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The Holy Quran SI vial Bringing access to the Quran to the masses anywhere any ordinary mobile can reach. The service is multi-lingual and will support future expansions for other islamic services, Benefits s Advantages The ONEm Quran is very simple to use. It comes in multiple languages and has a full search capability which makes it easy to find anything. The user can select chapiers and verses. Later versions will allow sharing and discussions amonghts ‘community users, There will also be an area for ask the Scolar.. who can provide indepth responses to users queries. These can sign up participate. The platform is secure because there are no annonomous users and participants so everybody will be responsible for their actions. English Arabic rein eavan F-0perator ‘Select onton sean ‘Sendo par aka tery wore poreneeney land het eszeh etback te sacs & ae ia

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