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Cygwin Windows Installation - High Performance Computing Cluster ... https://sites.google.com/a/case.edu/hpc-upgraded-cluster/available-sof...

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HPC Home Cygwin Windows Installation

User Support
Getting Started
Running Jobs
1. Download and run setup.exe (http://cygwin.com/setup.exe).
Available Software 2. Select the option "Install from internet", and choose the nearest mirror as a download site.
Software Guide 3. Tick off the following modules in the appropriate packages listed below :
Software Installation Guide
Access Policy - Package Module
Guest/Member Devel 1. automake Used for packaging and deployment of User-written applications; generates a Makefile (Recommendeda)
Helpful References 2. autoconf Used for packaging and deployment of User-written applications; creates a custom configure script (Recommendeda)
HPC FAQs 3. cmake Used for installation, package, and deployment; an appreciable number of software require cmake. (Recommended)
FAQ: Accessing HPC 4. colorgcc Syntax colors errors in a GCC compilation. Useful for programmers.
FAQ: HPC Resources 5. all that begin with a gcc C/C++/Fortran compiler, and library support to Cygwin. (Recommendeda)
6. gdb Used to debug GNU binaries. Recommended for"resourceful" programming.
FAQ: Compiling & Linking
7. libboost Includes functions that encompass wide range of C++ constructs (IPC, Strings, Math, Algorithms,etc.) (Recommended)
FAQ: Running Jobs
8. libgfortran Fortran libraries. (Recommendeda,b,c,d)
FAQ: Troubleshooting Issues
9. openssl-devel Needed for SSL communication like httpS (Recommendeda)
Computational Resources 10. qt4 Recommended for applications that use User-Interface(UI) libraries. (Recommendeda)
HPC Resource View 11. tetex-devel Recommended for Latex/Revtex users and/or Scientific publishing. (Recommended)
Servers Editors 1. emacs For users who like a GUI based editor. (Recommended)
Storage & Quota 2. vi The obvious editor. (Recommended)
Other HPC Resources Graphics 1. select all modules that contain the word-ghostscript Support for PSs, and PDFs.
HPC Information 2. gnuplot A powerful plotting tool (Recommendedd)
HPC System Upgrade
Libs 1. fftw3 Fast-fourier transform (FFT) library: Helpful if you plan to compile apps. on Cygwin that need FFT. (Recommendedb,c,d)
HPC Statistics
Math 1. liblapack or liblapack0 ULibrary that contains basic linear algebra routines.
HPC News
Most scientific applications would need LAPACK.(Recommendedb,c,d)
HPC Event Calendar
Net 1. openssh For secure transmission of data using the SSH protocol. (Recommended)
Research Publications & 2. openssl For secure data transmission using SSL. (Recommended)
Scholarly Materials 3. rsync Synchronises files and directories between two locations. (Recommended)
Outreach + Training Shells 1. tcsh Another Unix Shell. (Recommended)
Contact Us 2. xterm Needed to open multiple GUI windows. (Recommended)
Staff 3. check if the bash module is checked
Advisory Committee Text 1. aspell A command-line spell-checker. (Recommended)
2. aspell-en An english dictionary based spell-check. (Recommended)
3. gv A Post-script viewer. (Recommendedd)
Recent site activity
4. modules that contain the word tetex Recommended for Latex/Revtex users and/or Scientific publishing. (Recommendedd)
Schrodinger Publishing ensure that all the tetex modules are checked Recommended for Latex/Revtex users and/or Scientific publishing. (Recommendedd)
edited by E.m Dragowsky
Utils 1. keychain A password manager. (Recommended)
X11 Install the entire package (Recommended for GUI transactions) (Recommended)
edited by Sanjaya Gajurel
Recommended : Bare minimums.
MATLAB Recommendations for Programmers - Recommendeda, for Scientific applications - Recommendedb, and scientific software development - Recommendedc,
edited by Sanjaya Gajurel
for Scientific Publishing - Recommendedd
edited by E.m Dragowsky ! Downloading packages can be notoriously slow. Please be patient...

Singularity Watch the video below (preferably in full-screen), for a guided installation
edited by Sanjaya Gajurel

View All
Cygwin Installation - Youtube video

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