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Radar do Junho - Julho /2017

Um informe bimensal sobre eventos, chamadas de trabalhos, livros, publicaes e muitas

outras coisas legais ligadas s linhas de pesquisa do NISP.

Chamadas de trabalhos em peridicos

Redes, empreendedorismo e inovao social na esfera pblica:

Social Innovation in an Interconnected World: Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM) Call
for Papers Special Issue

The deadline for papers submissions is November 15th, 2017. Submissions to the special issue should be
sent electronically through the JPIM ScholarOne System (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jpim).
Authors need to clearly indicate in their submission information and letter that their manuscript is for the
Special Issue on Social innovation in an interconnected world. All submissions will be subject to a double
blind review process followed by JPIM. All manuscripts must be original, unpublished works that are not
concurrently under review for publication elsewhere. All submissions should conform to the JPIM
manuscript submission guidelines (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1540-
5885/homepage/ForAuthors.html)Questions about this special issue may be directed to Dr. Ruby Lee

More info: https://globaledge.msu.edu/content/uploads/special-issue-cfp---social-innovation-final-2-2-


Values in Innovation: Special issue call for papers from International Journal of Public Sector

The special issue aims to address an important gap in the public innovation literature the role of values
in public services innovation. Papers are invited which cover a range of different phases of innovation
from initial creation at the front-line; through implementation, through to diffusion. The papers may
derive from a range of governance and public services. We encourage papers from different institutional
contexts. Papers may be theoretical, empirical or both. A strong literature review paper is also
encouraged. The submission deadline is September 30th 2017. Submissions to this journal are through
the ScholarOne submission system (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijpsm).

More info: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/authors/writing/calls.htm?id=7324

Collaborative firms, networks and social media: implications for management research and practice -
Special issue call for papers from Management Research Review.

The deadline for full paper submission is July 15th 2017. Submitted papers should not have been
previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles should be
between 6,000-8,000 words in length, although longer papers will be considered. Publication of the
special issue is planned for 2018. Submission must be made using the Management Research Review
ScholarOne submission system (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/mrr.#sthash.tN33HdW8.dpuf). Papers
will undergo at least a double-blind, developmental review by a special review board tailored to this
Special Issue. Final acceptance of approved papers will be contingent on incorporating reviewers
feedback to the satisfaction of the Guest Editors.


Social Enterprise and Networks: Special issue call for papers from Social Enterprise Journal.

The deadline for initial paper submissions is 24th January 2018. Submitted papers should follow SEJ
submission guidelines
(http://emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/author_guidelines.htm?id=sej) and be written in
good English to be fully considered. The submitted papers will go through the usual double blind review
process as per the guidelines of the Journal. Submissions to this special issue must be made through the
Social Enterprise Journals ScholarOne submission system (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/sejnl).
When submitting your paper, please ensure that the correct Special Issue is selected from the dropdown
menu on page 4 of the submission process. The special issue editors will also be running a special track
on Social Enterprise and Networks at the 9th International Social Innovation Research Conference 13th-
14th December 2017, Melbourne, Australia. Submitters to the special issue are encouraged to also submit
to this session, although this is not compulsory.


Call for papers - special issue of Journal of Economic Policy Reform

General theme: "Innovation and public services: from the lab to enterprises and citizens"
2 guest editors : Massimo Florio, University of Milan & Stefano Cl, University of Milan
The special issue will publish high-quality articles on innovation in the SGI and the role played by
governments or public institutions, with a blend of theoretical insights, empirics and policy implications.
Abstract submission: September 30, 2017
First feedback from the Guest Editors: two weeks after the abstract is received
Full paper submission to the Guest Editors: December 31, 2017
Final publication: 2018
Abstract proposals for a preliminary consideration by the Editors should be submitted to:

More info here: http://explore.tandfonline.com/pages/cfp/gpre-special-issue-cfp-innovation-and-public-


Entrepreneurship in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors

Call for Papers for a Symposium of Public Administration Review.

Deadline for submission: May 1 st, 2018. (RECALL)
The proposed symposium seeks to bring together papers that address these issues. Another key goal of
the symposium is to foster stronger links among entrepreneurship researchers in a variety of social
science disciplines (including the field of management) and public administration scholars.

More info here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/puar.12776/full

Sociedade civil e ao pblica, economia social e solidria e desenvolvimento
territorial sustentvel:

Journal of Management Studies Special Issue Call for Papers: Challenges and Opportunities in the
Sharing Economy

This special issue explores how, when, why, where and under what conditions an emerging form of
collaborative consumption, popularly known as the sharing economy affects the creation and capture
of value. The sharing economy (a.k.a. shareconomy, access, collaborative, and peer economy) refers to a
class of economic arrangements in which asset owners and users mutualize access to the products or
services associated with these assets (Lamberton & Rose, 2012; Sundararajan, 2016). Fueled in part by
advances in information technology and excess resources, the sharing economy is now recognized as
offering easy and broad connection with customers and suppliers. Submission Process and Deadlines:
manuscripts will be reviewed according to the JMS double-blind review process. Submissions should be
prepared using the JMS Manuscript Preparation Guidelines. Manuscripts should be submitted between
November 15, 2017 and January 15, 2018 to Margaret Turner (business.jms@durham.ac.uk). For informal
inquires related to the Special Issue, proposed topics and potential fit with the Special Issue objectives,
please contact the guest editors.

