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Bengal Act XVI of 1935



. Section.
1. Shorl title, extent and vomrncnrcmcnt.
2. Definitions.
3. Preliminary notification or intenlion to impose improvement levy.
4. publicildon oC pirliculars.
5. Abandonment o r inlcnlion or declaration of inren~ionto impose itnproverncnl lcvy.
6. Rccommcndation by the Wesr Bengal Legislative Asse~nblyfor itnposition or improvcmcni -. , -.
7, Imposition of iniprovemznl Icvy.
8. Esrimate of increased oullurn of p r d u c c from agricultural land.
9. Fixing valuc o f increased ourrurn.
. 10. Maximum lirnil and incidence of irnprovcmenl levy.
1I. Addilional improvcmcnt lcvy in cerrain cases.
12. Amount or improvcmcni lcvy after realisation of capital cosl and other chargcs.
13. Preparation and publication of statcmcnts or imposition of improvernenr levy.
14. Norice of demand.
15. Republicalion of s ~ a t z n ~ e nand
t s revisrd norice of demand.
1 6. Supplemenrary s l a l e ~ ~ ~ e n u . i
1 7. Appcals in rcgard to inlprovenlznt levy.
I S . Bur to objec~ionstn improvetnent levy, exc?pl a provided in [his ACL.
18. Coplcs or cntrics in slalement.
30. Puwcr to Collec~orID grant, aba~emenior reniission of improveu~enllevy.
7 1 . Collcc~ionof improvcmcn~Ievy.
22. RcTurlds.
73. R C C O V CofCamcars
~ and orher dues.
24. Pplver lo enter on land and lo cul and rcmovc crops.
25. Powcr Ln compel produclion of starerncnls and documents.
26. Power ol' Collcc~or10cnrorcc attendance or wirncsscs and prr)duction of documcnls.
27. Ducs payable undcr olher Acls in respecr nf improvcmcnt works.
28. Supply of {valer and applicalion of rulcs under !lie Bengal Irrigalion Acr, 1876.
29. Righr to supply of walcr.
30. Power 10 carry out drainage works.
3 1 . Powel- 10 prohibil, remove or 111odiryobsuucrions to the passage of waler in channels.
32. Pawcr ro modiFy obstructions to rhe passage of water through or over land. I

Act. 193.5.
The Bct!gul L)c~~elopr~ie~ir

[Bcn. Act XVI of 1935.1 j

33, bolificalion o f dead or dccnycd rivers.
34. Limitatinn of claims for compensn~ion.
35. Claims for compensa~ion.
36. Determinarion of arnount or compcnsalion.
37. Appeals from ccnain decisions and orders of Colleclor.
38. Cosls.
39. Resrriclions on enhancenienr oC rcnt of agricullural lands i n no~ifiedarea.
40. Publicalion of nolificalions.
41. Proceedings no1 to be invalidalcd by irrcgularilies.
42. Bar ro s u i ~ sfor cornpensarion.
43. Indemnity.
44. Rulcs.

Bengal Act XVI of 1935

Wcst Bcn. Acl XXIV or 1954.
West Bcn. Acl IX or 1958.
Wcst Bcn. Acl I of 1963.
(a) The govern men^ O F India
(Adaptation of Indian
Laws) Order, 1937.
(b) The Indian Indcpcndcncc
(Adaptarion of Bcngnl imd
Punjab Acts) Ordcr, 1948.
(c) Thc Adaplalion of Laws
Order, 1950.

[3rd October, 1935.1

At1 of latrds t i / Her~gnlnrrd ro i)~rposc

Acr to provide fur rile rle~~elop~t~e~rr
a levy ir~respecr of irrcreased profirs resrtlrir~gfrurrr i)r~prol-~~rrrcrr~
works cotumrcred I>! the Go~?enl~lre)tr.
WHERFAS i[ i s expcdicnl to providc for the development of lands in
Bcngal and lor thar purposc lo itnpose a levy in respccr o f incrcuscrl
profits resulting from improvement works cuns~ruc~c? by ~ h Govcrnmcnr
and to provide furrhcr powcrs in rcgnrd to works of improve men^;

ANDIVHERMS the previous sanction of thc Govcmor Gcncral has

5;mdhGco. been obtained under sub-scction (3) of scclion SOA of the Governinenr
V-C.dl' of India Act lo thc passing or this ACI;
6 m d 7 Gco.
v, c. 37;
9and 1U It is hcrcby cnac~cdas follows:-
Gco. V,
c. 101.
1. ( 1 ) This Act may be cal lcd the Bcngal Dcvclopmcnt Aci, 1935. Shun tirlc.
exlenr md
(2) Lt exrcnds to thc wholc of2wcstBcn~al]. commncc-
(3) 11 shall come inlo force on such datcJas thc4[Statc Govrrnmen~]
may. by noti fica~ion, appoint.

]For Starulncnr of Objcclr and Rcasons, see the Ctrlclrrrf~G(~:erreo f 1935. Pi. IV.
pagc 49: and for rcpon o l tlic Sclcct Conlmirtec, see ibid. page 150: and lor Pruuctdings
of r k Council. sec iht: Proceedings or rhc Bcngal Lcgislativl: Coulicil. Vol. XLV. No. 1.
page 217. and ibirl. No. 7,. pages 78 and 171 and ilrirl, VoI. XLVI, No. I, pagcs 88, 110,
IRE, 137,289,335 and 393.
'Thc words within s q u m bnckcrs wcrc subsriru~rdfor [he word "Bengal" by An. 3(2)
oirhe Indian Indeprndrncc(Adapr~1ionor Aengal and Punjah ACE) Ordcr, 1948.
>This Acr came inro rorce on rhc ?3rd January. 1936, vide Notification No. 1-1.
darcd thc 20th January. I936. published i n thc Culcirrfu Guzetre. darcd t l ~ c
?3rd Jmuap. 1935. Pan I, pagc 194,
'The words "Provincial Govcml~icnt" wcrc originally subsrirured for the words
"Local govern men^" by para. ? ( I ) or rlic Go\wnnlcnr of India (Adaprnrion
or Indian Laws) Ordcr, 1937. and thcrcalrer [he word "S131~" was subsrirutcd for
rhc word "Provincial" by pan. J(1) ofrhc Adaptarion olLmvs Order. 1950.

