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Design of Sleeve Dipole Antenna For Wi-Fi


Research October 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14835.73762


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2 authors, including:

Khem Poudel
Middle Tennessee State University


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Design of Sleeve Dipole Antenna For Wi-Fi

Khem Narayan Poudel, Member, IEEE

AbstractIn this paper, We present the design and implemen- antenna over a finite ground plane [3].
tation of sleeve dipole antenna for 2.4 GHZ or 5 GHz Wireless In this paper, the design and application of a broadband
fidelity (Wifi) system. This antenna used in wireless broadband sleeve dipole antenna is presented. Typically, this antenna
communication due to its mechanical design simplicity and
radiation properties. The broadband bandwidth and radiation used at 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz wifi application. Further, we
pattern can be optimized using antenna geometry. We will presented a localization of any object different configuration
design this antenna using full wave microwave CST and analyze and arrangement of such antennas as transmitter and receivers.
return loss, radiation pattern and gain. Also, we will present The proposed antenna achieves less than 10 dB return loss
one application for localizing any object using numbers of such bandwidth from 2.4 to 5.8 GHz using open sleeve dipole
antennas [1]
Index TermsMicrowave CST, radiation pattern, sleeve dipole, structure. By using discrete port as feeding structure, the
wireless broadband communication, wireless fidelity (WiFi); mutual coupling (isolation) between the two antenna remains
more than 60 dB in the operating band. Moreover, this paper
presents optimum inter element spacing (configuration) to get
I. I NTRODUCTION better reflection coefficient, mutual coupling, and correlation
coefficient. The simulation results show good gain and radia-
T He ubiquity of Wireless fidelity (Wifi) and cellular com-
munications systems brings with it a usually-overlooked
potential application in scientific, medical, security and indus-
tion performance. Details of the antenna design and simulation
results are presented and discussed in the following sections.
trial fields. The frequency band ranges from 2.4 GHz to 2.485
GHz as well as 5.1 GHz to 5.850 GHz. The channel bandwidth II. A NTENNA G EOMETRY
depends varies from 10 MHz to 40 MHz the depended on the The geometry of the proposed sleeve dipole is given in
selection of frequency range. All the Wifi are operated on Fig.1 with detailed dimensions shown in Table 1. The antenna
802.11 standard (either 2.4 or 5 GHz) to communicate over consist of two cylinder with outer diameter d2 and inner
different access point and hub. A connection is build through diamete d1 having length L2 and L1 respectively on lower part.
the fixed or mobile wireless station like laptops, IP phones or Exact mirroring design is carried for another side. The feed
desktop. In addition, we can select the channel in which the element (discrete port) is connected between these two upper
Wifi can transmit and receive the signal. Typically, channel and lower part. The dielectric material is placed along length
1, 6 and 11 are commonly used for 802.11n Wifi operating at in order to get isolation between them. The 3-D Microwave
2.4 GHz and 20MHz channel bandwidth. The 80.11 n standard studio simulation design is shown in Fig.3.
evolved to support for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), frame Z

aggregation, and security improvements. The ideas of spatial,

frequency and polarization diversity can be achieved through
multiband, multi polarized and MIMO antenna technology [1].
The enormous potential of MIMO techniques is proven by a G

rapid implementation into the latest standards, such as LTE L2

(Long Term Evolution), 4G, 5G and WiMAX technology. L1

One of commonly used antennas is sleeve dipole with two


closely spaced parasitic elements or sleeves [2]. This type of d2

antennas has broadband (dual band) VSWR and unidirectional

radiation pattern. The simple structure consists of Balun feed Fig. 1. The design structure of sleeve dipole antenna.
dipole with one or more parasitic elements (sleeves). The size
and spacing of such elements determine the overall radiation
pattern and impedance. The various methods like method of
moment (MOM) and Finite difference time domain (FDTD) An approximate impedance analysis of sleeve dipole an-
are used to analyze the characteristics of such sleeve dipole tenna is shown in Fig 2. The current at the input to the sleeve
IA (zf ) is sum of current at z = zf and zf . Mathematically,
The author is associated with the Department of Electrical and Com-
puter Engineering, University of Utah,Salt lake city UT, 84112 e-mail: IA (zf ) Ia s(zf ) + Ia s(zf ) (1)
Manuscript received May 2, 2016;


Parameters Dimension(mm)
L1 24
L2 16
d1 4.4
d2 7.0
G 4

Fig. 4. Simulated S parameter fro different gap separation

This is very good results to get better antenna performance

and radiation efficiency. Further, higher values of mutual
Fig. 2. The sleeve dipole configuration and approximate equivalents [2]. coupling can be obtained with more separation distance and
polarization diversity. However, the size constraint also impor-
tant factor to design overall Wifi router dimension.
The input admittance to the sleeve is then,
Ias (zf ) + Ias (zf )
Ias (zf )
Yas [1 + ]
Ias (zf )
Ya s (3)
(z1 + z2 )
where, Z1 is the impedance of a symmetrical antenna of length
L1 and Z2 is the impedance of a symmetrical antenna of whole
length minus L1 .
Fig. 5. CST Microwave simulation of 3 antenna for Wifi Application.
The simulation is carried out on the full wave 3-D CST
microwave studio. The Fig. 4 illustrates the simulated S
parameter for different gap. It shows the very good resonance
at 2.4 GHz and near 5.0 GHz with return loss less than -
30 dB. The minimum values of loss ( -80 dB return loss)
is obtained at 3.4 mm gap for both frequencies. The design
of three antennas with separation of 60 mm (along x- axis)
between them is demonstrated in Fig.5. We found very low
value (less than -40dB) of mutual coupling between them for
all range of frequencies.

