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The seven layers of the aura, also know as the subtle bodies, hold different forms of
information, these layers correspond with the chakra system. The energy from the chakras
process the aura. Physical, emotional and spiritual health effect the size of the aura. The aura
expands and contracts depending on those factors.

When it comes to the aura, you might envision a cloud or field of energy surrounding the
human body, and youd be correct. But what you may not know is that the auric field is
composed of several layers, rather than just one. Each layer corresponds to a chakra and has
its own qualities and characteristics. Together they blend to form the absolute aura.


The first layer is called the etheric field. It vibrates closely to the physical body and is
associated with the Root chakra. This field holds information about your physical health. Its
colors are shades of blue and 1 1/4 in to 2 inches outward. A person reading this field may feel
physical pain or pleasure.

Root Chakra Healing Tips


If youre always on survival mode and can barely seem to get by on a monthly basis, you may
have an out-of-balance root chakra. Represented by the color red, this is perhaps the most
important chakra of all given the fact that it lays a foundation for all other chakras. In this post,
well take a look at what a healthy root chakra looks and feels like as well as what you can do
to rebalance one thats not in its best shape.

The root chakra represents the survival instinct thats present in all of us. It also stands for the
need for a person to find his or her roots, a sense of grounding, security and the need to get
the needed support from oneself as well as others for the purposes of thriving and surviving.

If your root chakra is on overdrive, you may have a problem controlling yourself. You may
binge eat, hoard money, become very critical and get caught up in cynicism as well as
negativity. It becomes a vicious cycle that is self-fulfilling. You will be the kind of person who
will do whatever they can to win, even when it alienates other people. You may also suffer
from anxiety and depression and feel unsure about your future. Even when theres abundance
around you, you may never really truly feel safe and okay, preferring to amass and hoard
things because of an illusion that things may run out.

If your root chakra is balanced, you will have faith in yourself as well as other people. You will
also be confident in your ability to provide for yourself as well as others, as well as have
unshakable faith in the future and the fact that everything will work itself out. You will be able
to form healthy relationships that will flourish with time, and you will understand and accept
the cyclical nature of most things in life.

Here are a few things you can do to rebalance and heal your root chakra:

1. Walk barefoot outside. This is a practice thats known as grounding. Your feet touching the
earth will help reestablish the connection with Mother Earth, fostering feelings of security and
grounding you in ways you never thought possible.
2. Start working towards self-reliance and autonomy. This could involve speaking with someone
about you finances, signing up for life-classes, meeting with like-minded people and
reconnecting with the deepest part of you through spiritualism.
3. Surround yourself with the color red. This is the root chakra color, and it instills in you a
confidence that cant be shaken due to any uncertainties that you may encounter in life.
4. Practice yoga poses that require you to sit on a yoga mat for a long time such as the pigeon
pose. Yoga is a great way to ground and reconnect with your body on a primal level.
5. Dance like nobodys watching. This shakes up all the meridians in your body, realigning any kind
of energy that may be disrupting the normal flow of prana to your root chakra.

Your root chakra is your foundation; if you take care of it, youll be able to affect the other
chakras in your body in a more positive and holistic way.


The emotional layer of the aura extends about 1 to 1 1/3 inches from the body. This is the field
that holds emotions and feelings associated with the sacral chakra. The colors are usually a
bright rainbow combination. When negative feelings and emotions or blocks are present, this
field can appear muddy. Problems in this field have a negative impact at some point on the
first and third layers.

Sacral Chakra Healing Tips


Have you ever met someone who seems so open and sincere with everyone that theyre just
easy to be around? These kinds of people more often than not have a balanced sacral chakra.
Located just under the navel, the sacral chakra is represented by the color orange. This chakra
is known as the seat of your emotions, and it governs your sexuality, the sense of abundance
and pleasure.

Why a healthy sacral chakra is crucial

A healthy sacral chakra may help you become open and accepting to change, make it possible
for you to be a good lover, give you the passion you need to follow through things in life, be in
touch with all your emotions and more. You are also more likely to be confident and wont
have a problem with lifes difficulties, handling them as they come. In addition, you may be
enviably passionate when it comes to living your best life, and youre the life of the party
wherever you go.

An unhealthy sacral chakra may be seen in one of two ways. First off, if you have a weak sacral
chakra, you may be the kind of person who goes along just for the sake of doing so, and you
may have mastered the art of slithering under the radar, not wanting to be seen. You may also
be very passive and not want to participate in life; this may go as far as you developing some
kind of fatigue condition. You may also find it hard to finish projects and suffer from a
diminished sex drive.

If on the other hand you have an overactive sacral chakra, you may come off as too controlling
or demanding. Sexual indiscretions and addictions may stalk you for a long time, and you may
come off clingy and emotionally unstable, choosing to explode in anger when confronted by a
problem instead of being calm and reacting in a logical manner. You may have unreasonable
expectations that you project on other people, asking too much from them at any given time.

Here are a few tips you can use to balance and heal your sacral chakra:

1. Consider doing some hip-opening yoga exercises every so often to help the energy around this
area move around and redistribute itself.
2. Drink lots of water to flush your kidneys, liver and large intestine, keeping the organs connected
to this chakra in prime condition at all times.
3. Surround yourself with orange in the form of orange candles, curtains, bedroom furnishings
and clothes.
4. Dance by yourself or with friends every chance you get; this will help you get rid of your
inhibitions which will help you increase the flow of prana in your sacral region.
5. Eat lots of coconut, strawberries, melon, oranges and mandarins.
6. Let go of any hurt, people, emotions, memories and injustices visited upon your person since
the emotions tied around these issues have the potential to cause energy blockages for
extended periods of time.
7. Connect with others, and dont be afraid of giving and receiving affection.

