to Tracking Area Update Failure 8.0.0
LTE to WCDMA Reselection Attempt due to Attach failure 8.0.0
LTE to WCDMA Reselection Attempt due to Service Request Failure 8.0.0
Download Starts base
Upload Starts base
Download Completes base
Upload Completes base
LTE to WCDMA IRAT Handover base
LTE to GSM IRAT Handover base
LTE to EVDO IRAT Handover base
WCDMA to LTE IRAT Handover base
GSM to LTE IRAT Handover base
EVDO to LTE IRAT Handover base
MO Voice Call Starts base
MO Voice Call Completes base
MO Voice Call Dropped base
MT Voice Call Starts base
MT Voice Call Completes base
MT Voice Call Dropped base
FTP Measurements Download <= 120 seconds base
FTP Measurements Download > 120 seconds base
FTP Measurements Upload <= 120 seconds base
FTP Measurements Upload > 120 seconds base
FTP Measurements App Layer Setup Success base
FTP Measurements App Layer Setup Failure base
HTTP Starts 9.2.0
HTTP Success 9.2.0
HTTP Failure 9.2.0
Voice MOS Test 9.2.0
Voice MOS Test Extra 9.2.0
IPERF DL Starts base
IPERF DL Success base
IPERF DL Failure base
IPERF UL Starts base
IPERF UL Success base
IPERF UL Failure base
Web Browsing Start In LTE base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Web Browsing Success In LTE base
Web Browsing Failure In LTE base
Web Browsing Start In WCDMA base
Web Browsing Success In WCDMA base
Web Browsing Failure In WCDMA base
Web Browsing Start In GSM base
Web Browsing Success In GSM base
Web Browsing Failure In GSM base
HTTP Transfer Download Start In LTE base
HTTP Transfer Download Complete In LTE base
HTTP Transfer Download Failure In LTE base
HTTP Transfer Download Start In WCDMA base
HTTP Transfer Download Complete In WCDMA base
HTTP Transfer Download Failure In WCDMA base
HTTP Transfer Download Start In GSM base
HTTP Transfer Download Complete In GSM base
HTTP Transfer Download Failure In GSM base
HTTP Transfer Upload Start In LTE base
HTTP Transfer Upload Complete In LTE base
HTTP Transfer Upload Failure In LTE base
HTTP Transfer Upload Start In WCDMA base
HTTP Transfer Upload Complete In WCDMA base
HTTP Transfer Upload Failure In WCDMA base
HTTP Transfer Upload Start In GSM base
HTTP Transfer Upload Complete In GSM base
HTTP Transfer Upload Failure In GSM base
Ping Test Starts base
Ping Test Completes base
Ping Failure base
Email Start base
Email Success base
Email Failure base
SMTP Transfer Download Start base
SMTP Transfer Download Complete base
SMTP Transfer Download Failure base
SMTP Transfer Upload Start base
SMTP Transfer Upload Complete base
SMTP Transfer Upload Failure base
Email Upload Connection Successful base
Email Upload Login Successful base
Email Upload Complete base
Email Download Connection Successful base
Email Download Login Successful base
Email Download Complete base
Ping Success base
Ping Success with Warning base
SMS Success base
SMS Fails base
Ping Test Starts 2 base
Ping Success 2 base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Ping Failure 2 base
FTP Download Starts base
FTP Download Fails base
FTP Download Complete base
FTP Upload Starts base
FTP Upload Fails base
FTP Upload Completes base
IPERF Upload Start base
IPERF Upload Test Ends base
IPERF Upload Fails base
IPERF Upload Complete base
IPERF Download Starts base
IPERF Download Test Ends base
IPERF Download Fails base
IPERF Download Completes base
Http Download Starts base
Http Download Fails base
Http Download Completes base
Voice Starts base
Voice Fails base
Voice Completes base
Cfsb Starts base
Cfsb Fails base
Cfsb Completes base
Video Starts base
Video Fails base
Video Completes base
SMS 2 Test Starts base
SMS 2 Test Completes base
SMS 2 Test Fails base
HTTP Transfer Download Starts base
HTTP Transfer Download Completes base
HTTP Transfer Download Failures base
HTTP Transfer Upload Starts base
HTTP Transfer Upload Completes base
HTTP Transfer Upload Failures base
Web Browsing Starts base
Web Browsing Success base
Web Browsing Failures base
Ping Completes 2 base
IPERF DL Aborted base
IPERF UL Aborted base
Voice MO Test Cycle Starts base
Voice MO Call Connected base
Voice MO Call Connection Failure base
Voice MO Call Completes Successfully base
Voice MO Call Failure base
Voice MO Dropped Call base
Voice MO Test Cycle Ends base
