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"Racist" Sports Mascots should be replaced?


Institutional Affiliation

Many decades have passed, and people did take the whole issue of racism with minimal

concern until recently in the 21st century. Racist is a believe that a particular tribe or race is

superior compared to other tribes (minor). Recently the whole thing has become a complete

menace to the courts. Judges are faced with a lot of challenges concerning the removal and

replacement of racist Sports Mascots. Personally, I am strong of the opinion that it should be

replaced to avoid future wrangles that are bound to creep from its continual existence.

It is the 21st century yet all that people are the what states does not portray it. Racism still

exists in the universities, and that is why it's unthinkable to find American sports teams named

after prominent Native American players in their memories, and thats why African American

players will forever remain fair in their games. It implies that it is not easy to remove ethics and

racial stereotypes from the sport. However, the racist sports mascots should be eliminated by all

means to show equality in the institutions.

Several issues have crept up as result of the existence of the racist Sports Mascot, and

more are yet to be experienced in the future if this matter is not handled with a lot of care. Most

of the issues reported come from the universities that have presented petitions to the courts over

the various dissatisfactions they wish needs to be addressed. The National Collegiate Athletic

Association (NCAA) announced the ban on the use of the use of Indian mascots logos and

nicknames in eighteen colleges that were to host the post-season competition. The measure was

taken since they felt that racist sports mascots culture was taking the better part of many

universities. They then gain a lot of support from many universities who were for the same


It all gets worse when some of the native American groups endorses the use of their tribal

names in their schools. It becomes a bigger problem for NCAA to handle thus making it allow

some of the universities to use their tribal names like the Florida States and the University of

Utah to adopt their tribal names for their schools. It has in the recent years created a much bigger

problem as the schools now appear more of a tribal institution than a state school meant for all

the tribes. Also, it has created alienation of some minor tribes causing them to seek education


The University of North Dakota has been in the fight over the most superior college with

Sioux over which one of them should use the nickname being that they are both named after the

famous Dakota tribe. The University of North Dakota has over the fight for the nickname with a

claim that they should retain their nickname and logo despite the ban that was initiated by

NCAA. The struggle has gone for so long over the year and now with this immense conflict, and

a petition filed in the court, and hearing and judgment is to take place this December. It,

therefore, implies that with the racist in existence, more cases are bound to be filed in the courts.

There seems to be too much obsessed with the racial supremacy! When a school is close

down due to financial problems, some wealthy tycoons are planning to buy the school and

rename it using its former name that was of a favorite tribe. What of other tribes? Are they not in

existence? There is an indication that if this same trend goes on war is likely to erupt over racial

and tribal basis. Hence racist should be prevented by all means to help maintain the peace that

has always existed.



So Sioux Me | The American Spectator. (2016).Spectator.org. Retrieved 23 October 2016,


Stereotypes don't belong in sports. (1992). latimes. Retrieved 23 October 2016,


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