Act, 1935.
The Berlgal .Develnl~~se~lr

[Ben. Act XVI


kliniiions. 2. In this Act. unless thcrc is anythine rcpuenant i n thc suhjcc~ar

( I ) "agriculiural lands" include lands used for the growing o f

vegetables and the like but does not include fruir gardens,
archards or homesread lands;
(21 "canal" mcans a canal ax delincd in clausc ( I ) r)rscction 3 o f
thc Bcngnl Irrigation Act, 1876; Bcn. Ac1111
oi. 1876.
(3) "Callccrar" includcs any nfficcr specially appointed by the
l[Stntc Govrmrncni] to pcrform all or any or thc iunctions o f
, .
a Collector under [his Acr;
(4) "dcad ur dccaycd river" includes any river inro which, or
along any par1 or whit h, waicr has ccascd lo flow as lrccly as
i t rvould have flowed if i t had no1 been diverled or obs[rucled
whcthcr owing I? natural causes or m rcsuli ofinrcrference
by man, and includcs also any dcprcssion wllich a1 onc limc
t'nrn~edpan o f a river-bed but ~ h r o u g hwhich there is no
lonycr any pcrcnnial flow of warcr;
(5) " i m p r o v c m c n ~work" means any work o f irnprnvement
?[consrrucled, bcforc thc commcnccmcnt o f Par1 In v l thc
Gnvernment o f India Acl, 1935, by any Governmen1 or IAGco. t'.
conslructcd o r proposed ro hc cr,nstrucrcd nrrcr rhar date
by the State Government] which thc '[State Govcrnmcnl]
has, by norifica[ion, declared to be an improvemenr'work Tor
thc purposesooT this Act:
Provided [hat no road or railway construcled bcrorc thc
commencement of rhis ACLshall be so declared;
(6) "notifica[ion" means a n o l i f i c a t i o n published i n the
(7) YnoliLcd arca" mcans any arca in rcspect or which he [Stare
Governmenl] has, by a nolilication issued undcr sub-
sec~ion(1) o f seclion 5 , declared its inrcntion to impose an
improvemen[ levy, and includes any parr o f such area;
(8) "period lor objcction" mcans a pcriod m c n ~ i o n c di n a
notification undcr this Act w i t h i n which objections or
suggestions will bc rcccivcd;
'See lool-now 4 on pabz 395. lrrrfc.
'Thex words and figures, c x c c p ~rhc word "Slalc" whicll was subscqucn~lysubriiiuldd
for [heword "Provincial" by p m 41)olthc Adapulionof L31vs Ord~'r,1950. \vcn: suh$r~iu~rd
Tor rhc words "consrrucled by rhs Covcrnmen~. bcrorc o r after thc cornnitncc-
lnrnl of this Act, or proposed 10 & construcrcd by rhr: Govrrn~ucni'by p . u ~ 3 and
Sch. 1V to rllc Go\.cninicnr or 11idia(Adappaliun of Indian L a w > ) Ord~r.1937.
'Thusc words wcn: suhsrirutcd Tor rht \r.urds "Gtk.!rrrcr Gcr.rerrc" by para. 1(1) of
rhr Govrrnnisnior India (Adaplnlionof Indian L w s ) Ordcr. 1937

The B e t ~ g a lDeveloprrrer~tAcr, 1935.

(9) "prescribed" means pruscribcd by rulcs made under this ACI;

(10) "rent" and "[enant" havc rhc samc meanings as in the Bengal
Tcnancy Act, 1XE5.

3. Whcncver, in the opinion o r thc 'IStatc Govcrnmcol], any Pwlimin;lry.

improvement work has increased or is likcly lo incrcnsc thc profits from notifi"hofl
[tie producc from any agricullural Iand, or 10 incrcnsc rhc oulturn of such loi,llro<l:
produce, wilhin any nrca, he '[State Government] may, by notifica~ion, itll~myc-
mcnl lev):
declare its i n ~ e n ~ i oton imposc an improvement levy within that awn.

4. A notilication under sccrion 3 shall stale thc rollowing Publication

particulars- of
(a) as full a descriplion a f thc improvcmenl work as, in thc
opininn of ~ I i e'[State Govcmmcnt]. may hc practicable;
(6) thc objcct Tor which such work has becn, or is propnsed lo
be, consrruc~cd;and
(c) the boundaries oi thc nrca wilhin which llle '[Siatc
Govcmmcnt] inlends to i~nposethc improvcmcnt Icvy.

5. (1) After the expiry of a pcriud for ohjccrion to he rneniioflcd

in a notification under section 3 the '[State Govcrnmcnt] shall consider
thc objections and suggestions, if any, received by i l and 111creafrer dcclmlion
of inrenlion
shall, by notificalion, declarc its-intcniion cilher wholly lo refrain horn \o itnpow
imposing thc improvement levy or to imposc thc same i n the area impmvc-
nlcnt Icvy.
concerned or in a spccificd par1 rhereof, whereupon !hc xcn in respecl
or which the '[Stale Govcmmcn~]has by such a notification dcclared
i ~ intention
s ra impose the improvcmcnt Icvy shall be deemed, for thc
purposes oi this Acl, lo be a nolificd area.
(2) n i e 'IS~atcGovcrnmen~lmay. so far as may bc in the manner
hcrcinbefore provided, from time 10lime includc in or excludc from any
no~ificdarea any area which, in [he opinion o f 111e'[Starc Govcmmcnt],
has bcncrired o r lias not bcncri~crl,as (he case may bc, from the

6. No expenditure shall bc incurrcd Tor thc conuruc~ionof any Rmmmen-

improvemcnr work in respecr or which lhc '[Slnlc Governmen!] intcnds darion by
ihc \Vest . . .
. .
LO imposc an improvement Icvy, and no improvement levy shall bc Bengd
imposed in rcspecl of any improvcmcnt work, unless the2[West Bengal] Lgislaiir-c
Aswrnhly (or
Legislative "[Assembly] has, by a rcsolurion, recon~mendedrhc im- imposition
position 01an improvemcn i Icvy in rcspccl nf such work: orimpmc-
mcnl let?.
'See roar-noic 4 on p q c 3W.trttrr.
'-See fool-now 2 on pa:c 3Y5.utrlc.
'This word was subsiituicd Cclr ~ h ward
r "Council" by pan. 3 and Sch, 1V to rhc
P . r , ..........:. 1' ~ n r o n - -

The tletlgul Developttre~lrAci, 1935.