Balancing your sacral chakra can go a long way in ensuring that your bodys systems work in


The mental, or third layer of the aura can extend from 3 to 8 inches from the body. It contains
your ideas, thoughts and mental processes. Usually bright shades of yellow and the solar
plexus chakra are associated with the layer.

Solar Plexus Healing Tips


The solar plexus chakra is the seat of your will and ego. Also known as the third chakra going
up, it is represented by the color yellow. People whose solar plexus chakra is working well are
confident leaders who are able to trust themselves to be the best they can be without
worrying about the negative opinions of others. That being said, it takes time to develop a
healthy and well-balanced solar plexus chakra. In this post, well take a look at some of the
signs and symptoms of a dysfunctional solar plexus chakra as well as what you can do to rectify
the issue.
The solar plexus chakra is located between your sternum and navel. It is also involved in self-
confidence and starts being formed during young adulthood. If one is raised in an affirming
environment, they are more likely to have a healthy solar plexus chakra because they will be
able to exercise their will and power when it comes to getting what they want as well as have
the ability to influence others in a leadership position.

The solar plexus is known as Manipura in Sanskrit, and it is connected to the element fire since
it gives an individual the power and zeal to go after what they want in an almost fiery fashion.
It is also associated with the adrenals and the pancreas, and it governs digestive organs such as
the gallbladder, liver and stomach.

If you have a weak solar plexus chakra you may notice the following signs:

Low self-esteem
Sluggish digestion
Irritable bowel syndrome
Celiac disease
Feeling powerless in the face of opposition
Weight problems
Kidney or liver problems
Adrenal gland disorders

Luckily, all these issues can be fixed by paying close attention to your body and then coming up
with a plan to heal your solar plexus chakra.

Here are a few things that you may want to try:

1. Sign up for assertiveness or self-defense classes. This can be something that will build your self-
esteem from the ground up, effectively raising your self-worth.
2. Write down affirmations and practice them every moment you get. These could be affirmations
such as I value myself, I am worthy of success, I stand up for myself and my beliefs and
3. Use the color yellow liberally in your home since this will serve as a visual cue to your solar
plexus chakra every time youre around the color. This could be in your curtains, your bed
sheets, cutlery and couch throws.
4. Come up with goals and write them down. Break them down into small steps so that theyre
manageable. Reward yourself once you come to the end of every step. Do this for many goals,
and youll start to build your sense of self-worth in no time.
5. Eat foods that truly soothe your solar plexus area. Opt for whole foods, nuts, fruits, yogurt,
cheese, ginger and turmeric.


The astral layer relates to the heart or fourth chakra and is located about twelve inches from
the physical body. This layer unites the lower three and the higher three auric layers, acting as
a bridge between the denser physical vibrations and the higher spiritual ones. It is also called
the astral body or the entrance to the astral plane.

This is considered the layer of love. Here we understand and express our feelings and
relationships with others. Although the second layer pertains to emotions, the fourth gets into
the higher octaves of care and compassion. Negative expressions can result in judgments and
attacks on the self and others, also known as hardening your heart.

Heart Chakra Healing Tips


The heart is one of the most important organs of the body due to the vital role it plays in blood
circulation. However, Indian healing modalities view the heart as the seat of emotions such as
compassion and true love. The heart chakra is represented by the color purple and it is located
around the heart as well as chest area.

The heart chakra is a great way of getting to know yourself and others since it is seen as the
balancer in relation to the other six chakras. This is because it connects you to others and
allows you to view people in a more human way as well as realize that we are all cosmically
connected on a fundamental level.

Symptoms of a Blocked Heart Chakra

If your heart chakra is blocked due to one reason or the other, you may have a hard time
letting yourself become vulnerable. You may appear callous, egotistical and uncaring to others.
An overactive heart chakra, on the other hand, may make you seem arrogant and
inconsiderate when it comes to the feelings of others. You may find it virtually hard to forgive
others, choosing to use your head when faced with emotional problems. The good news is that
the heart chakra is one that can be rebalanced by following a few steps well take a look at

A blockage of the heart chakra may lead to chest, circulation and cardiac problems. This is
because those who have a blockage of this chakra may isolate themselves from others,
creating an environment of loneliness and despondency.

How to Heal This Chakra

1. A great way of getting in touch with your heart chakra is to practice being open with your
emotions. This could be in the form of writing down your emotions or speaking to someone you
can trust. Watching emotionally charged shows and movies can also help open you up, helping
you achieve some kind of emotional catharsis.
2. Accepting the hand that life has dealt you will also help you in fostering good heart chakra
health. Clinging to old beliefs and refusing to accept what has happened or a particular
circumstance may leave you feeling bitter and closed off. Acceptance may take years, but when
youre finally ready to do so, dont fight it; just ease into it.
3. Indulging in things like massages, long baths or spa treatments can also strengthen your heart
chakra since it teaches you the importance of taking care of and loving yourself. If you would
like to integrate a physical aspect into opening your hear chakra, consider yoga shoulder
openers a couple of times a day to help sustain good heart chakra vibrations. The cobra, camel
and fish postures also open up the heart area which in turn leads to more blood and nutrients
rushing to this area.
4. Performing a random act of kindness at least once a week can also open you up to the healing
power of love as well as reconnecting with an old friend that you had a special connection with
in the past. When doing any of these practices, make sure to make your intention clear to
yourself so you can reap maximum benefits at the end of it all.
Astral World

The Astral World explained and explored

In this, the seventh of the twelve articles comprising our occult studies course, we shall discuss and
explore the subject of the Astral World in order to find out what it is and what it isn't.

You can find full details about our occult studies course by clicking the link above.

There are more misconceptions about the Astral World than almost any other occult subject
we can think of. In this investigation we aim to clear up these misconceptions and solve some
of the puzzles which confront the sincere seeker who wants FACTS, rather than the
speculations and fantasies of psychics who, lacking any training in the occult sciences, only
partially understand what they see and experience during their travels on the Astral plane.

