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Neural Comput & Applic (2012) 21:13411347

DOI 10.1007/s00521-011-0573-y


Application of an expert system to predict thermal conductivity

of rocks
Manoj Khandelwal

Received: 20 October 2010 / Accepted: 11 March 2011 / Published online: 31 March 2011
Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011

Abstract In this paper, an attempt has been made to enhanced oil recovery, management of geothermal reser-
predict the thermal conductivity (TC) of rocks by incor- voirs, and underground disposal of nuclear waste. The
porating uniaxial compressive strength, density, porosity, design of thermal-insulating materials also depends upon
and P-wave velocity using support vector machine (SVM). the heat transfer characteristics of porous media [1]. The
Training of the SVM network was carried out using 102 thermal properties are particularly important in very hot
experimental data sets of various rocks, whereas 25 new and cold countries [24]. Insulation of heating/cooling sys-
data sets were used for the testing of the TC by SVM tems is very important to save energy, especially in
model. Multivariate regression analysis (MVRA) has also underdeveloped countries with limited resources. The use
been carried out with same data sets that were used for the of natural stone with low thermal conductivity (TC) in
training of SVM model. SVM and MVRA results were buildings could provide energy savings [25].
compared based on coefficient of determination (CoD) and It widely influences the energy transfer between adja-
mean absolute error (MAE) between experimental and cent rocks in underground mines and in insulation of the
predicted values of TC. It was found that CoD between building by providing an energy-efficient solution. Energy
measured and predicted values of TC by SVM and MVRA saving is the important part of any national energy strategy,
was 0.994 and 0.918, respectively, whereas MAE was and its conservation for underdeveloped countries with
0.0453 and 0.2085 for SVM and MVRA, respectively. inadequate resources is even more important [8]. Tem-
perature changes induce thermal stresses causing thermal
Keywords Support vector machine (SVM)  Thermal strains in the rock and concrete of structure [22].
conductivity  UCS  Density  Porosity  P-wave  Thermal conductivity of rocks can be determined by
Multivariate regression analysis (MVRA) conducting laboratory tests or under in situ conditions, as in
a borehole or deep well, by adopting transient heat method
[20]. To achieve this, a known heating power generated
1 Introduction from a source of known geometry is employed, and the
temperature change with time is recorded [3].
Knowledge of the thermal transport properties of rocks has The coefficient of thermal conductivity is a measure of
become most important with the widespread interest in the rate Q at which heat flows through a material and can
thermal processes, e.g., underground fluid-bearing reser- be determined from (1).
voirs. Some of these processes include thermal methods of
k 1
where k thermal conductivity (W/mK), Q amount of heat
M. Khandelwal (&) (W/m2), h thickness of material in the heating direction
Department of Mining Engineering, College of Technology
(m), A area of heated surface (m2), DT temperature dif-
and Engineering, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture
and Technology, Udaipur 313001, India ference between surfaces of material (0C), and t heating
e-mail: mkhandelwal1@gmail.com time (h).