More info: http://nbs.net/fora/topic/challenges-opportunities-sharing-economy/

La mdiation numrique dans les territoires: entre conomie collaborative et conomie sociale et

Appel contributions de la Revue Communication et Management. Date limite pour soumission: 30 juin
2017. (RECALL). Il est demand aux auteurs intresss par le thmatique du numro de bien vouloir faire
part de leur intention, en transmettant, au plus tard le 30 juin 2017, une proposition de communication
dans les modalits prsentes ci-dessous et simultanment aux deux adresses suivantes :
batazzi@unice.fr, vpillet@unice.fr.

Pour plus dinformations: http://revue-communication-management-eska.com/contribuer/appel-n-1-


tica, epistemologia e sociologia da cincia na Administrao Pblica:

Nenhum material at o fechamento da edio.

Chamadas de trabalhos em eventos

Redes, empreendedorismo e inovao social na esfera pblica:

Thirteenth International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) -
Democracy and Legitimacy: The Role of the Third Sector in a Globalizing World

Amsterdam, 10 July 13 July 2018.

ISTR is interested in research which advances our understanding of theory, policy, and practice of third
sector organizations. Overall, the 2018 Amsterdam conference offers a unique, and particularly valuable,
venue for engaging with its very diverse membership of scholars to deepen our knowledge importants
issues, such as: Democracy and Civil Society Organizations; Governance, Management, Adaptation and
Sustainability of Third Sector
Organizations; Social Innovation and the Third Sector; Emerging Areas of Theory and Practice, etc. All
panel, papers and poster proposals for the Conference must be submitted using ISTRs online
submission service (www.istr.org/Amsterdam). All authors must register for the Conference by March
16th, 2018, to have their presentation scheduled in the Conference Program.
Deadline for submissions: 27 October 2017.

More info:

Call for Applications: ISTR's 2018 PhD Seminar

Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 8 - 10, 2018, VU University Amsterdam.

ISTR is pleased to announce the fourth ISTR PhD Seminar preceding the 13th International Conference in
Amsterdam, The Netherlands in July 2018. The ISTR PhD Seminar is a recurring event that takes place bi-
annually in conjunction with the international conference.
Interested students should send their application directly to email: istr@jhu.edu
c/o ISTR PhD Seminar 2018 by September 29, 2017.

More info: http://www.istr.org/news/352534/Call-for-Applications-ISTRs-2018-PhD-Seminar.htm

Sociedade civil e ao pblica, economia social e solidria e desenvolvimento

territorial sustentvel:



The 22nd International Turkish Cooperatives Congress organised by the Turkish Cooperative Association
in cooperation with CIRIEC International will be held in Nevehir / Cappadocia / Turkey on 5-7 October
2017. General Theme: Social Economy Networks. Co-operation for Global Change.
Extended Summary Submission Deadline: 31 July 2017
Accepted Papers will be announced: 20 August 2017
Deadline for full text submission: 20 October 2017


6th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy - 29/112/12, Manaus (Brazil): NEW

The 6th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy will take place on 29 November2
Dcember 2017 in Manaus (Brazil) about Social and Solidarity Economy, Sustainability and Innovation:
facing former and new social issues.
Deadlines: Till 31/08/2017: Proposals for oral presentations (parallel sessions, working groups, thematic
round tables) (abstracts.manaus.2017@gmail.com); 01/10/2017: Notification of accepted papers; 01/08
30/09/2017: Proposals for posters (sent in image format by email); 20/10/2017: Notification of accepted
posters; 31/10/2017: Deadline for reception of full papers to be presented and discussed during the
conference; 15/11/2017: Deadline for reception of posters.

More info here: https://www.even3.com.br/CIRIEC

32nd CIRIEC International Congress - Lige, Belgium - 30 May 1st June 2018

The 32nd CIRIEC International Congress will take place in Lige, Belgium on 30 May1st June 2018 about
The Public, Social and Cooperative Economy in the Digital Revolution
Deadline for abstracs: 15 December 2017
Notification of selected abstracts: 25 January 2018
EARLY BIRD / PREFERENTIAL registration to the CIRIEC Congress: 28 February 2018
Final deadline for Papers submission: 15 May 2018

More info here: http://www.ciriec.ulg.ac.be/en/event-ciriec/32nd-ciriec-international-congress-liege-


Global Challenges and Sustainability in the Asia Pacific: The Role of the Third Sector

Tenth Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR).
December 4th -5 th, 2017. Jakarta, Indonesia. Deadline for submission: July 4th, 2017. (RECALL)

More info here: http://www.istr.org/?page=AsiaPacific

conomie sociale et solidaire: Lefficacit nouvelle

Appel contributions lanc par ESS Forum International loccasion du 8mes Rencontres du Mont-Blanc.
6 au 8 dcembre 2017, Archamps, Grand Genve Franais. Dlais pour soumission: 6 septembre, 2017.