We know of only two writers who described the Astral World correctly, and it will be no
surprise to our regular readers to discover that these are J Michaud PhD and the 19th century
occultist, H. P. Blavatsky, in whose books we find the truth and nothing but the truth, insofar as
it may be revealed to a world deeply imbedded in materialism, greed and selfishness. This is
the reason why their books are largely unknown and ignored. Most seekers do not want to
hear the truth, much preferring the colourful fantasies that pour of the presses in an unending
stream and spread across the Internet like poisonous weeds. An example of this are the many
popular websites which purport to describe the various planes of the Astral World and their

To anyone familiar with the true occult scientific teachings of H. P. Blavatsky, it is clear where
such authors get their information from. It is equally clear what they have done with it; namely
distorted it out of all recognition by expunging those parts they do not understand and grafting
on the fruits of their own, ignorant speculations. One typical example of this is the following
description of lowest plane of the Astral World, which we have edited for brevity. "The lowest
plane is known as Avichi which is hell to the inhabitants, where the astral body is composed of
much the same dense matter as this plane. Why is it hell? Because the inhabitants lack a
physical body to satisfy their appetites." If the supposed inhabitants of this plane have a body
composed of 'dense matter', they are just as able to 'satisfy their appetites' through it as we do
on Earth; this is simply common sensesomething the authors of such conspicuous claptrap
seem to have left behind, if they ever possessed it, which we doubt!

This is the principal reason why there are so many contradictory descriptions of the Astral
World. For many it is a replica of earthly conditions, where you only have to think of a thing
and it appears! This is very much the spiritualist's conception, now adopted and adapted
unthinkingly by many in the "New Age" movement and its various offshoots. Then we have the
happy-hunting grounds of the native Americans, with an abundance of buffalo and no double-
dealing, two-faced palefaces to ruin it all, or the Eskimo heaven, which is the tummy of a
whale, made of blubber, and WARM. All variations on the Astral theme. And so each race and
age has its own ideas of what heaven is like, and these astral regions are the domains in which
all the happiness and content, not to be found on earth, can be found; each according to what
they most wish for and know as their highest ideal

There is much truth in these various beliefs in, and longings after, paradises not to be found on
earth. But they are not the whole truth, as we shall discover as we develop our theme. There is
also the astral world which is the dwelling of the elemental spirits, such as the fairies, gnomes
and sylphs we may read about in occult books, and a host of other, far less savoury entities,
and there are certain ways of penetrating into the regions where they dwell. Proclus called
these beings demons, and many of them are demoniacal creatures, very dangerous to contact
if one is not prepared and under full protection, as you may read in the near-death experience
(NDE) of Howard Storm, who met some of these low-grade elemental beings when he 'died'
during an operation.

"I was forced by a mob of unfriendly and cruel people toward some unknown destination in
the darkness . . . A number of them began to push and shove me, and I responded by hitting
back at them.

A wild orgy of frenzied taunting, screaming and hitting ensued. I fought like a wild man. All the
while it was obvious that they were having great fun. It seemed to be, almost, a game for
them, with me as the centrepiece of their amusement. My pain became their pleasure. They
seemed to want to make me hurt by clawing at me and biting me."

Quoted from Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife website

And this is the astral world some foolish seekers want to 'project' into in the mistaken belief
(though fantasy would be a better word) that it will be a 'fun' and 'exciting' diversion from their
humdrum lives! If you, who are reading this, have ever had such desires, let the above
experience of Howard Storm be a warning to you not to meddle with conditions over which
you have no control and less understanding. What the beings that dwell in the higher regions
of the astral world look like you can also discover in the above account which is well worth
reading in its entirety. We feel compelled to add that Storm's belief that the radiant being who
befriended him was Jesus is an interpretation of his own mind, but this in no way detracts from
the truth of what he experienced when he was released from his physical body for a time. We
ourselves have beheld similar things and beings in the astral world, so we know from personal
experience that his account is an honest and truthful one. The fact that it comes from someone
with no occult knowledge, training or any prior religious convictions or faith considerably adds
to its verisimilitude and that is one reason why we have quoted it.

The inhabitants of the Astral World

There are three distinct classes of beings in the astral world. The first are the so-called
"elementaries"; the shells or shades of human beings who have lived on earth, and these are
the most intelligent, or rather cunning. They are the remnants of people, who, having refused
all spiritual light, remained and died so deeply immersed in the mire of matter that the Higher
Self or immortal Ego has only gradually separated from their sinful earthly personalities.
Fortunately, most of these pitiful wretches only survive the death of the body for a short time,
gradually losing all consciousness of their erstwhile human personalities as they disintegrate.
The purer the personality was on earth, the less vitality these shades possess; the coarser the
human being from whom they were separated, the longer they survive, and the more chance
they have of finding their way into the sance room or the mind of a "New Age" channeler.

As we have seen above, no real good can come of any contact with these beings. Even if not
actually wicked, they are always imperfect and weak and their influence can never be
elevating. Moreover, it is quite wrong to encourage such shells into activity or to feed them
upon the vital essences of human beings, thus galvanizing them into a fictitious renewal of
their existence. Such are the "angel guides" we hear so much about nowadays. Idle dreams and
speculations; they are nothing more than the succubi and incubi of medieval times in modern
dress. If we critically examine the communications of these supposed 'guides' from the
beyond, we find in almost cases that they contain nothing which could not have come from the
medium's own mind. Often the 'messages' received are so banal and nonsensical that they
would shame the smallest child, yet because they are claimed to emanate from the 'astral',
they are swallowed like manna from Heaven!

