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round up
a230V+/-10% 50/60 Hz
a100: 115+/-10% | 50/60 Hz
Patent pending - Integrated Mixing PESO DIMENSIONI
a19 Kg a320 P X 320 L X 300 H
a320 VA
RPM a1-16 sec.
a3600 r.p.m

D ispositivo medicale per lunione intrinseca ed estrinseca molecolare,

miscelazione senza modifica delle dimensioni geomet iche del materiale
autologo, eterologo o sintetico, per uso medico;
Il sistema si utilizza con materiali liquidi - semiliquidi - solidi;

R ev. 04 del 15 10 2012

Perfetta miscelazione, omogenea senza contaminazione atmosferica;
Vuoto automatico in pochi secondi: max 16 secondi.
Patent pending - Blood Phase Separator
Medical device for intrinsic and extrinsic molecular blend, mixing with
altering the geometric dimensions of autologous, heterologous or
roUnD Up
synthetic materials, for medical use;
Patent pending - integrated Mixing
T he system is used with liquid, semi-liquid or solid materials;
Perfect, homogenous mixing free from atmospheric contamination; APAG
Automatic empty in just a few second: max 16 seconds. Activated Plasma Albumin Gel
LA NOSTRA RICERCA Soltanto tramite lesperienza apportata dalla pratica possibile sviluppare e migliorare un
ANCHE IL FRUTTO prodotto. La filosofi di Silfradent Medical Line quella di soddisfare le esigenze di ciascun
DEI TUOI BUONI utilizzatore. Per questo motivo, e per garantirti un miglior servizio, ascoltiamo i tuoi consigli e i
CONSIGLI tuoi suggerimenti che potrai inviare direttamente a: info@silfradent.com

- Dotata di ciclo di decontaminazione our research A product can be developed and improved just through the experience derived from practice.
con luce riflessa Uvc is just the result Silfradent Medical Line believes in the satisfaction of users needs. For this reason and in order
- Durata del ciclo: 5 minuti of your to guarantee a better service, we listen to your suggestions, that you can send directly to
suggestions info@silfradent.com.
Thecnical data
- Equipped with a decontamination
cycle with UVC reflected light;
- Cycle duration: 5 minutes.

Materiale poroso per linnesto osseo. a B-T ricalcium Phosphate a fase pura (> 99%);
Combioss ideale associarlo ai componenti a D isponibile in granuli: dimensioni 315-500 (0,5 ml) e 500-1000 (1,0 ml) micron;
del CGF. a Porosit circa 70%; Silfr ad en t
a La miscela di C.G.F. il complemento ideale per accrescere la formazione di osso via G. di Vittorio 35/37
(visibile dopo 45/60 giorni); 47018 Santa Sofia (F ) - Italy
a Osteoinduzione.
Tel. +39 0543 970684
COMBIOSS Equipment for Medical Line
Fax + 39 0543 970770
a More than 99% phase. Pure B-T ricalcium Phosphate;
a Available in granules; dimension 315-500 (0,5 ml) and 500-1000 (1,0 ml) micron; www.silfradent.com
a Porosity about 70%; info@silfradent.com
a C.G.F. mixture is the ideal component to ingrowth the bone tissue
(visible after 45/60 days);
ISO 13485:2003 ISO 9001:2008 ISO 9001:2008
a Osteo induction.