Voice MT Test Cycle Starts base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Voice MT Call Connected base
Voice MT Call Connection Failure base
Voice MT Call Completes Successfully base
Voice MT Call Failure base
Voice MT Dropped Call base
Voice MT Test Cycle Ends base
CS Orig. Call Connected base
CS Orig. Call Completes Successfully base
CS Orig. Call Failure base
CS Orig. Dropped Call base
CS Term. Call Connected base
CS Term. Call Completes Successfully base
CS Term. Call Failure base
CS Term. Dropped Call base
CSFB MO Call Connected base
CSFB MO Call Completes Successfully base
CSFB MO Call Failure base
CSFB MO Dropped Call base
CSFB MT Call Connected base
CSFB MT Call Completes Successfully base
CSFB MT Call Failure base
CSFB MT Dropped Call base
VoLTE Orig. Call Connected base
VoLTE Orig. Call Completes Successfully base
VoLTE Orig. Call Failure base
VoLTE Orig. Dropped Call base
VoLTE Term. Call Connected base
VoLTE Term. Call Completes Successfully base
VoLTE Term. Call Failure base
VoLTE Term. Dropped Call base
MT Voice Call Starts base
MT Voice Call Success base
MT Voice Call Failure base
HTTP Web browsing Starts base
HTTP Web browsing Fails base
HTTP Web browsing Completes base
HTTP upload Starts base
Http upload Fails base
Http upload Completes base
SMS 2 MO Test Starts base
SMS 2 MO Test Completes base
SMS 2 MO Test Fails base
SMS 2 MT Test Starts base
SMS 2 MT Test Completes base
SMS 2 MT Test Fails base
Speed Test Starts base
Speed Test Completes Successfully base
Speed Test Fails base
RRC Signaling Missing Message (Obsolete) base
Reporting e1a base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Reporting e1b base
Reporting e1c base
Reporting e1d base
Reporting e1f base
Reporting 2b base
Reporting e2d base
Reporting e2f base
Reporting e3a base
Reporting e3c base
UE Frequency Change Report base
HSDPA to R99 Success base
R99 to HSDPA Success base
IFHHO Cmd base
IFHHO Success base
IFHHO Failure base
HSUPA to R99 Success base
HSUPA to R99 Failure base
R99 to HSUPA Success base
R99 to HSUPA Failure base
HSDPA to R99 Failure base
R99 to HSDPA Failure base
Cell FACH to HSDPA Success base
Cell FACH to HSUPA Success base
Cell FACH to R99 Success base
HSDPA to Cell FACH Success base
HSUPA to Cell FACH Success base
R99 to Cell FACH Success base
HSDPA Cell Change Success base
HSDPA Cell Change Failure base
HSUPA/EDCH Cell Change Success base
HSUPA/EDCH Cell Change Failure base
Compressed Mode Order base
Compressed Mode Deactivate Order base
UL R99 RB Rate Increase base
UL R99 RB Rate Decrease base
DL R99 RB Rate Increase base
DL R99 RB Rate Decrease base
ASU Complete base
ASU Failure base
ASU&ASUC Missing base
ASUC Missing base
Registration base
Negative RRC Response base
WCDMA_GSM Failure base
WCDMA_GSM Success base
WCDMA_WCDMA Failure base
GSM_GSM Success base
GSM_WCDMA Success base
GSM Reselection Failure base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
ASP Addition base
ASP Removal base
ASP Reselection base
ASP Swap base
Cell FACH to Idle base
Cell Update Caused by Radio Link Failure base
Detected Set Alert base
Location Updating Accept base
Location Updating Reject base
CS Orig. Success base
CS Orig. Failure base
CS Term. Success base
CS Term. Failure base
CS Dropped Call base
CS Release by UE base
CS Release by UTRAN base
PS Orig. Success base
PS Orig. Failure base
PS Term. Success base
PS Term. Failure base
PS Dropped Call base
PS Release by UE base
PS Release by UTRAN base
HSDPA to GSM base
HSUPA to GSM base
WCDMA Missing Neighbor List Alert base
GSM Scanner IRAT Neighbor List Alert base
End Of File base
Unknown Access Failure base
Unknown Access Success base
Unknown Dropped Call base
Call State base
IFHHO Scanner Neighbor List Alert base
RRC Signaling Missing Message base
Partial Access base
CS Unknown Release base
PS Unknown Release base
RB reconfiguration attempt -> CS 8.0.0
RB reconfiguration Success -> CS 8.0.0
RB reconfiguration attempt -> LBR 8.0.0
RB reconfiguration Success -> LBR 8.0.0
RB reconfiguration attempt -> HBR 8.0.0
RB reconfiguration Success -> HBR 8.0.0
RB reconfiguration Attempt -> HSDPA 8.0.0
RB reconfiguration Success -> HSDPA 8.0.0
RB reconfiguration attempt -> EDCH 8.0.0
RB reconfiguration Success -> EDCH 8.0.0
DC HSDPA call 8.0.0
Periodic UE Positioning 8.0.0

