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The Chicago Defender Vs. The Revolutionary Theatre

The Chicago Defender and The Revolutionary Theatre readings, evaluate the role of men

and women in the past and the influence the different genders brought to the community based

on social, political and cultural roles of men and women associated with literature. Myiti

Sengstacke Rice, the author of the Chicago Defender, discusses people reliance on the press and

word of mouth in receiving news of the world. However, the role of men and women reveals

through bold steps taken by a son of slaves to print newspapers in 1905. Newspaper publication

influenced two decades of the 20th century based on a prolific movement known as Great

Northern Migration that educated a majority of people over 100 years based on the American

History (Rice 7). On the other hand, Robert Leach, the author of revolutionary theatre evaluates

the role of men and women in the theatre as an arena of action associated with the creation of

joy, energy and intelligence in peoples theatre. Moreover, Robert Leach emphasizes on the

development of shared emotions and aspirations among men and women in the theatres over the

centuries. Therefore, the two readings evaluate the importance of men and women in the society

to facilitate change and enable progress within social, political and cultural aspects, which gives

the society an opportunity of development and acquiring relevant information useful in the


Social Roles of Men and Women in the Readings

In the Chicago Defender, Robert Sengstacke Abbott appears to advocate for the rights of

people that bring justice to race in his community. Robert defends the people as his mantra and
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heels for the reconstruction of an era. Robert takes the role of changing the society around him as

a young man to bring justice and advocate for the rights of people as his manly role in the

community with the aim of assisting the community around (Rice 7). The social structure of the

community according to him requires equity and effective legislations that bring the community

together despite race or different people in the community around him speak language especially

where he comes from in the society. Additionally, Abbott step father, John Herman who is

educated and a man who has always been mistaken as a white man presented himself as a hater

of racial injustices as taught by Abbott. The two men promoted and advocated for the rights of

people within the community as their manly duties in protecting the community and allowing for

development as part of social development in the region. The role the men played in the region

promoted peaceful coexistence and advocated for the development of various sections of the

social structure.

The revolutionary theatre evaluates the effects of Sergei Mikhailovich, and Sergei

Tretyakov runs for the Moscow Proletkult in 1923-1924. The run for the two men brought love,

life and working compassion in the region. The community around worked together and realized

their roles in the regions, which brings development and recognizes the vital aspects in the

community that individuals need to uphold for the progress of the community. The two men

politicians genuinely attempted Bogdanov's comrade cooperation to fulfill precept that makes

works class intelligentsia. The two men brought the community together as a combined effort of

both men and women into enabling the progress of the community into various developments in

the community. Comradeship promoted by the men and women in the region-facilitated efforts

of the two men into changing the community and enabling changes in the region within.

Additionally, Revolution Theatre presents Eisenstein and Tretyakov as part of men and women
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in the middle class who genuinely work towards the improvement of class backgrounds that

honor Artists of USSR. Revolutionary theatres promote the togetherness of the middle class by

promoting social progress in the theaters by implementing the strategies put in place by the

USSR. Men and women come together to work genuinely in revolutionary aspects of the theatres

that bring improvement of social backgrounds honoring various institutions such as the USSR.

Revolutionary Theatre brings different groups of people both men and women into

working as a family in the theatres to promote progress and advancement of the social structure.

The men and women in the theatre aim at mounting productions that involve studying, thinking

and experimenting togetherness as a possibility for successful laboratory experiments and

theatrical ideas of the community around(Robert & Robert 182). The men such as Eisenstein in

revolutionary theatre advocate for the Montage of Attractions that inspires energy explorations

and practical works associated with groups for development and refinement of the community

around and social structures of individuals. In Revolutionary theatre, various groups promote

development by allowing people to work together and attract montage as part of practical works

and group employment of explorations.

