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an LINGUA INGLESA — 2017.2 CONTEUDO PARA O TESTE DE NIVEL - SII, SIII, SIV ROTEIRO DE ESTUDO sil _ Text Comprehension _ To Be —Simple Present :affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms _ Subject Pronouns: J, you, he she it etc. _ Possessive adjectives: my, your, etc. Possessive (‘s) _ Definite and Indefinite articles (the, a, an) _ Demonstratives (this, these, that, those) _ Singular and plural nouns ; regular and irregular plural nouns: _There is / There are _ Quantifiers : some/any/no- _ Simple Present (E.g. '! live’/ ‘you live’ / ‘he lives’, etc.) _ Adverbs of frequency _ Prepositions of time: in, on, at. _ Object pronouns: me, you, him, ete. — Adverbs of Frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never, etc.) and their position in the sentence _ Vowel Sounds / Consonant Sounds / Pronunciation of 3° person singular _ Wh—words (what / where / when) : Vocabulary: Numbers (1 to 1,000), Ordinal Numbers, Countries and Nationalities, ‘Common Objects, Jobs, The Family (Family members), Daily Routine, Times and Dates, Telling the time. sul Text Comprehension Object pronouns: me, you, him, etc. _ Simple Past of Be: was / were (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms) _ Simple Past: regular verbs (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms) _ Simple Past: irregular verbs (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms) _ Pronunciation of -ed endings _ There was / There were (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms) _ Present Continuous (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms) for things that are happening now; _ Present Simple or Present Continuous? _ Vocabulary items: apartment and houses, furniture, drinks, vacations, past time expressions, places in a city, imegular verbs, go, have, get. sIV __ Text Comprehension _Possessive Pronouns: mine, yours, etc. _ How much / how many? _ Quantifiers: alot, not much, etc. __ Going to for future plans and predictions _ Comparative adjectives _ Superlative adjectives __ Would like + infinitive / ike + -ing _ Adjectives vs. adverbs of manner (slow / slowly, bad / badly) _ Present Perfect: affirmative, interrogative, negative forms Present Perfect or simple past? _ Vocabulary: drinks, vacations, personality adjectives (quiet, generous), past participles, common adverbs. ~ Verbos “ser, tener, Hamarse, hacer, ir, estar, venir, dar” en presente de indicative - Los numerales cardinales - Las nacionalicades ~ El presente de indicative de los verbos reguiares ~ El articulo determinado e indeterminado ~ Comprensién lectora ~ Produccién textual “Werborreflenos en preseate de ndcativo El verbo “gustar” en presente de indicativo ~ El imperativo afirmativo ~ Pronombres personales de complemento directo ~ Perifrasis verbales “tener que + infinitivo”, “estar + gerundio” e “ir a+ infinitive” ~ Los verbos “jugar”, “conocer”, “oir”, “quedar” y “parecer” en presente de indicativo ~ Los hébitos diarios ~ Los deportes ~ Los alimentos ~ Las prendas de vestir ~Los meses y las estaciones del afio ~ Expresar intenciones SEMESTRE IV ~ Comprension lectora ~ Produccin textual ~ Uso de “tener que” y “hay que” NUCLEO DE LINGUAS ESTRANGEIRAS- bece - CAMPUS -FATIMA LINGUA FRANCESA - CONTEUDO PARA O TESTE DE NIVEL PARA O SEMESTRE It Lesverbestermines en ER Lesverbesirréguliers: étre, connaitre, avoir, faire, comprendre, lire, écrire, venir, aller, vouloir, pouvoir, savoir, devoir. Lesarticles: définis, indefinis, partitifsetcontractés La négation Lespronomstoniques Genreetnombredesnoms et adjectifs Le futurproche Le passécomposé Lesadjectifspossessifs Lesadjectifsdémonstratifs PARA O SEMESTRE II eee ee eee Lesverbespronominaux Limpératif L'imparfait Le passécomposé x limparfait Lespronoms COD Lespronoms CO! Constructions avec le pronomrelatif qui C'estou Il estlElle est impératif avec les pronomscompléments OBS.: Os alunos que forem se submeterao teste de nivel para o semestre Ill deverdo estudar também o contetido previsto para o semestre Il. PARA O SEMESTRE IV * Le futur simple + ~Lacomparaison * Le pronom EN * Le pronom ¥ © Le subjonctifprésent + Lespronomsrelatifsqui, que, o Le gérondif OBS.: Os alunos que forem se submeterao teste de nivel para o semestre IV g€-ero estudar também os contetidos previstos para os semestres Ile Ill. Importante: A prova serd subjetiva e dividida em 3 partes: compreensio de texto, gram. tica e redago. a po 2° semestre Nivel Jap a xe Nitt N2t4. Nilt N2Ee AURtL, Sh Nit N2tTbH HO. NZTH. Zit, 457K. SOUANZ Ee HVREL Nit NQTH N19 N2 3° semestre -m- 2TH. li VELRS VERLTLIW N Ga) ic Vt. Ni (a) Oo N2 (RB) ET | N1 GbM) Ic N2e HUET ott. NID (hE RRSP The BEM KD Nii N2 bm) I SUE Toate. N (A) 4 -A Et, Vili. Nie N2 si. Si. (am) 4° semestre cH/th son LO/4O/ EO N Nia atte —N2TT. Niit 40 N2TTH. Nit, KATH. Nit N2 A) OTT. Nit HHO N2/HMOTT ” Sir, S20, —S1/S2. | mut. GR As BOER (Uk RARE) VET. Oo VETER YN OOTH N GkU4) T VET. Ne vit. vation N1 QQ it N26 BETH LETT. NT (CADIS N20 Sid. $2. CILT Site —S2H5, aonet. onés SRDS BEE Nit N2 GbM) TT. Na Cott ClON Ni CH TTH Nt vi NE Vat. i Me vet. | N GOM) T VET. St, ttt, S2. Nie N2 Nit Nit Nit Nit VATT. CATH. VACEOTT. HAUS HVT, Ni Cott VA N/A ON Cha oN Nit Catt. $1, #lT. $2. si, S2. Sh. G8) [Ni Qe N2e KLEt7 SET / BRET. N1U)K N2E METS: SHV Et BET. Ne saEm Vv. [NE Mk ve Nit N2e HUET. Nt Ler. 4° semestre i N26 atH i N2L5 ATH. eN2r eebe Ate N1I/N20 oa CBBE ATT. TON2H wsYL AT oa at TASER CIA om Ih Atte, N2e SEL ATH.

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