Silfradent, with its 45 years of experience, manufactures products

in compliance with the European regulations.
AREA OF USE Il Cgf - Concentrated growth factors Il Kit brevettato, contiene il necessario Cgf - Concentrated growth factors - The patent kit includes the necessary
a Orthopedic surgery; - rappresenta una nuova generazione per il prelievo del sangue e appositi It represents a new generation of for the blood collection and specific
a Maxillo facial surgery; di concentrati piastrinici in grado dappen per agevolare la lavorazione dei platelet able to hold inside a higher dappens to facilitate the processing
Patent pending - Blood Phase Separator a Oral surgery; trattenere al suo interno una maggior
concentrazione di fattori di crescita
componenti ematici senza alcun rischio
di contaminazione. Inoltre, il Kit dotato
concentration of autologous growth
factor. It is isolated from blood samples
of hematic components without any
contamination risks.
a Ophthalmology;
a Cosmetic surgery;
a Sport medicine;
CGF KIT autologhi.
Il CGF viene isolato da campioni
di sangue tramite un semplice e
degli strumenti specifici per creare una
menbrana di fibrina e per inserire
il coagolo nel sito implantare.
through a simple standardized separation
protocol, which is performed by means of
a specific centrifuge without the addition
Then, the kit is equipped with specific
instruments to produce a fibrin
a dermatology; standardizzato protocollo di separazione, of exogenous substances. membrane and to insert the clot inside
a Gynecology; senza laggiunta di sostanze esogene. the implant site.
a neurosurgery;
01 02 03 04 05
MEdiFUGE medical device allows for the use of up to 8 test tubes for the creation of 01 - Tampone disinfettante 01 - Antiseptic Swab nr 50
CGF (fibrin).
02 - Laccio emostatico monouso 02 - Throwaway Tourniquet nr 25
A microprocessor control system allows for the maintaining of a constant speed.
The exception rotor system with self-ventilation protects the blood sample from 03 - Ago a farfalla 03 - Complete butterfly nr 24
heat exposure. The rotor-holding compartment, the closing door and the test 04 - Cerotto emostatico 25x72 mm 04 - Haemostatic band-aids nr 30
tube-holding jackets guarantee biological safety in terms of bio-containment, in
the event of test tube breakage. 05 - Provetta vacuette 05 - Vacuette Test Tubes nr 100
The test tube-holding jackets and rotor are built from thermal, antistatic 06 07 08 09 10 06 - Porta provette in acciaio inox 06 - Stainless Steel Test Tubes Tray
material that is easy to clean, extract and sterilise in an autoclave at 135.
07 - Seperatore di fibrina 07 - Dappen for fibrin separator
MEDIFUGE is equipped with a decontamination cycle with UVC reflected light.
Cycle duration 5 minutes at 1,000 revs. 08 - Griglia per separatore 08 - Griglia per separatore
The electronic control engine and its internal parts require no maintenance. 09 - Fisiologica in fiale 09 - Phisiologic solution nr 30
Noise levels fall below the standards required and do not exceed 57 dBa.
10 - Dappen per fibrina per deposito 10 - Dappen for fibrin
Unique features: 11 - Dappen per piastrine capsula di petri 11 - Dappen for platelets
4 different processes for obtaining in the blood separation: Serum, PPP, PRP, 12 - Dappen per particolato 12 - Dappen for particulate
Concentrated Growth Factors, Red Blood and fragments. 11 12 13 14 15
13 - Forbice a punta smussata 13 - Scissors with round tip
High Concentrated Growth Factors very important for the regeneration and
repair of the tissue: Monocytes, 34+, Morphogenetic cells. 14 - Pinza anatomica diritta 14 - Straight anatomic pliers
Positioning of the fragments in the bottom of the tubes. 15 - Spatola diritta 15 - Straight spatula
Temperature control to avoid altering the natural process of sedimentation.
Cycle Bleaching sterilizing= decontamination. 16 - Formatore di membrana a pinza 16 - Pliers for membrane creation
Rotor antistatic antimagnetic material (No influence on Fe in the red blood cells, 17 - Compattatore 17 - Compactor device
minerals, heavy metals, decreases cancer promoting substances as Aflatoxins, 18 - Iniettore di fibrina - completo di 2 pz. 18 - Injector for fibrin - incuding 2 pieces
Cerium, Pollonium, eliminates Clostridium).
16 17 18 19 20 19 - Posizionatore di membrana a spatola 19 - Spatula applicator for membrane
20 - Garza topper 20 - Topper Gauze nr 25
21 - Tray porta strumenti 21 - Surgical instrument tray

a230V+/-10% | 50/60 Hz Lefficacia del CGF stata finora dimostrata
a100: 115+/-10% | 50/60 Hz in chirurgia orale e maxillo-faciale negli
interventi di rialzo del seno mascellare e di
WEIGHT aumento del profilo crestale.
a9,4 Kg
CGF efficacy has been so far demostrated in
DIMENSIONS oral and maxillofacial surgery, in maxillary
a230 P X 320 L X 240 H sinus lift procedure and profile ridge
a120 VA
a230V+/-10% | 50/60 Hz