Pour plus dinformations: http://www.univ-reims.fr/minisite_92/media-files/5947/fr-


tica, epistemologia e sociologia da cincia na Administrao Pblica:

Nenhum material at o fechamento da edio.


Redes, empreendedorismo e inovao social na esfera pblica:

9th International Social Innovation Research Conference in partnership with the Social Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Research Conference and EMES

December 12-14 2017, At Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

The ninth annual International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC 2017) will explore social
innovation within and beyond the organisation. It invites research-led reflection on the organisational
boundaries recast by social innovation, the systemic imperatives of a growing focus on social innovation,
and the cross-cutting implications of these for theory and practice. Empirical, conceptual and practice-
informed research contributions are encouraged.

More info: http://www.istr.org/?page=Calls_menu

Social enterprise for sustainable societies

6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise organized in partnership with the
Interdisciplinary Research Center on Work, State and Society (CIRTES, Universit catholique de Louvain)
and the Social Enterprise Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole (IAP). 3 rd - 6 th July 2017. Universit
catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve), Belgium. (RECALL).

More info: http://emes.net/events/conferences/6th-emes-international-research-conference-social-

Sociedade civil e ao pblica, economia social e solidria e desenvolvimento

territorial sustentvel:

2nd Grenoble Post-Keynesian & Institutionalist Conference: INSTABILITY, GROWTH & REGULATION

Grenoble (France), December 7, 8 and 9, 2017.

The purpose of this conference is to question the limits of capitalist economies to provide society with
sustainable and viable economic growth, as well as durable human development. In line with the 1st
Conference in December 2015, the aim of this 2nd Conference is to contribute to the understanding of
the working of market-based capitalist and capitalist-like economies through the rise of new forms of
accumulation, regulation, socialization and the collective management of instabilities.

More info: https://cepn.univ-paris13.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/CALL-2017-Grenoble-final.pdf



Call for abstracts: from November 29 to December 3, 2017 at the Universidade Federal do Amazonas,
Manaus (Brazil), will be held the 6th International Research Conference on Social and Solidarity Economy
with as general theme "Social and Solidarity Economy, Sustainability and Innovation: facing former and
new social issues.

More info: http://www.ciriec.ulg.ac.be/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/CALL-Manaus-Brasil-2017-1.pdf

International Turkish Cooperative Congress

Ankara, 5-7 October 2017.

The 22nd International Turkish Cooperatives Congress organised by the Turkish Cooperative Association
in cooperation with CIRIEC International will be held in Ankara on 5-7 October 2017. General Theme:
Social Economy Networks. Co-operation for Global Change. Extended Summary
Submission Deadline: 31 July 2017.

More info: http://www.ciriec.ulg.ac.be/en/event-ciriec/22nd-international-turkish-cooperative-


Democracy and Civil Society in Latin America and the Caribbean in a Time of Change

11th Latin America and the Caribbean Network Conference. 18th 20th October, 2017. Quito,

More info: http://www.istr.org/?page=LAC

tica, epistemologia e sociologia da cincia na Administrao Pblica:

43rd Association for Moral Education Annual Conference

A 43a Associao para a Conferncia Anual de Educao Moral ocorrer entre os dias 2 a 4 de novembro
de 2017, em St. Louis, Mussouri, nos Estados Unidos, com o tema Evoluo da tica, Educao Moral e
Luta pela Democracia.

Mais informaes em: https://ame2017.wordpress.com/

Symposium "Sustainability and Humanities: linking social values, theology and spirituality towards

O Simpsio "Sustentabilidade e Humanidades: ligando valores sociais, teologia e espiritualidade

sustentabilidade" est sendo organizado pelo Programa Interuniversitrio de Pesquisa em
Desenvolvimento Sustentvel, pelo Centro Mundial de Pesquisa e Treinamento em Desenvolvimento
Sustentvel e pela Universidade Canterbury Christ Church em Canterbury, Inglaterra. O Simpsio ocorrer
no dia 8 de novembro de 2017 e envolver pesquisadores no campo das humanidades e desenvolvimento
sustentvel no sentido mais amplo. O Simpsio proporcionar um frum para as humanidades
compartilharem as prticas em andamento como parte do debate geral sobre desenvolvimento
sustentvel tanto em programas de ensino como de pesquisa.

