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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Untuk fasa liquid rekasi pencampuran densitas dianggap konstan Laju reaksi CSTR jauh lebih

ampuran densitas dianggap konstan Laju reaksi CSTR jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan laju rata dlm
Untuk ilangin bahan pengotor, 2. Jantung proses karena nentuin proses reaktor PFR, terutama jiga konversinya besar
untung/gak, 3. Pemisahan: recycle reaktan sisa, cari produk yg sesuai dgn
spesifikasi yg diminta, memurnikan produk MULTIPLE REACTOR
Aspek desain reaktor: ukuran; jenis operasi (batch, dll); jenis reaktor dan
konfigurasi (seri/paralel); kondisi reaktor
perancangan reaktor); heat removal (tambahan).
(adiabatik/isoterm)(dasar Untuk fasa gas densitas tidak kostan kecuali A = 0 maka persamaannya : 1. SERIES PFR
What we need: prinsip2 konservasi; kinetik & thermo reaksi; design guidlines;
neraca massa & energi momentum; computing tools. V/F
Reactor types: PFR desain mengarah ke 4 aspek penting yaitu: informasi umpan, volume
HOMOGENEOUS LIQUID : tank reactor, tubular reactor reaktor, kinetika, konversi akhir. Perhitungan dapat diselesaikan scr
HOMOGENEOUS GAS : tubular reactor analitik,grafis,numerik.General CSTR :karena densitas dianggap konstan
GAS-LIQUID : bubble reactor, fixed-bed or packed bed reactor There is a R which makes the PFR size minimum optimum R
maka: , dan persamaannya menjadi:
SOLID-LIQUID : packed bed reactor, fluidized bed reactor Remember : R opt is not applicable for first / second order reactions
SOLID-GAS : fluidized bed reactor, packed bed reactor
SOLID-LIQUID-GAS : tower reactor, bubble reactor, spray chamber Untuk reaksi yg highly exotherm / endotherm, dibtuhkan lebih dari 1
R opt can be found by differentiating the PFR-recycle design equation to
Perbedaan r.tangki dan r.pipa: Rx yang kinetikanya gab rx orde (+) dan orde (-) minimize or V
Performa CSTR vs PFR PFR d serikan dengan Q=0
R.tangki kons. reaktan di dlmnya sama, dianggap homogen krn diaduk 2. SERIES CSTR PFR with Recycle
R.pipa konsentrasinya berubah-ubah, tidak sama
CSTR: reactor diaduk, konsentrasi seragam, open kontinyu (steady state)
PFR: reactor tidak diaduk, konsentrasi berubah terus, steadystate.
Laju reaksi dipengaruhi: katalis, temperatur, dan konsentrasi. kasus orde 1
Keuntungan PFR: mudah maintenance, konversi relative tnggi, pembuatannya
simple dan efisien (bs digunain pada skala besar).
The differentiation of an integral term can be solved by applying Leibnitz
Kerugian PFR: pengendalian relative sulit, mgkn ada hotspot klo rx eksoterm,
theorem. The optimum XA1 value can be finally calculated from the following
dan sintering (bkurangnya pusat aktif pada katalis krn T tinggi).
Fixed bed reactor ada unggun katalis diam, katalis padat (heterogen)
Untuk reaksi orde positif PFR lebih efisien dibanding CSTR, untuk orde 0
Keuntungan fixed bed reactor sama persis keuntungan PFR!
PFR dan CSTR sama tetapi harus dituliskan bahwa diakhir reaksi
Kerugian fixed bed reactor channeling, katalis ga bs diganti selama proses,
ordenya harus positif. Untuk FAo yang sama, VPFR lebih kecil (efektif)
heat transfer sulit, pengendalian T sulit, material hrs punya perpindahan panas Rekator PFR baik u/ Xaf yg besar dan reaktor CSTR baik u/ Xaf yg kecil. ada
yg tnggi, mass transfer lambat krn mengurangi difusi. rasio R yang plg optimum agar dpt Volum rktr min. u/ rx orde ga ada
CHP 2 Ideal Reactors Concept kasus orde 2 Roptimum krn PFR recycle mw brapa pun R nya, V reaktor akan lebih besar, jd
N=1( single CSTR) Roptimum Cuma ada di rx autokatalitik.cara mencari Ropt:
Idealjika dalam campuran reaktor tidak terdapat perbedaan konsentrasi dan T
(homogen) , steam yg digunakan dlm pemanasan sat.steam krn dalam = [2 + 21 + 4 . . ]
mengkondensasi koef.perpindahan panas bisa berkali lipat lebih besar 4