10. ( I ) Nolwjthsranding nnytlii~~g coniained in any orller ACI the Mmil~wrn
impruvement levy shall be irnpuscd in respcct of agricultvral lands within ?::d",d,t
a notilied area ai such rate or rnlcs as thc ISlale Govcrnmen~],may, by impro~,crnPnl
notificarion, from lime l o timc declare. and differcn~rules may bc so I<+-y.
dcclnrcd for classcs (II land of diffcrenr dcscrip~ionsor having diifcrcnr
Providcd thal any rale so iixcd shall not cxcsed onc-half 01~ h c
csrima~edncl incrrasc, rcsul~ingham the improvemen1 work, in rhc
protirs or one-half or the nel valuc nf h e cslimaled incrc:~sciri ourturn:
:Provided furthcr that pending he dcclnradon of any rare or rarcs
under thc rirw paragraph, the Srate Governmcnl may, subject to ~ h c
provision oi sub-scc~ion(61, by notification, declare such rare or ratcs, a s
il deems suitable, and thcreupon improvemcnt lcvy shall bc payablc Tor
111c rime. bcing ar such ratc or rares, and any alnoun t paid at such rate or
ratcs shall be subscquenlly adjusted against he amount payablc 31 the
rate or ralcs declarcd under rhc firs^ paragraph.
Such impruvement Icvy shall bc payable by thc occupicrs of such
lands within thc notified arm.
Evplrrrnrin11.-In this sub-secrion [he exprcssian "estimarcd incrzasc
in ourrurn" mcnns the avcragc incrcasc in [he oulrurn of agricul~ural
producc as esrimiltcd under sccrion 8.
(2) Thc rare or ratcs nf rlle improvement Ievy shall be fixed undcr
sub-section ( I ) lor one ycar or for such pcriod not exceeding fivc years
as may be spccificd in the no~ifitarionissucd under rhal sub-seciion.
(3) orthe purposcs o f sub-sccrion ( I ) [he nc! increasc in the profit
and the net valuc of [be csdmared incrcasc in outturn shall b.:. rstimated,
in accordance with rules ~nadcunder [his Act, on rhc price or prices
fixed undcr section 9.
(4) Tllc '[State Govcrnnlenl] nliLy, by rulcs made undcr [his Acl,
declarc wl~atpcrsons or classes of pcrsons sllalI bc deen~ed,klr rhe
purposcs of sub-sccrinn ( I 1, ro be nccupicrs nf land bu! nr) person shall,
by such rulcs, bc declarcd lo he an occupier or land unless, orhcrwise
rhan as ;1 hired labuurer, hc cul~ivaizssuch land or (iT it is ]lot culriva~cd)
unless hc is in d i r c possession
~~ of SUCII land.
(5) Nolwirhs~andinganything con~aincdin sub-scction (4). whcrc a
person undcr rl~esystcm genemlly known as " ~ t l ~"r b' r, r ~ ~or a ""blrri,q",
uulrivates thc land o r anolher person on condirinn of dclivcring a shnrc
of lhe producc lo lhar pcrson or rccciviag a shurc thereof Trc~rntiin), lhc
pcrwonwh~scland in culrivated and rhepcrson who culri~atesil sllall
each bc deemed, Tclr the purp{~scsof sub-scction (I), to bc an occupicr of
sucll land, and cilch shall bc Iiable LO pay u prescribed proporrion of [he
improve~nentlcvy irnposcd in respec1 of such land, nnd any contract to
r11c conlrary shall, lo that cxlenr, be void.
'See loo^-no~e 4 on pagr: 395,r r r r r c
'This lunhrr pruviso was inssncd i v i h rctrospcclivc. r(fcct by s. 1 o i the Renzal
I)ei.t.lrln~r*.n~14n1vndunu..nrl A r r I L1C4 rnr.,., u.-rnA,-! rv ..(rncur

[Ben. Act XVI

(6) In the casc of any land, rhc amount of improvemcn~lcvy realised

for any year-
'(a) in respect of thc Mayurakshi Reservoir Prajecr, including
the Bakreswar Canal, shall not exceed lcn rupees per acrc;
(b) in respect o f thc Darnodar Canal and thc Eden Canal shall
no1 exceed tivc rupees cight annas per acrc:

Provided [ha[ in the casc of any land which was irriga~cd

from the Edcn Canal in any ycar during thc [cn years prior
01 lhe first day of April, 1935. such arnounr shall not cxcccd
three rupccs eight annas pcr acre.

Addiliond 11. (1) Notwiths~andinganyrhing contained in section 10, i f in any

lcvy in wnain notified arca any unculrurablc wosLe, swamp, or sand has, as a result of
c z . an improvcmenl work, bccomc cullurahle land, and such land is tlierearrcr
scnlcd wilh any [cnanl, rhe person who setrles ~ h land
c shall hc liablc lo
pay, in one sum,an improvemcnl levy of such amount as may bc fixed
by [he Collcctor, in accordance with rulcs made undcr this Act, a i m
considering any objcction lhat may bc made in ~ h prescribed
c manncr by
such person.
(2) The amount fixed under sub-secrion ( I ) shall not cxcccd one-
half of ~ h dirfcrcnce
c be~wecn-
(a) ~ h camount which thc Coliec~orcstirnates lo bc the usual
srrlarrri For a likc ,ma of land, in [he vicinity, similar in i u
description and its advanlagcs 10 [he land as it is at ~ h ctirnc
of Ihc scltlement, and
(b) [he amounr which the Collecrur estimates lo havc been [he
usual sahl~iibcrorc rlle commcncernent of thc improvenlcnl
work, for a likc area of land, i n the vicini~y,similar in its
descriprion and its advanlagcs LO thc land as i t was a1 lhat
Such levy shall be addirional to the lcvy payabte undcr sec~ion1 0 by
(hc occupier of the land.

Amouniof 12. When in respect of any in~provcmentwork-

lcvy altcr (a) the capital cost of such work. including ~ h cost
c of any
~ a l i s a ~ i oonr extensions, improvemenrs or modification oi [he work,
md othcr (6) the inicrest charges on such capital cosl,
(c) any working loss in any ycar or years, and
(d) [he intcrcsr on such loss,
. .--A ... - .
. (a) w a subsiiiu~cdfor thc original clausc by s. 3 of thc Bcngal ~ v z l o p m c n i
. .*.F.,, P ,".. ,.

as dutcnnincd by the '[S~atcGi~vcrnnicnr],havc hccn rccovcrcd in full

$:out of thc procccds o r ~ h in~provcrncnt
c levy, by such annual alloca~ions
as may bc prcscribcd, rhc arnclunr oFthl: imprc~~~enicn!levy In be rzaliszd
Lbr cnct~ycilr in rcspcc~o I such work shall lhcrearler be reduced to
such a sum as ihc '[Wcsl Bcngal] Legislalivc i[Assemblyl may, by a

Providcd 1hn1 in rcspcct of ~ h c'[Damodar and Edcn] Canals such

sum shall nor excucd rl~camount rcquircd to mccr rhc ~utnualcost, as
de~crrnincdby the '[Srare Governmcnt], or mniniunancc and supcrvisior~
o f thc improvemen[ work and of collec~ionof 111eimprovcn~cnilcvy.