H. P. Blavatsky, who could SEE and recognise the elemental beings behind such 'spirit'
communications (as the author of this article can too), knew what a lying charade contacts
with such beings is, and wrote at great length about it in her books. J Michaud describes the
tricks these low beings employ to hoodwink their gullible contacts very clearly in the fifth
chapter of The Golden Star. We suggest you read it if you wish to learn the truth about the
mechanics behind all such astral phenomena. We personally knew a lady many years ago who
was a most accomplished singer and famous "psychic" who "married" the "spirit" of D. H.
Lawrence. We have absolutely no doubt that she enjoyed a full and completely "real"
relationship with the elementary who was impersonating the deceased writer, but we could
see behind the mask and she, poor woman, could, or would not. We would like to say that she
eventually "got over" her psychic infatuation with this astral elementary. Sadly, her obsession
cost her both talent, health, family, and finally her sanity. You may smile in disbelief, but we
assure you that we write the truth.

Since spiritualism began in the 19th Century there have been thousands of good, pure and
honest men and women just like her, who, but for the cultivation of the evil capacity to make
contact with the elementaries, might have lived useful lives leading to higher things, but
through the gradual and pernicious influence of these low, earth-bound spirits, have sunk from
bad to worse. What a damnable farce it all is! The worst part of it is that millions still believe in
this maleficent masquerade of moving shadows, now invoked through modern Witchcraft or
Wicca, 'channeling' and other 'New Age' practisesas you can read in the sidebar on your

The second class of beings in the astral world are human beings themselves. These may be the
astral bodies of human beings whose physical bodies are asleep on earth while their minds
roam in the astral regions, or the discarnate Higher Selves of human beings awaiting their next
incarnation. These are of all grades of evolution, just as we find here on earth; some wise,
some not so wise, and some so little evolved they resemble animals in all but name. Each
dwells in that part of the astral world with which they are most attuned. The more highly
evolved of these beings can be contacted, but only by rising up in thought to the refined
regions where they dwell, not via the sance room or 'channeling', which at best can only
contact the most lowly-evolved of the dwellers in the astral world; hence the nonsensical
messages generally received from such contacts.

The third class are the proper elementals, which never evolve into human beings, but exist on
a different rate of vibration as nature-spirits, each confined to its own special element.
Tertullian called them the "princes and powers of the air." They have no tangible bodies, nor
are they immortal, having only astral forms which are closely identified with the elements they
are connected with. There are elementals of the Air, Fire, Water and Earth. There are also
flower elementals, tree elementals and so on. They are a combination of sublimated matter
and rudimental mind. The lower ranks act collectively and have no individuality as a rule,
though the great Devas who rule over them are distinct individualities of great power,
compassion and wisdom. None of these beings can be seen by ordinary physical sight, but only
by clairvoyant vision. If you want to know what they look like, you can find true descriptions of
them in the clairvoyant investigations of nature spirits and fairies by the English seer, Geoffrey
Hodson, several of whose books we recommend elsewhere on our website.
In addition to the above, we have the fairies, pixies, gnomes, kobolds, hobgoblins, elves,
undines, water-nymphs, nixies, sylphs, salamanders, and a legion of other strange beings, too
numerous to enumerate here. As Bulwer-Lytton wrote in his occult novel Zanoni: "some are of
surpassing wisdom, some of horrible malignity; some hostile as fiends to men, others gentle as
messengers between earth and heaven." As we have said above, it needs the inner sight to see
the varied inhabitants of the astral world. But to assert they do not exist because those who
are not clairvoyant can't see them is ridiculous. But to have clairvoyant powers is not always an
unmixed blessing. It can be both embarrassing and disturbing, especially when children have
this gift and their parents either cannot, or will not, acknowledge and understand it.

Astral vision seeing into the Astral World

A friend of ours, who has the "sight", was once talking to a stranger who had come to his home
for assistance. As our friend spoke to the him, the stranger's face faded away and in its place
appeared the countenance of a demonic-looking satyr, glaring at our friend in the most
dreadful manner. When enquiries were made about the man it was found that, although he
had asked for money, he was living in a splendid house in a rich district. Yet when he visited
our friend he was almost in rags and told him he was starving. Now whether our friend saw the
lower self of that stranger as it really was, or his Higher Self which had turned to evil, OR an
elementary who had taken control of the stranger's mind, it is impossible to say; for the
explanations for such clairvoyant visions are many, and only the trained Initiate can distinguish
one possibility from another and so arrive at the correct and true conclusion.

On another occasion, this friend heard galloping sounds behind him as he walked in the park,
and on looking around, he saw a troop of pan-like figures, capering around him in the
moonlight. We know many mystics, who have not so much of the gift of clairvoyance, who
when alone in the countryside, have seen sudden flashes of light from the hedgerows and a
fleeting form, more beautiful than words can describe, flit past their startled gaze. Young
children, too, quite often see such beings, and some may even become "invisible" playmates
for a time, to the consternation and often, sad to say, anger of their parents, who do not want
their child "seeing things that aren't there." If only the poor parents realised that nothing they
do see, hear, taste, touch, or sense in any way, is 'there' either, they might just learn
something of value from those children who can see a little further than most.

We are never alone. Others to whom we have spoken have had very similar experiences, but it
is the privilege of all to believe these things or not. It is quite easybut not always advisable to
develop this power of clairvoyance, and there are various ways of doing this, apart from the
methods taught by the truly great Occult Order mentioned in our discussion of the Occult
Jungle. There are also secret methods of sounding certain notes, thereby attuning with the
conditions that exist in the Astral World. But we strongly advise you not to experiment with
any such methods you may have read about, because if these are applied in the wrong
manner, it can lead to dire results. Similar methods also allow one to be present at the
meetings and rituals of some of the dark societies of the West and East, without these people
being aware of it. But to uswho are on the path to the Lightthese things hold no attraction,
and apart from trying out the principle a few times, we have no wish to be present at any time
to see these dark individuals at work or listen to their plans. They have no power to hurt us if
we do not invite them to do so by tuning in with their conditions or their black hearts.