dibandingkan dengan superheated steam. Reaktor Ideal kontinu.PFR syarat N=2 (2 CSTR)
reaktor PFR ideal adalah Nre besar sehingga terjadi flat velocity profile yang 1
baik, L/D > 50,komposisi dan T di arah radial seragam tidak ada gredien = [2 + 21 + 21 + 4 . . ]
4 Auto catalityc combination R opt
konsentrasi di arah radial. CSTR : mudah mengatur reaksi(pengendalian suhu),
harga relative murah, kapasitas panas reaktor besar, bagian dalam mudah N=3 (3 CSTR)
dibersihkan, konversi relative kecil disbanding PFR, jadi mending biar efisien 1
reaktor CSTR seri daripada jumbo,tidak ada perbedaan T dan C untuk waktu = [2 + 21 + 21 + 21 + 4 . . ] For XAf the maximum rate point, CSTR is better than PFR or PFR-Ropt
reaksi yang cepat(homogeny). Batch : untuk reaksi lambat, watu pengisian dan 4
pengosongan cepat,waktu reaksi lama, skala kecil,biaya mahal dan fleksibel Jiga N sangat banyak maka CSTR seri akan mirip dengan PFR
(dapat diganti2 reaktan dan produknya).Semibatch : untuk reaksi lambat dgn For XAf > the maximum rate point, PFR-Ropt is better than CSTR or PFR
tujuan tertentu yang tidak bisa dicapai jika digunakan reaktor batch, digunakan
dalam rekasi pararel (utk mendapatkan produk berbeda lebih banyak) dan 3. PFR with Recycle
dalam rx yg eksotermis pengendalian T lebih mudah sehingga laju reaksi bisa Semakin kecil R, X1 lebih mendekati Xo semakin besar R,X1 Example 6.2
diatur konsentrasi bisa diatur. Kontinu : u/rx cepat umpan dan produk terus lebih mendekati XAf
menerus masuk dan keluar , skala besar, biaya murah, tidak fleksibel untuk rx Nilai R tinggi, PFR jadi mirip CSTR, CSTR tdk baik untuk
berkatalis padat fasa cair maupun gas. orde +
PBR /FBR: reaktor unggun tetap yg terdiri dari tumpukan katalis padat reaktan U/ rx (+) recycle tdk menguntungkan, pasti lebih jelek drpd pfr tanpa
yang mengontak katalis akan membentuk produk. Didalam PBR banyak pipa2 Facts :
R. u/ rx (-) dan gas ga bisa pake CSTR, jadi pake pfr recycle. u/ fasa
kecil berisi katalis sehingga L/D besar aliran jd plug flow. Perpindahan cair pk CSTR seri = mirip PFR
massa dan energinya lambat resikonya katalis overheating ,pusat aktif akan
if final conversion till the maximum rate CSTR is better (more effective) than
hilang. Aliran fluida dari atas ke bawah. FBR reaktor unggun terfluidakan,
PFR. if final conversion pass the maximum rate PFR is better than CSTR.
perpindahan massa dan panasnya cepat sehingga dapat digunakan untuk rx
Combination of CSTR (operated @ max rate) with PFR (from max rate until
eksoterm. Waktu tinggal sebentar supaya cepat ,ukuran katalis diperkecil
final conversion) will be the best combination .
agar ringan dan mudah terangkat. Aliranfluida dari bawah ke atas.
PFR: kec. Fluida sejajar (turbulen) dan sama kearah radial; Nre makin besar;
gak ada beda kec, konsentrasi & T di arah radial AUTO-CATALYTIC (PFR vs CSTR)
CSTR: tercampur sempurna
Batch ideal reactors Home reading : waktu ruang adalah waktu yang diperlukan untuk
memproses umpan sebesar volume reaktor. Waktu tinggal adalah waktu
yang dibutuhkan agar umpan dapat diproses dalam satuan waktu.
No. Indikator Fixed Bed Fluidized
Relative besar General PFR-
Jika volume dan densitas konstan 1. Relative kecil (energy lebih recycle
Design Equation
Sering ditemukan (sirkulasi
2. Hot spot Tidak ada
panas sulit)
Lost lebih besar,
Isotermal: nilai k konstan, non-isotermal: k berubah, waktu rx juga berubah2 3. Katalis Lost kecil, susah diganti
Cycle time: mudah diganti If eA = 0 (eg for liquid system)
Start up: filling, heating; reaction: laju reaksi; shut down: cooling, Mungkin terjadi (bila ukuran,
discharging; preparation next batch: cleaning. 4. channeling bentuk katalis, dan desain Tidak ada
Rx jgn di tunggu sampai konversi maks/reaktan habis, tapi liat saat kurang baik PFR-recycle
perubahan laju sdh kecil 5. cost Lebih kecil Lebih mahal Design Equation
Kalo V dan gak konstan ( ) ( ),