. - T h c"working Inss" nlcans r he sum by w l ~ i c l ~

E . c p l ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ r i u ~ itcrm
i l ~ eproceeds 01' [he improvcmcn~Ic\ry in any ycnr or ycj1-s-T:111 shorl o f
thc amount necessary l o mecr-
(i) [he annual ;~lloca~ionlor such ycilr or yc;lrs i l l rcspcct t)f the
chargcs specified in clauscs (a) and (b). and -

(ii) [lie cost, as d e ~ e r ~ n i n cby

d rhc I[Srarc Govcrnmcn~].of
m:intenance and supervision of [he i nlproveo~eniwork, and
of collccrion or ~ h cimprovcmcnt levy. during such year or

13. 'I'he Collector shnll. from rimc to tirnc, prcpirc and puhlisti i n Prepanlion
he prcscri hcd fomi and llianner for a natilcd m e or any par1 thcicor u
slalelncnt showing- O~~[:~~ICIW~LIS
(i) rhc name o f e v e v person who is liablc ro p:ty ~ h improvcmcnr
c urilnprrlvc-
mtn1 l c ~ .
lcvy in respecr o f any land i n such area or pari, and
(ii) the amouni o r i~nprovcmcntlcvy ro bc pnid by cach such
person, annually or otherrvisc, in respcct 01such land.

14. The Cotlrcror shnll scrvc a noticr: of dcn~andin Lhe prescribed Nor~cit\I
form and lnannrr ;\nd containing thc prcscrihcd parriculars. on e v e y J'"l'"d

pcrsun \v110se 11allIc appears in a sralcmcnr puhlishcd under seclior~13

rcquirioz Itif11 to pay tllc lcvy by such dale r)r darcs as may be specitled
in rhc nrlticr.

fool-nntc 4 an pxpr 395,ftnrc.

fnnl-nt)rc? on page 395.fttlrc.
'SPC ~ D D I - ~ Oh D IP~l S~L 347.rlll1e.
d llic \i.nrds "D;modnr. Edcn and Snkrcstvar" by s 4 ol' IIh: R c n p l
' S u b r ~ i ~ u t c for
l>~'\~clnl)~i1~111( Ari~cndri~cnO . X X l V o l lY54).
Act. 1954 i\l'csi U c ~ iAcr

[Ben. Act XVI

Rcpublic~lion IS. ( 1 ) Aiicr rorly days rrom rhc darc o f publication of a siaizmenl
o f slartmnls
and rqiwd undcr scction 13 ~ h Collcc~or
c sh:ill, in accordance with rules n ~ a d zunder
no~iccor Lhis Act, republish thc srilrcmenr with such modificarions as he may
llavc made as a rcsult of reprcscnralions by persons whose names
wcrc includcd ~hcrcin,and, suhjcc~10 any decisions by an appellate or
rcvisionnl n u ~ h o r i ~ yall, enrrics in the srarement as [lius republished
sllilll bc prcsun~cdto hc correcr in cvcry parlicular far [lie purposes of
this Act.
(2) 11' lhc Collector makcs any modiCic:~~ion rcfcrrcd to in sub-
seclion ( I ) in the sialemenl he sllall scrvl: on thc pcrson conccrncd ;L
rcviscd noricc of denland in [he prescribed form and manocr and
containing ~ h prcscrihcd
c parriculars.

16. ( 1) The Collector may, [tom lime 10 timc, add to or altcr in rhc
prcscribcd manncr any staiemrnt republished under sub-section (1) of
sccrion 15. In such cesc, thc Collcc~orshall publish in [he prescribed
forni and nianncr a supplcmcnrary statc~ncntshowing any addirion or
alrcrarion so made, and the provisions of [his Act shall apply 10 such
supplcrncn[ary statcmcnt as if i r werc a statemen! published undcr
(2) Wllcrc any addition to or al~cmtionin a staremen[ is required as
a result of a decision of an nppcllatc or rcvisionnl authority, thc Collector
shall add to nr alter ~ h statement
z accordingly, and ir shall no1 bc ncccssary
to publish any supplcn~cntarystatemen! in respect [hereof under sub-
section (1).

A p p l s in 17. (1) Any person [nay appeal within [hirly days rrom thc datc of
wgxd 10
impmve- scrvicc of Lhc noticc under seclion 14 or of a revised notice, if any, undrr
men1lcvy. sub-scction (2) o r sccrion 15 o r born rl~edare o f rcpublicarion of a
slatemenl under sub-sccdon (1) of s c c ~ i r ~15,
n whichcvcr is Iaizr, to ihe
Corninissioner of [he Division, on rhc ground 1ha1 hc has hccn wrongly
shown in the slalernent as liablc to pay rhc improvcmcnt lcvy or ~har
thc amount shown in such slatemen1 as pnyablc by him is incorrect, and
thc decision o f the Coti~missionerof 111cDivision on such appcal shall,
subject to [he provision of sub-seelion (2). bc final.
(2) The Board or Rcvcnuc may, on application made within thirty
days from thc darc or thc ordcr n l thc Cnn~missionerof the Division,
revise such ordcr.

Bar ro 18. No ohjcction shall be raken lo the in~positionof an improvcmcnt

imprnvc~~wnr Icvy, nor shall [he liability ofany person to pay the satnc bc qucs~iclncd,
levy. cxccpr in any other manner than ttut provided in this Act.
in this ACI.

19. Copics of entdes in a slatcment published under scction 13 or

republished under sub-section (1) of scctisln 15 shall he made availabIc
in ;he prcscribcd manner on payrncnt o r rl~eprcscribcd fcc.

20. Nottviths~andinganyrhing contained i n lhis Act, the Collectnr Pow.;crof

may, subject to rulcs niadc by !hc I [ S ~ a r eGovernment]. nt any timc Collccrrlr
grant abnlemcnl or remission or rhe improvcrnent lcvy payablc under abalcmnl
this Acl. or ~ ~ n i c s i o n
mcnr Irvy.
. . . -

21. ( I ) Subjcc~to the prt~visionsof scc~ion20, ~ h cCollector shall. ColIcc~ion

i n ~ h cprcsoribed rtlantlcl, cuilccr horn any person rvhosc namc appcars mcnr Icry.
in a stntemenr republished undcrsub-section ( I ) ofscction I5 thc amount
shown therein as duc rrom him togcthcr wiill any interest peyablc undcr
sub-scclion (2).
(2) If any amount of irnprovcmenl levy due from any person is
no( paid on or bcFore [he p r c ~ c r i h c ddatc, inwrest a1 such rare, no1
exceeding six and a quarler per cellr, pcr annum, as the l[Slate
Govcrnmcnll may fix horn lime to rirnc, shall be payable rhcreon from
the dare or the dcfaull.