Mais informaes em: https://www.haw-hamburg.de/en/ftz-nk/events/canterbury.html

Artigos publicados

Redes, empreendedorismo e inovao social na esfera pblica:

Citizens e-participation on agenda setting in local governance: Do individual social capital and e-
participation management matter?
Jooho Lee & Soonhee Kim, Public Management Review, 23 pages - June 2017.

Abstract: although a growing body of literature has touted e-participation as a means of facilitating
greater citizen participation in policy decision-making processes, little is known about the driving forces
behind citizens use of e-participation. Based on a literature review of social capital and citizen
participation, this study develops and tests a model proposing that three dimensions of social capital and
three dimensions of citizen participation management should be positively associated with e-participation
in agenda setting. Using data from a Korean e-participation survey conducted in 2009, we found that
citizens tend to be more active e-participants when they have greater trust in government and are weakly
tied to offline social groups. We also found that citizen participants perception of government
responsiveness to their input can facilitate their e-participation. The study findings imply that local
governments should pay more attention to the function of public trust in local government and provide
quality feedback in response to citizen input. They should also be sensitive to how the social factors of e-
participants can facilitate involvement in agenda setting.


Living Labs Instruments of Social Innovation in Rural Areas

Andreea Maria Tirziu & Catalin Vrabie, Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European e|Dem and
e|Gov (CEEEGov) Days 2017, 10 pages - June 2017.

Abstract: in a country where nearly half the population lives in rural areas, it is difficult to link concepts
such as smart cities, Internet of Things to the local governments priority list. However, lately there have
been numerous initiatives to improve access to information using ICT in the rural communities as well.
The purpose of this article is not to exhaustively measure the already adopted means, but merely to
provide a series of items retrieved as barriers to ICT projects meant to develop these communities.
Following the studies conducted so far (in Romania there are about 2,700 communes the lowest
administrative entities of our country), it was observed that the digital divide is found in 100% of these
areas. At the urban level especially in the big cities, pilot projects for developing digital literacy among
the elder population had a relatively high success. Such programs have been initiated at the level of the
communes whose living standard is higher (the ones that are located near large cities). Their successes,
though certainly less visible than in the urban communities, are noteworthy. Most such programs have
targeted educational and health fields. The article we propose aims to show these programs
implementation degree in Romania, providing as examples the most successful cases that help the social
innovation process. The intention with which we start this study is to create a list of objectives that the
initiators of these programs have to take into account during the preparation of those programs.


Sociedade civil e inovao social na esfera pblica: uma perspectiva pragmatista

Carolina Andion, Luciana Ronconi, Rubens Lima Moraes, Aghata Karoliny Ribeiro Gonsalves, Lilian Brum
Duarte Serafim. Revista de Administrao Pblica, v. 51, n. 3, p. 369-387, Maio-Junho, 2017. 19

Resumo: Este artigo prope uma nova leitura terico-analtica para o estudo dos processos de inovao
social promovidos por atores da sociedade civil na esfera pblica, com base na sociologia pragmtica
francesa. Parte de uma discusso sobre o lugar das iniciativas da sociedade civil na ao pblica na
atualidade. Em seguida, faz uma incurso no debate sobre a incidncia da sociedade civil na esfera pblica,
buscando evidenciar em que a sociologia pragmtica francesa pode auxiliar para uma nova compreenso
desse processo. Finalmente, relaciona os debates sobre ao coletiva da sociedade civil, inovao social
e ao pblica, sob uma tica pragmatista, propondo um enfoque analtico particular para compreenso
dos processos de codefinio e codomnio de situaes problemticas em arenas pblicas.


Anlise de Alguns Antecedentes da Inteno Empreendedora Social entre os Residentes do Mxico

Judith Cavazos-Arroyo, Rogelio Puente-Daz, Nivedita Agarwal. Revista Brasileira de Gesto de
Negcios, v. 19, n. 64, p. 180-199, Abril-Junho, 2017. 20 pgina(s).

Resumo: objetivo Esta pesquisa tem trs objetivos. Primeiro, examinamos o papel dos valores sociais e
sustentveis como precursores da orientao inovao social, levando em considerao o interesse nos
retornos financeiros. Segundo, examinamos o papel da orientao inovao social como antecedente
da atitude empreendedora social. Terceiro, estudamos como a atitude, as normas subjetivas e a
autoeficcia empreendedora influem na inteno de iniciar um empreendimento social entre residentes
do Mxico. Metodologia Foram conduzidas 745 enquetes entre residentes de baixa renda do Mxico
que expressaram interesse em iniciar um empreendimento social. Usamos a modelao de equaes
estruturais para testar o modelo. Resultados Os resultados mostraram a influncia positiva dos valores
sociais na orientao inovao social, levando em considerao a influncia dos interesses financeiros.
A orientao inovao social, a atitude empreendedora social, a autoeficcia empreendedora e as
normas subjetivas foram identificadas como preditoras da inteno empreendedora social. Contribuies
O artigo oferece informaes teis sobre a importncia dos valores para a compreenso da orientao
inovao social e a inteno empreendedora social.