( ) = ( ) ( ) , =0
Jika V berubah-ubah
( )=( )( /) ( ) ( ) , Tabel data percobaan kinetika.
@ small conversion CSTR is better (more effective) than PFR
Chapter 3 Chemical Reactor Design For Single Reaction
Jika V dan gak konstan (untuk gas) @ big XA PFR is better than CSTR

Bljar merancang reaktor untuk 1 reaksi tunggal AUTO-CATALYTIC (PFR with Recycle)
Bila reaksi tunggal hanya melihat ukuran reaktornya saja
Space time (u/ 1 vol reaktor)-Space velocity:- General PFR: Bila reaksi pararel, ga cuman itung ukuran reaktor, tapi itung brapa
produk yg bisa dihasilin, hrs tau selektivitas, produktivas, krena yg d
jual produk utama
Untuk reaksi orde + kinerja reaktor PFR lebih baik dari pada CSTR

(CHP-4) focus utama:distribusi produk product : CSTR is the best (or PFR with recycle). PFR reactor:

Optimasi ekonomi: mencari balance antara ukuran reaktor dgn distribusi

produknya = cari yg paling optimal. Klo ukuran reaktor di push min dpt
distribusi produk yg jelek ( ada produk samping, produk utama sedikit). Klo
mau distribusi produk baik = ukuran reaktor yg digunakan harus sangat besar.
u/ rx kompleks dihadapkan pd 2 faktor utama: ukuran reaktor dan distribusi
produk yg saling bertolak blkg.


Ada 2 reaksi, A jd R (main) dengan k1 dan A jd S (side) dengan k2. If nR nS (n

= orde reaksi), the concentration of reactants are the key factor which determine Best Reactor Choice (depends on the curve of local selectivity vs CA) PFR reactor : mole A balance:
the product distribution: CA high if nR > nS and CA low if nR < nS.

mole B balance:

CSTR reactor :
Example 6.3

If ER ES (E = activation energy), another important factor is the effect of T

(reaction temperature) on the reaction constants, which eventually influence the SERIES REACTIONS (A jadi R (main) lanjut jadi S (side))
product distribution. Most of the times, it is important to use a catalyst to speed
up the wanted reaction (increase selectivity) if R is the main product : PFR/batch is the best (or N-CSTR in series)[batch u/
rx lambat, produksi kecil]. if S is the main product : CSTR is the best (or PFR
Ada 3 kunci u/ dpt distribusi produk yg baik : 1) memilih reaktor yg tepat spy with recycle. Kunci u/ dapet distribusi produk yg baik = pola pencampuran. u/ The series OR parallel EQUILIBRIUM reactions are highly complex problems,
which require numerical solution methods. Therefore, in this chapter only
bisa ngatur konsentrasi reaktan A mjd produk utama. 2) atur T rx spy lbh CSTR :perfect mixing dan u/ PFR : alirannya yg masuk tdk bercampur dgn
some QUALITATIVE overviews for common reactions are given. In series
banyak mhasilkan produk utama. 3) peran katalis yaitu mengarahkan rx bhn2 yg ada dlm reaktor sebelumnya.
equilibrium reaction case, not all cases have a maximum R (intermediate)
(mempercepat rx ke produk yang diinginkan tapi ga pengaruh ke rx samping).
concentration as found in irreversible series reaction.In contrast to irreversible
Energi aktivasi rendah = rx lebih cepat. Total selectivity merupakan kriteria If all reactions are orde 1 dan R adalah main product:
parallel reaction, parallel equilibrium reaction may have a maximum R
evaluasi distribusi produk untuk reaktor batch/PFR/CSTR (selektivitas = brp >> PFR reactor
(intermediate) concentration as found in irreversible series reaction.NOTE that
banyak R yg dihasilkan thd A yg bereaksi).
for series reactions, the initial (t=0) slope of S curve is always ZERO, but NOT
in the case of parallel reactions !!