1342 Neural Comput & Applic (2012) 21:13411347

Thermal conductivity is an intrinsic material property results, when process and results are not fully understood
for which the values depend on several factors [11]: and where historical or experimental data are available.
The prediction of TC is also of this type.
1. Chemical composition of the rock,
This is a new-generation learning system based on
2. Fluid content (type and degree of saturation of the
advances in statistical learning theory, enabling nonlinear
pores); the presence of water increases the thermal
mapping of an n-dimensional input space into a higher-
conductivity (i.e., enhances the flow of heat),
dimensional feature space where, for example, a linear
3. Atmospheric or external pressure (a high pressure
classifier can be used. The SVM can train nonlinear models
increases the thermal conductivity by closing cracks
based on the structural risk minimization principle that
that inhibit heat flow),
seeks to minimize an upper bound of the generalization
4. Temperature, and
error rather than minimize the empirical error as imple-
5. Isotropy and homogeneity of the rock.
mented in neural networks [21]. This induction principle is
Work did by earlier researchers reveals that the types of based on the fact that the generalization error is bounded by
rock and physico-mechanical and dynamic properties have the sum of the empirical error and a confidence interval
the most significant effect on the thermal conductivity of term depending on the VapnikChervonenkis (VC)
rocks and concrete [2, 8, 9]. The TC of rock not only dimension. Based on this principle, SVM will achieve an
depends on chemical and mineral composition and texture optimal model structure by establishing a proper balance
but also on porosity, density, structure, and fabric of the between the empirical error and the VC confidence inter-
material as well as degree of crystallization [5, 6, 19]. val, leading eventually to a better generalization perfor-
Rocks with a crystalline structure show higher heat con- mance than neural network models. An additional merit of
duction than amorphous and vitreous rocks of the same SVM is that the training of SVM is a uniquely solvable
composition [7]. quadratic optimization problem, and the complexity of the
Precise measurements of the thermal conductivity of solution in SVM depends only on the complexity of the
rocks are difficult to make and are very time-consuming. A desired solution, rather than on the dimensionality of the
number of researchers have made attempts to develop input space. Thus, SVM uses a nonlinear mapping, based
relationships to estimate the thermal conductivity of rocks on a kernel function, to transform an input space to a high-
by taking into account its different physico-mechanical dimension space and then look for a nonlinear relation
properties. between inputs and outputs in the higher-dimension space
Knowing a greater applicability of thermal property in [4]. SVM not only has a rigorous theoretical background
the geotechnical engineering, a lot of work has been carried but also can find global optimal solutions for problems with
out to find out thermal conductivity of rock and to predict it small training samples, high dimension, nonlinearity, and
by a definite simple and reliable model. Progress has been local optima. Originally, SVM was developed for pattern-
made in recent years in the ability to predict the thermal recognition problems [15, 17, 18]. Recently, SVM has been
conductivity, but the state of the art is deficient in many shown to give good performance for a wide variety of
ways. On the basis of detailed investigation, a viable problems, such as nonlinear regression.
approach for the prediction of thermal conductivity is In the present paper, an attempt has been made to predict
necessary. An artificial intelligence (AI) comes in handy to the TC of rocks by SVM taking into account the uniaxial
fulfill this problem [19]. compressive strength (UCS), density, porosity, and P-wave
Over the past few years, various artificial intelligent (AI) velocity. To find the suitability and applicability of SVM,
techniques such as hidden Markov models, artificial neural predicted results were also compared by multivariate
networks, and support vector machines have been used in regression analysis results.
various mining, civil, and geo-engineering applications.
Conventional pattern recognition method and artificial
neural networks (ANN) requires sufficient number of 2 The philosophy of support vector machine
samples, which are sometimes difficult to obtain. Support
vector machines (SVM) are based on structural risk mini- Support vector machine (SVM) is a supervised machine
mization principle and have very good generalization with learning method based on the statistical learning theory. It
few data samples. is a very useful method for classification and regression.
Due to its multidisciplinary nature, SVM is becoming Pattern recognition and classification using SVM is
popular among the researchers, planners, designers, etc., as described here in brief. A more detailed description can be
an effective tool for the accomplishment of their work [12 found in various literatures [4, 21].
14]. SVM have superiority in solving problems in which Figure 1 shows triangle and square classes of sample
many complex parameters influence the process and points that can be separated by a linear classifier. Hyper-

Neural Comput & Applic (2012) 21:13411347 1343

plane P is one of the separation planes that separate P1 and So, the optimal hyper-plane separating the data can be
P2 classes. P1 and P2 (shown by dashed lines) are the planes obtained as a solution to the following optimization
that are parallel to P and pass through the sample points problem
closest to P in these two classes. Margin is the distance
between P1 and P2. The SVM tries to place a linear Minimize kwk2 4
boundary between the two different classes and orient it in
such way that the margin is maximized, which results in Subject to yi wT xi b  1 i 1; 2; . . .; N 5
least generalization error. The nearest data points used to
To find the solution of above quadratic optimization
define the margin are called support vectors.
problem, the saddle point of the Lagrange function has to
This is implemented by reducing the margin between P1
be determined. The Lagrangian function for the
and P2 to a convex optimization problem: minimizing a
optimization problem is given as
quadratic function under linear inequality constraints8.
Consider a training sample set {(xi, yi)}; i = 1 to N, where 1 XN
N is the total number of samples. Among all linear sepa- MinimizeLw;b;k kwk2  ki yi wT xi b  1 6
2 i1
ration planes that separate input samples into two classes,
which separation plane will have the smallest generaliza- where ki C 0 are the Lagrange multipliers. To find the saddle
tion error is determined. Let us assume the samples can be point, one has to minimize this function over w and b and to
classified into two classes, namely triangle class and square maximize it over the nonnegative Lagrange multipliers ki C
class. Labels yi = -1 and yi = ?1 are associated with 0. Setting the derivatives of L with respect to w and b to zero,
triangle class and square class, respectively. If data are we have:
linearly separable, the hyper-plane f(x) = 0 that separates
the given data is given as oLw; b; k XN XN
w yi ki xi 0 ) w y i ki x i 7
N ow i1 i1
f x wi xi b 0 2
i1 oLw; b; k X N
yi ki 0 8
where w is an N-dimensional vector. The vector w defines a ob i1
direction perpendicular to the hyper-plane. The scalar
value b moves the hyper-plane parallel to it. This value is Substituting results from (7) and (8) into (6),
sometimes called the bias (or threshold). A distinct X
1X N
separating hyper-plane should satisfy the constraints Wk ki  yi yj ki kj xi :xj 9
2 i;j1
f x i  1 if yi 1
f xi   1 if yi 1 Notation L(w,b,k) is changed to W(k) to reflect the last
or it can be presented in complete equation transformation. To construct the optimal hyper-plane,
coefficients ki are to be determined that maximize the
yi f xi yi wT x b  1 i 1; 2; . . .; N 3 function (9). Thus, by solving the dual optimization
problem, the coefficients koi can be obtained which is
Since the resulting geometric margin will be equal to
required to express the w from (7).
1/||w||2, vector w that minimizes ||w||2 under constraints (4)
is related to the vector that forms the optimal hyper-plane. X
1X N
Maximize Wk ki  yi yj ki kj xi :xj 10
2 i;j1
> k 0
Margin < i
Subject to XN : 11
> ki yi 0; i 1; 2; . . .; N