Fig. 6. All S parameter for 3 antennas showing mutual coupling between


The Fig 7 and Fig. 8 exhibits the simulated E-field and H-

field of sleeve dipole antenna. It is found that the current are
distributed throughout the entire antenna and traveled a longer
path from the feed point at 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz. The current
mainly concentrated on feed points and looks like a loop. For
the Wifi router with three antenna excited at same time, the
overall current is the combination of all current from each
Fig. 3. CST Microwave simulation of sleeve dipole antenna. antenna.
The Fig. 9 and Fig 10 shows the resultant 3-D radiation

(yz-plane) at 5.0 GHz are shown in Fig.11 and Fig.12 , where

the largest amplitude is plotted for each angle = 0 and
= 0 respectively.

Fig. 7. E-field pattern for single antenna.

Fig. 11. Radiation pattern (Azimuth Plane) at 5.0 GHz.

Fig. 8. H-field pattern for all of antennas.

Fig. 12. Radiation pattern (Elevation Plane) .

The equivalent 2-D plot that in Cartesian coordinate system

is shown in Fig.13. Where,the main beam has maximum gain
of 7.09 dB at 53 .

Fig. 9. 3-D radiation pattern at 2.4 GHz.

Fig. 13. Radiation pattern (Cartesian) at 5.0 GHz.


The antenna diversity performance can be evaluated to
Fig. 10. 3-D radiation pattern at 5.0 GHz. increase radiation efficiency of MIMO system. The mutual
coupling between numbers of antenna is important factor to
reduce that diversity factor. Thus, the envelope correlation
pattern with 5.73 and 7.06 dB at 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz coefficient defined as the average correlation between the total
respectively . The combined normalized total E-field radiation radiated power within 3-D space. The envelope correlation can
patterns in the azimuth plane (xy-plane) and elevation plane be calculated from the S-parameters of the antenna as [4],


| S11 S12 + S21 S22 |
e = The Fig.16 shows the use of 8 different antennas as trans-
(1 (| S11 | + | S21 | ))(1 (| S22 |2
2 2 + | S12 |2 ))
(4) mitter and 3 antennas as receiver. The cylinder object is recon-
structed using computational image reconstruction techniques
[5], [6]. The overall size of room is 15 1510 and
we took /2 resolution image to reconstruct that cylindrical

Fig. 14. Envelope Corelation coefficient.

The minimum correlation between antennas can be obtained

by low mutual coupling (| Sij | 0) good impedance
matching (| Sii | 0) and orthogonal phase difference. In
addition, the mutual coupling can be minimized using the Fig. 16. CST modeling of wifi based localization.
pattern, polarization and frequency diversity. Even for small
spacing between antenna,the polarization diversity somewhat
reduces the correlation coefficient. The Fig. 14 shows the
lower correlation coefficient between antenna 1 and antenna
3 ( spacing about 120 mm) than that of antenna 1 and 2 (60
The diversity gain of MIMO antenna can be related to corre-
lation coefficient as,

Gapp = 10 1 | e | (5)

This shows that the lower va correlation coefficient produces

the higher diversity gain. In MIMO system, it is important to
have mimimum values of correlation coefficient to determine
the better diversity performance. By adjusting the inter element
separation (IES), we can achieve order of 0.05 reflection Fig. 17. Reconstructing image for localized object.
coefficient and higher values of diversity gain (about 10 dB)
as shown in Fig 15. VII. C ONCLUSION
A novel sleeve dipole antenna is proposed and studied in
this report,it exhibit a remarkable broad impedance bandwidth.
Our design showed that the antenna can be resonance and
coupling parameter are depends on the antenna geometry like
gap and sleeve diameters. Further, the envelope and correlation
coefficient and diversity gain for such antenna depends on
spatial and polarization diversity. This antenna is mostly used
in wifi communication with various application varies from
research to security applications.

[1] Z. N. Chen and X. Qing, Antennas for wifi connectivity, Proceedings
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[2] W. L. Stutzman and G. A. Thiele, Antenna Theory and Design. Wiley.
[3] J. L. Wong and H. E. King, An experiment study of balun-fed open-
Fig. 15. Diversity gain .
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[4] S. Blanch, J. Romeu, and I. Corbellang, Exact representation of antenna

system diversity performance from input parameter description, Electron.
Lett., vol. 39, pp. 705707, 2003.
[5] G. Lipworth, A. Mrozack, J. Hunt, D. L. Marks, T. Driscol, D. Brady, and
D. R. Smith, Metamaterial apertures for coherent computational imaging
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[6] D. Halperin, W. Hu, A. Sheth, and D. Wetherall, Predictable 802.11
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Khem poudel would like to acknowledge Professor Be-
rardi Sensale Rodriguez, professor David Schurig and Suresh
venkadesh for helpful ideas during designing of this antenna.

Khem Narayan Poudel (Member,IEEE) received

the B.E. degree in electronics and communication
engineering and M.S.C. degree in information and
communication engineering from Tribhuwan Univer-
sity, Nepal, in 2010 and 2013, respectively. He is
currently a PHD student at University of Utah.
His research interests include metamaterial antenna
design, MIMO and wireless communication system.
He is currently working with Dr. David Schurigs
research group.

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