Daniel Cafa, Novos Estudos CEBRAP, v.36, n.01, p.187-213, 2017.

Resumo: O conceito de pblico foi posto novamente na agenda por Jrgen Habermas e gerou inmeras
pesquisas sobre espao pblico e opinio pblica. Este artigo discute o conceito de arena pblica e os
desdobramentos que levaram construo de uma perspectiva pragmatista em contraponto s pesquisas
em cincia poltica sobre a mudana institucional, o aprendizado evolutivo, a incluso na agenda e a
elaborao das polticas pblicas.


Sociedade civil e ao pblica, economia social e solidria e desenvolvimento
territorial sustentvel:

Economia Criativa e Territrios Usados: um debate baseado nas contribuies de Milton Santos
Lisiane Closs, Sidinei Rocha de Oliveira. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, v. 15, n. 2, p. 349-363, Abril-Junho, 2017.
15 pgina(s).

Resumo: este trabalho explora a literatura internacional e nacional sobre espaos criativos, destacando
os aportes tericos de Milton Santos sobre territrios e suas contribuies para o tema. Delimita-se um
conceito de territrio criativo que incorpora uma perspectiva crtico-reflexiva de anlise para os estudos
nesse campo terico e favorece uma abordagem de desenvolvimento que contemple aspectos das
formaes econmicas, sociais e simblicas de um determinado espao. Ressalta-se o potencial das
discusses realizadas para auxiliar o planejamento de polticas pblicas voltadas para o desenvolvimento
de territrios criativos que integrem: incluso social, sustentabilidade, inovao e diversidade cultural.


The Emergence of the Sharing Economy: Implications for Development Abstract

Andy Hira & Katherine Reilly, Journal of Developing Societies, June 2017.

Abstract: with the spread of internet-based technologies, the sharing economy is emerging as a new and
rapidly growing sector of the economy. This sector offers transformative potential for many other sectors
of the economy, and possibilities for new economic activity and growth in the developing world. The
sharing economy is a misnomer, as while there are possibilities for more cooperative economic
approaches, the primary emphasis is on the reduction of transaction costs including the elimination of
middlemen in sales between a good/service provider and a customer. In this introductory article to the
special edition, we provide an overview of both the positive and negative potential for the contribution
of the sharing economy to development. On the one hand, we find that the reduction in transactions costs
and low price of mobiles improves access to goods and services, and reduces the need for economies of
scale for marginalized groups who lack access to capital and infrastructure. However, we point to the real
obstacles that the poor experience in using internet-based platforms to start businesses or accumulate
capital. We discuss the potential for labour substitution of traditional service providers, such as taxi
drivers. In juxtaposition to some of its claimants, we find that the sharing economy changes the nature of
institutional, regulatory and promotional challenges by the state and social groups, rather than reducing
the need for them.


Marek HUDON, Benjamin HUYBRECHTS, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, v.88, issue 02,
june 2017.

Abstract: to introduce this special issue we explore the conceptual and practical synergies between the
social economy and sustainable development. New empirical evidence is presented on the emergence of
these two research fields and the increasing combination of these fields in the literature. Several avenues
through which social enterprises can contribute to the transition towards sustainable development are
then identified. This is followed by a discussion of how and why the combination can be particularly fruitful
both for the social economy and for sustainability transition movements. We also highlight some
important challenges facing the social economy with regard to its contribution to sustainable
development. Finally we introduce the papers that constitute this special issue and show how they
contribute, individually and collectively, to a better understanding of the increasing linkage between the
social economy and sustainable development.



Anas PRILLEUX, Marthe NYSSENS, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, v.88, issue 02, june

Abstract: the emerging field of common good socio-economics is promising not only for the preservation
of common natural resources but also for common goods created by people through collective action, the
importance of which has been emphasized by the recent financial and economic crisis. Based on the case
of cooperative finance, this paper's outcomes are twofold. First, it shows that while the boundaries
between the nature and property regime of goods may be relatively clear for natural common goods, they
appear much more interlinked for human-made goods, where commons are embedded in
intergenerational reciprocity. Second, it demonstrates that financial cooperatives can be understood as
human-made commons and proposes a new way of thinking about public policies to design adequate
legislation to protect these commons from isomorphism, privatization and destruction.


Thomas BAUWENS, Jacques DEFOURNY, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, v.88, issue 02,
june 2017.