The value of bo is chosen to maximize the margin and is

calculated as
P2 {wT x + b = 1}
P {wT x + b = 0} maxyi 1 \wo :xi [ minyi 1 \wo :xi [
P1 {wT x + b = 1}
bo 12
Fig. 1 Hyper-plane classification This leads to decision function

1344 Neural Comput & Applic (2012) 21:13411347

N network. Input and output parameters for training and
f x sign ki yi xi :xj b 13 testing of the model with their range are given in Table 1.
i;j1 A list of sample data for training and testing of the SVM
When the training data are not linearly separable in feature and MVRA model are given in Tables 2 and 3,
space, the optimization problem cannot be solved, and no respectively.
feasible solution will exist. To allow for the possibility of
samples violating constraints, slack variables (ni C 0) are
introduced. A classifier which generalizes well is then 4 Prediction of TC by SVM
found by controlling both the classifier capacity (via ||w||)
and the number of training errors. The optimal hyper-plane There are a number of algorithms available, but sequential
separating the data can be obtained as a solution to the minimal optimization (SMO) is a new algorithm for the
following optimization problem. training of SVM, proposed by John [10]. It is a simple
algorithm that can quickly solve the SVM quadratic pro-
1 XN
gramming problem without any extra matrix storage and is
Minimize kwk2 C ni 14
2 i1
exempt from using any numerical quadratic programming
( optimization steps. SMO decomposes the overall quadratic
yi wT xi b  1  ni programming problem into subproblems of quadratic pro-
Subject to 15
ni  0; i 1; 2; . . .; N gramming by using Osunas theorem to ensure conver-
gence. There are two components in SMO: an analytic
where C is a constant representing error penalty. Rewriting method for solving the two Lagrange multipliers and a
the above optimization problem in terms of Lagrange heuristic one for choosing multipliers in optimization.
multipliers leads to the problem The advantage of SMO lies in the fact that solving for
X two Lagrange multipliers can be done analytically. Thus,
1X N
Maximize Wk ki  yi yj ki kj xi :xj 16 numerical quadratic programming optimization is avoided
2 i;j1
completely. The inner loop of the algorithm can be
8 expressed in a small code, rather than invoking an entire
< 0  ki  C
quadratic programming library routine. Even though more
Subject to X N 17
: ki yi 0; i 1; 2; . . .; N optimization subproblems are needed in the solving algo-
i1 rithm, the overall time expense is much reduced due to the
quick solution of each subproblem. In addition, SMO
The sequential minimal optimization (SMO) algorithm
requires no extra matrix storage. Thus, very large SVM
gives an efficient way of solving the dual problem arising
training problems can fit inside the memory of an ordinary
from the derivation of the SVM. SMO decomposes the
personal computer or workstation. Because no matrix
overall quadratic programming problem into quadratic
algorithm is involved in SMO, it is less susceptible to
programming subproblems.
numerical precision problems [10].
For training and testing of data set, Weka software [23]
is used, which is a collection of machine learning algo-
3 Data Set rithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can be applied
directly to a data set. Weka contains tools for data pre-
There are number of researchers who have done extensive processing, classification, regression, clustering, associa-
work to determine the physico-mechanical and dynamic tion rules, and visualization.
properties vis-a-vis thermal conductivity of different rocks. To test and validate the SVM model, a data set, which
A total of 127 data sets of TC, UCS, density, porosity, and was not used while training the network, was employed.
P-wave velocity were taken from various published liter- The results are presented in this section to demonstrate the
atures [16, 19, 25]. performance of the networks. Coefficient of determination
After the selection of data sets, these were divided into (CoD) and mean absolute error (MAE) between the pre-
training and testing data sets using sorting method to dicted and measured values is taken as the measure of
maintain statistical consistency. Data sets for validation performance.
were extracted at regular intervals from the sorted data- Figure 2 illustrates the measured and predicted TC on
base, and the remaining data sets were used for the training 1:1 slope line. All predicted data points are very close to
and testing. In the present study, 102 data sets (approxi- the 1:1 slope line. This clearly indicates the ability of SVM
mately 80%) were used for the training, and rest 25 data for the prediction of TC. Here, CoD is as high as 0.994,
sets (approximately 20%) were chosen for the testing of the whereas MAE is 0.0453.