Selektivitas bergantung dari : tipe reaktor, kinetika rx ( T, orde) dan katalis. u/ >>CSTR reactor :
dpt yield yg besar harus memperhitungkan : tipe reaktor, kinetika, dan
penggunaan katalis. Selektivitas lokal/sesaat : 1)PFR/batch: tidak konstan krn
konsentrasi dlm reaktor dr awal masuk sampai keluar berubah sepanjang
rekator. 2) CSTR: konstan.


The product distribution of PFR is compared to that of CSTR:
i. the time or to reach CR,max @ PFR is less than CSTR
ii. CR,max @ PFR is bigger than CSTR
iii. Rx seri dgn R=produk utama, PFR lebih baik drpd CSTR ( dari segi uk
reaktor dan waktu)

Therefore, for series reaction in which R is the main product: PFR is better than
CSTR in terms both and CR,max

Optimization should be carried out because: @ XA too small although R is

very good, the separation and recycle of A will increase significantly (costly).
@ XA too big the separation and recycle of A will be minimum, however R
N-CSTR in series
is very poor. Klo k2/k1 kecil : selektivitas ke produk utama bisa tinggi,
konversi reaktan besar. Klo k2/k1 besar : klo mau Xa besar, harus ngorbanin
selektivitas ke R, tp klo mw selektivitas besar = Xa keci. Klo terpaksa pk k2/k1
besar maka harus dilakukan optimasi.
Graphical CRf Evaluation : distribusi produk juga bisa dievaluasi dengan
ngitung luas dibawah kurva berikut) SERIES-PARALLEL REACTIONS

if R is the
main product : PFR/batch is the best (or N-CSTR in series. if S is the main
In heterogeneous reaction two or more phases exist and the overriding 4.Make an initial selection of the reactor conditions to give the desired

= = (
. ) ()
+1 problem in the reactor design is to promote mass transfer between the phases. conversion and yield.
Sehingga ukuran RAS daur ulang bisa dihitung dengan besaran2 yg diketahui The possible combination of phases are: 5.Size the reactor and estimate its performance.
dalam umpan, konversi akhir dan rasio daur ulang. 1.liquid-liquid:immiscible liquid phases;reaction such as the nitration of 6.Select suitable materials of construction
= +1

(= .=) = 0 .......... (1) toluenene or benzene with mixed acids and emulsion polymerisation 7. Make a preliminary mechanical design for the reactor:the vessel design, heat
2.Liquid-solid:with one, or more, liquid phases in contact with a solid. The transfer surfaces, internal and general arrangement
Gunakan aturan Leibmitz :
solid may be a reactant or catalyst 8.Cost the proposed design, capital and operating, and repeat steps 4-8, as
() ()

(, ) = + (, ). (, ) 3.Liquid-solid-gas:where the solid is noemally a catalyst;such as in the necessary, to optimise the design.
() ()
hydrogeneration of amines, using a slurry of platinum on activated carbon as a In choosing the reactor condition, particularly the conversion and
= catalys optimising the design the interaction of the reactor design with the other
x =Xa 4.Gas-solid:where the solid may take part in the reaction or act as a catalyst. process operations must not be overlooked. The degree of conversion of raw
. The readuction of iron ores in blast furnaces and the combustion of solid fuels materials in the reactor will determine the size and cost of any equipment
() =
+1 are examples where the solid is a reactan needed to separte and recycle unreacted materials. In theses circumtances the
b = Xaf (konstan) Reactor geometry(type) reactor and associated equipment must be optimised as a unit.
Ruas kiri persamaan 1 menjadi : The reactors used for established process are usually complex design which Industrial reactors
+1 +1
( )
have been developed (have evolved) over a period of yeras to suit the 1.When is a batch reactor used
+1 requirements of the process and are uniq design. However, it is convenient to A batch reactor is used for small scale operation, for the testing new

classify reactor design into the following broad categories. process that have not been fully developed, for the manufactured of expensive

= (+1) Stirred tank reactor products, and for the process that are difficult to convert to continuous
Persamaan tersebut menjadi : Stirred tank reactors consists of a tank fitted with a mechanical agitator and operation
(+1) a cooling jacket or coils. They are operated as batch reactor or continuously. The reactor can be charged through the two holes shown at the top. The
() (+1)
Several reactor may be used in series. batch reactor has the advantage of high conversions that can be obtained by

1 () The stirred tank reactor can be considered the basic chemical reactor; leaving the reactan in the reactor for long period time, and large scale
= ; Xai optimum sehingga Roptimum dapat diperoleh
() modelling on a large scale the conventional laboratory flask. Tank sizes range production is difficult