Both, the Chicago Defender and the revolutionary theatre present the role of men and

women as part of community initiative aimed at bringing people of the together to work and

advocate for social development as part of one community in the region. Chicago focuses on the

rights of people and promotion of justice in the community while Revolutionary Theatre focuses

on working compassion of people in the community as part of a social initiative that brings

people together to work together as one community.

Political Roles of Men and Women in the Readings

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In Chicago defender, Abbott stepfather reminds peoples of benefits of newspaper as the

strongest defense mechanism for race as he facilitates the destruction of the American race

prejudice. The move forces Robert S. Abbott to launch a six-column sheet called the Chicago

Defender to advocate for the removal of elements associated with race developments in the

region. The move to publish the sheet of paper plays a role of man in the society whose

intensions is to bring political stability that brings people together without engagement of race.

Abbott was dedicated to changing the politics of the region, which forced him as his associates to

launch a door-to-door sale campaign to enable all the people in the region to buy the sheet of the

paper entitled the Chicago Defender to prevent any political move that advocates for race

progression in the region (Rice 7). The men in Chicago defender reading facilitate the

development of equity in the region without engaging any racial aspects as part of any political

move in the region. Besides, the men publish newspapers that control the acts of racial

progression by condemning the act through publications and moving door to door to sell the

newspapers and educate the people on the need to abolish racial discrimination but instead

promote the rights of individuals in the region as part of their democratic rights.

On the other hand, revolutionary theory advocates for an equal creation of designs and

writers for artists Meyerhold, Lissitsky and Tretyakov. Additionally, the creation of projected

productions such as I want a baby involved democratic collaboration that extended to the actors

and audience. Democratic politics as advocated by Kerzhentsev community provided a good

example for a democratic society that assists in the creation of new world from top to bottom.

Robert & Robert (182) suggests that the revolutionary theatre advocates for engagement of

political moves that allow for the progress of the community together by producing relevant acts,

which promote peace and development in general. The plays produced by revolutionary theatre
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individuals stage connectedness struggles that ravage in Soviet life areas over a period. The men

and women involved in the revolutionary theatre production come together as a form of unity to

promote development while condemning acts of discrimination (Robert & Robert 175). The

plays acted in the theatres brings all people together as part of a political move that does not

discriminate individuals but instead brings people together for a common good in the society.

The men in the theatres who promote for the creation of the plays give way for collectivism and

industrialization for a five-year period to defeat any acts of opposition. Therefore, the men and

women associated with revolutionary theatre promote peace and development without opposition

or discrimination as part of promoting democracy through collaborations and extended aspects of

artists in a region.

Chicago defender and the revolutionary theatres advocate for political moves that do not

engage elements of discrimination or opposition, which oppress the community around them as

part of democracy. Individuals presented in both Chicago defender and the revolutionary theatres

come together as men and women whose interest in politics is to bring equity and development

as part of the main elements of democracy. The men advocate for the development of regions

without opposition and racial discrimination to enable for progressive change in the societies.

Cultural Role of Men and Women in the Readings

The men and women involved in Chicago defender advocated for the newspaper

publication in the region, which later became the culture for prominent black people in the region

(Rice 7). The publications enabled for the development of a culture that succeeded thousands of

African Americans movement in the North as majority prepared to leave the south as influenced

by the brutal burning of humans. The publication of the Chicago Defender promoted a culture in

the region, which forced people to move in areas that favored their ways of living without
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engagements of discrimination in the region. The men in the region advocated for the cultural

movements to prevent any harassment or opposition in the region. On the other hand,

revolutionary theory men and women advocated for a culture that engulfed theatre development

into the realization of realism and socialist as part of the first Congress Soviet Writers in 1934

for the development of the region (Robert & Robert 181). The move by the men and women in

the revolutionary theatre promotes artistic depiction that enables for ideological transformation

and education of the region as part of the peoples culture.


Men and women in both the Chicago Defender and the revolutionary theatre promote

development in their respective regions by eliminating aspects associated with racial

discrimination but instead promote communal social works in the regions as part of human

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