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1.1 Draw flowchart to find area of circle. 3
1.2 Draw flowchart to find maximum number from two numbers. 4
1.3 Draw flochart to find sum of 10 numbers. 5
1.4 Draw flochart to multiply given three numbers. 6
1.5 Write an algorithm to find average of three numbers. 7
1.6 Write an algorithm to find whether given number is positive or negative. 8
1.7 write an algorithm to find out minimum number from two numbers. 9
1.8 write an algorithm to find perimeter of circle. 10
2.1 Write a program to print your name & address. 13
2.2 Write a program to add given three numbers. 14
2 2.3 write a program to find area of circle. 15
2.4 Write a program to perform addition,subtraction,multiplication & division 16
2.5 Write a program to find the area of rectangle. 17
3.1 Write a c program to demonstrate various datatypes. 18
3.2 write a program to find the average from given three numbers. 19
3.3 write a program to swap value of two numbers without using third variab 20
3.4 Write a program which will calculate y=xn making use of a valid library f 21
4.1 Write a program to find whether given number is odd or even. 22
4.2 Write a program to find whether given number is positive,negative or ze 23
4.3 Write a program to find maximum fro two numbers. 24
4.4 Write a program to find maximum from three numbers. 25
4.5 Write a program to check whether input year is leap year or not. 26
4.6 Write a program to enter days and convert it into month and days. 27
4.7 Write a program to display crud operation using switch case statement. 28
4.8 Write a program to print first 10 even numbers. 29
5.1 Write a program to find factorial number of given number. 30
5.2 Write a program to display fibonaci series. 31
5.3 Write a program to print the total of 1 to 50 using for loop. 32
5.4 Write a program to print 1,2,4,8,16,32,64. 33
5 5.5 Write a program to print 10 to 1. 34
5.6 Write a program to make a following pattern. 35
5.7 Write a program to find power of given number. 36
5.8 Write a program to print 1 to 10 numbers using while loop. 37
5.9 Write a program to print 1 to 10 numbers using do while loop. 38
6.1 Write a program to create an array of 10 integer.Enter for 10 elements an 39
6.2 Write a progam to find sum of all the elements of array. 40
6.3 Write a program to find largest and smallest number from an array of n 41
6.4 Write a program to input 5 character and print it in reverse order. 42

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