( ) = from a few litres to several thousand litres. They are used for homogeneous and Although semi batch reactor has essentially the same disanvatages as the
Chemical ENGiNERRING heterogeneous liquid-liquid and liquid-gas reaction and for reaction that involve batch reactor, it has advantages of good temperaturecontrol and the capability
Suitable conveyor. Bunkers must be carefully designed to ensure the free flow finely suspended solids;which are held in suspension by agitation. As the of minimizing unwanted side reactions through the maintance of a low
of material within bunker, to avoid packing and bridging. Jenike and Johnson degree of agitation is under the designer control stirred tank reactor are concentration of one of the reactan. The semibatch reactor is also used for two
has studied the flow of solids in containers and developed design method. All particularly suitable for reaction where good mass transfer or heat transfer is phase reaction in which a gas is usually continuously bubbled through the
aspects of the design of bins and hoppers, including feeding and discharge required. liquid.
system are covered in books by reisner and rothe and stephanoff When operated as a continuous process the composition in the reactor is 2.What are advantage and disavantage of a CSTR
1. Reactors constant and the same as the productr stream and except for very rapid reaction A continuously stirred tank reactor is used when intense agitation is
The reactors is the heart of a chemical process. It is the only place in the this will limit the conversion that can be obtained in one stage. required. The CSTR can either be used by itself, as part of a series or battery of
process where raw material are converted into products, and reactor design is a The power requirements for agitation will depend on the degree of CSTR. It is relatively the disanvantages that the conversion of reactan per
vital step in the overall design of the process. agitation required and will range from about 0,2 kW/m3 for moderate mixing to volume reactor is the smallest of the flow reactor. Consequently, very large
TRK HOME READING The treatment of reactor design in this secrion will be restricted to a 2 kW/m3 for intense mixing. reactor are necessary to obtain high conversion.
discussion of the selection of the appropriate reactor type for a particular Tubular reactor 3.What are the advantages and disanvantages of PFR
process, and an outline of the steps to be followed in the design of reactor. Tubular reactor are generally used for gaseous reaction, but are also PFR is relatively easy to maintain(no moving parts) and it usually produces
Reaktor daur ulang suitable for some liquid phase reaction. If high heat transfer rates are required, the highest conversion per reactor volume of any of the flow reactor. The
The design of an industrial chemical reactor must satisfy the following
Dalam situasi tertentu, misalnya pada reaksi2 kesetimbangan dengan konversi small diameter tubes are used to increase the surface area to volume ratio. disavantages of the tubular reactor is that it is difficult to control temperature
rendah, aliran keluaran dari suatu RAS dibagi( tanpa pemisahan), dan sebagian Several tubes may be arranged in paralled, connected to a manifold or fitted within the reactor, and how spot can occur when the reaction is exotermic. PFR
1.The chemical factors: the kinetics of the reaction. The design mus provide
dikembalikan ke dalam reaktor. Dengan cara demikian, konversi secara into a tube sheet in a similar arrangement to a shell and tube heat exchanger. is commonly found either in the form of one long tube or as one of a number of
sufficient residence time for the desired reaction to proceed to the required
keseluruhan dapat ditingkatkan For high temperature reaction the tubes may be arranged in a furnace. The shorter reactor arranged in a tube bank. Most homogen liquid phase flow
degree of the version.
2. The mass transfer factors : with heterogenous reaction the reaction rate may pressure drop and heat transfer coeffiecient in empty tube reactor can be reactor are CSTR, whereas most homogen gas phase flow reactor are tubular.
be controlled by the rates of diffusion of the reacting species; rather than the calculated using the methods for flow in pipe. A fixed bed reactor is essentially a tubular reactor which is packed with
chemical kinetics Packed bed reactor solid catalyst particles. This heterogen reaction system is used most frequently
3. The heat transfer factors:the removal or addition of the heat of reaction There are two basics types of packed bed reactor: those in which the solid to catalysez gas reaction. This reactor has the same difficulties with temperature
4.The safety factors: the confinement of hazardous reactans and products and is a reactan and those in which the solid is a catalyst. Many examples of the control as other tubular reactor and in addition, the catalyst is usually
the control of the reaction and the process condition. first type can be found in the extractive metallurgical industries. troblesome to replace. On occasion, channeling of the gas flow occurs, resulting
The need to satisfy these interrelated and often contradictory factors, In the chemical process industries the designer will normally be concerned in ineffective use of parts of the reactor bed. The advantage of the fixed bed
mkaes reactor design a complex and difficult task. However, in many intances with the second type: catalytic reactor. Industrial packed bed catalityc reactor reactor is that for most reactor it gives the highest conversion per weight of
one of the factors will predominate and will determine the choice of reactor range in size from small tubes, a few centimeters diameter, to large diameter catalyst of any catalytic reactor.
Note: packed beds. Packed bed reactor are used for gas and gas-liquid reaction. Heat Another type of catalytic reactor in common use is the fluidized bed. The
type and the design method.
1.Reaksi dianggap hanya terjadi di dalam RAS transfer rates in large diamter packed beds are poor and where high heat fluidized bed reactor is analogous to the CSTR in that its contents, whough
10.1.1 Principle types of reactor
2.R=recycle ratio=Qr/Qf transfer rates are required fluidiseds beds should be considered. heterogen, are well mixed, resulting in an even temperature distribution
The following characteristics are normally used to classify reactor design:
3.Fao = laju alir molar A memasuki RAS jika seandainya tidak terjadi Fluidised bed reactor throughtout the bed. The fluidized bed reactor cannot be modeled as either a
1.Mode of operation: batch or continuous