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Fail Sending CBS message For Broadcast 8.0.0
SabpTcpCnxEstabFailure 8.0.0
SabpTcpDataTxFailure 8.0.0
SabpTcpCnxReestablished 8.0.0
SabpTcpFirstConnection 8.0.0
RAB Setup Attempt (CS) 8.2.0
RAB Setup Success (CS) 8.2.0
RAB Setup Failure (CS) 8.2.0
RAB Setup Attempt (PS) 8.2.0
RAB Setup Success (PS) 8.2.0
RAB Setup Failure (PS) 8.2.0
RAB Reconfiguration Attempt 8.2.0
RAB Reconfiguration Success 8.2.0
RAB Reconfiguration Failure 8.2.0
Activate PDP Context Attempt 8.2.0
Activate PDP Context Success 8.2.0
Activate PDP Context Failure 8.2.0
DeActivate PDP Context Attempt 8.2.0
DeActivate PDP Context Success 8.2.0
DeActivate PDP Context Failure 8.2.0
Location Area Update Attempt 8.2.0
Location Area Update Success 8.2.0
Location Area Update Failure 8.2.0
Routing Update Attempt 8.2.0
Routing Update Success 8.2.0
Routing Update Failure 8.2.0
Macro to Metro Handover Cmd 8.3.0
Macro to Metro Handover Success 8.3.0
Macro to Metro Handover Failure 8.3.0
Metro to Macro Handover Cmd 8.3.0
Metro to Macro Handover Success 8.3.0
Metro to Macro Handover Failure 8.3.0
Metro to Macro Handover Cmd 8.3.0
Metro to Metro Handover Success 8.3.0
Metro to Metro Handover Failure 8.3.0
Macro to Macro Handover Cmd 8.3.0
Macro to Macro Handover Success 8.3.0
Macro to Macro Handover Failure 8.3.0
Intra Frequency HHO Cmd 8.3.0
Intra Frequency HHO Success 8.3.0
Intra Frequency HHO Failure 8.3.0
RRC setup success base
RRC setup failure base
RRC release base
Rb setup success base
Rb setup failure base
PS attach fail base
PS attach success base
PS detached base
PDP activate fail base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
PDP activate success base
PDP deactivated base
RAU fail base
RAU success base
LAU fail base
LAU success base
Cell reselect base
Handover start base
Handover success base
Handover failure base
IRAT G->W reselect start base
IRAT G->W reselect success base
IRAT G->W reselect failure base
IRAT G->W HO start base
IRAT G->W HO success base
IRAT G->W HO failure base
PRACH base
Active set updated base
Active set update failure base
IRAT L->W reselect start base
IRAT L->W reselect success base
IRAT L->W reselect failure base
IRAT L->W HO start base
IRAT L->W HO success base
IRAT L->W HO failure base
IRAT L->W redirect start base
IRAT L->W redirect success base
IRAT L->W redirect failure base
WINDS FTP Timeout base
WINDS FTP Unable to Connect base
WINDS Data Transfer Start base
WINDS Data Transfer End base
WINDS Data Transfer Timeout base
WINDS FTP Wcdma Unable to Connect base
WINDS Wcdma FTP Timeout base