CGF - Concentrated growth factors - The patent kit includes the necessary for Cgf - Concentrated growth factors - T he patent kit includes the necessary
POWER SOURCE It represents a new generation of platelet the blood collection and specific It represents a new generation of for the blood collection and specific
a100: 115+/-10% | 50/60 Hz able to hold inside a higher dappens to facilitate the processing of platelet able to hold inside a higher dappens to facilitate the processing
Patent pending - Blood Phase Separator PESO
concentration of autologous growth
factor. It is isolated from blood samples
hematic components without any
contamination risks.
concentration of autologous growth
factor. It is isolated from blood samples
of hematic components without any
contamination risks.
a9,4 Kg
CGF KIT through a simple standardized
separation protocol, which is performed
by means of a specific centrifuge without
Then, the kit is equipped with specific
instruments to produce a fibrin
membrane and to insert the clot inside
through a simple standardized separation
protocol, which is performed by means of
a specific entrifuge without the addition
T hen, the kit is equipped with specific
instruments to produce a fib in
DIMENSIONS the addition of exogenous substances. the implant site. of exogenous substances. membrane and to insert the clot inside
a230 P X 320 L X 240 H the implant site.
POTENZA NOMINALE 01 02 03 04 05
a120 VA

Il dispositivo medicale MEDI FUGE consente di utilizzare fino a 8 p ovette o a gruppi 01 - T ampone disinfettante 01 - Antiseptic Swab nr 50
di due, per la creazione di CGF (fib ina); 02 - Laccio emostatico monouso 02 - T hrowaway Tourniquet nr 25
Un sistema di controllo a microprocessore consente di mantenere la velocit costante;
Leccezionale sistema del rotore con auto ventilazione protegge il prelievo ematico 03 - Ago a farfalla 03 - Complete butterfl nr 24
dallesposizione termica. Il vano porta rotore, lo sportello di chiusura e le camicie 06 07 08 09 10 04 - Cerotto emostatico 25x72 mm 04 - Haemostatic band-aids nr 30
portaprovette garantiscono la sicurezza biologica in termini di bio-contenimento, 05 - Provetta vacuette 05 - Vacuette Test T ubes nr 100
in caso di rottura delle provette;
06 - Porta provette in acciaio inox 06 - Stainless Steel Test T ubes T ray
Le camicie portaprovette ed il rotore sono costruiti in materiale termico
e antistatico, facilmente pulibile, estraibili e sterilizzabili in autoclave a 135; 07 - Seperatore di fib ina 07 - D appen for fib in separator
MEDI FUGE dotata di ciclo di decontaminazione con luce riflessa UVC 08 - Griglia per separatore 08 - Griglia per separatore
D urata del ciclo: 5 minuti a 1.000 giri;
09 - Fisiologica in fial 09 - Phisiologic solution nr 30
Il motore a controllo elettronico e la sua componentistica interna non richiedono
manutenzione. Il livello di rumorosit al di sotto degli standard richiesti e non 10 - D appen per fib ina per deposito 10 - D appen for fib in
supera i 57 dBA. 11 12 13 14 15 11 - D appen per piastrine capsula di petri 11 - D appen for platelets
12 - D appen per particolato 12 - D appen for particulate
T he medical device MEDI FUGE allows for the use of up to 8 test tubes for
the creation of CGF (fib in); 13 - Forbice a punta smussata 13 - Scissors with round tip
A micropocessor control system allows for the maintaining of a constant speed; 14 - Pinza anatomica diritta 14 - Straight anatomic pliers
T he exception rotor system with self-ventilation protects the blood sample from
15 - Spatola diritta 15 - Straight spatula
heat exposure. T he rotor-holding compartment, the closing door and the
test tube-holding jackets guarantee biological safety in terms of bio-containment, 16 - Formatore di membrana a pinza 16 - Pliers for membrane creation
in the event of test tube breakage; 16 17 18 19 20 17 - Compattatore 17 - Compactor device
T he test tube-holding jackets and rotor are built from thermal, antistatic 18 - Iniettore di fib ina - completo di 2 pz. 18 - Injector for fib in - incuding 2 pieces
material that is easy to clean, extract and sterilise in an autoclave at 135;
MEDI FUGE is equipped with a decontamination cyclewith UVC refle ted light; 19 - Posizionatore di membrana a spatola 19 - Spatula applicator for membrane
Cycl duration 5 minutes at 1,000 revs; 20 - Garza topper 20 - Topper Gauze nr 25
T he electronic control engine and its internal parts require no maintenance; 21 - T ray porta strumenti 21 - Surgical instrument tray
N oise levels fall below the standards required and do not exceed 57 dBa.
01 - Antiseptic Swab nr 50 12 - Dappen for particulate nr 1
02 - Throwaway tourniquet nr 25 13 - Scissors with round tip nr 1
03 - Complete butterfly nr 24 14 - Straight anatomic pliers nr 1
04 - Haemostatic band-aids nr 30 15 - Straight spatula nr 1
05 - Test tubes* nr 100 16 - Pliers for membrane creation nr 1
a Chirurgia ortopedica; a Orthopedic surgery;
a Chirurgia Maxillofacciale; a Maxillo facial surgery; 06 - Stainless Steel test tubes tray nr 1 17 - Compactor device nr 1
a Chirurgia orale; a Oral surgery; 07 - Dappen for fib in separator nr 1 18 - Injector for fib in - including 2 pieces nr 1
a Oftalmologia; a Ophthalmology;
CGF efficacy has been 08 - Separator Grid nr 1 19 - Spatula applicator for membrane nr 1
a Chirurgia cosmetica; a Cosmetic surgery;
so far demonstrated in
a Chirurgia dello Sport; a Sport medicine; 09 - Phisiologic solution nr 1 20 - Topper Gauze nr 25
oral and maxillofacial
a D ermatologia; a D ermatology; surgery, in maxillary 10 - Dappen for fib in nr 1 21 - Surgical instrument tray nr 1
a Ginecologia; a Gynecology; sinus lift procedure
11 - Dappen for platelets nr 1 * It's available also tubes with Sodium
a N euro chirurgia. a N eurosurgery. and profile ridge
augmentation. Heparina (Pack of 50 pcs.)
a230V+/-10% | 50/60 Hz