22. 11any pcrson has pald any amount as improvcment levy which. Rehnds.
in accordance with thc decision OF ~ h appellate
- or revisional authority,
or in the opinion of the Colleclor, was no! payablc hp such pcrson, the
Colleclor shall. in [he prcscribcd manner, refund the amnunr to such

23. All arrears of improvcment levy, ~ o g c t h e rwith inrcrest due

thereon. and other dues pnyablc lo rhc ' [ S l a ~ cGovcrnincntj under [his
Act shalI be recoverable as public demands. dues.

24. ( 1 ) If, i n the opinion of ~ h c'[Sta~cGovcrnnicnt], it i.s d a i ~ - a b l c roicerto

Tor ~ h purpose
c of collecling information rcgnrdjng the ourturn of ~ . ~ ~
producc from any agr'ieuliural land, h e '[SI~IC
Govcmnient] may, by crmd
general or special ordcr, authorisc nny orficer a d his sarvanrs and crops.
workmcn, suhjec~ID rules made under this Act, 10 cnler upon my
land and to do any acts qeccssary Tor thc purpose of obrnining such
in fonna~ion:

Providcd [ha[ no person shall enter into aoy building or upon any
enclosed courtyard or gardcn auached to a dwclling hnusc (exccpr wilh
thc conscnl of 111enccupier thcreot') wiillout previously giving such
occupicr at lcasr scven days' nolice in writing of his in~cntionto do so.

Tile Bcrrgcll D e v e l u p ~ n o ~Act,

r 1935.

[Ben. Act XVI

(3) Ir, in rhe opiniim or any olliccr aulhoriscd undcr sub-sectinn (I),
il is neocssnry LO reniovc any crop ror !be purposc of nscerraining, hy
weighmcni or orhenvisc, thc amount or rlie producc drrivcd rrom any
. .
land, hc may, subject 10 rules ~ n a d cundcr lhis Acl, :knd after glillng
h posscssion of any sranding crop on such
nolice i n wriiing, f o r ~ h w i ~take
lnnd or par1 thcrcof, and may cnuse such crop to he cut and to be rzrnovcd
wi~hinsuch rcasonalhe pcriod as he may consider ncccssary.
(3) In cvcry casc undcr sub-scclion (2), such ofliccr sliall oll'cr LO
rile pcrxuns in~erzsrcdcornpensalinn rclr rhe s~andingcrop cur and, s u b j c c ~
lo rulcs rnade undcr this Acr. k ~ any r orher damngr caused during the
proccss of culling and reti~oval;and, if such uKcr is no! acccprcd, t l ~ z
viiluc of lhe crop c u ~and thc amount o f thc datnage so causcd sl~allbe
:isscssed by ~ h Colleclor
c in ~ h cprescribcd manner.
Power lo 25. (I) Suhjcct to rules mudc undcr lhis Act, any orliccr aurhorised
production undcr suh-scc~ion(1) of sccrion 24 inay, by nolice, rcquirc any persnn to
urslmtn~nls make and dcliver to him stateinen1 or to producc rcaards or documcn~s
duculncnls. in his possession or conlrol rclnling to a n y lnnd menlinncd in [ha1
sub-sec~ion,a1 a timc and placc specified i n the norice.
(2) Evcry person rcquired ro makc or delivcr a stniztnenl r)r to
prnducc any record or doc urn en^ under !his sccrion sliall hc dccrned
IcgulIy bound Ir) do so wilhin thc meaning of sections 175 and 176
of the [ndian Pcnal Codc. ACI XLV
or I sfin
26. For the purposes any inquiry under this Act the Collecror
shall havc power to summon and cniorce the arrcndnnce of wilncsscs,
including the persons inlereslcd or any of thsm, and to compcl rile
produa~iono f documcnls by Ihc sntne ineans and. so far as may bc, in [he
samc manner as is provided in Lhe case of:\ Civil Coun undcr [he Codc V
nf 1908.
of Civil Proccdurc, 1908.
DUCS payable 27. ( I ) Nnlwithslanding ilnyil~ir~g con~ainedin any olhcr Act, no
under tl~hcr
Acts in pcrson w l ~ ohas hccn declarcd liable to pay itn i~nproven~rsnrlcvy i n rzspccr
Wspccr or orany Iand hcncfitcd by an improvement work shall hc liablc to pay any
rales, dues or chi~rzesto ~ h c'[State Govcrntnent] undcr any of the Acrs
tnentioned in thr Scliedulc in rrrurn Ii~rhny benefit dcrivcd by such l w d
from rlie imprtlvcmen~work.
(1) Whcn an i~n'provcmcnllevy is imposed undcr rbis Act in any
area i n rcspccr o r an irriga~ionwork kind an agrecmcn~exists for Ihc .. .

supply o f walcr'under [tic Bcngal Irrigi~~ion Act, 1870, lo any land in trcn.AcrIll . -
of 1x76.
thar area, tic iniprovemen~lcvy shall no1 bc payable in rcspccl of such
land unril rhc c ~ p i r yor rhc a,nreemcnl.
- -
'Tllr: words "Provi~icialG o ~ ~ t m r i i c nwrrt
~ ' ' urigulally subslirurcd lor ~ h cword
"G~~rcrn~l~cni' by p a n 3 aid Sell. I V rij ~ h c Go\:rmnrnl
. c)f Indin (Adaplalion nl' Indian
L I ~ Y S Order.
) 1937, and thcrcallcr ~tlcuorrl " S I ~ ~ wCa"s ~ U ~ S I ~ I U(01 I C~~ h rn ~ c d
"Pmvulcial" by paw. -1( 1 I ulihc Adapalioli oCL;tns Ordcr. 1'1SU.