At the same time, as we have mentioned in our discussion of the Occult Jungle, it is good to
have knowledge, for it aids us in protecting the inexperienced and unwary seeker who might
innocently fall into a trap. Many victims are caught in this way and realise too late how difficult
it will be to escape from the clutches of these black magicians; more of whom in our next

As we study the conditions in the Astral World, we begin to realise who the genii were we read
so much about in Eastern tales of magic and wonder such as Aladdin and his "magic" lamp.
These beings do exist, but to employ them leads to perdition. No white brother would do so.
Black and white do not mix. And here we have another hint in regard to what Karma really is. It
is definitely attunement and nothing else. Therefore it will be clear to you that if we attune
ourselves with these genii, elementals, demons and other less pleasant inhabitants of the
astral world, we deliberately invite their conditions as well, and we will find that individuals of
like propensities to our own are drawn towards us too, so affecting us and our life in a most
undesirable manner.

True conditions and real nature of the Astral World

Please do not think that the astral world is vaporous and intangible, filled with spooks drifting
about like actors and actresses in a Hollywood Gothic melodrama. No! Things in the astral
world are only tenuous in substance to our conception, but dense to its own inhabitants. We,
on the other hand, seem to be a less tangible substance to them than their own. The first kind
of astral world is that of which the ancient Sages speak, and it is the creation of God himself no
less than our own world. It's inhabitants are real and have form in every sense. The second
kind consists of thought-forms, produced by humanity as a whole; for thoughts are things. The
cumulative effects of humanity have produced that second kind of astral world, which some
philosophers and mystics call the Universal Mind, or Anima Mundi. Others have called it the
"Soul of the World" or "astral light".

Whatever thoughts, emotions or feelings have been produced by man have been (and are)
sent forth and exist in spaceas we conceive spaceand they influence our thinking and
produce "waves" of various kinds of sentiments; good, bad and indifferent. They produce the
public "mood", national pride and what the Germans call "Weltschmerz" or World Sorrow.
They sway mobs and meetings of all kinds by the speaker or leader enflaming the passions or
appealing to the reason, thereby drawing upon the great reservoirs of similar feeling extant in
the astral realms. They also attract the proper elementals, who gather around in great hordes
whenever the passions are aroused, for these beings feed on these low emotions as we feed
on food and drink.

Whenever we give way to anger, a host of demons, most malignant, attend on us, and will
hover around us for a long time, in the hope that we may act in the same way again; for when
we give way to anger we release a certain amount of "power", on which these elementals
exist. This is why one always feels exhausted after a fit of anger, for "virtue has gone out of us."
Being thus weakened, and having less control than before, it becomes more and more easy to
give way to new fits of anger, weakening us still more, until at last the results become apparent
in weakened bodily health. At the same time we have less power of resistance to the insidious
whispers of the elementals, which have now adopted us as a more or less permanent provider
of strength for themselves, and we find ourselves in the grip of a remorseless fate, affecting
not only our health, but our material and economic conditions as well.

The third kind of astral world comprises our own, personal thoughts-forms, and the thoughts
of others, which can be contacted by us, for they cling to us for a while, and they can be seen
by others if they are clairvoyant, or we can see another person's thoughts, or feel them, if we
have the capacity to do so. Always remember that these things are material and have form.
They are still part of our material being, thinking and acting. They have no connection with the
conditions of the HIGHER realms of celestial purity, goodness and love, which are described in
a Glimpse of Heaven on our Religious quotes and occult maxims page.

A thought-formproduced by Mr Ais generally seen in its true shape by Miss B, if she has
the faculty of "seeing", but it is also possible that Mr A may form a thought of what HE thinks
Christ looked like. This projected picture is then picked up by Mrs C, who sees a vision of HER
version of Christ's personal appearance. Or Mr D may only contact the devotional feeling of Mr
A and translate this into the form of the Virgin Mary, or Isis, or Buddha, or Krishna, or one of
the Christian Saints, and swear blind that this is the only "true" vision, sent by his "angel
guide", when you (and we) know it was not! There are countless possibilities of having similar
"visions" of all sorts from one projection, especially if one or more of the elementals
manipulate it as well. So you will agree that the subject is very difficult indeed and why it is
almost impossible to discuss it without being misunderstood.

Astral Projection

In addition to these thought-forms which may be seen in the astral world, there are the
projections of our own astral body. In this way we may appear at a greater or lesser distance,
visible to others who have the "sight", when our physical body is lying relaxed or asleep at
home. We can "project" to different places on earth as well as to locations within the astral
world. This is one of the means of penetrating into regions existing on different rates of
vibration, or into the past and even the future. Though the former kind of "projection" may
also be considered as contacting the memories of our previous lives on earth as we discussed
in our article on Reincarnation. Quite how we may contact our future lives is a topic outside
this discussion which you are welcome to ponder upon! Though we would say that it is
certainly possible, for "time" and "space" are not what we think they are, here on earth.

We ourselves have seen and learnt many interesting things during our explorations of the
astral world as you can read in our 'Astral Conversations' series of articles. We vividly recall
seeing our physical body for the first time from the perspective of our freed Higher Self. My
goodness, we thought, is that disgusting grey corpse really us? What a shock that was to our
ego, removing all vanity in our personal appearance forever and at once! On another occasion
we were privileged to see the Higher Self of a close friend as it really appeared in its own, high,
spiritual realm. That too was an enormous shock, but a most joyful one, for the god-like being
that we beheld was more glorious than words can describe. We have also had many pleasant
excursions among the beautiful scenery and magnificent buildings of the higher regions of the
astral world and met many of its blessed inhabitants, as well as contacting some of the more
unpleasant dwellers in the lower regions. But we will refrain from describing them as all they
can teach us is what not to attune with in our astral journeyings.