konversi (reaksi) di dalam RAS The essential features of a fluidised bed reactor is that the solids are held in CSTR or a PFR but require a model of its own. The temperature is relatively
2.Phases present: homogen or heterogen
4. Xi (konversi) selalu dihitung trhadap aliran feed suspension by the upward flow of the reacting fluid, this promotes high mass uniform throughout, thus avoiding hot spot. This type of reactor can handle
2 3.Reactor geometry: flow pattern and manner of contacting the phases ( stirred
Tinjau RAS : = 1 tank reactor; tubular reactor; packed bed, fixed , and moving; fluidized bed) and heat transfer rates and good mixing. Heat transfer coefficient in the order of large amopunt of feed and solids, and has good temperature control;
Perhatikan bahwa Fao dan Xa1 tidak segera/ langsung diketahui, sehingga Batch or continuos processing 200 W/m2C to jackets and internal coild are typically obtained. The solids may consequently, it is used in a large number of application. The advantages of the
perlu dinyatakan dalam besaran2 yg dipertelakan dalam aliran2 umpan, produk In batch process all the reagents are added at the commencement; the be a catalyst, a reactant in fluidised combustion proceses, or an inert powder, ease of catalyst replacement or regeration are sometimes offset by the high cost
akhir, dan recycle reaction proceeds, the composition changing with time, and the reaction is added to promote heat transfer of the reactor and catalyst regeneration equipment.
3 3 stopped and the product withdrawn when the required conversion has been Though the principal advantage of a fluidised bed over a fixed bed is the A new catalytic cracking unit completed in1989 for the gasoline
*Fao ---> 2
= 2
reached. Batch processes are suitable for small scale production and for higher heat transfer rate, fluidised beds are also useful where it is necessary to production. In this reactor, catalyst and reactans flow together up through a tube
Jika dlm sistem tidak ada konversi : Fa2 = Fao +Fa3 = Fao transprot a large quantities of solids as part of the reaction processes, such as where the reaction occur. This reactor is called a straight through transport
3 .
processes where a range of different products or grades is to be produced in the
= (+1). ---> Fa3=R . Fao same equipment, for intance, pigments, dyestuff and polymers. where catalyst are transferred to another vessel for regeneration reactor. Owing to the nature of the reaction, the catalyst becomes covered with
Akhirnya : In continuos processes the reactans are fed to the reactor and the products Fluidisation can only be used with relatively small particle sized particles coke as it flows through the reactor, and consequently the catalyst must be
Fao = Fao +Fa3 = Fao + R. Fao withdrawn continuosly; the reactor operates under steady state condition. <300m with gases. Agreat deal of research and development work has been regenerated. The coke is removed in the tow stage generation process.
Fao = (1 + R) . Fao Continuous production will normally give lower production costs than batch done on fluidised bed reactor in recent years, but the design and scale up of The aim of the preceding discussion on commercial reactor is to give more
*Xa1 production, but lacks flexibility of batch production. Continuous reactor will large diameter reactor is still and uncertain process and design methods are detailed picture of each of the major types of industrial reactor: batch,
(11) usually be selected for large scale production. Processes that do not fit the largely empirical. semibatch, CSTR, tubular, fixed bed, and fluidized bed. Many variation and
1 =
1+1 Design procedure modification of these commercial reactor are in current use; for forther
11/ definition of batch or continuous are often reffered to as semi-continuous or
1 = 1+ .1 / semi-batch. In a semi-batch reactor some of the reactans may be added or some A general procedure for reactor design is outlined below: elaboration.
1 +3 of the products withdrawn, as the reaction proceeds. A semi-continuous process 1.Collect together all the kinetic and thermodinamic data on the desired Summary
1 = =
1 0+ reaction and the side reaction. It is unlikely that much information will be 1.A mole balance on species j, which enters, leaves, reacts and accumulates in a
can be one which is interrupted periodically for some purpose for intance for
Fa3 = Ca3 . RQf (ingat Ca3=Ca2=Caf) gleaned from a literature search, as little is published in the open literatur on system volume V, is
the regeneration of catalyst.
= Faf. R commercially attractive process. The kinetics data required for reactor design
Homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction + 0 =
= Fao(1-Xaf) R will normally be obtained from laboratory and pilot plant studies. Values will
Homogeneous reaction are those in which the reactans, products, and any 2. The kinetic rate law for rj is solely a function of the properties of the reacting
Qf = Qo (1+Ea. Xaf) be needed for the rate of reaction over a range of operating condition: pressure,
1+ .
catalyst used form one continuous phase:gaseous or liquid. materials; it is an intensive quality. The rate law is essentially an algebraic
Sehingga : 1 = (1++ . . ) Homogeneous gas phase reactor will always be operated temperature, flow rate and catalyst concentration
equation of the concentration, not a differential equation. For homgen system,
1+ . continuously;whereeas liquid phase reactor may be batch or continuous. 2.Collect the physical property data required for the design; either from the
1++ . .
) typical unit of ra may be gram moles per second per liter and for heterogen
Akhirnya : 1 = = +1 . Tubular reactor are normally used for homogenous gas phase reaction; for literature, by estimationor if necessary by laboratory measurement
1+ . (
1+ .
1++ . .
) system typical units of ra may be gram moles per second per gram of catalyst.
example in the thermal cracking of petroleum crude oil fraction to ethylene and 3.Identify the predominant rate controlling mechanism:kinetic, mass or heat
Jadi persamaan perancangan untuk reaktor RAS dengan aliran daur ulang bisa By the convention, -ra is the rate of disappearance of species A and ra is the
the thermal decompotion of dicloroethane to vinyl chloride. Both tubular and transfer. Choose a suitable reactor type based on experience with similar
dirumuskan sbb : rate of formation of species A
stirred tank reactors are used for homogeneous liquid phase reaction. reaction or from the laboratory and pilot plant work.
3.The differential mole balance for a tubular reactor (PFR) operated at steady . .
V = .(1) = .(1)
state is dFj/dV = rj
FAo = FR
4.The mole balance on a CSTR can be expressed by the equation Qi
FA = FAi(1-XA) = . (1-XA) Qo
5.A mole balance on a batch reactor gives