Acr, 1935.
Tire Be~rgnlDc~~eloprrre~rr

28. (1 ) Wirhin a notiLcd arca wntcr may be supplied from a canal Supply or
* 10 any Iand n t ~ t w i ~ h s ~ n n d i~nhg cI i c ~rhnr no applicnrion tins been walcranll
~ ~ 111
~ , inadc ~ ~scc~ion74 o f ~ h Bcngi~l
i \ undcr c [rrigntion Act, 1876. O ~ ~ U ~ C S
or 1 R7h. (2) In any norilicd arca spccificd by ~ h c'[Stntc Govcmmcnt], by undcrlhr:
nolilicarion, in [his hchalf any pcrsrm by whom an improvcmcnt lrrign~io~l
lcvy is payahlc undcr scction 10 shall, subjcct to thc provisions or sub- Acl. 1876.
sccrion (1) of scction 27, bc hound by any rulcs madc undcr thc Bengal
Irrigalion Act, 1876, for the lime being i n force, as if hc had prcscnrcd
an applicalion under secrion 74 o r thc said Acr and such application
had bccn grnntcd.
29. Norwithsranding anyrhing conraincd in thc Bcngal Irrigarion Right 10
Act, 1876, no pcrson shall huvc a righr to a supply of water under hat "PPIY~~
Acr in a notified arca within any period prescribed i n lliis behalf.
30. Whcncvcr i t appcnrs cxpcdicnt to carry out any scheme o f Powcrlo
drainage for [he beumnent of public liealtli a r for liie improvement of
any land or in connection with imgation works, [he '[Slate Governmenl]
~ ~ r l ; ~ .
may, after issuing a nolification and, in the prescribed nlanncr, calling
for and considering objeclions, if any, causc such a schcmc IV bc drawn
up and camcd into cxccu~ion,and any officcr authoriscd in this bchaIC
by rhc L[SwtcGovcrnmcn[] may cxercise in connecrio~~ wirh such scheme
all or any of the powers conferred on Canal Officers hy secrions 33, 34
and 35 of [he Bengal Irrigation Act, 1876, and [hereupon the provisions
of sections 36, 37 and 38 of dial Acr shall be appIicahle as i f such clTIiccr
were a Canal Officer.
31. 'lhe '[Srare Government] may, if it is of opinion thar in any arca Powcr tu
to hc spccilicd in a nnrificatic~nthc wholc or part of any river, strcilm, pmhibir.
natural wntcr-chnnncl or natural drainage-course should be open ro (he mdiry
unresiricted passagc of warcr, cxercise such powers as may be exercised obs~ruclions
10I hc
undcr rhc Bcngill Irriga~ionAct, I876, with rcgard to thc prohibition, pa<sLIgcor
removal or modificarion of obsrructions in any river, stream, narural wnlerin
wa~er-channelor natural drainage-course, and [he provisions contained clunnvls.
in !hat Acl wilh regard lo and, s u b j e c ~ro the provisions of seclion 35,
incidental 10 [he exercise of such powers shall hc npplicahlc rrr~trari-r
so Tar as they may reasonably he applicd.
32. (1) Yle l[Stntc Govcmmcnt] may, by norification, declare that Powur rp
in any arca specified in the noli fica~ionevcry pcrson shall bc hound, Ir)r ~r~lxliry
irrigation purposcs or For [he drainage or land which has hccn irri,on~cd. rorhc
to nrktlrd a lrcc paFsage to waler through or ovcr any land in his possession p ~ ~01~ g t
clr undcr his control ?[and, for [Iial purpose, to allow, whcn so rcquircd 1vn1sr
through or
by !he Colleclor by order made in rliis behalf, !he construcrion and o~t!rland.
i ~ ~ a i ~ i t e n a nofc esuch channcls as [nay be necessary withou~causing
unncccssilry loss or damage to such Iand.]
'See fool-nols 4 on page 395, rmrc.
'l'hc words ivirhin squ.m bnckcrs rvcrc addcd by s. ?(a) o f ihr Brngnl D t ~ r l o p r n t n ~
l ) 1963 (IVdRcn. Aci 1 uT 1963)-
( A r n c n d r ~ ~ nAcl.

IBcn. Act XVI i

'(1A) Ifany person refuses ro co~nplywith an ordcr of thc Collector

v= undcr sub-stc~ion( 1 ) for rhc consrruc~iunor mainlenancc of an)
channel, the Collcctor may cause thc channeI lo be constructed or
mainrained, as thc case may be, and may recovcr [he c o s ~ slhercof
h o n ~such person.
'(J B) Norwithstanding any [hing containcd in any other law for rhe
lime beins i n force. no person shall be enlitIcd lo claim any compcnsa-
lion for any damagc or loss which niay bc caused ns a resulr o f the
cons~ructionor maintenance of any channcl under sub-seciion (1) or
su h-secrion ( I A).
(2) Aircr [he issuc of a noliricalion undcr sub-scclion (1) the
Collector, i r i n his opinian the free passage of water rhough or over any
land in such area is nccessary for irrigadon purposes or for Ihc drainage
of land vjhich has bccn i r r i p c d , may, subjrcl to rules made undcr [his
Acr, from rime lo iitnc issue a general 01-special order upon persons who
have such land i n tlizir possession or under their conlrol IO n~odiry.in
such manner and within such period as may bz specified in the order.
any.ar~ificialobsrruction that cxists on such land '[or in Any channel
consrructed thcrcnn under sub-section ( I ) or sub-'scction (IA)] to such
frec passage, or ro show causc againsl such order.
(3) If [he Collcc~nris nor satisfied wirh any rnusc (ha! Inay have
been shown, he sliall fix a furrhcr period wilhin which thc obstruction
shr~llbe modified.
(4) IF any pcrsnn fails 10 comply wirh an order undcr sub-scc~ion(2)
or sub-scclion (31, ur under sccrion 37, in rcspect of such modification,
I1e shall bc liable on conviciion by a magisiralc to a finc not excccding
fifty rupees for cnch such offence, and lo a furlher fine no1 exceeding
five rupccs for each day aficr conviction during which the obsrmclion
remains unmodified, and ihe Collcctor may cause the obstruction 10 be
modified and may recover the cosl of modification from such person.
Nolifim~ion 33. ( 1 ) The '[Stale Govcnlment] may. from rime 10 time, pubIish by
or of Irivers or depressions which i I inlrnds ~odeclarc 10
~lorificiltiona I ~ S
rivers. bc dcad or dccayed rivers.
(2) In any list published under sub-scction (1) any river or depres-
sion may be dcscrihed dthcr by name or by relerencc to i l s geographical

(3) After the expiry of a period for nbjeclion In be mentioned in a

nolification undcr sub-scction (1). thc31State Govcrnmen[] shall consider
the objecrions and suggestions, i r any receivcd by i~ and thereaficr
may, by no~ification,dcclare any, river o r depression no~ifiedundcr
i h a ~sub-sec~ionto bz a dcad or decnycd river, and sucti dcclzlralion
shall be final and st~allnol be qucsrioncd in any Caun or in any other
nlilnner whatsoever.
'Sub-sections { I A ) and ( I R ) wcre inscncd hy s. 2(bl of lhc B c n p l Ucvcloprncnt
(Ariicndmenr) Act. 1963 (b'fcscsr Bsn. Acr 1 of 1963).
:The words. figurn. l c ~ t e r m dbnckas within squarc hrxltds wch- inscnedbys. 2(c).ihid.
'See roo[-nolc -1 on p;gr 395. cltrie.