Il Cgf - Concentrated growth factors Il Kit brevettato, contiene il necessario AREA OF AESTHETIC AND COSMETIC USE

POWER SOURCE - rappresenta una nuova generazione per il prelievo del sangue e appositi a Full face rejuvenation
a100: 115+/-10% | 50/60 Hz di concentrati piastrinici in grado dappen per agevolare la lavorazione dei Cell regeneration
Patent pending - Blood Phase Separator PESO
trattenere al suo interno una maggior
concentrazione di fattori di crescita
componenti ematici senza alcun rischio
di contaminazione. Inoltre, il Kit dotato
Facial volumization
Acne scars
Activated Plasma Albumin Gel
a9,4 Kg
CGF KIT autologhi.
Il CGF viene isolato da campioni
di sangue tramite un semplice e
degli strumenti specifici per c eare una
menbrana di fib ina e per inserire
il coagolo nel sito implantare.
Facial aesthetic lipostructure
Elimination of spots tissue
DIMENSIONS standardizzato protocollo di separazione, Wrinkled neck and dcollet
a230 P X 320 L X 240 H senza laggiunta di sostanze esogene. Fine lines and wrinkles
POTENZA NOMINALE Textural improvement
a120 VA Backs of hands
01 02 03 04 05 Areas with androgenetic alopecia or
alopecia aerated
Il dispositivo medicale MEDI FUGE consente di utilizzare fino a 8 p ovette o a gruppi Other positive effects
di due, per la creazione di CGF (fib ina);
Un sistema di controllo a microprocessore consente di mantenere la velocit costante; A.P.A.G. is the latest Bio Filler, ideal for real natural augmentations and
Leccezionale sistema del rotore con auto ventilazione protegge il prelievo ematico satisfies all requirements to modern injections.
dallesposizione termica. Il vano porta rotore, lo sportello di chiusura e le camicie The Medical Electric Equipment APAG is a device designed to heat syringes at a
portaprovette garantiscono la sicurezza biologica in termini di bio-contenimento, controlled temperature.
in caso di rottura delle provette; 06 07 08 09 10 APAG has been designed for medical practice and has to work with: operating.
Le camicie portaprovette ed il rotore sono costruiti in materiale termico APAG is designed to facilitate the heat induced aggregation of human serum
e antistatico, facilmente pulibile, estraibili e sterilizzabili in autoclave a 135; albumin (HSA), particularly using the faction PPP (plasma poor in platelet). As
MEDI FUGE dotata di ciclo di decontaminazione con luce riflessa UVC results of temperature and time controlled heat induction, the protein
D urata del ciclo: 5 minuti a 1.000 giri; aggregates became elongated oligomers with fibrillary - like features. The
Il motore a controllo elettronico e la sua componentistica interna non richiedono early stage aggregation of HSA follows a downhill pathway that does not
manutenzione. Il livello di rumorosit al di sotto degli standard richiesti e non require the formation of an organized nucleus.
supera i 57 dBA. When HSA is denatured, secondary and tertiary structures are altered but the
peptide bonds of the primary structure between the amino acids are left intact.
T he medical device MEDI FUGE allows for the use of up to 8 test tubes for 11 12 13 14 15 Since all structural levels of the protein determine its function, the protein can
the creation of CGF (fib in); no longer perform its function once it has been denatured.
A micropocessor control system allows for the maintaining of a constant speed; The purpose of APAG is the obtainment of a biocompatible polymeric material
T he exception rotor system with self-ventilation protects the blood sample from useful as a filler material in aesthetic intervention.
heat exposure. T he rotor-holding compartment, the closing door and the
test tube-holding jackets guarantee biological safety in terms of bio-containment,
in the event of test tube breakage;
T he test tube-holding jackets and rotor are built from thermal, antistatic
material that is easy to clean, extract and sterilise in an autoclave at 135;
MEDI FUGE is equipped with a decontamination cyclewith UVC refle ted light;
16 17 18 19 20
Cycl duration 5 minutes at 1,000 revs;
T he electronic control engine and its internal parts require no maintenance;
N oise levels fall below the standards required and do not exceed 57 dBa.

