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Cell Phone and Technology Use Policy

Cell phones and other electronic devices have become an important part of day to day life, and
can be used in many ways to enrich the learning process. Due to this cell phone and other
electronic devices are not only allowed but encouraged within the classroom as long as they are
being used in an acceptable manner.

What is considered acceptable use in the classroom?

Cell Phones and technology may be used in class to access the internet for the purpose
of finding information relevant to classroom activities or current topics of study
Class materials or the class website may be accessed on devices during class
Participate in quizzes or other online in-class work that has been made available online
may be done through the use of cell phones and other technology
Many students may feel shy or uncomfortable speaking up in class or asking questions,
for that reason electronics may be used while in class to communicate more effectively
with the teacher or other students. It is important that when using phones for texting
the messages stay about class material, class activities, or to ask relevant questions
Cell Phones and technology may be used to access any other school appropriate sites
that may help with students learning and understanding of class material
If parents or guardians need to get ahold of students in case of an emergency contact
through cell phones in the form of texting or phone calls are acceptable
o For non-emergencies, I ask that contact happens before or after class as to not
disrupt student learning

Rules for technology usage in the classroom:

All technology should be used in an appropriate manner; this includes
o Only going to sites approved by the school and teacher
o When messaging in class, content must be relevant to class material
o The use of profanity, rude comments (about or directed at another student), or
anything that could be considered bullying is strictly forbidden
Technology should only be used during acceptable times, misuse may result in students
technology privileges being suspended, or revoked if excess misuse occurs
All technology brought to school is done so at the students own risk, and the school is
not responsible for any damage or loss.

Consequences of Technology Misuse

Students are expected to follow the rules for technology use mentioned above. Those who are
found to be misusing technology including but not limited to; using phone or electronics at
inappropriate times, visiting unacceptable sites, engaging in anything considered cyberbullying,
or any other obvious sign of misuse will be subject to consequences. Students may face
consequences ranging from loss of device for the day, suspension from in-class technology use,
or having all in-class technology privileges revoked depending on the regularity of misuse or the
severity of misuse. Violations of this policy will be handled on a case by case basis.
Note: While I encourage the use of technology in the classroom; including cell phones, tablets,
laptops, etc. I know that each family has their own policy on technology and that electronics are
expensive; due to this, students are not required to have any devices in class. In addition,
devices or alternate methods will be available for those who do not have personal devices to
bring to class or whose parent/guardian does not wish them to use such devices during class.

By signing below, I certify that I have read the Cell Phone and Technology Use Policy
statement above, and fully understand its terms and conditions.

Please Print
Name of child __________________________________________ Grade___________
City, State, Zip__________________________________________________________
Signature of parent or guardian _____________________________________________
Print name of parent or guardian ____________________________________________
Date____________________ Phone Number _________________________________

Student Agreement;

I, as the student, _________________________, agree to the above regulations regarding the

use of cell phones and other electronics during class time and during the school day. I
understand that if I am to misuse these devices I may lose my technology privileges. I further
commit that if I see any other students misusing electronics; posting on or looking at
inappropriate site, or using the internet or technology to bully another student I will report it to
my teacher. I understand that the use of technology in class while beneficial is still a privilege.
By signing below, I agree to these rules, and promise to only use the internet and technology
in appropriate and respectful ways.

Signature student __________________________________________ Date_________________

Print name of student_______________________________________ Date_________________

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