34. No person shall be enlitlcd to claim any cornpcnsation undcr

this or any orher ACI Tor any injury, da~r~asc loss cnuscd by a dcad or
dccnycd I-ivrr which has bccn revived as 3 resull or ;in improvcment
work, or by any olhcr river inlo ivhicb i l flows orspills, unless Ihc injury,
damage or loss is such as would have rcndcrcd die '[Stale Govcrnmen~]
liable lo pay compensaiion had rhc rivcr not bccn revived.
E.rplairnrio~r.-A dead or dccayed rivcr is said 10 bc revived when
an incrcascd volumc of watcr is, by any mcans wbatsovcl., causcd ro
flow freely inlo or along any par1 or such dcnd or decnycd river.

35. Subjec~to rhc provisions of section 34, whencvcr- Claims lor

(a) any damage is causcd as a result oT~Iizprohibition, removal tion.
or nlodiliralion of nn obsrructiun under scction 31 o r
scction 32. or
(h) any land or righl of propcrly is injuriously affeclctl by any
impravcment work in respect of which an improvemcnt levy
is imposcd under [his Act,
[he person by whom any damagc or loss is sus~ainedshall no1 be cn~itled
lo claim any compcnsa~ionTor sucl~damaec or loss undcr any othcr Acl,
but such pcrson may, no[ later than six months aRer thc iirsr occurrcnce
of he injury in respect of which thc claim in preferred, prcrer to rhc
Collccror a claim Tor cornpcnsalion;

36. ( I) Whcn a claim is preferred under scction 35, 111c Col lector IXwmiina-
lion ol
shall, in [he prescribcd rnanncr, after such inquiry as hc deems proper ariiount 01
and ahcr considering any reprcscnralions which may bc made lo him. cornpew-
dctcmine thc amounr of compcnsarion, if any. which shall hc gran~cd. lion.
( 2 ) I n d e ~ c r m i n i n gwhether any and, if so, what amaunt o r
compcnsa~ionshnll be granted, the Collcclor shnll he bound by the
provisions aF any rules made by he '[Sta~cGovernmcnr] under this Act
regulating the grant of compensarion undcr this sec~ion.
( 3 ) Whcn the alnounl of compcnsarion has been delcrmined undcr
sub-scction (11, i f any dispute ariscs us lo the app~x-iionmcnlof rhe samc
or any pan ~hcrcof,rhc Collec[or shall, in [he prescribed manner, rcfcr
such dispure ta [he Court, and such Court or any o ~ h eCourt
r men~ioncd
in sub-secrion (5) to which the disputc may, subjccl 10 rulcs made undcr
this Act, bc ~ransicrrcdfor dccision, shall dccide rllc same.
, 14) In evcry referencc under sub-suciion (3) ~ h costs
. c shall be a1 thc
discretion of lhc Coun.
(5) I n [his senion "Coun" means a principal Civil Courl of original
jurisdicrion and inctudcs the Court oi any Addilional Judgc, Subordinate
Judge or Munsif whom [he '[S~ale~ovkrnmcnt]may appoint, by name
or by vinuc of his office, ro perfnmi concurrcnlly with any such principal
Civil Court 111efunctions of [he Courr under [his scclion within any
1 C " r--, ., ,.. , .--. ..
> ,,+c'

[Ben. Act X V I ~

specified local limits and. in 11ie case o f a Munsir up lo lhe limils of 1.
[lie prcuniar). jurisdiction wilh whicll he is vcstcd undcr scction 19 of
ille Bengal, Agra and Assaltl Civil C o u ~ l sAcr, I X87. Xll or I RR7.

npp.als 37. ( 1 ) Any person aggrieved hy a d c c i s i o ~or~ order of he Collccror

rmrnccnain under section 20, sub-scction (3) o f secrion 24. sccrion 32 or sub-
and ortlen secrion ( 1 ) of scction 36 may appeal, wilhin rhirly d:~ys fro111111edate
ofCullc.cl(lr. of such dccision or ordcr, lo [he Commissioner ol' i l ~ rDivision.
whosc dccision on S U C ~ I appeal shall, subjcct to tllr provisians or
suh-sccrion ( 2 ) , bc linal.
(2) Tile Board nl' Rcvcnuc may, on app1ic;llion made witl~in
rhir~ydays Irrml ~ h cd;ltu of the order or ~ h Commissioner
c of llle
Division, rcvisc such order.
COSIS. 38. In cvcry :~ppc;tl undcr sub-section ( 1 ) o r scction 17, or under
suh-scction ( I ) olscction 37, and in cvcry rcvision under sub-seclion (2)
of sccrion 17 or under suh-scctiun (2) orscction 37, rhe costs shall bc i ~ t
rhc discrc~ionof i1w appellate or rcvisional authorily, and such costs
shnll bc recoverable as a public clcmnnd.
R~w-iclions 39. No~wi!llstanding anyrhing con~ainedi n [lie Bengal Tcnanc y
Act, 1885, when an inlprovcmcnt le\ry has been imposcd in rcspcct of
nlcnl~r -
rrnl I ~ F any agricultural land-
lmds in , (a) thc rcnr payable for such land at thc r i a ~ cof lhe in~posi~ion
na~ilirdZW. of the levy o r lixcd rhcrcal'ter i n accosdnncc with rhc
.* provisic~nsof clnusc (b) sllall not hc cnh;~nccdon accounr
(i) benefi~sderived Iiom thc cons~ruclionof any impmvc-
nlent work, or
(ii) an incrcnsc in he produclive powers of thc land duc to
fluvjul ac~ion;
(b) if a st.tllernen1 is made oF such land with a tenant ~hereafrer,
lhe rale OF renl ar which such land is seuled shall nor cxcccd
lhe ayeraze riltc U I
moncy ten1 payable, al rhe limc or such
scttlemcnl, by rcnnnrs of a similar class fur land of ilsimilar
dcscriprion and with similar advanlages in rhc vicin~~y, and
any rcnl in cxccss of such rale shall 1101 hc rccovcrfiblc:
Prtlvidcd l h ~ such
r average rale may hc cxcccdcd on thc
grounds hpccilicd in clause (b) or clause (c) o r scotion 30 01'
thc Bcngal Tcnancy ACI, 1885, by such arnounl ns would bc
allowahlc i n ;\ suil Ibr enhancement or rcnt undcr tht said
sccrion il' rlle land had hccn scrtlcd rvith a renanl a1 such
avcrngc ratc at r11e time of the imposilic~nof rhc levy.
A s!ipularion in any conlracl by which n tenan1 raking se~llzinzntaf
such land agrees to pay any amounl in cxccss or such rcni, otllertvise
rhnn as s~~lutrni,
shnll not be binding on such tcnanl to lhc cxtcnr of such
. ..
. 5 . ' excess.