0 = QRecycle
6. When there are no spatial variation in conditions and material properties
within a reactor



Perbedaan waktu ruang (), waktu tinggal (residence time) & holding time (n
mean residence time / waktu tinggal rata2, ) : Utk N = 2
(i). = waktu utk mengolah umpan sebanyak 1 Vol reaktor [=] min or s CAN = [2 + 21 + 21 + 4.
= V/Qo berlaku utk PFR maupun CSTR tapi hubungan dgn Cao, (-rA) & CAN = CA2 = CAo (1-XA2), sehingga :
Xaf sangat berbeda dlm PFR &CSTR !! rumus yg dipakai perlu memperhatikan 1
(1- XA2) = [2 + 21 + 21 + 4.
a ( apakah densitas campuran reaksi konstan / tdk), yaitu jika perhitungan 4..
memakai Ca bukan Xa. Perhatikan bahwa Cao.k.i = Dai = 90
(ii). Waktu tinggal (residence time), t Jadi :
Dlm reaktor PFR semua atom dianggap berada dlm reaktor selama waktu (1- XA2) = 4.. [2 + 21 + 21 + 4.
trtentu yg seragam krn adanya asumsi flat velocity profile. Hal yg sama 1
berlaku utk reaktor batch ideal. Waktu yg dilewatkan oleh sekelompok atom (1- XA2) = 490 [2 + 21 + 21 + 490
selama berada dlm reaktor disebut sbg waktu tinggal. Akan tetapi, waktu XA2 = 0.972 (97.2 %)
tinggal sekelompok atom dlm CSTR sgt beragam mulai yg mendekati 0 sampai Hasil yg diperoleh dgn cara grafi adalah 97.4 %, sedikit berbeda karena kita
tak trhingga (sgt lama). Dgn demikian ada distribusi waktu tinggal akibat perlu membuat garis putus2 / grs bntu dgn cara interpolasi. Semua titik yg
ketidakseragaman trsebut. Mayoritas atom memiliki waktu tinggal di sekitar ada di garis bantu tsb memiliki nilai kCAo (Da number konstan) &
waktu tinggal rata2 (mean residence time) Levenspiel menyebutnya sebagai operating line krn Da memberi info lengkap
(iii). Waktu tinggal rata2 / mena residence time, (holding time di mengenai kondisi operasi reaktan (T,Cao,V,Qo)
levenspiel) Note : pada suatu operating line mengacu pada N (bukan i )
Kasus dimana = N = N.i dimana i = msing2 reaktan = Vi/Qo
PFR = 0
(b). Jika setup 2 CSTR seri digunakan & XA2 ingin tetap seperti semula (90%
()(1+) dlm CSTR tunggal), mk brpa kali Qo umpan hrus ditingkatkan ? dgn kata lain
Jika a = 0 (fasa cair / fagsa gas dgn densitas konstan), maka : brp x lipat kapasitas produksi ( pengolahan reaktor ) bisa dinaikkan ?
= = V/Qo Andaikan anda memasang CSTR tambahan tsb secara pararel, maka Qo =2Qo
bukan ? mari kita hitung Qo ! jk rangkaian seri 2 CSTR seri dipiliuh !
Jika dispersi bisa diabaikan dan a = 0 (densitas konstan) baik utk reaktor N=2
ideal maupun non ideal / reaktor dgn sembarang RTD 1
CAN = 4. [2 + 21 + 21 + 4.
= tm
Fogler memakai simbol tm, sementara di Levenspiel digunakan utk mean CA2=Cao(1-XA2) =Cao (1-0.9)=0.1 Cao
residence time. 0.1 = 4.. [2 + 21 + 21 + 4.
Dai = 13.65 (solver / newton-raphson)
Jika , bagaimana menentukan atau tm ?? DaN = 2 Dai (ingat N = N.i )