You may be asking at this point, "yes, this is all very well, but how do I learn the technique of
'astral' projection?" This is a good question, and the simple answer is by learning how to free
your mind from your physical body. You can do this through deep meditation as we discuss in a
later article in this Course. The genuine Occult Orders give their students certain exercises to
acquire and develop the technique of so-called 'astral projection', but we prefer the term
'extension of consciousness', for this is what astral projection really is. Such exercises are the
secrets of the Orders who teach them and it would be against all occult laws for us to reveal
them. Moreover, even if we were to reveal them it would not help you. For unless you are
under the constant and close personal supervision of a trained Master or Adept in the occult
sciences, such information would do little good but might do untold harm, as we explain our
Occult FAQ.
For this reason any astral projection exercises or techniques which you may have read about in
books or encountered on the Internet, no matter how 'famous' and 'highly regarded' the
authors of such books may be, are best avoided. Even if you should achieve limited success
with such methods, the results you obtain will be of very little value to you. For unless you
have been trained to recognise exactly where you are in the Astral World, and the real nature
of the conditions and beings you may encounter there, you are in much the same position as a
terrestrial explorer who ventures into unknown regions without map, compass, guide, or any
idea of what to expect. In short, your observations and discoveries may mean anything or
nothing, and this is one of the main reasons channeled 'New Age' teachings are mostly such
complete nonsense, as you can read in our afterword to this article on your right.

Some readers have told us that they experience 'terrifying vibrations', loud 'rushing noises' and
all manner of other strange and often unpleasant symptoms when attempting to leave their
physical body. Let us say at once that all such symptoms are almost always due to physical or
mental tension of some kind brought on by over-excitement and worry about what might
happen. The idea leaving your body helpless whilst you go wandering about in the Astral World
has frightened the life out generations of occult students, who were afraid they would never
get back inside themselves!! Let us reassure you that this is quite impossible in actuality,
whatever you may have read or heard to the contrary.

Finally, we have known and do know, some occult students who become so addicted to 'astral
travelling' (when such excursions are not the figment of their overheated imaginations) that
they become quite unbalanced about their 'amazing' experiences, which they relate with great
relish to anyone who will listen to them, or post them on YouTube for the entertainment of
other, equally vapid, thrill-seekers and mystery-mongers. No possible good can come of such
obsessions, which at best are nothing more than a form of mystical self-indulgence which do
not add one iota to our store of Wisdom, and at worst mislead the seeker into all manner of
errors and delusions.

The Astral Light

Paracelsus, in his Philosophia Saga, states: "The current of the astral light with its peculiar
inhabitants, gnomes, sylphs, etc., is transformed into human light at the moment of
conception, and it becomes the first envelope of the soulits grosser portion; combined with
the most subtle fluids, it forms the sidereal (astral, or ethereal) phantomthe inner man." To
which Eliphas Levi adds: "The astral light is saturated with elementary souls which it discharges
in the incessant generation of beings...At the birth of a child, they influence the four
temperaments of the latter. The element of the gnomes (Earth) predominates in melancholy
persons; of the salamanders (Fire) in the sanguine (pleasure-seeking and sociable); of the
undines (Water) in the phlegmatic (relaxed and quiet); of the sylphs (Air) in the Choleric or
giddy and bilious...These are the spirits which we designate under the term of the (four) Occult

So, if any ladies are reading this, when someone next compliments you on your "sylph-like"
figure, perhaps you won't feel quite so proud!

What the Kabbalists term the astral light, the Buddhists call Svabhavat, and some higher
metaphysical schools even state that this astral light is a self-existent matter, which has never
been created, but always was, without beginning or end, past or future. This atmosphere is
said to be constantly changing every minute of every day. When we consider all that we have
said up to now about the various thought-forms that are constantly being projected into, and
reflected back from, the astral light, this statement seems very reasonable to us. Herakleides
said that the knowledge of the astral world was the great secret of the highest initiation. You
can read more about matter from the standpoint of occult science in our article why matter

We have seen in our previous articles about Karma, Reincarnation, Evolution and Intelligence
that the human Higher Self or immortal ego ascends from the physical by successive stages
until at last it leaves all material dross behind and joins with the spiritual essence from which it
first descended; rich with the experience it has garnered during its sojourns here on earth and
in the various spheres or planes in which it dwells in between incarnations. If these teachings
are true, and we are in no doubt of it and hope that you are not either, what an awe-inspiring
journey it is! But to succeed in that journey, wherever it may take us, we need FAITH, which is
the subject of our next and eighth article in this Occult studies course.


This layer corresponds to the throat or fifth chakra and extends about eighteen inches from
the physical body. Here is where you manifest things out of ether into the world. It is the
blueprint for everything you create on the physical plane, including your identity or

Negative effects can result in changes on this layer that eventually show up as negative
thoughts, emotions, physical disease and distorted personality aspects.

Throat Chakra Healing Tips


The throat chakra, also known as the Vishuddha, is also known as the seat of self-expression. It
sits on the throat, shoulder and neck area and its the 5th chakra going up. If youve always
been the kind of person who speaks his or her authentic truth, have a vision that you dont
mind sharing with everyone around you, are a great orator and communicator, you have a
healthy throat chakra.

The throat chakra is prone to damage when prana or life force energy doesnt move through
the different chakras as it should. There are certain things that may symbolize an unhealthy
chakra that well take a look at shortly. However, before that, its important to know which
organs are related to this vital communication center.

Some of the organs associated with the throat chakra:

1. Trachea
2. Esophagus
3. Mouth
4. Ears
5. Teeth
6. Nose
7. Carotid arteries

The throat chakra is represented by the color blue. On top of that, its though that this chakra
is the seat of your will and can determine how well you get along with others since ones voice
and speech can determine whether one is honest or a liar who does so for selfish purposes or
to get along with others.
Once the throat chakra is fully healed, you will be able to speak your truth without fear of
reprisal. In addition, you will have an increased sense of self-awareness that can only come
from speaking ones truth.