Abstract: one potential major role of social economy organizations in sustainability transitions is the
creation and mobilization of social capital. Yet, the social economy gathers very distinct organizational
models which may be associated with different types and levels of social capital. Accordingly, the objective
of this article is to explore whether, and if so how, the type and level of social capital differ between
mutual benefit organizations which essentially seek to meet their members needs and public benefit
organizations which seek to enhance the well-being of a broader community or the society as a whole.
The study draws on an econometric analysis of different forms of social capital in two renewable energy
cooperatives which are located in Flanders but have clearly divergent orientations toward mutual versus
public benefit. The results show that, as compared with an orientation toward public benefit, an
orientation toward mutual benefit is associated with lower social identification with the cooperative and
weaker ties between members. Our study explores the underlying explanatory mechanisms behind these
relationships. Its findings contribute to understanding the potential roles played by cooperatives in
sustainability transitions.



Antonio PICCIOTTI, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, v.88, issue 02, june 2017.

Abstract: the concepts of sustainable development and social economy are currently undergoing a
process of convergence, determined by the extension of the concept of sustainability and the role of social
enterprise. In a context in which the primary focus of management literature, especially of North
American origin, concerns the concept and practices of social entrepreneurship, this paper explores the
experiences of European social enterprises and in particular of Italian social cooperatives. Social
cooperatives are experimenting with initiatives capable of responding to the emergence of new needs
and changes in society in a sustainable way. Based on an analysis of the experience of various social
cooperatives operating in the field of renewable energy sources, tourism, and the use of assets
confiscated from the Mafia, this paper aims to highlight how social enterprise manages to create contexts
of sustainable development, thereby building interorganizational and intersectoral collaborative
networks aimed at the activation of new paths for local development. This represents evidence of the
specific nature of the social enterprise, which is able to establish a number of coordination mechanisms.
It creates new businesses with public and private, and profit and non-profit partners, with the aim of
achieving a stated goal, or enters into contractual arrangements, in order to establish business
partnerships and build entire local manufacturing supply chains. In this way social enterprise promotes
interaction between resources of a public, market and community nature.


Martine VZINA, Marie-Claire MALO, Majdi BEN SELMA, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics,
v.88, issue 02, june 2017.

Abstract: this study seeks to understand the nature and process of social innovation driven by mature
social economy enterprises, and the innovative capability that supports it. The research examines
enterprise capabilities by means of the institutional approach to social innovation and the Resource-Based
View theory (RBV). Based on grounded theory, this research focuses on a single case, the creation of the
Desjardins Environment Fund (DEF). Launched 25 years ago,1 DEF is the first mutual fund in North America
to include extra-financial criteria in its evaluation of business environmental management practices (fund
securities) for the information of individual investors. The findings of this empirical research show how a
major cooperative bank can generate social innovation and how this entails organizational innovations.
The findings also reveal how these innovations benefit from the strategic and process resources that the
Desjardins Movement managed to develop while taking into account both its core business (as a bank)
and its purpose (as a cooperative). This study shows that the innovative potential of the mature social
economy enterprise should not be underestimated.


Manager les tensions paradoxales dans lconomie sociale et solidaire: le cas des MJC
Jean-Bernard Nativel, Revue Internationale de lconomie sociale (RECMA), numro 344, juin 2017.

Rsum: Les maisons des jeunes et de la culture (MJC) sont exposes aux tensions paradoxales inhrentes
aux organisations. Cet article examine les causes des tensions paradoxales au sein de dix MJC et les outils
dont disposent les managers pour les grer. Lauteur a effectu une analyse qualitative et exploratoire
des pratiques de gestion de ces tensions. La fragmentation de lesprit solidaire et coopratif ainsi que
linstrumentalisation des pratiques de gestion tendent fragiliser les MJC. Afin de rduire les tensions
constates, il semble ncessaire de refonder une rflexion sur la dynamique de la gouvernance dans le
domaine de la culture et les modalits locales des pratiques culturelles.


Les coopratives jeunesses de services importes du Qubec. Pour un rapprochement des acteurs
conomiques et ducatifs de lESS?
Sandrine Rospab, Emmanuelle Maunaye et Hlne Le Breton, Revue Internationale de lconomie
Sociale et Solidaire, numro 344, juin 2017.

Rsum: Les coopratives jeunesses de services (CJS) se prsentent comme un projet dducation des
jeunes lentrepreneuriat coopratif. Import du Qubec, ce projet est expriment en Bretagne depuis
2013. Il rassemble dans un partenariat inhabituel des acteurs conomiques de lESS (coopratives,
ple de dveloppement de lESS, chambres rgionales de lESS (Cress), etc.) et des acteurs ducatifs
de lESS (structures dducation populaire/jeunesse) qui vont faciliter, le temps dun t, la cration et le
dveloppement dune cooprative par des jeunes de 16 18 ans. Cet article interroge les perceptions de
ces deux familles dacteurs sur les CJS et, ce faisant, les rapports quils peuvent entretenir dans une
participation commune ce projet. Il apparat que ce travail en partenariat leur permet de dconstruire
leurs prjugs et dinventer de nouvelles manires de travailler ensemble.