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Event Description

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
LTE PS Originating Success
LTE PS Terminating Success
Call State
LTE Missing Neighbor List Alert (RSRP)
LTE Missing Neighbor List Alert (RSRQ)
LTE Missing Neighbor List Alert (RSRP and RSRQ)
RRC Connection Request
RRC Connection Complete
RRC Connection Failure
Attach Request
Successful Attach
Failed Attach
TAU (Tracking Area Update) Request
Successful TAU (Tracking Area Update)
TAU (Tracking Area Update) Failure
Service Request
Successful Service Request
Service Request Failure
Dedicated Bearer Activation
Dedicated Bearer Release
Dedicated Bearer Drop
RRC Call Drop
LTE Intra-Frequency Handover Command
LTE Intra-Frequency Handover Success DL (DownLink)
Stayed up on Source
Radio Drop
LTE Intra-Frequency Handover Failure at Target Downlink
LTE Intra-Frequency Handover Failure without Handover Complete Downlink
LTE Intra-Frequency Handover Failure with Radio Problem Downlink
Event A2: Serving becomes worse than absolute threshold
Active LTE To eHRPD (EVDO) Handover Attempt
Radio Link Failure
Periodic TAU (Tracking Area Update) Request
Periodic Successful TAU (Tracking Area Update)
Periodic TAU (Tracking Area Update) Failure
IRAT handoff from LTE to GSM

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
IRAT handoff from LTE to WCDMA
IRAT handoff from LTE to EVDO
IRAT handoff from LTE to 1xRTT (CDMA)
LTE PS Originating Failure
LTE PS Termination Failure
LTE PS Release By UE
LTE PS Release By Utran
LTE PS Release By Other
LTE PS Abnormal Release
Active LTE to WCDMA Handover Attempt
Active LTE to GSM Handover Attempt
Stayed Up On LTE
Dedicated EPS Bearer Setup Failure - raised, because messages NasEsmPlainOtaOutgoingMessage or NasEsmPlainOtaIncoming
Network-Initiated Dedicated EPS Bearer Setup Success. (Below sub-messages are internaly maintained by eDAT)
Default EPS Bearer Setup Failure - raised, because messages NasEsmPlainOtaOutgoingMessage or NasEsmPlainOtaIncomingM
Default EPS Bearer Setup Success. (Below sub-messages are internaly maintained by eDAT)
LTE Inter-Frequency Handover Command
LTE Inter-Frequency Handover Success Downlink
LTE Inter-Frequency Handover Failure at Target Downlink
LTE Inter-Frequency Handover Failure without Handover Complete Downlink
LTE Inter-Frequency Handover Failure with Radio Problem Downlink
LTE Inter-Frequency Handover Success Uplink
LTE Inter-Frequency Handover Failure at Target Uplink
LTE Inter-Frequency Handover Failure without Handover Complete Uplink
LTE Inter-Frequency Handover Failure with Radio Problem Uplink
LTE Intra-Frequency Handover Success Uplink
LTE Intra-Frequency Handover Failure at Target Uplink
LTE Intra-Frequency Handover Failure without Handover Complete Uplink
LTE Intra-Frequency Handover Failure with Radio Problem Uplink
Event B2: Serving becomes worse than absolute threshold1 AND Neighbour becomes better than another absolute threshold2
LTE to GSM IRAT S1 Handoff Failure
LTE to WCDMA IRAT S1 Handoff Failure
LTE to GSM IRAT S1 Handoff Success
LTE to WCDMA IRAT S1 Handoff Success
MAC-DRx and CGI Report Configuration
Target Cell SIB Reading
E-CGI Report
Event can only be triggered, if UE or CT data and configuration management data (snapshot XCM files) are loaded
Event can only be triggered, if UE or CT data and configuration management data (snapshot XCM files) are loaded into eDAT p
LTE Intra-Frequency Handover Failure
LTE Inter-Frequency HO Failure
FTP starts in LTE
FTP completes in LTE
FTP fails in LTE
FTP starts in GSM
FTP completes in GSM
FTP fails in GSM
FTP starts in WCDMA
FTP completes in WCDMA