Some of the conditions associated with an unhealthy throat chakra:

1. Laryngitis
2. Throat problems
3. Sore throat
4. Neck pain
5. Shoulder pain
6. Lying
7. Fear
8. Arrogance
9. Compulsive eating
10. Manipulative behavior

Tips for healing this chakra

In order to heal an out-of-balance throat chakra, you must first learn to be honest with
yourself. Accepting all parts of yourself, both good and bad can help in restoring the energy
located in your throat chakra. Its vital that you dont shy away from speaking the truth and
admitting your shortcomings since this will be the beginning of healing.

Another thing you can do to begin to heal your throat chakra is to drink lots of fluids such as
water, natural juice, lime, grapefruit and herbal teas. Tart fruit such as lemon can help since it
provides this chakra with nutrients such as vitamin C which are great at keeping cells in this
area free from radical damage.

Lastly, you may want to express yourself through writing, singing, chanting, giving speeches
and sharing your thoughts with friends and family. This will encourage you to have faith in
yourself and your abilities which in turn will slowly rebuild and redirect the energy around your
throat chakra. Rolling both your neck and jaw gently can effectively give the muscles around
this area a much-needed workout, releasing any stored tension that may be interfering with
the flow of life force energy. The throat chakra thrives on courage and authenticity, so dont be
afraid of being judged for saying exactly what you feel; after all, its good for your overall well-

4 Tips to Tell the Truth About Yourself and to Yourself

Our lives improve only when we take chances and the first and most difficult risk we
can take is to be honest with ourselves. ~Walter Anderson

Theres almost nothing I hate more than honesty.

Ill give you a moment to let that sink in. You may be doing a double-take, thinking did
she mean theres nothing she hates more than lying?

I wish.

Most people probably think Im an honest person, and in general, I suppose thats true.
I am honest with many people. However, Im rarely honest with the person who
matters mostmyself.
As someone whose drug of choice is food, Im familiar with all matters of sneaky and
lying behavior. The best I can pin-point, this probably started for me around the age of
six. In other words, Ive had a long time to practice.

And I have to admit, I got pretty damn good.

I could wolf down an entire meal from McDonalds on my way home from work,
dispose of the trash on my way, and then sit down and eat another dinner when I got

I wasnt as good at hiding candy wrappers when I was a kidstashing them behind the
couch where, surprisingly, my mom did occasionally clean. But I perfected the art over
time, learning how to wrap one inside another inside another and then squish them
down to make them look like oneinstead of fifteen.

Come to think of it, Im pretty sure Ive even started a new art form called Trash
Arranging. (I should probably trademark that.)

Heres the thing: I like hiding. I dont like spilling the beans about myself to a new friend
(aka someone Ive known for five years). Im squeamish about social events, and if I can
avoid the details of where Ive been or what Ive been doing, I will.

I realize what youve read until now makes it sound like Ill soon have my own reality
show akin to Hoarders, but I promise thats not the case. What Ive discovered about
my own issues is that we all have them.

Mines food, but yours might be something elseshutting down at the holidays,
drinking too much coffee, or working just a little (an extra 35 hours per week) too

Over the past few years, Ive started to lift the rock up off my life. With the help of
therapy, life coaching, more journaling than anyone probably thought was possible, and
an extremely patient partner, Im taking some steps into the sun of my own experience.

Telling the Truth

Ive learned a few things about honesty along my path. And as much as Id prefer to
keep them to myself, Im pretty sure thats not how it works. So here we go:

Honesty can be hard.

This is the first thing to know because its super-duper true. If youre not used to being
honest with yourself, you cant imagine the suckitude youll experience when you start.
The good news is that youll probably only be able to dish it out in small doses, so you
can get used to it over time.

You have to do the work.

If, like me, you are convinced that if you have a problem with honesty, its only a teeny-
tiny one, hang on for a fun ride. Most of us are deceiving ourselves in any number of
ways every day. Not all are dramatic as mine, but all require a commitment to the
The results are unbelievable.

Remember the depth of suckitude I mentioned? Well, thats only rivaled by the heights
of awesomeness you feel when you lift the oppressive burden of your lies. Sometimes
you only glimpse it for a moment, but that feeling isnt something youll forget.

For me, its not dissimilar to the high I feel after eating a really great cookie (or 20). But
the difference is that the high of the truth isnt laden with shame and guilt, whichI
dont know about youare typically things I prefer to avoid.

Honesty sets you free.

Ive been on 65 diets in my life. Yep, that numbers correct. But you know what? I swear
I still thought I just hadnt found the right one. That is, until I got really honest with
myself and realized that the work I needed to do was internal, not external.

Making it Happen
Now, this honesty thing isnt only theoretical to me. Its also for-real concrete, which is
really what it has to be if youre hoping for some change in your life. So not to worry: I
wont leave you hanging without some thoughts on how to peel the layers to your own
truthy core.

You got a pencil? (Or mouse to copy and paste?) Okay, here we goooo

1. Find something to write on or with.

Youre going to need to do some serious excavating, and theres no place better to start
than with your own thoughts. Ask yourself some questions: Why am I doing X
behavior? What dont I want my best friend to know about me? Whats my next

As you start to write on questions like this, some interesting things may come to light,
which brings us to our next step.

2. Seek help.

No, you dont need a therapist, life coach, or whoever because youre messed up. You
need outside assistance because you want to undertake a process to set yourself free.
And thats really best done with an objective ear and skills.

I mean, I know your Uncle Frank is a great listener, but seriouslyhis training may not
be quite what youre looking for.