Alliance Success Factors and Performance in Social Economy Enterprises

Ramon Bastida, Frederic Marimonand and David Tanganelli, Management Decision, volume 55, issue 5,
May 2017.

Abstract: Establishing alliances between social economy enterprises (SEEs) is considered to be a solution
to the problem of providing enough resources and knowledge to compete in the global market and, at
the same time, to maintain identity and ownership. Nevertheless, an important number of alliances
breaks up after several years. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study the key factors that affect
alliances development and outcome. In this study, the success factors that have been extensively tested
in investor-owned companies are assessed in SEEs, which present important differences in organizational
issues and corporate principles and values. This study defines a scale that includes the most important
factors that might be controlled by SEE managers to develop successful alliances. These factors are
grouped into three categories: relational capital, relationship governance and the partner selection
process. The study also assesses the impact of these factors on alliance performance. Statistical analysis
through structural equation modelling shows that relationship governance and the partner selection
process have a significant impact on performance. Therefore, they can be considered success factors in
alliances among SEEs. Taking into account the relevant contribution of the SEEs to the European economy,
and having noted the scarce number of studies about alliances success factors in the social economy
sector, this study offers a significant contribution to this research field. Moreover, findings will be also
interesting for SEE managers and social economy authorities when designing programmes to empower
and support alliances.


A Hybrid Method (ANP-SWOT) to Formulate and Choose Strategic Alternatives for Development of
Rural Cooperatives in Iran
A. A. Barati, K. Kalantari, M. R. Nazari and A. Asadi, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology,
volume 19, pages 1-13, May 2017.

Abstract: Rural cooperatives, as a small member-owned organizations, are the potential to facilitate socio-
economic development in rural areas. Despite this fact, in Iran and many other developing countries, they
have not had remarkable successes in this regard. Because strategy formulation and management is a
plan to obtain far-reaching development effects of any organization. This study aimed to present a hybrid
method to formulate and choose strategies for rural cooperatives development. It combined SWOT
analysis, TOWS matrix, and the Analytic Network Process (ANP). We applied brainstorming technique to
analyze the external and internal environment of rural cooperatives using the contributions of an experts
team comprising 10 individual CEOs of rural cooperatives and senior employees of the Central
Organization of Rural Cooperatives. When this team identified key SWOT factors, TOWS matrix was
constructed to create good strategic alternatives. Finally, ANP was applied to prioritize the strategies.
According to results, 19 key strategic factors such as lack of management knowledge (W4), and ability to
improve value and supply chains (S4) were identified. In addition, this team identified 11 strategic
alternatives which among them Implement public policy and provide technical and financial services
(SO2), Facilitate procurement of inputs and develop supply and value | 4
http://www.chaire.ecosoc.uqam.ca/Bulletindeveille/tabid/150/Default.aspx chains (SO1) and Involve
rural cooperatives in policy planning (ST1), had greater priority in Iran. The experts team believed that
the presented combined approach helps decision makers and managers to make and choose the best
alternative strategies and factors that affect rural cooperatives development.


tica, epistemologia e sociologia da cincia na Administrao Pblica:

Registering Ideology in the Creation of Social Entrepreneurs: Intermediary Organizations, Ideal Subject
and the Promise of Enjoyment
Pascal Dey and Othmar Lehner, Journal of Business Ethics, volume 142, issue 4, pages 753767, June

Abstract: Research on social entrepreneurship has taken an increasing interest in issues pertaining to
ideology. In contrast to existing research which tends to couch ideology in pejorative terms (i.e.,
something which needs to be overcome), this paper conceives ideology as a key mechanism for rendering
social entrepreneurship an object with which people can identify. Specifically, drawing on qualitative
research of arguably one of the most prolific social entrepreneurship intermediaries, the global Impact
Hub network, we investigate how social entrepreneurship is narrated as an ideal subject which signals
toward others what it takes to lead a meaningful (working) life. Taking its theoretical cues from the theory
of justification advanced by Boltanski, Chiapello and Thvenaut, and from recent affect-based theorizing
on ideology, our findings indicate that becoming a social entrepreneur is considered not so much a matter
of struggle, hardship, and perseverance but rather of having fun. We caution that the promise of
enjoyment which pervades portrayals of the social entrepreneur might cultivate a passive attitude of
empty pleasure which effectively deprives social entrepreneurship of its more radical possibilities. The
paper concludes by discussing the broader implications this hedonistic rendition of social
entrepreneurship has and suggests a re-politicization of social entrepreneurship through a confronting
with what Slavoj iek calls the impossible.


Livros publicados

Redes, empreendedorismo e inovao social na esfera pblica

Financing Nonprofits and Other Social

Enterprises: A Benefits Approach

Dennis R. Young, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017.