21 Disposable Cosmetic Kit for the GCF System:
AREE DI UTILIZZO AREA OF USE Lefficacia del CGF stata finora dimostrata POWER SOURCE
Complete butterfly nr 1 a230V+/-10% | 50/60 Hz
a Chirurgia ortopedica; a Orthopedic surgery; in chirurgia orale e maxillo-faciale negli
a Chirurgia Maxillofacciale; a Maxillo facial surgery; interventi di rialzo del seno mascellare e di Closing caps nr 5 100: 115+/-10% | 50/60 Hz
aumento del profilo crestale. nr
a Chirurgia orale; a Oral surgery; Disposable needle 0.30 x 4mm 4
a Oftalmologia; a Ophthalmology; nr 4
CGF efficacy has been so far demostrated in Disposable sterile needle 30 G and 27 G x 13mm aFrom +10 to +40C
a Chirurgia cosmetica; a Cosmetic surgery;
oral and maxillofacial surgery, in maxillary Extractor of the fractions 18 G x 3 mm nr 1
a Chirurgia dello Sport; a Sport medicine; sinus lift procedure and profile ridge DIMENSIONS
a D ermatologia; a D ermatology; augmentation. 3 way with Stopcock with Extension tube nr 1 a210 P X 135 L X 180 H
a Ginecologia; a Gynecology;
3 ml, 5 ml and 10ml Syringe nr 8 MAXIMUM RELATIVE HUMIDITY RATE
a N euro chirurgia. a N eurosurgery.
Luer Lock Connession for 2 Syringes nr 2 a95%, non-condensing.
round up
Patent pending - Integrated Mixing

Medical device for intrinsic and extrinsic molecular blend, mixing with altering
the geometric dimensions of autologous, heterologous or synthetic
materials, for medical use;
The system is used with liquid, semi-liquid or solid materials;

R ev. 04 del 15 10 2012

Perfect, homogenous mixing free from atmospheric contamination;
Automatic empty in just a few second: max 16 seconds. MEDIFUGE & CGF
It's indicate for preparing the Face Mask Juventute, Cream Juventute and Lotion Patent pending - Blood Phase Separator
round up
Patent pending - Integrated Mixing

POWER SOURCE LA NOSTRA RICERCA Soltanto tramite lesperienza apportata dalla pratica possibile sviluppare e migliorare un
Thecnical data a230V+/-10% 50/60 Hz ANCHE IL FRUTTO prodotto. La filosofi di Silfradent Medical Line quella di soddisfare le esigenze di ciascun
- Equipped with a decontamination a100: 115+/-10% | 50/60 Hz DEI TUOI BUONI utilizzatore. Per questo motivo, e per garantirti un miglior servizio, ascoltiamo i tuoi consigli e i
cycle with UVC reflected light; CONSIGLI tuoi suggerimenti che potrai inviare direttamente a: info@silfradent.com
- Cycle duration: 5 minutes. TIMER DIMENSIONS
a1-16 SEC. a320 P X 320 L X 300 H
our research A product can be developed and improved just through the experience derived from practice.
NOMINAL POWER CONSUMPTION is just the result Silfradent Medical Line believes in the satisfaction of users needs. For this reason and in order
a320 VA to guarantee a better service, we listen to your suggestions, that you can send directly to
of your
RPM suggestions info@silfradent.com.
3600 r.p.m a19 Kg