Neural Comput & Applic (2012) 21:13411347 1345

Table 1 Input and output parameters of the network with their range, mean, and standard deviation
S. No. Input parameter Range Mean Standard deviation

1. UCS (MPa) 28.2147.5 67.664 25.543

2. Density (t/m3) 1.892.99 2.64 0.216
3. Porosity (%) 0.573.24 2.014 0.716
4. P-wave (m/s) 27586472 4288.6 987.452
5. Thermal conductivity (W/mK) 0.543.12 1.37 0.759

Table 2 Sample data set used for the training of SVM and MVRA model
S. No. UCS (MPa) Density (t/m3) Porosity (%) P-wave (m/s) Thermal conductivity (W/mK)

1. 78.2 2.71 1.4 4,920 1.48

2. 38.7 2.43 3.01 2,950 0.6
3. 120.8 2.97 0.86 5,870 3.01
4. 34.8 2.45 2.89 3,020 0.61
5. 44.5 2.52 2.74 3,330 0.72

Table 3 Sample data set used for the testing of SVM and MVRA model
S. No. UCS (MPa) Density (t/m3) Porosity (%) P-wave (m/s) Thermal conductivity (W/mK)

1. 116.9 2.96 1.1 5,680 2.91

2. 69.7 2.77 2.13 3,480 1.05
3. 57 2.51 2.48 3,580 0.84
4. 70.8 2.78 1.86 4,200 1.2
5. 74.4 2.68 1.84 4,210 1.45

one independent variable, then multivariate regression

analysis is used to get the best-fit equation. Multiple
regressions analysis solves the data sets by performing least
squares fit. It constructs and solves the simultaneous
equations by forming the regression matrix and solving for
the coefficient using the backslash operator. The multi-
variate regression analysis (MVRA) has been done by same
data sets and same input parameters that we used in SVM.
The equation for the prediction of TC by MVRA is
TC 1:1864 0:006  UCS 0:1493  Density
Fig. 2 Measured versus predicted TC by SVM
0:0134  Porosity 0:0004  P  wave: 18

5 Prediction of TC by multivariate regression analysis Figure 3 shows the measured and predicted TC on 1:1
slope line with CoD. Here, CoD between measured and
The purpose of multiple regressions is to learn more about predicted TC is 0.918, whereas MAE is 0.2085.
the relationship between several independent or predictor
variables and a dependent or criterion variable. The goal of
regression analysis is to determine the values of parameters 6 Results and discussion
for a function that cause the function to best fit a set of data
observations provided. In linear regression, the function is Figure 4 shows a graph of measured and predicted TC by
a linear (straight-line) equation. When there is more than SVM and MVRA. Here, prediction by SVM is closer to the

1346 Neural Comput & Applic (2012) 21:13411347

Table 4 CoD and MAE of TC by SVM and MVRA

Model CoD MAE

SVM 0.994 0.0453

MVRA 0.918 0.2085

Fig. 3 Measured versus predicted TC by MVRA

Fig. 5 Error graph between measured and predicted TC by SVM and


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MVRA whereas mean absolute error was 0.0453 and 0.2085 by
SVM and MVRA, respectively. This model will help to
measured TC, whereas prediction by MVRA has a wide avoid cumbersome experimental method for the determi-
variation. nation of the thermal conductivity of the rock.
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