, 40. Thc '[Sv~rcG o v e r n ~ t ~ eshall

~ ~ t ]causc cvcry no~ificationunder
[his Act lo h c published in such mnnncr and such places as i r
[hinks Ill.

41. Nn proceedings undcr this ACLshnll hc dcrcared or invalidaled hwdings

not to bc
by rcason o l any defect or omission in thc publicntic~nor scrvice of any in\.alidalcd
nurificiltion, statement, nolice or ordcr unlcss mn~criillinjury is done ro
any pcrson by such defect or omission.

42. No s u i ~shnll lic in any Civil cou1.1 for co~npensaiionin rcspccl Bar lo m i l s
for c o m ~ n -
nf any injury, damage or loss r c s u l d n ~from an in~proveinenrwork or salion.
From nnyrhing done under this Ac!.

43. No suil or o~lierlegal procccdine shill1 l i c againa atiy person Indcmniry

for anything which is in good fail11 done or iniundcd 10 bc donc under
illis Acl.

44. ( I ) The ![S[a[e Govcmmcnr] may. subjccl lo ~ h ccondition o i

previous publica~ion,make rules for carrying o u ~thc purposcs of
illis Acr.
(2) I n parlicular and w i t h o u ~prejudice to the gencralily of thc
l'oregning power, thc '[Slaic Guvcmmcnl] may make rules to provide for
all or any o f the following matlers, onmc1y:-
(a) [he manner in which rhc avcragc increase in the oulrurn of
agricultur;ll producc shall be esrinlared under sec~ion8 and
rhe lnanncr or hcaring objccrions under sub-section (1) o r
[ha1 secrion;
(b) [he persons or clusscs of pcrsons who shall, for [he purposcs
of sub-sevrion ( 1 ) orscc~ion10. bc dccrncd Ir) he occupiers of
(c) ~ h manner
c in which [he ne[ incrcase in thc profits and rhe
nci vnluc or rhe esliinaled increase i n outturn shall hc
eslimnrcd under sub-seclion (3) of sec~ion10;
(d) the proporrion o r improvcmcnr lcvy payable under
sub-secrion (5) of scc[ion 10 by differen1 classes of
" b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l or rl u" br hs n" ~ d m r "and by rhe persons
ivhosc land is cul[iva~edby such "~~rllriur~s". "brrr~arlrrrs"
or "bhagdars";
(el tile d c ~ c r r n i n i ~ ~ iooIn[he anlounl of irnpro\~enien~
payablc under section I I and 111e lnannrr in which
objcctic~nsunder su b-section ( 1 ) o f [ h a t s c c ~ i o nshall
hc made;

The Bellgal Develnprrrcrr~Acr. 15'35.

@en. Act XVI '

(0 rhe annual alloca~ionsto be mndc under scc~ion12 in rcspecl

of each improvcmcnt work;
(s) the form and manncr oC preparation and publication of a
staternen[ under secdon ' I 3 and i ~ republication
s undcr
sub-section (1) of seclion 15;
(h) the fonn and canlents or the noricc of demand under seclion
13 and of n rcvised noticc nf demand under sub-seclion (2)
of section 15 and die rnanncr o f servicc of such norice;
(i) ~ h cmanner in which a statcmenl republished unrlcr sub-
section (1) of scction 15 may bc added to or altered, and the
form and manncr of publicalion of a supp1cmcnrary sIaIcrncn1
under sccrion 16;
Cj) [he procedure lo bc followed by the appcllatc and revisional
au[hori~icsrnenrioncd in seciions 17 and 37;
(k) rhc nlanncr of, and rhc amount of Fccs payable for, supplying
copies under section 19: .
(I) [he granl of abalement or remission of thc improvemcn~levy
under scc~ion20;
(m) ~ h manner
c orcollec~ionof the improvcrncnl levy and interesl
undcr subsection (1) of section 2 1 ;
(n) thc dale of payrnenl of improvemenl lcvy under sub-secrion
(2) of scction 21;
(0) the manncr nf refund of improvement levy undcr sec~ian 22;
( p ) thc procedure and conduc~o f officers and persons authorised
undcr sub-scctians ( I ) and (2) of seclion 24; .
(q) [he ofrcr of compensation, and he nlanncr of assessment by
the Collccror of damage, undcr sub-seclion (3) o f secrion 24;
(r) he exercisc of powers under sub-section ( 1) of section 25 to
cncorce lhc making and delivery of sta~cmenrsand production
of dc~curnents;
( s ) [he pcriod wilhin which pcrsons shall not have any righr ro a
supply of walcr under scction 29;
(I) the manncr in which c~bjeclionsshall be callcd For and dcalt
w i ~ hundcr section 30;
(u) the issuc ( ~orders
r under sub-scction (2) ofsccrion 32 for he
modification of obsrrucrions lo the free passage of waicr
through or over land;
(v] the procedure ro be followcd by the Collccror undcr sub-
section (1) and sub-sec~ion(3) of secrion 36;
(w) [he aansfer o r disputes for decision under sub-sccticin (3) of
scclion 36, ar~d
~ h nrnnr
c ,,f r.nmnnnr-*;rrn alnAL,r PA-r:-- 2K

Tlre Be~lgalDevelopt~rerrfAcr, 1935.

of 1935.1

(Tire Sclrecirrle.)


[See sub-scclion ( 1 ) of sccrion 37.1

Bcn. Act 111 (I ) The Bengal Irrigarion Acl, 1876.

or 1876,

Ben. ACI V I (2) Thc Bengal Drainagc ACI, 1880.

. or IlltrO.

Rcn. Acr If (3) The Bcngal Embankmenr Act, 1882.

: or 1882.

Bcn. ACI (4) The Bengal Sanitary Drainage Acl, 1 895.

I'll1 of 1895,

Ben. ACI I V (5) The Bengal Embankment (Sundcrbans) Acl, 19 1 5.

of 1915.

Bcn. ACI VI (6) The Bcngal Agricullural and Sanirary lmprovemcnt Acl, 1920.
of 1920,

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