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
FTP fails in WCDMA
FTP starts in unknown
FTP completes in unknown
LTE Intra-Frequency Handover Success
LTE Inter-Frequency Handover Success
Dropped RRC connection
Paging Attempt
Paging Success Alert
Paging Failure Alert
Lte Intra Freq Handover Success
Lte Intra Freq Handover Failure
Connected To Idle
Idle To Connected

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
VoIP registration type = SIP server registration in message SIPREGF
VoIP registration type = SIP server registration in message SIPREGC
Call Type = VoIP / VoLTE and Measured system = LTE FDD or LTE TDD in message CAA
Dial-up connection established = 4
Call type = VoIP and Measured system = LTE FDD or LTE TDD in message CAF
SIP Provisional Response Event
SIP Successful Response Event
SIP Direct Event
SIP Client Failure Event
SIP Server Failure Event
SIP Global Failure
Packet Lost Event
Consecutive Packet Lost Event
TTI Bundling Enable Event
VoIP SIP Invite
VoIP SIP 100 Trying
LTE Call Duration
Single RAB Success
Single RAB Failure
Multi RAB Success
Multi RAB Failure
Semi-Persistent Scheduling Config DL.Under Sps-Config node if sps-ConfigDL setup element exist then this event will be trigge
Semi-Persistent Scheduling Config UL.Under Sps-Config node if sps-ConfigUL setup element exist then this event will be trigge
Semi-Persistent Scheduling Activation DL. If SPS Config DL event exist and Pdsch Stat Indication message contains 'RNTI type'
Semi-Persistent Scheduling Release DL.If SPS Activation DL event exist and Pdsch Stat Indication message contains 'RNTI type
Semi-Persistent Scheduling Activation UL.IF SPS Config UL event exist and Ml1 Pusch Power Control message contains 'Tx type
Semi-Persistent Scheduling Release UL.IF SPS Activation UL event exist and Ml1 Pusch Power Control message contains 'Tx typ
If there is a VoLTE call success event before an 'LTE to WCDMA PS Handover Attempt' without a SIPBYE in between then gene

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Semi-Persistent Scheduling Config DL Release.Under Sps-Config node if sps-ConfigDL release element exist then this event wil
Semi-Persistent Scheduling Config UL Release.Under Sps-Config node if sps-ConfigUL release element exist then this event wil
SCell Config added
PS SRVCC Failure
PS SRVCC Success
Voice Bearer Release
Call Type = Voice and Measured system = LTE FDD or LTE TDD in message CAA
RACH Failure event
PLMN change event
Event A1: Serving becomes better than absolute threshold
Event A3: Neighbour becomes amount of offset better than serving
Event A4: Neighbour becomes better than absolute threshold
Event A5: : Serving becomes worse than absolute threshold1 AND Neighbour becomes better than another absolute threshold2
Event A1: Serving becomes better than absolute threshold
Event A2: Serving becomes worse than absolute threshold
Event A3: Neighbour becomes amount of offset better than serving
Event A4: Neighbour becomes better than absolute threshold
Event A5: Serving becomes worse than absolute threshold1 AND Neighbour becomes better than another absolute threshold2
Event B1: Neighbour becomes better than absolute threshold
Event B2: Serving becomes worse than absolute threshold1 AND Neighbour becomes better than another absolute threshold2
Even tB1: Neighbour becomes better than absolute threshold
VoLTE RTP Interruption - DL
VoLTE RTP Interruption - UL