3. Keep coming back.

Telling the truth about yourself (especially to yourself) isnt a linear process. It requires
coming back and coming back and coming backeven, and especially, after you eat a
whole box of doughnuts (if youre like me).
4. See yourself in the future.

As I mentioned, once you get a taste of the freedom of honesty, its hard not to want
more of that. So set your sights on a time when youre living fully into your life, and
then go from theremaking that reality present a little more every day.

After all, if setting ourselves free in this lifetime isnt our primary work, what is?


The third eye or sixth chakra corresponds with this layer, approximately twenty-four inches
away from the physical body. Your perception and intuition are highlighted here.

Projections and illusions can be understood or distorted based on positive or negative

vibrations. It has been said that we exist in a hologramhow you perceive it depends on your
consciousness and connection with the divine.

Third Eye Chakra Healing Tips


The third eye chakra, also known as ajna in Indian terms is the seat of selfrealization and
intuition. Its the place where all your dreams, visions and aspirations in life take center stage,
allowing you to achieve them with relative ease. That being said, the third eye chakra is hardly
ever fully-functional in the world that we live in today. In this post, well take an in-depth look
at the third eye chakra as well as offer helpful suggestions to help you keep it healthy as you go
through life.

The third eye chakra governs your pituitary gland, located deep in your brain. A lot of people
are of the opinion that it lies in the space between your eyebrows. The truth is that your 6th
chakra is actually located at the center of your head.

Some of the benefits of having a third eye chakra which works well:

You are able to think more clearly

You are able to come up with a vision and follow through to its realization.
You can determine via your intuition the difference between genuine and malicious people.
You may have a vivid imagination which may help in your becoming creative
You may be more spiritually aware than others
You may be able to make contact with other planes of existence in a psychic manner.

An out-of-balance third eye chakra can be seen in many ways:

You may suffer from headaches and migraines regularly

You may have a problem with coordination
You may not have a good sense of how to apply common sense
Your life may be spiritually barren, making you prone to lead with your head and intellectualize
You may suffer from poor memory
Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety may stalk you
You may be prone to excessive talking and become overly sensitive to smells and bright light
You may withdraw from social events due to their stimulating nature
You may need more time than usual to recharge your batteries
You may battle fatigue constantly.

Heres a simple guide on how to balance your third eye chakra.

1. Look into releasing the need to be right and the best at everything that you do. Realize that life
isnt always about winning and that forming good relationships may actually take you much
further in life.
2. Sit with painful emotions so you can process and learn from them. Realize that everything that
happens to you is a lesson that you must learn from. Accept tragedies with grace, and be ready
to forgive those who may have wronged you.
3. Listen to and dont second-guess your gut. Doing so may put you in harms way over and over
again. Listening to your intuition is a great way of strengthening your third eye chakra over
4. Eat foods that are high in omega 3 such as fish, animal fats, seeds, and vegetables. All these
help heal your pituitary gland and brain, all of which play an important role in the overall health
of your third eye chakra.

By taking good care of your third eye chakra, youll be able to go through life in a visionary
manner, all the while letting your intuition guide you towards making good decisions.


The seventh and final layer is associated with the crown chakra, our ultimate connection with
all that is. While the sixth layer is also higher consciousness, the seventh represents unity
consciousnessthe point where you and the Universe become one. It extends about three
feet away from the body.

Negative expressions on this level result in feelings of superiority, isolation and separation
from God, others and even the self. Conversely, divine expression will result in true bliss and

3 Powerful Crown Chakra Healing Tips


The crown chakra is perhaps the most mystical of all chakras. Located at the top of the head, it
sits like a crown, governing the pituitary gland. It is represented by the color purple or white,
and its pictorial presentation is that of a purple flower with a thousand petals.

Its said that time and the universe are limitless, and that its possible to wrap ones mind
around this concept as long as we are able to connect to the crown chakra. In addition, the
crown chakra is associated with the Source or God energy, and it is able to connect us to a
universal knowledge that can help separate us from the ties and labels of the world, enabling
us to see what the true nature of life is.

Symptoms of an Underdeveloped Crown Chakra:

An underdeveloped crown chakra usually manifests itself as close-mindedness and cynicism

about life. Individuals with a blocked crown chakra may also have a hard time letting go of the
need to intellectualize everything and may want to look for logical answers to all the
mysterious things they may encounter in life. In addition, a malfunctioning crown chakra may
put you in the peculiar state of obsession with spirituality and spiritual matters, as well as the
need to want to get away from an environment that seems too stimulating when it comes to
harsh light and sounds. Mystical depression, chronic exhaustion and disorders of the muscular
system all show up when there is an imbalance of the crown chakra.

A healthy crown chakra, on the other hand, allows us to be stellar humanitarians that make it
easy to see how were all interconnected. On top of that, we may have a highly developed
sense of ethics and personal values that we wont compromise for anyone or anything. A
healthy crown chakra also leads us down the path of spirituality, connecting us to the divine
source energy that is also known as God. We are able to build an identity thats not connected
to outside things, and we are more likely to trust others and give of ourselves in a selfless

Here are a couple of things you can do to balance your crown chakra:

1. Give up fluoride. This substance is found in treated water as well as toothpaste, and it has the
potential to calcify the pituitary gland. Opt for fluoride-free toothpaste, and look into
purchasing soft water thats not been treated using harsh chemicals.
2. Take time out to meditate at least once a day. This helps you build a connection with the
Source in a gradual fashion. The meditation you perform doesnt have to be attached to a
particular religious doctrine; whichever religion or God you subscribe will be right for you.
3. Let go of attachment to things and titles since these are what make us develop an ego that is
unhealthy. You need to realize that your essence is not who you are or how much you make or
even where you live. You are a valid member of the universe that can be the best they can be
regardless of these trappings.

At the end of the day, balancing your crown chakra can go a long way in ensuring that prana
moves through your body the way it should.

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