0 .().

= 0 . (). (1) k.Cao.N = 27.3 (dgn grafis = 27.5)
0 ().
(2) k.Cao.i = 90 (N=1 kndisi awal)
E(t) = kurva RTD yg bisa ditentukan dengan tracer experiment
jk pers (2)/(1) :
Example 6.2 Levenspiel (129-131) .

= 27.3

Solusi yg diberikan menggunakan cara grafis, dgn bantuan kurva fig 6.6 utk rx
orde 2. Jk rx orde 1 maka fig 6.5yg dipakai. Slain dgn cara grafis dpat
= 6.6 Qo=6.6Qo
digunakan pers berikut.

Hitung ulang persoalan sebelumnya, jika A sisa keluar reactor seluruhnya bias
dipisahkan dari R dan dapat dikembalikan ke reactor dengan konsentrasi yang
sama dengan CA0.

Dik : FR = 100 mol/h

$k = 0.125 $/mol A
CA = CA0

Makin kecil reactor, makin mahal pemisahan >>>>>> dimana optimumnya

Makin besar reactor, makin murah pemisahan >>>>> dimana optimumnya
N=1 CSTR murni / tunggal
Neraca mol :
Pers utk N=1
FR=FAO >>> overall
CAN = 4. [2 + 21 + 4. . FA=FAi.(1-XA) >>> reactor
CAN = CA= Cao(1-XA), sehingga FR = Fai.XA >>> reaktor
(1-XA) = 4. [2 + 21 + 4. . $T = V.$m = FA0.$A + FA.$k
50 1
Note : $T = 1 + 50 + 12.5( )
(i). Cao.k. = Da (Damkahler Number utk rx orde , Da tdk berdimensi sprti $ 50
= (1)^2
XA = 0.33
(ii). i = msing2 reaktor (jk ad N buah CSTR seri) = Vi/Qo. Utk N-CSTR seri
dgn Vi seragam N(total) = N. i Jadi, XA = 0.33
Jdi utk kasus di atas : V = 7500L
1 Qi = 3000L/h (ke dlm reactor)
(1-0.9) = 4 [2 + 21 + 4]
Qo = 1000L/h
Utk N=1 Cao.k. i = 90 Q recycle = 2000L/h
(a). Jika sebuah reaktor identik dipasang seri, berapa XA akhir ? $
ii. biaya R = $R = = 1.5 $/mol R
V = f(XA)
= =

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