LTE RRC Reestablishment Event

This VoLTE drop is triggered when the SIP Bye contains RTP-RTCP timed out OR if no SIP BYE or Voice bearer release or VoLT
If a call is handed over to a new cell and is handed back to the source cell in less than the critical time then this handover is co
VoLTE RTP Interruption
Sip Bye Event

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Call Type = VoIP / VoLTE and Measured system = LTE FDD or LTE TDD in message CAA
Dial-up connection established = 4
Call type = VoIP and Measured system = LTE FDD or LTE TDD in message CAF

Call Type = VoIP / VoLTE and Measured system = LTE FDD or LTE TDD in message CAA
Dial-up connection established = 4
Call type = VoIP and Measured system = LTE FDD or LTE TDD in message CAF

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
This event triggers when the targetRAT-Type of message Mobility from EUTRA Command is geran

SCell Config Released

TTI Bundling Disable Event

LTE IMS Voice To GSM Voice Success
LTE IMS Voice To GSM Voice Failure
LTE IMS Voice To UMTS Voice Success
LTE IMS Voice To UMTS Voice Failure
LTE IMS Voice To LTE IMS Video Success
LTE IMS Voice To LTE IMS Video Failure
LTE IMS Video To GSM Voice Success
LTE IMS Video To GSM Voice Failure
LTE IMS Video To UMTS Voice Success
LTE IMS Video To UMTS Voice Failure
LTE IMS Video To LTE IMS Voice Success
LTE IMS Video To LTE IMS Voice Failure
LTE IMS Voice To CDMA Voice Success
LTE IMS Voice To CDMA Voice Failure
LTE IMS Video To CDMA Voice Success
LTE IMS Video To CDMA Voice Failure
SMS Over IMS Attempt
SMS Over IMS Sucess
SMS Over IMS Failure

Video Out Of Sequence Packets

Video Packets Lost
Test Starts
Test Ends
Test Passed
Test Failed
eMBMS Out of Service Warning
Video Bearer Setup Event is triggered, when Activate Dedicated EPS Bearer Context Accept or Modify EPS Bearer Context Acce
Video Bearer Release Event
VoLTE Call Setup On Non LTE Or Forwarded
VoLTE Video Setup Success
VoLTE Video Setup Failure
LTE E911 Idle Call Attempt
LTE E911 Active Call Attempt

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Active LTE To eHRPD (EVDO) Handover Attempt

LTE to WCDMA Reselection Attempt

LTE to WCDMA Reselection Success
LTE to WCDMA Reselection Failure

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
HTTP Starts
HTTP Success
HTTP Failure
Voice MOS Test
Voice MOS Test Extra
IPERF DL Success
IPERF DL Failure
IPERF UL Success
IPERF UL Failure
Web Browsing Start In LTE