Juventute Beauty kit:

Integrable preparations formulated to Stem Cell and Growth Factors Treatment
Juventute Beauty kit is a set of cream, mask and lotion formulated to stabilized
autologous stem cell and growth factors. It's a revolution in the youth-
regenerating treatment. Natural skincare moisturizes and regenerating agents to
reduce skin age and wrinkles.
3 differents products:
Face Mask Juventute - Green MCH plays a powerful anti-aging action, rich in Silfr ad en t
stem cells and autologous growth factors. Juventute Green MCH is an innovative via G. di Vittorio 35/37
regenerative and nourishing mask which combines autologous Growth Factors with 47018 Santa Sofia (F ) - Italy
precious natural active ingredients (Green Beneficial Substances).
Cream Juventute - Green CRE plays a powerful anti-aging action, rich in stem Tel. +39 0543 970684
Equipment for Medical Line
cells and autologous growth factors. It is an innovative regenerative and Fax + 39 0543 970770
nourishing cream which combines autologous growth factors with precious
natural active ingredients (Green Beneficial Substances). www.silfradent.com
Lotion Juventute - Green LOZ returns the physiological pH of the skin to its info@silfradent.com
normal and it has a strong hydrating effect (Green Active Substances). Without
addition of autologous or artificial preparations pH 5.5.
ISO 13485:2003 ISO 9001:2008 ISO 9001:2008

Silfradent, with its 40 years of experience, manufactures products

in compliance with the European regulations.

round up
a230V+/-10% 50/60 Hz
a100: 115+/-10% | 50/60 Hz
Patent pending - Integrated Mixing PESO DIMENSIONI
a19 Kg a320 P X 320 L X 300 H
a320 VA
RPM a1-16 sec.
a3600 r.p.m

D ispositivo medicale per lunione intrinseca ed estrinseca molecolare,

miscelazione senza modifica delle dimensioni geomet iche del materiale
autologo, eterologo o sintetico, per uso medico;
Il sistema si utilizza con materiali liquidi - semiliquidi - solidi;

r ev. 01 del 15 06 2017

Perfetta miscelazione, omogenea senza contaminazione atmosferica;
Vuoto automatico in pochi secondi: max 16 secondi.
Patent pending - Blood Phase Separator
Medical device for intrinsic and extrinsic molecular blend, mixing with
altering the geometric dimensions of autologous, heterologous or
round up
synthetic materials, for medical use;
Patent pending - Integrated Mixing
T he system is used with liquid, semi-liquid or solid materials;
Perfect, homogenous mixing free from atmospheric contamination;
Automatic empty in just a few second: max 16 seconds.
suggestions A product can be developed and improved just through the experience derived from
practice. Silfradent Medical Line believes in the satisfaction of users needs. For this reason
and in order to guarantee a better service, we listen to your suggestions, that you can
send directly to info@silfradent.com.

- Dotata di ciclo di decontaminazione
con luce riflessa Uvc
- Durata del ciclo: 5 minuti

Thecnical data
- Equipped with a decontamination
cycle with UVC reflected light;
- Cycle duration: 5 minutes.

Materiale poroso per linnesto osseo. a B-T ricalcium Phosphate a fase pura (> 99%);
Combioss ideale associarlo ai componenti a D isponibile in granuli: dimensioni 315-500 (0,5 ml) e 500-1000 (1,0 ml) micron;
del CGF. a Porosit circa 70%; Silfradent S.r.l.
a La miscela di C.G.F. il complemento ideale per accrescere la formazione di osso via G. di Vittorio 35/37
(visibile dopo 45/60 giorni); 47018 Santa Sofia (F) - Italy
a Osteoinduzione.
tel. +39 0543 970684
COMBIOSS Equipment for Medical Line
Fax + 39 0543 970770
a More than 99% phase. Pure B-T ricalcium Phosphate;
a Available in granules; dimension 315-500 (0,5 ml) and 500-1000 (1,0 ml) micron; www.silfradent.com
a Porosity about 70%; info@silfradent.com
a C.G.F. mixture is the ideal component to ingrowth the bone tissue
(visible after 45/60 days);
ISO 13485:2003 ISO 9001:2008 ISO 9001:2008
a Osteo induction.

Silfradent, with its 40 years of experience, manufactures products

in compliance with the European regulations.

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