Abstract: This book applies benefits theory to the

financing of nonprofit and other social purpose
organizations. Individual chapters are devoted to
organizations primarily reliant on earned income,
gifts, government support and investment
income, respectively, as well as organizations that
are highly diversified in their sources of operating
support. The book is intended to guide managers
and leaders towards finding the best mix of
income sources for their organizations, to help
educate future managers about resource
development and to stimulate additional research
on the financing of nonprofits and other forms of
social enterprise.

Sociedade civil e ao pblica, economia social e solidria e desenvolvimento territorial sustentvel
Linnovation dans l'Economie sociale et solidaire

Par Valrie Billaudeau, Herv Christofol, Caroline

Dewynter & Jean-Luc Michel, 2017.

Rsum: Ces deux livres traitent de linnovation

dans lEconomie sociale et solidaire (ESS) et du
dveloppement de lentreprenariat social en
Le Tome 1 runit des apports thoriques et des
enqutes de terrain menes pendant deux annes
auprs de dizaines dacteurs de lESS.
Les auteurs montrent que lEconomie sociale et
solidaire peut sinscrire dans linnovation
technologique en favorisant linnovation sociale.
Le livre prsente beaucoup de diaporamas, des
schmas anims et de nombreuses vidos
interactives donnant la parole aux personnes
engages dans lESS.
Aux tudiants et aux universitaires, il apporte les
rflexions thoriques indispensables pour mieux
comprendre lhistoire et les enjeux thiques et
philosophiques de lESS ; aux chefs dentreprise et
aux responsables dassociations, il montre quels
outils dinnovation sociale peuvent tre repris ;
aux porteurs de projets, aux dcideurs des
collectivits, il donne les cls pour mieux monter
un dossier ou lvaluer.
Tous pourront puiser dans ces deux tomes dune
centaine de pages chacun des rponses leurs
questions mais surtout les pistes dune rflexion
indispensable pour apprhender linnovation
sociale dans les dcennies venir et peut-tre y
En complment, le Tome 2 traite de
laccompagnement des porteurs de projets en
entreprenariat social et propose un guide
pratique leur facilitant les dmarches.

tica, epistemologia e sociologia da cincia na Administrao Pblica

Les biographies en sociologie

Claude DUBAR, Sandrine NICOURD, La

Dcouverte, 2017.


Rsum: Lusage des donnes biographiques

connat actuellement un nouvel essor en
sociologie, soulevant une srie de questions.
Quelles dynamiques sociales rvle lanalyse de
cas individuels ? Pourquoi certains sociologues
considrent-ils les donnes biographiques comme
des sources essentielles de connaissance des
ralits sociales, tandis que dautres les jugent
peu fiables ? Quelles utilisations les sociologues
font-ils des matriaux biographiques ?
Ce livre montre que la complexit des processus
de socialisation et les multiples temporalits de la
vie invitent utiliser les donnes biographiques
en les associant des perspectives thoriques et
des mthodologies spcifiques.
Ltude des biographies ncessite une pluralit de
regards : leur contextualisation sociohistorique
travers les dimensions dges et de gnrations
(parcours de vie), les volutions des positions
sociales au sein de champs sociaux (trajectoires)
et les diffrentes sphres de socialisation

Bolsas de ensino e pesquisa

Nenhuma bolsa at o fechamento da edio.


O NISP, Ncleo de Inovaes Sociais na Esfera Pblica, um ncleo de pesquisa cientfica com sede na
ESAG/UDESC (Florianpolis-SC) que atua nas seguintes reas do conhecimento:

a) Redes, empreendedorismo e inovao social na esfera pblica;

b) Sociedade civil e ao pblica, economia social e solidria e desenvolvimento territorial
c) tica, epistemologia e sociologia da cincia na Administrao Pblica.

O Radar a sua publicao bimestral baseada em pesquisa prvia dos responsveis sobretudo em sites e
boletins on-line de outros ncleos de pesquisa ligados s reas do NISP. Para esta edio, foram utilizados
como referncia:

CiriecAgora.org Info Agora of the General Interest and the Social Economy (Boletim do CIRIEC

ECO-SOC INFO (Boletim da Chaire en Economie Sociale da UQAM Quebc - Canad):


Inside ISTR (Boletim da International Society for Third-Sector Research):


OBSERVGO (Boletim do Observatrio de Administrao Pblica da ENAP Quebc - Canad):


Site do Centro de Pesquisa em Inovao Social (CRISES) Quebc Canad:


Site do Grupo de Pesquisa Sociologie Pragmatique et Reflexive (GSPR) Paris-Frana:


Site da Pragmata Association d`etudes pragmatistes Paris Frana:


Centre Alexandre Koyr Frana:


Cairn: chercher, reprer, avancer





Carolina Andion
Daniel Ouriques Caminha

Colaboraram com esta edio

Amanda Bttenbender Nunes


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