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Web Browsing Success In LTE
Web Browsing Failure In LTE
Web Browsing Start In WCDMA
Web Browsing Success In WCDMA
Web Browsing Failure In WCDMA
Web Browsing Start In GSM
Web Browsing Success In GSM
Web Browsing Failure In GSM
HTTP Transfer Download Start In LTE
HTTP Transfer Download Complete In LTE
HTTP Transfer Download Failure In LTE
HTTP Transfer Download Start In WCDMA
HTTP Transfer Download Complete In WCDMA
HTTP Transfer Download Failure In WCDMA
HTTP Transfer Download Start In GSM
HTTP Transfer Download Complete In GSM
HTTP Transfer Download Failure In GSM
HTTP Transfer Upload Start In LTE
HTTP Transfer Upload Complete In LTE
HTTP Transfer Upload Failure In LTE
HTTP Transfer Upload Start In WCDMA
HTTP Transfer Upload Complete In WCDMA
HTTP Transfer Upload Failure In WCDMA
HTTP Transfer Upload Start In GSM
HTTP Transfer Upload Complete In GSM
HTTP Transfer Upload Failure In GSM
Ping Test Starts
Ping Test Completes
Ping Failure
Email Start
Email Success
Email Failure
SMTP Transfer Download Start
SMTP Transfer Download Complete
SMTP Transfer Download Failure
SMTP Transfer Upload Start
SMTP Transfer Upload Complete
SMTP Transfer Upload Failure
Email Upload Connection Successful
Email Upload Login Successful
Email Upload Complete
Email Download Connection Successful
Email Download Login Successful
Email Download Complete
Ping Success
Ping Success with Warning
SMS Success
SMS Fails
Ping Test Starts 2
Ping Success 2

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Ping Failure 2
FTP Download Starts
FTP Download Fails
FTP Download Completes
FTP Upload Starts
FTP Upload Fails
FTP Upload Completes
IPERF Upload Start
IPERF Upload Test Ends
IPERF Upload Fails
IPERF Upload Complete
IPERF Download Starts
IPERF Download Test Ends
IPERF Download Fails
IPERF Download Completes
Http Download Starts
Http Download Fails
Http Download Completes
Voice Starts
Voice Fails
Voice Completes
Csfb Starts
Csfb Fails
Csfb Completes
Video Starts
Video Fails
Csfb Completes
SMS 2 Test Starts
SMS 2 Test Completes
SMS 2 Test Fails
HTTP Transfer Download Starts
HTTP Transfer Download Completes
HTTP Transfer Download Failures
HTTP Transfer Upload Starts
HTTP Transfer Upload Completes
HTTP Transfer Upload Failures
Web Browsing Starts
Web Browsing Success
Web Browsing Failures
Ping Completes 2
IPERF DL Aborted
IPERF UL Aborted
Voice MO Test Cycle Starts
Voice MO Call Connected
Voice MO Call Connection Failure
Voice MO Call Completes Successfully
Voice MO Call Failure
Voice MO Dropped Call
Voice MO Test Cycle Ends
Voice MT Test Cycle Starts

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Voice MT Call Connected
Voice MT Call Connection Failure
Voice MT Call Completes Successfully
Voice MT Call Failure
Voice MT Dropped Call
Voice MT Test Cycle Ends
CS Orig. Call Connected
CS Orig. Call Completes Successfully
CS Orig. Call Failure
CS Orig. Dropped Call
CS Term. Call Connected
CS Term. Call Completes Successfully
CS Term. Call Failure
CS Term. Dropped Call
CSFB MO Call Connected
CSFB MO Call Completes Successfully
CSFB MO Call Failure
CSFB MO Dropped Call
CSFB MT Call Connected
CSFB MT Call Completes Successfully
CSFB MT Call Failure
CSFB MT Dropped Call
VoLTE Orig. Call Connected
VoLTE Orig. Call Completes Successfully
v Call Failure
VoLTE Orig. Dropped Call
VoLTE Term. Call Connected
VoLTE Term. Call Completes Successfully
VoLTE Term. Call Failure
VoLTE Term. Dropped Call
MT Voice Call Starts
MT Voice Call Suceess
MT Voice Call Failure
HTTP Web browsing Starts
HTTP Web browsing Fails
HTTP Web browsing Completes
HTTP upload Starts
Http upload Fails
Http upload Completes
SMS 2 MO Test Starts
SMS 2 MO Test Completes
SMS 2 MO Test Fails
SMS 2 MT Test Starts
SMS 2 MT Test Completes
SMS 2 MT Test Fails
Speed Test Starts
Speed Test Completes Successfully
Speed Test Fails

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Event based on Messages Has Additional Info

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary




Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary


Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary

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